package org.freertr.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; /** * interface counters * * @author matecsaba */ public class counter implements Comparable { /** * drop reason */ public enum reasons { /** * bad ethernet type */ badEthTyp, /** * no upper/lower interface */ noIface, /** * line protocol no up */ notUp, /** * bad vlan id */ badVlan, /** * bad receive sequence number */ badRxSeq, /** * bad transmit sequence number */ badTxSeq, /** * bad command */ badCmd, /** * bad type */ badTyp, /** * bad time */ badTim, /** * bad value */ badVal, /** * bad code */ badCod, /** * bad length */ badLen, /** * bad address */ badAddr, /** * bad source address */ badSrcAddr, /** * bad target address */ badTrgAddr, /** * bad source port */ badSrcPort, /** * bad target port */ badTrgPort, /** * bad network */ badNet, /** * bad port */ badPort, /** * bad checksum */ badSum, /** * bad header */ badHdr, /** * no route */ noRoute, /** * not in table */ notInTab, /** * fragmented/fragmentation needed */ fragment, /** * reassembly exceeded */ reassembly, /** * ttl exceeded */ ttlExceed, /** * bad protocol id */ badProto, /** * bad version number */ badVer, /** * bad flag */ badFlag, /** * bad key */ badKey, /** * not allowed */ denied, /** * no buffer */ noBuffer, /** * bad option */ badOpt, /** * bad size */ badSiz, /** * too small */ tooSmall, /** * too long */ tooLong, /** * bad id */ badID } /** * convert reason code to string * * @param reason reason code * @return string showing this code */ public static String reason2string(reasons reason) { switch (reason) { case badEthTyp: return "bad ethtype"; case noIface: return "no interface"; case notUp: return "interface down"; case badVlan: return "bad vlan id"; case badRxSeq: return "bad rx seq"; case badTxSeq: return "bad tx seq"; case badCmd: return "bad command"; case badTyp: return "bad type"; case badTim: return "bad time"; case badVal: return "bad value"; case badLen: return "bad length"; case badCod: return "bad code"; case badAddr: return "bad address"; case badSrcAddr: return "bad source address"; case badTrgAddr: return "bad target address"; case badSrcPort: return "bad source port "; case badTrgPort: return "bad target port"; case badNet: return "bad network"; case badPort: return "bad port"; case badSum: return "bad checksum"; case badHdr: return "bad header"; case noRoute: return "no route"; case notInTab: return "not in table"; case fragment: return "fragmented"; case ttlExceed: return "ttl exceed"; case reassembly: return "reassembly"; case badProto: return "bad protocol id"; case badVer: return "bad version"; case badFlag: return "bad flag"; case badKey: return "bad key"; case denied: return "not allowed"; case noBuffer: return "no buffer"; case badOpt: return "bad option"; case badSiz: return "bad size"; case tooSmall: return "too small"; case tooLong: return "too long"; case badID: return "bad id"; default: return "unknown #" + reason; } } /** * packets received */ public long packRx; /** * packets transmitted */ public long packTx; /** * packets dropped */ public long packDr; /** * bytes received */ public long byteRx; /** * bytes transmitted */ public long byteTx; /** * bytes dropped */ public long byteDr; /** * line protocol transitioned */ public int stateChg; /** * last time changed */ public long lastChgd; /** * last rx */ public long lastRx; /** * last tx */ public long lastTx; /** * last drop */ public long lastDr; /** * last seen state */ public state.states lastState = state.states.close; /** * dropper to use */ public counter dropper; /** * creates new counter */ public counter() { clear(); } public int compareTo(counter o) { long v1 = byteDr + byteRx + byteTx; long v2 = o.byteDr + o.byteRx + o.byteTx; int i =, v2); if (i != 0) { return i; } v1 = packDr + packRx + packTx; v2 = o.packDr + o.packRx + o.packTx; return, v2); } /** * update receive counters * * @param pck packet received */ public void rx(packHolder pck) { packRx++; byteRx += pck.dataSize(); lastRx = bits.getTime(); } /** * update transmit counters * * @param pck packet is going to be sent */ public void tx(packHolder pck) { packTx++; byteTx += pck.dataSize(); byteTx += pck.headSize(); lastTx = bits.getTime(); } /** * update drop counters * * @param pck packet dropped * @param reason reason why dropped */ public void drop(packHolder pck, reasons reason) { if (dropper != null) { dropper.packDr++; dropper.byteDr += pck.dataSize(); dropper.byteDr += pck.headSize(); dropper.lastDr = bits.getTime(); } packDr++; byteDr += pck.dataSize(); byteDr += pck.headSize(); lastDr = bits.getTime(); if (!debugger.counterTraf) { return; } logger.debug("dropping packet; reason=" + reason2string(reason) + "; packet=" + pck.dump()); } /** * update interface state changes * * @param stat current state of line protocol */ public void stateChange(state.states stat) { if (stat == lastState) { return; } lastState = stat; stateChg++; lastChgd = bits.getTime(); } /** * substract values * * @param old substract this * @return resulting values */ public counter minus(counter old) { counter res = new counter(); res.packRx = packRx - old.packRx; res.packTx = packTx - old.packTx; res.packDr = packDr - old.packDr; res.byteRx = byteRx - old.byteRx; res.byteTx = byteTx - old.byteTx; res.byteDr = byteDr - old.byteDr; res.stateChg = stateChg; res.lastChgd = lastChgd; res.lastRx = lastRx; res.lastTx = lastTx; res.lastDr = lastDr; return res; } /** * add values * * @param old add this * @return resulting values */ public counter plus(counter old) { counter res = new counter(); res.packRx = packRx + old.packRx; res.packTx = packTx + old.packTx; res.packDr = packDr + old.packDr; res.byteRx = byteRx + old.byteRx; res.byteTx = byteTx + old.byteTx; res.byteDr = byteDr + old.byteDr; res.stateChg = stateChg; res.lastChgd = lastChgd; res.lastRx = lastRx; res.lastTx = lastTx; res.lastDr = lastDr; return res; } /** * sum up rx and tx counters * * @param dr count drops too * @return summary */ public counter sumUp(boolean dr) { counter res = new counter(); res.packRx = packRx + packTx; res.byteRx = byteRx + byteTx; if (dr) { res.packRx += packDr; res.byteRx += byteDr; } res.stateChg = stateChg; res.lastChgd = lastChgd; res.lastRx = lastRx; res.lastTx = lastTx; res.lastDr = lastDr; return res; } /** * multiply by integer * * @param m integer * @return resulting values */ public counter mul(int m) { counter res = new counter(); res.packRx = packRx * m; res.packTx = packTx * m; res.packDr = packDr * m; res.byteRx = byteRx * m; res.byteTx = byteTx * m; res.byteDr = byteDr * m; res.stateChg = stateChg; res.lastChgd = lastChgd; res.lastRx = lastRx; res.lastTx = lastTx; res.lastDr = lastDr; return res; } /** * divide by integer * * @param d integer * @return resulting values */ public counter div(int d) { counter res = new counter(); res.packRx = packRx / d; res.packTx = packTx / d; res.packDr = packDr / d; res.byteRx = byteRx / d; res.byteTx = byteTx / d; res.byteDr = byteDr / d; res.stateChg = stateChg; res.lastChgd = lastChgd; res.lastRx = lastRx; res.lastTx = lastTx; res.lastDr = lastDr; return res; } private static long safeDiv(long a, long b) { if (b == 0) { return 0; } return a / b; } /** * divide bytes by packets * * @return resulting values */ public counter bpRat() { counter res = new counter(); res.byteTx = safeDiv(byteTx, packTx); res.byteRx = safeDiv(byteRx, packRx); res.byteDr = safeDiv(byteDr, packDr); res.stateChg = stateChg; res.lastChgd = lastChgd; res.lastRx = lastRx; res.lastTx = lastTx; res.lastDr = lastDr; return res; } /** * divide other by me * * @param oth other * @return resulting values */ public counter othRat(counter oth) { if (oth == null) { return null; } counter res = new counter(); res.byteTx = safeDiv(oth.byteTx, byteTx); res.byteRx = safeDiv(oth.byteRx, byteRx); res.byteDr = safeDiv(oth.byteDr, byteDr); res.packTx = safeDiv(oth.packTx, packTx); res.packRx = safeDiv(oth.packRx, packRx); res.packDr = safeDiv(oth.packDr, packDr); res.stateChg = stateChg; res.lastChgd = lastChgd; res.lastRx = lastRx; res.lastTx = lastTx; res.lastDr = lastDr; return res; } /** * clear all variables */ public void clear() { packRx = 0; packTx = 0; byteRx = 0; byteTx = 0; packDr = 0; byteDr = 0; stateChg = 0; lastChgd = 0; lastRx = 0; lastTx = 0; lastDr = 0; } /** * copy values * * @return copied counter */ public counter copyBytes() { counter res = new counter(); res.packRx = packRx; res.packTx = packTx; res.byteRx = byteRx; res.byteTx = byteTx; res.packDr = packDr; res.byteDr = byteDr; res.stateChg = stateChg; res.lastChgd = lastChgd; res.lastRx = lastRx; res.lastTx = lastTx; res.lastDr = lastDr; return res; } /** * reverse values * * @return reversed counter */ public counter reverse() { counter res = new counter(); res.packRx = packTx; res.packTx = packRx; res.byteRx = byteTx; res.byteTx = byteRx; res.packDr = packDr; res.byteDr = byteDr; res.stateChg = stateChg; res.lastChgd = lastChgd; res.lastRx = lastRx; res.lastTx = lastTx; res.lastDr = lastDr; return res; } /** * convert counter to displayable text * * @param macsec macsec state * @param sgt sgt state * @return string list of user string */ public List getShFull(boolean macsec, boolean sgt) { List l = new ArrayList(); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "received " + packRx + " packets (" + byteRx + " bytes) dropped " + packDr + " packets (" + byteDr + " bytes)"); l.add(cmds.tabulator + "transmitted " + packTx + " packets (" + byteTx + " bytes) macsec=" + macsec + " sgt=" + sgt); return l; } /** * get header * * @return header for details */ public String getShTrans() { return stateChg + " times, last at " + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, lastChgd + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3) + ", " + bits.timePast(lastChgd) + " ago"; } /** * get header * * @return header for details */ public String getShTraff() { return "input " + bits.timePast(lastRx) + " ago, output " + bits.timePast(lastTx) + " ago, drop " + bits.timePast(lastDr) + " ago"; } /** * get statistics * * @return summary for table */ public String getShStat() { return "tx=" + byteTx + "(" + packTx + ") rx=" + byteRx + "(" + packRx + ") drp=" + byteDr + "(" + packDr + ")"; } /** * get statistics * * @param hwc hw counter * @param hws hw substract * @param wht what: 1=tx, 2=rx, 4=drop * @return summary for table */ public String getShHwStat(counter hwc, counter hws, int wht) { String tb = ""; String rb = ""; String db = ""; String tp = ""; String rp = ""; String dp = ""; if (hwc != null) { if (hws != null) { hwc = hwc.minus(hws); } tb = "+" + hwc.byteTx; rb = "+" + hwc.byteRx; db = "+" + hwc.byteDr; tp = "+" + hwc.packTx; rp = "+" + hwc.packRx; dp = "+" + hwc.packDr; } String a = ""; if ((wht & 1) != 0) { a += "|" + byteTx + tb + "|" + packTx + tp; } if ((wht & 2) != 0) { a += "|" + byteRx + rb + "|" + packRx + rp; } if ((wht & 4) != 0) { a += "|" + byteDr + db + "|" + packDr + dp; } return a; } /** * get statistics * * @param c counter to show * @return statistics */ public static String getShStat(counter c) { if (c == null) { return null; } return c.getShStat(); } /** * get byte summary * * @param c counter to show * @return summary for table */ public static String getShBsum(counter c) { if (c == null) { return null; } return c.getShBsum(); } /** * get byte summary * * @param c counter to show * @return summary for table */ public static String getShPsum(counter c) { if (c == null) { return null; } return c.getShPsum(); } /** * get byte summary * * @return summary for table */ public String getShBsum() { return byteTx + "|" + byteRx + "|" + byteDr; } /** * get byte summary * * @param hw hw counter * @return summary for table */ public String getShHwBsum(counter hw) { String t = ""; String r = ""; String d = ""; if (hw != null) { t = "+" + hw.byteTx; r = "+" + hw.byteRx; d = "+" + hw.byteDr; } return byteTx + t + "|" + byteRx + r + "|" + byteDr + d; } /** * get packet summary * * @return summary for table */ public String getShPsum() { return packTx + "|" + packRx + "|" + packDr; } /** * get packet summary * * @param hw hw counter * @return summary for table */ public String getShHwPsum(counter hw) { String t = ""; String r = ""; String d = ""; if (hw != null) { t = "+" + hw.packTx; r = "+" + hw.packRx; d = "+" + hw.packDr; } return packTx + t + "|" + packRx + r + "|" + packDr + d; } /** * calculate average * * @param lst list to scan * @return result */ public static counter average(List lst) { counter cur = new counter(); for (int i = lst.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { cur =; } return cur.div(lst.size()); } /** * find minimum * * @param lst list to scan * @return result */ public static counter minimum(List lst) { int i = lst.size() - 1; if (i < 0) { return new counter(); } counter cur = lst.get(i).copyBytes(); for (; i >= 0; i--) { counter ntry = lst.get(i); if (ntry.compareTo(cur) < 0) { cur = ntry.copyBytes(); } } return cur; } /** * find maximum * * @param lst list to scan * @return result */ public static counter maximum(List lst) { int i = lst.size() - 1; if (i < 0) { return new counter(); } counter cur = lst.get(i).copyBytes(); for (; i >= 0; i--) { counter ntry = lst.get(i); if (ntry.compareTo(cur) > 0) { cur = ntry.copyBytes(); } } return cur; } }