package org.freertr.user; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgInit; import org.freertr.enc.encBase64; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashGeneric; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashSha2512; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashSha3512; import org.freertr.cry.cryKeyRSA; import org.freertr.cry.cryUtils; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeDiscard; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeLine; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeProgress; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSetting; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.enc.encUrl; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.syncInt; import org.freertr.util.verCore; import org.freertr.util.version; /** * process sw upgrade * * @author matecsaba */ public class userUpgrade { /** * version extension */ public static String verExt = ".ver"; /** * backup extension */ public static String bakExt = ".bak"; /** * update progress indicator, 0=none, 1=upgrade, 2=auto-revert */ public final static syncInt inProgress = new syncInt(0); private static boolean needCold = false; private final static int justSimu = 0x1000000; private final cmds cmd; private final pipeProgress cons; private int forces = 0; /** * create new instance * * @param c commands to use */ public userUpgrade(cmds c) { cmd = c; cons = new pipeProgress(cmd.pipe); } /** * calculate hash on file * * @param n filename * @return calculated hash */ public static String calcFileHash(String n) { File f = new File(n); cryHashGeneric h = new cryHashSha2512(); h.init(); if (cryUtils.hashFile(h, f)) { return null; } String a = cryUtils.hash2hex(h); h = new cryHashSha3512(); h.init(); if (cryUtils.hashFile(h, f)) { return null; } return a + "-" + cryUtils.hash2hex(h); } /** * calculate hash on text * * @param l lines * @return calculated hash */ public static String calcTextHash(List l) { cryHashGeneric h = new cryHashSha2512(); h.init(); if (cryUtils.hashText(h, l, pipeSide.modTyp.modeLF)) { return null; } String a = cryUtils.hash2hex(h); h = new cryHashSha3512(); h.init(); if (cryUtils.hashText(h, l, pipeSide.modTyp.modeLF)) { return null; } return a + "-" + cryUtils.hash2hex(h); } /** * get version file name * * @return version filename */ protected static String myVerFile() { return version.myPathName() + verExt; } /** * get archive base name * * @return filename without path */ public static String myFileName() { return new File(version.getFileName()).getName(); } /** * generate release version file */ public void doRelease() { cryKeyRSA ky = readUpKey(cmd.word(), "current"); if (ky == null) { cmd.error("failed to get current key!"); return; } userUpgradeBlob blb = new userUpgradeBlob(); blb.putSelf(); for (;;) { String n = cmd.word(); if (n.length() < 1) { break; } int f = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); String h = calcFileHash(n); if (h == null) { cmd.error(n + " not found"); } blb.files.add(new userUpgradeNtry(h, f, n)); } blb.doSign(ky); bits.buf2txt(true, blb.getText(2), myVerFile()); cmd.error(myVerFile() + " written!"); } /** * create release key */ public void doMakeKey() { int i = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); cmd.error("generating " + i + " bits key"); cryKeyRSA kc = new cryKeyRSA(); kc.keyMake(i); cmd.error("resulted in " + kc.keySize() + " bits, error=" + kc.keyVerify()); cmd.pipe.linePut(" sequence 10 puts \"" + kc.pemWriteStr(true) + "\""); cmd.pipe.linePut(" sequence 20 puts \"" + kc.pemWriteStr(false) + "\""); } /** * update version core file */ public void doVerCore() { cryKeyRSA kc = readUpKey(cmd.word(), "current"); if (kc == null) { cmd.error("failed to get current key!"); return; } cryKeyRSA ko = readUpKey(cmd.word(), "old"); if (ko == null) { cmd.error("failed to get old key!"); return; } final String fn = "org/freertr/util/"; final String sy = " public final static int year = "; final String sm = " public final static int month = "; final String sd = " public final static int day = "; final String sc = " public final static String pubKeyC = "; final String so = " public final static String pubKeyO = "; long tim = bits.getTime(); String vy = (bits.time2num(cfgAll.timeZoneName, tim, 1) % 100) + ";"; String vm = bits.time2num(cfgAll.timeZoneName, tim, 2) + ";"; String vd = bits.time2num(cfgAll.timeZoneName, tim, 3) + ";"; String vc = "\"" + kc.pemWriteStr(true) + "\";"; String vo = "\"" + ko.pemWriteStr(true) + "\";"; List txt = bits.txt2buf(fn); if (txt == null) { cmd.error(fn + " not found!"); return; } int o = 0; for (int i = 0; i < txt.size(); i++) { String a = txt.get(i); if (a.startsWith(sy)) { txt.set(i, sy + vy); o++; continue; } if (a.startsWith(sm)) { txt.set(i, sm + vm); o++; continue; } if (a.startsWith(sd)) { txt.set(i, sd + vd); o++; continue; } if (a.startsWith(sc)) { txt.set(i, sc + vc); o++; continue; } if (a.startsWith(so)) { txt.set(i, so + vo); o++; continue; } } if (bits.buf2txt(true, txt, fn)) { return; } cmd.error(fn + " patched " + o + " times!"); } /** * verify installation * * @param blb blob to use, null if read from disk * @return error count */ public int doVerify(userUpgradeBlob blb) { int err = 0; cmd.error("server: " + cfgAll.upgradeServer); cmd.error("archive: " + version.getFileName()); cmd.error("version: " + myVerFile()); if (blb == null) { List txt = bits.txt2buf(myVerFile()); if (txt == null) { cmd.error("error reading version info!"); } blb = new userUpgradeBlob(); String s = blb.fromText(txt, true); if (s != null) { cmd.error("version info parser: " + s); err++; } } cmd.error("release: " + blb.head); cmd.error("files: " + blb.getFilelist(true)); cmd.error("time: " + blb.getTime()); cmd.error("sign: " + blb.keyed + " key"); cmd.error("hash: " + blb.getSum(2)); err += verifyFile(version.getFileName(), blb.jars); for (int i = 0; i < blb.files.size(); i++) { userUpgradeNtry ntry = blb.files.get(i); err += verifyFile(version.getRWpath() +, ntry.chk); } if (err > 0) { cmd.error("some tests failed!"); logger.error("system verification failed!"); } else { cmd.error("all tests passed!"); } return err; } /** * check installation * * @param blb blob to use, null if read from disk * @return error count */ public int doMissing(userUpgradeBlob blb) { int err = 0; for (int i = 0; i < blb.files.size(); i++) { userUpgradeNtry ntry = blb.files.get(i); if (new File(version.getRWpath() + { continue; } cmd.error( + " is missing!"); err++; } return err; } private int verifyFile(String fn, String sum) { cmd.pipe.strPut(fn); String calc = calcFileHash(fn); if (calc == null) { cmd.pipe.linePut(" is missing!"); return 1; } if (calc.compareTo(sum) != 0) { cmd.pipe.linePut(" is corrupted!"); return 2; } else { cmd.pipe.linePut(" is ok!"); return 0; } } /** * do software upgrade simulation */ public void doSimulate() { forces = justSimu; doUpgrade(); } /** * do software revert * * @return false on success, true on error */ public static boolean doRevert() { String a = version.getFileName(); if (userFlash.rename(a + bakExt, a, true, false)) { logger.error("unable to revert to backup"); return true; } return false; } /** * do software backup */ public void doBackup() { String a = version.getFileName(); cons.debugStat(cmds.doneFail(userFlash.copy(a, a + bakExt, true))); } /** * start auto-revert */ public static void startReverter() { new Thread(new userUpgradeRevert()).start(); } /** * cleanup backups and temporary files * * @param a directory to clean up * @return work done */ public static List cleanBackups(String a) { a = a.trim(); List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("got " + a + " as directory"); if (a.length() > 0) { doCleanUpDir(l, a); return l; } doCleanUpDir(l, "./"); doCleanUpDir(l, version.getFileName()); doCleanUpDir(l, version.getRWpath()); return l; } private final static int doCleanUpDir(List l, String p) { final String neededExts = ".bak.tmp.old."; int i = p.lastIndexOf("/"); if (i >= 0) { p = p.substring(0, i + 1); } l.add(cmds.errbeg + "cleanup " + p); File[] fl = userFlash.dirList(p); if (fl == null) { l.add(cmds.errbeg + "unable to read filelist"); return -1; } List fn = new ArrayList(); for (i = 0; i < fl.length; i++) { File fc = fl[i]; if (fc.isDirectory()) { continue; } String a = fc.getName(); int o = a.lastIndexOf("."); if (o < 0) { continue; } String b = a.substring(o, a.length()); o = neededExts.indexOf(b); if (o < 0) { continue; } fn.add(fc); } int fr = 0; int ff = 0; int fs = fn.size(); for (i = 0; i < fs; i++) { File fc = fn.get(i); String a = p + fc.getName(); boolean b = userFlash.delete(a); if (b) { l.add(cmds.errbeg + "remained " + a); ff++; continue; } l.add("removed " + a); fr++; } l.add(cmds.errbeg + fr + " removed, " + ff + " remained"); return fr; } /** * toggle boot mode * * @return next boot mode */ public static String toggleBootMode() { needCold = !needCold; if (needCold) { return "cold"; } else { return "warm"; } } /** * stop auto revert * * @return work done */ public static String stopReverter() { String a; boolean l = false; int i = inProgress.get(); switch (i) { case 0: a = "no upgrade in progess"; break; case 1: a = "upgrade in progess"; break; case 2: a = "auto-revert cancelled"; inProgress.set(0); cfgInit.stopRouter(true, -17, a); l = true; break; default: a = "unknown upgrade status " + i; l = true; break; } if (!l) { return a; }; return a; } /** * do auto-revert */ protected static void doAutoRevert() { String tmp = version.getRWpath() + "rev" + bits.randomD() + ".tmp"; encUrl url = encUrl.parseOne(cfgAll.upgradeServer + myFileName()); url.filExt = verExt; userFlash.delete(tmp); boolean dl = userFlash.doReceive(pipeDiscard.needAny(null), url, new File(tmp)); userFlash.delete(tmp); if (!dl) { String a = "auto-revert cancelled";; cfgInit.stopRouter(true, -19, a); return; }"auto-revert was unable to reach server"); if (doRevert()) { return; } cfgInit.stopRouter(true, 13, "auto-revert finished"); } /** * do software upgrade */ public void doUpgrade() { if (inProgress.get() != 0) { String s = "overlapping upgrades eliminated";; cons.debugStat(s); return; } inProgress.set(1); int oldf = forces; String s = cmd.word(); forces = (oldf | bits.str2num(cmd.word())) ^ justSimu; try { upgraderDoer(s); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } forces = oldf; inProgress.set(0); } private boolean needStop(int i) { return (forces & i) == 0; } private void upgraderDoer(String server) { if (server.length() < 1) { server = cfgAll.upgradeServer; } cons.debugStat("downloading version info"); String tmp = version.getRWpath() + "upg" + bits.randomD() + ".tmp"; encUrl url = encUrl.parseOne(server + myFileName()); url.filExt = verExt; userFlash.delete(tmp); userFlash.doReceive(cmd.pipe, url, new File(tmp)); List txt = bits.txt2buf(tmp); userFlash.delete(tmp); if (txt == null) { cons.debugRes("failed to download version info!"); return; } userUpgradeBlob blb = new userUpgradeBlob(); userUpgradeBlob old = new userUpgradeBlob(); old.fromText(bits.txt2buf(myVerFile()), true); String a = blb.fromText(txt, false); if (a != null) { cons.debugRes("version info parser: " + a); if (needStop(0x1)) { return; } } cons.debugRes("old release: " + old.head); cons.debugRes("new release: " + blb.head); cons.debugRes("old time: " + old.getTime()); cons.debugRes("new time: " + blb.getTime()); cons.debugRes("diff: " + bits.timeDump((blb.time - old.time) / 1000)); cons.debugRes("old files:" + old.getFilelist(true)); cons.debugRes("new files:" + blb.getFilelist(true)); userUpgradeBlob diff = blb.copyBytes(); diff.delFiles(old.files); cons.debugRes("extra files:" + diff.getFilelist(false)); diff = old.copyBytes(); diff.delFiles(blb.files); cons.debugRes("excess files:" + diff.getFilelist(false)); if (old.time > blb.time) { cons.debugRes("no downgrade allowed!"); if (needStop(0x200)) { return; } } if (old.time == blb.time) { if (doMissing(blb) < 1) { cons.debugRes("no upgrade needed!"); if (needStop(0x2)) { return; } } } if (cfgAll.upgradeConfig) { cons.debugRes("saving configuration"); userReader rdr = new userReader(cmd.pipe, null); cmd.pipe.settingsPut(pipeSetting.height, 0); userExec exe = new userExec(cmd.pipe, rdr); exe.privileged = true; String s = exe.repairCommand("write"); exe.executeCommand(s); }"upgrading to " + blb.head); if (upgradeFiles(blb, server, tmp, userUpgradeNtry.flgBefore)) { if (needStop(0x40)) { return; } } int i = upgradeFile(blb.jars, version.getFileName(), server + myFileName(), tmp); if (i == 2) { if (cfgAll.upgradeScript != null) { cons.debugRes("running upgrade script"); try { cfgAll.upgradeScript.doRound(null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } cons.debugRes("successfully finished, rebooting!"); i = 2; if (needCold) { i = 4; } cfgInit.stopRouter(true, i, "upgrade finished"); return; } if (i != 0) { if (needStop(0x4)) { return; } } if (upgradeFiles(blb, server, tmp, userUpgradeNtry.flgAfter)) { if (needStop(0x80)) { return; } } diff = old.copyBytes(); diff.delFiles(blb.files); for (i = 0; i < diff.files.size(); i++) { userUpgradeNtry ntry = diff.files.get(i); a = version.getRWpath() +; if (needStop(justSimu)) { cons.debugStat("should remove " + a); continue; } cons.debugStat("removing " + a); userFlash.delete(a); if (!cfgAll.upgradeBackup) { continue; } a += bakExt; cons.debugStat("removing " + a); userFlash.delete(a); } if (doVerify(blb) > 0) { if (needStop(0x10)) { return; } } if (needStop(justSimu)) { return; } if (bits.buf2txt(true, blb.getText(2), myVerFile())) { cons.debugRes("failed to write version info!"); } cons.debugRes("successfully finished!");"upgrade finished!"); } private boolean upgradeFiles(userUpgradeBlob blb, String server, String tmp, int flg) { boolean some = false; for (int o = 0; o < blb.files.size(); o++) { userUpgradeNtry ntry = blb.files.get(o); if ((ntry.flag & flg) == 0) { continue; } int i = upgradeFile(ntry.chk, version.getRWpath() +, server +, tmp); if (i == 2) { some = (ntry.flag & userUpgradeNtry.flgData) == 0; continue; } if (i != 0) { if (needStop(0x8)) { return true; } } } if (!some) { cons.debugRes("nothing done in this round"); return false; } List scr = new ArrayList(); for (int o = 0; o < blb.files.size(); o++) { userUpgradeNtry ntry = blb.files.get(o); if ((ntry.flag & flg) == 0) { continue; } if ((ntry.flag & userUpgradeNtry.flgScript) == 0) { continue; } List res = bits.txt2buf(version.getRWpath() +; if (res == null) { continue; } scr.addAll(res); } if (scr.size() < 1) { cons.debugRes("no script for this round"); return false; } if (needStop(justSimu)) { return false; } cons.debugRes("running upgrade script"); pipeLine pl = new pipeLine(32768, false); pl.getSide(); pipeSide pip = pl.getSide(); pip.setTime(120000); pip.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; pip.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRorLF; userScript s = new userScript(pip, ""); s.allowExec = true; s.allowConfig = true; s.addLine("set path \"" + version.getRWpath() + "\""); s.addLines(scr); s.cmdAll(); pl.setClose(); return false; } private cryKeyRSA readUpKey(String s, String v) { List l = cfgInit.httpGet(s); if (l == null) { cmd.error("got empty " + v + " key!"); return null; } if (l.size() < 2) { cmd.error("got too small " + v + " key!"); return null; } cryKeyRSA k = new cryKeyRSA(); if (k.pemReadStr(l.get(0), true)) { cmd.error("error reading public " + v + " key!"); return null; } if (k.pemReadStr(l.get(1), false)) { cmd.error("error reading private " + v + " key!"); return null; } if (k.keyVerify()) { cmd.error("error verifying private to public " + v + " key!"); return null; } return k; } /** * upgrade one file * * @param sumN sum needed * @param loc local file name * @param rem remote file name * @param tmp temp file to use * @return status; 0=not needed, 1=failed, 2=done */ protected int upgradeFile(String sumN, String loc, String rem, String tmp) { String sumO = calcFileHash(loc); if (sumO == null) { sumO = "doit"; } if (sumN.equals(sumO)) { cons.debugStat("skipping " + loc + " since up to date!"); return 0; } if (needStop(justSimu)) { cons.debugStat("skipping " + loc + " since just simulating!"); return 0; } if (cfgAll.upgradeBackup) { cons.debugStat("backing up " + loc); userFlash.copy(loc, loc + bakExt, true); } cons.debugStat("downloading " + loc); encUrl url = encUrl.parseOne(rem); userFlash.delete(tmp); userFlash.doReceive(cmd.pipe, url, new File(tmp)); cons.debugStat("upgrading " + loc); if (!sumN.equals(calcFileHash(tmp))) { cons.debugRes("checksum mismatch, aborting!"); if (needStop(0x20)) { userFlash.delete(tmp); return 1; } } if (userFlash.rename(tmp, loc, true, false)) { cons.debugRes("failed to rename!"); return 1; } if (!sumN.equals(calcFileHash(loc))) { cons.debugRes("checksum mismatch after rename!"); if (needStop(0x100)) { return 1; } } return 2; } } class userUpgradeRevert implements Runnable { public void run() { if (cfgInit.lastReloadCode != 2) { return; } if (cfgAll.upgradeRevert < 1) { return; } userUpgrade.inProgress.set(2); for (;;) { bits.sleep(1000); if (!cfgInit.booting) { break; } } if (!cfgAll.upgradeBackup) { logger.warn("auto-revert enabled without auto-backup"); } bits.sleep(cfgAll.upgradeRevert); try { userUpgrade.doAutoRevert(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } userUpgrade.inProgress.set(0); } } class userUpgradeNtry { public final static int flgBefore = 0x1; public final static int flgAfter = 0x2; public final static int flgData = 0x4; public final static int flgScript = 0x8; public final String name; public final int flag; public final String chk; public userUpgradeNtry(String sum, int flg, String nam) { name = nam; flag = flg; chk = sum; } public String toString() { return chk + " " + flag + " " + name; } public static userUpgradeNtry fromString(String s) { cmds cmd = new cmds("upg", s); String h = cmd.word(); int f = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return new userUpgradeNtry(h, f, cmd.getRemaining()); } } class userUpgradeBlob { public String head; public String jars; public long time; public String sign; public String keyed; public final List files = new ArrayList(); public void putSelf() { head = version.headLine; jars = userUpgrade.calcFileHash(version.getFileName()); time = 0; } public userUpgradeBlob copyBytes() { userUpgradeBlob n = new userUpgradeBlob(); n.head = head; n.jars = jars; n.time = time; n.sign = sign; n.keyed = keyed; n.addFiles(files); return n; } public int findFile(userUpgradeNtry ntry) { for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { if (files.get(i).name.compareTo( == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } public void addFiles(List f) { for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); i++) { userUpgradeNtry ntry = f.get(i); if (findFile(ntry) >= 0) { continue; } files.add(ntry); } } public void delFiles(List f) { for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); i++) { userUpgradeNtry ntry = f.get(i); int o = findFile(ntry); if (o < 0) { continue; } files.remove(o); } } public String getFilelist(int flg) { String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { userUpgradeNtry ntry = files.get(i); if ((ntry.flag & flg) == 0) { continue; } s += " " +; } return s.trim(); } public String getFilelist(boolean impl) { String a = ""; if (impl) { a += " " + userUpgrade.myVerFile(); } a += " " + getFilelist(userUpgradeNtry.flgBefore); if (impl) { a += " " + version.getFileName(); } a += " " + getFilelist(userUpgradeNtry.flgAfter); return a.trim(); } public String getTime() { return bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, time, 3); } public List getText(int level) { List l = new ArrayList(); l.add(head); l.add(jars); l.add("" + time); for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { l.add("" + files.get(i)); } if (level < 1) { return l; } l.add(sign); if (level < 2) { return l; } l.add(getSum(1)); return l; } public String getSum(int level) { return userUpgrade.calcTextHash(getText(level)); } public String fromText(List txt, boolean defs) { head = ""; jars = ""; sign = ""; time = 0; if (txt == null) { putSelf(); if (defs) { return null; } return "not found!"; } int len = txt.size() - 1; if (len < 4) { return "too small!"; } head = txt.get(0); jars = txt.get(1); time = bits.str2long(txt.get(2)); String sum = txt.get(len); txt.remove(len); if (!sum.equals(userUpgrade.calcTextHash(txt))) { return "checksum mismatch!"; } len--; sign = txt.get(len); txt.remove(len); for (int i = 3; i < len; i++) { files.add(userUpgradeNtry.fromString(txt.get(i))); } if (!sum.equals(getSum(1))) { return "checksum invalid!"; } byte[] buf = encBase64.decodeBytes(sign); if (buf == null) { return "error decoding signature!"; } keyed = "configured"; if (cfgAll.upgradeOwnKey) { return doVrfy(cfgAll.upgradePubKey, buf); } String res; res = doVrfy(cfgAll.upgradePubKey, buf); if (res == null) { return null; } res = doVrfy(verCore.pubKeyC, buf); if (res == null) { keyed = "current"; return null; } res = doVrfy(verCore.pubKeyO, buf); if (res == null) { keyed = "previous"; return null; } keyed = "failed"; return res; } public String doVrfy(String ks, byte[] buf) { try { if (ks == null) { return "public key not exists!"; } cryKeyRSA ky = new cryKeyRSA(); if (ky.pemReadStr(ks, true)) { return "error reading public key!"; } if (ky.tlsVerify(0, new cryHashSha3512(), getSum(0).getBytes(), buf)) { return "signature mismatch!"; } return null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } return "error during verify!"; } public void doSign(cryKeyRSA k) { time = bits.getTime(); sign = encBase64.encodeBytes(k.tlsSigning(0, new cryHashSha3512(), getSum(0).getBytes())); } }