package org.freertr.user; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.enc.enc7bit; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeProgress; import org.freertr.serv.servHttp; import; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.syncInt; import org.freertr.util.verCore; import org.freertr.util.version; /** * process image tester * * @author matecsaba */ public class userTester { /** * create instance */ protected userTester() { } /** * port base */ protected final static int portBase = 34000; /** * slot increment */ protected final static int portSlot = 100; /** * changelog separator */ protected final static String chgLogSep = "---------------------------------- "; /** * style to use */ protected final static String htmlStyle = ""; /** * temporary path */ protected String temp = "../binTmp/"; /** * commands to use */ protected cmds cmd; /** * reader to use */ protected pipeProgress rdr; /** * config path */ protected String path = "../cfg/"; /** * discarded tests */ protected String discard = "^$"; /** * test url */ protected String url = path; /** * slot number */ protected int slot = 0; /** * worker count */ protected int parallel = 0; /** * worker delay */ protected int paragap = 300; /** * persistent file */ protected String persistF = null; /** * persistent port */ protected int persistP = 0; /** * persistent config */ protected List persistD = null; /** * persistent process */ protected userTesterPrc persistC = null; /** * remote image file */ protected String remoteF = null; /** * remote image config */ protected List remoteD = null; /** * remote image address */ protected addrIP remoteA = null; /** * remote image local */ protected addrIP remoteL = null; /** * remote image port */ protected int remoteP = 0; /** * remote image syncer */ protected String remoteS = null; /** * list of other images */ protected final List others = new ArrayList(); /** * other image 0th parameter */ protected String other0; /** * list of captures */ protected final List capture = new ArrayList(); /** * write summary */ protected boolean summary = false; /** * config archive */ protected String cfgarch = "./"; /** * open a window */ protected boolean window = false; /** * wait after tests */ protected boolean wait = false; /** * dont exit */ protected boolean unexit = false; /** * save config */ protected boolean config = false; /** * generate md files */ protected boolean mdfile = false; /** * randomize test order */ protected boolean randord = false; /** * chattyness matcher */ protected tabIntMatcher chatty; /** * release number */ protected String releaseN = "unknown"; /** * release version */ protected String releaseV = "unknown"; /** * maximum retries */ protected int maxTry = 1; /** * reapply counter */ protected int reapply = 0; /** * restart counter */ protected int restart = 0; /** * delay in ms */ protected int predelay = 0; /** * delay in ms */ protected int postdelay = 0; /** * oob base port */ protected int oobase = 20001; /** * java natives */ protected String jvn = "java"; /** * java parameters */ protected String jvp = " XmxZZZm -jar " + version.getFileName(); /** * beginning to use */ protected String beg = "-"; /** * separator to use */ protected final static String sep = " ---------- "; /** * needed tests */ protected final tabGen needed = new tabGen(); /** * finished tests */ protected final tabGen finished = new tabGen(); /** * startup time */ protected long started; /** * failed tests */ protected syncInt errored = new syncInt(0); /** * retries seen */ protected syncInt retries = new syncInt(0); /** * tracebacks seend */ protected syncInt traces = new syncInt(0); /** * list of workers */ protected userTesterOne[] workers; /** * convert result to string * * @param s string * @return converted string */ protected final static String result2string(String s) { if (s.equals("success")) { return "ok"; } else { return "not ok"; } } /** * do the copier work * * @param c command to do * @param m true to move, false to copy */ protected final static void doMover(cmds c, boolean m) { String s = c.word(); String t = c.word(); c.error("moving results " + s + " to " + t); doMover(c, s, t, ".csv", m); doMover(c, s, t, ".ftr", m); doMover(c, s, t, ".html", m); } /** * do the copier work * * @param c command to do * @param s source * @param t target * @param e extension * @param m true to move, false to copy * @return true on error, false on success */ protected final static boolean doMover(cmds c, String s, String t, String e, boolean m) { s += e; t += e; boolean b; if (m) { b = userFlash.rename(s, t, true, true); } else { b = userFlash.copy(s, t, true); } c.error("moved " + s + " to " + t + " error=" + b); return b; } /** * get one tester * * @param slt slot to use * @return tester created */ protected userTesterOne getTester(int slt) { return new userTesterOne(this, slt); } /** * convert features to list * * @param ftr features * @param mod modifier * @return converted list */ protected final static List features2list(tabGen ftr, int mod) { List res = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < ftr.size(); i++) { String a = ftr.get(i).getter(mod); if (a == null) { continue; } res.add(a); } return res; } /** * add html style * * @param l text to update */ protected final static void addHtmlStyle(List l) { l.add(htmlStyle); } /** * do the summary work * * @param c command to do */ protected void doSummary(cmds c) { cmd = c; String target = "rtrp4sum-"; beg = target; path = "./"; List nams = new ArrayList(); List fils = new ArrayList(); List> lins = new ArrayList>(); for (;;) { String s = cmd.word(); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } if (s.equals("path")) { path = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("target")) { target = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("begin")) { beg = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("addone")) { s = cmd.word(); nams.add(s); s = cmd.word(); fils.add(s); continue; } } for (int i = 0; i < fils.size(); i++) { String s = fils.get(i); s = path + s + ".csv"; cmd.error("reading " + s + " as " + nams.get(i)); List cur = bits.txt2buf(s); if (cur == null) { cmd.error("error reading"); return; } cur.remove(0); cur.remove(0); cur.remove(0); cur.remove(0); lins.add(cur); } if (lins.size() < 2) { cmd.error("not enough summary found"); return; } int o = lins.get(0).size(); cmd.error("doing " + o + " features"); for (int i = 1; i < lins.size(); i++) { if (lins.get(i).size() != o) { cmd.error("mismatching size in " + nams.get(i)); return; } } releaseN = version.headLine; List url = new ArrayList(); List fil = new ArrayList(); List> res = new ArrayList>(); List tst = new ArrayList(); for (;;) { if (lins.get(0).size() < 1) { break; } c = new cmds("lin", lins.get(0).remove(0)); List cur = new ArrayList(); url.add(c.word(";")); fil.add(c.word(";")); cur.add(result2string(c.word(";"))); tst.add(c.getRemaining()); for (int i = 1; i < lins.size(); i++) { c = new cmds("lin", lins.get(i).remove(0)); c.word(";"); c.word(";"); cur.add(result2string(c.word(";"))); } res.add(cur); } String a = "url;file"; for (int i = 0; i < lins.size(); i++) { a += ";" + nams.get(i); } a += ";test"; List txt = new ArrayList(); txt.add(a); a = "-;-;"; for (int i = 0; i < lins.size(); i++) { a += "-;"; } a += releaseN; txt.add(a); for (o = 0; o < fil.size(); o++) { a = url.get(o) + ";" + fil.get(o); List cur = res.get(o); for (int i = 0; i < lins.size(); i++) { a += ";" + cur.get(i); } a += ";" + tst.get(o); txt.add(a); } bits.buf2txt(true, txt, target + ".csv"); txt = new ArrayList(); txt.add(servHttp.htmlHead); addHtmlStyle(txt); txt.add("dataplanes"); txt.add("release: " + releaseN + "
"); txt.add("
"); a = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lins.size(); i++) { a += ""; } a += ""; txt.add(a); for (o = 0; o < fil.size(); o++) { a = ""; List cur = res.get(o); for (int i = 0; i < lins.size(); i++) { String s = cur.get(i); String b; if (s.length() <= 2) { b = "good"; } else { b = "bad"; } a += ""; } a += ""; txt.add(a); } txt.add("
file" + nams.get(i) + "test
" + fil.get(o) + "" + s + "" + tst.get(o) + "
"); bits.buf2txt(true, txt, target + ".html"); } /** * do the changelog work * * @param c command to do */ protected void doChanges(cmds c) { cmd = c; String source = "../changelog.txt"; String target = ""; String state = ""; summary = false; releaseN =; jvn = "sid"; jvp = "medium"; releaseV =; String startS = ""; boolean forward = true; int startI = 0; for (;;) { String s = cmd.word(); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } if (s.equals("pure")) { summary = true; continue; } if (s.equals("header")) { summary = false; continue; } if (s.equals("forward")) { forward = true; continue; } if (s.equals("backward")) { forward = false; continue; } if (s.equals("source")) { source = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("packge")) { releaseN = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("mntner")) { releaseV = cmd.word().replaceAll("_", " "); continue; } if (s.equals("distro")) { jvn = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("urgent")) { jvp = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("target")) { target = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("state")) { state = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("since")) { startS = cmd.word(); continue; } } List lst = bits.txt2buf(state); if (lst != null) { startS = lst.get(0); } lst = bits.txt2buf(source); if (lst == null) { cmd.error("error reading source"); return; } List res = new ArrayList(); userTesterChg cur = new userTesterChg(""); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { String a = lst.get(i); if (!a.startsWith(chgLogSep)) { cur.txt.add(a); continue; } a = a.substring(chgLogSep.length(), a.length()); cmds cm = new cmds("hed", a); a = cm.word() + " "; a += cm.word(); cur = new userTesterChg(a); a = cm.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { a = bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, cur.tim, 1); a = a.substring(2, a.length()); a = a.replaceAll("-", "."); } cur.ver = a; if (startS.compareTo(cur.str) >= 0) { startI = res.size(); } res.add(cur); } lst = new ArrayList(); startI += 1; if (forward) { for (int i = startI; i < res.size(); i++) { dumpOneChange(res.get(i), lst); } } else { for (int i = res.size() - 1; i >= startI; i--) { dumpOneChange(res.get(i), lst); } } for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { cmd.pipe.linePut(lst.get(i)); } cur = res.get(res.size() - 1); bits.buf2txt(true, lst, target); bits.buf2txt(true, bits.str2lst(cur.str), state); } private void dumpOneChange(userTesterChg cur, List lst) { if (summary) { lst.add(""); lst.addAll(cur.txt); return; } lst.add(""); lst.add(releaseN + " (" + cur.ver + ") " + jvn + "; urgency=" + jvp); lst.add(""); for (int i = 0; i < cur.txt.size(); i++) { lst.add(" * " + cur.txt.get(i)); } lst.add(""); lst.add(" -- " + releaseV + " " + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, cur.tim, 4)); } /** * do the testing work * * @param c command to do */ protected void doTesting(cmds c) { cmd = c; rdr = new pipeProgress(cmd.pipe); int mem = 256; beg = cmd.word(); for (;;) { String s = cmd.word(); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } if (s.equals("summary")) { summary = true; continue; } if (s.equals("nosummary")) { summary = false; continue; } if (s.equals("cfgarch")) { cfgarch = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("nocfgarch")) { cfgarch = "./"; continue; } if (s.equals("temp")) { temp = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("notemp")) { temp = "./"; continue; } if (s.equals("window")) { window = true; continue; } if (s.equals("nowindow")) { window = false; continue; } if (s.equals("wait")) { wait = true; continue; } if (s.equals("nowait")) { wait = false; continue; } if (s.equals("reapply")) { reapply = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (s.equals("noreapply")) { reapply = 0; continue; } if (s.equals("predelay")) { predelay = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (s.equals("nopredelay")) { predelay = 0; continue; } if (s.equals("postdelay")) { postdelay = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (s.equals("nopostdelay")) { postdelay = 0; continue; } if (s.equals("oobase")) { oobase = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (s.equals("restart")) { restart = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (s.equals("norestart")) { restart = 0; continue; } if (s.equals("config")) { config = true; continue; } if (s.equals("noconfig")) { config = false; continue; } if (s.equals("unexit")) { unexit = true; continue; } if (s.equals("nounexit")) { unexit = false; continue; } if (s.equals("mdfile")) { mdfile = true; continue; } if (s.equals("nomdfile")) { mdfile = false; continue; } if (s.equals("randord")) { randord = true; continue; } if (s.equals("norandord")) { randord = false; continue; } if (s.equals("chatty")) { chatty = new tabIntMatcher(); chatty.fromString(cmd.word()); continue; } if (s.equals("nochatty")) { chatty = null; continue; } if (s.equals("retry")) { maxTry = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (s.equals("noretry")) { maxTry = 1; continue; } if (s.equals("parallel")) { parallel = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (s.equals("noparallel")) { parallel = 0; continue; } if (s.equals("paragap")) { paragap = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (s.equals("noparagap")) { paragap = 1; continue; } if (s.equals("slot")) { slot = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (s.equals("noslot")) { slot = 0; continue; } if (s.equals("mem")) { mem = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (s.equals("discard")) { discard = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("nodiscard")) { discard = "^$"; continue; } if (s.equals("path")) { path = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("url")) { url = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("persist")) { persistF = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("nopersist")) { persistF = null; continue; } if (s.equals("remote")) { remoteF = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("noremote")) { remoteF = null; continue; } if (s.equals("other")) { s = cmd.word(); userTesterImg img = new userTesterImg(s); others.add(img); continue; } if (s.equals("noother")) { others.clear(); continue; } if (s.equals("capture")) { String a = cmd.word(); s = cmd.word(); userTesterCap cap = new userTesterCap(a, s); capture.add(cap); continue; } if (s.equals("nocapture")) { capture.clear(); continue; } if (s.startsWith("openjdk")) { jvn = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-" + s.substring(7, s.length()) + "-openjdk-amd64/bin/java"; continue; } if (s.startsWith("java")) { jvn = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("ikvm")) { jvn = "/usr/bin/ikvm"; mem = 0; continue; } if (s.equals("binary")) { jvn = "./rtr.bin"; jvp = ""; mem = 0; continue; } if (s.equals("param")) { jvp = " " + cmd.word() + " " + jvp; continue; } if (s.equals("noparam")) { jvp = ""; continue; } } String s = "-Xmx" + mem + "m"; if (mem < 1) { s = ""; } jvp = jvp.replaceAll("XmxZZZm", s); userTesterPrc prc = new userTesterPrc(rdr, temp + "slot", slot, "release", jvn + jvp + " show version brief"); releaseN = prc.getLine(); prc.stopNow(); prc = new userTesterPrc(rdr, temp + "slot", slot, "version", jvn + jvp + " show version number"); releaseV = prc.getLine(); prc.stopNow(); if (beg.length() < 2) { beg = ""; } File[] fils = userFlash.dirList(path); if (fils == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < fils.length; i++) { if (fils[i].isDirectory()) { continue; } s = fils[i].getName(); if (!s.endsWith(".tst")) { continue; } if (!s.startsWith(beg)) { continue; } if (s.matches(discard)) { continue; } userTesterFtr ftr = new userTesterFtr(s); ftr.ret = maxTry; needed.add(ftr); } if (config) { maxTry = 1; window = false; } for (int i = 0; i < others.size(); i++) { userTesterImg img = others.get(i); img.otherD = bits.txt2buf(path + img.otherF); img.otherP = " " + img.otherD.remove(0) + " "; img.otherC1 = img.otherD.remove(0); img.otherC2 = img.otherD.remove(0); img.otherC3 = img.otherD.remove(0); img.otherNS = bits.str2num(img.otherD.remove(0)); img.otherNC = img.otherD.remove(0); img.otherW = img.otherD.remove(0); img.otherS = img.otherD.remove(0); } if (others.size() > 0) { cmds cmd = new cmds("ftr", others.get(0).otherP.trim()); other0 = cmd.word(); } if (remoteF != null) { parallel = 0; remoteD = bits.txt2buf(path + remoteF); remoteA = new addrIP(); remoteA.fromString(remoteD.remove(0)); remoteP = bits.str2num(remoteD.remove(0)); remoteL = new addrIP(); remoteL.fromString(remoteD.remove(0)); remoteS = remoteD.remove(0); } rdr.debugStat("oobase=" + oobase); rdr.debugStat("slot=" + slot); rdr.debugStat("parallel=" + parallel); rdr.debugStat("jvm=" + jvn + jvp); rdr.debugStat("release=" + releaseN); rdr.debugStat("version=" + releaseV); rdr.debugStat("url=" + url); rdr.debugStat("path=" + path); rdr.debugStat("temp=" + temp); rdr.debugStat("discard=" + discard); rdr.debugStat("mdfile=" + mdfile); rdr.debugStat("summary=" + summary); rdr.debugStat("cfgarch=" + cfgarch); rdr.debugStat("window=" + window); rdr.debugStat("wait=" + wait); rdr.debugStat("config=" + config); rdr.debugStat("unexit=" + unexit); rdr.debugStat("reapply=" + reapply); rdr.debugStat("restart=" + restart); rdr.debugStat("chatty=" + chatty); rdr.debugStat("predelay=" + predelay); rdr.debugStat("postdelay=" + postdelay); rdr.debugStat("randord=" + randord); rdr.debugStat("retry=" + maxTry); rdr.debugStat("other=" + others.size() + " " + other0); rdr.debugStat("remote=" + remoteF); rdr.debugStat("persist=" + persistF); rdr.debugStat("capture=" + capture.size()); rdr.debugStat("files=" + needed.size()); if (persistF != null) { parallel = 0; persistD = bits.txt2buf(path + persistF); persistP = portBase + (portSlot / 2) + (slot * portSlot); String a = persistD.remove(0); String b = persistD.remove(0); int i = bits.str2num(persistD.remove(0)); int o = bits.str2num(persistD.remove(0)); s = "qemu-system-x86_64 -M " + b + " -monitor none -serial stdio -nographic -no-reboot -enable-kvm -cpu host -smp cores=" + o + ",threads=1,sockets=1 -drive file=" + a + ",format=raw,cache=unsafe -m " + i; a = persistD.remove(0); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int rp = persistP + ((i + 1) * 4); int lp = rp + 1; s += " -netdev socket,id=n" + i + ",udp=" + rp + ",localaddr=:" + lp + " -device " + a + ",netdev=n" + i + ",mac=00:00:00:00:11:" + bits.toHexB(i); } persistP += (4 * bits.str2num(persistD.remove(0))); persistC = new userTesterPrc(rdr, temp + "slot", slot, "persist", s); persistC.persistent = true; bits.buf2txt(true, bits.str2lst(""), persistC.getLogName(4)); s = persistD.remove(0); int round = 5000; rdr.setMax(round); for (int rnd = 0; rnd <= round; rnd++) { a = persistC.getLine(); rdr.setCurr(rnd); if (a == null) { persistC.persistent = false; persistC.stopNow(); return; } a = a.trim(); if (a.matches(s)) { break; } } bits.sleep(1000); persistC.putChar(13); bits.sleep(1000); persistC.putLine(persistD.remove(0)); bits.sleep(1000); persistC.putLine(persistD.remove(0)); bits.sleep(1000); persistC.putLine(persistD.remove(0)); persistC.syncr = persistD.remove(0); persistC.doSync(); persistC.applyCfg(persistD); } started = bits.getTime(); if (parallel > needed.size()) { parallel = needed.size(); } if (parallel > 1) { randord = true; wait = false; } else { parallel = 1; } workers = new userTesterOne[parallel]; rdr.debugRes(sep + "starting " + parallel + " workers" + sep); for (int i = 0; i < parallel; i++) { workers[i] = getTester(i); new userTesterWrk(this, i); bits.sleep(paragap); } for (; needed.size() > 0;) { bits.sleep(1000); if (parallel > 1) { rdr.debugRes(sep + "err=" + errored + " trc=" + traces + " ret=" + retries + " don=" + finished.size() + " ned=" + needed.size() + " tot=" + (finished.size() + needed.size()) + " tim=" + bits.timePast(started) + sep); } if (cmd.pipe.ready2rx() < 1) { continue; } cmd.pipe.lineGet(1); listFails(rdr, finished, true, 1); listFails(rdr, needed, false, 0); } if (persistC != null) { persistC.applyCfg(persistD); persistC.doSync(); persistC.persistent = false; persistC.stopNow(); } for (int i = 0; i < parallel; i++) { workers[i].stopAll(); } listFails(rdr, finished, true, 1); listFails(rdr, needed, false, 0); String a = logger.getTimestamp() + ", took " + bits.timePast(started) + ", with " + parallel + " workers, on " + finished.size() + " cases, " + errored + " failed, " + traces + " traces, " + retries + " retries"; rdr.debugStat("summary: " + a); if (!summary) { return; } if (other0 != null) { beg += other0 + "-"; } rdr.debugStat("writing summary " + beg); final String todoStr = "todo"; List txt = bits.txt2buf("../" + todoStr + ".txt"); if (txt == null) { txt = new ArrayList(); } for (int i = 0; i < txt.size(); i++) { String b = txt.get(i); b = b.trim(); if (b.length() < 1) { continue; } userTesterFtr ftr = new userTesterFtr(todoStr + bits.padBeg("" + i, 4, "0")); b = todoStr + ": " + b; b = enc7bit.doOneString(b); if (b.length() < 1) { continue; } = b; finished.add(ftr); } txt = new ArrayList(); txt.add(servHttp.htmlHead); txt.add(htmlStyle); txt.add("tester"); txt.add("release: " + releaseN + "
"); txt.add("tested: " + a + "
"); txt.add("jvm: " + jvn + jvp + ", other: " + other0 + "
"); txt.add("
"); txt.add(""); txt.addAll(features2list(finished, 3)); txt.add("
"); bits.buf2txt(true, txt, "rtr" + beg + ".html"); txt = new ArrayList(); txt.add("url;file;result;test"); txt.add("-;-;-;" + releaseN); txt.add("-;-;-;" + a); txt.add("-;-;-;" + jvn + jvp + ", " + other0); txt.addAll(features2list(finished, 4)); bits.buf2txt(true, txt, "rtr" + beg + ".csv"); a = "rtr" + beg + ".ftr"; txt = bits.txt2buf(a); if (txt == null) { txt = new ArrayList(); } bits.buf2txt(true, features2list(finished, 2), a); txt = userFilter.getDiffs(txt, features2list(finished, 2)); if (txt.size() < 1) { return; } txt.add(0, chgLogSep + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, started + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3) + " " + releaseV); bits.buf2txt(false, txt, "../changelog" + beg + ".txt"); } /** * list failed tests * * @param rdr reader to use * @param lst tests to scan * @param nonres enforced retries * @param ranlim enforced run count */ protected final static void listFails(pipeProgress rdr, tabGen lst, boolean nonres, int ranlim) { for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { userTesterFtr ftr = lst.get(i); if (ftr == null) { continue; } if (nonres && !ftr.res) { rdr.debugStat("failed: " + ftr.fil + " " + ftr.csv); continue; } if (ftr.ran > ranlim) { rdr.debugStat("ran " + ftr.ran + "x: " + ftr.fil + " " + ftr.csv); continue; } } } /** * do worker round * * @param slt worker */ protected void doWorker(int slt) { for (; needed.size() > 0;) { doOneTest(slt); } } /** * perform one test * * @param slt slot to use */ protected void doOneTest(int slt) { int cur = 0; if (randord) { cur = bits.random(0, needed.size()); } userTesterFtr ftr = needed.get(cur); if (ftr.lck.add(1) > 1) { bits.sleep(paragap); return; } workers[slt].stopAll(); userTesterOne lt = getTester(slt); workers[slt] = lt; lt.rdr.debugRes(sep + "err=" + errored + " trc=" + traces + " ret=" + retries + " don=" + finished.size() + " ned=" + needed.size() + " tot=" + (finished.size() + needed.size()) + " tim=" + bits.timePast(started) + sep + ftr.fil + sep); lt.doTest(path, ftr.fil); if (wait) { cmd.pipe.strChr("press q to quit test:", "qQ"); } lt.stopAll(); workers[slt] = getTester(slt); traces.add(lt.traces); boolean del = lt.getSucc(); ftr.ran++; ftr.ret--; del |= ftr.ret < 1; lt.rdr.debugRes(lt.getCsv(url)); if (!del) { ftr.lck.set(0); retries.add(1); return; } needed.del(ftr); if (!lt.getSucc()) { errored.add(1); } if (mdfile) { lt.saveMd(); } ftr.res = lt.getSucc(); ftr.htm = lt.getHtm(url); ftr.csv = lt.getCsv(url); = lt.getFet(); finished.add(ftr); } }