package org.freertr.user; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.clnt.clntHttp; import org.freertr.enc.enc7bit; import org.freertr.enc.encUrl; import org.freertr.enc.encXml; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeConnect; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeReader; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSetting; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.version; /** * reading one line from the user * * @author matecsaba */ public class userReader implements Comparator { private pipeSide pipe; // pipe to use private String prompt; // current prompt private userHelping help; // help context private String[] histD; // history data private int histN; // history number private String curr; // current line private String clip; // clipboard private int pos; // position of next typed character goes private int len; // length of current line private int beg; // first character displayed private boolean clear; // clearing of display required private String filterS; // filter string private mode filterM; // filter mode private mode filterF; // filter final mode private String filterO; // original command private int columnN; // column number private String columnS; // column separator private int columnB; // beginning of column private int columnE; // ending of column /** * filter modes */ private enum mode { /** * no filtering */ raw, /** * begin */ begin, /** * begin with headers */ hbegin, /** * end */ end, /** * include */ include, /** * include with headers */ hinclude, /** * exclude */ exclude, /** * section names */ headers, /** * first lines */ first, /** * last lines */ last, /** * last lines with header */ hlast, /** * count entities */ count, /** * sort entities */ sort, /** * padded sort entities */ padsort, /** * reverse sort entities */ revsort, /** * reverse padded sort entities */ repsort, /** * unique entities */ uniq, /** * hide columns */ hide, /** * redirection */ redirect, /** * pastebin */ pastebin, /** * text viewer */ viewer, /** * level hierarchy */ level, /** * csv list */ csv, /** * htmlized */ html, /** * xmlized */ xml, /** * prepend line numbers */ linenum, /** * hacker writing */ hacked, /** * specified section */ section, /** * set/delete mode */ setdel, /** * c code mode */ ccode, /** * summary */ summary } /** * line defaults text */ public final static String[] linedefL = { ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "exec interface", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec timeout 300000", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec width 79", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec height 24", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec history 64", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec riblines 8192", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "exec timestamp", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec colorize normal", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec background black", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec foreground white", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec prompt bright-green", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec header bright-yellow", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec ansimode normal", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "exec spacetab", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "exec capslock", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "exec bells", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec tablemode normal", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec welcome welcome", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec before before:", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec ready line ready", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec bye see you later", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "exec logging", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec privilege 15", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec autocommand ", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec banner", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "exec title", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "exec detect", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "exec expirity", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "exec monitor", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "exec autohangup", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "login timeout 60000", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "login retry 3", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "login delay 3000", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "login user username:", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "login pass password:", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "login fail authentication failed", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "login activate 13", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "login deactivate 65536", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "login escape 3", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "login stars", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "login logging", ".*!" + cmds.tabulator + "login last none" }; /** * line defaults filter */ public static tabGen linedefF; /** * constructs new reader for a pipeline * * @param pip pipeline to use as input * @param parent line to use */ public userReader(pipeSide pip, userLine parent) { pipe = pip; clip = ""; filterS = ""; if (parent == null) { setHistory(64); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.spacTab, false); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.capsLock, false); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.termBells, false); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.ansiMode, userScreen.ansiMode.normal); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.logging, false); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.times, false); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.passStar, false); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.colors, userFormat.colorMode.normal); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.colNormal, userScreen.colWhite); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.colPrompt, userScreen.colBrGreen); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.colHeader, userScreen.colBrYellow); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.riblines, 8192); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.width, 79); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.height, 24); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.tabMod, userFormat.tableMode.normal); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.deactive, 65536); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.escape, 65536); return; } setHistory(parent.execHistory); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.spacTab, parent.execSpace); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.capsLock, parent.execCaps); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.ansiMode, parent.ansiMode); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.termBells, parent.execBells); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.logging, parent.execLogging); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.times, parent.execTimes); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.passStar, parent.passStars); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.colors, parent.execColor); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.colNormal, parent.execColNrm); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.colPrompt, parent.execColPrm); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.colHeader, parent.execColHdr); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.riblines, parent.execRibLines); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.width, parent.execWidth); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.height, parent.execHeight); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.tabMod, parent.execTables); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.deactive, parent.promptDeActive); pipe.settingsAdd(pipeSetting.escape, parent.promptEscape); } /** * set width of screen * * @param pip pipe to set * @param siz size */ public static void setTermWdt(pipeSide pip, int siz) { if (siz < 1) { return; } if (siz < 20) { siz = 20; } pip.settingsPut(pipeSetting.width, siz); } /** * set length of route listing * * @param pip pipe to set * @param siz size */ public static void setRibLin(pipeSide pip, int siz) { if (siz < 5) { siz = 5; } pip.settingsPut(pipeSetting.riblines, siz); } /** * set height of screen * * @param pip pipe to set * @param siz size */ public static void setTermLen(pipeSide pip, int siz) { if (siz < 0) { siz = 0; } pip.settingsPut(pipeSetting.height, siz); } /** * set context in which input will be processed * * @param hlp helper instance * @param prmt promtp to show */ public void setContext(userHelping hlp, String prmt) { help = hlp; prompt = prmt; } /** * get command history * * @return history */ public List getHistory() { List lst = new ArrayList(); for (int i = histD.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String a = histD[i]; if (a == null) { continue; } a = a.trim(); if (a.length() < 1) { continue; } lst.add(a); } return lst; } /** * set size of history buffer * * @param num size */ public void setHistory(int num) { if (num < 1) { num = 1; } String[] d = new String[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { d[i] = ""; } if (histD != null) { if (num > histD.length) { num = histD.length; } for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { d[i] = histD[i]; } } histD = d; } private int doMorePrompt() { for (;;) { pipe.strPut("\r -=[more]=-\r"); byte[] buf = new byte[1]; if (pipe.blockingGet(buf, 0, buf.length) != buf.length) { return 3; } pipe.strPut("\r \r"); switch (buf[0]) { case 13: // enter return 2; case 32: // space return 1; case 27: // escape case 3: // ctrl+c case 113: // q case 81: // Q buf = new byte[32]; pipe.nonBlockGet(buf, 0, buf.length); return 3; } } } private void findColumn(List lst) { String s = lst.get(0); columnN = 0; columnS = " "; columnB = s.indexOf(filterS); columnE = columnB + filterS.length(); if (columnB < 0) { return; } for (; columnE < s.length(); columnE++) { String a = s.substring(columnB, columnE).trim(); if (!a.equals(filterS)) { columnE--; break; } } if (columnB > 0) { columnS = s.substring(columnB - 1, columnB); String a = s.substring(0, columnB); columnN = a.length() - a.replaceAll(columnS, "").length(); } if (columnE < s.length()) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { int o = lst.get(i).length(); if (o > columnE) { columnE = o; } } } private String getColText(String o1) { int i = columnE; int p = columnB; int o = o1.length(); if (i > o) { i = o; } if (p > o) { p = o; } return o1.substring(p, i); } public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return getColText(o1).compareTo(getColText(o2)); } private List doCount(List lst) { int wrd = 0; int chr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { String a = lst.get(i).trim(); for (;;) { String s = a.replaceAll(" ", " "); if (s.equals(a)) { break; } a = s; } int o = a.length(); a = a.replaceAll(" ", ""); int p = a.length(); wrd += o - p; if (p > 0) { wrd++; } chr += o; } final userFormat.tableMode tabMod = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.tabMod, userFormat.tableMode.normal); if (tabMod == userFormat.tableMode.normal) { return bits.str2lst(lst.size() + " lines, " + wrd + " words, " + chr + " characters"); } userFormat res = new userFormat("|", "category|value"); res.add("lines|" + lst.size()); res.add("words|" + wrd); res.add("chars|" + chr); return res.formatAll(tabMod); } private cmds doSummary(userFormat.tableMode tabMod, String a) { switch (tabMod) { case raw: case csv: a = a.replaceAll(";", " ").trim(); break; case fancy: case table: a = a.replaceAll("\\|", " ").trim(); break; case html: case normal: break; } return new cmds("row", a); } private List doSummary(List lst) { List sum = new ArrayList(); List min = new ArrayList(); List max = new ArrayList(); final userFormat.tableMode tabMod = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.tabMod, userFormat.tableMode.normal); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { cmds cmd = doSummary(tabMod, lst.get(i)); for (int p = 0;; p++) { String a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } if (p >= sum.size()) { sum.add((long) 0); min.add(Long.MAX_VALUE); max.add(Long.MIN_VALUE); } long v = bits.str2long(a); if (!a.equals("" + v)) { continue; } sum.set(p, sum.get(p) + v); if (v < min.get(p)) { min.set(p, v); } if (v > max.get(p)) { max.set(p, v); } } } userFormat res = new userFormat("|", "col|name|summary|average|minimum|maximum"); long div = lst.size() - 1; if (div < 1) { div = 1; } cmds cmd = doSummary(tabMod, lst.get(0)); for (int i = 0; i < sum.size(); i++) { long val = sum.get(i); res.add(i + "|" + cmd.word() + "|" + val + "|" + (val / div) + "|" + min.get(i) + "|" + max.get(i)); } return res.formatAll(tabMod); } private List doSecond(List lst) { switch (filterF) { case count: return doCount(lst); case summary: return doSummary(lst); default: return lst; } } private void doPadCol(List lst) { for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { String a = lst.get(i); int o = a.length(); if (o < columnB) { continue; } String b = a.substring(0, columnB); String c = ""; if (o > columnE) { c = a.substring(columnE, o); a = a.substring(columnB, columnE).trim(); } else { a = a.substring(columnB, o); } a = bits.padBeg(a, columnE - columnB, " "); lst.set(i, b + a + " " + c); } } private void doBegin(List lst, int num) { if (num <= 0) { lst.clear(); return; } num--; for (int i = num; i >= 0; i--) { lst.remove(i); } } private List doInclude(List lst) { List res = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { String s = lst.get(i); boolean b = false; try { b = s.matches(filterS); } catch (Exception e) { } if (!b) { continue; } res.add(s); } return res; } private void doLast(List lst, int num) { for (int i = lst.size() - num; i >= 0; i--) { lst.remove(i); } } private void doEnd(List lst, int num) { if (num < 0) { return; } num++; for (int i = lst.size() - 1; i >= num; i--) { lst.remove(i); } } private void doFirst(List lst, int num) { for (int i = lst.size() - 1; i >= num; i--) { lst.remove(i); } } private List doUniq(List lst) { List res = new ArrayList(); List tab = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { String a = lst.get(i); String b = getColText(a); if (tab.contains(b)) { continue; } tab.add(b); res.add(a); } return res; } private List doHide(List lst) { List res = new ArrayList(); if (columnS.equals(" ")) { for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { String a = lst.get(i); if (a.length() > columnB) { a = a.substring(0, columnB); } res.add(a); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { String a = lst.get(i); String b = ""; for (int o = 0; o < columnN; o++) { int p = a.indexOf(columnS); if (p < 0) { break; } b += a.substring(0, p + 1); a = a.substring(p + 1, a.length()); } res.add(b); } } return res; } private List doExclude(List lst) { List res = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { String s = lst.get(i); boolean b = false; try { b = s.matches(filterS); } catch (Exception e) { } if (b) { continue; } res.add(s); } return res; } /** * filter the list * * @param lst list to filter * @return filtered list */ public List doFilterList(List lst) { if (lst == null) { return null; } switch (filterM) { case include: lst = doInclude(lst); return doSecond(lst); case hinclude: String a = lst.remove(0); lst = doInclude(lst); lst.add(0, a); return doSecond(lst); case exclude: lst = doExclude(lst); return doSecond(lst); case sort: findColumn(lst); if (columnB < 0) { return bits.str2lst("no such column"); } a = lst.remove(0); Collections.sort(lst, this); lst.add(0, a); return doSecond(lst); case revsort: findColumn(lst); if (columnB < 0) { return bits.str2lst("no such column"); } a = lst.remove(0); Collections.sort(lst, this); Collections.reverse(lst); lst.add(0, a); return doSecond(lst); case repsort: findColumn(lst); if (columnB < 0) { return bits.str2lst("no such column"); } doPadCol(lst); a = lst.remove(0); Collections.sort(lst, this); Collections.reverse(lst); lst.add(0, a); return doSecond(lst); case padsort: findColumn(lst); if (columnB < 0) { return bits.str2lst("no such column"); } doPadCol(lst); a = lst.remove(0); Collections.sort(lst, this); lst.add(0, a); return doSecond(lst); case hide: findColumn(lst); if (columnB < 0) { return bits.str2lst("no such column"); } lst = doHide(lst); return doSecond(lst); case uniq: findColumn(lst); if (columnB < 0) { return bits.str2lst("no such column"); } lst = doUniq(lst); return doSecond(lst); case pastebin: if (cfgAll.pasteBin == null) { return doSecond(lst); } encUrl url = new encUrl(); a = cfgAll.hostName + "#" + filterO + "\r\n" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, bits.getTime() + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3) + "\r\n"; for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { a += lst.get(i) + "\r\n"; } a = cfgAll.pasteBin + encUrl.percentEncode(a); url.fromString(a); clntHttp http = new clntHttp(null, cfgAll.getClntPrx(cfgAll.httpProxy), null, false); if (http.doConnect(url)) { return doSecond(lst); } http.sendLine("GET " + url.toURL(true, true, true, true) + " HTTP/1.1"); http.sendLine("User-Agent: " + version.usrAgnt); http.sendLine("Host: " + url.server); http.sendLine("Connection: Close"); http.sendLine(""); pipeReader rdr = new pipeReader(); rdr.setLineMode(pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRorLF); pipeConnect.connect(http.pipe, rdr.getPipe(), true); rdr.waitFor(); lst.addAll(rdr.getResult()); return doSecond(lst); case redirect: bits.buf2txt(true, lst, filterS); return doSecond(lst); case first: int num = bits.str2num(filterS); doFirst(lst, num); return doSecond(lst); case last: num = bits.str2num(filterS); doLast(lst, num); return doSecond(lst); case hlast: num = bits.str2num(filterS); a = lst.remove(0); doLast(lst, num); lst.add(0, a); return doSecond(lst); case begin: num = bits.lstFnd(lst, filterS); doBegin(lst, num); return doSecond(lst); case hbegin: num = bits.lstFnd(lst, filterS); a = lst.remove(0); doBegin(lst, num); lst.add(0, a); return doSecond(lst); case end: num = bits.lstFnd(lst, filterS); doEnd(lst, num); return doSecond(lst); case count: lst = doCount(lst); return doSecond(lst); case summary: lst = doSummary(lst); return doSecond(lst); case headers: lst = userFilter.getSecList(userFilter.text2section(lst), null, null); return doSecond(lst); case viewer: userEditor edtr = new userEditor(new userScreen(pipe), lst, "result", false); edtr.doView(); return new ArrayList(); case xml: encXml xml = new encXml(); userFilter.section2xml(xml, "/config", userFilter.text2section(lst)); lst = xml.toXMLlst(); return doSecond(lst); case linenum: lst = bits.lst2lin(lst, true); return doSecond(lst); case hacked: lst = enc7bit.toHackedLst(lst); return doSecond(lst); case section: lst = userFilter.getSection(lst, filterS); return doSecond(lst); case level: List sec = userFilter.text2section(lst); lst = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < sec.size(); i++) { userFilter ntry = sec.get(i); lst.add(ntry.section + "|" + ntry.command + "|"); } return doSecond(lst); case csv: sec = userFilter.text2section(lst); lst = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < sec.size(); i++) { userFilter ntry = sec.get(i); lst.add(ntry.section + ";" + ntry.command); } return doSecond(lst); case html: sec = userFilter.text2section(lst); lst = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < sec.size(); i++) { userFilter ntry = sec.get(i); lst.add("" + ntry.section + "" + ntry.command + ""); } return doSecond(lst); case setdel: sec = userFilter.text2section(lst); lst = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < sec.size(); i++) { userFilter ntry = sec.get(i); a = ntry.command.trim(); if (a.equals(cmds.finish)) { continue; } if (a.equals(cmds.comment)) { lst.add(cmds.comment); continue; } String s = "set"; if (a.startsWith(cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator)) { s = "delete"; a = a.substring(3, a.length()); } lst.add(s + " " + (ntry.section + " " + a).trim()); } return doSecond(lst); case ccode: sec = userFilter.text2section(lst); lst = new ArrayList(); boolean prv = false; for (int i = 0; i < sec.size(); i++) { userFilter ntry = sec.get(i); boolean mpty = ntry.section.length() < 1; if (prv && !mpty) { lst.set(i - 1, lst.get(i - 1) + " {"); } prv = mpty; a = ntry.command.trim(); if (a.equals(cmds.finish)) { lst.add("}"); continue; } if (a.equals(cmds.comment)) { lst.add(""); continue; } lst.add(ntry.command); } return doSecond(lst); default: return doSecond(lst); } } private boolean doPutArr(List lst, userFormat.colorMode color) { lst = doFilterList(lst); if (lst == null) { pipe.linePut(""); return true; } final int height = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.height, 25); int p = 2; if (pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.times, false)) { p++; } int o = p; final byte[] rainc = {userScreen.colBrWhite, userScreen.colBrYellow, userScreen.colBrCyan, userScreen.colBrGreen, userScreen.colBrRed, userScreen.colBrMagenta}; final int rains = 12; for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { String a = lst.get(i); switch (color) { case normal: case prompt: pipe.linePut(a); break; case header: userScreen.sendAnsCol(pipe, pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colHeader, userScreen.colBrYellow)); pipe.linePut(a); userScreen.sendAnsCol(pipe, pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colNormal, userScreen.colWhite)); color = userFormat.colorMode.normal; break; case rainbow: int d = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colNormal, userScreen.colWhite); int r = a.length(); for (int q = 0;; q++) { int s = q * rains; if (s >= r) { break; } int t = s + rains; if (t > r) { t = r; } userScreen.sendAnsCol(pipe, userScreen.setForeground(d, rainc[(i + q) % rainc.length])); pipe.strPut(a.substring(s, t)); } userScreen.sendAnsCol(pipe, pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colNormal, userScreen.colWhite)); pipe.linePut(""); break; default: break; } if (height < 1) { continue; } o++; if (o < height) { continue; } o = p; switch (doMorePrompt()) { case 1: // normal listing break; case 2: // next line o = height - 1; break; case 3: // end listing return true; } } pipe.linePut(""); return false; } /** * display one text to user * * @param lst string array to display * @return true on quit, false on continue */ public boolean putStrArr(List lst) { if (lst == null) { pipe.linePut(""); return true; } userFormat.colorMode color = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colors, userFormat.colorMode.normal); if (color == userFormat.colorMode.header) { color = userFormat.colorMode.normal; } return doPutArr(lst, color); } /** * display one text to table * * @param lst string array to display * @return true on quit, false on continue */ public boolean putStrTab(userFormat lst) { if (lst == null) { pipe.linePut(""); return true; } return doPutArr(lst.formatAll(pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.tabMod, userFormat.tableMode.normal)), pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colors, userFormat.colorMode.normal)); } /** * put current line * * @param clr clear before draw */ public synchronized void putCurrLine(boolean clr) { final String trncd = "$"; final boolean color = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colors, userFormat.colorMode.normal) != userFormat.colorMode.normal; final int width = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.width, 80) - 1; clr |= rangeCheck(); pipe.blockingPut(pipeSide.getEnding(pipeSide.modTyp.modeCR), 0, 1); String s = curr.substring(beg, curr.length()); int crsr = pos - beg + prompt.length(); if (beg > 0) { s = trncd + s; crsr += trncd.length(); } int left = width - prompt.length(); if (s.length() > left) { final int i = left - trncd.length(); if (i < 0) { s = trncd; } else { s = s.substring(0, i) + trncd; } } s = prompt + s; pipe.blockingPut(pipeSide.getEnding(pipeSide.modTyp.modeCR), 0, 1); if (clr) { pipe.strPut(bits.padEnd(s, width, " ")); } else { pipe.strPut(s); } pipe.blockingPut(pipeSide.getEnding(pipeSide.modTyp.modeCR), 0, 1); if (color) { userScreen.sendAnsCol(pipe, pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colPrompt, userScreen.colBrGreen)); } if (crsr > s.length()) { crsr = s.length(); } pipe.strPut(s.substring(0, crsr)); if (color) { userScreen.sendAnsCol(pipe, pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colNormal, userScreen.colWhite)); } } private boolean rangeCheck() { len = curr.length(); int old = beg; final int width = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.width, 80) - 1; final int mov = width / 10; if (pos < 0) { pos = 0; } if (pos > len) { pos = len; } int i = pos - width + prompt.length() + mov; if (beg < i) { beg = i + mov; } i = pos - mov; if (beg > i) { beg = i - mov; } if (beg < 0) { beg = 0; } return (old != beg); } private String part(int beg, int end) { len = curr.length(); if (beg < 0) { beg = 0; } if (end > len) { end = len; } if (beg >= end) { return ""; } return curr.substring(beg, end); } private boolean moreChars() { return pipe.ready2rx() > 0; } /** * flush keyboard buffer */ public void keyFlush() { for (;;) { byte[] buf = new byte[1]; if (pipe.nonBlockGet(buf, 0, buf.length) != buf.length) { break; } } } private void beginWriting() { curr = ""; pos = 0; beg = 0; histN = -1; } private void cmdLeft(boolean bells) { if (pos < 1) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } pos--; } private void cmdRight(boolean bells) { if (pos >= len) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } pos++; } private void cmdHome(boolean bells) { if (pos < 1) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } pos = 0; } private void cmdEnd(boolean bells) { if (pos >= len) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } pos = len; } private void cmdClear() { clip = curr; curr = ""; clear = true; } private void cmdDelChr() { curr = part(0, pos) + part(pos + 1, len); clear = true; } private void cmdInsStr(String st) { if (pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.capsLock, false)) { st = st.toUpperCase(); } curr = part(0, pos) + st + part(pos, len); pos += st.length(); curr = part(0, 65536); } private boolean isTextChar(int ch) { if ((ch & 0xff) != ch) { return true; } if (ch < 32) { return true; } if (ch > 127) { return true; } return false; } private void cmdInsChr(int ch) { if (isTextChar(ch)) { return; } cmdInsStr("" + ((char) ch)); } private void cmdBackspace(boolean bells) { if (pos < 1) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } curr = part(0, pos - 1) + part(pos, len); clear = true; pos--; } private void cmdTabulator(boolean bells) { String s = help.guessLine(curr); if (s == null) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } if (s.equals(curr)) { userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } curr = s; pos = curr.length(); clear = true; } private void cmdErase2end(boolean bells) { if (pos >= len) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } clip = part(pos, len); curr = part(0, pos); clear = true; } private void cmdErase2beg(boolean bells) { if (pos < 1) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } clip = part(0, pos); curr = part(pos, len); pos = 0; clear = true; } private String cmdEnter() { putCurrLine(true); String a = curr; beginWriting(); pipe.linePut(""); clear = true; int i = a.indexOf(cmds.comment); if (i >= 0) { a = a.substring(0, i); } if (a.trim().length() < 1) { putCurrLine(true); return null; } if (!a.equals("" + histD[0])) { for (i = histD.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { histD[i + 1] = histD[i]; } histD[0] = a; } String b = help.repairLine(a); if (!help.endOfCmd(b)) { if (debugger.userReaderEvnt) { logger.debug("got " + prompt + b); } if (pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.logging, false)) {"command " + prompt + b + " from " + pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.origin, "?")); } return b; } putStrArr(help.getHelp(a, true)); putCurrLine(true); return null; } private void cmdRefreshLine(boolean bells) { pipe.linePut(""); putCurrLine(true); if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); } private void cmdHistNext() { if (histN < 0) { curr = ""; histN = 0; } else { curr = histD[histN]; } histN--; pos = curr.length(); clear = true; } private void cmdHistPrev() { histN++; if (histN >= histD.length) { histN = histD.length - 1; } curr = histD[histN]; if (curr.length() < 1) { histN--; } pos = curr.length(); clear = true; } private void doHistFind(boolean sam, int dir, String str) { if (str.length() < 1) { if (sam) { histN = -1; } return; } int old = histN; if (sam) { histN -= dir; } if (histN < 0) { histN = -1; } for (;;) { histN += dir; if (histN < 0) { if (sam) { histN = -1; } else { histN = old; } return; } if (histN >= histD.length) { if (sam) { histN = -1; } else { histN = old; } return; } if (histD[histN].indexOf(str) >= 0) { return; } } } private boolean cmdHistFind() { final int width = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.width, 80) - 10; final boolean bells = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.termBells, false); String oldPrm = prompt; String oldCur = curr; String text = curr; histN = -1; doHistFind(true, +1, text); for (;;) { prompt = "find:" + text + ":"; if (histN < 0) { curr = ""; } else { curr = histD[histN]; } pos = curr.length(); beg = 0; rangeCheck(); putCurrLine(true); int ch = userScreen.getKey(pipe); switch (ch) { case -1: if (debugger.userReaderEvnt) { logger.debug("closed"); } return true; case 0x8002: // tabulator case 0x8004: // enter prompt = oldPrm; return false; case 0x8003: // backspace if (text.length() < 1) { if (!bells) { break; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); break; } text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1); doHistFind(true, +1, text); break; case 0x800c: // up doHistFind(false, +1, text); break; case 0x800d: // down doHistFind(false, -1, text); break; case 0x8016: // f3 doHistFind(false, +1, text); break; case 0x8017: // f4 doHistFind(false, -1, text); break; case 0x0277: // ctrl + w text = ""; doHistFind(true, +1, text); break; case 0x026e: // ctrl + n doHistFind(false, -1, text); break; case 0x0270: // ctrl + p doHistFind(false, +1, text); break; case 0x0272: // ctrl + r cmdRefreshLine(bells); break; case 0x026c: // ctrl + l cmdRefreshLine(bells); break; case 0x8005: // escape case 0x801d: // f10 case 0x0273: // ctrl + s case 0x0263: // ctrl + c case 0x0278: // ctrl + x prompt = oldPrm; curr = oldCur; pos = curr.length(); return false; default: if (text.length() > width) { break; } if (isTextChar(ch)) { break; } text += (char) ch; doHistFind(true, +1, text); break; } } } private void cmdSwapLetters() { curr = part(0, pos - 1) + part(pos, pos + 1) + part(pos - 1, pos) + part(pos + 1, len); pos++; } private void cmdSpecChr() { int i = userScreen.getKey(pipe); if ((i & 0x8000) != 0) { // special return; } if ((i & 0x200) != 0) { // ctrl i &= 0x1f; } cmdInsChr(i & 0xff); } private void cmdEraseBack(boolean bells) { if (pos < 1) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } int i = cmds.wordBound(curr, pos - 1, -1); if (i != 0) { i++; } clip = part(i, pos); curr = part(0, i) + part(pos, len); pos = i; clear = true; } private void cmdEraseFwrd(boolean bells) { if (pos >= len) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } int i = cmds.wordBound(curr, pos, +1); clip = part(pos, i); curr = part(0, pos) + part(i, len); clear = true; } private void cmdShowHelp() { putCurrLine(true); pipe.linePut("?"); List l = help.getHelp(curr, false); Collections.sort(l); putStrArr(l); putCurrLine(true); } private void cmdBackward(boolean bells) { if (pos < 1) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } pos = cmds.wordBound(curr, pos - 1, -1); if (pos != 0) { pos++; } } private void cmdForward(boolean bells) { if (pos >= len) { if (!bells) { return; } userScreen.sendBeep(pipe); return; } pos = cmds.wordBound(curr, pos, +1); } private void cmdCapitalize() { int i = cmds.wordBound(curr, pos, +1); String s = part(pos, i); if (s.length() < 1) { return; } s = s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1, s.length()).toLowerCase(); curr = part(0, pos) + s + part(i, len); pos = i; } private void cmdLowercase() { int i = cmds.wordBound(curr, pos, +1); curr = part(0, pos) + part(pos, i).toLowerCase() + part(i, len); pos = i; } private void cmdUppercase() { int i = cmds.wordBound(curr, pos, +1); curr = part(0, pos) + part(pos, i).toUpperCase() + part(i, len); pos = i; } /** * read up one line * * @param exit exit command to return * @return string readed, null if error happened */ public String readLine(String exit) { final int deactivate = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.deactive, 65536); final boolean spacetab = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.spacTab, false); final boolean bells = pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.termBells, false); setFilter(null); if (debugger.userReaderEvnt) { logger.debug("reading"); } beginWriting(); putCurrLine(true); for (;;) { clear = false; String oldS = "" + curr; int oldP = pos; for (;;) { len = curr.length(); int ch = userScreen.getKey(pipe); if (ch == deactivate) { return null; } switch (ch) { case -1: if (debugger.userReaderEvnt) { logger.debug("closed"); } return null; case 0x8003: // backspace cmdBackspace(bells); break; case 0x8002: // tabulator cmdTabulator(bells); break; case 0x8004: // enter if (spacetab) { cmdTabulator(false); } String s = cmdEnter(); if (s == null) { break; } return s; case 0x800e: // left cmdLeft(bells); break; case 0x800f: // right cmdRight(bells); break; case 0x820e: // ctrl+left cmdBackward(bells); break; case 0x820f: // ctrl+right cmdForward(bells); break; case 0x800c: // up cmdHistPrev(); break; case 0x800d: // down cmdHistNext(); break; case 0x8008: // home cmdHome(bells); break; case 0x8009: // end cmdEnd(bells); break; case 0x8007: // delete cmdDelChr(); break; case 0x0261: // ctrl + a cmdHome(bells); break; case 0x0262: // ctrl + b cmdLeft(bells); break; case 0x0263: // ctrl + c cmdClear(); break; case 0x0264: // ctrl + d cmdDelChr(); break; case 0x0265: // ctrl + e cmdEnd(bells); break; case 0x0266: // ctrl + f cmdRight(bells); break; case 0x026b: // ctrl + k cmdErase2end(bells); break; case 0x026c: // ctrl + l cmdRefreshLine(bells); break; case 0x026e: // ctrl + n cmdHistNext(); break; case 0x0270: // ctrl + p cmdHistPrev(); break; case 0x0271: // ctrl + q cmdSpecChr(); break; case 0x0272: // ctrl + r cmdRefreshLine(bells); break; case 0x0273: // ctrl + s if (cmdHistFind()) { return null; } clear = true; break; case 0x0274: // ctrl + t cmdSwapLetters(); break; case 0x0275: // ctrl + u cmdErase2beg(bells); break; case 0x0276: // ctrl + v cmdSpecChr(); break; case 0x0277: // ctrl + w cmdEraseBack(bells); break; case 0x0278: // ctrl + x cmdErase2beg(bells); break; case 0x0279: // ctrl + y cmdInsStr(clip); break; case 0x027a: // ctrl + z cmdRefreshLine(false); cmdClear(); if (exit == null) { break; } return exit; case 0x0462: // alt + b cmdBackward(bells); break; case 0x0463: // alt + c cmdCapitalize(); break; case 0x0464: // alt + d cmdEraseFwrd(bells); break; case 0x0466: // alt + f cmdForward(bells); break; case 0x046c: // alt + l cmdLowercase(); break; case 0x0471: // alt + q cmdSpecChr(); break; case 0x0475: // alt + u cmdUppercase(); break; case 32: // space if (spacetab && (pos >= len)) { cmdTabulator(bells); } else { cmdInsChr(ch); } break; case 63: // ? question mark cmdShowHelp(); break; default: cmdInsChr(ch); break; } if (!moreChars()) { break; } rangeCheck(); } if (clear) { putCurrLine(true); continue; } if ((!oldS.equals(curr)) || (pos != oldP)) { putCurrLine(clear); } } } /** * get section name * * @param lst list to read * @return name of section */ public static String section2filter(List lst) { for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { String a = lst.get(i); int o = a.indexOf(cmds.comment); if (o >= 0) { a = a.substring(0, o); } if (a.startsWith(cmds.tabulator)) { continue; } return a; } return null; } /** * convert user filter to regexp * * @param flt user filter * @return regular expression */ public static String filter2reg(String flt) { flt = ".*" + flt + ".*"; flt = flt.replaceAll(" ", ".*"); flt = flt.replaceAll("\\|", ".*|.*"); return flt; } /** * set filter string * * @param cmd filter string, null if nothing * @return updated command */ public cmds setFilter(cmds cmd) { if (debugger.userReaderEvnt) { logger.debug("set filter"); } filterS = ""; filterM = mode.raw; filterF = mode.raw; if (cmd == null) { return null; } String a = cmd.getRemaining(); filterO = cmd.getOriginal(); int i = a.indexOf("|"); if (i < 0) { return cmd; } pipeSide pipe = cmd.pipe; cmd = new cmds("exec", a.substring(0, i - 1).trim()); cmd.pipe = pipe; a = a.substring(i + 1, a.length()).trim(); i = a.indexOf(" "); if (i < 0) { if (a.equals("pastebin")) { filterM = mode.pastebin; return cmd; } if (a.equals("headers")) { filterM = mode.headers; return cmd; } if (a.equals("count")) { filterM = mode.count; return cmd; } if (a.equals("summary")) { filterM = mode.summary; return cmd; } if (a.equals("viewer")) { filterM = mode.viewer; return cmd; } if (a.equals("csv")) { filterM = mode.csv; return cmd; } if (a.equals("html")) { filterM = mode.html; return cmd; } if (a.equals("xml")) { filterM = mode.xml; return cmd; } if (a.equals("setdel")) { filterM = mode.setdel; return cmd; } if (a.equals("ccode")) { filterM = mode.ccode; return cmd; } if (a.equals("level")) { filterM = mode.level; return cmd; } if (a.equals("linenumbers")) { filterM = mode.linenum; return cmd; } if (a.equals("hacked")) { filterM = mode.hacked; return cmd; } return cmd; } filterS = a.substring(i, a.length()).trim(); a = a.substring(0, i).trim(); i = filterS.lastIndexOf(" | "); if (i > 0) { String s = filterS.substring(i + 3, filterS.length()).trim(); filterS = filterS.substring(0, i); if (s.equals("count")) { filterF = mode.count; } if (s.equals("summary")) { filterF = mode.summary; } } if (a.equals("include")) { filterS = filter2reg(filterS); filterM = mode.include; return cmd; } if (a.equals("hinclude")) { filterS = filter2reg(filterS); filterM = mode.hinclude; return cmd; } if (a.equals("exclude")) { filterS = filter2reg(filterS); filterM = mode.exclude; return cmd; } if (a.equals("begin")) { filterS = filter2reg(filterS); filterM = mode.begin; return cmd; } if (a.equals("hbegin")) { filterS = filter2reg(filterS); filterM = mode.hbegin; return cmd; } if (a.equals("end")) { filterS = filter2reg(filterS); filterM = mode.end; return cmd; } if (a.equals("redirect")) { filterM = mode.redirect; return cmd; } if (a.equals("sort")) { filterM = mode.sort; return cmd; } if (a.equals("padsort")) { filterM = mode.padsort; return cmd; } if (a.equals("revsort")) { filterM = mode.revsort; return cmd; } if (a.equals("repsort")) { filterM = mode.repsort; return cmd; } if (a.equals("uniq")) { filterM = mode.uniq; return cmd; } if (a.equals("hide")) { filterM = mode.hide; return cmd; } if (a.equals("section")) { filterS = filter2reg(filterS); filterM = mode.section; return cmd; } if (a.equals("first")) { filterM = mode.first; return cmd; } if (a.equals("last")) { filterM = mode.last; return cmd; } if (a.equals("hlast")) { filterM = mode.hlast; return cmd; } if (a.equals("reginc")) { filterM = mode.include; return cmd; } if (a.equals("hreginc")) { filterM = mode.hinclude; return cmd; } if (a.equals("regexc")) { filterM = mode.exclude; return cmd; } if (a.equals("regbeg")) { filterM = mode.begin; return cmd; } if (a.equals("hregbeg")) { filterM = mode.hbegin; return cmd; } if (a.equals("regend")) { filterM = mode.end; return cmd; } if (a.equals("regsec")) { filterM = mode.section; return cmd; } return cmd; } }