package org.freertr.user; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.addr.addrType; import org.freertr.auth.authGeneric; import org.freertr.auth.authResult; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAlias; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAuther; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgPlymp; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgProxy; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRoump; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRtr; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgVrf; import org.freertr.clnt.clntHttp; import org.freertr.clnt.clntModem; import org.freertr.clnt.clntNrpe; import org.freertr.clnt.clntNtp; import org.freertr.clnt.clntPcep; import org.freertr.clnt.clntPmtud; import org.freertr.clnt.clntProxy; import org.freertr.clnt.clntRis; import org.freertr.clnt.clntSmtp; import org.freertr.clnt.clntSnmp; import org.freertr.clnt.clntSpeed; import org.freertr.clnt.clntVconf; import org.freertr.clnt.clntVoice; import org.freertr.clnt.clntXotPad; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcEthTyp; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcEther; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor4; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor6; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwd; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdIface; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdTab; import org.freertr.ip.ipIfc; import org.freertr.ip.ipIfc4; import org.freertr.ip.ipIfc6; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.pack.packNrpe; import org.freertr.pack.packWol; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeLine; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeProgress; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeTerm; import org.freertr.prt.prtDccp; import org.freertr.prt.prtLudp; import org.freertr.prt.prtSctp; import org.freertr.prt.prtTcp; import org.freertr.prt.prtUdp; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgp; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgpMon; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgpMrt; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgpNeigh; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgpSpeak; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgpUtil; import org.freertr.sec.secWebsock; import org.freertr.serv.servGeneric; import org.freertr.serv.servP4lang; import org.freertr.enc.encUrl; import org.freertr.pack.packXotPad; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSetting; import org.freertr.prt.prtArping; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgpDump; import org.freertr.serv.servOpenflow; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.counter; /** * process packet commands * * @author matecsaba */ public class userPacket { /** * create instance */ public userPacket() { } /** * command to use */ public cmds cmd; /** * pipeline to use */ public pipeSide pip; /** * reader to use */ public userReader rdr; private boolean need2stop() { if (cmd.pipe.isClosed() != 0) { return true; } int i = cmd.pipe.ready2rx(); if (i != 0) { cmd.pipe.moreSkip(i); return true; } return false; } /** * do the work * * @return command to execute, null if nothing */ public cfgAlias doer() { if (cfgAll.evalVdcPrivs()) { cmd.error("not in a vdc"); return null; } String a = cmd.word(); cfgAlias alias = cfgAll.aliasFind(a, cfgAlias.aliasType.pckt, false); if (alias != null) { return alias; } if (a.equals("txt2sum")) { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("reading " + a); List txt = bits.txt2buf(a); if (txt == null) { cmd.error("error reading file"); return null; } List pcks = rtrBgpDump.logs2pcks(txt); int o = pcks.size(); cmd.error(o + " dumps found"); if (o < 1) { cmd.error("no dumps found"); return null; } ipCor4 ic4 = new ipCor4(); ipCor6 ic6 = new ipCor6(); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); for (int i = 0; i < o; i++) { packHolder pck = pcks.get(i); txt = rtrBgpDump.dumpPacketSum(ic4, ic6, tmp, pck, null); if (txt.size() < 1) { continue; } rdr.putStrArr(txt); } return null; } if (a.equals("txt2full")) { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("reading " + a); List txt = bits.txt2buf(a); if (txt == null) { cmd.error("error reading file"); return null; } List pcks = rtrBgpDump.logs2pcks(txt); int o = pcks.size(); cmd.error(o + " dumps found"); if (o < 1) { cmd.error("no dumps found"); return null; } ipCor4 ic4 = new ipCor4(); ipCor6 ic6 = new ipCor6(); tabGen ses = new tabGen(); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); for (int i = 0; i < o; i++) { packHolder pck = pcks.get(i); txt = rtrBgpDump.dumpPacketFull(ic4, ic6, ses, tmp, pck); txt.add(""); rdr.putStrArr(txt); } return null; } if (a.equals("txt2mrt")) { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("reading " + a); List lst = bits.txt2buf(a); if (lst == null) { cmd.error("error reading file"); return null; } List pcks = rtrBgpDump.logs2pcks(lst); int o = pcks.size(); cmd.error(o + " dumps found"); if (o < 1) { cmd.error("no dumps found"); return null; } a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("writing " + a); RandomAccessFile f; try { f = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "rw"); f.setLength(0); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } int ok = 0; for (int i = 0; i < o; i++) { packHolder pck = pcks.get(i); byte[] b = new byte[128]; int p = rtrBgpMrt.putMrtHeader(b, pck.INTtime, false, 0, 0, pck.IPsrc, pck.IPtrg, pck.dataSize()); try { f.write(b, 0, p); f.write(pck.getCopy()); ok++; } catch (Exception e) { } } try { f.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } cmd.error(ok + " packets converted"); return null; } if (a.equals("ris2flt")) { encUrl src = new encUrl(); if (src.fromString(cmd.word())) { cmd.error("bad url"); return null; } addrIP trg = new addrIP(); if (trg.fromString(cmd.word())) { cmd.error("bad address"); return null; } clntHttp htp = new clntHttp(cmd.pipe, cfgAll.getClntPrx(cfgAll.httpProxy), null, false); if (htp.doConnect(src)) { cmd.error("unable to connect ris"); return null; } clntRis ris = new clntRis(htp.pipe, new addrIP()); ris.clntConnect(src); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); List txt; ipCor4 ic4 = new ipCor4(); ipCor6 ic6 = new ipCor6(); for (;;) { if (need2stop()) { break; } int i = ris.readPacket(pck); if (i == 1) { break; } if (i != 0) { continue; } txt = rtrBgpDump.dumpPacketSum(ic4, ic6, tmp, pck, trg); if (txt.size() < 1) { continue; } rdr.putStrArr(txt); } htp.pipe.setClose(); return null; } if (a.equals("ris2con")) { encUrl src = new encUrl(); if (src.fromString(cmd.word())) { cmd.error("bad url"); return null; } clntHttp htp = new clntHttp(cmd.pipe, cfgAll.getClntPrx(cfgAll.httpProxy), null, false); if (htp.doConnect(src)) { cmd.error("unable to connect ris"); return null; } clntRis ris = new clntRis(htp.pipe, new addrIP()); ris.clntConnect(src); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); List txt; ipCor4 ic4 = new ipCor4(); ipCor6 ic6 = new ipCor6(); for (;;) { if (need2stop()) { break; } int i = ris.readPacket(pck); if (i == 1) { break; } if (i != 0) { continue; } txt = rtrBgpDump.dumpPacketSum(ic4, ic6, tmp, pck, null); if (txt.size() < 1) { continue; } rdr.putStrArr(txt); } htp.pipe.setClose(); return null; } if (a.equals("ris2bmp")) { encUrl src = new encUrl(); if (src.fromString(cmd.word())) { cmd.error("bad url"); return null; } cfgProxy prx = cfgAll.proxyFind(cmd.word(), false); if (prx == null) { cmd.error("no such proxy profile"); return null; } addrIP adr = userTerminal.justResolv(cmd.word(), prx.proxy.prefer); if (adr == null) { cmd.error("unable to resolve bmp"); return null; } pipeSide pipe = prx.proxy.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, adr, bits.str2num(cmd.word()), "ris2bmp"); if (pipe == null) { cmd.error("unable to connect bmp"); return null; } clntHttp htp = new clntHttp(cmd.pipe, cfgAll.getClntPrx(cfgAll.httpProxy), null, false); if (htp.doConnect(src)) { cmd.error("unable to connect ris"); return null; } clntRis ris = new clntRis(htp.pipe, new addrIP()); ris.clntConnect(src); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); for (;;) { if (pipe.isClosed() != 0) { break; } if (need2stop()) { break; } int i = ris.readPacket(pck); if (i == 1) { break; } if (i != 0) { continue; } rtrBgpMon.createHeader(pck, pck.INTtime + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, false, rtrBgpMon.typMon, pck.IPsrc, pck.INTiface, pck.IPsrc.toIPv4()); pck.pipeSend(pipe, 0, pck.dataSize(), 1); } htp.pipe.setClose(); pipe.setClose(); return null; } if (a.equals("pmtud")) { String rem = cmd.word(); cfgVrf vrf = cfgAll.getClntVrf(); cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.getClntIfc(); int data = 0; int timeout = 1000; int timemax = 15000; int timediv = 10; int sgt = 0; int tos = 0; int flow = 0; int alrt = -1; int ttl = 255; int proto = 0; int delay = 1000; int min = 1400; int max = 1600; for (;;) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } if (a.equals("data")) { data = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("alert")) { alrt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("vrf")) { vrf = cfgAll.vrfFind(cmd.word(), false); ifc = null; continue; } if (a.equals("source")) { ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); continue; } if (a.equals("timeout")) { timeout = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("timediv")) { timediv = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("timemax")) { timemax = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("delay")) { delay = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("min")) { min = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("max")) { max = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("ttl")) { ttl = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("sgt")) { sgt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("tos")) { tos = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("flow")) { flow = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("ipv4")) { proto = 4; continue; } if (a.equals("ipv6")) { proto = 6; continue; } } userTerminal trm = new userTerminal(cmd.pipe); addrIP trg = trm.resolveAddr(rem, proto); if (trg == null) { return null; } addrIP src = null; if (ifc != null) { src = ifc.getLocAddr(trg); } ipFwd fwd = vrf.getFwd(trg); if (timeout < 1) { timeout = 1; } clntPmtud pm = new clntPmtud(cmd.pipe, trg, fwd, src); = data; pm.timeout = timeout; pm.timediv = timediv; pm.timemax = timemax; pm.sgt = sgt; pm.tos = tos; pm.flow = flow; pm.alrt = alrt; pm.ttl = ttl; pm.delay = delay; pm.min = min; pm.max = max; pm.doer(); return null; } if (a.equals("arping")) { String rem = cmd.word(); cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ifc == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return null; } int repeat = 5; int proto = 0; int delay = 1000; for (;;) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } if (a.equals("delay")) { delay = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("repeat")) { repeat = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("ipv4")) { proto = 4; continue; } if (a.equals("ipv6")) { proto = 6; continue; } } if (delay < 1) { delay = 1; } userTerminal trm = new userTerminal(cmd.pipe); addrIP trg = trm.resolveAddr(rem, proto); if (trg == null) { return null; } ipIfc ipi; if (trg.isIPv4()) { ipi = ifc.ipIf4; } else { ipi = ifc.ipIf6; } if (ipi == null) { cmd.error("protocol not enabled"); return null; } addrIP src = ifc.getLocAddr(trg); if (src == null) { cmd.error("no address configured"); return null; } int sent = 0; int recv = 0; long timBeg = bits.getTime(); cmd.error("arpinging " + trg + ", src=" + + ", cnt=" + repeat + ", gap=" + delay); prtArping ap = new prtArping(ipi, trg); ap.delay = delay; for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { if (need2stop()) { break; } sent++; addrType[] ress = ap.doRound(); if (ress == null) { cmd.error("timeout"); continue; } cmd.error("reply from " + ress[1]); recv++; } cmd.error("result=" + bits.percent(recv, sent) + "%, recv/sent/lost=" + recv + "/" + sent + "/" + (sent - recv) + ", took " + (bits.getTime() - timBeg)); return null; } if (a.equals("openflow")) { servOpenflow srv = cfgAll.srvrFind(new servOpenflow(), cfgAll.dmnOpenflow, cmd.word()); if (srv == null) { cmd.error("no such server"); return null; } int cnt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); int ifc = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.ETHtrg.fromString(cmd.word()); pck.ETHsrc.fromString(cmd.word()); for (;;) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } pck.putByte(0, bits.fromHex(a)); pck.putSkip(1); pck.merge2end(); } cmd.error("sending cnt=" + cnt + " ifc=" + ifc + " adr=" + pck.ETHsrc + " -> " + pck.ETHtrg + " pck=" + pck.dump()); srv.send2apiPack(cnt, ifc, pck); return null; } if (a.equals("p4lang")) { servP4lang srv = cfgAll.srvrFind(new servP4lang(), cfgAll.dmnP4lang, cmd.word()); if (srv == null) { cmd.error("no such server"); return null; } int cnt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); int ifc = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.ETHtrg.fromString(cmd.word()); pck.ETHsrc.fromString(cmd.word()); for (;;) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } pck.putByte(0, bits.fromHex(a)); pck.putSkip(1); pck.merge2end(); } cmd.error("sending cnt=" + cnt + " ifc=" + ifc + " adr=" + pck.ETHsrc + " -> " + pck.ETHtrg + " pck=" + pck.dump()); srv.send2apiPack(cnt, ifc, pck); return null; } if (a.equals("mrt2pcap")) { RandomAccessFile fs; RandomAccessFile ft; try { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("opening source " + a); fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "r"); a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("opening target " + a); ft = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "rw"); ft.setLength(0); byte[] buf = packHolder.getPcapHeader(1); ft.write(buf, 0, buf.length); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder hlp = new packHolder(true, true); cmd.error("converting"); ipCor4 ic4 = new ipCor4(); ipCor6 ic6 = new ipCor6(); tabGen ses = new tabGen(); int pk = 0; for (;;) { int i = rtrBgpMrt.readNextMrt(hlp, tmp, pck, fs); if (i == 1) { break; } if (i == 2) { continue; } rtrBgpDump.msg2pcap(ic4, ic6, ses, pck); byte[] buf = pck.convertToPcap(pck.INTtime, true); pk++; try { ft.write(buf, 0, buf.length); } catch (Exception e) { } } try { ft.close(); fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } cmd.error(pk + " packets (" + ses.size() + " streams) converted"); return null; } if (a.equals("mrt2sum")) { RandomAccessFile fs = null; try { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("opening source " + a); fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "r"); } catch (Exception e) { } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder hlp = new packHolder(true, true); List txt; ipCor4 ic4 = new ipCor4(); ipCor6 ic6 = new ipCor6(); for (;;) { long fp; try { fp = fs.getFilePointer(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } int i = rtrBgpMrt.readNextMrt(hlp, tmp, pck, fs); if (i == 1) { break; } if (i == 2) { continue; } txt = rtrBgpDump.dumpPacketSum(ic4, ic6, tmp, pck, null); if (txt.size() < 1) { continue; } rdr.putStrArr(txt); } try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } if (a.equals("mrt2flt")) { a = cmd.word(); addrIP trg = new addrIP(); if (trg.fromString(cmd.word())) { cmd.error("bad address"); return null; } RandomAccessFile fs = null; try { cmd.error("opening source " + a); fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "r"); } catch (Exception e) { } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder hlp = new packHolder(true, true); List txt; ipCor4 ic4 = new ipCor4(); ipCor6 ic6 = new ipCor6(); for (;;) { long fp; try { fp = fs.getFilePointer(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } int i = rtrBgpMrt.readNextMrt(hlp, tmp, pck, fs); if (i == 1) { break; } if (i == 2) { continue; } txt = rtrBgpDump.dumpPacketSum(ic4, ic6, tmp, pck, trg); if (txt.size() < 1) { continue; } rdr.putStrArr(txt); } try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } if (a.equals("mrt2full")) { RandomAccessFile fs = null; try { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("opening source " + a); fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "r"); } catch (Exception e) { } tabGen ses = new tabGen(); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder hlp = new packHolder(true, true); List txt; ipCor4 ic4 = new ipCor4(); ipCor6 ic6 = new ipCor6(); for (;;) { long fp; try { fp = fs.getFilePointer(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } int i = rtrBgpMrt.readNextMrt(hlp, tmp, pck, fs); if (i == 1) { break; } if (i == 2) { continue; } txt = rtrBgpDump.dumpPacketFull(ic4, ic6, ses, tmp, pck); if (txt.size() < 1) { continue; } rdr.putStrArr(txt); } try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } if (a.equals("mrtfilter")) { tabRouteAttr.routeType rt = cfgRtr.name2num(cmd.word()); if (rt == null) { cmd.error("invalid routing protocol"); return null; } cfgRtr rp = cfgAll.rtrFind(rt, bits.str2num(cmd.word()), false); if (rp == null) { cmd.error("bad process number"); return null; } if (rp.bgp == null) { cmd.error("not a bgp process"); return null; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromString(cmd.word()); rtrBgpNeigh nei = rp.bgp.findPeer(adr); if (nei == null) { cmd.error("no such peer"); return null; } RandomAccessFile fs = null; RandomAccessFile ft = null; try { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("opening source " + a); fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "r"); } catch (Exception e) { } try { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("opening target " + a); ft = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "rw"); ft.setLength(0); } catch (Exception e) { } addrIP sip = new addrIP(); sip.fromString(cmd.word()); addrIP tip = new addrIP(); tip.fromString(cmd.word()); cmd.error("sending updates as it was from " + sip + " to " + tip); int mat = 0; int snt = 0; int tot = 0; packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder hlp = new packHolder(true, true); for (;;) { long fp; try { fp = fs.getFilePointer(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } int i = rtrBgpMrt.readNextMrt(hlp, tmp, pck, fs); if (i == 1) { break; } if (i == 2) { continue; } int typ = pck.getByte(rtrBgpUtil.sizeU - 1); pck.getSkip(rtrBgpUtil.sizeU); tot++; if (sip.compareTo(pck.IPsrc) != 0) { continue; } if (tip.compareTo(pck.IPtrg) != 0) { continue; } if (need2stop()) { break; } nei.conn.currChg = 0; switch (typ) { case rtrBgpUtil.msgUpdate: nei.conn.parseUpdate(pck, tmp); break; case rtrBgpUtil.msgOpen: nei.conn.parseOpen(pck); nei.conn.currChg++; break; default: continue; } snt++; if (nei.conn.currChg < 1) { cmd.pipe.strPut("."); continue; } cmd.pipe.strPut("!"); mat++; try { long cp = fs.getFilePointer(); byte[] buf = new byte[(int) (cp - fp)];;; ft.write(buf); } catch (Exception e) { break; } } try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { ft.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } cmd.error("sent " + snt + " of " + tot + " updates, " + mat + " accepted"); return null; } if (a.equals("mrt2self")) { tabRouteAttr.routeType rt = cfgRtr.name2num(cmd.word()); if (rt == null) { cmd.error("invalid routing protocol"); return null; } cfgRtr rp = cfgAll.rtrFind(rt, bits.str2num(cmd.word()), false); if (rp == null) { cmd.error("bad process number"); return null; } if (rp.bgp == null) { cmd.error("not a bgp process"); return null; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromString(cmd.word()); rtrBgpNeigh nei = rp.bgp.findPeer(adr); if (nei == null) { cmd.error("no such peer"); return null; } RandomAccessFile fs; try { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("opening " + a); fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "r"); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } addrIP sip = new addrIP(); sip.fromString(cmd.word()); addrIP tip = new addrIP(); tip.fromString(cmd.word()); cmd.error("sending updates as it was from " + sip + " to " + tip); int snt = 0; int tot = 0; packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder hlp = new packHolder(true, true); for (;;) { int i = rtrBgpMrt.readNextMrt(hlp, tmp, pck, fs); if (i == 1) { break; } if (i == 2) { continue; } int typ = pck.getByte(rtrBgpUtil.sizeU - 1); pck.getSkip(rtrBgpUtil.sizeU); tot++; if (sip.compareTo(pck.IPsrc) != 0) { continue; } if (tip.compareTo(pck.IPtrg) != 0) { continue; } if (need2stop()) { break; } switch (typ) { case rtrBgpUtil.msgUpdate: nei.conn.parseUpdate(pck, tmp); break; case rtrBgpUtil.msgOpen: nei.conn.parseOpen(pck); break; default: continue; } snt++; cmd.pipe.strPut("."); } try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } cmd.error("sent " + snt + " of " + tot + " updates"); return null; } if (a.equals("mrt2bmp")) { cfgVrf vrf = cfgAll.vrfFind(cmd.word(), false); if (vrf == null) { return null; } cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ifc == null) { return null; } addrIP trg = new addrIP(); if (trg.fromString(cmd.word())) { return null; } int prt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); RandomAccessFile fs; try { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("opening " + a); fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "r"); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } addrIP sip = new addrIP(); sip.fromString(cmd.word()); addrIP tip = new addrIP(); tip.fromString(cmd.word()); pipeSide strm = null; cmd.error("connecting " + trg + " " + prt); clntProxy prx = clntProxy.makeTemp(vrf, ifc); strm = prx.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, trg, prt, "mrt2bmp"); if (strm == null) { cmd.error("failed"); try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } cmd.error("sending updates as it was from " + sip + " to " + tip); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder hlp = new packHolder(true, true); int snt = 0; int tot = 0; for (;;) { int i = rtrBgpMrt.readNextMrt(hlp, tmp, pck, fs); if (i == 1) { break; } if (i == 2) { continue; } tot++; if (sip.compareTo(pck.IPsrc) != 0) { continue; } if (tip.compareTo(pck.IPtrg) != 0) { continue; } rtrBgpMon.createHeader(pck, pck.INTtime, false, rtrBgpMon.typMon, sip, 1, tip.toIPv4()); pck.pipeSend(strm, 0, pck.dataSize(), 3); cmd.pipe.strPut("."); if (need2stop()) { break; } snt++; } try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } cmd.error("sent " + snt + " of " + tot + " updates"); strm.setClose(); cmd.error("finished"); return null; } if (a.equals("mrt2bgp")) { cfgVrf vrf = cfgAll.vrfFind(cmd.word(), false); if (vrf == null) { return null; } cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ifc == null) { return null; } addrIP trg = new addrIP(); if (trg.fromString(cmd.word())) { return null; } int las = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); RandomAccessFile fs; try { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error("opening " + a); fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "r"); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } addrIP sip = new addrIP(); sip.fromString(cmd.word()); addrIP tip = new addrIP(); tip.fromString(cmd.word()); int safi; if (trg.isIPv4()) { safi = rtrBgpUtil.safiIp4uni; } else { safi = rtrBgpUtil.safiIp6uni; } a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() > 0) { safi = bits.str2num(a); } pipeSide strm = null; for (;;) { cmd.error("connecting " + trg); clntProxy prx = clntProxy.makeTemp(vrf, ifc); strm = prx.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, trg, rtrBgp.port, "mrt2bgp"); if (strm != null) { break; } bits.sleep(1000); if (need2stop()) { break; } } if (strm == null) { cmd.error("failed"); try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } cmd.error("sending safi=" + rtrBgpUtil.safi2string(safi) + " as=" + las + " open"); rtrBgpNeigh nei = new rtrBgpNeigh(null, trg); nei.localAs = las; nei.addrFams = safi; rtrBgpSpeak spk = new rtrBgpSpeak(null, nei, strm); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder hlp = new packHolder(true, true); byte[] buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, nei.localAs); rtrBgpUtil.placeCapability(pck, false, rtrBgpUtil.capa32bitAsNum, buf); buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, safi); rtrBgpUtil.placeCapability(pck, false, rtrBgpUtil.capaMultiProto, buf); pck.merge2beg(); pck.putByte(0, rtrBgpUtil.version); pck.msbPutW(1, tabRouteUtil.asNum16bit(nei.localAs)); pck.msbPutW(3, nei.holdTimer / 1000); buf = ifc.addr4.getBytes(); pck.putCopy(buf, 0, 5, buf.length); pck.putByte(9, pck.dataSize()); pck.putSkip(10); pck.merge2beg(); spk.packSend(pck, rtrBgpUtil.msgOpen); spk.sendKeepAlive(); cmd.error("sending updates as it was from " + sip + " to " + tip); int snt = 0; int tot = 0; for (;;) { int i = rtrBgpMrt.readNextMrt(hlp, tmp, pck, fs); if (i == 1) { break; } if (i == 2) { continue; } if (pck.getByte(rtrBgpUtil.sizeU - 1) != rtrBgpUtil.msgUpdate) { continue; } pck.getSkip(rtrBgpUtil.sizeU); tot++; if (sip.compareTo(pck.IPsrc) != 0) { continue; } if (tip.compareTo(pck.IPtrg) != 0) { continue; } spk.packSend(pck, rtrBgpUtil.msgUpdate); cmd.pipe.strPut("."); if (need2stop()) { break; } snt++; } try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } cmd.error("sent " + snt + " of " + tot + " updates"); cmd.error("waiting"); for (int o = 1000;; o++) { if (o > 30) { cmd.pipe.strPut("."); spk.sendKeepAlive(); o = 0; } int i = strm.ready2rx(); if (i > 0) { strm.moreSkip(i); } i = strm.ready2tx(); if (i < 0) { break; } bits.sleep(1000); if (need2stop()) { break; } } strm.setClose(); cmd.error("finished"); return null; } if (a.equals("bgpattr")) { cfgVrf vrf = cfgAll.vrfFind(cmd.word(), false); if (vrf == null) { return null; } cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ifc == null) { return null; } addrIP trg = new addrIP(); if (trg.fromString(cmd.word())) { return null; } int las = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); addrPrefix prf = addrPrefix.str2ip(cmd.word()); if (prf == null) { return null; } cfgRoump rmp = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (rmp == null) { return null; } List blbs = new ArrayList(); for (;;) { tabRouteBlob blb = new tabRouteBlob(); if (blb.fromString(cmd)) { break; } blbs.add(blb); cmd.error("will send " + blb); } pipeSide strm = null; for (;;) { cmd.error("connecting " + trg); clntProxy prx = clntProxy.makeTemp(vrf, ifc); strm = prx.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, trg, rtrBgp.port, "bgpattr"); if (strm != null) { break; } bits.sleep(1000); if (need2stop()) { break; } } if (strm == null) { cmd.error("failed"); return null; } cmd.error("sending open"); rtrBgpNeigh nei = new rtrBgpNeigh(null, trg); nei.localAs = las; int safi; if ( { safi = rtrBgpUtil.safiIp4uni; } else { safi = rtrBgpUtil.safiIp6uni; } nei.addrFams = safi; rtrBgpSpeak spk = new rtrBgpSpeak(null, nei, strm); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); byte[] buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, nei.localAs); rtrBgpUtil.placeCapability(pck, false, rtrBgpUtil.capa32bitAsNum, buf); buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, safi); rtrBgpUtil.placeCapability(pck, false, rtrBgpUtil.capaMultiProto, buf); pck.merge2beg(); pck.putByte(0, rtrBgpUtil.version); pck.msbPutW(1, tabRouteUtil.asNum16bit(nei.localAs)); pck.msbPutW(3, nei.holdTimer / 1000); buf = ifc.addr4.getBytes(); pck.putCopy(buf, 0, 5, buf.length); pck.putByte(9, pck.dataSize()); pck.putSkip(10); pck.merge2beg(); spk.packSend(pck, rtrBgpUtil.msgOpen); spk.sendKeepAlive(); cmd.error("sending " + prf + " network"); tabRouteEntry ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); = blbs; ntry.prefix = prf.copyBytes(); rmp.roumap.update(rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, ntry, false); = ifc.getFwdIfc(trg).addr.copyBytes(); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); cmd.error("sending update"); pck.clear(); List> lst = new ArrayList>(); lst.add(ntry); rtrBgpUtil.createReachable(null, pck, tmp, safi, false, true, true, lst); spk.packSend(pck, rtrBgpUtil.msgUpdate); cmd.error("waiting"); for (int o = 1000;; o++) { if (o > 30) { cmd.pipe.strPut("."); spk.sendKeepAlive(); o = 0; } int i = strm.ready2rx(); if (i > 0) { strm.moreSkip(i); } i = strm.ready2tx(); if (i < 0) { break; } bits.sleep(1000); if (need2stop()) { break; } } strm.setClose(); cmd.error("finished"); return null; } if (a.equals("bgpgen")) { cfgVrf vrf = cfgAll.vrfFind(cmd.word(), false); if (vrf == null) { return null; } cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ifc == null) { return null; } addrIP trg = new addrIP(); if (trg.fromString(cmd.word())) { return null; } int las = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); addrPrefix prf = addrPrefix.str2ip(cmd.word()); if (prf == null) { return null; } cfgRoump rmp = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (rmp == null) { return null; } int num = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); pipeSide strm = null; for (;;) { cmd.error("connecting " + trg); clntProxy prx = clntProxy.makeTemp(vrf, ifc); strm = prx.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, trg, rtrBgp.port, "bgpgen"); if (strm != null) { break; } bits.sleep(1000); if (need2stop()) { break; } } if (strm == null) { cmd.error("failed"); return null; } cmd.error("sending open"); rtrBgpNeigh nei = new rtrBgpNeigh(null, trg); nei.localAs = las; int safi; if ( { safi = rtrBgpUtil.safiIp4uni; } else { safi = rtrBgpUtil.safiIp6uni; } nei.addrFams = safi; rtrBgpSpeak spk = new rtrBgpSpeak(null, nei, strm); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); byte[] buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, nei.localAs); rtrBgpUtil.placeCapability(pck, false, rtrBgpUtil.capa32bitAsNum, buf); buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, safi); rtrBgpUtil.placeCapability(pck, false, rtrBgpUtil.capaMultiProto, buf); pck.merge2beg(); pck.putByte(0, rtrBgpUtil.version); pck.msbPutW(1, tabRouteUtil.asNum16bit(nei.localAs)); pck.msbPutW(3, nei.holdTimer / 1000); buf = ifc.addr4.getBytes(); pck.putCopy(buf, 0, 5, buf.length); pck.putByte(9, pck.dataSize()); pck.putSkip(10); pck.merge2beg(); spk.packSend(pck, rtrBgpUtil.msgOpen); spk.sendKeepAlive(); cmd.error("sending " + num + " random " + prf + " networks"); tabRouteEntry ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); List> lst = new ArrayList>(); ntry.prefix = prf.copyBytes(); rmp.roumap.update(rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, ntry, false); = ifc.getFwdIfc(trg).addr.copyBytes(); packHolder tmp = new packHolder(true, true); for (int o = 0; o < num; o++) { int i = strm.ready2rx(); if (i > 0) { strm.moreSkip(i); } i = strm.ready2tx(); if (i < 0) { break; } if (i < 4096) { bits.sleep(1000); } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fillRandom(); adr.setAnd(adr, prf.wildcard); adr.setOr(adr,; ntry.prefix = new addrPrefix(adr, addrIP.size * 8); pck.clear(); lst.clear(); lst.add(ntry); rtrBgpUtil.createReachable(null, pck, tmp, safi, false, true, true, lst); spk.packSend(pck, rtrBgpUtil.msgUpdate); cmd.pipe.strPut("."); if (need2stop()) { break; } } cmd.error("sent " + num + " networks"); cmd.error("waiting"); for (int o = 1000;; o++) { if (o > 30) { cmd.pipe.strPut("."); spk.sendKeepAlive(); o = 0; } int i = strm.ready2rx(); if (i > 0) { strm.moreSkip(i); } i = strm.ready2tx(); if (i < 0) { break; } bits.sleep(1000); if (need2stop()) { break; } } strm.setClose(); cmd.error("finished"); return null; } if (a.equals("udpflood")) { cfgVrf vrf = cfgAll.vrfFind(cmd.word(), false); if (vrf == null) { cmd.error("no such vrf"); return null; } addrIP sa = new addrIP(); sa.fromString(cmd.word()); int sp = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); addrPrefix ta = addrPrefix.str2ip(cmd.word()); tabIntMatcher tp = new tabIntMatcher(); tp.fromString(cmd.word()); tabIntMatcher sz = new tabIntMatcher(); sz.fromString(cmd.word()); cfgPlymp plc = cfgAll.plmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (plc == null) { cmd.error("no such policy map"); return null; } tabQos qos = tabQos.convertPolicy(plc.plcmap); ipFwd fwd = vrf.getFwd(; ipFwdIface fwi = ipFwdTab.findSendingIface(fwd,; if (fwi == null) { cmd.error("no outgoing interface"); return null; } cmd.error("flooding " + sa + " " + sp + " -> " + ta + " " + tp + " on " + fwd.vrfName); pipeProgress prg = new pipeProgress(cmd.pipe); long cnt = 0; packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); addrIP adr = new addrIP(); int ofs = adr.getSize() - 4; for (;;) { prg.setCurr(cnt); if (need2stop()) { break; } pck.clear(); pck.putSkip(bits.random(sz.rangeMin, sz.rangeMax + 1)); pck.merge2beg(); if (qos.checkPacket(pck)) { continue; } bits.msbPutD(adr.getBytes(), ofs, bits.randomD()); adr.setAnd(adr, ta.wildcard); adr.setOr(adr,; pck.IPsrc.setAddr(sa); pck.UDPsrc = sp; pck.IPtrg.setAddr(adr); pck.UDPtrg = bits.random(tp.rangeMin, tp.rangeMax + 1); pck.TCPflg = 0; prtUdp.createUDPheader(pck); pck.merge2beg(); fwd.protoPack(fwi, null, pck); cnt++; } return null; } if (a.equals("flood")) { a = cmd.word(); cfgVrf vrf = null; cfgIfc ifc = null; if (a.equals("vrf")) { vrf = cfgAll.vrfFind(cmd.word(), false); if (vrf == null) { cmd.error("no such vrf"); return null; } } else { ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ifc == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return null; } } a = cmd.word(); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.IPsrc.fromString(cmd.word()); pck.UDPsrc = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); pck.IPtrg.fromString(cmd.word()); pck.UDPtrg = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); pck.TCPflg = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); pck.putSkip(bits.str2num(cmd.word())); pck.merge2beg(); cfgPlymp plc = cfgAll.plmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (plc == null) { cmd.error("no such policy map"); return null; } tabQos qos = tabQos.convertPolicy(plc.plcmap); if (a.equals("tcp")) { prtTcp.createTCPheader(pck, -1, null, null); } if (a.equals("udp")) { prtUdp.createUDPheader(pck); } if (a.equals("ludp")) { prtLudp.createLUDPheader(pck); } if (a.equals("dccp")) { prtDccp.createDCCPheader(pck); } if (a.equals("sctp")) { prtSctp.createSCTPheader(pck); } pck.merge2beg(); pipeProgress prg = new pipeProgress(cmd.pipe); long cnt = 0; if (vrf != null) { ipFwd fwd = vrf.getFwd(pck.IPtrg); ipFwdIface fwi = ipFwdTab.findSendingIface(fwd, pck.IPtrg); if (fwi == null) { cmd.error("no outgoing interface"); return null; } cmd.error("flooding " + pck.IPsrc + " " + pck.UDPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " " + pck.UDPtrg + " on " + fwd.vrfName); cmd.error("packet is " + pck.dump()); for (;;) { prg.setCurr(cnt); if (need2stop()) { break; } if (qos.checkPacket(pck)) { continue; } fwd.protoPack(fwi, null, pck.copyBytes(true, true)); cnt++; } return null; } ipCor cor; int typ; if (pck.IPtrg.isIPv4()) { cor = new ipCor4(); typ = ipIfc4.type; } else { cor = new ipCor6(); typ = ipIfc6.type; } cor.createIPheader(pck); pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, typ); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2beg(); try { pck.ETHsrc.setAddr(ifc.ethtyp.getHwAddr()); } catch (Exception e) { } pck.ETHtrg.fillBytes(0xff); cmd.error("flooding " + pck.IPsrc + " " + pck.UDPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " " + pck.UDPtrg + " on " +; cmd.error("packet is " + pck.dump()); for (;;) { prg.setCurr(cnt); if (need2stop()) { break; } if (qos.checkPacket(pck)) { continue; } ifc.ethtyp.doTxPack(pck.copyBytes(true, true)); cnt++; } return null; } if (a.equals("message")) { clntVoice sv = new clntVoice(); sv.called = cmd.word(); sv.calling = cmd.word(); cmd.error("result = " + sv.sendMessage(bits.str2lst(cmd.getRemaining()))); return null; } if (a.equals("conference")) { clntVconf sv = new clntVconf(); sv.calling = cmd.word(); boolean bg = false; for (;;) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } if (a.equals("-")) { bg = true; continue; } sv.addPeer(a); } sv.startWork(); pipeSide usr = sv.getPipe(); if (bg) { usr.setClose(); return null; } sv.prompt = true; pipeTerm trm = new pipeTerm(pip, usr, null); trm.doTerm(); usr.setClose(); return null; } if (a.equals("voice")) { clntVoice sv = new clntVoice(); sv.called = cmd.word(); sv.calling = cmd.word(); if (sv.calling.length() < 1) { sv.calling = "sip:voice@" + cfgAll.getFqdn(); } if (sv.callStart()) { sv.callStop(); cmd.error("failed to place call"); return null; } pipeSide usr = sv.getPipe(); List l = bits.txt2buf(cmd.word()); if (l == null) { sv.setPrompt(true); pipeTerm trm = new pipeTerm(pip, usr, null); trm.doTerm(); } else { usr.setTime(120000); usr.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; usr.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRorLF; userScript t = new userScript(usr, ""); t.addLines(l); t.allowConfig = true; t.allowExec = true; t.cmdAll(); usr.setClose(); } sv.callStop(); return null; } if (a.equals("modem")) { clntModem sm = new clntModem(); sm.called = cmd.word(); sm.calling = cmd.word(); if (sm.calling.length() < 1) { sm.calling = "sip:modem@" + cfgAll.getFqdn(); } if (sm.callStart()) { sm.callStop(); cmd.error("failed to place call"); return null; } pipeTerm trm = new pipeTerm(pip, sm.getPipe(), null); trm.doTerm(); sm.callStop(); return null; } if (a.equals("capture")) { a = cmd.word(); cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(a, 0); if (ifc == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return null; } a += ".pcap"; if (cfgAll.capturePath != null) { a = cfgAll.capturePath + a; } if (cmd.size() > 0) { a = cmd.word(); } cmd.error("capturing=" + !ifc.ethtyp.initLog(a)); return null; } if (a.equals("monitor")) { a = cmd.word(); cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(a, 0); if (ifc == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return null; } ifcEthTyp oldS = ifc.ethtyp.monSes; boolean oldH = ifc.ethtyp.monHdr; a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() > 0) { cfgIfc trg = cfgAll.ifcFind(a, 0); if (trg == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return null; } ifc.ethtyp.monHdr = trg.ifaceNeedMacs(); ifc.ethtyp.monSes = trg.ethtyp; } cmd.error(" rxpps rxbps txpps txbps"); for (;;) { if (need2stop()) { break; } counter cntr = ifc.ethtyp.getCounter().copyBytes(); bits.sleep(1000); cntr = ifc.ethtyp.getCounter().copyBytes().minus(cntr); cmd.error(bits.padBeg(bits.toUser(cntr.packRx), 12, " ") + bits.padBeg(bits.toUser(cntr.byteRx * 8), 12, " ") + bits.padBeg(bits.toUser(cntr.packTx), 12, " ") + bits.padBeg(bits.toUser(cntr.byteTx * 8), 12, " ")); } ifc.ethtyp.monHdr = oldH; ifc.ethtyp.monSes = oldS; return null; } if (a.equals("buffer")) { a = cmd.word(); cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(a, 0); if (ifc == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return null; } a += ".pcap"; if (cmd.size() > 0) { a = cmd.word(); } byte[] buf = ifc.ethtyp.monBufD; if (buf == null) { cmd.error("no buffer"); return null; } cmd.error("saving " + buf.length + " bytes"); int pos = ifc.ethtyp.monBufP; try { RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(new File(a), "rw"); f.setLength(0); f.write(packHolder.getPcapHeader(1)); f.write(buf, pos, buf.length - pos); f.write(buf, 0, pos); f.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } if (a.equals("wakeup")) { cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ifc == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return null; } packWol pckWol = new packWol(); packHolder pckBin = new packHolder(true, true); if (pckWol.addr.fromString(cmd.word())) { cmd.error("bad address"); return null; } pckWol.createPayload(pckBin); pckBin.merge2beg(); cmd.error("tx: " + pckBin.dump()); ifc.ethtyp.doTxPack(pckBin); return null; } if (a.equals("inject")) { cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ifc == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return null; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); if (pck.convertFromK12("|0 |" + cmd.getRemaining())) { cmd.error("error in packet"); return null; } if (ifc.ifaceNeedArp()) { ifcEther.parseETHheader(pck, false); } cmd.error("tx: " + pck.dump()); ifc.ethtyp.doTxPack(pck); return null; } if (a.equals("random")) { cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ifc == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return null; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); if (pck.convertFromK12("|0 |" + cmd.getRemaining())) { cmd.error("error in packet"); return null; } for (;;) { cmd.pipe.strPut("."); if (need2stop()) { break; } bits.sleep(100); packHolder res = pck.copyBytes(true, true); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { res.putByte(0, bits.randomB()); res.putSkip(1); } res.merge2end(); ifc.ethtyp.doTxPack(res); } return null; } if (a.equals("replay")) { cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ifc == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return null; } List txt = bits.txt2buf(cmd.word()); if (txt == null) { cmd.error("no such file"); return null; } int ipg = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (ipg < 1) { ipg = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < txt.size(); i++) { packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); if (pck.convertFromK12(txt.get(i))) { continue; } if (ifc.ifaceNeedArp()) { ifcEther.parseETHheader(pck, false); } cmd.error("tx: " + pck.dump()); ifc.ethtyp.doTxPack(pck); bits.sleep(ipg); } return null; } if (a.equals("speed")) { rdr.keyFlush(); clntSpeed.smllClnt(cmd); rdr.keyFlush(); return null; } if (a.equals("xotpad")) { addrIP adr = userTerminal.justResolv(cmd.word(), 0); if (adr == null) { cmd.error("bad address"); return null; } pipeSide con = cfgAll.getClntPrx(null).doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, adr, packXotPad.port, "xotpad"); if (con == null) { cmd.error("error connecting"); return null; } clntXotPad pad = new clntXotPad(con); String b = cmd.word(); if (pad.startWork(b, cmd.word())) { cmd.error("error calling"); return null; } pipeTerm trm = new pipeTerm(pip, pad.getPipe(), null); trm.doTerm(); return null; } if (a.equals("websock")) { encUrl url = new encUrl(); if (url.fromString(cmd.word())) { cmd.error("bad url"); return null; } pipeSide strm = secWebsock.doConnect(cfgAll.getClntPrx(null), null, url, cmd.getRemaining()); if (strm == null) { cmd.error("failed to connect"); return null; } secWebsock ws = new secWebsock(strm, new pipeLine(65536, false)); ws.startClient(); pipeTerm trm = new pipeTerm(pip, ws.getPipe(), null); trm.doTerm(); return null; } if (a.equals("netconf")) { a = cmd.word(); String s = null; if (a.equals("get")) { s = "get/filter"; } if (a.equals("read")) { s = "get-config/filter"; } if (a.equals("edit")) { s = "edit-config/config"; } if (a.equals("copy")) { s = "copy-config"; } if (a.equals("delete")) { s = "delete-config"; } if (s == null) { cmd.error("invalid command"); return null; } a = cmd.word(); userTerminal trm = new userTerminal(cmd.pipe); addrIP trg = trm.resolveAddr(a, 0); if (trg == null) { cmd.error("server not found"); return null; } clntProxy prx = cfgAll.getClntPrx(null); if (prx == null) { cmd.error("no proxy configured"); return null; } pipeSide conn = prx.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, trg, userNetconf.port, "netconf"); if (conn == null) { cmd.error("error opening connection"); return null; } a = cmd.word(); conn = trm.startSecurity(conn, servGeneric.protoSsh, null, a, cmd.word()); if (conn == null) { return null; } userNetconf nc = new userNetconf(conn, false, false, false); if (nc.doHello()) { cmd.error("error exchange hello"); return null; } a = cmd.word(); nc.doClient(cmd, s, a, cmd.word()); nc.doClose(); conn.setClose(); return null; } if (a.equals("snmp")) { a = cmd.word(); clntSnmp sn = new clntSnmp(cmd.pipe, cfgAll.getClntPrx(null), cmd.word()); = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("get")) { sn.doGet(cmd.word()); return null; } if (a.equals("next")) { sn.doNext(cmd.word()); return null; } return null; } if (a.equals("pcep")) { clntPcep pc = new clntPcep(); a = cmd.word(); a += " " + cmd.word(); a += " " + cmd.word(); pc.setTarget(a); a = cmd.word(); int st = -1; if (a.equals("te")) { st = 0; } if (a.equals("sr")) { st = 1; } addrIP src = new addrIP(); addrIP trg = new addrIP(); src.fromString(cmd.word()); trg.fromString(cmd.word()); if (pc.doConnect()) { cmd.error("failed to connect"); return null; } List res = pc.doCompute(st, src, trg, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0); pc.doClose(); if (res == null) { cmd.error("failed to get path"); return null; } cmd.error("path=" + tabHop.dumpList(res)); return null; } if (a.equals("aaa")) { cfgAuther aa = cfgAll.autherFind(cmd.word(), null); if (aa == null) { cmd.error("no such aaa"); return null; } authGeneric aaa = aa.getAuther(); if (aaa == null) { cmd.error("no such aaa"); return null; } cmd.pipe.strPut("user:"); String usr = cmd.pipe.lineGet(0x32); cmd.pipe.strPut("pass:"); int i; if (cmd.pipe.settingsGet(pipeSetting.passStar, false)) { i = 0x33; } else { i = 0x31; } String pwd = cmd.pipe.lineGet(i); authResult res = aaa.authUserPass(usr, pwd); rdr.putStrTab(res.dump()); return null; } if (a.equals("ntp")) { clntNtp t = new clntNtp(cmd.word()); if (t.doWork()) { return null; } cmd.error("time=" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, t.tim1, 3) + " diff=" + t.tim3); return null; } if (a.equals("nrpe")) { clntProxy prx = cfgAll.getClntPrx(null); if (prx == null) { return null; } clntNrpe ch = new clntNrpe(cmd.pipe, prx.vrf, prx.srcIfc, cmd.word()); boolean b = ch.doCheck(cmd.getRemaining()); cmd.error("status=" + b + ", code=" + packNrpe.code2string(ch.code)); rdr.putStrArr(ch.text); return null; } if (a.equals("smtp")) { clntSmtp sm = new clntSmtp(cmd.pipe); a = cmd.word(); String s = cmd.getRemaining().trim(); if (s.length() < 1) { s = "test message"; } sm.rcpt = a; sm.putHead("test@" + cfgAll.getFqdn(), a, s); sm.putText(bits.str2lst(s)); sm.putFinish(); cmd.error("result=" + sm.doSend(1)); sm.cleanUp(); return null; } cmd.badCmd(); return null; } }