package org.freertr.user; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgInit; import org.freertr.pack.packOpenflow; import org.freertr.serv.servP4lang; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; /** * process hw externalization * * @author matecsaba */ public class userHwext { /** * create instance */ public userHwext() { } private enum dpTyp { opnflw, p4emu, p4map, p4raw, p4xsk, p4urng, p4xdp, p4dpdk, p4sw } private String pref = "./rtr-"; private String hwdn = ""; private dpTyp dpt = null; /** * do the work * * @param cmd command to do */ public void doer(cmds cmd) { cmds orig = cmd; orig.error("externalizing forwarding"); for (;;) { String s = cmd.word(); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } s = s.toLowerCase(); if (s.equals("dataplane")) { s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("none")) { dpt = null; continue; } if (s.equals("openflow")) { dpt = dpTyp.opnflw; continue; } if (s.equals("p4emu")) { dpt = dpTyp.p4emu; continue; } if (s.equals("p4map")) { dpt = dpTyp.p4map; continue; } if (s.equals("p4raw")) { dpt = dpTyp.p4raw; continue; } if (s.equals("p4xsk")) { dpt = dpTyp.p4xsk; continue; } if (s.equals("p4urng")) { dpt = dpTyp.p4urng; continue; } if (s.equals("p4xdp")) { dpt = dpTyp.p4xdp; continue; } if (s.equals("p4dpdk")) { dpt = dpTyp.p4dpdk; continue; } if (s.equals("p4sw")) { dpt = dpTyp.p4sw; continue; } } if (s.equals("path")) { pref = cmd.word(); continue; } } if (dpt == null) { orig.error("no dataplane selected"); return; } String path = pref; int i = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (i >= 0) { path = path.substring(0, i + 1); } else { path = ""; } List hwc = bits.txt2buf(pref + cfgInit.hwCfgEnd); if (hwc == null) { orig.error("error reading hw config"); return; } List swc = bits.txt2buf(pref + cfgInit.swCfgEnd); if (swc == null) { orig.error("error reading sw config"); return; } List hwd = bits.txt2buf(path + hwdn); if (hwd == null) { orig.error("error reading " + hwdn); return; } List hw1 = new ArrayList(); List hw2 = new ArrayList(); if (hwd.indexOf("### dataplane ###") >= 0) { orig.error("already exists"); return; } int o = hwd.indexOf("### lines ###"); if (o < 0) { orig.error("error splitting " + hwdn); return; } for (i = 0; i < o; i++) { hw1.add(hwd.get(i)); } hw1.add(""); hw2.add(""); for (i = o; i < hwd.size(); i++) { hw2.add(hwd.get(i)); } hwd = new ArrayList(); hwd.add("### dataplane ###"); List ifp = new ArrayList(); List ifl = new ArrayList(); List mac = new ArrayList(); for (i = hwc.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { cmd = new cmds("ln", hwc.get(i)); String a = cmd.word(); if (!a.equals("proc")) { continue; } cmd.word(); a = cmd.word(); boolean sck = a.endsWith("socat"); boolean tap = a.endsWith("tapInt.bin"); if (!a.endsWith("pcapInt.bin") && !a.endsWith("rawInt.bin") && !a.endsWith("mapInt.bin") && !a.endsWith("xskInt.bin") && !a.endsWith("urngInt.bin") && !tap && !sck) { continue; } String s = cmd.word(); if ((i + 1) >= hwc.size()) { continue; } if (sck) { int p = s.indexOf(":"); if (p < 1) { continue; } a = s.substring(0, p).toLowerCase(); s = s.substring(p + 1, s.length()); tap = a.equals("tun"); } cmd = new cmds("ln", hwc.get(i + 1)); a = cmd.word(); if (!a.equals("int")) { continue; } a = cmd.word(); String pnm[] = cfgIfc.dissectName(a); if (pnm[0].length() < 1) { continue; } for (;;) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { continue; } if (a.equals("eth")) { break; } } a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { a = "-"; } hwc.remove(i); hwc.remove(i); if (tap) { s = "veth1b"; } ifp.add(0, s); ifl.add(0, pnm[0]); mac.add(0, a); } orig.error("found " + ifp.size() + " interfaces"); if ((dpt != dpTyp.p4sw) && (ifp.size() < 1)) { orig.error("no interfaces found"); return; } List ifr = new ArrayList(); for (i = 0; i < ifl.size(); i++) { ifr.add("sdn" + (i + 1)); } for (i = 0; i < ifl.size(); i++) { orig.error("ifc " + i + ": " + ifr.get(i) + " " + ifl.get(i) + " " + ifp.get(i) + " " + mac.get(i)); } List vrf = new ArrayList(); List brd = new ArrayList(); for (o = 0; o < swc.size(); o++) { String a = swc.get(o); if (a.startsWith("vrf definition ")) { vrf.add(a.substring(15, a.length())); continue; } if (a.startsWith("bridge ")) { brd.add(a.substring(7, a.length())); continue; } for (i = ifl.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { a = a.replaceAll(ifl.get(i), ifr.get(i)); } swc.set(o, a); } orig.error("found " + vrf.size() + " vrfs and " + brd.size() + " bridges"); if ((vrf.size() + brd.size()) < 1) { orig.error("nothing found"); return; } for (i = 0; i < vrf.size(); i++) { orig.error("vrf " + i + ": " + vrf.get(i)); } for (i = 0; i < brd.size(); i++) { orig.error("bridge " + i + ": " + brd.get(i)); } String dpv = null; switch (dpt) { case opnflw: dpv = "of"; break; case p4dpdk: case p4emu: case p4map: case p4raw: case p4xsk: case p4urng: case p4xdp: case p4sw: dpv = "p4"; break; default: return; } hwc.add("tcp2vrf 2323 " + dpv + " 23"); o = 0; for (i = 0; i < ifr.size(); i++) { swc.add(o + 0, "interface " + ifr.get(i)); swc.add(o + 1, cmds.tabulator + "macaddr " + mac.get(i)); swc.add(o + 2, cmds.tabulator + cmds.finish); o += 3; } swc.add(o, cmds.comment); swc.add(cmds.comment); swc.add("vrf definition " + dpv); swc.add(cmds.tabulator + cmds.finish); swc.add(cmds.comment); swc.add("server telnet " + dpv); swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "security protocol telnet"); swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "vrf " + dpv); swc.add(cmds.tabulator + cmds.finish); swc.add(cmds.comment); userHwdet.setupVeth(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth1a", "veth1b"); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth1a", 1500, "00:00:11:11:22:22"); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth1b", 8192, null); userHwdet.routeIface(hwd, "veth1a"); String res = ""; switch (dpt) { case opnflw: hwd.add("ovs-vsctl init"); hwd.add("ovs-vsctl del-br sw"); hwd.add("ovs-vsctl add-br sw"); hwd.add("ovs-vsctl set-controller sw tcp:" + packOpenflow.port); for (i = 0; i < ifp.size(); i++) { hwd.add("ovs-vsctl add-port sw " + ifp.get(i)); } hwc.add("tcp2vrf " + packOpenflow.port + " " + dpv + " " + packOpenflow.port + ""); swc.add("server openflow " + dpv); if (vrf.size() > 0) { swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "export-vrf " + vrf.get(0)); } for (i = 0; i < ifr.size(); i++) { swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "export-port " + ifr.get(i) + " " + (i + 1)); } swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "vrf " + dpv); swc.add(cmds.tabulator + cmds.finish); break; case p4emu: case p4map: case p4raw: case p4xsk: case p4urng: case p4xdp: case p4dpdk: case p4sw: hwd.add("ulimit -l unlimited"); hwc.add("tcp2vrf " + servP4lang.port + " " + dpv + " " + servP4lang.port + ""); swc.add("interface ethernet0"); swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "description p4 cpu port"); swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "no shutdown"); swc.add(cmds.tabulator + cmds.finish); swc.add(cmds.comment); swc.add("server p4lang " + dpv); for (i = 0; i < vrf.size(); i++) { swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "export-vrf " + vrf.get(i)); } for (i = 0; i < brd.size(); i++) { swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "export-bridge " + brd.get(i)); } for (i = 0; i < ifr.size(); i++) { swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "export-port " + ifr.get(i) + " " + i); } swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "interconnect ethernet0"); swc.add(cmds.tabulator + "vrf " + dpv); swc.add(cmds.tabulator + cmds.finish); String ifn = null; switch (dpt) { case p4dpdk: hwd.add("#modprobe uio_pci_generic"); hwd.add("echo 128 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages"); hwd.add("modprobe vfio-pci"); for (i = 0; i < ifp.size(); i++) { hwd.add(" -b vfio-pci " + ifp.get(i)); } ifn = "veth0a"; userHwdet.setupVeth(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", "veth0b"); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", 8192, null); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0b", 8192, null); String a = ""; for (i = 0; i < ifp.size(); i++) { a += " --vdev=net_af_packet" + i + ",iface=" + ifp.get(i); } hwc.add("proc p4emu " + path + "p4dpdk.bin" + a + " --vdev=net_af_packet" + ifl.size() + ",iface=veth0b -- " + servP4lang.port + " " + ifl.size()); hwc.add("proc cpuport " + path + "pcapInt.bin " + ifn + " 19998 19999"); res = ", please verify nic bindings in " + hwdn; break; case p4emu: ifn = "veth0a"; userHwdet.setupVeth(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", "veth0b"); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", 8192, null); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0b", 8192, null); a = ""; for (i = 0; i < ifp.size(); i++) { a += " " + ifp.get(i); } hwc.add("proc p4emu " + path + "p4emu.bin " + servP4lang.port + " " + ifl.size() + a + " veth0b"); hwc.add("proc cpuport " + path + "pcapInt.bin " + ifn + " 19998 19999"); break; case p4map: ifn = "veth0a"; userHwdet.setupVeth(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", "veth0b"); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", 8192, null); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0b", 8192, null); a = ""; for (i = 0; i < ifp.size(); i++) { a += " " + ifp.get(i); } hwc.add("proc p4emu " + path + "p4map.bin " + servP4lang.port + " " + ifl.size() + a + " veth0b"); hwc.add("proc cpuport " + path + "mapInt.bin " + ifn + " 19998 19999"); break; case p4raw: ifn = "veth0a"; userHwdet.setupVeth(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", "veth0b"); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", 8192, null); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0b", 8192, null); a = ""; for (i = 0; i < ifp.size(); i++) { a += " " + ifp.get(i); } hwc.add("proc p4emu " + path + "p4raw.bin " + servP4lang.port + " " + ifl.size() + a + " veth0b"); hwc.add("proc cpuport " + path + "rawInt.bin " + ifn + " 19998 19999"); break; case p4xsk: ifn = "veth0a"; userHwdet.setupVeth(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", "veth0b"); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", 8192, null); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0b", 8192, null); a = " skb"; for (i = 0; i < ifp.size(); i++) { a += " " + ifp.get(i); } hwc.add("proc p4emu " + path + "p4xsk.bin " + servP4lang.port + " " + ifl.size() + a + " veth0b"); hwc.add("proc cpuport " + path + "xskInt.bin " + ifn + " skb 19998 19999"); break; case p4urng: ifn = "veth0a"; userHwdet.setupVeth(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", "veth0b"); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", 8192, null); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0b", 8192, null); a = ""; for (i = 0; i < ifp.size(); i++) { a += " " + ifp.get(i); } hwc.add("proc p4emu " + path + "p4urng.bin " + servP4lang.port + " " + ifl.size() + a + " veth0b"); hwc.add("proc cpuport " + path + "urngInt.bin " + ifn + " 19998 19999"); break; case p4xdp: ifn = "veth0a"; userHwdet.setupVeth(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", "veth0b"); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0a", 2048, null); userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, "veth0b", 2048, null); hwd.add("ip link set " + ifn + " xdpgeneric off"); hwd.add("ip link set " + ifn + " xdpgeneric obj p4xdp_pass.bin sec p4xdp_pass"); a = " skb"; for (i = 0; i < ifp.size(); i++) { a += " " + ifp.get(i); } hwc.add("proc p4emu " + path + "p4xdp_user.bin " + servP4lang.port + " " + ifl.size() + a + " veth0b"); hwc.add("proc cpuport " + path + "pcapInt.bin " + ifn + " 19998 19999"); break; case p4sw: ifn = "ens1"; userHwdet.setupIface(hwd, path, userHwdet.ifcTyp.raw, ifn, 8192, null); hwc.add("proc bfswd " + path + ""); hwc.add("proc bffwd " + path + ""); hwc.add("proc cpuport " + path + "pcapInt.bin " + ifn + " 19998 19999"); break; default: return; } hwc.add("int ether0 eth - 19999 19998"); break; default: return; } hw1.addAll(hwd); hw1.addAll(hw2); if (bits.buf2txt(true, hw1, path + hwdn)) { orig.error("error saving " + hwdn); return; } if (bits.buf2txt(true, hwc, pref + cfgInit.hwCfgEnd)) { orig.error("error saving hw config"); return; } if (bits.buf2txt(true, swc, pref + cfgInit.swCfgEnd)) { orig.error("error saving sw config"); return; } orig.error("finished" + res); } }