package org.freertr.user; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgInit; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.version; /** * process hw detection * * @author matecsaba */ public class userHwdet { /** * create instance */ public userHwdet() { } /** * interface types */ public enum ifcTyp { /** * socat */ socat, /** * pcap */ pcap, /** * raw */ raw, /** * map */ map, /** * uring */ urng, /** * xsk */ xsk } /** * beginning of scripts */ public static String scrBeg = "#!/bin/sh"; private int nextPort = 0; private int ifcNum = 0; private int linNum = 0; private int crsNum = 10000; private int tapNum = 20000; private List starter; private List config; private String prefix = "hwdet-"; private boolean binMain = false; private boolean inlineLoop = false; private ifcTyp ifaceType = ifcTyp.socat; private ifcTyp lineType = ifcTyp.socat; private String path = "./"; private String lstEth = "hwdet.eth"; private String lstSer = "hwdet.ser"; private String lstMac = "hwdet.mac"; private tabGen macLst = new tabGen(); private String exclIfc = ""; private String exclSer = ""; private String inclIfc = ""; private String inclSer = ""; private String justIfc = ""; private String justSer = ""; private void addComment(String s) { starter.add(""); starter.add("### " + s + " ###"); starter.add("echo starting " + s + "."); } private void makeLoop(String fn, List pre, List lop) { List txt = new ArrayList(); txt.add(scrBeg); txt.add(""); for (int i = 0; i < pre.size(); i++) { txt.add(pre.get(i)); } txt.add("while (true); do"); for (int i = 0; i < lop.size(); i++) { txt.add(" " + lop.get(i)); } txt.add(" sleep 1"); txt.add(" done"); bits.buf2txt(true, txt, path + prefix + fn); starter.add("start-stop-daemon -S -b -x " + path + prefix + fn); } private void makeLoop(String fn, List pre, String cmd) { if (!inlineLoop) { makeLoop(fn, pre, bits.str2lst(cmd)); return; } starter.addAll(pre); config.add("proc " + fn + " " + cmd); } /** * string to interface type * * @param s string to convert * @return interface type */ public static ifcTyp string2type(String s) { if (s.equals("socat")) { return ifcTyp.socat; } if (s.equals("pcap")) { return ifcTyp.pcap; } if (s.equals("raw")) { return ifcTyp.raw; } if (s.equals("map")) { return; } if (s.equals("xsk")) { return ifcTyp.xsk; } if (s.equals("urng")) { return ifcTyp.urng; } return null; } /** * set up veth * * @param lst list * @param pth path * @param typ type * @param n1 first name * @param n2 second name */ public static void setupVeth(List lst, String pth, ifcTyp typ, String n1, String n2) { if (typ != ifcTyp.socat) { lst.add(pth + "veth.bin " + n1 + " " + n2); return; } lst.add("ip link add " + n1 + " type veth peer name veth0"); lst.add("ip link set veth0 name " + n2); } /** * set up interface * * @param lst list * @param nam name */ public static void routeIface(List lst, String nam) { lst.add("ip addr add dev " + nam + ""); lst.add("ip route add via dev " + nam + ""); lst.add("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/" + nam + "/disable_ipv6"); } /** * set up interface * * @param lst list * @param pth path * @param typ type * @param nam name * @param mtu mtu value * @param mac mac value */ public static void setupIface(List lst, String pth, ifcTyp typ, String nam, int mtu, String mac) { if (typ != ifcTyp.socat) { if (mac == null) { mac = ""; } else { mac = " " + mac; } lst.add(pth + "seth.bin " + nam + " " + mtu + mac); return; } if (mac == null) { mac = ""; } else { mac = " address " + mac; } lst.add("ip link set " + nam + " up multicast on promisc on mtu " + mtu + mac); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " rx off"); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " tx off"); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " sg off"); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " tso off"); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " ufo off"); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " gso off"); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " gro off"); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " lro off"); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " rxvlan off"); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " txvlan off"); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " ntuple off"); lst.add("ethtool -K " + nam + " rxhash off"); lst.add("ethtool --set-eee " + nam + " eee off"); } /** * interface to command * * @param path path of tools * @param typ interface type * @param nam name of interface * @param ps port to send * @param pb port to bind * @return command to execute */ public static String interface2command(String path, ifcTyp typ, String nam, int ps, int pb) { switch (typ) { case socat: return "socat INTERFACE:" + nam + " UDP4-DATAGRAM:" + ps + ",bind=" + pb + ",reuseaddr"; case pcap: return path + "pcapInt.bin " + nam + " " + pb + " " + ps + ""; case raw: return path + "rawInt.bin " + nam + " " + pb + " " + ps + ""; case map: return path + "mapInt.bin " + nam + " " + pb + " " + ps + ""; case xsk: return path + "xskInt.bin " + nam + " skb " + pb + " " + ps + ""; case urng: return path + "urngInt.bin " + nam + " " + pb + " " + ps + ""; default: return null; } } /** * interface to command * * @param path path of tools * @param typ interface type * @param nam1 name of interface * @param nam2 name of interface * @return command to execute */ public static String connection2command(String path, ifcTyp typ, String nam1, String nam2) { switch (typ) { case socat: return "socat INTERFACE:" + nam1 + " INTERFACE:" + nam2; case pcap: return path + "pcap2pcap.bin " + nam1 + " " + nam2; default: return null; } } /** * interface state commands * * @param typ interface type * @return state capability */ public static String interface2stats(ifcTyp typ) { switch (typ) { case raw: return "stat "; case map: return "stat "; case urng: return "stat "; default: return ""; } } private void createIface(String nam) { userHwifc ntry = new userHwifc(); = nam.trim(); ntry = macLst.find(ntry); String adr; if (ntry == null) { adr = "-"; } else { adr = ntry.mac; } ifcNum += 1; int p1 = nextPort + 1; int p2 = nextPort + 2; nextPort += 10; String stat = interface2stats(ifaceType); String cmd = interface2command(path, ifaceType, nam, p1, p2); List ifc = new ArrayList(); setupIface(ifc, path, ifaceType, nam, 1500, null); makeLoop("ifc" + ifcNum + ".sh", ifc, cmd); config.add("int " + "ether" + ifcNum + " " + stat + "eth " + adr + " " + p1 + " " + p2); } private void createLine(String nam) { linNum += 1; int p1 = nextPort + 1; int p2 = nextPort + 2; nextPort += 10; nam = "/dev/ttyS" + nam; String cmd; switch (lineType) { case socat: cmd = "socat TCP4-LISTEN:" + p1 + ",reuseaddr FILE:" + nam + ",sane,b9600,cs8,raw,echo=0,crtscts=0"; break; case raw: cmd = path + "ttyLin.bin " + nam + " " + p1; break; default: return; } makeLoop("lin" + linNum + ".sh", bits.str2lst(path + "modem.bin " + nam + " \"speedset 9600\" \"ctrlset 3\""), cmd); config.add("line tty" + linNum + " " + p2 + " " + p1); } private void createIfaces(String s) { cmds cmd = new cmds("lst", s); for (;;) { if (cmd.size() < 1) { break; } s = cmd.word("/"); if (s.length() < 1) { continue; } createIface(s); } } private void createLines(String s) { cmds cmd = new cmds("lst", s); for (;;) { if (cmd.size() < 1) { break; } s = cmd.word("/"); if (s.length() < 1) { continue; } createLine(s); } } private void createCross() { crsNum += 1; int p1 = nextPort + 1; int p2 = nextPort + 2; nextPort += 10; config.add("int eth" + crsNum + " eth - " + p1 + " " + p2); crsNum += 1; config.add("int eth" + crsNum + " eth - " + p2 + " " + p1); } private void detectMacs(String fn) { addComment("macs"); List res = bits.txt2buf(fn); if (res == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { userHwifc ntry = userHwifc.fromRaw(res, i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } macLst.add(ntry); } for (int i = 0; i < macLst.size(); i++) { starter.add("# " + macLst.get(i) + " #"); } } private void detectIfaces(String fn) { addComment("interfaces"); if (justIfc.length() > 0) { createIfaces(justIfc); return; } final String unneeded = "/lo/dummy0/"; List res = bits.txt2buf(fn); if (res == null) { return; } Collections.sort(res); for (int cnt = 0; cnt < res.size(); cnt++) { String s = res.get(cnt); int i = s.indexOf(":"); if (i < 0) { continue; } s = s.substring(0, i).trim(); if (s.length() < 1) { continue; } if (unneeded.indexOf("/" + s.toLowerCase() + "/") >= 0) { continue; } if (exclIfc.indexOf("/" + s + "/") >= 0) { continue; } createIface(s); } createIfaces(inclIfc); } private void detectLines(String fn) { addComment("lines"); if (justSer.length() > 0) { createLines(justSer); return; } List res = bits.txt2buf(fn); if (res == null) { return; } Collections.sort(res); for (int cnt = 0; cnt < res.size(); cnt++) { String s = res.get(cnt); int i = s.indexOf(":"); if (i < 0) { continue; } String a = s.substring(0, i).trim(); if (a.length() > 2) { continue; } if (exclSer.indexOf("/" + a + "/") >= 0) { continue; } s = s.substring(i + 1, s.length()).trim(); i = s.indexOf(" "); if (i < 0) { continue; } s = s.substring(0, i).trim().toLowerCase(); if (s.indexOf("unknown") > 0) { continue; } createLine(a); } createLines(inclSer); } private void detectCrosses(String num) { for (int i = 0; i < bits.str2num(num); i++) { createCross(); } } private void detectTuntap(String tap) { if (tap.length() < 1) { return; } tapNum += 1; int p1 = nextPort + 1; int p2 = nextPort + 2; nextPort += 10; String cmd; if (ifaceType == ifcTyp.socat) { int i = tap.indexOf(" "); cmd = "socat TUN:" + tap.substring(0, i) + ",tun-name=tap" + tapNum + ",tun-type=tap,iff-no-pi,iff-broadcast,iff-up" + " UDP4-DATAGRAM:" + p1 + ",bind=" + p2 + ",reuseaddr"; } else { cmd = path + "tapInt.bin tap" + tapNum + " " + p2 + " " + p1 + " " + tap; } makeLoop("tap" + tapNum + ".sh", bits.str2lst(""), cmd); config.add("int eth" + tapNum + " eth - " + p1 + " " + p2); } private void detectTcpvrf(String tcp) { if (tcp.length() < 1) { return; } config.add("tcp2vrf " + tcp); } /** * do the work * * @param cmd command to do */ public void doer(cmds cmd) { cmd.error("detecting hardware"); String mem = "384m"; String cross = "0"; String tuntap = ""; String tcpvrf = ""; String hwId = "xxx"; for (;;) { String s = cmd.word(); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } s = s.toLowerCase(); if (s.equals("mem")) { mem = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("cross")) { cross = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("path")) { path = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("eth")) { lstEth = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("ser")) { lstSer = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("mac")) { lstMac = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("tuntap")) { tuntap = cmd.word(); tuntap += " " + cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("tcpvrf")) { tcpvrf = cmd.word(); tcpvrf += " " + cmd.word(); tcpvrf += " " + cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("iface")) { s = cmd.word(); ifaceType = string2type(s); continue; } if (s.equals("line")) { s = cmd.word(); lineType = string2type(s); continue; } if (s.equals("inline")) { inlineLoop = true; continue; } if (s.equals("external")) { inlineLoop = false; continue; } if (s.equals("binary")) { binMain = true; continue; } if (s.equals("java")) { binMain = false; continue; } if (s.equals("hwid")) { hwId = cmd.word(); continue; } if (s.equals("exclifc")) { exclIfc = "/" + cmd.word() + "/"; continue; } if (s.equals("exclser")) { exclSer = "/" + cmd.word() + "/"; continue; } if (s.equals("inclifc")) { inclIfc = "/" + cmd.word() + "/"; continue; } if (s.equals("inclser")) { inclSer = "/" + cmd.word() + "/"; continue; } if (s.equals("justifc")) { justIfc = "/" + cmd.word() + "/"; continue; } if (s.equals("justser")) { justSer = "/" + cmd.word() + "/"; continue; } cmd.badCmd(); return; } nextPort = 20000; ifcNum = 0; linNum = 0; String rtr; if (binMain) { rtr = path + "rtr.bin"; } else { rtr = "java -Xmx" + mem + " -jar " + version.getFileName(); } starter = new ArrayList(); config = new ArrayList(); config.add("hwid " + hwId); starter.add(scrBeg); starter.add(""); starter.add("cd " + path); starter.add("ip link show > " + lstMac); starter.add(rtr + " test hwred path " + path); starter.add("if [ $? -eq 22 ] ; then"); starter.add(" sync"); starter.add(" reboot -f"); starter.add("fi"); starter.add("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6"); starter.add("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/disable_ipv6"); starter.add("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/disable_ipv6"); starter.add("ip link set lo up mtu 65535"); starter.add("ip addr add dev lo"); starter.add("ip addr add ::1/128 dev lo"); starter.add("ulimit -c unlimited"); starter.add("#modprobe -r kvm_intel"); starter.add("#modprobe kvm_intel nested=1"); starter.add("#echo 1 > /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run"); detectMacs(path + lstMac); detectIfaces(path + lstEth); detectCrosses(cross); detectTuntap(tuntap); detectTcpvrf(tcpvrf); inlineLoop = false; detectLines(path + lstSer); addComment("main"); List lop = new ArrayList(); lop.add("cd " + path); lop.add("stty raw < /dev/tty"); lop.add(rtr + " router " + path + "rtr-"); lop.add("if [ $? -eq 4 ] ; then"); lop.add(" sync"); lop.add(" reboot -f"); lop.add("fi"); lop.add("stty cooked < /dev/tty"); makeLoop("", bits.str2lst(""), lop); starter.add("exit 0"); bits.buf2txt(true, config, path + "rtr-" + cfgInit.hwCfgEnd); bits.buf2txt(true, starter, path + prefix + ""); cmd.error("iface=" + ifcNum + " macs=" + macLst.size() + " line=" + linNum + " cross=" + crsNum % 100 + " tuntap=" + tapNum % 100 + " mem=" + mem); } }