package org.freertr.user; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv6; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAceslst; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAuther; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgCert; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgChat; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgCheck; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgEvntmgr; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIpsec; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgKey; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgLin; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgMenuK; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgMenuT; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgMtrack; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgObjnet; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgObjprt; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgPlymp; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgPool; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgPrcss; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgPrfxlst; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgProxy; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRoump; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRouplc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRtr; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgSched; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgScrpt; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgSensor; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgSessn; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgTime; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgTlmtry; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgTrack; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgTrnsltn; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgVdc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgVpdn; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgVrf; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgXconn; import org.freertr.cry.cryKeyDSA; import org.freertr.cry.cryKeyECDSA; import org.freertr.cry.cryKeyRSA; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.enc.encXml; import org.freertr.util.verCore; /** * help system * * @author matecsaba */ public class userHelping { /** * create instance */ public userHelping() { } private final static int maxVal = 0x100000; /** * lines of data */ public List lines = new ArrayList(); /** * need to expand lists */ public boolean expand; /** * get generic config help * * @param l help text */ protected static void getCfgGen(userHelping l) { l.add(null, "1 . " + cmds.finish + " go back to previous mode"); l.add(null, "1 2,. end close this config session"); l.add(null, "2 2,. parameters"); l.add(null, "1 2 do execute one exec command"); l.add(null, "2 2,. exec command"); l.add(null, "1 1 " + cmds.negated + " negate a command"); } /** * get generic config help * * @param l help text */ protected static void getCfgHelp(userHelping l) { l.add(null, "1 2 show running system information"); userExec.getHelpShow(l, true); userExec.getHelpPipes(l, 110, true); } /** * collect lines starts with * * @param l list to read * @param s starting string * @return list of lines starting with s */ public static List startsWith(List l, String s) { s = s.toLowerCase(); List r = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { String a = l.get(i); if (a.toLowerCase().startsWith(s)) { r.add(a); } } return r; } /** * get size of menu lines * * @return number of lines */ public int size() { return lines.size(); } /** * get one menu line * * @param i sequence to get * @return value of line */ public userHelpingData get(int i) { if (i < 0) { return null; } if (i >= lines.size()) { return null; } return lines.get(i); } /** * add one menu line * * @param loc local list * @param s string to add */ public void add(List loc, String s) { userHelpingData d = new userHelpingData(); d.set(s); lines.add(d); if (!expand) { return; } int i = d.command.indexOf(":"); if (i < 0) { return; } String a = d.command.substring(i + 1, d.command.length()); s = d.command.substring(0, i); if (d.variable) { a = a.substring(0, a.length() - 1); i = d.command.length(); s += d.command.subSequence(i - 1, i); } d.command = s; d = d.copyBytes(); d.complete = true; d.variable = false; if (a.equals("ifc")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.ifaces.size(); i++) { cfgIfc ntry = cfgAll.ifaces.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("lin")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.lines.size(); i++) { cfgLin ntry = cfgAll.lines.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("vrf")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.vrfs.size(); i++) { cfgVrf ntry = cfgAll.vrfs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("rm")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.routemaps.size(); i++) { cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.routemaps.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("rpl")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.routeplcs.size(); i++) { cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.routeplcs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("pl")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.prefixlsts.size(); i++) { cfgPrfxlst ntry = cfgAll.prefixlsts.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("ogn")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.objgrpnets.size(); i++) { cfgObjnet ntry = cfgAll.objgrpnets.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("ogp")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.objgrpprts.size(); i++) { cfgObjprt ntry = cfgAll.objgrpprts.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("acl")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.accesslsts.size(); i++) { cfgAceslst ntry = cfgAll.accesslsts.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("pm")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.policymaps.size(); i++) { cfgPlymp ntry = cfgAll.policymaps.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("tm")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.timemaps.size(); i++) { cfgTime ntry = cfgAll.timemaps.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("ips")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.ipsecs.size(); i++) { cfgIpsec ntry = cfgAll.ipsecs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("rsa")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.rsakeys.size(); i++) { cfgKey ntry = cfgAll.rsakeys.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("dsa")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.dsakeys.size(); i++) { cfgKey ntry = cfgAll.dsakeys.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("ecd")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.ecdsakeys.size(); i++) { cfgKey ntry = cfgAll.ecdsakeys.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("crt")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.certs.size(); i++) { cfgCert ntry = cfgAll.certs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("ses")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.sessns.size(); i++) { cfgSessn ntry = cfgAll.sessns.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("chk")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.checks.size(); i++) { cfgCheck ntry = cfgAll.checks.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("sns")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.sensors.size(); i++) { cfgSensor ntry = cfgAll.sensors.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("tlm")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.tlmtrydst.size(); i++) { cfgTlmtry ntry = cfgAll.tlmtrydst.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("eem")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.eventmgrs.size(); i++) { cfgEvntmgr ntry = cfgAll.eventmgrs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("prx")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.proxys.size(); i++) { cfgProxy ntry = cfgAll.proxys.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("cht")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.chats.size(); i++) { cfgChat ntry = cfgAll.chats.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("mnk")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.menuk.size(); i++) { cfgMenuK ntry = cfgAll.menuk.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("mnt")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.menut.size(); i++) { cfgMenuT ntry = cfgAll.menut.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("sch")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.schedulers.size(); i++) { cfgSched ntry = cfgAll.schedulers.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("pl4")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.ip4pool.size(); i++) { cfgPool ntry = cfgAll.ip4pool.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("pl6")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.ip4pool.size(); i++) { cfgPool ntry = cfgAll.ip6pool.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("scr")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.scripts.size(); i++) { cfgScrpt ntry = cfgAll.scripts.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("vpd")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.vpdns.size(); i++) { cfgVpdn ntry = cfgAll.vpdns.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("xcn")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.xconnects.size(); i++) { cfgXconn ntry = cfgAll.xconnects.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("vdc")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.vdcs.size(); i++) { cfgVdc ntry = cfgAll.vdcs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("prc")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.prcs.size(); i++) { cfgPrcss ntry = cfgAll.prcs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("trn")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.trnsltns.size(); i++) { cfgTrnsltn ntry = cfgAll.trnsltns.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("trk")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.trackers.size(); i++) { cfgTrack ntry = cfgAll.trackers.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("mtr")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.mtrackers.size(); i++) { cfgMtrack ntry = cfgAll.mtrackers.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("aaa")) { for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.authers.size(); i++) { cfgAuther ntry = cfgAll.authers.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command =; lines.add(res); } return; } if (a.equals("rtr")) { List nums = new ArrayList(); for (i = 0; i < cfgAll.routers.size(); i++) { cfgRtr ntry = cfgAll.routers.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } nums.add(ntry.number); } Collections.sort(nums); int o = -1; for (i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) { int p = nums.get(i); if (o == p) { continue; } userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command = "" + p; lines.add(res); o = p; } return; } if (a.equals("loc")) { if (loc == null) { return; } for (i = 0; i < loc.size(); i++) { userHelpingData res = d.copyBytes(); res.command = loc.get(i); lines.add(res); } return; } } /** * get lines from an other help * * @param src source */ public void addOther(userHelping src) { lines.addAll(src.lines); } /** * delete one menu line * * @param s string to remove */ public void del(String s) { userHelpingData d = new userHelpingData(); d.set(s); for (int i = lines.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { userHelpingData r = lines.get(i); if (r.level != d.level) { continue; } if (!r.command.equals(d.command)) { continue; } r.level = 666; } } /** * collect menu lines in one direction * * @param d list to update * @param lin starting line number * @param skip skip current level * @param dir direction, + or - 1 * @param levMin minimum level to scan * @param levMax maximum level to scan * @param levReq required level to collect */ private void collectDirection(userHelpingList d, int lin, boolean skip, int dir, int levMin, int levMax, int levReq) { if (skip) { int cur = lines.get(lin).level; for (;; lin += dir) { if (lin >= lines.size()) { return; } if (lin < 0) { return; } if (lines.get(lin).level != cur) { break; } } } for (;; lin += dir) { if (lin >= lines.size()) { return; } if (lin < 0) { return; } int lv = lines.get(lin).level; if (lv == levReq) { d.add(lin); continue; } if (lv < levMin) { return; } if (lv > levMax) { return; } } } /** * find possible next words for a line * * @param lin line number to process * @return list of possible next lines */ private userHelpingList nextWords(int lin) { userHelpingList d = new userHelpingList(); if (lin < 0) { collectDirection(d, 0, false, 1, -maxVal, maxVal, 1); return d; } userHelpingList curNxt = lines.get(lin).after; int curLvl = lines.get(lin).level; for (int i = 0; i < curNxt.num(); i++) { int req = curNxt.val(i); if (req < 0) { d.add(req); continue; } if (req > 100) { collectDirection(d, lin, false, 1, 0, maxVal, req); continue; } if (req > curLvl) { collectDirection(d, lin, true, 1, curLvl + 1, maxVal, req); continue; } collectDirection(d, lin, false, -1, req, maxVal, req); collectDirection(d, lin + 1, false, 1, req, maxVal, req); } return d; } /** * match one string to given lines * * @param lns list of lines * @param s string to match * @param ncm consider completes * @return match probability for lines level set to best one or a negative * error code of the following: -2 more best matches, have to type more * chars -3 string does not match to any of lines -4 generic error */ private userHelpingList matchStr(userHelpingList lns, String s, boolean ncm) { byte[] b1 = s.trim().toLowerCase().getBytes(); userHelpingList d = new userHelpingList(); for (int o = 0; o < lns.num(); o++) { int i = lns.val(o); if (i < 0) { d.add(0); continue; } userHelpingData dat = lines.get(i); if (ncm && dat.complete) { d.add(-2); continue; } if (dat.variable) { d.add(-1); continue; } byte[] b2 = dat.command.toLowerCase().getBytes(); for (i = 0;; i++) { if (i >= b1.length) { break; } if (i >= b2.length) { break; } if (b1[i] != b2[i]) { break; } } d.add(i); } int num = -4; int max = -1; int vld = -1; for (int i = 0; i < d.num(); i++) { int cur = d.val(i); if (cur == -1) { vld = i; continue; } if (cur < max) { continue; } if (cur == max) { num = -2; continue; } max = cur; num = i; } if (max != b1.length) { num = -3; } if ((num < 0) && (vld >= 0)) { num = vld; } d.level = num; return d; } /** * find longest matching string * * @param lns list of lines * @param s string to match * @return string */ private String matchLong(userHelpingList lns, String s) { s = s.trim().toLowerCase(); String m = null; for (int o = 0; o < lns.num(); o++) { int i = lns.val(o); if (i < 0) { continue; } userHelpingData dat = lines.get(i); if (dat.variable) { continue; } if (!dat.command.toLowerCase().startsWith(s)) { continue; } if (m == null) { m = dat.command; continue; } String a = dat.command; for (i = 0;; i++) { if (i >= m.length()) { break; } if (i >= a.length()) { break; } if (a.substring(i, i + 1).toLowerCase().equals(m.substring(i, i + 1).toLowerCase())) { continue; } m = a.substring(0, i); break; } } return m; } /** * create a list of lines to a command string * * @param s command string to process * @param ext consider extensions * @return line numbers over wich i get to the command level set to a last * one, or error from matchStr */ private userHelpingList whereAm(String s, boolean ext) { s = s.trim(); userHelpingList res = new userHelpingList(); res.level = -1; String b = ""; for (; s.length() > 0;) { userHelpingList lns = nextWords(res.level); int i = s.indexOf(" "); String a; if (i < 0) { a = s; s = ""; } else { a = s.substring(0, i).trim(); s = s.substring(i, s.length()).trim(); } userHelpingList sel = matchStr(lns, a, !ext); if (sel.level < 0) { res.level = sel.level; if (s.length() > 0) { return res; } s = matchLong(lns, a); if (s == null) { return res; } res.str = b + s; return res; } i = lns.val(sel.level); res.add(i); if (lines.get(i).variable) { String c = null; if (ext) { c = matchLong(lns, a); } if (c == null) { b += a + " "; } else { if ((c.length() >= a.length()) && (s.length() < 1)) { b += c; } else { b += a + " "; } } } else { b += lines.get(i).command + " "; } res.level = i; } res.str = b; return res; } /** * repair commands in one line * * @param a string to process * @return repaired line, variables preserved, empty if no guess */ public String repairLine(String a) { if (a == null) { return ""; } userHelpingList d = whereAm(a, false); if (d.level < 0) { return ""; } return d.str; } /** * guess commands in one line * * @param a string to process * @return guessed line, variables preserved, null if no guess */ public String guessLine(String a) { userHelpingList d = whereAm(a, true); return d.str; } /** * test if at end of a valid command * * @param s command to test * @return false if valid command, true if an invalid command */ public boolean endOfCmd(String s) { userHelpingList d = whereAm(s, false); if (d.level < 0) { return true; } d = nextWords(d.level); for (int i = 0; i < d.num(); i++) { if (d.val(i) == -1) { return false; } } return true; } /** * format help text to user displayable format for a line * * @param lin line number to generate help for * @return array of strings that user should read */ private List formatHelp(int lin) { final String begin = " "; final String enter = ""; userHelpingList d = nextWords(lin); List s = new ArrayList(); int max = -1; for (int i = 0; i < d.num(); i++) { int o = d.val(i); if (o < 0) { o = enter.length(); } else { o = lines.get(o).command.length(); } if (o > max) { max = o; } } for (int i = 0; i < d.num(); i++) { int o = d.val(i); if (o < 0) { s.add(begin + enter); continue; } userHelpingData cur = lines.get(o); s.add(begin + bits.padEnd(cur.command, max, " ") + " - " + cur.description); } return s; } /** * find usage of a line * * @param dat data to append * @param beg beginning * @param hlp help text * @param lin line to get * @param lev current level * @return found entries */ protected int formatUsage(userHelping dat, String beg, String hlp, int lin, int lev) { int fnd = 0; for (int o = lin; o < lines.size(); o++) { userHelpingData ntry = lines.get(o); if ((fnd > 0) && (ntry.level < lev)) { break; } if (ntry.level != lev) { continue; } fnd++; int q = 0; boolean b = false; for (int i = 0; i < ntry.after.num(); i++) { int p = ntry.after.val(i); if (p < 0) { b = true; continue; } if (p <= lev) { continue; } q += formatUsage(dat, beg + " " + ntry.command, hlp + ", " + ntry.description, o + 1, p); } if ((!b) && (q > 0)) { continue; } userHelpingData res = new userHelpingData(); String a = hlp + ", " + ntry.description; res.description = a.substring(2, a.length()); a = beg + " " + ntry.command; res.command = a.substring(1, a.length()); res.level = 1; dat.lines.add(res); } return fnd; } /** * find usage of a line * * @param dat data to append * @param id indent string * @param lin line to get * @param lev current level */ protected void formatYang(List dat, String id, int lin, int lev) { int fnd = 0; for (int o = lin; o < lines.size(); o++) { userHelpingData ntry = lines.get(o); if ((fnd > 0) && (ntry.level < lev)) { break; } if (ntry.level != lev) { continue; } fnd++; List nxt = new ArrayList(); boolean b = false; for (int i = 0; i < ntry.after.num(); i++) { int p = ntry.after.val(i); if (p < 0) { b = true; continue; } if (p <= lev) { continue; } nxt.add(p); } String vn = ntry.command; if (ntry.variable) { vn = vn.substring(1, vn.length() - 1); } if (nxt.size() < 1) { if (ntry.variable) { dat.add(id + "leaf " + encXml.value + vn + " {"); dat.add(id + " description \"" + ntry.description + "\";"); dat.add(id + " type string;"); dat.add(id + "}"); continue; } dat.add(id + "leaf " + vn + " {"); dat.add(id + " description \"" + ntry.description + "\";"); dat.add(id + " type empty;"); dat.add(id + "}"); continue; } if (!ntry.variable) { dat.add(id + "container " + vn + " {"); dat.add(id + " description \"" + ntry.description + "\";"); if (b) { dat.add(id + " leaf " + encXml.ignore + " {"); dat.add(id + " description \"" + ntry.description + "\";"); dat.add(id + " type empty;"); dat.add(id + " }"); } for (int i = 0; i < nxt.size(); i++) { formatYang(dat, id + " ", o + 1, nxt.get(i)); } dat.add(id + "}"); continue; } dat.add(id + "list " + encXml.ignore + o + " {"); dat.add(id + " key \"" + encXml.value + o + "\";"); dat.add(id + " leaf " + encXml.value + o + " {"); dat.add(id + " description \"" + ntry.description + "\";"); dat.add(id + " type string;"); dat.add(id + " }"); if (b) { dat.add(id + " leaf " + encXml.ignore + " {"); dat.add(id + " description \"" + ntry.description + "\";"); dat.add(id + " type empty;"); dat.add(id + " }"); } for (int i = 0; i < nxt.size(); i++) { formatYang(dat, id + " ", o + 1, nxt.get(i)); } dat.add(id + "}"); } } /** * get help text for a given command line * * @param s the command line * @param oneLine set true to return only one line response * @return array of strings that user should read */ public List getHelp(String s, boolean oneLine) { userHelpingList d = whereAm(s, true); String cmd = ""; for (int i = 0; i < d.num(); i++) { cmd += " " + lines.get(d.val(i)).command; } if (cmd.length() > 0) { cmd = cmd.substring(1, cmd.length()); } if (d.level == -2) { d = whereAm(cmd, true); s = s.trim(); int i = s.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1; if (i < 1) { i = 0; } s = s.substring(i, s.length()); if (oneLine) { return getBarkBack("ambigous command, try " + s + "?"); } List lst = formatHelp(d.level); lst = startsWith(lst, " " + s); return lst; } if (d.level >= -1) { if (oneLine) { return getBarkBack("incomplete command, try " + cmd + " ?"); } if (d.level == -1) { return formatHelp(d.level); } if (s.lastIndexOf(" ") >= s.length() - 1) { return formatHelp(d.level); } userHelpingData r = lines.get(d.level); if (!r.variable) { return getBarkBack("type " + r.command + " to " + r.description); } s = s.trim(); int i = s.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1; if (i < 1) { return getBarkBack("type " + r.command + " to " + r.description); } d = whereAm(s.substring(0, i - 1), true); s = s.substring(i, s.length()); List lst = formatHelp(d.level); lst = startsWith(lst, " " + s); if (lst.size() <= 1) { return getBarkBack("type " + r.command + " to " + r.description); } return lst; } return getBarkBack("invalid command, try " + cmd + " ?"); } private List getBarkBack(String s) { if (cfgAll.clientShamer == null) { return bits.str2lst(s); } return bits.str2lst(cfgAll.clientShamer.getOneLine() + " (" + s + ")"); } /** * get usage text for a given command * * @return usage text */ public List getUsage() { userHelping d = new userHelping(); formatUsage(d, "", "", 0, 1); return d.formatHelp(-1); } /** * get yang for a given command * * @param path path * @param prefix prefix * @return yang */ public List getYang(String path, String prefix) { List res = new ArrayList(); res.add("module " + prefix + " {"); res.add(" namespace \"" + verCore.homeUrl + "yang/" + prefix + "\";"); res.add(" prefix \"" + prefix + "\";"); cmds cp = new cmds("ya", path); String id = " "; for (;;) { if (cp.size() < 1) { break; } String a = cp.word("/"); a = encXml.escId(a); res.add(id + "container " + a + " {"); id += " "; } formatYang(res, id, 0, 1); for (; id.length() > 0;) { id = id.substring(0, id.length() - 2); res.add(id + "}"); } return res; } /** * get list of commands * * @return list of commands */ public List getList() { List s = new ArrayList(); String[] l = new String[64]; for (int i = 0; i < l.length; i++) { l[i] = ""; } for (int o = 0; o < lines.size(); o++) { userHelpingData ntry = lines.get(o); l[ntry.level] = "" + ntry.command; String a = ""; for (int i = 0; i <= ntry.level; i++) { a = a + l[i] + " "; } s.add(a.trim()); } return s; } /** * dump out the menu lines * * @return string showing menu lines */ public String dump() { String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { s += i + ":" + lines.get(i).dump() + "\n"; } return s; } /** * add possibility to lines * * @param lvl source level to add * @param nxt next level to add */ public void possible(int lvl, int nxt) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { userHelpingData lns = lines.get(i); if (lns.after.find(lvl) < 0) { continue; } lns.after.add(nxt); } } } class userHelpingList { public List data = new ArrayList(); // values public int level; // which level we are on public String str; // repaired line public int num() { return data.size(); } public int val(int i) { return data.get(i); } public void add(int i) { data.add(i); } public void addMore(userHelpingList d) { data.addAll(; } public int find(int lvl) { for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { if (data.get(i) == lvl) { return i; } } return -1; } public userHelpingList copyBytes() { userHelpingList n = new userHelpingList();; return n; } public String dump() { String s = level + "|"; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { s += " " + data.get(i); } return s; } } class userHelpingData { protected int level; protected userHelpingList after = new userHelpingList(); protected String command = ""; protected String description = ""; protected boolean variable; protected boolean complete; public void set(String s) { boolean hidden = false; s = s.trim(); if (s.startsWith(".")) { hidden = true; s = s.substring(1, s.length()); } int i = s.indexOf(" "); level = bits.str2num(s.substring(0, i).trim()); s = s.substring(i, s.length()).trim(); i = s.indexOf(" "); String a = s.substring(0, i).trim() + ","; s = s.substring(i, s.length()).trim(); for (; a.length() > 0;) { i = a.indexOf(","); String b = a.substring(0, i).trim(); a = a.substring(i + 1, a.length()).trim(); if (b.equals(".")) { after.add(-1); } else { after.add(bits.str2num(b)); } } i = s.indexOf(" "); description = s.substring(i + 1, s.length()).trim(); command = s.substring(0, i).trim().toLowerCase(); if (command.equals("?")) { command = ""; } variable = (command.indexOf("<") == 0) || (command.indexOf("[") == 0); if (hidden) { description = "!!!EXPERiMENTAL!!! " + description; if (!cfgAll.buggy) { level = 666; } if (cfgAll.evalVdcPrivs()) { level = 666; } } } public userHelpingData copyBytes() { userHelpingData n = new userHelpingData(); n.level = level; n.after = after.copyBytes(); n.command = command; n.description = description; n.complete = complete; n.variable = variable; return n; } public String dump() { return variable + " lev=" + level + " aft=" + after.dump() + " cmd=" + command + " desc=" + description; } }