package org.freertr.user; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAlias; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgInit; import org.freertr.clnt.clntCurl; import org.freertr.clnt.clntFtp; import org.freertr.clnt.clntHttp; import org.freertr.clnt.clntPop3; import org.freertr.clnt.clntSmtp; import org.freertr.clnt.clntTftp; import org.freertr.clnt.clntXmodem; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashCrc32; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashGeneric; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashMd5; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashSha1; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashSha2256; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashSha2512; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashSha3256; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashSha3512; import org.freertr.cry.cryUtils; import org.freertr.enc.enc7bit; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.enc.encUrl; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeWindow; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * flash handler * * @author matecsaba */ public class userFlash { /** * create instance */ public userFlash() { } /** * command to use */ public cmds cmd; /** * pipeline to use */ public pipeSide pip; /** * reader of user */ public userReader rdr; /** * get ascii art from a file * * @param fn filename * @param x x size * @param y y size * @return converted ascii */ public static List asciiArt(String fn, int x, int y) { File fil = new File(fn); List res = null; try { res = pipeWindow.imageText(fil, x, y); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e, "error converting " + fn); } if (res == null) { return bits.str2lst("failed to convert " + fn + " to text "); } return res; } /** * get ansi art from a file * * @param fn filename * @param con console to draw */ public static void ansiArt(String fn, userScreen con) { File fil = new File(fn); con.putCls(); pipeWindow.imageAnsi(con.pipe, fn); } /** * get gzip header * * @return header */ public static byte[] getGzipHdr() { byte[] res = new byte[10]; res[0] = 31; // magic res[1] = (byte) 139; // magic res[2] = Deflater.DEFLATED; // deflate res[3] = 0; // flags res[4] = 0; // mtime res[5] = 0; // mtime res[6] = 0; // mtime res[7] = 0; // mtime res[8] = 0; // extra flags res[9] = (byte) 255; // os return res; } /** * get gzip trailer * * @param unc uncompressed data * @return trailer */ public static byte[] getGzipTrl(byte[] unc) { byte[] res = new byte[8]; cryHashCrc32 crc = new cryHashCrc32(cryHashCrc32.polyCrc32i); crc.init(); crc.update(unc); bits.lsbPutD(res, 0, bits.msbGetD(crc.finish(), 0)); bits.lsbPutD(res, 4, unc.length); return res; } /** * do the work * * @return command to execute, null if nothing */ public cfgAlias doer() { if (cfgAll.evalVdcPrivs()) { cmd.error("not in a vdc"); return null; } String a = cmd.word(); cfgAlias alias = cfgAll.aliasFind(a, cfgAlias.aliasType.flsh, false); if (alias != null) { return alias; } if (a.equals("edit")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); List b = bits.txt2buf(a); if (b == null) { b = new ArrayList(); } userEditor e = new userEditor(new userScreen(pip), b, a, false); if (e.doEdit()) { return null; } cmd.error(cmds.doneFail(bits.buf2txt(true, b, a))); return null; } if (a.equals("view")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); List b = bits.txt2buf(a); userEditor v = new userEditor(new userScreen(pip), b, a, false); v.doView(); return null; } if (a.equals("hexview")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); List b = hexRead(a); userEditor v = new userEditor(new userScreen(pip), b, a, false); v.doView(); return null; } if (a.equals("binview")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); List b = binRead(a); userEditor v = new userEditor(new userScreen(pip), b, a, false); v.doView(); return null; } if (a.equals("7bitview")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); List l = bits.txt2buf(a); l = enc7bit.decodeExtLst(l); userEditor v = new userEditor(new userScreen(pip), l, a, false); v.doView(); return null; } if (a.equals("hackview")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); List l = bits.txt2buf(a); l = enc7bit.toHackedLst(l); userEditor v = new userEditor(new userScreen(pip), l, a, false); v.doView(); return null; } if (a.equals("commander")) { userFilman f = new userFilman(new userScreen(pip)); f.doWork(); return null; } if (a.equals("browser")) { userBrowser f = new userBrowser(new userScreen(pip), cmd.getRemaining()); f.doWork(); return null; } if (a.equals("receive")) { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error(cmds.doneFail(doReceive(pip, encUrl.parseOne(cmd.getRemaining()), new File(a)))); return null; } if (a.equals("curl")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); List res = clntCurl.doGetUrl(pip, a); cmd.error(cmds.doneFail(res == null)); rdr.putStrArr(res); return null; } if (a.equals("permission")) { a = cmd.word(); String s = cmd.word(); setFilePerm(a, s); return null; } if (a.equals("transmit")) { a = cmd.word(); doSend(pip, encUrl.parseOne(cmd.getRemaining()), new File(a)); return null; } if (a.equals("compress")) { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error(cmds.doneFail(compress(a, cmd.word()))); return null; } if (a.equals("decompress")) { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error(cmds.doneFail(decompress(a, cmd.word()))); return null; } if (a.equals("archive")) { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error(cmds.doneFail(archive(a, cmd.word(), false))); return null; } if (a.equals("extract")) { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error(cmds.doneFail(extract(a, cmd.word()))); return null; } if (a.equals("hash")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); List txt = calcFileHashes(a); rdr.putStrArr(txt); return null; } if (a.equals("disk")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); rdr.putStrTab(diskInfo(a)); return null; } if (a.equals("info")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); rdr.putStrArr(getFileInfo(a)); return null; } if (a.equals("cleanup")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); List lst = userUpgrade.cleanBackups(a); rdr.putStrArr(lst); return null; } if (a.equals("cancel")) { a = userUpgrade.stopReverter(); cmd.error(a); return null; } if (a.equals("upgrade")) { userUpgrade u = new userUpgrade(cmd); u.doUpgrade(); return null; } if (a.equals("simulate")) { userUpgrade u = new userUpgrade(cmd); u.doSimulate(); return null; } if (a.equals("backup")) { userUpgrade u = new userUpgrade(cmd); u.doBackup(); return null; } if (a.equals("revert")) { if (userUpgrade.doRevert()) { return null; } cfgInit.stopRouter(true, 12, "revert finished"); return null; } if (a.equals("verify")) { userUpgrade u = new userUpgrade(cmd); u.doVerify(null); return null; } if (a.equals("toggle-boot")) { cmd.error("next boot will be " + userUpgrade.toggleBootMode()); return null; } if (a.equals("type")) { rdr.putStrArr(bits.txt2buf(cmd.getRemaining())); return null; } if (a.equals("hextype")) { rdr.putStrArr(hexRead(cmd.getRemaining())); return null; } if (a.equals("bintype")) { rdr.putStrArr(binRead(cmd.getRemaining())); return null; } if (a.equals("7bittype")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); List l = bits.txt2buf(a); l = enc7bit.decodeExtLst(l); rdr.putStrArr(l); return null; } if (a.equals("hacktype")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); List l = bits.txt2buf(a); l = enc7bit.toHackedLst(l); rdr.putStrArr(l); return null; } if (a.equals("copy")) { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error(cmds.doneFail(copy(a, cmd.word(), false))); return null; } if (a.equals("rename")) { a = cmd.word(); cmd.error(cmds.doneFail(rename(a, cmd.word(), false, false))); return null; } if (a.equals("delete")) { cmd.error(cmds.doneFail(delete(cmd.getRemaining()))); return null; } if (a.equals("mkdir")) { cmd.error(cmds.doneFail(mkdir(cmd.word()))); return null; } if (a.equals("list")) { rdr.putStrTab(dir2txt(dirList(cmd.getRemaining()))); return null; } if (a.equals("count")) { rdr.putStrTab(dirUsage(cmd.getRemaining())); return null; } cmd.badCmd(); return null; } /** * generate hash from file * * @param h hash to use * @param n file to hash * @return hash of the file */ public final static String calcFileHash(cryHashGeneric h, String n) { File f = new File(n); h.init(); if (cryUtils.hashFile(h, f)) { return null; } return cryUtils.hash2hex(h); } /** * generate eshash from file * * @param a file to hash * @return hashes of the file */ public final static List calcFileHashes(String a) { List r = new ArrayList(); r.add("file=" + a); r.add("md5=" + calcFileHash(new cryHashMd5(), a)); r.add("sha1=" + calcFileHash(new cryHashSha1(), a)); r.add("sha2256=" + calcFileHash(new cryHashSha2256(), a)); r.add("sha2512=" + calcFileHash(new cryHashSha2512(), a)); r.add("sha3256=" + calcFileHash(new cryHashSha3256(), a)); r.add("sha3512=" + calcFileHash(new cryHashSha3512(), a)); return r; } /** * get file information * * @param a file to info * @return hashes of the file */ public final static List getFileInfo(String a) { List r = new ArrayList(); File f = new File(a); try { r.add("file=" + f.getCanonicalPath()); r.add("size=" + f.length()); r.add("modify=" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, f.lastModified(), 3)); int i = getFilePerm(f); r.add("right=" + perm2str(i) + " " + i); } catch (Exception e) { } return r; } private static int archiveChecksum(byte[] buf, boolean pad) { if (pad) { byte[] res = new byte[buf.length]; bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, res, 0, res.length); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { res[148 + i] = 32; } buf = res; } int o = 0; for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { o += buf[i] & 0xff; } return o; } private static byte[] toOctal(long l, int s) { return bits.padBeg(Long.toString(l, 8), s, "0").getBytes(); } private static long fromOctal(byte[] buf, int pos) { int o = 0; for (;;) { if (buf[pos + o] == 0) { break; } o++; } try { return Long.parseLong(new String(buf, pos, o), 8); } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } private static byte[] archiveHeader(String nam, File fil) { boolean dir = fil.isDirectory(); long siz = fil.length(); byte[] buf = new byte[512]; byte[] tmp = nam.getBytes(); bits.byteCopy(tmp, 0, buf, 0, tmp.length); // name int i = 0; if (fil.canExecute()) { i |= 1 << 6; } if (fil.canWrite()) { i |= 2 << 6; } if (fil.canRead()) { i |= 4 << 6; } if (dir) { siz = 0; } tmp = toOctal(i, 7); bits.byteCopy(tmp, 0, buf, 100, tmp.length); // mode tmp = toOctal(1000, 7); bits.byteCopy(tmp, 0, buf, 108, tmp.length); // uid bits.byteCopy(tmp, 0, buf, 116, tmp.length); // gid tmp = toOctal(siz, 11); bits.byteCopy(tmp, 0, buf, 124, tmp.length); // size tmp = toOctal(fil.lastModified() / 1000, 11); bits.byteCopy(tmp, 0, buf, 136, tmp.length); // mtime if (dir) { tmp = " 5".getBytes(); } else { tmp = " 0".getBytes(); } bits.byteCopy(tmp, 0, buf, 155, tmp.length); // type tmp = "ustar ".getBytes(); bits.byteCopy(tmp, 0, buf, 257, tmp.length); // magic tmp = "rtr".getBytes(); bits.byteCopy(tmp, 0, buf, 265, tmp.length); // uname bits.byteCopy(tmp, 0, buf, 297, tmp.length); // gname i = archiveChecksum(buf, true); tmp = toOctal(i, 6); bits.byteCopy(tmp, 0, buf, 148, tmp.length); // checksum return buf; } private boolean doArchiveFile(RandomAccessFile ft, String dir, String beg) { pip.linePut("adding " + beg); RandomAccessFile fs; long siz; try { File f = new File(dir); fs = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r"); siz = fs.length(); ft.write(archiveHeader(beg, f)); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } boolean res = doCopy(fs, ft, siz); try { int i = (int) (siz % 512); if (i > 0) { ft.write(new byte[512 - i]); } fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } return res; } private boolean doArchiveDir(RandomAccessFile ft, String dir, String beg) { pip.linePut("adding " + beg); File[] fl = dirList(dir); if (fl == null) { return true; } try { if (beg.length() > 0) { ft.write(archiveHeader(beg, new File(dir))); } } catch (Exception e) { } for (int i = 0; i < fl.length; i++) { File f = fl[i]; String a = f.getName(); boolean r; if (f.isDirectory()) { r = doArchiveDir(ft, dir + a + "/", beg + a + "/"); } else { r = doArchiveFile(ft, dir + a, beg + a); } if (r) { return true; } } return false; } /** * compress file * * @param src source * @param trg target * @return result code */ public boolean compress(String src, String trg) { pip.linePut("compressing " + src + " to " + trg); RandomAccessFile fs; RandomAccessFile ft; long siz; try { fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(src), "r"); siz = fs.length(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } try { ft = new RandomAccessFile(new File(trg), "rw"); ft.setLength(0); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } byte[] buf1 = getGzipHdr(); try { ft.write(buf1, 0, buf1.length); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } Deflater cmp = new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, true); cryHashCrc32 crc = new cryHashCrc32(cryHashCrc32.polyCrc32i); crc.init(); long pos = 0; for (; pos < siz;) { final int max = 64 * 1024; long rndl = siz - pos; if (rndl > max) { rndl = max; } int rndi = (int) rndl; pos += rndi; buf1 = new byte[rndi]; try { rndi =, 0, rndi); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } crc.update(buf1); cmp.setInput(buf1); if (pos >= siz) { cmp.finish(); } byte[] buf2 = new byte[max * 2]; int rndo = cmp.deflate(buf2); try { ft.write(buf2, 0, rndo); } catch (Exception ex) { return true; } } buf1 = new byte[8]; bits.lsbPutD(buf1, 0, bits.msbGetD(crc.finish(), 0)); bits.lsbPutD(buf1, 4, (int) pos); try { ft.write(buf1, 0, buf1.length); } catch (Exception ex) { return true; } try { fs.close(); ft.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } return false; } /** * decompress file * * @param src source * @param trg target * @return result code */ public boolean decompress(String src, String trg) { pip.linePut("compressing " + src + " to " + trg); RandomAccessFile fs; RandomAccessFile ft; long siz; try { fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(src), "r"); siz = fs.length(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } byte[] buf1 = getGzipHdr(); try { int i = bits.lsbGetD(buf1, 0);, 0, buf1.length); if (i != bits.lsbGetD(buf1, 0)) { pip.linePut("bad header"); fs.close(); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { return true; } siz -= buf1.length; siz -= 8; try { ft = new RandomAccessFile(new File(trg), "rw"); ft.setLength(0); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } Inflater cmp = new Inflater(true); cryHashCrc32 crc = new cryHashCrc32(cryHashCrc32.polyCrc32i); crc.init(); long pos = 0; for (; pos < siz;) { final int max = 64 * 1024; long rndl = siz - pos; if (rndl > max) { rndl = max; } int rndi = (int) rndl; pos += rndi; buf1 = new byte[rndi]; try { rndi =, 0, rndi); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } cmp.setInput(buf1); for (; cmp.getRemaining() > 0;) { byte[] buf2 = new byte[max * 2]; int rndo; try { rndo = cmp.inflate(buf2); } catch (Exception e) { pip.linePut("bad compression"); return true; } crc.update(buf2, 0, rndo); try { ft.write(buf2, 0, rndo); } catch (Exception ex) { return true; } } } buf1 = new byte[8]; try {, 0, buf1.length); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } try { fs.close(); ft.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } int i = bits.msbGetD(crc.finish(), 0); if (i == bits.lsbGetD(buf1, 0)) { return false; } pip.linePut("bad trailer"); return true; } /** * create archive file * * @param arc archive file * @param dir directory * @param overwrite delete target before * @return result code */ public boolean archive(String arc, String dir, boolean overwrite) { if (!dir.endsWith("/")) { dir = dir + "/"; } pip.linePut("creating " + arc + " from " + dir); if (overwrite) { delete(arc); } RandomAccessFile ft; if (mkfile(arc)) { return true; } try { ft = new RandomAccessFile(new File(arc), "rw"); long siz = ft.length() - 1024; if (siz < 0) { siz = 0; } ft.setLength(siz);; } catch (Exception e) { return true; } boolean res = doArchiveDir(ft, dir, ""); try { ft.write(new byte[1024]); } catch (Exception ex) { res = true; } try { ft.close(); } catch (Exception e) { res = true; } return res; } /** * extract archive file * * @param arc archive file * @param dir directory * @return result code */ public boolean extract(String arc, String dir) { if (!dir.endsWith("/")) { dir = dir + "/"; } pip.linePut("extracting " + arc + " to " + dir); RandomAccessFile fs; try { File f = new File(arc); fs = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r"); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } boolean res = true; for (;;) { byte[] buf = new byte[512]; int i; try { i =; } catch (Exception e) { return true; } if (i != buf.length) { pip.linePut("error reading header"); return true; } i = archiveChecksum(buf, false); if (i < 1) { res = false; break; } i = archiveChecksum(buf, true); if (fromOctal(buf, 148) != i) { pip.linePut("invalid header checksum"); break; } int o = 0; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (buf[i] != 0) { continue; } o = i; break; } arc = new String(buf, 0, o); pip.linePut("extracting " + arc); if (buf[156] == '5') { mkdir(dir + arc); continue; } long siz = fromOctal(buf, 124); arc = dir + arc; delete(arc); RandomAccessFile ft; if (mkfile(arc)) { pip.linePut("error creating file"); break; } File fil = new File(arc); try { ft = new RandomAccessFile(fil, "rw"); ft.setLength(0); } catch (Exception e) { pip.linePut("error opening file"); break; } boolean ress = doCopy(fs, ft, siz); try { ft.close(); } catch (Exception e) { pip.linePut("error closing file"); break; } if (ress) { pip.linePut("error extracting file"); break; } i = (int) fromOctal(buf, 100); try { i = i >>> 6; fil.setExecutable((i & 1) != 0); fil.setWritable((i & 2) != 0); fil.setReadable((i & 4) != 0); fil.setLastModified(1000 * fromOctal(buf, 136)); } catch (Exception e) { pip.linePut("error setting rights"); break; } i = (int) (siz % 512); if (i < 1) { continue; } i = 512 - i; try { + i); } catch (Exception e) { pip.linePut("error skipping padding"); break; } } try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } return res; } private static boolean doCopy(RandomAccessFile fs, RandomAccessFile ft, long siz) { long pos = 0; for (; pos < siz;) { final int max = 64 * 1024; long rndl = siz - pos; if (rndl > max) { rndl = max; } int rndi = (int) rndl; byte[] buf = new byte[rndi]; try { rndi =, 0, rndi); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } try { ft.write(buf, 0, rndi); } catch (Exception ex) { return true; } pos += rndi; } return false; } /** * copy one file * * @param src source file * @param trg target file * @param overwrite delete target before * @return result code */ public static boolean copy(String src, String trg, boolean overwrite) { if (overwrite) { delete(trg); } RandomAccessFile fs; RandomAccessFile ft; try { if (!new File(src).exists()) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { return true; } if (mkfile(trg)) { return true; } long siz; try { fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(src), "r"); siz = fs.length(); ft = new RandomAccessFile(new File(trg), "rw"); ft.setLength(0); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } boolean res = doCopy(fs, ft, siz); try { fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { ft.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } return res; } /** * rename one file * * @param src source file * @param trg target file * @param overwrite delete target before * @param secure delete source after * @return result code */ public static boolean rename(String src, String trg, boolean overwrite, boolean secure) { try { if (!new File(src).exists()) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { return true; } if (overwrite) { delete(trg); } try { if (!new File(src).renameTo(new File(trg))) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { return true; } if (secure) { delete(src); } return false; } /** * delete one file * * @param trg target file * @return result code */ public static boolean delete(String trg) { try { if (!new File(trg).delete()) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { return true; } return false; } /** * make one directory * * @param trg target file * @return result code */ public static boolean mkdir(String trg) { try { if (!new File(trg).mkdir()) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { return true; } return false; } /** * make one file * * @param trg target file * @return result code */ public static boolean mkfile(String trg) { try { if (!new File(trg).createNewFile()) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { return true; } return false; } /** * list directory * * @param trg target file * @return list of files, null if error happened */ public static File[] dirList(String trg) { File[] fl; try { fl = new File(trg).listFiles(); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } if (fl == null) { return null; } tabGen ld = new tabGen(); tabGen lf = new tabGen(); for (int i = 0; i < fl.length; i++) { File f = fl[i]; String a = f.getName(); if (a.equals(".")) { continue; } if (a.equals("..")) { continue; } try { if (f.isDirectory()) { ld.put(new userFlashNtry(f)); } else { lf.put(new userFlashNtry(f)); } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } fl = new File[ld.size() + lf.size()]; int o = ld.size(); for (int i = 0; i < o; i++) { fl[i] = ld.get(i).f; } for (int i = 0; i < lf.size(); i++) { fl[o + i] = lf.get(i).f; } return fl; } /** * get disk information * * @param a target file * @return converted text */ public static userFormat diskInfo(String a) { File f = new File(a); userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "category|value"); try { l.add("path|" + f.getCanonicalPath()); l.add("free|" + f.getFreeSpace()); l.add("total|" + f.getTotalSpace()); l.add("usable|" + f.getUsableSpace()); } catch (Exception e) { } return l; } /** * direcory usage * * @param fn name of file to count * @return total usage */ public static userFormat dirUsage(String fn) { File[] fl = dirList(fn); if (fl == null) { return null; } userFormat res = new userFormat("|", "directory|usage"); long tot = 0; long loc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fl.length; i++) { File f = fl[i]; if (f == null) { continue; } String a = f.getName(); if (!f.isDirectory()) { try { loc += f.length(); } catch (Exception e) { } continue; } long cur = countUsage(f.getAbsolutePath()); tot += cur; res.add(a + "|" + cur); } res.add("directories|" + tot); res.add("files|" + loc); return res; } /** * count disk usage * * @param fn name of file to count * @return total usage */ public static long countUsage(String fn) { File[] fl = dirList(fn); if (fl == null) { return 0; } return recursiveUsage(fl); } /** * count disk usage * * @param fl list of files to count * @return total usage */ protected static long recursiveUsage(File[] fl) { long res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fl.length; i++) { File f = fl[i]; if (f == null) { continue; } String a = f.getName(); if (!f.isDirectory()) { try { res += f.length(); } catch (Exception e) { } continue; } File[] nl = dirList(f.getAbsolutePath()); if (nl == null) { continue; } res += recursiveUsage(nl); } return res; } /** * convert list to text * * @param fl file list * @return converted text */ public static userFormat dir2txt(File[] fl) { if (fl == null) { return null; } userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "right|date|size|name"); for (int i = 0; i < fl.length; i++) { File f = fl[i]; String a; if (f.isDirectory()) { a = "dir"; } else { a = "" + f.length(); } int o = getFilePerm(f); String s = o + " " + perm2str(o); l.add(s + "|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, f.lastModified(), 3) + "|" + a + "|" + f.getName()); } return l; } /** * read binary file for viewing * * @param fn file * @return converted text */ public static List binRead(String fn) { try { List l = new ArrayList(); RandomAccessFile fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(fn), "r"); long siz = fs.length(); long pos = 0; for (; pos < siz;) { final int max = 8192; long red = siz - pos; if (red > max) { red = max; } byte[] buf = new byte[(int) red];, 0, buf.length); enc7bit.buf2bin(l, buf, (int) pos); pos += buf.length; } fs.close(); return l; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * read binary file for viewing * * @param fn file * @return converted text */ public static List hexRead(String fn) { try { List l = new ArrayList(); RandomAccessFile fs = new RandomAccessFile(new File(fn), "r"); long siz = fs.length(); long pos = 0; for (; pos < siz;) { final int max = 8192; long red = siz - pos; if (red > max) { red = max; } byte[] buf = new byte[(int) red];, 0, buf.length); enc7bit.buf2hex(l, buf, (int) pos, ""); pos += buf.length; } fs.close(); return l; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * download a file * * @param pipe pipeline to use * @param url url to get * @param f file to write to * @return result, false on success, true on error */ public static boolean doReceive(pipeSide pipe, encUrl url, File f) { String a = url.proto.trim().toLowerCase(); if (a.startsWith("pop3")) { clntPop3 c = new clntPop3(pipe); boolean b =, f, false); c.cleanUp(); return b; } if (a.startsWith("http")) { clntHttp c = new clntHttp(pipe, cfgAll.getClntPrx(cfgAll.httpProxy), null, false); boolean b =, f); c.cleanUp(); return b; } if (a.startsWith("ftp")) { clntFtp c = new clntFtp(pipe); boolean b =, f); c.cleanUp(); return b; } if (a.startsWith("tftp")) { clntTftp c = new clntTftp(pipe); boolean b =, f); c.cleanUp(); return b; } if (a.startsWith("xmodem")) { clntXmodem c = new clntXmodem(pipe); boolean b =; c.cleanUp(); return b; } return true; } /** * convert permission to string * * @param i permission to convert * @return converted string */ public final static String perm2str(int i) { if (i < 0) { return "error"; } String a = ""; if ((i & 0x1) != 0) { a += "r"; } else { a += "-"; } if ((i & 0x2) != 0) { a += "w"; } else { a += "-"; } if ((i & 0x4) != 0) { a += "x"; } else { a += "-"; } return a; } /** * get file permissions * * @param f file to read * @return file permission bits, -1 on error, 1=read, 2=write, 4=exec */ public final static int getFilePerm(File f) { try { int i = 0; if (f.canRead()) { i |= 0x1; } if (f.canWrite()) { i |= 0x2; } if (f.canExecute()) { i |= 0x4; } return i; } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } /** * set file permissions * * @param fn file name * @param prm file rights * @return true on error, false on success */ public final static boolean setFilePerm(String fn, String prm) { boolean or = prm.indexOf("r") >= 0; boolean ow = prm.indexOf("w") >= 0; boolean ox = prm.indexOf("x") >= 0; boolean er = prm.indexOf("R") >= 0; boolean ew = prm.indexOf("W") >= 0; boolean ex = prm.indexOf("X") >= 0; return setFilePerm(fn, or, ow, ox, er, ew, ex); } /** * set file permissions * * @param fn file name * @param or owner read * @param ow owner write * @param ox owner exec * @param er everyone read * @param ew everyone write * @param ex everyone exec * @return true on error, false on success */ public final static boolean setFilePerm(String fn, boolean or, boolean ow, boolean ox, boolean er, boolean ew, boolean ex) { try { File f = new File(fn); f.setReadable(er, false); f.setWritable(ew, false); f.setExecutable(ex, false); f.setReadable(or, true); f.setWritable(ow, true); f.setExecutable(ox, true); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); return true; } return false; } /** * download a file * * @param pipe pipeline to use * @param url url to get * @param f file to write to */ public static void doSend(pipeSide pipe, encUrl url, File f) { String a = url.proto.trim().toLowerCase(); if (a.startsWith("mailto")) { clntSmtp c = new clntSmtp(pipe); c.upload(url, f); c.cleanUp(); return; } if (a.startsWith("http")) { clntHttp c = new clntHttp(pipe, cfgAll.getClntPrx(cfgAll.httpProxy), null, false); c.upload(url, f); c.cleanUp(); return; } if (a.startsWith("ftp")) { clntFtp c = new clntFtp(pipe); c.upload(url, f); c.cleanUp(); return; } if (a.startsWith("tftp")) { clntTftp c = new clntTftp(pipe); c.upload(url, f); c.cleanUp(); return; } if (a.startsWith("xmodem")) { clntXmodem c = new clntXmodem(pipe); c.upload(f); c.cleanUp(); return; } } }