package; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; /** * route authorization utils * * @author matecsaba */ public class tabRoautUtil { /** * create instance */ private tabRoautUtil() { } /** * merge two tables * * @param trg target * @param src source * @return entries changed */ public final static int mergeTwo(tabGen trg, tabGen src) { int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) { tabRoautNtry n = src.get(i); if (n == null) { continue; } tabRoautNtry o = trg.find(n); if (o == null) { trg.put(n); c++; continue; } if (n.isOtherBetter(o)) { continue; } trg.put(n); c++; } return c; } /** * check if two tables are identical * * @param t1 first table * @param t2 second table * @return false if differs, true if identical */ public final static boolean compareTwo(tabGen t1, tabGen t2) { int s1 = t1.size(); int s2 = t2.size(); if (s1 != s2) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < s1; i++) { tabRoautNtry d1 = t1.get(i); tabRoautNtry d2 = t2.get(i); if (d1 == null) { return false; } if (d2 == null) { return false; } int o = d1.compareTo(d2); if (o != 0) { return false; } } return true; } /** * check if two tables are identical * * @param uniq unique to first neighbor * @param diff attributes differ * @param nei1 first neighbor * @param nei2 second neighbor */ public final static void diffTwo(tabGen uniq, tabGen diff, tabGen nei1, tabGen nei2) { for (int o = 0; o < nei1.size(); o++) { tabRoautNtry prf1 = nei1.get(o); if (prf1 == null) { continue; } prf1 = prf1.copyBytes(); tabRoautNtry prf2 = nei2.find(prf1); if (prf2 == null) { uniq.add(prf1); continue; } prf2 = prf2.copyBytes(); if (prf1.differs(prf2) == 0) { continue; } diff.add(prf1); } } /** * lookup a prefix * * @param tab table to use * @param pfx prefix to lookup * @return roa if found, null if not */ public final static tabRoautNtry lookup(tabGen tab, addrPrefix pfx) { if (tab.size() < 1) { return null; } boolean is4 =; int end; if (is4) { end = cfgAll.accessSupnet4; } else { end = cfgAll.accessSupnet6; } tabRoautNtry ntry = new tabRoautNtry(); for (int i = pfx.maskLen; i > end; i--) { ntry.prefix = pfx.copyBytes(); ntry.prefix.setMask(i); tabRoautNtry old = tab.find(ntry); if (old == null) { continue; } if (pfx.maskLen - end > old.max) { return null; } old.hits++; return old; } return null; } /** * get part of the table * * @param tab table to read * @param beg first index * @param end last index * @return subtable */ public final static tabGen getSubset(tabGen tab, int beg, int end) { tabGen res = new tabGen(); int siz = tab.size(); if (end > siz) { end = siz; } if (beg < 0) { beg = 0; } for (int i = beg; i < end; i++) { tabRoautNtry ntry = tab.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } res.put(ntry); } return res; } /** * convert table header * * @param typ type to format * @return header */ public final static userFormat convertTableHead(int typ) { switch (typ) { case 1: return new userFormat("|", "prefix|max|asnum|asnam|ago"); default: return null; } } /** * convert table body * * @param lst string to update * @param tab table to convert * @param typ type to format */ public final static void convertTableBody(userFormat lst, tabGen tab, int typ) { lst.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < tab.size(); i++) { tabRoautNtry prf = tab.get(i); if (prf == null) { continue; } switch (typ) { case 1: lst.add(prf.toShRoute()); break; } } } /** * convert the full table * * @param tab table to convert * @param typ type to format * @return converted table */ public final static userFormat convertTableFull(tabGen tab, int typ) { userFormat res = convertTableHead(typ); if (res == null) { return null; } convertTableBody(res, tab, typ); return res; } /** * validity to string * * @param i validity * @return string */ public final static String validity2string(int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return "unset"; case 1: return "valid"; case 2: return "unknown"; case 3: return "invalid"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * set validity * * @param ntry entry to update * @param val result code */ protected static void setValidityFixed(tabRouteEntry ntry, int val) { for (int i = 0; i < ntry.alts.size(); i++) { setValidityFixed(ntry.alts.get(i), val); } ntry.selectBest(); } /** * set validity * * @param tab table to update * @param val result code */ protected static void setValidityFixed(tabRoute tab, int val) { for (int i = 0; i < tab.size(); i++) { setValidityFixed(tab.get(i), val); } } /** * set validity * * @param attr attribute to set * @param res route authorization * @return calculated value */ public final static int calcValidityValue(tabRouteAttr attr, tabRoautNtry res) { if (res == null) { return 2; } int asn = attr.asPathEnd(); if (asn != res.asn) { return 3; } return 1; } /** * set validity * * @param attr entry to update * @param val result code */ protected static void setValidityFixed(tabRouteAttr attr, int val) { attr.validity = val; attr.extComm = tabRouteUtil.setValidityExtComm(attr.extComm, val); } /** * set validity * * @param ntry entry to update * @param roas route authorizations * @param mod mode to use */ public static void setValidityRoute(tabRouteEntry ntry, tabGen roas, int mod) { switch (mod) { case 0: return; case 1: case 2: case 3: break; case 4: setValidityFixed(ntry, 0); return; case 5: setValidityFixed(ntry, 1); return; case 6: setValidityFixed(ntry, 3); return; case 7: setValidityFixed(ntry, 2); return; default: return; } boolean lok = false; tabRoautNtry res = null; for (int i = 0; i < ntry.alts.size(); i++) { tabRouteAttr attr = ntry.alts.get(i); int o; switch (mod) { case 1: o = tabRouteUtil.getValidityExtComm(attr.extComm); setValidityFixed(attr, o); break; case 2: if (!lok) { res = lookup(roas, ntry.prefix); lok = true; } o = calcValidityValue(attr, res); setValidityFixed(attr, o); break; case 3: o = tabRouteUtil.getValidityExtComm(attr.extComm); if (o > 0) { setValidityFixed(attr, o); continue; } if (!lok) { res = lookup(roas, ntry.prefix); lok = true; } o = calcValidityValue(attr, res); setValidityFixed(attr, o); break; default: continue; } } ntry.selectBest(); } /** * set validity * * @param tab table to update * @param roas route authorizations * @param mod rpki mode to use */ public static void setValidityTable(tabRoute tab, tabGen roas, int mod) { switch (mod) { case 0: return; case 1: case 2: case 3: break; case 4: setValidityFixed(tab, 0); return; case 5: setValidityFixed(tab, 1); return; case 6: setValidityFixed(tab, 3); return; case 7: setValidityFixed(tab, 2); return; default: return; } for (int i = 0; i < tab.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry ntry = tab.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } setValidityRoute(ntry, roas, mod); } } }