package; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcUp; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwd; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdIface; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; /** * represents one label entry * * @author matecsaba */ public class tabLabelEntry implements Comparable { /** * label owner */ public enum owner { /** * vrf common */ vrfComm, /** * vrf unicast */ vrfUni, /** * mpls pwe */ pwe, /** * rsvp te */ rsvp, /** * vrf mp2mp2 */ mp2mp, /** * lsrp sr gb */ lsrpSrgb, /** * isis sr gb */ isisSrgb, /** * ospf4 sr gb */ ospf4srgb, /** * ospf6 sr gb */ ospf6srgb, /** * bgp evpn pbb */ evpnPbb, /** * bgp evpn cmac */ evpnCmac, /** * bgp vpls ve */ vplsVe, /** * bgp sr gb */ bgpSrgb, /** * lsrp sr adj */ lsrpAdj, /** * isis sr adj */ isisAdj, /** * ospf4 sr adj */ ospf4adj, /** * ospf6 sr adj */ ospf6adj, /** * lsrp bier */ lsrpBier, /** * isis bier */ isisBier, /** * ospf4 bier */ ospf4bier, /** * ospf6 bier */ ospf6bier, /** * bgp bier */ bgpBier, /** * stack */ stack, /** * bridge */ bridge, /** * pvrp sr gb */ pvrpSrgb, /** * pvrv bier */ pvrpBier, /** * mcast rx */ mcastRx, } /** * label value */ public final int label; /** * key value */ protected owner key = null; /** * indicate that label is working */ protected boolean working; /** * forwarder instance */ public ipFwd forwarder = null; /** * interface number */ public ipFwdIface iface; /** * next hop */ public addrIP nextHop = null; /** * remote label */ public List remoteLab = null; /** * replication list */ public tabGen duplicate = null; /** * bier info */ public tabLabelBier bier = null; /** * need local delivery */ public boolean needLocal; /** * created */ public long created; /** * counter */ public counter cntr = new counter(); /** * hardware counter */ public counter hwCntr; /** * pseudowire interface */ public ifcUp pweIfc = null; /** * pseudowire bytes to delete */ public int pweDel; /** * pseudowire bytes to add */ public byte[] pweAdd = null; /** * create one label * * @param lab label value */ public tabLabelEntry(int lab) { label = lab; setFwdDrop(key); created = bits.getTime(); } /** * get label hash * * @return xor value */ public int getHashB() { return (label ^ (label >>> 8) ^ (label >>> 16)) & 0xff; } /** * get label hash * * @return xor value */ public int getHashW() { return (label ^ (label >>> 16)) & 0xffff; } /** * copy this entry * * @return copy */ public tabLabelEntry copyBytes() { tabLabelEntry n = new tabLabelEntry(label); n.key = key; n.working = working; n.forwarder = forwarder; n.iface = iface; if (nextHop != null) { n.nextHop = nextHop.copyBytes(); } if (remoteLab != null) { n.remoteLab = tabLabel.copyLabels(remoteLab); } if (duplicate != null) { n.duplicate = new tabGen(); for (int i = 0; i < duplicate.size(); i++) { tabLabelDup ntry = duplicate.get(i); n.duplicate.add(new tabLabelDup(ntry.iface, ntry.hop, ntry.label)); } } if (bier != null) { n.bier = bier.copyBytes(); } n.needLocal = needLocal; n.cntr = cntr; n.created = created; n.pweIfc = pweIfc; n.pweDel = pweDel; n.pweAdd = pweAdd; return n; } /** * compare this entry * * @param o other * @return false if equals, true if differs */ public boolean differs(tabLabelEntry o) { if (o == null) { return true; } if (label != o.label) { return true; } if (key != o.key) { return true; } if (forwarder != o.forwarder) { return true; } if (iface != o.iface) { return true; } if (nextHop == null) { if (o.nextHop != null) { return true; } } else { if (o.nextHop == null) { return true; } if (nextHop.compareTo(o.nextHop) != 0) { return true; } } if (tabRouteUtil.diffIntList(remoteLab, o.remoteLab)) { return true; } if (duplicate == null) { if (o.duplicate != null) { return true; } } else { if (o.duplicate == null) { return true; } if (duplicate.size() != o.duplicate.size()) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < duplicate.size(); i++) { if (duplicate.get(i).differs(o.duplicate.get(i))) { return true; } } } if (bier == null) { if (o.bier != null) { return true; } } else { if (o.bier == null) { return true; } if (bier.differs(o.bier)) { return true; } } if (needLocal != o.needLocal) { return true; } if (pweIfc != o.pweIfc) { return true; } if (pweDel != o.pweDel) { return true; } if (pweAdd != o.pweAdd) { return true; } return false; } public String toString() { return "" + label; } /** * dump this entry * * @return dump */ public userFormat getShow() { userFormat lst = new userFormat("|", "category|value"); lst.add("label|" + label); lst.add("created|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, created + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3)); lst.add("lasted|" + bits.timePast(created)); String s; switch (key) { case vrfComm: s = "vrf common"; break; case vrfUni: s = "vrf unicast"; break; case pwe: s = "mpls pwe"; break; case rsvp: s = "rsvp te"; break; case mp2mp: s = "vrf mp2mp"; break; case lsrpSrgb: s = "lsrp segrou gb"; break; case isisSrgb: s = "isis segrou gb"; break; case ospf4srgb: s = "ospf4 segrou gb"; break; case ospf6srgb: s = "ospf6 segrou gb"; break; case evpnPbb: s = "bgp evpn pbb"; break; case evpnCmac: s = "bgp evpn cmac"; break; case vplsVe: s = "bgp vpls ve"; break; case bgpSrgb: s = "bgp segrou gb"; break; case lsrpAdj: s = "lsrp segrou adj"; break; case isisAdj: s = "isis segrou adj"; break; case ospf4adj: s = "ospf4 segrou adj"; break; case ospf6adj: s = "ospf6 segrou adj"; break; case lsrpBier: s = "lsrp bier"; break; case isisBier: s = "isis bier"; break; case ospf4bier: s = "ospf4 bier"; break; case ospf6bier: s = "ospf6 bier"; break; case bgpBier: s = "bgp bier"; break; case stack: s = "stack"; break; case bridge: s = "bridge"; break; case pvrpSrgb: s = "pvrp segrou gb"; break; case pvrpBier: s = "pvrp bier"; break; case mcastRx: s="mcast rx"; break; default: s = "unknown"; break; } lst.add("key|" + key + "-" + s); lst.add("working|" + working); lst.add("forwarder|" + forwarder); lst.add("interface|" + iface); lst.add("nexthop|" + nextHop); if (remoteLab == null) { s = "unlabelled"; } else { s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < remoteLab.size(); i++) { s += " " + remoteLab.get(i); } } lst.add("remote label|" + s); lst.add("need local|" + needLocal); if (duplicate != null) { lst.add("duplicated|" + duplicate.size()); for (int i = 0; i < duplicate.size(); i++) { lst.add("" + duplicate.get(i)); } } if (bier != null) { List l = bier.getShow(this); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { lst.add(l.get(i)); } } lst.add("pwe iface|" + pweIfc); lst.add("pwe del|" + pweDel); lst.add("pwe add|" + bits.byteDump(pweAdd, 0, -1)); lst.add("counter|" + cntr.getShStat()); lst.add("lastio|" + cntr.getShTraff()); lst.add("hardware counter|" + counter.getShStat(hwCntr)); return lst; } /** * dump this entry * * @return dump */ public String getList() { String s; if (remoteLab == null) { s = "unlabelled"; } else { s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < remoteLab.size(); i++) { s += " " + remoteLab.get(i); } } s += "|"; if (needLocal) { s += " local"; } if (duplicate != null) { s += " duplicate"; } if (bier != null) { s += " bier"; } if (pweIfc != null) { s += " pwe"; } String a = ""; if (hwCntr != null) { a = "+" + hwCntr.byteRx; } return label + "|" + forwarder + "|" + iface + "|" + nextHop + "|" + s + "|" + cntr.byteRx + a; } public int compareTo(tabLabelEntry o) { if (label < o.label) { return -1; } if (label > o.label) { return +1; } return 0; } /** * set forwarding for drop * * @param ky key to use for deallocation */ public void setFwdDrop(owner ky) { if (key != ky) { return; } forwarder = null; iface = null; nextHop = null; remoteLab = null; duplicate = null; needLocal = false; } /** * set forwarding for common label * * @param ky key to use for deallocation * @param fwd forwarder vrf */ public void setFwdCommon(owner ky, ipFwd fwd) { if (key != ky) { return; } forwarder = fwd; iface = null; nextHop = null; remoteLab = null; needLocal = true; } /** * set forwarding for route out * * @param ky key to use for deallocation * @param fwd forwarder vrf * @param ifc interface id * @param hop next hop address */ public void setFwdRoute(owner ky, ipFwd fwd, ipFwdIface ifc, addrIP hop) { if (key != ky) { return; } forwarder = fwd; iface = ifc; nextHop = hop.copyBytes(); remoteLab = null; } /** * set forwarding for mpls out * * @param ky key to use for deallocation * @param fwd forwarder vrf * @param ifc interface id * @param hop next hop address * @param lab next hop labels */ public void setFwdMpls(owner ky, ipFwd fwd, ipFwdIface ifc, addrIP hop, List lab) { if (key != ky) { return; } forwarder = fwd; iface = ifc; nextHop = hop.copyBytes(); remoteLab = tabLabel.copyLabels(lab); } /** * set duplication for mpls * * @param ky key to use for deallocation * @param fwd forwarder vrf * @param ifc interface id * @param hop next hop address * @param lab next hop labels */ public void addDupMpls(owner ky, ipFwd fwd, ipFwdIface ifc, addrIP hop, List lab) { if (key != ky) { return; } forwarder = fwd; if (duplicate == null) { duplicate = new tabGen(); } duplicate.put(new tabLabelDup(ifc, hop, lab)); } /** * clear duplication for mpls * * @param ky key to use for deallocation * @param hop next hop address */ public void delDupMpls(owner ky, addrIP hop) { if (key != ky) { return; } if (duplicate == null) { duplicate = new tabGen(); } tabLabelDup ntry = new tabLabelDup(null, hop, null); duplicate.del(ntry); } /** * clear all duplications for mpls * * @param ky key to use for deallocation */ public void clrDupMpls(owner ky) { if (key != ky) { return; } duplicate = new tabGen(); } /** * set bier for mpls * * @param ky key to use for deallocation * @param fwd forwarder vrf * @param br bier */ public void setBierMpls(owner ky, ipFwd fwd, tabLabelBier br) { if (key != ky) { return; } forwarder = fwd; bier = br; } /** * set forwarding for pwe out * * @param ky key to use for deallocation * @param fwd forwarder vrf * @param ifc interface to use * @param del bytes to delete * @param add bytes to add */ public void setFwdPwe(owner ky, ipFwd fwd, ifcUp ifc, int del, byte[] add) { if (key != ky) { return; } forwarder = fwd; pweIfc = ifc; pweDel = del; if (add == null) { pweAdd = null; } else { pweAdd = new byte[add.length]; bits.byteCopy(add, 0, pweAdd, 0, add.length); } } }