package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv6; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.addr.addrType; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgObjnet; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgObjprt; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; /** * represents one access list entry (source/addr/port, target/addr/port) * * @param type of address * @author matecsaba */ public class tabAceslstN extends tabListingEntry { /** * protocol */ public tabIntMatcher proto; /** * source address */ public T srcAddr; /** * source mask */ public T srcMask; /** * source port */ public tabIntMatcher srcPort; /** * target address */ public T trgAddr; /** * target mask */ public T trgMask; /** * target port */ public tabIntMatcher trgPort; /** * source network */ public tabListing, T> srcOGnet; /** * source port */ public tabListing, T> srcOGprt; /** * target network */ public tabListing, T> trgOGnet; /** * target port */ public tabListing, T> trgOGprt; /** * flow */ public tabIntMatcher flow; /** * tos */ public tabIntMatcher tos; /** * dscp */ public tabIntMatcher dscp; /** * prec */ public tabIntMatcher prec; /** * sgt */ public tabIntMatcher sgt; /** * ttl */ public tabIntMatcher ttl; /** * length */ public tabIntMatcher len; /** * flag */ public tabIntMatcher flag; /** * fragment */ public boolean frag; /** * router alert */ public boolean alrt; /** * list to evaluate */ public tabListing, T> evaluate; /** * list to forward reflect */ public tabListing, T> reflectFwd; /** * list to reverse reflect */ public tabListing, T> reflectRev; /** * timeout to reflect */ public int reflectTim; /** * original entry */ public tabAceslstN rolledFrom; /** * create new access list entry * * @param adr empty address to use */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public tabAceslstN(T adr) { srcAddr = (T) adr.copyBytes(); srcMask = (T) adr.copyBytes(); trgAddr = (T) adr.copyBytes(); trgMask = (T) adr.copyBytes(); proto = new tabIntMatcher(); tos = new tabIntMatcher(); flow = new tabIntMatcher(); dscp = new tabIntMatcher(); prec = new tabIntMatcher(); sgt = new tabIntMatcher(); ttl = new tabIntMatcher(); len = new tabIntMatcher(); flag = new tabIntMatcher(); frag = false; alrt = false; srcPort = new tabIntMatcher(); trgPort = new tabIntMatcher(); } /** * copy the matcher * * @return a copy */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public tabAceslstN copyBytes() { tabAceslstN r = new tabAceslstN(srcAddr); r.srcAddr = (T) srcAddr.copyBytes(); r.srcMask = (T) srcMask.copyBytes(); r.trgAddr = (T) trgAddr.copyBytes(); r.trgMask = (T) trgMask.copyBytes(); r.proto = proto.copyBytes(); r.tos = tos.copyBytes(); r.flow = flow.copyBytes(); r.dscp = dscp.copyBytes(); r.prec = prec.copyBytes(); r.sgt = sgt.copyBytes(); r.ttl = ttl.copyBytes(); r.len = len.copyBytes(); r.flag = flag.copyBytes(); r.frag = frag; r.alrt = alrt; r.srcPort = srcPort.copyBytes(); r.trgPort = trgPort.copyBytes(); r.srcOGnet = srcOGnet; r.srcOGprt = srcOGprt; r.trgOGnet = trgOGnet; r.trgOGprt = trgOGprt; return r; } private String convPart(T addr, T mask, tabIntMatcher port, tabListing, T> ogNet, tabListing, T> ogPrt) { String a = addr + " " + mask; if (mask.isFilled(0) && addr.isFilled(0)) { a = "any"; } if (ogNet != null) { a = "obj " + ogNet.listName; } if (ogPrt == null) { return a + " " + port; } else { return a + " obj " + ogPrt.listName; } } /** * convert to string * * @return string */ public String toString() { String a = proto + " " + convPart(srcAddr, srcMask, srcPort, srcOGnet, srcOGprt) + " " + convPart(trgAddr, trgMask, trgPort, trgOGnet, trgOGprt); if (flow.action != tabIntMatcher.actionType.always) { a += " flow " + flow; } if (tos.action != tabIntMatcher.actionType.always) { a += " tos " + tos; } if (dscp.action != tabIntMatcher.actionType.always) { a += " dscp " + dscp; } if (prec.action != tabIntMatcher.actionType.always) { a += " prec " + prec; } if (sgt.action != tabIntMatcher.actionType.always) { a += " sgt " + sgt; } if (ttl.action != tabIntMatcher.actionType.always) { a += " ttl " + ttl; } if (len.action != tabIntMatcher.actionType.always) { a += " len " + len; } if (flag.action != tabIntMatcher.actionType.always) { a += " flag " + flag; } if (frag) { a += " frag"; } if (alrt) { a += " alrt"; } if (logMatch) { a += " log"; } return a; } private static boolean parsePart(tabAceslstN ntry, cmds cmd, boolean src) { addrIP addr; addrIP mask; tabIntMatcher port; if (src) { addr = ntry.srcAddr; mask = ntry.srcMask; port = ntry.srcPort; } else { addr = ntry.trgAddr; mask = ntry.trgMask; port = ntry.trgPort; } String a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("obj")) { cfgObjnet og = cfgAll.objnetFind(cmd.word(), false); if (og == null) { return true; } if (src) { ntry.srcOGnet = og.objgrp; } else { ntry.trgOGnet = og.objgrp; } } else if (a.equals("any")) { addr.fromNetmask(0); mask.fromNetmask(0); } else if (a.equals("host")) { if (addr.fromString(cmd.word())) { return true; } mask.setAddr(getMaxMask(addr)); } else { if (addr.fromString(a)) { return true; } a = cmd.word(); if (a.startsWith("/")) { if (addr.isIPv4()) { addrPrefix prf = new addrPrefix(addr.toIPv4(), bits.str2num(a.substring(1, a.length()))); mask.fromIPv4addr(prf.mask); } else { addrPrefix prf = new addrPrefix(addr.toIPv6(), bits.str2num(a.substring(1, a.length()))); mask.fromIPv6addr(prf.mask); } } else if (mask.fromString(a)) { return true; } } addr.setAnd(addr, mask); a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("obj")) { cfgObjprt og = cfgAll.objprtFind(cmd.word(), false); if (og == null) { return true; } if (src) { ntry.srcOGprt = og.objgrp; } else { ntry.trgOGprt = og.objgrp; } } else { if (port.fromString(a)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * convert string to ace * * @param ntry ace to update * @param cmd string to convert * @return true if error happened */ public static boolean fromString(tabAceslstN ntry, cmds cmd) { if (ntry.proto.fromString(cmd.word())) { return true; } if (parsePart(ntry, cmd, true)) { return true; } if (parsePart(ntry, cmd, false)) { return true; } for (;;) { String a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { return false; } if (a.equals("log")) { ntry.logMatch = true; continue; } if (a.equals("flow")) { if (ntry.flow.fromString(cmd.word())) { return true; } continue; } if (a.equals("tos")) { if (ntry.tos.fromString(cmd.word())) { return true; } continue; } if (a.equals("dscp")) { if (ntry.dscp.fromString(cmd.word())) { return true; } continue; } if (a.equals("prec")) { if (ntry.prec.fromString(cmd.word())) { return true; } continue; } if (a.equals("sgt")) { if (ntry.sgt.fromString(cmd.word())) { return true; } continue; } if (a.equals("ttl")) { if (ntry.ttl.fromString(cmd.word())) { return true; } continue; } if (a.equals("len")) { if (ntry.len.fromString(cmd.word())) { return true; } continue; } if (a.equals("frag")) { ntry.frag = true; continue; } if (a.equals("alrt")) { ntry.alrt = true; continue; } if (a.equals("flag")) { if (ntry.flag.fromString(cmd.word())) { return true; } continue; } return true; } } /** * convert to string * * @param beg beginning * @param filter filter mode * @return string */ public List usrString(String beg, int filter) { String a; if (evaluate != null) { a = "evaluate " + tabListingEntry.action2string(action) + " " + evaluate.listName; } else { a = tabListingEntry.action2string(action) + " " + this; } List l = new ArrayList(); l.add(beg + "sequence " + sequence + " " + a); if (reflectFwd != null) { l.add(beg + "sequence " + sequence + " reflect " + reflectFwd.listName + " " + reflectRev.listName + " " + reflectTim); } return l; } /** * test if matches * * @param afi address family * @param asn as number * @param net network * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean matches(int afi, int asn, addrPrefix net) { return false; } /** * test if matches * * @param afi address family * @param asn as number * @param net network * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean matches(int afi, int asn, tabRouteEntry net) { return false; } /** * update entry * * @param afi address family * @param asn as number * @param net network */ public void update(int afi, int asn, tabRouteEntry net) { } /** * test if matches * * @param pck packet * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean matches(packHolder pck) { if (evaluate != null) { tabAceslstN res = evaluate.find(pck); if (res == null) { return false; } if (!res.matches(pck)) { return false; } doReflect(pck); return true; } if (!proto.matches(pck.IPprt)) { return false; } if (!flow.matches(pck.IPid)) { return false; } if (!tos.matches(pck.IPtos)) { return false; } if (!dscp.matches(pck.IPtos >>> 2)) { return false; } if (!prec.matches(pck.IPtos >>> 5)) { return false; } if (!sgt.matches(pck.SGTid)) { return false; } if (!ttl.matches(pck.IPttl)) { return false; } if (!len.matches(pck.dataSize())) { return false; } if (alrt) { if (pck.IPalrt == -1) { return false; } } if (frag) { if (!pck.IPmf && (pck.IPfrg < 1)) { return false; } } if (!flag.matches(pck.TCPflg)) { return false; } if (srcOGprt != null) { if (!srcOGprt.matches(false, false, pck)) { return false; } } else { if (!srcPort.matches(pck.UDPsrc)) { return false; } } if (trgOGprt != null) { int old = pck.UDPsrc; pck.UDPsrc = pck.UDPtrg; boolean b = trgOGprt.matches(false, false, pck); pck.UDPsrc = old; if (!b) { return false; } } else { if (!trgPort.matches(pck.UDPtrg)) { return false; } } if (srcOGnet != null) { if (!srcOGnet.matches(false, false, pck)) { return false; } } else { if (!pck.IPsrc.isMatches(srcAddr, srcMask)) { return false; } } if (trgOGnet != null) { addrIP old = pck.IPsrc.copyBytes(); pck.IPsrc.setAddr(pck.IPtrg); boolean b = trgOGnet.matches(false, false, pck); pck.IPsrc.setAddr(old); if (!b) { return false; } } else { if (!pck.IPtrg.isMatches(trgAddr, trgMask)) { return false; } } doReflect(pck); return true; } private void doReflect(packHolder pck) { if (reflectFwd == null) { return; } tabAceslstN ntry = pack2ace(pck); ntry.sequence = reflectFwd.nextseq(); ntry.action = action; ntry.timeout = reflectTim; reflectFwd.add(ntry); ntry = pack2ace(pck); ntry.reverseAce(); ntry.sequence = reflectRev.nextseq(); ntry.action = action; ntry.timeout = reflectTim; reflectRev.add(ntry); } /** * reverse this ace */ public void reverseAce() { tabIntMatcher im = srcPort; srcPort = trgPort; trgPort = im; T a = srcAddr; srcAddr = trgAddr; trgAddr = a; a = srcMask; srcMask = trgMask; trgMask = a; tabListing, T> on = srcOGnet; srcOGnet = trgOGnet; trgOGnet = on; tabListing, T> op = srcOGprt; srcOGprt = trgOGprt; trgOGprt = op; } /** * create ace from packet * * @param pck packet * @return ace */ public tabAceslstN pack2ace(packHolder pck) { tabAceslstN ntry = new tabAceslstN(trgAddr); ntry.proto.setExact(pck.IPprt); ntry.srcPort.setExact(pck.UDPsrc); ntry.trgPort.setExact(pck.UDPtrg); ntry.srcAddr.setAddr(pck.IPsrc); ntry.trgAddr.setAddr(pck.IPtrg); ntry.srcMask.setAddr(getMaxMask(pck.IPsrc)); ntry.trgMask.setAddr(getMaxMask(pck.IPtrg)); ntry.lastMatch = bits.getTime(); return ntry; } /** * get host mask for address * * @param adr address * @return netmask */ public static addrIP getMaxMask(addrIP adr) { addrIP res = new addrIP(); if (adr.isIPv4()) { addrIPv4 msk = new addrIPv4(); msk.fromNetmask(msk.maxBits()); res.fromIPv4addr(msk); } else { addrIPv6 msk = new addrIPv6(); msk.fromNetmask(msk.maxBits()); res.fromIPv6addr(msk); } return res; } /** * unroll this ace into an other list * * @param trg target list * @param ace source ace * @param neg negate ace */ public static void unrollAce(tabListing, addrIP> trg, tabAceslstN ace, boolean neg) { if (ace.evaluate != null) { unrollAcl(trg, ace.evaluate, ace.action != actionType.actPermit); return; } actionType act; if (neg) { act = tabListingEntry.negateAction(ace.action); } else { act = ace.action; } tabAceslstN ntry; int sn = 0; int sp = 0; int dn = 0; int dp = 0; for (;;) { ntry = ace.copyBytes(); ntry.srcOGnet = null; ntry.srcOGprt = null; ntry.trgOGnet = null; ntry.trgOGprt = null; if (ace.srcOGnet != null) { tabObjnetN obj = ace.srcOGnet.get(sn); ntry.srcAddr = obj.addr; ntry.srcMask = obj.mask; } if (ace.srcOGprt != null) { ntry.srcPort = ace.srcOGprt.get(sp).port; } if (ace.trgOGnet != null) { tabObjnetN obj = ace.trgOGnet.get(dn); ntry.trgAddr = obj.addr; ntry.trgMask = obj.mask; } if (ace.trgOGprt != null) { ntry.trgPort = ace.trgOGprt.get(dp).port; } ntry.sequence = trg.nextseq(); ntry.action = act; ntry.rolledFrom = ace; ntry.reflectFwd = ace.reflectFwd; ntry.reflectRev = ace.reflectRev; ntry.reflectTim = ace.reflectTim; trg.add(ntry); boolean incr = true; if (incr && (ace.trgOGprt != null)) { dp++; incr = dp >= ace.trgOGprt.size(); if (incr) { dp = 0; } } if (incr && (ace.trgOGnet != null)) { dn++; incr = dn >= ace.trgOGnet.size(); if (incr) { dn = 0; } } if (incr && (ace.srcOGprt != null)) { sp++; incr = sp >= ace.srcOGprt.size(); if (incr) { sp = 0; } } if (incr && (ace.srcOGnet != null)) { sn++; incr = sn >= ace.srcOGnet.size(); if (incr) { sn = 0; } } if (incr) { break; } } } /** * unroll one list * * @param trg target list * @param src source list * @param neg negate aces */ public static void unrollAcl(tabListing, addrIP> trg, tabListing, addrIP> src, boolean neg) { for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) { unrollAce(trg, src.get(i), neg); } } /** * unroll one list * * @param src source list * @return result */ public static tabListing, addrIP> unrollAcl(tabListing, addrIP> src) { tabListing, addrIP> res = new tabListing, addrIP>(); res.copyCores(src); res.listName = "unroll of " + src.listName; unrollAcl(res, src, false); return res; } /** * size of one list * * @param src source list * @return number of aces */ public static int sizeofAcl(tabListing, addrIP> src) { int o = 0; for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) { tabAceslstN ace = src.get(i); if (ace.evaluate != null) { o += sizeofAcl(ace.evaluate); continue; } int p = 1; if (ace.srcOGnet != null) { p *= ace.srcOGnet.size(); } if (ace.srcOGprt != null) { p *= ace.srcOGprt.size(); } if (ace.trgOGnet != null) { p *= ace.trgOGnet.size(); } if (ace.trgOGprt != null) { p *= ace.trgOGprt.size(); } o += p; } return o; } }