package org.freertr.spf; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.addr.addrType; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashMd5; import org.freertr.enc.encTlv; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgpUtil; import; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; /** * link state encoder * * @author matecsaba */ public class spfLnkst { private spfLnkst() { } /** * nlri header size */ public final static int nlriHdrSize = 11; /** * node nlri type */ public final static int nlriTypNode = 1; /** * link nlri type */ public final static int nlriTypLink = 2; /** * ipv4 nlri type */ public final static int nlriTypIpv4 = 3; /** * ipv6 nlri type */ public final static int nlriTypIpv6 = 4; /** * isis level1 */ public final static int protoIsisL1 = 1; /** * isis level2 */ public final static int protoIsisL2 = 2; /** * ospf v2 */ public final static int protoOspfV2 = 3; /** * direct */ public final static int protoDirect = 4; /** * static */ public final static int protoStatic = 5; /** * ospf v3 */ public final static int protoOspfV3 = 6; /** * bgp */ public final static int protoBgp = 7; /** * rift */ public final static int protoRift = 100; /** * lsrp */ public final static int protoLsrp = 227; /** * local node descriptor */ public final static int typNodeLocal = 256; /** * remote node descriptor */ public final static int typNodeRemote = 257; /** * link local/remote identifier */ public final static int typLinkIdentifier = 258; /** * ipv4 interface address */ public final static int typIpv4interface = 259; /** * ipv4 neighbor address */ public final static int typIpv4neighbor = 260; /** * ipv6 interface address */ public final static int typIpv6interface = 261; /** * ipv6 neighbor address */ public final static int typIpv6neighbor = 262; /** * multi topology identifier */ public final static int typMultiTopoId = 263; /** * ospf route type */ public final static int typOspfRouteType = 264; /** * ip reachability information */ public final static int typIpReachInfo = 265; /** * node msd */ public final static int typNodeMsd = 266; /** * link msd */ public final static int typLinkMsd = 267; /** * autonomous system */ public final static int typAutonSys = 512; /** * bgp ls identifier */ public final static int typBgpLsId = 513; /** * ospf area id */ public final static int typOspfAreaId = 514; /** * igp router id */ public final static int typIgpRouterId = 515; /** * bgp router id */ public final static int typBgpRouterId = 516; /** * bgp confederation member */ public final static int typBgpConfedMem = 517; /** * srv6 sid information */ public final static int typSrv6sidInfo = 518; /** * node flag bits */ public final static int typNodeFlags = 1024; /** * node attribute */ public final static int typNodeAttrs = 1025; /** * node name */ public final static int typNodeName = 1026; /** * isis area identifier */ public final static int typIsisAreaId = 1027; /** * local node ipv4 router id */ public final static int typIpv4locRid = 1028; /** * local node ipv6 router id */ public final static int typIpv6locRid = 1029; /** * remote node ipv4 router id */ public final static int typIpv4remRid = 1030; /** * remote node ipv6 router id */ public final static int typIpv6remRid = 1031; /** * s-bfd discriminator */ public final static int typSbfdDisc = 1032; /** * sr capabilities */ public final static int typSrCapa = 1034; /** * sr algorithm */ public final static int typSrAlgo = 1035; /** * sr local block */ public final static int typSrlb = 1036; /** * sr ms preferences */ public final static int typSrmsPref = 1037; /** * srv6 capabilities */ public final static int typSrv6capa = 1038; /** * flexible algorithm definition */ public final static int typFlexAlgoDef = 1039; /** * flexible algorithm exclude any affinity */ public final static int typFlexAlgoExcAny = 1040; /** * flexible algorithm include any affinity */ public final static int typFlexAlgoIncAny = 1041; /** * flexible algorithm include all affinity */ public final static int typFlexAlgoIncAll = 1042; /** * flexible algorithm definition flags */ public final static int typFlexAlgoFlg = 1043; /** * flexible algorithm prefix metric */ public final static int typFlexAlgoMet = 1044; /** * flexible algorithm exclude srlg affinity */ public final static int typFlexAlgoExcSrlg = 1045; /** * flexible algorithm unsupported */ public final static int typFlexAlgoUnsupp = 1046; /** * administrative group */ public final static int typAdmGrp = 1088; /** * maximum link bandwidth */ public final static int typMaxBwdt = 1089; /** * maximum reservable bandwidth */ public final static int typMaxRsvbl = 1090; /** * unreserved bandwidth */ public final static int typUnrsvBwdt = 1091; /** * te default metric */ public final static int typTeDefMet = 1092; /** * link protection type */ public final static int typLnkProt = 1093; /** * mpls protocol mask */ public final static int typMplsMask = 1094; /** * igp metric */ public final static int typIgpMetric = 1095; /** * shared risk link group */ public final static int typSrlg = 1096; /** * opaque link attribute */ public final static int typLinkOpaque = 1097; /** * link name */ public final static int typLinkName = 1098; /** * adjacency sid */ public final static int typAdjSid = 1099; /** * lan adjacency sid */ public final static int typLanAdjSid = 1100; /** * peer node sid */ public final static int typPeerNodeSid = 1101; /** * peer adj sid */ public final static int typPeerAdjSid = 1102; /** * peer set sid */ public final static int typPeerSetSid = 1103; /** * rtm capability */ public final static int typRtmCapa = 1105; /** * srv6 end.x sid */ public final static int typSrv6EndX = 1106; /** * isis srv6 end.x sid */ public final static int typIsisEndX = 1107; /** * ospf srv6 end.x sid */ public final static int typOspfEndX = 1108; /** * unidirectional link delay */ public final static int typUniLnkDel = 1114; /** * min/max unidirectional link delay */ public final static int typUniMinMax = 1115; /** * unidirectional delay variation */ public final static int typUniDelVar = 1116; /** * unidirectional link loss */ public final static int typUniLnkLos = 1117; /** * unidirectional residual bandwidth */ public final static int typUniResBnd = 1118; /** * unidirectional available bandwidth */ public final static int typUniAvaBnd = 1119; /** * unidirectional utilized bandwidth */ public final static int typUniUsdBnd = 1120; /** * graceful link shutdown */ public final static int typGrcLnkSht = 1121; /** * application specific link attributes */ public final static int typAppLnkAtr = 1122; /** * igp flags */ public final static int typIgpFlags = 1152; /** * igp route tag */ public final static int typIgpTag = 1153; /** * igp extended route tag */ public final static int typIgpExtTag = 1154; /** * prefix metric */ public final static int typPrfxMetric = 1155; /** * ospf forwarding address */ public final static int typOspfFwdAdr = 1156; /** * opaque prefix attribute */ public final static int typPrfxOpaque = 1157; /** * prefix sid */ public final static int typPrfxSid = 1158; /** * range */ public final static int typRange = 1159; /** * sid label */ public final static int typSidLabel = 1161; /** * srv6 locator */ public final static int typSv6Locator = 1162; /** * prefix attribute flags */ public final static int typPrfxFlags = 1170; /** * source router identifier */ public final static int typSrcRtrId = 1171; /** * l2 bundle member attributes */ public final static int typL2bunMem = 1172; /** * extended administrative group */ public final static int typExtAdmGrp = 1173; /** * source ospf router id */ public final static int typSrcOspfId = 1174; /** * spf capability */ public final static int typSpfCapa = 1180; /** * sequence number */ public final static int typSeqNum = 1181; /** * ipv4 link prefix length */ public final static int typIpv4pfxLen = 1182; /** * ipv6 link prefix length */ public final static int typIpv6pfxLen = 1183; /** * spf status */ public final static int typSpfStat = 1184; /** * srv6 endpoint behavior */ public final static int typSrv6EndBhv = 1250; /** * srv6 bgp peer node sid */ public final static int typSrv6bgpPeer = 1251; /** * srv6 sid structure */ public final static int typSrv6sidStr = 1252; /** * bier tlv structure */ public final static int typBier = 12345; /** * get tlv encoder * * @return tlv */ public static encTlv getTlv() { return new encTlv(0, 16, 16, 16, 1, 0, 4, 1, 0, 1024, true); } /** * put header * * @param tlv tlv to use * @param pck packet to use * @param prt protocol to use * @param typ identifier */ public static void createHeader(encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, int prt, int typ) { pck.clear(); pck.msbPutW(0, typ); // type pck.putByte(2, prt); // protocol pck.msbPutQ(3, 0); // identifier pck.putSkip(nlriHdrSize); } /** * add a node * * @param type to use * @param tlv tlv to use * @param pck packet to use * @param hlp helper to use * @param siz size of router id * @param asn asn to use * @param adv ls id * @param par area id * @param nod advertising router * @param typ node type */ public static void createNode(encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, packHolder hlp, int siz, int asn, addrIPv4 adv, int par, spfNode nod, int typ) { hlp.clear(); tlv.valSiz = 4; tlv.valTyp = typAutonSys; bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0, asn); tlv.putThis(hlp); tlv.putAddr(hlp, typBgpLsId, adv); hlp.merge2end(); if (par != -1) { byte[] buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, par); tlv.putBytes(hlp, typOspfAreaId, buf); }, 0); tlv.putBytes(hlp, typIgpRouterId, siz, tlv.valDat); hlp.merge2end(); byte[] buf = hlp.getCopy(); bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, tlv.valDat, 0, buf.length); tlv.valSiz = buf.length; tlv.putBytes(pck, typ); // node type pck.merge2end(); } /** * add a node * * @param tlv tlv to use * @param pck packet to use * @param hlp helper to use * @param asn asn to use * @param adv router id * @param typ node type */ public static void createSpfNode(encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, packHolder hlp, int asn, addrIPv4 adv, int typ) { hlp.clear(); tlv.valSiz = 4; tlv.valTyp = typAutonSys; bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0, asn); tlv.putThis(hlp); tlv.putAddr(hlp, typBgpRouterId, adv); hlp.merge2end(); byte[] buf = hlp.getCopy(); bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, tlv.valDat, 0, buf.length); tlv.valSiz = buf.length; tlv.putBytes(pck, typ); pck.merge2end(); } /** * add a link * * @param tlv tlv to use * @param pck packet to use * @param loc local ip * @param rem remote ip */ public static void createSpfLink(encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, addrIP loc, addrIP rem) { if (loc == null) { return; } if (rem == null) { return; } if (loc.isIPv4()) { tlv.putAddr(pck, typIpv4interface, loc.toIPv4()); tlv.putAddr(pck, typIpv4neighbor, rem.toIPv4()); } else { tlv.putAddr(pck, typIpv6interface, loc.toIPv6()); tlv.putAddr(pck, typIpv6neighbor, rem.toIPv6()); } pck.merge2end(); } /** * get prefix type * * @param ntry route entry * @return type to use */ public static int getPrefixType(tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( { return nlriTypIpv4; } else { return nlriTypIpv6; } } /** * add prefix * * @param tab table to update * @param old table to check * @param tlv tlv to use * @param pck packet to use * @param hlp helper to use * @param ntry route entry */ public static void createPrefix(tabRoute tab, tabRoute old, encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { hlp.clear(); if ( { rtrBgpUtil.writePrefix(rtrBgpUtil.safiIp4uni, true, hlp, ntry); } else { rtrBgpUtil.writePrefix(rtrBgpUtil.safiIp6uni, true, hlp, ntry); } hlp.merge2end(); tlv.putBytes(pck, typIpReachInfo, hlp.getCopy()); pck.merge2end(); tabRouteEntry rou = new tabRouteEntry(); rou.nlri = pck.getCopy(); pck.clear(); if ( >= 0) { bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0,; tlv.putBytes(pck, typPrfxMetric, 4, tlv.valDat); } if ( > 0) { bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0,; tlv.putBytes(pck, typIgpTag, 4, tlv.valDat); } if ( > 0) { bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 0, 0); // flags bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 2, 0); // reserved bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 4,; tlv.putBytes(pck, typPrfxSid, 8, tlv.valDat); } if ( > 0) { tlv.valDat[0] = (byte); bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 1,; tlv.valDat[3] = 0; // reserved bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 4, 2); // type bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 6, 4); //length bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 8, | ( << 20)); tlv.valDat[8] = (byte); tlv.putBytes(pck, typBier, 12, tlv.valDat); } doCreation(tab, old, tlv, pck, rou); } private static void doCreation(tabRoute tab, tabRoute old, encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, tabRouteEntry rou) { = rtrBgpUtil.peerOriginate; addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromBuf(cryHashMd5.compute(new cryHashMd5(), rou.nlri), 0); rou.prefix = new addrPrefix(adr, addrIP.size * 8); pck.merge2end(); if (pck.dataSize() > 0) { = pck.getCopy(); } if (old == null) { tab.add(tabRoute.addType.always, rou, false, true); return; } tabRouteEntry cur = old.find(rou); if (cur == null) { tab.add(tabRoute.addType.always, rou, false, true); return; } =; int i = pck.dataSize(); bits.msbPutQ(tlv.valDat, 0,; tlv.putBytes(pck, typSeqNum, 8, tlv.valDat); pck.merge2end(); = pck.getCopy(); if (rou.differs(tabRoute.addType.notyet, cur) == 0) { tab.add(tabRoute.addType.always, rou, false, false); return; } pck.setDataSize(i); = bits.getTime(); bits.msbPutQ(tlv.valDat, 0,; tlv.putBytes(pck, typSeqNum, 8, tlv.valDat); pck.merge2end(); = pck.getCopy(); tab.add(tabRoute.addType.always, rou, false, false); } /** * add a link state entry * * @param tab table to update * @param old table to check * @param tlv tlv to use * @param pck packet to use * @param hlp helper to use * @param siz size of metric * @param met metric */ public static void createEntry(tabRoute tab, tabRoute old, encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, packHolder hlp, int siz, int met) { tabRouteEntry rou = new tabRouteEntry(); rou.nlri = pck.getCopy(); switch (siz) { case 1: tlv.valDat[0] = (byte) met; break; case 2: bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 0, met); break; case 3: bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0, met << 8); break; case 4: bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0, met); break; } if (siz > 0) { tlv.putBytes(hlp, typIgpMetric, siz, tlv.valDat); } doCreation(tab, old, tlv, hlp, rou); } private static boolean findTlv(encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, int num) { int i = pck.dataSize(); for (;;) { if (tlv.getBytes(pck)) { pck.setBytesLeft(i); return true; } if (tlv.valTyp == num) { pck.setBytesLeft(i); return false; } } } private static addrIPv4 findNode(encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, packHolder hlp, int num) { if (findTlv(tlv, pck, num)) { return null; } hlp.clear(); hlp.putCopy(tlv.valDat, 0, 0, tlv.valSiz); hlp.putSkip(tlv.valSiz); hlp.merge2beg(); if (findTlv(tlv, hlp, typBgpRouterId)) { return null; } addrIPv4 adr = new addrIPv4(); adr.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, 0); return adr; } private static int findInt(encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, int num) { if (findTlv(tlv, pck, num)) { return 0; } return bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 0); } /** * read spf node * * @param spf spf to use * @param tlv tlv to use * @param pck packet to use * @param hlp helper to use */ public static void readSpfNode(spfCalc spf, encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, packHolder hlp) { addrIPv4 loc = findNode(tlv, pck, hlp, typNodeLocal); if (loc == null) { return; } if (!findTlv(tlv, pck, typNodeName)) { spf.addIdent(loc, tlv.getStr()); } spf.addStub(loc, !findTlv(tlv, pck, typSpfStat)); if (!findTlv(tlv, pck, typSrCapa)) { spf.addSegRouB(loc, bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 5) >>> 8); } } /** * read spf link * * @param spf spf to use * @param tlv tlv to use * @param pck packet to use * @param hlp helper to use */ public static void readSpfLink(spfCalc spf, encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, packHolder hlp) { addrIPv4 loc = findNode(tlv, pck, hlp, typNodeLocal); if (loc == null) { return; } addrIPv4 rem = findNode(tlv, pck, hlp, typNodeRemote); if (rem == null) { return; } int met = findInt(tlv, pck, typIgpMetric); if (met < 1) { return; } spf.addConn(loc, rem, met, true, !findTlv(tlv, pck, typSpfStat), null); } /** * read spf prefix * * @param spf spf to use * @param tlv tlv to use * @param pck packet to use * @param hlp helper to use * @param safi safi to use * @param dist distance to use */ public static void readSpfPref(spfCalc spf, encTlv tlv, packHolder pck, packHolder hlp, int safi, int dist) { addrIPv4 loc = findNode(tlv, pck, hlp, typNodeLocal); if (loc == null) { return; } if (findTlv(tlv, pck, typIpReachInfo)) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.putCopy(tlv.valDat, 0, 0, tlv.valSiz); hlp.putSkip(tlv.valSiz); hlp.merge2beg(); tabRouteEntry ntry = rtrBgpUtil.readPrefix(safi, true, hlp); if (ntry == null) { return; } = findInt(tlv, pck, typPrfxMetric); = findInt(tlv, pck, typIgpTag); = dist; spf.addPref(loc, ntry, false); if (!findTlv(tlv, pck, typPrfxSid)) { = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 4); spf.addSegRouI(loc, ntry.prefix,, 0); } if (!findTlv(tlv, pck, typBier)) { = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 1); = tlv.valDat[0] & 0xff; spf.addBierI(loc,; spf.addBierS(loc,; if (bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 4) == 2) { = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 8) & 0xfffff; = tlv.valDat[8] & 0xff; = (tlv.valDat[9] & 0xff) >>> 4; spf.addBierB(loc,; } } } }