package org.freertr.snd; import; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgDial; import org.freertr.pack.packRtp; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeModem; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * sound script handler * * @author matecsaba */ public class sndScript implements Runnable { /** * need prompt */ public boolean prompt = false; private final sndCodec codr; private final String calSrc; private final String calTrg; private pipeSide user; private packRtp strm; private cfgDial per; private String rcd; private packRtp fwd; private sndWave play; private sndWave rec; private String recF; private sndWave dtmf; /** * make script handler * * @param script pipe to communicate to * @param codec codec to use * @param rtp voice connection * @param calling called number * @param called calling number */ public sndScript(pipeSide script, sndCodec codec, packRtp rtp, String calling, String called) { user = script; codr = codec; strm = rtp; calSrc = calling; calTrg = called; new Thread(this).start(); } public void run() { try { doer(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } try { per.stopCall(rcd); } catch (Exception e) { } try { user.setClose(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { strm.setClose(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { fwd.setClose(); } catch (Exception e) { } } private void doer() { for (;;) { if (play != null) { if (play.isStopped()) { user.linePut("play-stopped"); play = null; } } if (rec != null) { String s = rec.getDtmf(); if (s.length() > 0) { user.linePut("dtmf-code " + s); } if (rec.isStopped()) { if (bits.byteSave(true, rec.buf, recF)) { user.linePut("error errorsaving"); } user.linePut("record-stopped"); rec = null; recF = null; } } if (dtmf != null) { String s = dtmf.getDtmf(); if (s.length() > 0) { user.linePut("dtmf-code " + s); } if (dtmf.isStopped()) { user.linePut("dtmf-stopped"); dtmf = null; } } if (fwd != null) { if (fwd.isClosed() != 0) { user.linePut("forward-stopped"); if (per != null) { per.stopCall(rcd); } fwd.setClose(); fwd = null; per = null; } } if (strm.isClosed() != 0) { user.linePut("hangup"); break; } if (user.isClosed() != 0) { break; } if (user.ready2rx() < 1) { bits.sleep(100); continue; } String a; if (prompt) { user.strPut("voice>"); a = user.lineGet(0x32); } else { a = user.lineGet(1); } cmds cmd = new cmds("voice", a); a = cmd.word().toLowerCase(); if (a.length() < 1) { continue; } if (a.equals("help")) { user.linePut("help commands:"); user.linePut("help sleep "); user.linePut("help echo "); user.linePut("help play-start "); user.linePut("help play-stop"); user.linePut("help play-running"); user.linePut("help play-wait"); user.linePut("help record-start "); user.linePut("help record-stop"); user.linePut("help record-running"); user.linePut("help record-wait"); user.linePut("help dtmf-start"); user.linePut("help dtmf-stop"); user.linePut("help dtmf-running"); user.linePut("help dtmf-wait"); user.linePut("help calling"); user.linePut("help called"); user.linePut("help forward-start "); user.linePut("help forward-stop"); user.linePut("help forward-running"); user.linePut("help forward-wait"); user.linePut("help modem-answer"); user.linePut("help modem-originate"); user.linePut("help hangup"); user.linePut("help responses:"); user.linePut("help hangup"); user.linePut("help forwarded"); user.linePut("help calling "); user.linePut("help called "); user.linePut("help forward-stopped"); user.linePut("help forward-running "); user.linePut("help play-stopped"); user.linePut("help play-running "); user.linePut("help record-stopped"); user.linePut("help record-running "); user.linePut("help dtmf-stopped"); user.linePut("help dtmf-code "); user.linePut("help dtmf-running "); user.linePut("help error "); user.linePut("help end"); continue; } if (a.equals("echo")) { user.linePut(cmd.getRemaining()); continue; } if (a.equals("sleep")) { int i = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (i < 1) { continue; } bits.sleep(i); continue; } if (a.equals("calling")) { user.linePut("calling " + calSrc); continue; } if (a.equals("called")) { user.linePut("called " + calTrg); continue; } if (a.equals("hangup")) { strm.setClose(); continue; } if (a.equals("play-stop")) { if (play == null) { user.linePut("error not-playing"); continue; } play.stopWork(); continue; } if (a.equals("record-stop")) { if (rec == null) { user.linePut("error not-recording"); continue; } rec.stopWork(); continue; } if (a.equals("dtmf-stop")) { if (dtmf == null) { user.linePut("error not-detecting"); continue; } dtmf.stopWork(); continue; } if (a.equals("forward-stop")) { if (fwd == null) { user.linePut("error not-forwarding"); continue; } if (per != null) { per.stopCall(rcd); } fwd.setClose(); continue; } if (a.equals("play-wait")) { if (play == null) { continue; } play.wait4stop(); continue; } if (a.equals("record-wait")) { if (rec == null) { continue; } rec.wait4stop(); continue; } if (a.equals("dtmf-wait")) { if (dtmf == null) { continue; } dtmf.wait4stop(); continue; } if (a.equals("forward-wait")) { if (fwd == null) { continue; } for (;;) { if (fwd.isClosed() != 0) { break; } bits.sleep(100); } continue; } if (a.equals("play-running")) { user.linePut("play-running " + (play != null)); continue; } if (a.equals("record-running")) { user.linePut("record-running " + (rec != null)); continue; } if (a.equals("dtmf-running")) { user.linePut("dtmf-running " + (dtmf != null)); continue; } if (a.equals("forward-running")) { user.linePut("forward-running " + (fwd != null)); continue; } if (a.equals("forward-start")) { if (fwd != null) { user.linePut("error already-forwarding"); continue; } if (rec != null) { user.linePut("error already-recording"); continue; } if (dtmf != null) { user.linePut("error already-detecting"); continue; } if (play != null) { user.linePut("error already-playing"); continue; } a = cmd.word(); String s = cmd.getRemaining(); per = cfgAll.dialFind(a, s, null); if (per == null) { user.linePut("error bad-number"); continue; } rcd = per.makeCall(a, s); if (rcd == null) { user.linePut("error failed-call"); continue; } fwd = per.getCall(rcd); new sndConnect(strm, fwd, codr, per.getCodec()); user.linePut("forwarded"); continue; } if (a.equals("play-start")) { if (fwd != null) { user.linePut("error already-forwarding"); continue; } if (play != null) { user.linePut("error already-playing"); continue; } byte[] buf = null; try { RandomAccessFile fr = new RandomAccessFile(cmd.getRemaining(), "r"); buf = new byte[(int) fr.length()];, 0, buf.length); fr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { user.linePut("error no-file"); continue; } play = new sndWave(codr, strm); play.buf = buf; play.startPlay(); continue; } if (a.equals("record-start")) { if (fwd != null) { user.linePut("error already-forwarding"); continue; } if (rec != null) { user.linePut("error already-recording"); continue; } if (dtmf != null) { user.linePut("error already-detecting"); continue; } recF = cmd.getRemaining(); rec = new sndWave(codr, strm); rec.startRecord(); continue; } if (a.equals("dtmf-start")) { if (fwd != null) { user.linePut("error already-forwarding"); continue; } if (rec != null) { user.linePut("error already-recording"); continue; } if (dtmf != null) { user.linePut("error already-detecting"); continue; } dtmf = new sndWave(codr, strm); dtmf.startDtmf(); continue; } if (a.equals("modem-answer")) { if (fwd != null) { user.linePut("error already-forwarding"); continue; } if (rec != null) { user.linePut("error already-recording"); continue; } if (dtmf != null) { user.linePut("error already-detecting"); continue; } if (play != null) { user.linePut("error already-playing"); continue; } pipeModem.answer(user, codr, strm); strm = null; user = null; return; } if (a.equals("modem-originate")) { if (fwd != null) { user.linePut("error already-forwarding"); continue; } if (rec != null) { user.linePut("error already-recording"); continue; } if (dtmf != null) { user.linePut("error already-detecting"); continue; } if (play != null) { user.linePut("error already-playing"); continue; } pipeModem.originate(user, codr, strm); strm = null; user = null; return; } user.linePut("error bad-command"); } if (rec != null) { rec.stopWork(); rec.wait4stop(); bits.byteSave(true, rec.buf, recF); } if (play != null) { play.stopWork(); play.wait4stop(); } if (dtmf != null) { dtmf.stopWork(); dtmf.wait4stop(); } if (fwd != null) { if (per != null) { per.stopCall(rcd); } fwd.setClose(); } } }