package org.freertr.serv; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrMac; import org.freertr.addr.addrType; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcBridgeIfc; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcDn; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcNull; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcUp; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.state; /** * one p4lang interface * * @author matecsaba */ public class servP4langIfc implements ifcDn, Comparable { /** * dynamically created */ protected boolean dynamic; /** * hidden from exports */ protected boolean hidden; /** * config */ protected final servP4lang lower; /** * id */ protected int id; /** * reinit parameters */ protected String reinit; /** * send packets through api */ protected boolean apiPack; /** * via neighbor */ protected servP4langNei viaN; /** * speed */ protected String speed; /** * speed converted */ protected int spdNum; /** * error correction */ protected int errCorr; /** * autoneg */ protected int autoNeg; /** * flow control */ protected int flowCtrl; /** * sent vrf */ protected int sentVrf; /** * sent monitoring */ protected int sentMon; /** * sent vlan */ protected int sentVlan; /** * sent bundle */ protected int sentBundle; /** * sent hairpin */ protected int sentHairpin; /** * sent mtu */ protected int sentMtu; /** * sent pppoe */ protected int sentPppoe; /** * sent label */ protected int sentLabel; /** * sent polka */ protected int sentPolka; /** * sent sgt taq */ protected int sentSgtTag; /** * sent sgt set */ protected int sentSgtSet; /** * sent pmtud */ protected int sentPmtud4in; /** * sent pmtud */ protected int sentPmtud6in; /** * sent pmtud */ protected int sentPmtud4out; /** * sent pmtud */ protected int sentPmtud6out; /** * sent mss */ protected int sentMss4in; /** * sent mss */ protected int sentMss4out; /** * sent mss */ protected int sentMss6in; /** * sent mss */ protected int sentMss6out; /** * sent verify */ protected int sentVerify4; /** * sent verify */ protected int sentVerify6; /** * sent propagate ipv4 */ protected int sentPropagate4; /** * sent propagate ipv6 */ protected int sentPropagate6; /** * sent flowspec ipv4 */ protected int sentFlowDis4; /** * sent flowspec ipv6 */ protected int sentFlowDis6; /** * sent mpls */ protected int sentMpls; /** * sent nsh */ protected int sentNsh; /** * sent macsec */ protected String sentMacsec; /** * sent interface state */ protected state.states sentState = state.states.close; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl4in1; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl4out1; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl6in1; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl6out1; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl4in2; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl4out2; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl6in2; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl6out2; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl4inF; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl4outF; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl6inF; /** * sent acl */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentAcl6outF; /** * sent sessions */ protected tabSession sentInsp4; /** * sent sessions */ protected tabSession sentInsp6; /** * sent qos */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentQos4in; /** * sent qos */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentQos4out; /** * sent qos */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentQos6in; /** * sent qos */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentQos6out; /** * sent qos */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentQos4inF; /** * sent qos */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentQos4outF; /** * sent qos */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentQos6inF; /** * sent qos */ protected tabListing, addrIP> sentQos6outF; /** * sent bridge encapsulation */ protected String sentBrTun; /** * controlling interface */ protected servP4langIfc master; /** * member interfaces */ protected List members; /** * pppoe headend */ protected servP4langIfc pppoe; /** * cloned from */ protected servP4langIfc cloned; /** * intreface config */ protected cfgIfc ifc; /** * bridge interface */ protected ifcBridgeIfc brif; /** * upper layer */ protected ifcUp upper = new ifcNull(); /** * counters */ protected counter cntr = new counter(); /** * last state */ protected state.states lastState = state.states.down; /** * create instance * * @param p parent * @param i id */ protected servP4langIfc(servP4lang p, int i) { id = i; lower = p; } public int compareTo(servP4langIfc o) { if (id < { return -1; } if (id > { return +1; } return 0; } /** * check if state needed * * @return true if suppression needed */ protected boolean suppressState() { if (ifc == null) { return true; } return (master != null) || (ifc.type == tabRouteIface.ifaceType.bundle) || (ifc.type == tabRouteIface.ifaceType.bridge) || (ifc.type == tabRouteIface.ifaceType.dialer) || (ifc.type == tabRouteIface.ifaceType.hairpin) || (ifc.type == tabRouteIface.ifaceType.tunnel) || (ifc.type == tabRouteIface.ifaceType.virtppp) || (ifc.type == tabRouteIface.ifaceType.pweth); } /** * clear down interface */ protected void tearDown() { if (ifc == null) { return; } if (sentMpls != 0) { lower.sendLine("mplspack_del " + id + " " + sentMpls); } if (sentNsh != 0) { lower.sendLine("nshpack_del " + id + " " + sentNsh); } if (sentVrf != 0) { lower.sendLine("portvrf_del " + id + " " + sentVrf); } if ((master != null) && (sentVlan != 0)) { if (master.master == null) { lower.sendLine("portvlan_del " + id + " " + + " " + ifc.vlanNum); } else { lower.sendLine("portqinq_del " + id + " " + + " " + + " " + master.ifc.vlanNum + " " + ifc.vlanNum); } } if (!suppressState()) { lower.sendLine("state " + id + " 0 " + getStateEnding()); lower.sendLine("ports_del " + id + " " + getStateEnding()); } if ((ifc.type == tabRouteIface.ifaceType.sdn) && (ifc.vlanNum == 0)) { ifcNull nul = new ifcNull(); nul.setUpper(ifc.ethtyp); } } public String toString() { return "p4lang port " + id; } /** * get unicast interface * * @return interface */ protected servP4langIfc getUcast() { if (master == null) { return this; } if (master.master == null) { return master; } return master.master; } /** * get multicast interface * * @param gid group id * @param hop nexthop * @return interface */ protected servP4langIfc getMcast(int gid, servP4langNei hop) { servP4langIfc i; if (master == null) { i = this; } else { if (master.master == null) { i = master; } else { i = master.master; } } if (i.members == null) { return i; } if (i.members.size() < 1) { return i; } if (hop != null) { gid ^=; } return i.members.get(gid % i.members.size()); } /** * get source address * * @return mac address */ protected addrMac getMac() { addrType adr = ifc.ethtyp.getHwAddr(); if (adr.getSize() != addrMac.size) { return new addrMac(); } return (addrMac) adr; } /** * encode state message * * @return encoding */ protected String getStateEnding() { return speed + " " + errCorr + " " + autoNeg + " " + flowCtrl; } /** * clear sent state */ protected void doClear() { viaN = null; if (suppressState()) { lastState = state.states.up; } else { lastState = state.states.down; } upper.setState(lastState); sentVlan = 0; sentBundle = 0; sentHairpin = 0; sentPppoe = -1; sentMacsec = null; sentVrf = 0; sentMon = -1; sentState = state.states.close; sentMtu = 0; sentLabel = -1; sentPolka = -1; sentSgtTag = 0; sentSgtSet = -1; sentMss4in = 0; sentMss4out = 0; sentMss6in = 0; sentMss6out = 0; sentPmtud4in = 0; sentPmtud6in = 0; sentPmtud4out = 0; sentPmtud6out = 0; sentVerify4 = 0; sentVerify6 = 0; sentPropagate4 = 0; sentPropagate6 = 0; sentFlowDis4 = 0; sentFlowDis6 = 0; sentMpls = 0; sentNsh = 0; sentAcl4in1 = null; sentAcl4in2 = null; sentAcl4inF = new tabListing, addrIP>(); sentAcl4out1 = null; sentAcl4out2 = null; sentAcl4outF = new tabListing, addrIP>(); sentAcl6in1 = null; sentAcl6in2 = null; sentAcl6inF = new tabListing, addrIP>(); sentAcl6out1 = null; sentAcl6out2 = null; sentAcl6outF = new tabListing, addrIP>(); sentQos4in = null; sentQos4inF = new tabListing, addrIP>(); sentQos4out = null; sentQos4outF = new tabListing, addrIP>(); sentQos6in = null; sentQos6inF = new tabListing, addrIP>(); sentQos6out = null; sentQos6outF = new tabListing, addrIP>(); sentInsp4 = null; sentInsp6 = null; sentBrTun = null; } public addrType getHwAddr() { return addrMac.getRandom(); } public void setFilter(boolean promisc) { } public state.states getState() { return lastState; } public void closeDn() { } public void flapped() { } public void setUpper(ifcUp server) { upper = server; upper.setParent(this); } public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } public int getMTUsize() { return 1500; } public long getBandwidth() { return 8000000; } /** * send one packet through api * * @param cnt counter to use * @param pck packet to send */ protected void apiSendPack(int cnt, packHolder pck) { if (debugger.servP4langTraf) { logger.debug("sending on #" + id + " " + pck.dataOffset()); } if (viaN == null) { lower.sendLine(servP4langUtil.packet2packout(false, pck, cnt, id, id)); } else { lower.sendLine(servP4langUtil.packet2packout(true, pck, cnt,, id)); } } /** * setup the api packet change * * @param ned needed or not */ public void setup2apiPack(boolean ned) { if (ned) { ifc.ethtyp.sendClear = this; } else { ifc.ethtyp.sendClear = null; } apiPack = ned; } public void sendPack(packHolder pck) { if (apiPack) { apiSendPack(1, pck); return; } lower.sendPack(id, pck); } }