package org.freertr.serv; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeLine; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.prt.prtGenConn; import org.freertr.prt.prtServS; import; import org.freertr.user.userFilter; import org.freertr.user.userHelping; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logFil; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.version; /** * internet relay chat (rfc2812) server * * @author matecsaba */ public class servIrc extends servGeneric implements prtServS { /** * create instance */ public servIrc() { } /** * port number */ public final static int port = 6667; /** * channels */ public tabGen chans = new tabGen(); /** * local */ public boolean log2local; /** * log to local file */ public logFil log2file; /** * peers */ public tabGen peers = new tabGen(); /** * defaults text */ public final static String[] defaultL = { "server irc .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "port " + port, "server irc .*!" + cmds.tabulator + "protocol " + proto2string(protoAllStrm), "server irc .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "local", "server irc .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "file", "server irc .*!" + cmds.tabulator + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + "rotate" }; /** * defaults filter */ public static tabGen defaultF; /** * get defaults filter * * @return filter */ public tabGen srvDefFlt() { return defaultF; } /** * get config * * @param beg beginning * @param l list */ public void srvShRun(String beg, List l, int filter) { cmds.cfgLine(l, !log2local, beg, "local", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, log2file == null, beg, "file", "" + log2file); if (log2file != null) { String a = log2file.rotate1(); cmds.cfgLine(l, a == null, beg, "rotate", a); } } /** * configure * * @param cmd command * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean srvCfgStr(cmds cmd) { String s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("file")) { try { log2file.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } log2file = new logFil(cmd.word());; return false; } if (s.equals("rotate")) { if (log2file == null) { return false; } int siz = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); s = cmd.word(); int tim = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); log2file.rotate(s, siz, tim, 0); return false; } if (s.equals("local")) { log2local = true; return false; } if (!s.equals(cmds.negated)) { return true; } s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("file")) { try { log2file.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } log2file = null; return false; } if (s.equals("rotate")) { if (log2file == null) { return false; } log2file.rotate(null, 0, 0, 0); return false; } if (s.equals("local")) { log2local = false; return false; } return true; } /** * get help * * @param l help */ public void srvHelp(userHelping l) { l.add(null, "1 2 file set log file"); l.add(null, "2 . log file"); l.add(null, "1 2 rotate log file rotation"); l.add(null, "2 3 maximum file size"); l.add(null, "3 4,. name of second file"); l.add(null, "4 . ms between backup"); l.add(null, "1 . local set local logging"); } /** * get name * * @return name */ public String srvName() { return "irc"; } /** * get port * * @return port */ public int srvPort() { return port; } /** * get protocol * * @return protocol */ public int srvProto() { return protoAllStrm; } /** * initialize * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean srvInit() { return genStrmStart(this, new pipeLine(32768, false), 0); } /** * deinitialize * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean srvDeinit() { return genericStop(0); } /** * start connection * * @param pipe pipeline * @param id connection * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean srvAccept(pipeSide pipe, prtGenConn id) { pipe.setTime(120000); pipe.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRorLF; pipe.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; peers.add(new servIrcConn(this, pipe, id.peerAddr.copyBytes(), id.portRem)); return false; } /** * delete one user * * @param peer peer to delete */ public synchronized void delUser(servIrcConn peer) { peers.del(peer); for (int i = chans.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { servIrcChan chn = chans.get(i); if (chn == null) { continue; } chn.peers.del(peer); if (chn.peers.size() > 0) { continue; } chans.del(chn); } } /** * find one user * * @param s username to find * @return user, null if nothing */ public servIrcConn findUser(String s) { s = s.trim().toLowerCase(); for (int i = peers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { servIrcConn usr = peers.get(i); if (usr == null) { continue; } if (s.equals(usr.nick.toLowerCase())) { return usr; } } return null; } /** * find one channel * * @param s channel to find or create * @param create true to create if not exists * @return channel, null if not found */ public servIrcChan findChan(String s, boolean create) { String a = s.trim().toLowerCase(); for (int i = chans.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { servIrcChan chn = chans.get(i); if (chn == null) { continue; } if (a.equals( { return chn; } } if (!create) { return null; } servIrcChan chn = new servIrcChan(a); chans.add(chn); return chn; } } class servIrcChan implements Comparable { public final String name; public tabGen peers = new tabGen(); public servIrcChan(String nam) { name = nam; } public int compareTo(servIrcChan o) { return name.compareTo(; } public void rawTx(String s, servIrcConn f) { if (debugger.servIrcTraf) { logger.debug(name + ": " + s); } for (int i = peers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { servIrcConn usr = peers.get(i); if (usr == null) { continue; } if (f != null) { if (f.nick.equals(usr.nick)) { continue; } } usr.rawTx(s); } } public String listNames() { String s = ""; for (int i = peers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { servIrcConn usr = peers.get(i); if (usr == null) { continue; } s += " " + usr.nick; } return s.trim(); } } class servIrcConn implements Comparable, Runnable { public final pipeSide conn; public final servIrc lower; public String nick; public final addrIP peer; public final int port; public boolean need2run; public servIrcConn(servIrc parent, pipeSide pipe, addrIP host, int prt) { need2run = true; lower = parent; conn = pipe; peer = host.copyBytes(); port = prt; nick = "peer" + peer; new Thread(this).start(); new servIrcKeep(this); } public int compareTo(servIrcConn o) { if (port < o.port) { return -1; } if (port > o.port) { return +1; } return peer.compareTo(o.peer); } public void run() { try { for (;;) { if (doOne()) { break; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } conn.setClose(); need2run = false; lower.delUser(this); } public void rawTx(String s) { if (debugger.servIrcTraf) { logger.debug("tx: " + s); } conn.linePut(s); } public void srvTx(String s) { rawTx(":" + cfgAll.hostName + " " + s); } public void numTx(String n, String s) { srvTx(n + " " + nick + " " + s); } public void namesTx(servIrcChan ch) { numTx("353", "= " + + " :" + ch.listNames()); numTx("366", + " :end of names"); } private boolean doOne() { String s = conn.lineGet(1).trim(); if (debugger.servIrcTraf) { logger.debug("rx: " + s); } cmds cmd = new cmds("", s); s = cmd.word().toLowerCase(); if (s.startsWith(":")) { s = cmd.word().toLowerCase(); } if (s.length() < 1) { return conn.isClosed() != 0; } if (s.equals("cap")) { s = cmd.word().toLowerCase(); if (s.equals("ls")) { srvTx("CAP LS * :"); return false; } if (s.equals("req")) { srvTx("CAP NAK " + cmd.getRemaining()); return false; } if (s.equals("clear")) { srvTx("CAP ACK " + cmd.getRemaining()); return false; } return false; } if (s.equals("user")) { return false; } if (s.equals("nick")) { nick = cmd.word().trim(); numTx("001", ":welcome to irc!"); int i = lower.chans.size(); numTx("254", i + " :" + i + " channels"); i = lower.peers.size(); numTx("254", i + " 0 :" + i + " users"); return false; } if (s.equals("quit")) { return true; } if (s.equals("pong")) { return false; } if (s.equals("ping")) { rawTx("PONG " + cmd.getRemaining()); return false; } if (s.equals("version")) { numTx("351", version.namVer + " :"); return false; } if (s.equals("time")) { numTx("391", cfgAll.hostName + " :" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, bits.getTime() + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 4)); return false; } if (s.equals("names")) { s = cmd.word(); servIrcChan chn = lower.findChan(s, false); if (chn == null) { return false; } namesTx(chn); return false; } if (s.equals("list")) { for (int i = lower.chans.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { servIrcChan chn = lower.chans.get(i); if (chn == null) { continue; } numTx("322", + " " + chn.peers.size() + " :"); } numTx("323", ":end of list"); return false; } if (s.equals("userhost")) { servIrcConn usr = lower.findUser(cmd.word()); if (usr == null) { return false; } numTx("302", ":" + usr.nick + "=+" + usr.nick + "@" + usr.peer); return false; } if (s.equals("join")) { s = cmd.word(); if (!s.startsWith("#")) { s = "#" + s; } servIrcChan chn = lower.findChan(s, true); chn.peers.add(this); chn.rawTx(":" + nick + "!" + nick + " JOIN " +, null); namesTx(chn); return false; } if (s.equals("part")) { s = cmd.word(); servIrcChan chn = lower.findChan(s, false); if (chn == null) { return false; } chn.rawTx(":" + nick + "!" + nick + " PART " +, null); chn.peers.del(this); if (chn.peers.size() > 0) { return false; } lower.chans.del(chn); return false; } if (s.equals("privmsg")) { s = cmd.word(); String a = cmd.getRemaining(); if (lower.log2local) {"irc " + nick + " " + s + " " + a); } if (lower.log2file != null) { lower.log2file.add(logger.getTimestamp() + " " + nick + " " + s + " " + a); } if (s.startsWith("#")) { servIrcChan chn = lower.findChan(s, false); if (chn == null) { return false; } chn.rawTx(":" + nick + "!" + nick + " PRIVMSG " + + " " + a, this); } else { servIrcConn usr = lower.findUser(s); if (usr == null) { return false; } usr.rawTx(":" + nick + "!" + nick + " PRIVMSG " + usr.nick + " " + a); } return false; } rawTx("ERROR bad command " + s + " " + cmd.getRemaining()); return false; } } class servIrcKeep implements Runnable { private final servIrcConn lower; public servIrcKeep(servIrcConn conn) { lower = conn; new Thread(this).start(); } public void run() { try { for (;;) { if (!lower.need2run) { return; } lower.rawTx("PING " + bits.getTime()); bits.sleep(30000); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } }