package org.freertr.serv; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.auth.authResult; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgInit; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgProxy; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgScrpt; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgTrnsltn; import org.freertr.enc.encBase64; import org.freertr.enc.encMarkDown; import org.freertr.enc.encUrl; import org.freertr.enc.encXml; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeConnect; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeLine; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSetting; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.prt.prtTcp; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoCls; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoUtl; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoWrk; import org.freertr.sec.secWebsock; import; import org.freertr.user.userConfig; import org.freertr.user.userExec; import org.freertr.user.userFlash; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.user.userHelping; import org.freertr.user.userReader; import org.freertr.user.userScript; import org.freertr.user.userTerminal; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.version; /** * http utilities * * @author matecsaba */ public class servHttpUtil { private servHttpUtil() { } /** * allow nothing */ public final static int apiBitsNothing = 0; /** * allow something */ public final static int apiBitsSomething = 0x01; /** * allow exec commands */ public final static int apiBitsExec = 0x02; /** * allow config commands */ public final static int apiBitsConfig = 0x04; /** * allow ip info commands */ public final static int apiBitsIpinfo = 0x08; /** * allow show commands */ public final static int apiBitsShow = 0x10; /** * allow script commands */ public final static int apiBitsScript = 0x20; /** * dump one xml * * @param s xml to dump */ protected final static void dumpXml(String s) { if (!debugger.servHttpXml) { return; } dumpXml(encXml.parseOne(s.replaceAll("\r", "").replaceAll("\n", ""))); } /** * dump one xml * * @param xml to dump */ protected final static void dumpXml(encXml xml) { if (!debugger.servHttpXml) { return; } List l =; for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { logger.debug("xml " + l.get(i)); } } /** * convert string to api bits * * @param cmd commands * @return api bits */ public final static int string2apiBits(cmds cmd) { int i = apiBitsNothing; for (;;) { String a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } if (a.equals("exec")) { i |= apiBitsExec; continue; } if (a.equals("config")) { i |= apiBitsConfig; continue; } if (a.equals("ipinfo")) { i |= apiBitsIpinfo; continue; } if (a.equals("show")) { i |= apiBitsShow; continue; } if (a.equals("script")) { i |= apiBitsScript; continue; } } if (i == apiBitsSomething) { return apiBitsNothing; } return i | apiBitsSomething; } /** * convert api bits to string * * @param i bits to convert * @return api bits */ public final static String apiBits2string(int i) { if ((i & apiBitsSomething) == 0) { return "bug=" + i; } String s = ""; if ((i & apiBitsExec) != 0) { s += " exec"; } if ((i & apiBitsConfig) != 0) { s += " config"; } if ((i & apiBitsIpinfo) != 0) { s += " ipinfo"; } if ((i & apiBitsShow) != 0) { s += " show"; } if ((i & apiBitsScript) != 0) { s += " script"; } return s; } /** * subconnect to string * * @param subconn subconnect mode * @return config string */ protected final static String subconn2string(int subconn) { String s = ""; if ((subconn & 0x1) != 0) { s += " strip-path"; } if ((subconn & 0x2) != 0) { s += " strip-name"; } if ((subconn & 0x4) != 0) { s += " strip-ext"; } if ((subconn & 0x8) != 0) { s += " strip-param"; } if ((subconn & 0x10) != 0) { s += " keep-cred"; } if ((subconn & 0x20) != 0) { s += " keep-host"; } if ((subconn & 0x40) != 0) { s += " keep-path"; } return s; } /** * check for no headers * * @param s prefix * @return true if found, false if not */ protected final static boolean checkNoHeaders(String s) { return new File(s + ".noheaders").exists(); } /** * read up subconnect modes * * @param neg negated * @param cmd commands to read * @return subconnect mode */ protected final static int string2subconn(boolean neg, cmds cmd) { if (neg) { return 0; } int res = 0; for (;;) { String a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } if (a.equals("strip-path")) { res |= 0x1; continue; } if (a.equals("strip-name")) { res |= 0x2; continue; } if (a.equals("strip-ext")) { res |= 0x4; continue; } if (a.equals("strip-param")) { res |= 0x8; continue; } if (a.equals("keep-cred")) { res |= 0x10; continue; } if (a.equals("keep-host")) { res |= 0x20; continue; } if (a.equals("keep-path")) { res |= 0x40; continue; } } return res; } private final static String semi2comma(String a) { return a.replaceAll(";", ","); } /** * update visitors file * * @param cn connection to use * @param pn pathname to update */ protected final static void updateVisitors(servHttpConn cn, String pn) { pn = cn.gotHost.path + pn + ".visitors"; if (!new File(pn).exists()) { return; } String a = cn.peer + ";" + logger.getTimestamp() + ";" + semi2comma(cn.gotAgent) + ";" + semi2comma(cn.gotReferer) + "\n"; bits.byteSave(false, a.getBytes(), pn); } /** * send one websocket * * @param cn connection to use * @param pn pathname * @return true on error, false on success */ protected final static boolean sendOneWebSck(servHttpConn cn, String pn) { pn = cn.gotHost.path + pn + ".websock"; if (!new File(pn).exists()) { return true; } List l = bits.txt2buf(pn); if (l == null) { return true; } if (l.size() < 5) { return true; } cfgProxy prx = cfgAll.proxyFind(l.get(0), false); if (prx == null) { cn.sendRespError(502, "bad proxy profile"); return false; } addrIP adr = userTerminal.justResolv(l.get(1), prx.proxy.prefer); if (adr == null) { cn.sendRespError(502, "bad target hostname"); return false; } pipeSide pip = prx.proxy.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, adr, bits.str2num(l.get(2)), "websock"); if (pip == null) { cn.sendRespError(502, "failed to connect"); return false; } cn.sendLn("HTTP/1.1 101 switching protocol"); cn.sendLn("Upgrade: websocket"); cn.sendLn("Connection: Upgrade"); cn.sendLn("Sec-WebSocket-Accept: " + secWebsock.calcHash(cn.gotWebsock)); cn.sendLn("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: " + l.get(3)); cn.sendLn(""); secWebsock wsk = new secWebsock(cn.pipe, new pipeLine(cn.lower.bufSiz, false)); wsk.binary = l.get(4).equals("bin"); wsk.startServer(); pipeConnect.connect(pip, wsk.getPipe(), true); cn.gotKeep = false; cn.pipe = null; return false; } /** * get style of host * * @param cn connection to use * @return style */ protected final static String getStyle(servHttpConn cn) { if (cn.gotHost == null) { return ""; } if ( == null) { return ""; } String s = "\n"; } /** * run one script * * @param cn connection to use * @param cfg config to use * @param l script to run * @return true on error, false on success */ protected final static boolean sendOneScript(servHttpConn cn, servHttpHost cfg, List l) { pipeLine pl = new pipeLine(1024 * 1024, false); pipeSide pip = pl.getSide(); pip.setTime(60000); pip.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; pip.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRorLF; userScript t = new userScript(pip, ""); t.addLines(l); t.allowConfig = (cfg.allowScript & 4) != 0; t.allowExec = (cfg.allowScript & 2) != 0; t.currDir = cfg.path; pip = pl.getSide(); pip.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCR; pip.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRorLF; pip.linePut("prot=" + cn.gotUrl.proto); pip.linePut("serv=" + cn.gotUrl.server); pip.linePut("path=" + cn.gotUrl.toPathName()); pip.linePut("agnt=" + cn.gotAgent); pip.linePut("refr=" + cn.gotReferer); if (cn.gotAuth != null) { pip.linePut("auth=" + cn.gotAuth); } pip.linePut("clnt=" + cn.peer); for (int i = 0; i < cn.gotUrl.param.size(); i++) { pip.linePut("par." + cn.gotUrl.param.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < cn.gotCook.size(); i++) { pip.linePut("cok." + cn.gotCook.get(i)); } pip.linePut("."); t.cmdAll(); pl.setClose(); String s = pip.strGet(1024 * 1024); if (s == null) { s = ""; } cn.sendTextHeader("200 ok", "text/html", s.getBytes()); return false; } /** * decode authentication string * * @param got string got * @param usr true=user, false=password * @return decoded string, null on error */ protected final static String decodeAuth(String got, boolean usr) { if (got == null) { return null; } int i = got.indexOf(" "); if (i < 0) { return null; } got = got.substring(i, got.length()).trim(); got = encBase64.decodeString(got); i = got.indexOf(":"); if (i < 0) { return null; } if (usr) { return got.substring(0, i); } else { return got.substring(i + 1, got.length()); } } /** * check user auth data * * @param cn connection to use * @return false on success, true on error */ protected final static boolean checkUserAuth(servHttpConn cn) { if (cn.gotAuth == null) { return true; } String usr = decodeAuth(cn.gotAuth, true); String pwd = decodeAuth(cn.gotAuth, false); authResult res = cn.gotHost.authenticList.authUserPass(usr, pwd); if (res.result != authResult.authSuccessful) { return true; } return false; } /** * apply translations * * @param cn connection to use * @param url url to update */ protected final static void doTranslate(servHttpConn cn, encUrl url) { if (cn.gotHost.translate == null) { return; } String a = cfgTrnsltn.doTranslate(cn.gotHost.translate, cn.gotUrl.toURL(true, true, true, true)); url.fromString(a); } /** * apply subconnect * * @param cn connection to use * @param url url to update */ protected final static void doSubconn(servHttpConn cn, encUrl url) { if ((cn.gotHost.subconn & 0x1) == 0) { url.filPath = cn.gotUrl.filPath; } if ((cn.gotHost.subconn & 0x2) == 0) { url.filName = cn.gotUrl.filName; } if ((cn.gotHost.subconn & 0x4) == 0) { url.filExt = cn.gotUrl.filExt; } if ((cn.gotHost.subconn & 0x8) == 0) { url.param = cn.gotUrl.param; } if ((cn.gotHost.subconn & 0x10) != 0) { url.username = cn.gotUrl.username; url.password = cn.gotUrl.password; } if ((cn.gotHost.subconn & 0x20) != 0) { url.server = cn.gotUrl.server; } if ((cn.gotHost.subconn & 0x40) != 0) { url.filPath = (url.filPath + "/" + cn.gotUrl.filPath).replaceAll("//", "/"); } } /** * do connect * * @param cn connection to use * @return false if not, true if done */ protected final static boolean doConnect(servHttpConn cn) { if (!cn.gotCmd.equals("connect")) { return false; } if (cn.gotHost != null) { if (cn.gotHost.allowAnyconn != null) { servHttpAnyconn ntry = new servHttpAnyconn(cn); ntry.doStart(cn.gotHost); return true; } } if (cn.lower.proxy == null) { cn.sendRespError(405, "not allowed"); return true; } cn.gotUrl.fromString("tcp://" + cn.gotUrl.orig); addrIP adr = userTerminal.justResolv(cn.gotUrl.server, cn.lower.proxy.prefer); if (adr == null) { cn.sendRespError(502, "bad gateway"); return true; } pipeSide cnn = cn.lower.proxy.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, adr, cn.gotUrl.getPort(cn.lower.srvPort()), "http"); if (cnn == null) { cn.sendRespError(504, "gateway timeout"); return true; } cn.sendRespHeader("200 connected", -1, null); pipeConnect.connect(cn.pipe, cnn, true); cn.pipe = null; return true; } /** * get webdav property * * @param n filename * @param f file to check * @param typ type * @param len length * @param tag tag * @param mod modified * @param crt creation * @param dsp display * @param cnt content type * @param usd disk usage * @param fre disk free * @return string */ protected final static String webdavProp(String n, File f, boolean typ, boolean len, boolean tag, boolean mod, boolean crt, boolean dsp, boolean cnt, boolean usd, boolean fre) { if (!f.exists()) { return ""; } boolean dir = f.isDirectory(); String a = ""; if (dir && (n.length() > 0)) { n += "/"; } a += "/" + n + ""; a += ""; if (typ) { if (dir) { a += ""; } else { a += ""; } } if (len) { a += "" + f.length() + ""; } if (tag) { a += "W/\"" + f.length() + "-" + f.lastModified() + "\""; } if (mod) { a += "" + bits.time2str("GMT", f.lastModified(), 4) + ""; } if (usd) { a += "" + (f.getTotalSpace() - f.getFreeSpace()) + ""; } if (fre) { a += "" + f.getFreeSpace() + ""; } if (crt) { a += "" + bits.time2str("Z", f.lastModified(), 3).replaceAll(" ", "T") + "Z"; } if (dsp) { a += ""; } if (cnt) { a += "" + cfgInit.findMimeType(n) + ""; } a += "HTTP/1.1 200 ok"; a += "\n"; return a; } /** * parse file name * * @param cn connection to use * @param s string to read * @return string parsed */ protected final static String parseFileName(servHttpConn cn, String s) { int i = s.lastIndexOf("."); if (i < 0) { return s; } cn.addHdr("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" + s + "\""); return s.substring(i + 1, s.length()); } /** * send one multipart content * * @param cn connection to use * @param s filename * @param a mime type * @return true on success, false on error */ protected final static boolean sendOneMotion(servHttpConn cn, String s, String a) { cn.gotKeep = false; s = cn.gotHost.path + s; final String bnd = "someRandomBoundaryStringThatWontOccurs"; cn.sendRespHeader("200 streaming", -1, "multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=" + bnd); if (cn.gotHead) { return false; } long os = -1; long ot = -1; for (;;) { if (cn.pipe.isClosed() != 0) { break; } File f = new File(s); if (!f.exists()) { break; } long ns = f.length(); long nt = f.lastModified(); if ((ns == os) && (nt == ot)) { bits.sleep(100); continue; } ot = nt; os = ns; byte[] buf; try { RandomAccessFile fr = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r"); int siz = (int) fr.length(); buf = new byte[siz];; fr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } cn.sendLn("--" + bnd); cn.sendRespHeader(null, buf.length, cfgInit.findMimeType(a)); cn.pipe.morePut(buf, 0, buf.length); } cn.clsPip(); return false; } /** * start streaming * * @param cn connection to use */ protected final static void reStream(servHttpConn cn) { cn.gotKeep = false; cn.sendRespHeader("200 restreaming", -1, cn.gotHost.streamM); cn.gotHost.streamC.add(cn.pipe); cn.pipe = null; if (cn.gotHost.streamS != null) { if (cn.gotHost.streamS.isClosed() == 0) { return; } } if (cn.gotHost.streamR != null) { return; } cn.gotHost.streamR = new servHttpStrm(cn.gotHost); cn.gotHost.streamR.doStart(); } /** * do multiple access * * @param cn connection to use */ protected final static void doMultAcc(servHttpConn cn) { cmds cmd = new cmds("hst", cn.gotHost.multiAccT); List urls = new ArrayList(); for (;;) { String a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } encUrl srvUrl = encUrl.parseOne(a); doTranslate(cn, srvUrl); doSubconn(cn, srvUrl); urls.add(srvUrl); } addrIP[] adrs = new addrIP[urls.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < adrs.length; i++) { adrs[i] = userTerminal.justResolv(urls.get(i).server, cn.gotHost.multiAccP.prefer); } pipeSide[] cons = new pipeSide[adrs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < adrs.length; i++) { cons[i] = null; if (adrs[i] == null) { continue; } cons[i] = cn.gotHost.multiAccP.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, adrs[i], urls.get(i).getPort(cn.lower.srvPort()), "http"); } pipeSide fin = null; for (int i = 0; i < cons.length; i++) { if (cons[i] == null) { continue; } if (fin != null) { fin.setClose(); } fin = cons[i]; pipeSide.modTyp old = fin.lineTx; fin.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; fin.linePut(cn.gotCmd.toUpperCase() + " " + urls.get(i).toURL(false, false, true, true) + " HTTP/1.1"); fin.linePut("User-Agent: " + cn.gotAgent + " [" + version.usrAgnt + " by " + cn.peer + "]"); fin.linePut("X-Forwarded-For: " + cn.peer); fin.linePut("Referer: " + cn.gotReferer); fin.linePut("Host: " + cn.gotUrl.server); fin.linePut("Accept: */*"); fin.linePut("Accept-Language: *"); fin.linePut("Accept-Charset: *"); fin.linePut("Accept-Encoding: identity"); if (cn.gotRange != null) { fin.linePut("Range: " + cn.gotRange); } fin.linePut("Connection: Close"); fin.linePut(""); fin.lineTx = old; } if (fin == null) { cn.sendRespError(504, "gateways timeout"); return; } pipeConnect.connect(cn.pipe, fin, true); cn.pipe = null; } /** * do reconnect access * * @param cn connection to use */ protected final static void doReconn(servHttpConn cn) { encUrl srvUrl = encUrl.parseOne(cn.gotHost.reconnT); doTranslate(cn, srvUrl); doSubconn(cn, srvUrl); addrIP adr = userTerminal.justResolv(srvUrl.server, cn.gotHost.reconnP.prefer); if (adr == null) { cn.sendRespError(502, "bad gateway"); return; } pipeSide cnn = cn.gotHost.reconnP.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, adr, srvUrl.getPort(cn.lower.srvPort()), "http"); if (cnn == null) { cn.sendRespError(504, "gateway timeout"); return; } if (debugger.servHttpTraf) { logger.debug("reconnect " + srvUrl.toURL(true, false, true, true)); } pipeSide.modTyp old = cnn.lineTx; cnn.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; cnn.linePut(cn.gotCmd.toUpperCase() + " " + srvUrl.toURL(false, false, true, true) + " HTTP/1.1"); cnn.linePut("User-Agent: " + cn.gotAgent + " [" + version.usrAgnt + " by " + cn.peer + "]"); cnn.linePut("X-Forwarded-For: " + cn.peer); cnn.linePut("Referer: " + cn.gotReferer); cnn.linePut("Host: " + srvUrl.server); cnn.linePut("Accept: */*"); cnn.linePut("Accept-Language: *"); cnn.linePut("Accept-Charset: *"); cnn.linePut("Accept-Encoding: identity"); if (cn.gotRange != null) { cnn.linePut("Range: " + cn.gotRange); } cnn.linePut("Connection: Close"); cnn.linePut(""); cnn.lineTx = old; pipeConnect.connect(cn.pipe, cnn, true); cn.pipe = null; } /** * send one class file * * @param cn connection to use * @param s file name * @return false on success, true on error */ protected final static boolean sendOneClass(servHttpConn cn, String s) { byte[] res = null; try { if (!new File(cn.gotHost.path + s).exists()) { return true; } Class cls = cn.gotHost.allowClass.loadClass(cn.gotUrl.filPath + cn.gotUrl.filName); Class[] mpl = {String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String[].class, ByteArrayOutputStream.class}; Method mth = cls.getDeclaredMethod("httpRequest", mpl); Object obj = cls.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(); String[] par = new String[cn.gotUrl.param.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < par.length; i++) { par[i] = "" + cn.gotUrl.param.get(i); } ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); obj = mth.invoke(obj, cn.gotUrl.toURL(true, false, false, true), cn.gotHost.path + s, "" + cn.peer, cn.gotAgent, cn.gotAuth, par, buf); s = (String) obj; res = buf.toByteArray(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e, cn.gotUrl.dump() + " peer=" + cn.peer); return true; } if (debugger.servHttpTraf) { logger.debug("res=" + s + " bytes=" + res.length); } if (s == null) { return true; } if (!s.equals("//file//")) { s = parseFileName(cn, s); cn.sendTextHeader("200 ok", cfgInit.findMimeType(s), res); return false; } s = new String(res); int i = s.indexOf("\n"); String a; if (i < 0) { a = s; } else { a = s.substring(0, i); s = s.substring(i + 1, s.length()); } i = s.indexOf("\n"); if (i < 0) { s = "." + parseFileName(cn, s); } else { parseFileName(cn, s.substring(0, i)); s = s.substring(i + 1, s.length()); } i = s.indexOf("\n"); int m; if (i < 0) { m = cn.gotHost.speedLimit; } else { m = bits.str2num(s.substring(i + 1, s.length())); s = s.substring(0, i); } if (!a.startsWith("/")) { a = cn.gotHost.path + a; } return sendBinFile(cn, a, s, m); } /** * send one image map * * @param cn connection to use * @param s filename * @return false on success, true on error */ protected final static boolean sendOneImgMap(servHttpConn cn, String s) { List buf = bits.txt2buf(cn.gotHost.path + s); if (buf == null) { return true; } if (cn.gotUrl.param.size() < 1) { return true; } s = "" + cn.gotUrl.param.get(0); int i = s.indexOf("="); if (i < 0) { return true; } s = s.substring(0, i); i = s.indexOf(","); if (i < 0) { return true; } int x = bits.str2num(s.substring(0, i)); int y = bits.str2num(s.substring(i + 1, s.length())); for (i = 0; i < buf.size(); i++) { cmds cmd = new cmds("line", buf.get(i)); s = cmd.word().toLowerCase(); if (s.equals("rectangle")) { int bx = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); int by = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); int ex = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); int ey = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (x < bx) { continue; } if (x > ex) { continue; } if (y < by) { continue; } if (y > ey) { continue; } cn.sendFoundAt(cmd.getRemaining()); return false; } if (s.equals("default")) { cn.sendFoundAt(cmd.getRemaining()); return false; } } return true; } /** * send one markdown * * @param cn connection to use * @param s filename * @return false on success, true on error */ protected final static boolean sendOneMarkdown(servHttpConn cn, String s) { List l = bits.txt2buf(cn.gotHost.path + s); if (l == null) { return true; } String rsp = servHttp.htmlHead + getStyle(cn) + "" + s + "\n"; rsp += encMarkDown.md2html(l); rsp += "\n"; cn.sendTextHeader("200 ok", "text/html", rsp.getBytes()); return false; } /** * send one redirection * * @param cn connection to use */ protected final static void doRedir(servHttpConn cn) { encUrl srvUrl = encUrl.parseOne(cn.gotHost.redir); doTranslate(cn, srvUrl); doSubconn(cn, srvUrl); cn.sendFoundAt(srvUrl.toURL(true, true, true, false)); } /** * send one redirection * * @param cn connection to use */ protected final static void doWebring(servHttpConn cn) { encUrl srvUrl = encUrl.parseOne(cn.gotHost.webring.get(bits.random(1, cn.gotHost.webring.size()))); doTranslate(cn, srvUrl); doSubconn(cn, srvUrl); cn.sendFoundAt(srvUrl.toURL(true, true, true, false)); } /** * send one streaming * * @param cn connection to use * @param s filename * @param a mime type * @return false on success, true on error */ protected final static boolean sendOneStream(servHttpConn cn, String s, String a) { cn.gotKeep = false; s = cn.gotHost.path + s; cn.sendRespHeader("200 streaming", -1, cfgInit.findMimeType(a)); if (cn.gotHead) { return false; } long os = new File(s).length() - 65536; if (os < 0) { os = 0; } long ot = -1; for (;;) { if (cn.pipe.isClosed() != 0) { break; } File f = new File(s); if (!f.exists()) { break; } long ns = f.length(); long nt = f.lastModified(); if ((ns == os) && (nt == ot)) { bits.sleep(100); continue; } byte[] buf; try { RandomAccessFile fr = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r"); ns = fr.length(); if (ns < os) { os = 0; } buf = new byte[(int) (ns - os)];;; fr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } ot = nt; os = ns; cn.pipe.morePut(buf, 0, buf.length); } cn.clsPip(); return false; } /** * send one directory * * @param cn connection to use * @param s filename * @return false on success true on error */ protected final static boolean sendOneDir(servHttpConn cn, String s) { if (cn.gotHost.autoIndex) { if (!cn.gotHost.sendOneFile(cn, s + "index.html", ".html")) { return false; } if (!cn.gotHost.sendOneFile(cn, s + "index.txt", ".txt")) { return false; } if (!cn.gotHost.sendOneFile(cn, s + "", ".md")) { return false; } if (!cn.gotHost.sendOneFile(cn, s + "index.class", ".class")) { return false; } if (!cn.gotHost.sendOneFile(cn, s + "index.tcl", ".tcl")) { return false; } } if (cn.gotHost.allowList == 0) { cn.sendRespError(404, "not found"); return true; } File[] fl = userFlash.dirList(cn.gotHost.path + s); if (fl == null) { return true; } String rsp = servHttp.htmlHead + getStyle(cn) + "dirlist\n"; if ((cn.gotHost.allowList & 2) != 0) { rsp += encMarkDown.txt2html(bits.txt2buf(cn.gotHost.path + s + "readme.txt")); rsp += encMarkDown.md2html(bits.txt2buf(cn.gotHost.path + s + "")); } rsp += "directory listing of " + + "/" + s + " at " + cfgAll.getFqdn() + ":

\n"; rsp += "\n"; rsp += "\n"; rsp += "\n"; tabGen stats = new tabGen(); servHttpDirs totalF = new servHttpDirs(".files."); servHttpDirs totalD = new servHttpDirs(".dirs."); for (int i = 0; i < fl.length; i++) { File f = fl[i]; String a = f.getName(); String b = a; long len = f.length(); long mod = f.lastModified(); if ((cn.gotHost.allowList & 4) != 0) { servHttpDirs ntry; int o = a.lastIndexOf("."); if (o < 0) { ntry = new servHttpDirs(".empty."); } else { ntry = new servHttpDirs(a.substring(o + 1, a.length())); } servHttpDirs old = stats.add(ntry); if (old != null) { ntry = old; } ntry.update(len, mod); } String c; if (f.isDirectory()) { a += "/"; c = "dir"; totalD.update(len, mod); } else { c = "" + len; totalF.update(len, mod); } a = a.replaceAll(":", "%3A"); rsp += "\n"; } rsp += "
" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, mod, 3) + "" + c + "" + b + "

\n"; if ((cn.gotHost.allowList & 4) != 0) { rsp += "
\n"; rsp += totalD; rsp += totalF; for (int i = 0; i < stats.size(); i++) { rsp += stats.get(i); } rsp += "

"; } rsp += "generated by " + version.namVer + ".\n"; cn.sendTextHeader("200 ok", "text/html", rsp.getBytes()); dumpXml(rsp); return false; } /** * send one binary file * * @param cn connection to use * @param s filename * @param a mime type * @param m speed limit * @return false on success, true on error */ protected final static boolean sendBinFile(servHttpConn cn, String s, String a, int m) { RandomAccessFile fr; long siz; try { File f = new File(s); if (f.isDirectory()) { cn.sendFoundAt(cn.gotUrl.toURL(true, false, false, false) + "/"); return false; } fr = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r"); siz = f.length(); } catch (Exception e) { return true; } long pos = 0; long ranB = -1; long ranE = -1; if (checkNoHeaders(s)) { cn.gotKeep = false; cn.gotHead = false; cn.gotRange = null; } if (cn.gotRange != null) { cn.gotRange = cn.gotRange.replaceAll(" ", ""); if (!cn.gotRange.startsWith("bytes=")) { cn.gotRange = ""; } else { cn.gotRange = cn.gotRange.substring(6, cn.gotRange.length()); } int i = cn.gotRange.indexOf("-"); if (i < 0) { cn.gotRange = null; } else if (i == 0) { ranB = bits.str2long(cn.gotRange.substring(1, cn.gotRange.length())); ranE = siz - 1; } else { ranB = bits.str2long(cn.gotRange.substring(0, i)); ranE = bits.str2long(cn.gotRange.substring(i + 1, cn.gotRange.length())); } if (ranB < 0) { ranB = 0; } if (ranB >= siz) { ranB = siz; } if (ranE >= siz) { ranE = siz - 1; } if (ranE <= ranB) { ranE = siz - 1; } } if (cn.gotRange == null) { if (!checkNoHeaders(s)) { cn.sendRespHeader("200 ok", siz, cfgInit.findMimeType(a)); } } else { cn.addHdr("Content-Range: bytes " + ranB + "-" + ranE + "/" + siz); if (!checkNoHeaders(s)) { cn.sendRespHeader("206 partial", ranE - ranB + 1, cfgInit.findMimeType(a)); } pos = ranB; siz = ranE + 1; } if (cn.gotHead) { siz = 0; } int don = 0; for (; pos < siz;) { final int max = 8192; long rndl = siz - pos; if (rndl > max) { rndl = max; } int rndi = (int) rndl; byte[] buf = new byte[rndi]; try {;, 0, rndi); } catch (Exception e) { cn.clsPip(); break; } if (cn.pipe.morePut(buf, 0, rndi) != rndi) { cn.clsPip(); break; } pos += buf.length; if (m < 1) { continue; } don += rndi; if (don < m) { continue; } bits.sleep(1000); don = 0; } try { fr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } /** * perform one exec * * @param beg beginning * @param cmd commands * @param prv privilege * @return results */ protected final static byte[] doOneExec(String beg, cmds cmd, boolean prv) { String r = ""; String e = new String(pipeSide.getEnding(pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF)); for (;;) { String s = cmd.word("/"); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } s = beg + s; pipeLine pl = new pipeLine(1024 * 1024, false); pipeSide pip = pl.getSide(); pip.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; pip.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRorLF; userReader rdr = new userReader(pip, null); pip.settingsPut(pipeSetting.tabMod, userFormat.tableMode.raw); pip.settingsPut(pipeSetting.height, 0); userExec exe = new userExec(pip, rdr); exe.privileged = prv; pip.setTime(60000); String a = exe.repairCommand(s); r += "#" + a + e; exe.executeCommand(a); pip = pl.getSide(); pl.setClose(); s = pip.strGet(1024 * 1024); if (s == null) { continue; } r += s; } return r.getBytes(); } /** * send one api * * @param cn connection to use * @param s commands * @return false on success true on error */ protected final static boolean sendOneApi(servHttpConn cn, String s) { if (cn.gotHost.allowApi == apiBitsNothing) { return true; } if ((cn.gotHost.allowApi & apiBitsSomething) == 0) { return true; } cmds cmd = new cmds("api", s); cmd.word("/"); s = cmd.word("/"); if (debugger.servHttpTraf) { logger.debug("api queried cmd=" + s + " prm=" + cmd.getRemaining() + " from " + cn.peer); } if (((cn.gotHost.allowApi & apiBitsIpinfo) != 0) && s.equals("ipinfo")) { if (cn.gotHost.ipInfo == null) { return true; } secInfoCls cls = new secInfoCls(null, null, null, cn.lower.srvVrf.getFwd(cn.peer), cn.peer, prtTcp.protoNum, cn.conn.iface.addr); secInfoWrk wrk = new secInfoWrk(cn.gotHost.ipInfo, cls); wrk.doHttpUrl(cmd.getRemaining()); wrk.doWork(false); wrk.need2drop(); List r = wrk.getRouteHtml(); String a = wrk.getContentType(); byte[] b = secInfoUtl.getRouteAscii(r); cn.sendTextHeader("200 ok", a, b); return false; } if (((cn.gotHost.allowApi & apiBitsShow) != 0) && s.equals("show")) { byte[] r = doOneExec("show ", cmd, false); cn.sendTextHeader("200 ok", "text/plain", r); return false; } if (((cn.gotHost.allowApi & apiBitsScript) != 0) && s.equals("script")) { cfgScrpt scr = cfgAll.scrptFind(cmd.word("/"), false); if (scr == null) { return true; } return sendOneScript(cn, cn.gotHost, scr.getText()); } if (((cn.gotHost.allowApi & apiBitsExec) != 0) && s.equals("exec")) { byte[] r = doOneExec("", cmd, (cn.gotHost.allowApi & apiBitsConfig) != 0); cn.sendTextHeader("200 ok", "text/plain", r); return false; } if (((cn.gotHost.allowApi & apiBitsConfig) != 0) && s.equals("config")) { pipeLine pl = new pipeLine(65535, false); pipeSide pip = pl.getSide(); pip.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; pip.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRorLF; userReader rdr = new userReader(pip, null); pip.settingsPut(pipeSetting.tabMod, userFormat.tableMode.raw); pip.settingsPut(pipeSetting.height, 0); userConfig cfg = new userConfig(pip, rdr); pip.setTime(60000); for (;;) { s = cmd.word("/"); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } userHelping hlp = cfg.getHelping(false, true, true); rdr.setContext(hlp, ""); String b = hlp.repairLine(s); if (b.length() < 1) { pip.linePut("bad: " + s); continue; } pip.linePut("#" + b); cfg.executeCommand(b); } pip = pl.getSide(); pl.setClose(); s = pip.strGet(65535); if (s == null) { s = ""; } cn.sendTextHeader("200 ok", "text/plain", s.getBytes()); return false; } return true; } }