package org.freertr.serv; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.auth.authGeneric; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAuther; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgProxy; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgScrpt; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgTrnsltn; import org.freertr.clnt.clntProxy; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.enc.encUrl; import org.freertr.enc.encXml; import org.freertr.prt.prtTcp; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoCfg; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoCls; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoUtl; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoWrk; import; import org.freertr.user.userFlash; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * http virtual host * * @author matecsaba */ public class servHttpHost implements Comparable { /** * parent of server */ public final servHttp parent; /** * name of server */ public final String host; /** * asked */ public int askNum; /** * asked */ public long askTim; /** * path of root directory */ public String path = null; /** * path of backup directory */ public String backupPath = null; /** * number of backups to keep */ public int backupCount = 0; /** * url to redirect to */ public String redir; /** * log to syslog */ public boolean logging; /** * proxy for reconnection */ public clntProxy reconnP; /** * url to reconnect to */ public String reconnT; /** * restrict url */ public int subconn; /** * translate url */ public List translate; /** * proxy for stream */ public clntProxy streamP; /** * url to stream */ public String streamT; /** * pipe of stream */ public pipeSide streamS; /** * content type of stream */ public String streamM; /** * list of receivers */ public List streamC; /** * streamer handler */ public servHttpStrm streamR; /** * proxy for multiple access */ public clntProxy multiAccP; /** * urls to multiple access */ public String multiAccT; /** * page style */ public List style; /** * webring list */ public List webring; /** * speed limit */ public int speedLimit; /** * serve index for dirs */ public boolean autoIndex = true; /** * convert markdown files */ public boolean allowMarkdown = false; /** * directory listing allowed */ public int allowList; /** * script search allowed */ public String searchScript; /** * script running allowed */ public int allowScript; /** * api calls allowed */ public int allowApi; /** * ip info configuration */ public secInfoCfg ipInfo; /** * image map decode allowed */ public boolean allowImgMap; /** * web socket allowed */ public boolean allowWebSck; /** * image streaming allowed */ public boolean allowMediaStrm; /** * class running allowed */ public URLClassLoader allowClass; /** * uploading allowed */ public boolean allowUpload; /** * webdav allowed */ public boolean allowWebDav; /** * sstp allowed */ public cfgIfc allowSstp; /** * anyconnect allowed */ public cfgIfc allowAnyconn; /** * fortinet allowed */ public cfgIfc allowForti; /** * authentication list */ public authGeneric authenticList; /** * gather info per accesses */ protected secInfoCfg accessControl; /** * create instance * * @param l lower * @param h host */ public servHttpHost(servHttp l, String h) { parent = l; host = h; } public String toString() { return "" + host; } public int compareTo(servHttpHost o) { return host.toLowerCase().compareTo(; } /** * get config * * @param beg beginning * @param l list * @param filter default filter */ protected void getConfig(String beg, List l, int filter) { String a = beg + "host " + host; l.add(a + " path " + path); if (style != null) { for (int i = 0; i < style.size(); i++) { l.add(a + " style " + style.get(i)); } } if (webring != null) { l.add(a + " webring " + webring.get(0)); } if (redir != null) { l.add(a + " redir " + redir); } if (logging) { l.add(a + " logging"); } if (reconnT != null) { l.add(a + " reconn " + + " " + reconnT); } if (translate != null) { String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < translate.size(); i++) { s += " " + translate.get(i).name; } l.add(a + " translate" + s); } if (subconn != 0) { String s = servHttpUtil.subconn2string(subconn); l.add(a + " subconn" + s); } if (streamT != null) { l.add(a + " stream " + streamM + " " + + " " + streamT); } if (multiAccT != null) { l.add(a + " multiacc " + + " " + multiAccT); } if (allowList != 0) { String s = ""; if ((allowList & 2) != 0) { s += " readme"; } if ((allowList & 4) != 0) { s += " stats"; } l.add(a + " dirlist" + s); } if (allowMarkdown) { l.add(a + " markdown"); } if (speedLimit > 0) { l.add(a + " speed-limit " + speedLimit); } if (!autoIndex) { l.add(a + " noindex"); } if (searchScript != null) { l.add(a + " search-script " + searchScript); } if (allowScript != 0) { String s = ""; if ((allowScript & 2) != 0) { s += " exec"; } if ((allowScript & 4) != 0) { s += " config"; } l.add(a + " script" + s); } if (allowApi != servHttpUtil.apiBitsNothing) { l.add(a + " api" + servHttpUtil.apiBits2string(allowApi)); } secInfoUtl.getConfig(l, ipInfo, a + " ipinfo "); if (allowImgMap) { l.add(a + " imagemap"); } if (allowWebSck) { l.add(a + " websock"); } if (allowWebDav) { l.add(a + " webdav"); } if (allowMediaStrm) { l.add(a + " mediastream"); } if (allowClass != null) { l.add(a + " class"); } if (allowUpload) { l.add(a + " upload"); } if (backupPath != null) { l.add(a + " backup " + backupCount + " " + backupPath); } if (allowSstp != null) { l.add(a + " sstp " +; } if (allowAnyconn != null) { l.add(a + " anyconn " +; } if (allowForti != null) { l.add(a + " forti " +; } if (authenticList != null) { l.add(a + " authentication " + authenticList.autName); } if (accessControl != null) { secInfoUtl.getConfig(l, accessControl, a + " access-"); } } /** * do configuration * * @param negated negated * @param a command read * @param cmd commands to read * @return true on error, false on success */ protected boolean doConfig(boolean negated, String a, cmds cmd) { if (a.equals("style")) { a = cmd.getRemaining(); if (negated) { if (style == null) { return false; } style.remove(a); return false; } if (style == null) { style = new ArrayList(); } if (style.indexOf(a) >= 0) { return false; } style.add(a); return false; } if (a.equals("webring")) { if (negated) { webring = null; return false; } a = cmd.word(); List res = bits.txt2buf(a); if (res == null) { cmd.error("no such file"); return false; } if (res.size() < 1) { cmd.error("empty file"); return false; } res.add(0, a); webring = res; return false; } if (a.equals("redir")) { if (negated) { redir = null; return false; } redir = cmd.word(); return false; } if (a.equals("logging")) { logging = !negated; return false; } if (a.equals("reconn")) { if (negated) { reconnP = null; reconnT = null; return false; } cfgProxy prx = cfgAll.proxyFind(cmd.word(), false); if (prx == null) { cmd.error("no such proxy"); return false; } reconnP = prx.proxy; reconnT = cmd.word(); return false; } if (a.equals("translate")) { if (negated) { translate = null; return false; } translate = new ArrayList(); for (;;) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } cfgTrnsltn trn = cfgAll.trnsltnFind(a, false); if (trn == null) { cmd.error("no such rule"); continue; } translate.add(trn); } return false; } if (a.equals("subconn")) { subconn = servHttpUtil.string2subconn(negated, cmd); return false; } if (a.equals("stream")) { if (negated) { streamP = null; streamT = null; streamM = null; if (streamS == null) { return false; } streamS.setClose(); streamS = null; return false; } a = cmd.word(); cfgProxy prx = cfgAll.proxyFind(cmd.word(), false); if (prx == null) { cmd.error("no such proxy"); return false; } streamM = a; streamP = prx.proxy; streamT = cmd.word(); if (streamC == null) { streamC = new ArrayList(); } if (streamS == null) { return false; } streamS.setClose(); streamS = null; return false; } if (a.equals("multiacc")) { if (negated) { multiAccP = null; multiAccT = null; return false; } cfgProxy prx = cfgAll.proxyFind(cmd.word(), false); if (prx == null) { cmd.error("no such proxy"); return false; } multiAccP = prx.proxy; multiAccT = cmd.getRemaining(); return false; } if (a.equals("speed-limit")) { if (negated) { speedLimit = 0; return false; } speedLimit = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (a.equals("noindex")) { autoIndex = negated; return false; } if (a.equals("markdown")) { allowMarkdown = !negated; return false; } if (a.equals("dirlist")) { if (negated) { allowList = 0; return false; } allowList = 1; for (;;) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } if (a.equals("readme")) { allowList |= 2; continue; } if (a.equals("stats")) { allowList |= 4; continue; } } return false; } if (a.equals("ipinfo")) { ipInfo = secInfoUtl.doCfgStr(ipInfo, cmd, negated); return false; } if (a.equals("api")) { if (negated) { allowApi = servHttpUtil.apiBitsNothing; return false; } allowApi = servHttpUtil.string2apiBits(cmd); return false; } if (a.equals("search-script")) { if (negated) { searchScript = null; return false; } searchScript = cmd.word(); return false; } if (a.equals("script")) { if (negated) { allowScript = 0; return false; } allowScript = 1; for (;;) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } if (a.equals("exec")) { allowScript |= 2; continue; } if (a.equals("config")) { allowScript |= 4; continue; } } return false; } if (a.equals("imagemap")) { allowImgMap = !negated; return false; } if (a.equals("websock")) { allowWebSck = !negated; return false; } if (a.equals("webdav")) { allowWebDav = !negated; return false; } if (a.equals("mediastream")) { allowMediaStrm = !negated; return false; } if (a.equals("class")) { if (negated) { allowClass = null; return false; } try { URL url = new URI("file://" + path).toURL(); URL[] urls = new URL[1]; urls[0] = url; allowClass = new URLClassLoader(urls); } catch (Exception e) { allowClass = null; } return false; } if (a.equals("upload")) { allowUpload = !negated; return false; } if (a.equals("backup")) { if (negated) { backupCount = 0; backupPath = null; return false; } backupCount = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); backupPath = "/" + encUrl.normalizePath(cmd.word() + "/"); return false; } if (a.equals("sstp")) { if (negated) { allowSstp = null; return false; } allowSstp = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (allowSstp == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return false; } if (allowSstp.type != tabRouteIface.ifaceType.dialer) { cmd.error("not dialer interface"); allowSstp = null; return false; } return false; } if (a.equals("anyconn")) { if (negated) { allowAnyconn = null; return false; } allowAnyconn = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (allowAnyconn == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return false; } if (allowAnyconn.type != tabRouteIface.ifaceType.dialer) { cmd.error("not dialer interface"); allowAnyconn = null; return false; } return false; } if (a.equals("forti")) { if (negated) { allowForti = null; return false; } allowForti = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (allowForti == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return false; } if (allowForti.type != tabRouteIface.ifaceType.dialer) { cmd.error("not dialer interface"); allowForti = null; return false; } return false; } if (a.startsWith("access-")) { a = a.substring(7, a.length()); a += " " + cmd.getRemaining(); a = a.trim(); cmd = new cmds("info", a); accessControl = secInfoUtl.doCfgStr(accessControl, cmd, negated); return false; } if (a.equals("authentication")) { if (negated) { authenticList = null; return false; } cfgAuther lst = cfgAll.autherFind(cmd.word(), null); if (lst == null) { cmd.error("no such auth list"); return false; } authenticList = lst.getAuther(); return false; } return true; } /** * send one file * * @param cn connection * @param s filename * @param a extension * @return false on success, true on error */ protected boolean sendOneFile(servHttpConn cn, String s, String a) { if (searchScript != null) { cfgScrpt scr = cfgAll.scrptFind(searchScript + s, false); if (scr != null) { return servHttpUtil.sendOneScript(cn, this, scr.getText()); } } if (allowMarkdown) { if (a.equals(".md")) { return servHttpUtil.sendOneMarkdown(cn, s); } } if (allowScript != 0) { if (a.equals(".tcl")) { List l = bits.txt2buf(path + s); if (l == null) { return true; } return servHttpUtil.sendOneScript(cn, this, l); } } if (allowClass != null) { if (a.equals(".class")) { return servHttpUtil.sendOneClass(cn, s); } } if (allowImgMap) { if (a.equals(".imgmap")) { return servHttpUtil.sendOneImgMap(cn, s); } } if (allowMediaStrm) { if (a.startsWith(".stream-")) { return servHttpUtil.sendOneStream(cn, s, "." + a.substring(8, a.length())); } } if (allowMediaStrm) { if (a.startsWith(".motion-")) { return servHttpUtil.sendOneMotion(cn, path + s, "." + a.substring(8, a.length())); } } return servHttpUtil.sendBinFile(cn, path + s, a, speedLimit); } /** * serve one request * * @param cn connection */ protected void serveRequest(servHttpConn cn) { String pn = cn.gotUrl.toPathName(); if (cn.gotHost == null) { cn.sendRespError(404, "not found"); return; } if (accessControl != null) { secInfoCls cls = new secInfoCls(null, null, null, cn.lower.srvVrf.getFwd(cn.peer), cn.peer, prtTcp.protoNum, cn.conn.iface.addr); secInfoWrk wrk = new secInfoWrk(accessControl, cls); wrk.doWork(false); if (wrk.need2drop()) { cn.sendRespError(401, "forbidden"); return; } } askNum++; askTim = bits.getTime(); if (logging) { + " accessed " + cn.gotUrl.toURL(true, false, true, true)); } if (allowForti != null) { servHttpForti ntry = new servHttpForti(cn); ntry.serveReq(cn.gotHost); return; } if (allowAnyconn != null) { servHttpAnyconn ntry = new servHttpAnyconn(cn); ntry.serveReq(cn.gotHost); return; } if (authenticList != null) { if (servHttpUtil.checkUserAuth(cn)) { cn.addHdr("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=login"); cn.sendRespError(401, "unauthorized"); return; } cn.gotAuth = servHttpUtil.decodeAuth(cn.gotAuth, true); } else { cn.gotAuth = null; } if (streamT != null) { servHttpUtil.reStream(cn); return; } if (multiAccT != null) { servHttpUtil.doMultAcc(cn); return; } if (reconnT != null) { servHttpUtil.doReconn(cn); return; } if (redir != null) { servHttpUtil.doRedir(cn); return; } if (webring != null) { servHttpUtil.doWebring(cn); return; } if (cn.gotCmd.equals("options")) { String a = ""; if (allowUpload) { a += ", PUT"; } if (allowWebDav) { a += ", PROPFIND"; if (allowUpload) { a += ", DELETE, COPY, MOVE, PROTPATCH"; } cn.addHdr("DAV: 1"); } if (cn.lower.proxy != null) { a += ", CONNECT"; } if (allowSstp != null) { a += ", SSTP_DUPLEX_POST"; } cn.addHdr("Allow: GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS" + a); cn.sendRespHeader("200 ok", 0, null); return; } if (cn.gotCmd.equals("propfind")) { if (!cn.gotHost.allowWebDav) { cn.sendRespError(405, "not allowed"); return; } String a = new String(cn.gotBytes).replaceAll("\r", "").replaceAll("\n", ""); if (a.length() < 1) { a = ""; } encXml xml = encXml.parseOne(a); servHttpUtil.dumpXml(xml); String beg = "/?xml/propfind/prop/"; boolean typ = false; boolean len = false; boolean tag = false; boolean mod = false; boolean crt = false; boolean dsp = false; boolean cnt = false; boolean usd = false; boolean fre = false; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { a =; if (a.equals("/?xml/propfind/allprop")) { typ = true; len = true; tag = true; mod = true; crt = true; dsp = true; cnt = true; usd = true; fre = true; continue; } if (!a.startsWith(beg)) { continue; } a = a.substring(beg.length(), a.length()); typ |= a.equals("resourcetype"); len |= a.equals("getcontentlength"); tag |= a.equals("getetag"); mod |= a.equals("getlastmodified"); crt |= a.equals("creationdate"); dsp |= a.equals("displayname"); cnt |= a.equals("getcontenttype"); usd |= a.equals("quota-used-bytes"); fre |= a.equals("quota-available-bytes"); } a = "\n"; a += "\n"; if (cn.gotDepth) { if ((!pn.endsWith("/")) && (pn.length() > 0)) { pn += "/"; } a += servHttpUtil.webdavProp(pn, new File(cn.gotHost.path + pn), typ, len, tag, mod, crt, dsp, cnt, usd, fre); File[] fl = userFlash.dirList(cn.gotHost.path + pn); if (fl == null) { fl = new File[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < fl.length; i++) { a += servHttpUtil.webdavProp(pn + fl[i].getName(), fl[i], typ, len, tag, mod, crt, dsp, cnt, usd, fre); } } else { a += servHttpUtil.webdavProp(pn, new File(cn.gotHost.path + pn), typ, len, tag, mod, crt, dsp, cnt, usd, fre); } a += "\n"; cn.sendRespHeader("207 multi-status", a.length(), "text/xml"); cn.pipe.strPut(a); servHttpUtil.dumpXml(a); return; } if (cn.gotCmd.equals("proppatch")) { if ((!cn.gotHost.allowWebDav) || (!cn.gotHost.allowUpload)) { cn.sendRespError(405, "not allowed"); return; } String a = "\n"; a += "\n"; a += servHttpUtil.webdavProp(pn, new File(cn.gotHost.path + pn), true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true); a += "\n"; cn.sendRespHeader("207 multi-status", a.length(), "text/xml"); cn.pipe.strPut(a); servHttpUtil.dumpXml(a); return; } if (cn.gotCmd.equals("mkcol")) { if ((!cn.gotHost.allowWebDav) || (!cn.gotHost.allowUpload)) { cn.sendRespError(405, "not allowed"); return; } if (userFlash.mkdir(cn.gotHost.path + pn)) { cn.sendRespHeader("409 conflict", 0, null); } else { cn.sendRespHeader("201 created", 0, null); } return; } if (cn.gotCmd.equals("delete")) { if ((!cn.gotHost.allowWebDav) || (!cn.gotHost.allowUpload)) { cn.sendRespError(405, "not allowed"); return; } if (userFlash.delete(cn.gotHost.path + pn)) { cn.sendRespHeader("409 conflict", 0, null); } else { cn.sendRespHeader("201 created", 0, null); } return; } if (cn.gotCmd.equals("copy")) { if ((!cn.gotHost.allowWebDav) || (!cn.gotHost.allowUpload) || (cn.gotDstntn == null)) { cn.sendRespError(405, "not allowed"); return; } encUrl url = encUrl.parseOne(cn.gotDstntn); url.normalizePath(); if (userFlash.copy(cn.gotHost.path + pn, path + url.toPathName(), false)) { cn.sendRespHeader("409 conflict", 0, null); } else { cn.sendRespHeader("201 created", 0, null); } return; } if (cn.gotCmd.equals("move")) { if ((!cn.gotHost.allowWebDav) || (!cn.gotHost.allowUpload) || (cn.gotDstntn == null)) { cn.sendRespError(405, "not allowed"); return; } encUrl url = encUrl.parseOne(cn.gotDstntn); url.normalizePath(); if (userFlash.rename(cn.gotHost.path + pn, path + url.toPathName(), false, false)) { cn.sendRespHeader("409 conflict", 0, null); } else { cn.sendRespHeader("201 created", 0, null); } return; } if (cn.gotCmd.equals("put")) { if (!cn.gotHost.allowUpload) { cn.sendRespError(405, "not allowed"); return; } if (backupPath != null) { String a = backupPath + pn; for (int i = backupCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { userFlash.rename(a + i, a + (i + 1), true, false); } if (backupCount > 0) { a += "0"; } userFlash.rename(cn.gotHost.path + pn, a, true, false); } servHttpUtil.updateVisitors(cn, pn); bits.byteSave(true, cn.gotBytes, path + pn); cn.sendRespError(200, "saved"); return; } if (cn.gotCmd.equals("sstp_duplex_post")) { if (allowSstp == null) { cn.sendRespError(405, "not allowed"); return; } cn.addHdr("Content-Length: 18446744073709551615"); cn.sendRespHeader("200 ok", -1, null); servHttpSstp ntry = new servHttpSstp(cn); ntry.doStart(); return; } if (cn.gotCmd.equals("post")) { cn.gotCmd = "get"; } if (cn.gotCmd.equals("head")) { cn.gotCmd = "get"; cn.gotHead = true; } if (!cn.gotCmd.equals("get")) { cn.sendRespError(501, "not implemented"); return; } servHttpUtil.updateVisitors(cn, pn); if (allowWebSck && (cn.gotWebsock != null)) { if (!servHttpUtil.sendOneWebSck(cn, pn)) { return; } return; } if (cn.gotUrl.filPath.startsWith(".api./")) { if (!servHttpUtil.sendOneApi(cn, pn)) { return; } cn.sendRespError(404, "bad api"); return; } boolean b = true; if (cn.gotUrl.toFileName().length() > 0) { b = sendOneFile(cn, pn, cn.gotUrl.filExt); } else { b = servHttpUtil.sendOneDir(cn, pn); } if (!b) { return; } cn.sendRespError(404, "not found"); } }