package org.freertr.serv; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRtr; import org.freertr.clnt.clntWhois; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgp; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgpNeigh; import; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; /** * bmp server connection * * @author matecsaba */ public class servBmp2mrtStat implements Comparable { /** * connecting peer */ protected addrIP from; /** * remote address */ protected addrIP peer; /** * as number */ protected int asn; /** * packets in */ protected int packIn; /** * packets out */ protected int packOut; /** * packets rate */ protected int packRate; /** * packets last */ protected long packLast; /** * bytes in */ protected int byteIn; /** * bytes out */ protected int byteOut; /** * last state */ protected boolean state; /** * connection time */ protected long since; /** * chanegs seen */ protected int change; /** * router to use */ protected tabRouteAttr.routeType rouT; /** * router to use */ protected int rouI; /** * router to use */ protected boolean rouD; /** * process to use */ protected rtrBgp prc; /** * neighbor to use */ protected rtrBgpNeigh nei; /** * dynamic peer */ protected boolean dyn; /** * report last */ protected long repLast; /** * report packets */ protected int repPack; /** * report bytes */ protected int repByte; /** * policy rejected */ protected int repPolRej; /** * duplicate advertisements */ protected int repDupAdv; /** * duplicate withdrawals */ protected int repDupWit; /** * cluster list */ protected int repClstrL; /** * as path */ protected int repAsPath; /** * originator id */ protected int repOrgnId; /** * as confederation */ protected int repAsConf; /** * bad updates */ protected int repWitUpd; /** * bad withdraws */ protected int repWitPrf; /** * duplicate updates */ protected int repDupUpd; /** * create instance */ public servBmp2mrtStat() { } public int compareTo(servBmp2mrtStat o) { int i = from.compareTo(o.from); if (i != 0) { return i; } return peer.compareTo(o.peer); } public String toString() { return from + "|" + peer + "|" + asn + "|" + clntWhois.asn2name(asn, true) + "|" + state + "|" + change + "|" + bits.timePast(since) + "|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, since + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3); } /** * convert from string * * @param cmd command to read * @param stat status * @return true on error false on success */ public boolean fromString(cmds cmd, boolean stat) { rouD = cmd.word().equals("tx"); tabRouteAttr.routeType rt = cfgRtr.name2num(cmd.word()); if (rt == null) { cmd.error("invalid routing protocol"); return true; } int ri = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); cfgRtr rp = cfgAll.rtrFind(rt, ri, false); if (rp == null) { cmd.error("bad process number"); return true; } if (rp.bgp == null) { cmd.error("not a bgp process"); return true; } prc = rp.bgp; if (!stat) { rouT = rt; rouI = ri; return false; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromString(cmd.word()); nei = rp.bgp.findPeer(adr); if (nei == null) { cmd.error("no such peer"); return true; } rouT = rt; rouI = ri; return false; } /** * get current config * * @param stat status * @return string */ public String getCfg(boolean stat) { String a = (rouD ? "tx" : "rx") + " " + cfgRtr.num2name(rouT) + " " + rouI; if (stat) { return a + " " + nei; } else { return a; } } /** * get show output * * @return output */ public userFormat getShow() { userFormat res = new userFormat("|", "category|value"); res.add("from|" + from); res.add("peer|" + peer); res.add("dynamic|" + dyn); res.add("asnum|" + asn); res.add("asname|" + clntWhois.asn2name(asn, true)); res.add("asinfo|" + clntWhois.asn2info(asn)); res.add("state|" + state); res.add("since|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, since + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3) + " (" + bits.timePast(since) + " ago)"); res.add("change|" + change); res.add("pack in|" + packIn); res.add("pack out|" + packOut); res.add("byte in|" + byteIn); res.add("byte out|" + byteOut); res.add("pack last|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, packLast + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3) + " (" + bits.timePast(packLast) + " ago)"); res.add("report pack|" + repPack); res.add("report byte|" + repByte); res.add("report last|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, repLast + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3) + " (" + bits.timePast(repLast) + " ago)"); res.add("rep policy drp|" + repPolRej); res.add("rep dup advert|" + repDupAdv); res.add("rep dup withdrw|" + repDupWit); res.add("rep dup update|" + repDupUpd); res.add("rep cluster id|" + repClstrL); res.add("rep as path|" + repAsPath); res.add("rep originator|" + repOrgnId); res.add("rep confed|" + repAsConf); res.add("rep bad updt|" + repWitUpd); res.add("rep bad prfx|" + repWitPrf); res.add("process|" + rouT + " " + rouI); res.add("neighbor|" + nei); res.add("direction|" + rouD); return res; } /** * add counters * * @param oth where from */ public void addCnts(servBmp2mrtStat oth) { if (since < oth.since) { since = oth.since; } if (packLast < oth.packLast) { packLast = oth.packLast; } if (repLast < oth.repLast) { repLast = oth.repLast; } change += oth.change; packIn += oth.packIn; packOut += oth.packOut; byteIn += oth.byteIn; byteOut += oth.byteOut; repPack += oth.repPack; repByte += oth.repByte; repPolRej += oth.repPolRej; repDupAdv += oth.repDupAdv; repDupWit += oth.repDupWit; repDupUpd += oth.repDupUpd; repClstrL += oth.repClstrL; repAsPath += oth.repAsPath; repOrgnId += oth.repOrgnId; repAsConf += oth.repAsConf; repWitUpd += oth.repWitUpd; repWitPrf += oth.repWitPrf; } }