package org.freertr.sec; import org.freertr.auth.authGeneric; import org.freertr.auth.authResult; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashGeneric; import org.freertr.cry.cryKeyDSA; import org.freertr.cry.cryKeyECDSA; import org.freertr.cry.cryKeyGeneric; import org.freertr.cry.cryKeyRSA; import org.freertr.pack.packSsh; import org.freertr.pack.packSshAuth; import org.freertr.pack.packSshChan; import org.freertr.pack.packSshInit; import org.freertr.pack.packSshKex; import org.freertr.pack.packSshSign; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeLine; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSetting; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.user.userReader; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * secure shell (rfc4251) protocol * * @author matecsaba */ public class secSsh implements Runnable { /** * lower layer session to use for encrypted communication */ public final pipeSide lower; /** * user side of cleartext pipeline */ public final pipeSide userC; /** * mode of operation, true=client, false=server */ protected boolean client; /** * my side of cleartext pipeline */ protected final pipeSide userS; /** * cleartext pipeline */ protected final pipeLine userP; /** * server authentication list */ protected authGeneric servAuth; /** * authenticated user */ public authResult servUser; /** * rsa key */ protected cryKeyRSA keyrsa; /** * dss key */ protected cryKeyDSA keydsa; /** * ecdss key */ protected cryKeyECDSA keyecdsa; /** * client pubkey */ protected byte[] clntPubkey; /** * client username */ protected String clntUser; /** * client password */ protected String clntPass; /** * remote channel id */ protected int chanRem; /** * local channel id */ protected int chanLoc; /** * bytes received in channel */ protected int chanBytes; /** * default port number */ public final static int portNum = 22; private packSsh pckRx; private packSsh pckTx; /** * start ssh on a session * * @param session pipeside to use as lower layer * @param pipe pipeline to use on user side */ public secSsh(pipeSide session, pipeLine pipe) { lower = session; lower.setTime(120 * 1000); userP = pipe; userS = pipe.getSide(); userC = pipe.getSide(); userC.setTime(120 * 1000); userS.setTime(120 * 1000); } /** * get user side pipeline * * @return cleartext pipeline */ public pipeSide getPipe() { return userC; } /** * start client connection * * @param pubkey pubkey * @param user username * @param pass password */ public void startClient(byte[] pubkey, String user, String pass) { client = true; clntUser = user; clntPass = pass; clntPubkey = pubkey; workerStart(); } /** * start server connection * * @param auth authentication list * @param rsa rsa key * @param dsa dss key * @param ecdsa ecdss key */ public void startServer(authGeneric auth, cryKeyRSA rsa, cryKeyDSA dsa, cryKeyECDSA ecdsa) { client = false; servAuth = auth; keyrsa = rsa; keydsa = dsa; keyecdsa = ecdsa; workerStart(); } private void workerStart() { new Thread(this).start(); } public void run() { try { if (client) { workerClient(); } else { workerServer(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } lower.setClose(); userP.setClose(); if (debugger.secSshTraf) { logger.debug("main stopped"); } } private int serverAuther(packSsh p, packSshAuth pa) { if (pa.method.equals(packSsh.authenNone)) { servUser = servAuth.authUserNone(pa.username); if (servUser == null) { return 2; } if (servUser.result == authResult.authSuccessful) { return 1; } return 2; } if (pa.method.equals(packSsh.authenPass)) { servUser = servAuth.authUserPass(pa.username, pa.password); if (servUser == null) { return 0; } if (servUser.result == authResult.authSuccessful) { return 1; } return 0; } if (!pa.method.equals(packSsh.authenPkey)) { return 0; } packSshSign sgn = new packSshSign(pa.password); if (pa.pkeySign == null) { cryKeyGeneric vrf = sgn.getKeyVerifier(); if (vrf == null) { return 2; } if (vrf.sshReader(pa.pkeyBlob)) { return 2; } servUser = servAuth.authUserPkey(vrf, pa.username); if (servUser == null) { return 2; } if (servUser.result != authResult.authSuccessful) { return 2; } pa.authPkeyCreate(); p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); if (pa.authReqParse()) { return 0; } } cryKeyGeneric vrf = sgn.getKeyVerifier(); if (vrf == null) { return 0; } cryHashGeneric hsh = sgn.getKeyHashAlgo(); if (hsh == null) { return 0; } String alg = sgn.getKeyHashAlgn(); if (alg == null) { return 0; } if (vrf.sshReader(pa.pkeyBlob)) { return 0; } servUser = servAuth.authUserPkey(vrf, hsh, alg, pa.getAuthen2signed(), pa.username, pa.pkeySign); if (servUser == null) { return 0; } if (servUser.result == authResult.authSuccessful) { return 1; } return 0; } private void workerThreads(packSsh p) { userS.setReady(); pckRx = p.copyBytes(); pckTx = p.copyBytes(); new secSshRx(this); new secSshTx(this); for (;;) { bits.sleep(1000); if (userS.isClosed() != 0) { return; } } } /** * stop threads */ protected void workerStop() { userP.setClose(); lower.setClose(); } private void doPackRecv(packSsh p) { for (;;) { p.packRecv(); switch (p.pckTyp) { case packSsh.typeChanWin: packSshChan pc = new packSshChan(p); if (pc.chanWindowParse()) { return; } break; case packSsh.typeExtInfo: packSshInit pi = new packSshInit(p); if (pi.extensInfoParse()) { break; } break; case packSsh.typeGlobReq: case packSsh.typeDebug: case packSsh.typeAuthBann: case packSsh.typeIgnore: case packSsh.typeUnimp: break; default: return; } } } /** * receiver worker */ protected void workerRx() { packSshChan pc = new packSshChan(pckRx); for (;;) { pckRx.packRecv(); switch (pckRx.pckTyp) { case packSsh.typeChanData: case packSsh.typeChanExtDat: if (pc.chanDataParse()) { return; } userS.morePut(pc.buf, 0, pc.buf.length); chanBytes += pc.buf.length; break; case packSsh.typeChanOpen: if (pc.chanOpenParse()) { return; } int tmp = pc.chanRem; pc = new packSshChan(pckTx); pc.chanRem = tmp; pc.openFailCreate(); pckTx.packSend(); pc = new packSshChan(pckRx); break; case packSsh.typeChanReq: if (pc.chanReqParse()) { return; } if (!processChanReq(pckRx, pc)) { if (!pc.needReply) { break; } pc = new packSshChan(pckTx); pc.chanRem = chanRem; pc.chanFailCreate(); pckTx.packSend(); pc = new packSshChan(pckRx); break; } if (!pc.needReply) { break; } pc = new packSshChan(pckTx); pc.chanRem = chanRem; pc.chanSuccCreate(); pckTx.packSend(); pc = new packSshChan(pckRx); break; case packSsh.typeChanWin: if (pc.chanWindowParse()) { return; } break; case packSsh.typeDebug: case packSsh.typeIgnore: case packSsh.typeUnimp: case packSsh.typeGlobReq: break; default: return; } } } /** * sender worker */ protected void workerTx() { packSshChan pc = new packSshChan(pckTx); for (;;) { pckTx.pipe.setTime(userS.getTime()); if (chanBytes > 1024) { pc.chanRem = chanRem; pc.window = chanBytes; pc.chanWindowCreate(); pckTx.packSend(); chanBytes -= pc.window; } byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int i = userS.blockingGet(buf, 0, 1); if (i < 0) { return; } int o = userS.nonBlockGet(buf, i, buf.length - i); if (o < 0) { o = 0; } pc.buf = new byte[o + i]; if (pc.buf.length < 1) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < pc.buf.length; i++) { pc.buf[i] = buf[i]; } pc.chanRem = chanRem; pc.chanDataCreate(); pckTx.packSend(); } } private boolean processChanReq(packSsh p, packSshChan pc) { if (pc.type.equals(packSshChan.reqFlwCtr)) { return true; } if (pc.type.equals(packSshChan.reqSignal)) { return true; } if (pc.type.equals(packSshChan.reqWindow)) { userReader.setTermWdt(userS, p.pckDat.msbGetD(0)); userReader.setTermLen(userS, p.pckDat.msbGetD(4)); return true; } return false; } private void workerServer() { if (debugger.secSshTraf) { logger.debug("starting"); } packSsh p = new packSsh(); p.pipe = lower; packSshInit pi = new packSshInit(p); pi.exchangeVersion(); packSshKex pg = new packSshKex(p); pg.hashStr(pi.remoteVersion); pg.hashStr(packSshInit.getLocalVersion()); pg.hashSwap(); pi.kexInitFill(); pi.kexInitCreate(false); pg.hashPck(); p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); pg.hashSwap(); pg.hashPck(); pg.hashMerge(); if (pi.kexInitParse(false)) { return; } if (pi.kexInitChoose(pi, null)) { return; } pg.difHel = pi.getDHgroup(); pg.hasher = pi.getDHhash(); cryKeyGeneric key = pi.kexKeys.getKeySigner(keydsa, keyrsa); pg.cert = key.sshWriter(); pg.hashInt(pg.cert.length); pg.hashBuf(pg.cert); if (pg.difHel == null) { doPackRecv(p); pg.hashPay(); if (pg.gexReqParse()) { return; } pg.gexGroupFill(); if (pg.difHel == null) { return; } pg.gexGroupCreate(); p.packSend(); pg.hashBig(pg.difHel.modulus); pg.hashBig(; doPackRecv(p); if (pg.gexInitParse()) { return; } pg.difHel.servXchg(); pg.difHel.servKey(); pg.hashCalc(); pg.gexReplyFill(pi.kexKeys.getKeyHashAlgo(), pi.kexKeys.getKeyHashAlgn(), key); pg.gexReplyCreate(); p.packSend(); } else { doPackRecv(p); if (pg.kexInitParse()) { return; } pg.difHel.servXchg(); pg.difHel.servKey(); pg.hashCalc(); pg.gexReplyFill(pi.kexKeys.getKeyHashAlgo(), pi.kexKeys.getKeyHashAlgn(), key); pg.kexReplyCreate(); p.packSend(); } if (pi.newKeysExchange()) { return; } pg.encSetup(pi, false); if (pi.kexExts) { pi.extensInfoCreate(); p.packSend(); } packSshAuth pa = new packSshAuth(p, pg); doPackRecv(p); if (pa.servReqParse()) { return; } if (!pa.service.equals(packSsh.serviceAuth)) { return; } pa.servActpCreate(packSsh.serviceAuth); p.packSend(); for (int retry = 0;; retry++) { if (retry > 5) { return; } doPackRecv(p); if (pa.authReqParse()) { continue; } int res = serverAuther(p, pa); if (res == 1) { break; } if (res == 0) { bits.sleep(3000 + bits.random(1, 1000)); } else { retry--; } pa.authFailCreate(); p.packSend(); } userS.settingsPut(pipeSetting.authed, servUser); pa.authSuccCreate(); p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); packSshChan pc = new packSshChan(p); if (pc.chanOpenParse()) { return; } chanRem = pc.chanRem; pc.openDoneCreate(); chanLoc = pc.chanLoc; p.packSend(); for (;;) { doPackRecv(p); if (pc.chanReqParse()) { return; } pc.chanRem = chanRem; if (processChanReq(p, pc)) { if (pc.needReply) { pc.chanSuccCreate(); p.packSend(); } continue; } if (pc.type.equals(packSshChan.reqShell)) { if (pc.needReply) { pc.chanSuccCreate(); p.packSend(); } break; } if (pc.type.equals(packSshChan.reqExec)) { if (pc.needReply) { pc.chanSuccCreate(); p.packSend(); } break; } if (pc.type.equals(packSshChan.reqSubsys)) { if (pc.needReply) { pc.chanSuccCreate(); p.packSend(); } break; } if (pc.type.equals(packSshChan.reqPtyReq)) { p.stringRead(); userReader.setTermWdt(userS, p.pckDat.msbGetD(0)); userReader.setTermLen(userS, p.pckDat.msbGetD(4)); if (pc.needReply) { pc.chanSuccCreate(); p.packSend(); } continue; } if (pc.type.equals(packSshChan.reqEnv)) { if (pc.needReply) { pc.chanSuccCreate(); p.packSend(); } continue; } if (pc.needReply) { pc.chanFailCreate(); p.packSend(); } } workerThreads(p); } private void workerClient() { if (debugger.secSshTraf) { logger.debug("starting"); } packSsh p = new packSsh(); p.pipe = lower; packSshKex pg = new packSshKex(p); packSshInit pi = new packSshInit(p); pi.exchangeVersion(); pg.hashStr(packSshInit.getLocalVersion()); pg.hashStr(pi.remoteVersion); pi.kexInitFill(); pi.kexInitCreate(true); pg.hashPck(); p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); pg.hashPck(); pg.hashSwap(); if (pi.kexInitParse(true)) { return; } if (pi.kexInitChoose(null, pi)) { return; } pg.difHel = pi.getDHgroup(); pg.hasher = pi.getDHhash(); if (pg.difHel == null) { pg.gexReqFill(); pg.gexReqCreate(); pg.hashPay(); p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); if (pg.gexGroupParse()) { return; } pg.hashBig(pg.difHel.modulus); pg.hashBig(; pg.gexInitFill(); pg.gexInitCreate(); p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); if (pg.gexReplyParse()) { return; } } else { pg.gexInitFill(); pg.kexInitCreate(); p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); if (pg.kexReplyParse()) { return; } } pg.difHel.clntKey(); pg.hashSwap(); pg.hashInt(pg.cert.length); pg.hashBuf(pg.cert); pg.hashMerge(); pg.hashCalc(); if (clntPubkey != null) { if (clntPubkey.length != pg.cert.length) { return; } if (bits.byteComp(clntPubkey, 0, pg.cert, 0, clntPubkey.length) != 0) { return; } } cryKeyGeneric key = pi.kexKeys.getKeyVerifier(); if (key.sshReader(pg.cert)) { return; } if (key.sshVerify(pi.kexKeys.getKeyHashAlgo(), pi.kexKeys.getKeyHashAlgn(), pg.hashVal, pg.sign)) { return; } if (pi.newKeysExchange()) { return; } pg.encSetup(pi, true); packSshAuth pa = new packSshAuth(p, pg); pa.servReqCreate(packSsh.serviceAuth); p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); if (pa.servAcptParse()) { return; } pa.username = clntUser; pa.password = clntPass; pa.authReqCreate(packSsh.serviceConn); p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); if (pa.authSuccParse()) { return; } packSshChan pc = new packSshChan(p); pc.chanOpenCreate(); chanLoc = pc.chanRem; p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); if (pc.openDoneParse()) { return; } chanRem = pc.chanLoc; pc.chanRem = chanRem; pc.chanReqCreatePty(); p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); if (pc.chanSuccParse()) { return; } pc.chanRem = chanRem; pc.chanReqCreateShll(); p.packSend(); doPackRecv(p); if (pc.chanSuccParse()) { return; } workerThreads(p); } } class secSshRx implements Runnable { private secSsh lower; public secSshRx(secSsh parent) { lower = parent; new Thread(this).start(); } public void run() { try { lower.workerRx(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } lower.workerStop(); if (debugger.secSshTraf) { logger.debug("rx stopped"); } } } class secSshTx implements Runnable { private secSsh lower; public secSshTx(secSsh parent) { lower = parent; new Thread(this).start(); } public void run() { try { lower.workerTx(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } lower.workerStop(); if (debugger.secSshTraf) { logger.debug("tx stopped"); } } }