package org.freertr.sec; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgInit; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRtr; import org.freertr.clnt.clntDns; import org.freertr.clnt.clntPmtud; import org.freertr.enc.enc7bit; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwd; import org.freertr.ip.ipRtr; import org.freertr.pack.packDnsRec; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgpUtil; import org.freertr.serv.servHttp; import; import; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * generic information worker * * @author matecsaba */ public class secInfoWrk implements Runnable { /** * configuration to use */ protected final secInfoCfg config; /** * closer to use */ protected final secInfoCls closer; /** * forwarder to use */ protected final ipFwd connFwd; /** * protocol number */ protected final int proto; /** * allow to query others */ protected final boolean othrs; /** * address to query */ protected final addrIP addr = new addrIP(); /** * local address */ protected final addrIP local; /** * tracker result */ protected boolean tracker; /** * style to send */ protected String style; /** * set table formatter */ protected userFormat.tableMode format; /** * hack route details */ protected boolean hack; /** * plain route details */ protected boolean plain; /** * ip only headline */ protected boolean justip; /** * add route details */ protected boolean detail; /** * add route summary */ protected boolean single; /** * separate summary sections */ protected boolean separate; /** * resolution status */ protected String resolved = null; /** * router selected */ protected cfgRtr rtrCfg = null; /** * router selected */ protected ipRtr rtrIp = null; /** * forwarder selected */ protected ipFwd fwd = null; /** * route entry found */ protected tabRouteEntry ntry = null; /** * pmtud result */ protected clntPmtud pmtuD; /** * create an instance * * @param ned configuration to use * @param cls closer to use */ public secInfoWrk(secInfoCfg ned, secInfoCls cls) { if (ned == null) { ned = new secInfoCfg(); } closer = cls; connFwd = cls.fwder; config = ned; proto = cls.protNum; local = cls.local; hack = ned.hacked; plain = ned.plain; justip = ned.justip; style =; format = ned.format; detail = ned.details; single = ned.single; separate = ned.separate; othrs = ned.others; changeWorkAddr(cls.remote); } public void run() { doLongWork(); doClosures(); } public String toString() { return "" + addr; } private void changeWorkAddr(addrIP adr) { addr.fromBuf(adr.getBytes(), 0); } /** * get one liner information * * @return single line of information */ public List getRoute1liner() { if (justip) { return bits.str2lst("" + addr); } List res = secInfoUtl.getRoute1liner(this); if (!hack) { return res; } res = enc7bit.toHackedLst(res); return res; } /** * get pmtud result */ public void doPmtud() { pmtuD = secInfoUtl.doPmtud(config, connFwd, addr, local); } /** * do every work * * @param thrd start new thread if needed * @return true if a new thread started */ public boolean doWork(boolean thrd) { doTrackers(); doFindRoute(); doCheckRpf(); doCheckAcl(); if (tracker) { return false; } thrd &= config.resolve || (config.pmtudTim > 0) || (config.script != null); if (thrd) { new Thread(this).start(); return true; } doLongWork(); return false; } /** * check if drop needed * * @return true if yes, false if no */ public boolean need2drop() { if (tracker) { return true; } if (pmtuD == null) { return false; } if (pmtuD.last < 1) { return true; } return false; } /** * close the connections */ protected void doClosures() { if (!need2drop()) { return; } try { if (closer.closeP != null) { closer.closeP.setClose(); } if (closer.closeC != null) { closer.closeC.setClosing(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e, addr + " " + proto); } } /** * update tracker */ protected void doTrackers() { try { tracker = false; if (config.tracker != null) { tracker |= !config.tracker.getStatus(); } if (config.startupDelay > 0) { tracker |= (bits.getTime() - cfgInit.started) < config.startupDelay; } if (config.accessRate != null) { tracker |= config.accessRate.check(1); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e, addr + " " + proto); } } /** * check the route */ protected void doCheckAcl() { try { if (config.accessList == null) { return; } if (closer.closeC != null) { tracker |= !config.accessList.matches(closer.closeC); return; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.IPsrc.setAddr(addr); pck.IPtrg.setAddr(closer.local); pck.IPprt = proto; tracker |= !config.accessList.matches(false, false, pck); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e, addr + " " + proto); } } /** * check the route */ protected void doCheckRpf() { try { if ((config.prefixList == null) && (config.routeMap == null) && (config.routePolicy == null)) { return; } tabRouteEntry n = closer.fwder.actualU.route(addr); if (n == null) { tracker = true; return; } if (config.prefixList != null) { tracker |= !config.prefixList.matches(rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, n.prefix); } if (config.routeMap != null) { tracker |= !config.routeMap.matches(rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, n); } if (config.routePolicy != null) { tracker |= tabRtrplc.doRpl(rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, n, config.routePolicy, true) == null; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e, addr + " " + proto); } } /** * find the route */ protected void doFindRoute() { try { fwd = secInfoUtl.findOneFwd(addr, config.fwder4, config.fwder6); rtrCfg = secInfoUtl.findOneRtr(addr, config.router4typ, config.router6typ, config.router4num, config.router6num); if (rtrCfg == null) { return; } rtrIp = rtrCfg.getRouter(); if (fwd == null) { fwd = rtrCfg.fwd; } ntry = secInfoUtl.findOneRoute(addr, rtrIp, fwd); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e, addr + " " + proto); } } /** * do time consuming work */ protected void doLongWork() { if (debugger.clntIpInfo) { logger.debug("working on " + addr + " " + proto); } try { doPmtud(); doResolve(); doScript(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e, addr + " " + proto); } } /** * get html boilerplate * * @param hdr true to preface, false fo closure * @return string, null if nothing */ public String getHtmlLines(boolean hdr) { if (plain) { return null; } String tag; if (format == userFormat.tableMode.html) { tag = "table"; } else { tag = "pre"; } if (!hdr) { return ""; } String a = servHttp.htmlHead + "ipinfo"; if (style == null) { return a + "<" + tag + ">"; } return a + "<" + tag + " style=\"" + style + "\">"; } /** * get content type * * @return content type, null if no config */ public String getContentType() { if (plain) { return "text/plain"; } else { return "text/html"; } } /** * process url parameters * * @param a parameters */ public void doHttpUrl(String a) { if (debugger.clntIpInfo) { logger.debug("api " + a + " queried " + addr + " " + proto); } cmds cmd = new cmds("url", a.replaceAll("/", " ")); for (;;) { if (secInfoUtl.doOneHttp(this, cmd)) { break; } } } /** * set address * * @param a address to use */ public void setAddr(String a) { if (!othrs) { return; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); if (adr.fromString(a)) { return; } changeWorkAddr(adr); } /** * print out results * * @param pipe pipeline to use */ public void putResult(pipeSide pipe) { pipe.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; pipe.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRorLF; List lst = getRouteInfos(); byte[] res = secInfoUtl.getRouteAscii(lst); pipe.morePut(res, 0, res.length); } /** * execute the script */ protected void doScript() { if (config.script == null) { return; } List lst = new ArrayList(); lst.add("set remote " + addr); lst.add("set proto " + proto); config.script.doRound(lst); } /** * execute the script */ protected void doResolve() { if (resolved != null) { return; } if (!config.resolve) { resolved = null; return; } clntDns clnt = new clntDns(); clnt.doResolvList(cfgAll.nameServerAddr, packDnsRec.generateReverse(addr), false, packDnsRec.typePTR); resolved = clnt.getPTR(); if (resolved != null) { return; }"no reverse dns " + addr + " " + proto); } /** * get route details * * @return route details or empty list */ public List getRouteInfos() { List res = new ArrayList(); if (single) { res.addAll(getRoute1liner()); } if (!detail) { return res; } res.addAll(secInfoUtl.getRouteDetails(fwd, ntry, format, hack)); return res; } /** * get route details * * @return route details or empty list */ public List getRouteHtml() { List r = getRouteInfos(); String a = getHtmlLines(true); if (a != null) { r.add(0, a); } a = getHtmlLines(false); if (a != null) { r.add(a); } return r; } }