package org.freertr.rtr; import org.freertr.addr.addrEui; import org.freertr.enc.encThriftEntry; import org.freertr.util.bits; /** * rift database entry * * @author matecsaba */ public class rtrRiftTie implements Comparable { /** * expiration time */ public long expire; /** * direction, 1=south, 2=north */ public int direct; /** * originator */ public long origin; /** * type, 2=node, 3=prefix, 4=positiveDisaggregate, 5=negativeDisaggregate, * 6=pgPrefix, 7=keyValue, 8=externalPrefix, 9=positiveExtrenalDisaggregate */ public int type; /** * number */ public int number; /** * sequence */ public long sequence; /** * elements */ public encThriftEntry elements; /** * create instance */ public rtrRiftTie() { } public int compareTo(rtrRiftTie o) { if (direct < { return -1; } if (direct > { return +1; } if (origin < o.origin) { return -1; } if (origin > o.origin) { return +1; } if (number < o.number) { return -1; } if (number > o.number) { return +1; } return 0; } /** * clone this data * * @return copied data object */ public rtrRiftTie copyHead() { rtrRiftTie n = new rtrRiftTie(); = direct; n.origin = origin; n.number = number; n.type = type; n.sequence = sequence; n.expire = expire; return n; } /** * test if differs from other * * @param other data to compare * @return true if differs, false if not */ public boolean differs(rtrRiftTie other) { if (other == null) { return true; } return other.sequence != sequence; } /** * test if better from other * * @param other data to compare * @return true if better, false if not */ public boolean better(rtrRiftTie other) { if (other == null) { return true; } if (other.sequence < sequence) { return true; } return false; } /** * convert to string * * @return converted string */ public String toString() { String a; switch (direct) { case 1: a = "s"; break; case 2: a = "n"; break; default: a = "unk=" + direct; } return a + "|" + origin + "|" + number + "|" + type + "|" + sequence + "|" + bits.timeLeft(expire); } /** * get header from thrift * * @param th1 thrift to read * @return true on error, false on success */ public boolean getHeader(encThriftEntry th1) { if (th1 == null) { return true; } encThriftEntry th2 = th1.getField(2, 0); // tieid if (th2 == null) { return true; } encThriftEntry th3 = th2.getField(1, 0); if (th3 == null) { return true; } direct = (int) th3.val; th3 = th2.getField(2, 0); if (th3 == null) { return true; } origin = th3.val; th3 = th2.getField(3, 0); if (th3 == null) { return true; } type = (int) th3.val; th3 = th2.getField(4, 0); if (th3 == null) { return true; } number = (int) th3.val; th2 = th1.getField(3, 0); if (th2 == null) { return true; } sequence = th2.val; return false; } /** * put header to thrift * * @return thrift to write */ public encThriftEntry putHeader1() { encThriftEntry th1 = new encThriftEntry(); th1.putField(1, encThriftEntry.tpI32, direct); th1.putField(2, encThriftEntry.tpI64, origin); th1.putField(3, encThriftEntry.tpI32, type); th1.putField(4, encThriftEntry.tpI32, number); return th1; } /** * put header to thrift * * @return thrift to write */ public encThriftEntry putHeader2() { encThriftEntry th2 = new encThriftEntry(); th2.putField(2, encThriftEntry.tpStr, putHeader1().elm); // tieid th2.putField(3, encThriftEntry.tpI64, sequence); th2.typ = encThriftEntry.tpStr; return th2; } /** * put header to thrift * * @return thrift to write */ public encThriftEntry putHeader3() { encThriftEntry th3 = new encThriftEntry(); th3.putField(1, encThriftEntry.tpStr, putHeader2().elm); th3.putField(2, encThriftEntry.tpI32, getRemain()); return th3; } /** * get remaining lifetime * * @return seconds */ public int getRemain() { return (int) ((expire - bits.getTime()) / 1000); } /** * check if expired * * @return true if yes, false if not */ public boolean isExpired() { return getRemain() < 60; } /** * get origin as address * * @return address */ public addrEui getOrigin() { addrEui adr = new addrEui(); bits.msbPutQ(adr.getBytes(), 0, origin); return adr; } }