package org.freertr.rtr; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.auth.authConstant; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.clnt.clntEcho; import org.freertr.clnt.clntPing; import org.freertr.clnt.clntTwamp; import org.freertr.enc.encBase64; import org.freertr.ip.ipMpls; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeLine; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.prt.prtAccept; import org.freertr.prt.prtTcp; import org.freertr.sec.secClient; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoCls; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoWrk; import org.freertr.sec.secServer; import org.freertr.serv.servGeneric; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.user.userUpgrade; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.notifier; /** * pvrp neighbor * * @author matecsaba */ public class rtrPvrpNeigh implements Runnable, rtrBfdClnt, Comparable { /** * ipinfo result */ public secInfoWrk ipInfoRes; /** * transport address of peer */ public final addrIP peer; /** * hostname of peer */ public String name; /** * interface of peer */ public String inam; /** * router id of peer */ public final addrIPv4 rtrId; /** * learned routes */ public tabRoute learned = new tabRoute("lrn"); /** * advertised routes */ public tabRoute adverted = new tabRoute("adv"); /** * metric of peer */ public int gotMetric; /** * permission of peer */ public boolean gotMeasure; /** * advertised segrou */ protected int gotSegrouBeg; /** * advertised segrou */ protected int gotSegrouMax; /** * advertised bier */ protected int gotBierBeg; /** * advertised bier */ protected int gotBierLen; /** * advertised bier */ protected int gotBierMax; /** * time echo sent */ public long echoTime; /** * data sent in echo */ public int echoData; /** * calculated echo */ public tabAverage echoCalc = new tabAverage(1, 1); /** * time last heard */ public long lastHeard; /** * notified on route change */ protected notifier notif = new notifier(); /** * protocol handler */ protected final rtrPvrp lower; /** * interface handler */ protected final rtrPvrpIface iface; /** * uptime */ protected long upTime; /** * advertised metric */ protected int sentMet; /** * advertised metric */ protected boolean sentMed; /** * advertised segrou */ protected int sentSegrou; /** * advertised bier */ protected int sentBier; private String signRx; private String signTx; private int seqRx; private int seqTx; private pipeSide conn; private boolean need2run; /** * start one peer * * @param parent protocol handler * @param ifc interface handler * @param peerId router id * @param peerAd transport address */ public rtrPvrpNeigh(rtrPvrp parent, rtrPvrpIface ifc, addrIPv4 peerId, addrIP peerAd) { lower = parent; iface = ifc; rtrId = peerId.copyBytes(); peer = peerAd.copyBytes(); lastHeard = bits.getTime(); sentMet = -1; sentMed = false; sentSegrou = -1; sentBier = -1; gotMetric = -1; gotMeasure = true; } public int compareTo(rtrPvrpNeigh o) { return peer.compareTo(o.peer); } public String toString() { return "pvrp with " + peer; } /** * stop work */ public void bfdPeerDown() { stopWork(); } /** * start work */ public void startWork() { if (debugger.rtrPvrpEvnt) { logger.debug("starting peer " + rtrId + " (" + peer + ")"); } lastHeard = bits.getTime(); need2run = true; upTime = bits.getTime(); new Thread(this).start(); } /** * stop work */ public void stopWork() { if (debugger.rtrPvrpEvnt) { logger.debug("stopping peer " + rtrId + " (" + peer + ")"); } boolean oldrun = need2run; need2run = false; if (conn != null) { conn.setClose(); } adverted.clear(); learned.clear(); if (oldrun) { iface.neighs.del(this); } lower.notif.wakeup(); iface.iface.bfdDel(peer, this); notif.wakeup(); } public void run() { try { for (;;) { if (!need2run) { break; } doRun(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } stopWork(); } /** * get peer metric * * @return metric */ public int getMetric() { int met = iface.metricIn; if (iface.acceptMetric && (gotMetric > 0) && (met > gotMetric)) { met = gotMetric; } if (!gotMeasure) { return met; } if (iface.dynamicMetric < 1) { return met; } return echoCalc.getResult(met); } /** * receive line * * @return commands */ protected cmds recvLn() { seqRx++; if (conn.isClosed() != 0) { return null; } String a = conn.lineGet(0x11); a = a.trim(); if (debugger.rtrPvrpTraf) { logger.debug(peer + " rx " + a); } if (iface.dumpFile != null) { iface.dumpFile.add(logger.getTimestamp() + " " + peer + " rx " + a); } cmds cmd = new cmds("rx", a); if (signRx == null) { return cmd; } a = cmd.word(); if (!a.equals("signed")) { sendErr("missingSign"); return null; } a = cmd.word(); List lst = new ArrayList(); lst.add(signRx); lst.add("" + seqRx); lst.add(cmd.getRemaining()); lst.add(signRx); if (!a.equals(userUpgrade.calcTextHash(lst))) { sendErr("badSign"); return null; } return cmd; } /** * send one line * * @param s line to send */ protected synchronized void sendLn(String s) { seqTx++; s = s.trim(); if (signTx != null) { List lst = new ArrayList(); lst.add(signTx); lst.add("" + seqTx); lst.add(s); lst.add(signTx); s = "signed " + userUpgrade.calcTextHash(lst) + " " + s; } if (debugger.rtrPvrpTraf) { logger.debug(peer + " tx " + s); } if (iface.dumpFile != null) { iface.dumpFile.add(logger.getTimestamp() + " " + peer + " tx " + s); } conn.linePut(s); } /** * send error line * * @param s line to send */ protected void sendErr(String s) {"sent error (" + s + ") to " + peer); sendLn("error " + s); stopWork(); } /** * send warning line * * @param s line to send */ protected void sendWrn(String s) {"sent warning (" + s + ") to " + peer); sendLn("warning " + s); } /** * check prefix * * @param lst list * @param prf prefix * @return true if denied, false if allowed */ protected boolean checkPrefix(tabListing lst, addrPrefix prf) { if (lst == null) { return false; } return !lst.matches(rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, prf); } private void doRun() { if (conn != null) { conn.setClose(); } adverted.clear(); learned.clear(); bits.sleep(bits.random(1000, 5000)); if (peer.compareTo(iface.iface.addr) > 0) { if (debugger.rtrPvrpEvnt) { logger.debug("accepting " + peer); } prtAccept ac = new prtAccept(lower.tcpCore, new pipeLine(65536, false), iface.iface, rtrPvrp.port, peer, 0, "pvrp", -1, null, iface.sendingTtl, iface.sendingTos); ac.wait4conn(30000); conn = ac.getConn(true); } else { if (debugger.rtrPvrpEvnt) { logger.debug("connecting " + peer); } conn = lower.tcpCore.streamConnect(new pipeLine(65536, false), iface.iface, 0, peer, rtrPvrp.port, "pvrp", -1, null, iface.sendingTtl, iface.sendingTos); } if (conn == null) { return; } conn.setTime(iface.deadTimer * 3); conn.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRtryLF; conn.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; if (conn.wait4ready(iface.deadTimer)) { return; } if (iface.ipInfoCfg != null) { secInfoCls cls = new secInfoCls(null, null, null, lower.fwdCore, peer, prtTcp.protoNum, iface.iface.addr); ipInfoRes = new secInfoWrk(iface.ipInfoCfg, cls); ipInfoRes.doWork(false); if (ipInfoRes.need2drop()) { sendErr("notPingable"); return; } } if (!need2run) { sendErr("notNeeded"); return; } if (iface.encryptionMethod > 0) { sendLn("startEncrypt " + servGeneric.proto2string(iface.encryptionMethod)); cmds cmd = recvLn(); if (cmd == null) { cmd = new cmds("", ""); } String a = cmd.word(); if (!a.equals("startEncrypt")) { sendErr("startEncryptRequired"); return; } if (peer.compareTo(iface.iface.addr) > 0) { if (debugger.rtrPvrpEvnt) { logger.debug("secure client " + peer); } conn = secClient.openSec(conn, iface.encryptionMethod, null, "", ""); } else { if (debugger.rtrPvrpEvnt) { logger.debug("secure server " + peer); } conn = secServer.openSec(conn, iface.encryptionMethod, new pipeLine(65536, false), new authConstant(true), iface.keyRsa.key, iface.keyDsa.key, iface.keyEcDsa.key, iface.certRsa.cert, iface.certDsa.cert, iface.certEcDsa.cert); } if (conn == null) { return; } conn.setTime(iface.deadTimer * 3); conn.lineRx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRtryLF; conn.lineTx = pipeSide.modTyp.modeCRLF; conn.wait4ready(iface.deadTimer); } if (!need2run) { sendErr("notNeeded"); return; } if ((!iface.authenDisable) && (iface.authentication != null)) { byte[] buf = new byte[128]; for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { buf[i] = (byte) bits.randomB(); } String b = encBase64.encodeBytes(buf); sendLn("password-request " + b); cmds cmd = recvLn(); if (cmd == null) { cmd = new cmds("", ""); } String a = cmd.word(); if (!a.equals("password-request")) { sendErr("passReqRequired"); return; } String c = cmd.word(); if (c.length() < 16) { sendErr("passTooSmall"); return; } List lst = new ArrayList(); lst.add(c); lst.add(b); lst.add(iface.authentication); lst.add(c); lst.add(b); sendLn("password-reply " + userUpgrade.calcTextHash(lst)); cmd = recvLn(); if (cmd == null) { cmd = new cmds("", ""); } a = cmd.word(); if (!a.equals("password-reply")) { sendErr("passRepRequired"); return; } lst = new ArrayList(); lst.add(b); lst.add(c); lst.add(iface.authentication); lst.add(b); lst.add(c); a = userUpgrade.calcTextHash(lst); if (!a.equals(cmd.word())) { sendErr("badPassword"); return; } signRx = b + iface.authentication + c; signTx = c + iface.authentication + b; } if (!need2run) { sendErr("notNeeded"); return; } sendLn("open rtrid=" + lower.routerID + " mtu=" + iface.iface.mtu + " bfd=" + iface.bfdTrigger + " iface=" + iface.iface + " name=" + cfgAll.hostName); cmds cmd = recvLn(); if (cmd == null) { cmd = new cmds("", ""); } if (!cmd.word().equals("open")) { sendErr("openRequired"); return; } name = "?"; inam = "?"; int mtu = 0; int bfd = 0; for (;;) { String a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } if (a.startsWith("rtrid")) { continue; } if (a.startsWith("iface")) { inam = a.substring(6, a.length()); continue; } if (a.startsWith("name")) { name = a.substring(5, a.length()); continue; } if (a.startsWith("mtu")) { mtu = bits.str2num(a.substring(4, a.length())); continue; } if (a.startsWith("bfd")) { bfd = bits.str2num(a.substring(4, a.length())); continue; } } if (mtu != iface.iface.mtu) {"mtu mismatch with " + peer); } if (bfd != iface.bfdTrigger) {"bfd mismatch with " + peer); } if (!need2run) { sendErr("notNeeded"); return; } if ((bfd == 2) && (iface.bfdTrigger == 2)) { iface.iface.bfdAdd(peer, this, "pvrp"); if (iface.iface.bfdWait(peer, iface.deadTimer)) { sendErr("bfdFail"); return; } } if (!need2run) { sendErr("notNeeded"); return; } learned.clear(); adverted.clear(); logger.warn("neighbor " + name + " (" + peer + ") up"); new rtrPvrpNeighRcvr(this).startWork(); lower.notif.wakeup(); if (iface.bfdTrigger > 0) { iface.iface.bfdAdd(peer, this, "pvrp"); } long lastKeep = 0; for (;;) { if (!need2run) { break; } notif.misleep(iface.helloTimer); long tim = bits.getTime(); if ((echoTime + iface.echoTimer) < tim) { echoCalc.updateFrom(iface.echoParam); switch (iface.dynamicMetric) { case 1: echoData = bits.randomD(); sendLn("echo " + echoData); break; case 2: clntPing png = new clntPing(); png.meas = echoCalc; png.fwd = lower.fwdCore; png.src = iface.iface; png.trg = peer; png.doWork(); break; case 3: clntEcho ech = new clntEcho(); ech.meas = echoCalc; ech.udp = lower.udpCore; ech.src = iface.iface; ech.trg = peer; ech.doWork(); break; case 4: clntTwamp twm = new clntTwamp(); twm.meas = echoCalc; twm.udp = lower.udpCore; twm.src = iface.iface; twm.trg = peer; twm.doWork(); break; } echoTime = tim - 1; } if ((lastKeep + iface.helloTimer) < tim) { sendLn("keepalive " + iface.deadTimer); lastKeep = tim - 1; } if (conn.isClosed() != 0) { break; } if (conn.ready2tx() > 1024) { doAdvert(); } } stopWork(); logger.error("neighbor " + name + " (" + peer + ") down"); } private void doAdvert() { int i = getMetric(); if (sentMet != i) { sentMet = i; sendLn("metric " + sentMet); } if (sentMed != iface.dynamicForbid) { sentMed = iface.dynamicForbid; sendLn("measme " + (!sentMed)); } i = 0; if (lower.segrouLab != null) { i = lower.segrouLab[0].label; } if (sentSegrou != i) { sentSegrou = i; sendLn("segrou " + i + " " + lower.segrouMax); } i = 0; if (lower.bierLab != null) { i = lower.bierLab[0].label; } if (sentBier != i) { sentBier = i; sendLn("bier " + i + " " + lower.bierLen + " " + lower.bierMax); } int sent = 0; for (i = 0; i < adverted.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry ntry = adverted.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (iface.need2adv.find(ntry) != null) { continue; } if (conn.ready2tx() < 1024) { return; } sendUpdate(ntry, false); sent++; } for (i = 0; i < iface.need2adv.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry ntry = iface.need2adv.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (ntry.differs(tabRoute.addType.notyet, adverted.find(ntry)) == 0) { continue; } if (conn.ready2tx() < 1024) { return; } sendUpdate(ntry, true); sent++; } if (sent > 0) { sendLn("nomore"); } } private void sendUpdate(tabRouteEntry ntry, boolean reach) { String s; if (!reach) { s = "withdraw"; adverted.del(ntry); } else { s = "reachable"; adverted.add(tabRoute.addType.always, ntry, true, true); } String a = ""; if (lower.labels && ( != null)) { int val =; if (iface.labelPop && (lower.fwdCore.commonLabel.label == val)) { val = ipMpls.labelImp; } a = " label=" + val; if (checkPrefix(iface.labelOut, ntry.prefix)) { a = ""; } } if ((lower.segrouLab != null) && ( > 0)) { a += " segrou=" +; } if ((lower.bierLab != null) && ( > 0)) { a += " bieri=" +; a += " biers=" +; } sendLn(s + " prefix=" + addrPrefix.ip2str(ntry.prefix) + a + " metric=" + ( + iface.metricOut) + " tag=" + + " external=" + (( & 1) != 0) + " path= " + lower.routerID + " " + tabRouteUtil.dumpAddrList(; } } class rtrPvrpNeighRcvr implements Runnable { private final rtrPvrpNeigh lower; public rtrPvrpNeighRcvr(rtrPvrpNeigh parent) { lower = parent; } public tabRouteEntry parsePrefix(cmds cmd) { tabRouteEntry ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); for (;;) { String a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } int i = a.indexOf("="); String s = ""; if (i >= 0) { s = a.substring(i + 1, a.length()); a = a.substring(0, i); } a = a.toLowerCase().trim(); if (a.equals("prefix")) { ntry.prefix = addrPrefix.str2ip(s); continue; } if (a.equals("external")) { = s.toLowerCase().equals("true") ? 1 : 0; continue; } if (a.equals("metric")) { = bits.str2num(s); continue; } if (a.equals("label")) { if (!lower.lower.labels) { continue; } = new ArrayList();; continue; } if (a.equals("segrou")) { if (lower.lower.segrouLab == null) { continue; } = bits.str2num(s); = lower.gotSegrouBeg; = lower.gotSegrouMax; = new ArrayList(); +; continue; } if (a.equals("bieri")) { if (lower.lower.bierLab == null) { continue; } = bits.str2num(s); = lower.gotBierBeg; = lower.gotBierLen; = lower.gotBierMax; continue; } if (a.equals("biers")) { if ( < 1) { continue; } = bits.str2num(s); continue; } if (a.equals("tag")) { = bits.str2num(s); continue; } if (a.equals("path")) { break; } } if (ntry.prefix == null) { return null; } if (lower.checkPrefix(lower.iface.labelIn, ntry.prefix)) { = null; } = new ArrayList(); for (;;) { String a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromString(a);; } return ntry; } public void startWork() { new Thread(this).start(); } public void run() { try { doRun(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } lower.stopWork(); } private void doRun() { for (;;) { cmds cmd = lower.recvLn(); if (cmd == null) { return; } String a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { continue; } lower.lastHeard = bits.getTime(); if (a.equals("error")) {"got error (" + cmd.getRemaining() + ") from " + lower.peer); lower.stopWork(); continue; } if (a.equals("warning")) {"got warning (" + cmd.getRemaining() + ") from " + lower.peer); continue; } if (a.equals("discard")) { continue; } if (a.equals("echoed")) { if (lower.echoData != bits.str2num(cmd.word())) { continue; } lower.echoCalc.addValue((int) (bits.getTime() - lower.echoTime)); continue; } if (a.equals("echo")) { lower.sendLn("echoed " + cmd.getRemaining()); continue; } if (a.equals("close")) { lower.stopWork(); continue; } if (a.equals("request")) { tabRouteEntry ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); ntry.prefix = addrPrefix.str2ip(cmd.word()); lower.adverted.del(ntry); continue; } if (a.equals("resending")) { lower.learned.clear(); lower.lower.notif.wakeup(); continue; } if (a.equals("resend")) { lower.sendLn("resending"); lower.sentMet = -1; lower.sentMed = false; lower.sentSegrou = -1; lower.sentBier = -1; lower.adverted.clear(); lower.notif.wakeup(); continue; } if (a.equals("nomore")) { continue; } if (a.equals("keepalive")) { lower.lastHeard += bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("measme")) { lower.gotMeasure = cmd.word().equals("true"); continue; } if (a.equals("metric")) { lower.gotMetric = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("segrou")) { lower.gotSegrouBeg = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); lower.gotSegrouMax = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("bier")) { lower.gotBierBeg = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); lower.gotBierLen = tabLabelBier.num2bsl(bits.str2num(cmd.word())); lower.gotBierMax = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } if (a.equals("reachable")) { tabRouteEntry ntry = parsePrefix(cmd); if (ntry == null) { continue; } int cnt = tabRoute.delUpdatedEntry(lower.learned, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, ntry, lower.iface.roumapIn, lower.iface.roupolIn, lower.iface.prflstIn); addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromIPv4addr(lower.lower.routerID); if (tabRouteUtil.findAddrList(, adr) >= 0) { if (cnt > 0) { lower.lower.notif.wakeup(); } continue; } += lower.getMetric(); = lower.peer.copyBytes(); = lower.iface.distance; = lower.iface.iface; = lower.peer.copyBytes(); cnt += tabRoute.addUpdatedEntry(tabRoute.addType.always, lower.learned, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, ntry, true, lower.iface.roumapIn, lower.iface.roupolIn, lower.iface.prflstIn); if (cnt > 0) { lower.lower.notif.wakeup(); } continue; } if (a.equals("withdraw")) { tabRouteEntry ntry = parsePrefix(cmd); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (tabRoute.delUpdatedEntry(lower.learned, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, ntry, lower.iface.roumapIn, lower.iface.roupolIn, lower.iface.prflstIn) > 0) { lower.lower.notif.wakeup(); } continue; } lower.sendWrn("badCommand " + a); } } }