package org.freertr.rtr; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv6; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdIface; import org.freertr.ip.ipPrt; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoCfg; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoUtl; import; import; import org.freertr.user.userHelping; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.state; /** * ospfv3 interface * * @author matecsaba */ public class rtrOspf6iface implements Comparable, ipPrt { /** * ipinfo config */ public secInfoCfg ipInfoCfg; /** * list of neighbors */ protected tabGen neighs; /** * the interface this works on */ protected final ipFwdIface iface; /** * areas this interface belongs */ protected tabGen areas = new tabGen(); /** * counter */ protected counter cntr; /** * interface type */ public int networkType; private final rtrOspf6 lower; private Timer keepTimer; /** * suppress interface address */ public boolean suppressAddr; /** * unsuppress interface address */ public boolean unsuppressAddr; /** * check neighbor address is connected */ public boolean connectedCheck; /** * passive interface */ public boolean passiveInt; /** * ttl security */ public int ttlSecurity; /** * hello timer */ public int helloTimer; /** * dead timer */ public int deadTimer; /** * retransmit timer */ public int retransTimer; /** * dr priority */ public int drPriority; /** * traffic eng suppression */ public boolean teSuppress; /** * traffic eng metric */ public int teMetric; /** * traffic eng bandwidth */ public long teBandwidth; /** * traffic eng affinity */ public int teAffinity; /** * traffic eng srlg */ public int teSrlg; /** * segment rou index */ public int srIndex; /** * bier index */ public int brIndex; /** * bier index */ public int brSub; /** * segment rou node */ public boolean srNode; /** * segment rou pop */ public boolean srPop; /** * echo interval */ public int echoTimer; /** * echo parameters */ public tabAverage echoParam; /** * dynamic metric */ public int dynamicMetric; /** * dr address */ public addrIPv4 drAddr = new addrIPv4(); /** * bdr address */ public addrIPv4 bdrAddr = new addrIPv4(); /** * interface metric */ public int metric; /** * bfd enabled */ public boolean bfdTrigger; /** * interface instance */ public int instance = 0; /** * point to point */ public final static int netypP2p = 1; /** * point to multipoint */ public final static int netypP2mp = 2; /** * point to multipoint, non broadcast */ public final static int netypP2nb = 3; /** * broadcast */ public final static int netypBrdct = 4; /** * non broadcast, multiple access */ public final static int netypNbma = 5; /** * master/slave */ public final static int dscrMstr = 0x01; /** * more descriptors */ public final static int dscrMore = 0x02; /** * initialization */ public final static int dscrInit = 0x04; /** * create one instance * * @param parent the ospf protocol * @param ara area where this interface belongs * @param ifc the ip interface to work on */ public rtrOspf6iface(rtrOspf6 parent, rtrOspf6area ara, ipFwdIface ifc) { lower = parent; iface = ifc; areas.add(ara); networkType = netypP2p; setDefaultTimers(); neighs = new tabGen(); cntr = new counter(); connectedCheck = true; drPriority = 0; metric = 10; teMetric = 10; ttlSecurity = -1; echoTimer = 60000; echoParam = new tabAverage(1, 65530); if (iface != null) { teBandwidth = iface.lower.getBandwidth(); } } public int compareTo(rtrOspf6iface o) { if (iface.ifwNum < o.iface.ifwNum) { return -1; } if (iface.ifwNum > o.iface.ifwNum) { return +1; } return 0; } public String toString() { return "ospf on " + iface; } /** * get configuration * * @param l list to add * @param beg beginning */ public void routerGetConfig(List l, String beg) { l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "enable"); String a = ""; for (int i = 0; i < areas.size(); i++) { a = a + " " + areas.get(i).area; } l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "area" + a); cmds.cfgLine(l, !passiveInt, cmds.tabulator, beg + "passive", ""); switch (networkType) { case netypP2p: a = "point2point"; break; case netypP2mp: a = "point2multipoint"; break; case netypP2nb: a = "point2nonbroadcast"; break; case netypBrdct: a = "broadcast"; break; case netypNbma: a = "nonbroadcast"; break; default: a = "unknown=" + networkType; break; } l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "network " + a); cmds.cfgLine(l, !bfdTrigger, cmds.tabulator, beg + "bfd", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !suppressAddr, cmds.tabulator, beg + "suppress-prefix", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !unsuppressAddr, cmds.tabulator, beg + "unsuppress-prefix", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !connectedCheck, cmds.tabulator, beg + "verify-source", ""); l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "instance " + instance); l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "cost " + metric); l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "priority " + drPriority); l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "ttl-security " + ttlSecurity); l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "hello-time " + helloTimer); l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "dead-time " + deadTimer); l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "retransmit-time " + retransTimer); if (areas.get(0).traffEng) { a = beg + "traffeng "; cmds.cfgLine(l, !teSuppress, cmds.tabulator, a + "suppress", ""); l.add(cmds.tabulator + a + "metric " + teMetric); l.add(cmds.tabulator + a + "bandwidth " + teBandwidth); l.add(cmds.tabulator + a + "affinity " + teAffinity); l.add(cmds.tabulator + a + "srlg " + teSrlg); } if (areas.get(0).segrouEna) { a = beg + "segrout "; cmds.cfgLine(l, srIndex < 1, cmds.tabulator, a + "index", "" + srIndex); cmds.cfgLine(l, !srNode, cmds.tabulator, a + "node", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !srPop, cmds.tabulator, a + "pop", ""); } if (areas.get(0).bierEna) { a = beg + "bier "; cmds.cfgLine(l, brIndex < 1, cmds.tabulator, a + "index", "" + brIndex); cmds.cfgLine(l, brSub < 1, cmds.tabulator, a + "subdomain", "" + brSub); } secInfoUtl.getConfig(l, ipInfoCfg, cmds.tabulator + beg + "ipinfo "); switch (dynamicMetric) { case 0: a = "disabled"; break; case 1: a = "icmpecho"; break; case 2: a = "udpecho"; break; case 3: a = "twamp"; break; default: a = "unknown=" + dynamicMetric; } cmds.cfgLine(l, dynamicMetric < 1, cmds.tabulator, beg + "dynamic-metric mode", a); l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "dynamic-metric time " + echoTimer); echoParam.getConfig(l, beg); for (int i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) { rtrOspf6neigh ntry = neighs.get(i); if (!ntry.statNeigh) { continue; } l.add(cmds.tabulator + beg + "neighbor " + ntry.peer); } } /** * schedule work * * @param wrk work */ protected void schedWork(int wrk) { for (int i = 0; i < areas.size(); i++) { rtrOspf6area ara = areas.get(i); if (ara == null) { continue; } ara.schedWork(wrk); } } /** * do configuration * * @param a command * @param cmd parameters */ public void routerDoConfig(String a, cmds cmd) { if (a.equals("network")) { int i = -1; a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("point2point")) { i = netypP2p; } if (a.equals("point2multipoint")) { i = netypP2mp; } if (a.equals("point2nonbroadcast")) { i = netypP2nb; } if (a.equals("broadcast")) { i = netypBrdct; } if (a.equals("nonbroadcast")) { i = netypNbma; } if (i < 0) { return; } networkType = i; setDefaultTimers(); schedWork(3); return; } if (a.equals("area")) { tabGen lst = new tabGen(); for (;;) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } rtrOspf6area ar = new rtrOspf6area(lower, bits.str2num(a)); ar = lower.areas.find(ar); if (ar == null) { continue; } lst.add(ar); } if (lst.size() < 1) { return; } schedWork(7); areas = lst; schedWork(7); return; } if (a.equals("neighbor")) { addrIPv6 adr = new addrIPv6(); if (adr.fromString(cmd.word())) { return; } rtrOspf6neigh nei = new rtrOspf6neigh(lower, areas.get(0), this, adr); rtrOspf6neigh old = neighs.add(nei); if (old != null) { nei = old; } else { nei.startNow(); } nei.statNeigh = true; return; } if (a.equals("passive")) { passiveInt = true; return; } if (a.equals("bfd")) { bfdTrigger = true; return; } if (a.equals("suppress-prefix")) { suppressAddr = true; schedWork(1); return; } if (a.equals("unsuppress-prefix")) { unsuppressAddr = true; schedWork(1); return; } if (a.equals("verify-source")) { connectedCheck = true; return; } if (a.equals("ttl-security")) { ttlSecurity = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return; } if (a.equals("hello-time")) { helloTimer = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); restartTimer(false); return; } if (a.equals("dead-time")) { deadTimer = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return; } if (a.equals("retransmit-time")) { retransTimer = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return; } if (a.equals("priority")) { drPriority = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return; } if (a.equals("cost")) { metric = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); schedWork(3); return; } if (a.equals("instance")) { instance = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return; } if (a.equals("traffeng")) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("suppress")) { teSuppress = true; schedWork(1); return; } if (a.equals("metric")) { teMetric = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); schedWork(1); return; } if (a.equals("bandwidth")) { teBandwidth = bits.str2long(cmd.word()); schedWork(1); return; } if (a.equals("affinity")) { teAffinity = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); schedWork(1); return; } if (a.equals("srlg")) { teSrlg = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); schedWork(1); return; } cmd.badCmd(); return; } if (a.equals("segrout")) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("index")) { srIndex = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); schedWork(3); return; } if (a.equals("node")) { srNode = true; schedWork(3); return; } if (a.equals("pop")) { srPop = true; schedWork(3); return; } cmd.badCmd(); return; } if (a.equals("bier")) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("index")) { brIndex = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); schedWork(3); return; } if (a.equals("subdomain")) { brSub = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); schedWork(3); return; } cmd.badCmd(); return; } if (a.equals("ipinfo")) { ipInfoCfg = secInfoUtl.doCfgStr(ipInfoCfg, cmd, false); return; } if (a.equals("dynamic-metric")) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("mode")) { a = cmd.word(); dynamicMetric = 0; if (a.equals("disabled")) { dynamicMetric = 0; } if (a.equals("icmpecho")) { dynamicMetric = 1; } if (a.equals("udpecho")) { dynamicMetric = 2; } if (a.equals("twamp")) { dynamicMetric = 3; } schedWork(3); return; } if (a.equals("time")) { echoTimer = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return; } if (echoParam.doConfig(a, cmd)) { return; } if (a.equals("algo")) { echoParam.string2algo(cmd.word()); schedWork(3); return; } cmd.badCmd(); return; } cmd.badCmd(); } /** * undo configuration * * @param a command * @param cmd parameters */ public void routerUnConfig(String a, cmds cmd) { if (a.equals("neighbor")) { addrIPv6 adr = new addrIPv6(); if (adr.fromString(cmd.word())) { return; } rtrOspf6neigh nei = new rtrOspf6neigh(lower, areas.get(0), this, adr); nei = neighs.find(nei); if (nei == null) { return; } nei.statNeigh = false; return; } if (a.equals("cost")) { metric = 10; schedWork(3); return; } if (a.equals("passive")) { passiveInt = false; return; } if (a.equals("ttl-security")) { ttlSecurity = -1; return; } if (a.equals("bfd")) { bfdTrigger = false; return; } if (a.equals("suppress-prefix")) { suppressAddr = false; schedWork(1); return; } if (a.equals("unsuppress-prefix")) { unsuppressAddr = false; schedWork(1); return; } if (a.equals("verify-source")) { connectedCheck = false; return; } if (a.equals("traffeng")) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("suppress")) { teSuppress = false; schedWork(1); return; } cmd.badCmd(); return; } if (a.equals("segrout")) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("index")) { srIndex = 0; schedWork(3); return; } if (a.equals("node")) { srNode = false; schedWork(3); return; } if (a.equals("pop")) { srPop = false; schedWork(3); return; } cmd.badCmd(); return; } if (a.equals("bier")) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("index")) { brIndex = 0; schedWork(3); return; } if (a.equals("subdomain")) { brSub = 0; schedWork(3); return; } cmd.badCmd(); return; } if (a.equals("ipinfo")) { ipInfoCfg = secInfoUtl.doCfgStr(ipInfoCfg, cmd, true); return; } if (a.equals("dynamic-metric")) { a = cmd.word(); if (a.equals("mode")) { dynamicMetric = 0; schedWork(3); return; } cmd.badCmd(); return; } cmd.badCmd(); } /** * get help text * * @param l list to update */ public static void routerGetHelp(userHelping l) { l.add(null, "4 . enable enable protocol processing"); l.add(null, "4 5 area specify area number"); l.add(null, "5 6,. area number"); l.add(null, "6 6,. secondary area number"); l.add(null, "4 5 network specify network type"); l.add(null, "5 . point2point point to point"); l.add(null, "5 . point2multipoint point to multipoint"); l.add(null, "5 . point2nonbroadcast point to multipoint, non broadcast"); l.add(null, "5 . broadcast broadcast"); l.add(null, "5 . nonbroadcast non broadcast, multiple access"); l.add(null, "4 . passive do not process packets"); l.add(null, "4 . bfd enable bfd triggered down"); l.add(null, "4 . suppress-prefix do not advertise interface"); l.add(null, "4 . unsuppress-prefix do advertise interface"); l.add(null, "4 . verify-source check source address of updates"); l.add(null, "4 5 instance interface instance"); l.add(null, "5 . instance"); l.add(null, "4 5 cost interface cost"); l.add(null, "5 . cost"); l.add(null, "4 5 priority router priority"); l.add(null, "5 . priority 0=disable"); l.add(null, "4 5 ttl-security sending ttl value"); l.add(null, "5 . ttl value"); l.add(null, "4 5 hello-time time between hellos"); l.add(null, "5 . time in ms"); l.add(null, "4 5 dead-time time before neighbor down"); l.add(null, "5 . time in ms"); l.add(null, "4 5 retransmit-time time before retarnsmitting"); l.add(null, "5 . time in ms"); l.add(null, "4 5 neighbor specify static neighbor"); l.add(null, "5 . address of peer interface"); l.add(null, "4 5 traffeng traffic engineering parameters"); l.add(null, "5 . suppress do not advertise interface"); l.add(null, "5 6 metric set metric"); l.add(null, "6 . cost"); l.add(null, "5 6 bandwidth set bandwidth"); l.add(null, "6 . bandwidth"); l.add(null, "5 6 affinity set affinity"); l.add(null, "6 . affinity"); l.add(null, "5 6 srlg set srlg"); l.add(null, "6 . affinity"); l.add(null, "4 5 segrout segment routing parameters"); l.add(null, "5 6 index set index"); l.add(null, "6 . index"); l.add(null, "5 . node set node flag"); l.add(null, "5 . pop request php"); l.add(null, "4 5 bier bier parameters"); l.add(null, "5 6 index set index"); l.add(null, "6 . index"); l.add(null, "5 6 subdomain set subdomain"); l.add(null, "6 . index"); secInfoUtl.getHelp(l, 4, "ipinfo check peers"); l.add(null, "4 5 dynamic-metric dynamic peer metric"); l.add(null, "5 6 mode dynamic peer metric"); l.add(null, "6 . disabled forbid echo requests"); l.add(null, "6 . icmpecho icmp echo requests"); l.add(null, "6 . udpecho udp echo requests"); l.add(null, "6 . twamp twamp echo requests"); tabAverage.getHelp(l); } /** * close all neighbors * * @param shutdown complete shutdown */ protected void closeNeighbors(boolean shutdown) { for (int i = neighs.size(); i >= 0; i--) { rtrOspf6neigh ntry = neighs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } ntry.statNeigh &= !shutdown; ntry.stopNow(); } schedWork(7); } /** * setup timer thread * * @param shutdown set true to shut down */ public void restartTimer(boolean shutdown) { try { keepTimer.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { } keepTimer = null; if (shutdown) { return; } keepTimer = new Timer(); rtrOspf6ifaceHello task = new rtrOspf6ifaceHello(this); keepTimer.schedule(task, 500, helloTimer); } /** * set default timers */ public void setDefaultTimers() { switch (networkType) { case netypP2p: case netypBrdct: helloTimer = 10000; break; case netypP2mp: case netypP2nb: case netypNbma: helloTimer = 30000; break; } deadTimer = helloTimer * 4; retransTimer = 3000; } /** * check if i've to peer with * * @param peer pere to check * @return true if yes, false if not */ protected boolean shouldIpeer(addrIPv4 peer) { switch (networkType) { case netypP2p: case netypP2mp: case netypP2nb: return true; case netypBrdct: case netypNbma: break; default: return false; } if (amIdr()) { return true; } if (drAddr.compareTo(peer) == 0) { return true; } if (bdrAddr.compareTo(peer) == 0) { return true; } return false; } private addrIPv4 findDR(boolean drNeeded) { rtrOspf6neigh dr = new rtrOspf6neigh(lower, areas.get(0), this, iface.addr.toIPv6()); dr.rtrPri = drPriority; dr.rtrID = lower.routerID.copyBytes(); for (int i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) { rtrOspf6neigh ntry = neighs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (drNeeded) { if (ntry.peerDR.compareTo(ntry.rtrID) != 0) { continue; } } else { if (ntry.rtrID.compareTo(drAddr) == 0) { continue; } if (ntry.peerBDR.compareTo(ntry.rtrID) != 0) { continue; } } if (dr.otherBetterDR(ntry)) { dr = ntry; } } if (dr.rtrPri < 1) { return new addrIPv4(); } return dr.rtrID.copyBytes(); } /** * check if need dr * * @return true if yes, false if no */ protected boolean needDR() { switch (networkType) { case netypBrdct: case netypNbma: return true; default: return false; } } /** * elect drs for this interface */ protected void electDRs() { if (!needDR()) { return; } addrIPv4 old = drAddr.copyBytes(); drAddr = findDR(true); bdrAddr = findDR(false); if (old.compareTo(drAddr) == 0) { return; } if (debugger.rtrOspf6evnt) { logger.debug("dr change, dr=" + drAddr + " bdr=" + bdrAddr); } schedWork(7); } /** * get dr interface id * * @return interface id */ protected int DRintId() { if (drAddr.compareTo(lower.routerID) == 0) { return iface.ifwNum; } for (int i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) { rtrOspf6neigh ntry = neighs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (drAddr.compareTo(ntry.rtrID) != 0) { continue; } return ntry.rtrInt; } return -1; } /** * get dr interface id * * @return interface id */ protected addrIP DRintAdr() { if (drAddr.compareTo(lower.routerID) == 0) { return iface.addr.copyBytes(); } for (int i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) { rtrOspf6neigh ntry = neighs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (drAddr.compareTo(ntry.rtrID) != 0) { continue; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromIPv6addr(ntry.peer); return adr; } return null; } /** * check if i'm dr on the net * * @return true means yes, false means no */ protected boolean amIdr() { if (!needDR()) { return false; } if (drAddr.compareTo(lower.routerID) == 0) { return true; } if (bdrAddr.compareTo(lower.routerID) == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * unregister from ip */ public void unregister2ip() { lower.fwdCore.protoDel(this, iface, null); } /** * register to ip */ public void register2ip() { lower.fwdCore.protoAdd(this, iface, null); } /** * make packet header * * @param pck packet to update * @param area area * @param typ type of packet */ protected void mkPackHead(packHolder pck, rtrOspf6area area, int typ) { pck.merge2beg(); if (debugger.rtrOspf6traf) { logger.debug("sending " + rtrOspf6neigh.msgTyp2string(typ) + " on " + iface); } pck.putByte(0, rtrOspf6.verNum); // version pck.putByte(1, typ); // message type pck.msbPutW(2, pck.dataSize() + rtrOspf6.sizeHead); // size pck.putAddr(4, lower.routerID); // router id pck.msbPutD(8, area.area); // area id pck.msbPutW(12, 0); // checksum pck.putByte(14, instance); // instance id pck.putByte(15, 0); // reserved int i = pck.pseudoIPsum(pck.dataSize() + rtrOspf6.sizeHead); i = pck.putIPsum(0, rtrOspf6.sizeHead, i); i = pck.getIPsum(0, pck.dataSize(), i); pck.lsbPutW(12, 0xffff - i); // checksum pck.putSkip(rtrOspf6.sizeHead); pck.merge2beg(); } /** * make hello packet * * @param pck packet to update * @param area area */ protected void mkHelloPack(packHolder pck, rtrOspf6area area) { pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutD(0, iface.ifwNum); // interface id pck.msbPutD(4, area.getCapabilities()); // optional capabilities pck.putByte(4, drPriority); // dr priority pck.msbPutW(8, helloTimer / 1000); // hello interval pck.msbPutW(10, deadTimer / 1000); // dead interval pck.putAddr(12, drAddr); // designated router address pck.putAddr(16, bdrAddr); // backup designated router address pck.putSkip(20); for (int i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) { rtrOspf6neigh ntry = neighs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (ntry.area.area != area.area) { continue; } if (ntry.rtrID.isEmpty()) { continue; } pck.putAddr(0, ntry.rtrID); pck.putSkip(addrIPv4.size); } } /** * make database descriptor packet * * @param pck packet to update * @param area area * @param flags descriptor flags * @param seq sequence number */ protected void mkDescrPack(packHolder pck, rtrOspf6area area, int flags, int seq) { pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutD(0, area.getCapabilities()); // optional capabilities pck.msbPutW(4, iface.lower.getMTUsize()); // interface mtu pck.msbPutW(6, flags); // db flags pck.msbPutD(8, seq); // sequence number pck.putSkip(12); } /** * make link state update packet * * @param pck packet to update * @param lsa lsa to put */ protected void mkLSupdate(packHolder pck, rtrOspf6lsa lsa) { pck.msbPutD(0, 1); pck.putSkip(4); int i = lsa.writeData(pck, 0, true); pck.putSkip(i); } /** * send one packet on this interface * * @param pck packet to send * @param area area * @param justDR send just to dr * @param typ type of packet */ protected void packSend(packHolder pck, rtrOspf6area area, boolean justDR, int typ) { pck.IPdf = false; pck.IPfrg = 0; pck.IPalrt = -1; pck.IPttl = ttlSecurity; pck.IPtos = 0; pck.IPid = 0; pck.IPprt = rtrOspf6.protoNum; pck.IPsrc.setAddr(iface.addr); if (justDR) { pck.IPtrg.fromString("ff02::6"); } else { pck.IPtrg.fromString("ff02::5"); } mkPackHead(pck, area, typ); lower.fwdCore.protoPack(iface, null, pck); } /** * send hello packet * * @param area area */ protected void sendHello(rtrOspf6area area) { if (passiveInt) { return; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); mkHelloPack(pck, area); switch (networkType) { case netypP2mp: case netypP2p: case netypBrdct: packSend(pck, area, false, rtrOspf6neigh.msgTypHello); return; case netypNbma: case netypP2nb: break; default: return; } for (int i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) { rtrOspf6neigh ntry = neighs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (ntry.area.area != area.area) { continue; } ntry.packSend(pck.copyBytes(true, true), rtrOspf6neigh.msgTypHello); } } /** * get protocol number * * @return number */ public int getProtoNum() { return rtrOspf6.protoNum; } /** * get counter * * @return counter */ public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } /** * close interface * * @param iface interface */ public void closeUp(ipFwdIface iface) { restartTimer(true); unregister2ip(); closeNeighbors(true); } /** * set state * * @param iface interface * @param stat state */ public void setState(ipFwdIface iface, state.states stat) { if (stat == state.states.up) { return; } closeNeighbors(false); } /** * received packet * * @param iface interface * @param pck packet */ public void recvPack(ipFwdIface iface, packHolder pck) { cntr.rx(pck); if (passiveInt) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } if ((connectedCheck) && (! {"got from out of subnet peer " + pck.IPsrc); cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badAddr); return; } rtrOspf6area ara = new rtrOspf6area(lower, pck.msbGetD(8)); ara = areas.find(ara); if (ara == null) {"got invalid area from " + pck.IPsrc); iface.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badID); return; } rtrOspf6neigh nei = new rtrOspf6neigh(lower, ara, this, pck.IPsrc.toIPv6()); rtrOspf6neigh old = neighs.add(nei); boolean sndHll = false; if (old != null) { nei = old; } else { nei.startNow(); sndHll = true; } try { nei.recvPack(pck); if (sndHll) { sendHello(ara); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } /** * alert packet * * @param rxIfc interface * @param pck packet * @return false if success, true if error */ public boolean alertPack(ipFwdIface rxIfc, packHolder pck) { return true; } /** * error packet * * @param err error code * @param rtr address * @param rxIfc interface * @param pck packet */ public void errorPack(counter.reasons err, addrIP rtr, ipFwdIface rxIfc, packHolder pck) { } } class rtrOspf6ifaceHello extends TimerTask { private final rtrOspf6iface lower; public rtrOspf6ifaceHello(rtrOspf6iface parent) { lower = parent; } public void run() { try { lower.electDRs(); for (int i = 0; i < lower.areas.size(); i++) { rtrOspf6area area = lower.areas.get(i); if (area == null) { continue; } lower.sendHello(area); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } }