package org.freertr.rtr; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.notifier; import org.freertr.spf.spfCalc; import org.freertr.util.state; import org.freertr.util.syncInt; import org.freertr.enc.encTlv; import; /** * ospfv2 area * * @author matecsaba */ public class rtrOspf4area implements Comparable, Runnable { /** * area number */ public final int area; /** * lsas in this area */ protected final tabGen lsas; /** * segment routing usage */ protected tabGen> segrouUsd; /** * bier results */ protected tabLabelBier bierRes; /** * computed routes */ protected final tabRoute routes; /** * computed routes */ protected List> algos; /** * maximum metric area */ public boolean maxMetric; /** * stub area */ public boolean stub; /** * nssa area */ public boolean nssa; /** * hostname */ public boolean hostname; /** * traffic engineering */ public boolean traffEng; /** * segment routing enabled */ public boolean segrouEna; /** * bier enabled */ public boolean bierEna; /** * suppress interface addresses */ public boolean suppressAddr; /** * advertise default route */ public boolean defOrigin; /** * learn prefix list */ public tabListing prflstFrom; /** * learn prefix list */ public tabListing prflstInto; /** * advertise route map */ public tabListing roumapFrom; /** * advertise route map */ public tabListing roumapInto; /** * advertise route map */ public tabListing roupolFrom; /** * advertise route map */ public tabListing roupolInto; /** * last spf */ protected spfCalc lastSpf; private final rtrOspf4 lower; private syncInt todo = new syncInt(0); // 1=need2run, 2=running, 0xffff0=works private tabGen need2adv; private notifier notif; /** * create one area * * @param parent the ospf protocol * @param num area number */ public rtrOspf4area(rtrOspf4 parent, int num) { lastSpf = new spfCalc(null); lower = parent; area = num; lsas = new tabGen(); need2adv = new tabGen(); routes = new tabRoute("computed"); notif = new notifier(); hostname = true; } public String toString() { return "ospf area " + area; } public int compareTo(rtrOspf4area o) { if (area < o.area) { return -1; } if (area > o.area) { return +1; } return 0; } /** * get capability * * @return capability code */ protected int getCapabilities() { int i = 0; if (!(stub || nssa)) { i |= 0x2; // external } if (nssa) { i |= 0x8; // nssa } if (traffEng || hostname || segrouEna) { i |= 0x40; // opaque } return i; } /** * advertise one lsa * * @param lsa lsa to advertise * @param purge set true to purge it out * @param cntnt check content */ protected synchronized void generateLsa(rtrOspf4lsa lsa, boolean purge, boolean cntnt) { long tim = bits.getTime(); if (purge) { tim -= rtrOspf4lsa.lsaMaxAge; if ((lsa.created <= tim) && (lsa.doNotAge == false)) { return; } } lsa.created = tim; lsa.doNotAge = false; rtrOspf4lsa old = lsas.find(lsa); if (old == null) { lsa.sequence = 0x80000001; } else { lsa.sequence = old.sequence + 1; } if (cntnt) { if (!lsa.contentDiffers(old)) { return; } } if (debugger.rtrOspf4evnt) { logger.debug("generate lsa " + lsa); } lsa.generateCheckSum(); lsas.put(lsa); } /** * advertise needed lsas */ protected void advertiseLsas() { if (debugger.rtrOspf4evnt) { logger.debug("advertise lsas in area " + area); } int done = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lsas.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4lsa ntry = lsas.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (ntry.rtrID.compareTo(lower.routerID) != 0) { continue; } if (need2adv.find(ntry) != null) { continue; } generateLsa(ntry, true, false); done++; } for (int i = 0; i < need2adv.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4lsa ntry = need2adv.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } generateLsa(ntry, false, true); done++; } if (done > 0) { wakeNeighs(); } } /** * wake up neighbors */ protected void wakeNeighs() { for (int o = 0; o < lower.ifaces.size(); o++) { rtrOspf4iface iface = lower.ifaces.get(o); if (iface == null) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < iface.neighs.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4neigh neigh = iface.neighs.get(i); if (neigh == null) { continue; } if (neigh.area.area != area) { continue; } neigh.notif.wakeup(); } } } /** * purge out aged lsas */ protected void purgeLsas() { if (debugger.rtrOspf4evnt) { logger.debug("purge lsas in area " + area); } long tim1 = bits.getTime() - rtrOspf4lsa.lsaMaxAge - (rtrOspf4lsa.lsaMaxAge / 100); long tim2 = tim1 + (rtrOspf4lsa.lsaMaxAge / 2); int done = 0; for (int i = lsas.size(); i >= 0; i--) { rtrOspf4lsa ntry = lsas.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (ntry.doNotAge) { continue; } if (ntry.created < tim1) { if (debugger.rtrOspf4evnt) { logger.debug("purge " + ntry); } lsas.del(ntry); continue; } if (ntry.rtrID.compareTo(lower.routerID) != 0) { continue; } if (ntry.created > tim2) { continue; } if (need2adv.find(ntry) == null) { continue; } generateLsa(ntry, false, false); done++; } if (done > 0) { wakeNeighs(); } } /** * advertise one lsa * * @param typ type * @param id id * @param pck payload */ protected void advertiseLsa(int typ, addrIPv4 id, packHolder pck) { pck.merge2beg(); rtrOspf4lsa lsa = new rtrOspf4lsa(); lsa.lsaType = typ; lsa.lsaID = id.copyBytes(); lsa.rtrID = lower.routerID.copyBytes(); lsa.bufDat = pck.getCopy(); lsa.capability = getCapabilities(); need2adv.put(lsa); } /** * advertise one te * * @param typ type * @param id id * @param pck payload */ protected void advertiseTe(int typ, int id, packHolder pck) { pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, typ); // type pck.msbPutW(2, pck.dataSize()); // length pck.putSkip(4); addrIPv4 i = new addrIPv4(); byte[] buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, id); buf[0] = 1; i.fromBuf(buf, 0); advertiseLsa(rtrOspf4lsa.lsaOpArea, i, pck); } private void putLink2rtrLsa(packHolder pck, int typ, addrIPv4 lnk, addrIPv4 dat, int met) { pck.putAddr(0, lnk); // link id pck.putAddr(4, dat); // link data pck.putByte(8, typ); // type pck.putByte(9, 0); // number of tos pck.msbPutW(10, met); // metric pck.putSkip(12); } private static int prefixSize(addrPrefix prf) { return ((prf.maskLen + 31) / 32) * 4; } private void createRtrLsa() { packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); int i = 0; if (lower.routerRedistedU.size() > 0) { i |= 0x02; // external bit } if (lower.amIabr()) { i |= 0x01; // area border bit if (nssa) { i |= 0x10; // type7 translator } } pck.putByte(0, i); // flags pck.putByte(1, 0); // reserved pck.msbPutW(2, 0); // number of links pck.putSkip(4); for (i = 0; i < lower.ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4iface ifc = lower.ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.areas.find(this) == null) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } int met = ifc.metric; if (maxMetric) { met = 0xffff; } if (ifc.needDR()) { if (ifc.drAddr.isEmpty()) { continue; } putLink2rtrLsa(pck, rtrOspf4lsa.lnkTrns, ifc.drAddr, ifc.iface.addr.toIPv4(), met); continue; } for (int o = 0; o < ifc.neighs.size(); o++) { rtrOspf4neigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(o); if (nei == null) { continue; } if (nei.area.area != area) { continue; } if (!nei.isFull()) { continue; } putLink2rtrLsa(pck, rtrOspf4lsa.lnkP2p, nei.rtrID, ifc.iface.addr.toIPv4(), nei.getMetric()); } if ((suppressAddr || ifc.suppressAddr) && (!ifc.unsuppressAddr)) { continue; } if (ifc.areas.get(0).area != area) { continue; } if (ifc.needAdr()) { addrIPv4 msk = new addrIPv4(); msk.fromNetmask(32); putLink2rtrLsa(pck, rtrOspf4lsa.lnkStub, ifc.iface.addr.toIPv4(), msk, 0); } putLink2rtrLsa(pck, rtrOspf4lsa.lnkStub, ifc.iface.addr.toIPv4(),, ifc.metric); } i = pck.headSize(); pck.msbPutW(2 - i, i / 12); // number of links advertiseLsa(rtrOspf4lsa.lsaRouter, lower.routerID, pck); } private void createNetLsa(rtrOspf4iface ifc) { packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.putAddr(0,; // netmask pck.putAddr(4, lower.routerID); // myself also full pck.putSkip(8); for (int i = 0; i < ifc.neighs.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4neigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(i); if (nei == null) { continue; } if (nei.area.area != area) { continue; } if (!nei.isFull()) { continue; } pck.putAddr(0, nei.rtrID); pck.putSkip(addrIPv4.size); } advertiseLsa(rtrOspf4lsa.lsaNetwork, ifc.iface.addr.toIPv4(), pck); } private void createExtLsa(addrPrefix prf, int org, int met, int tag) { packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.putAddr(0, prf.mask); // netmask if (met < 0) { met = 0; } if (met > 0xffffff) { met = 0xffffff; } if (org != 111) { met |= 0x80000000; } pck.msbPutD(4, met); // metric pck.msbPutD(8, 0); // forwarding address pck.msbPutD(12, tag); // route tag pck.putSkip(16); int i; if (nssa) { i = rtrOspf4lsa.lsaNssaExt; } else { i = rtrOspf4lsa.lsaAsExt; } advertiseLsa(i,, pck); } private void createSumLsa(addrPrefix prf, int met) { if (met < 0) { met = 0; } if (met > 0xffffff) { met = 0xffffff; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.putAddr(0, prf.mask); // netmask pck.msbPutD(4, met); // metric pck.putSkip(8); advertiseLsa(rtrOspf4lsa.lsaSumNet,, pck); } private void createTeLsa(int seq, rtrOspf4iface ifc, rtrOspf4neigh nei) { packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); if (ifc == null) { pck.putAddr(0, lower.traffEngID); pck.putSkip(addrIPv4.size); advertiseTe(rtrOspfTe.typRouter4, seq, pck); return; } rtrOspfTe.putGenTlv1(pck, nei == null); encTlv tlv = rtrOspfTe.getTlvHandler(); tlv.valTyp = rtrOspfTe.typLnkId; tlv.valSiz = addrIPv4.size; if (nei == null) { ifc.drAddr.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 0); } else { nei.rtrID.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 0); } tlv.putThis(pck); tlv.putAddr(pck, rtrOspfTe.typLoc4adr, ifc.iface.addr.toIPv4()); if (nei != null) { tlv.putAddr(pck, rtrOspfTe.typRem4adr, nei.peer); } rtrOspfTe.putGenTlv2(pck, ifc.teMetric, ifc.teBandwidth, ifc.teAffinity, ifc.teSrlg); advertiseTe(rtrOspfTe.typLink, seq, pck); } private void createPrfLsa(int seq, addrPrefix pref, int rou, int flg, byte[] subs) { addrPrefix prf = addrPrefix.ip2ip4(pref); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.putByte(0, rou); // route type pck.putByte(1, prf.maskLen); // prefix length pck.putByte(2, 0); // address family pck.putByte(3, flg); // flags pck.putAddr(4,; // address pck.putSkip(4 + prefixSize(prf)); pck.putCopy(subs, 0, 0, subs.length); // subtlvs pck.putSkip(subs.length); pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, 1); // type pck.msbPutW(2, pck.dataSize()); // length pck.putSkip(4); addrIPv4 i = new addrIPv4(); byte[] buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, seq); buf[0] = 7; i.fromBuf(buf, 0); advertiseLsa(rtrOspf4lsa.lsaOpArea, i, pck); } private void createLnkLsa(int seq, int typ, addrIPv4 lnk, addrIPv4 dat, byte[] subs) { packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.msbPutD(0, typ << 24); // link type pck.putAddr(4, lnk); // link id pck.putAddr(8, dat); // link data pck.putSkip(12); pck.putCopy(subs, 0, 0, subs.length); // subtlvs pck.putSkip(subs.length); pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, 1); // type pck.msbPutW(2, pck.dataSize()); // length pck.putSkip(4); addrIPv4 i = new addrIPv4(); byte[] buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, seq); buf[0] = 8; i.fromBuf(buf, 0); advertiseLsa(rtrOspf4lsa.lsaOpArea, i, pck); } private boolean checkPrfLsa(rtrOspf4lsa lsa) { if (lsa.lsaType != rtrOspf4lsa.lsaOpArea) { return true; } byte[] buf = new byte[4]; lsa.lsaID.toBuffer(buf, 0); if (buf[0] != 7) { return true; } return false; } private tabRouteEntry parsePrfTlv(encTlv tlv) { if (tlv.valTyp != 1) { return null; } tabRouteEntry ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); addrIPv4 a = new addrIPv4(); a.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, 4); // address addrPrefix prf = new addrPrefix(a, tlv.valDat[1]); ntry.prefix = addrPrefix.ip4toIP(prf); int i = 4 + prefixSize(prf); if (i > tlv.valSiz) { return null; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.putCopy(tlv.valDat, i, 0, tlv.valSiz - i); pck.putSkip(tlv.valSiz - i); pck.merge2beg(); tlv = rtrOspfTe.getTlvHandler(); for (;;) { if (tlv.getBytes(pck)) { break; } rtrOspfSr.getPref(tlv, ntry); rtrOspfBr.getPref(tlv, ntry); } return ntry; } private void createNetLsas() { for (int i = 0; i < lower.ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4iface ifc = lower.ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.areas.find(this) == null) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } if (!ifc.amIdr()) { continue; } createNetLsa(ifc); } } private void createExtLsas() { if (stub) { return; } tabRoute rs = new tabRoute("fl"); if (defOrigin) { tabRouteEntry ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); ntry.prefix = addrPrefix.ip4toIP(addrPrefix.defaultRoute4()); = 111; tabRoute.addUpdatedEntry(tabRoute.addType.better, rs, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, ntry, true, roumapInto, roupolInto, prflstInto); } tabRoute.addUpdatedTable(tabRoute.addType.better, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, rs, lower.routerRedistedU, true, roumapInto, roupolInto, prflstInto); for (int i = 0; i < rs.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry ntry = rs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } createExtLsa(addrPrefix.ip2ip4(ntry.prefix),,,; } } private void createSumLsas() { if (!lower.amIabr()) { return; } if (stub || nssa) { createSumLsa(addrPrefix.defaultRoute4(), 0); return; } tabRoute rs = new tabRoute("rs"); tabRoute oa = new tabRoute("rs"); for (int i = 0; i < lower.ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4iface ifc = lower.ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if ((suppressAddr || ifc.suppressAddr) && (!ifc.unsuppressAddr)) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } tabRouteEntry ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); ntry.prefix =; = ifc.metric; oa.add(tabRoute.addType.better, ntry, true, true); if (ifc.areas.get(0).area == area) { continue; } tabRoute.addUpdatedEntry(tabRoute.addType.better, rs, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, ntry, true, roumapInto, roupolInto, prflstInto); } for (int i = 0; i < lower.routerComputedU.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry ntry = lower.routerComputedU.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if ( == area) { continue; } if (oa.find(ntry.prefix) != null) { continue; } tabRoute.addUpdatedEntry(tabRoute.addType.better, rs, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, ntry, true, roumapInto, roupolInto, prflstInto); } for (int i = 0; i < rs.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry ntry = rs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } createSumLsa(addrPrefix.ip2ip4(ntry.prefix),; } } private void createTeLsas() { if (!traffEng) { return; } createTeLsa(0, null, null); int seq = 1; for (int o = 0; o < lower.ifaces.size(); o++) { rtrOspf4iface ifc = lower.ifaces.get(o); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.teSuppress) { continue; } if (ifc.areas.find(this) == null) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } if (ifc.needDR()) { createTeLsa(seq++, ifc, null); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < ifc.neighs.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4neigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(i); if (nei == null) { continue; } if (nei.area.area != area) { continue; } if (!nei.isFull()) { continue; } createTeLsa(seq++, ifc, nei); } } } private void createRiLsa() { if (!(traffEng || hostname || segrouEna)) { return; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); rtrOspfRi.putCapa(pck, traffEng); if (hostname) { rtrOspfRi.putHstnam(pck); } if (segrouEna && (lower.segrouLab != null)) { rtrOspfSr.putBase(pck, lower.segrouLab, lower.algos); } advertiseLsa(rtrOspf4lsa.lsaOpArea, rtrOspfRi.getOpaque(), pck); } private void createLnkLsas() { if (!segrouEna) { return; } int seq = 1; for (int i = 0; i < lower.ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4iface ifc = lower.ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.areas.find(this) == null) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } for (int o = 0; o < ifc.neighs.size(); o++) { rtrOspf4neigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(o); if (nei == null) { continue; } if (nei.area.area != area) { continue; } if (!nei.isFull()) { continue; } if (nei.segrouLab == null) { continue; } byte[] buf = rtrOspfSr.putAdj(nei.segrouLab.label); buf = bits.byteConcat(buf, rtrOspfSr.putRem(nei.peer)); createLnkLsa(seq++, rtrOspf4lsa.lnkP2p, nei.rtrID, ifc.iface.addr.toIPv4(), buf); } } } private void createPrfLsas() { if (!segrouEna && !bierEna) { return; } int seq = 1; for (int i = 0; i < lower.ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4iface ifc = lower.ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } byte[] buf = new byte[0]; if (ifc.srIndex > 0) { buf = rtrOspfSr.putPref(ifc.srIndex, ifc.srPop); } if (ifc.brIndex > 0) { buf = bits.byteConcat(buf, rtrOspfBr.putPref(lower.bierLab, lower.bierLen, ifc.brIndex, ifc.brSub)); } if (buf.length < 1) { continue; } int o; if (ifc.areas.find(this) != null) { o = 1; // intra } else { o = 3; // inter } int p = 0; if (ifc.srNode) { p |= 0x40; } createPrfLsa(seq++,, o, p, buf); } if (stub || nssa) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < lower.routerComputedU.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry ntry = lower.routerComputedU.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if ( == area) { continue; } byte[] buf = new byte[0]; if ( > 0) { buf = rtrOspfSr.putPref(, false); } if ( > 0) { buf = bits.byteConcat(buf, rtrOspfBr.putPref(lower.bierLab, lower.bierLen,,; } if (buf.length < 1) { continue; } createPrfLsa(seq++, ntry.prefix, 3, 0, buf); } } private void generateLsas() { if (debugger.rtrOspf4evnt) { logger.debug("generate lsas in area " + area); } need2adv.clear(); createRtrLsa(); createNetLsas(); createExtLsas(); createSumLsas(); createTeLsas(); createRiLsa(); createLnkLsas(); createPrfLsas(); advertiseLsas(); } private void calculateSpf() { if (debugger.rtrOspf4evnt) { logger.debug("calculate spf on area " + area); } long tim = bits.getTime() - rtrOspf4lsa.lsaMaxAge + 1; spfCalc spf = new spfCalc(lastSpf); for (int i = 0; i < lsas.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4lsa ntry = lsas.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (!ntry.doNotAge) { if (ntry.created < tim) { continue; } } addrPrefix prf4; tabRouteEntry pref; addrIPv4 adr4; packHolder pck = ntry.getPayload(); switch (ntry.lsaType) { case rtrOspf4lsa.lsaRouter: int o = pck.msbGetW(2); // number of links pck.getSkip(4); for (int p = 0; p < o; p++) { if (pck.dataSize() < 12) { break; } addrIPv4 lnkId = new addrIPv4(); addrIPv4 lnkDt = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(lnkId, 0); // link id pck.getAddr(lnkDt, 4); // link data int typ = pck.getByte(8); // type int tos = pck.getByte(9); // number of tos int met = pck.msbGetW(10); // metrick pck.getSkip(12); pck.getSkip(tos * 4); // additional tos values switch (typ) { case rtrOspf4lsa.lnkP2p: spf.addConn(ntry.rtrID, lnkId, met, true, met >= 0xffff, "" + lnkDt); break; case rtrOspf4lsa.lnkTrns: spf.addConn(ntry.rtrID, lnkId, met, false, met >= 0xffff, "" + lnkDt); break; case rtrOspf4lsa.lnkStub: prf4 = new addrPrefix(lnkId, lnkDt.toNetmask()); pref = new tabRouteEntry(); pref.prefix = addrPrefix.ip4toIP(prf4); = met; = 109; = lower.distantInt; = area; spf.addPref(ntry.rtrID, pref, false); break; default: break; } } break; case rtrOspf4lsa.lsaNetwork: adr4 = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(adr4, 0); // mask prf4 = new addrPrefix(ntry.lsaID, adr4.toNetmask()); pref = new tabRouteEntry(); pref.prefix = addrPrefix.ip4toIP(prf4); = 109; = lower.distantInt; = area; spf.addPref(ntry.rtrID, pref, false); pck.getSkip(addrIPv4.size); // netmask for (;;) { addrIPv4 adr = new addrIPv4(); if (pck.dataSize() < addrIPv4.size) { break; } pck.getAddr(adr, 0); pck.getSkip(addrIPv4.size); spf.addConn(ntry.lsaID, adr, 0, true, false, null); } break; case rtrOspf4lsa.lsaSumNet: adr4 = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(adr4, 0); // mask prf4 = new addrPrefix(ntry.lsaID, adr4.toNetmask()); pref = new tabRouteEntry(); pref.prefix = addrPrefix.ip4toIP(prf4); o = pck.msbGetD(4); // metric = o & 0xffffff; = 110; = lower.distantSum; = area; spf.addPref(ntry.rtrID, pref, false); break; case rtrOspf4lsa.lsaSumAsBr: spf.addConn(ntry.rtrID, ntry.lsaID, pck.msbGetD(4) & 0xffffff, true, false, null); break; case rtrOspf4lsa.lsaAsExt: case rtrOspf4lsa.lsaNssaExt: adr4 = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(adr4, 0); // mask prf4 = new addrPrefix(ntry.lsaID, adr4.toNetmask()); pref = new tabRouteEntry(); pref.prefix = addrPrefix.ip4toIP(prf4); o = pck.msbGetD(4); // metric = o & 0xffffff; = lower.distantExt; = area; = pck.msbGetD(12); // route tag if ((o & 0x80000000) != 0) { = 112; spf.addPref(ntry.rtrID, pref, true); } else { = 111; spf.addPref(ntry.rtrID, pref, false); } break; case rtrOspf4lsa.lsaOpArea: if (ntry.lsaID.compareTo(rtrOspfRi.getOpaque()) == 0) { encTlv tlv = rtrOspfTe.getTlvHandler(); for (;;) { if (tlv.getBytes(pck)) { break; } o = rtrOspfSr.getBase(tlv); spf.addSegRouB(ntry.rtrID, o); spf.addIdent(ntry.rtrID, rtrOspfRi.getHstnam(tlv)); spf.addAlgo(ntry.rtrID, rtrOspfSr.getAlgos(tlv)); } continue; } if (checkPrfLsa(ntry)) { continue; } encTlv tlv = rtrOspfTe.getTlvHandler(); for (;;) { if (tlv.getBytes(pck)) { break; } pref = parsePrfTlv(tlv); if (pref == null) { continue; } spf.addBierB(ntry.rtrID,; spf.addSegRouI(ntry.rtrID, pref.prefix,, & 16); spf.addBierI(ntry.rtrID, pref.prefix,,,; } break; default: break; } } spf.doWork(null, lower.routerID, null); if (segrouEna && (lower.segrouLab != null)) { segrouUsd = new tabGen>(); } else { segrouUsd = null; } for (int i = 0; i < lower.ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4iface ifc = lower.ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.areas.find(this) == null) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } if ((segrouUsd != null) && (ifc.srIndex > 0)) { tabIndex.add2table(segrouUsd, new tabIndex(ifc.srIndex, new addrPrefix(new addrIP(), 0))); lower.segrouLab[ifc.srIndex].setFwdCommon(tabLabelEntry.owner.ospf4srgb, lower.fwdCore); } if (ifc.needDR()) { if (ifc.drAddr.isEmpty()) { continue; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromIPv4addr(ifc.drAddr); spf.addNextHop(ifc.metric, ifc.drAddr, adr, ifc.iface, null, null); } for (int o = 0; o < ifc.neighs.size(); o++) { rtrOspf4neigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(o); if (nei == null) { continue; } if (nei.area.area != area) { continue; } if (!nei.seenMyself) { continue; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromIPv4addr(nei.peer); spf.addNextHop(nei.getMetric(), nei.rtrID, adr, ifc.iface, null, null); } } tabRoute rs = spf.getRoutes(lower.fwdCore, tabLabelEntry.owner.ospf4srgb, lower.segrouLab, segrouUsd); routes.clear(); tabRoute.addUpdatedTable(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, routes, rs, true, roumapFrom, roupolFrom, prflstFrom); lower.routerDoAggregates(rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, routes, routes, lower.fwdCore.commonLabel, null, 0); if (bierEna) { bierRes = spf.getBierI(lower.fwdCore, 0, 0); } else { bierRes = null; } if (debugger.rtrOspf4evnt) { logger.debug("unreachable:" + spf.listReachablility(false)); logger.debug("reachable:" + spf.listReachablility(true)); } lastSpf = spf; algos = new ArrayList>(); for (int p = 0; p < lower.algos.size(); p++) { rtrAlgo alg = lower.algos.get(p); if (alg == null) { continue; } spf = lastSpf.copyBytes(); spf.doWork(spf.flexExcl(alg.num), lower.routerID, null); for (int i = 0; i < lower.ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrOspf4iface ifc = lower.ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.areas.find(this) == null) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } if (ifc.needDR()) { if (ifc.drAddr.isEmpty()) { continue; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromIPv4addr(ifc.drAddr); spf.addNextHop(ifc.metric, ifc.drAddr, adr, ifc.iface, null, null); } for (int o = 0; o < ifc.neighs.size(); o++) { rtrOspf4neigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(o); if (nei == null) { continue; } if (nei.area.area != area) { continue; } if (!nei.seenMyself) { continue; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromIPv4addr(nei.peer); spf.addNextHop(nei.getMetric(), nei.rtrID, adr, ifc.iface, null, null); } } rs = spf.getRoutes(lower.fwdCore, null, null, null); if (debugger.rtrOspf4evnt) { logger.debug("algo" + alg.num + " unreachable:" + spf.listReachablility(false)); logger.debug("algo" + alg.num + " reachable:" + spf.listReachablility(true)); } tabRoute res = new tabRoute("rou"); tabRoute.addUpdatedTable(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, res, rs, true, roumapFrom, roupolFrom, prflstFrom); lower.routerDoAggregates(rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, res, res, lower.fwdCore.commonLabel, null, 0); algos.add(res); } lower.routerCreateComputed(); } /** * schedule work * * @param i what to do: 1=genLsa, 2=calcSpf, 4=genAll, 7=all */ public void schedWork(int i) { todo.or(i << 4); notif.wakeup(); } public void run() { if (debugger.rtrOspf4evnt) { logger.debug("started area " + area); } todo.or(2); for (int rnd = 0;; rnd++) { try { notif.misleep(10000); int ver = todo.ver(); int val = todo.get(); todo.andIf(0xf, ver); if ((val & 1) == 0) { break; } if ((rnd % 6) == 0) { val |= 0x30; } if ((val & 0x10) != 0) { generateLsas(); } if ((val & 0x20) != 0) { calculateSpf(); } if ((val & 0x40) != 0) { lower.genLsas(1); } purgeLsas(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } todo.and(1); if (debugger.rtrOspf4evnt) { logger.debug("stopped area " + area); } } /** * start this area */ public void startNow() { if ((todo.get() & 2) != 0) { return; } todo.or(1); new Thread(this).start(); } /** * stop this area */ public void stopNow() { todo.and(2); } }