package org.freertr.rtr; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrClns; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv6; import org.freertr.addr.addrIsis; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.auth.authLocal; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgPrfxlst; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRoump; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRouplc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRtr; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgVrf; import org.freertr.enc.enc7bit; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcEthTyp; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor4; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor6; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwd; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdIface; import org.freertr.ip.ipRtr; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.prt.prtUdp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.user.userFlash; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.user.userHelping; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.spf.spfCalc; import org.freertr.util.state; import org.freertr.enc.encTlv; /** * intermediate system to intermediate system (rfc1142) protocol * * @author matecsaba */ public class rtrIsis extends ipRtr { /** * llc type */ public final static int llcTyp = 0xfefe; /** * eth type */ public final static int ethTyp = 0x00fe; /** * protocol discriminator */ public final static int protDist = 0x83; /** * external distance */ public int distantExt; /** * intra-level distance */ public int distantInt; /** * net number */ public addrClns netEntTit = new addrClns(); /** * levels allowed (bitmask) */ public int operateLevel; /** * maximum level addresses */ public int maxAreaAddr; /** * use wide metric */ public boolean metricWide; /** * use multi topology */ public boolean multiTopo; /** * level id */ protected addrClns areaID = new addrClns(); /** * router id */ protected addrIsis routerID = new addrIsis(); /** * traffic engineering id */ public addrIP traffEngID = new addrIP(); /** * segment routing maximum */ public int segrouMax = 0; /** * segment routing base */ public int segrouBase = 0; /** * bier length */ public int bierLen = 0; /** * bier maximum */ public int bierMax = 0; /** * forwarding core */ public final ipFwd fwdCore; /** * udp core */ public final prtUdp udpCore; /** * other afi router */ public final rtrIsisOther other; /** * route type */ protected final tabRouteAttr.routeType rouTyp; /** * router number */ protected final int rtrNum; /** * list of flexalgos */ protected tabGen algos; /** * list of flexalgos */ protected tabGen oalgos; /** * list of interfaces */ protected tabGen ifaces; /** * list of srv6 advertisements */ protected tabGen srv6; /** * level1 information */ protected rtrIsisLevel level1; /** * level2 information */ protected rtrIsisLevel level2; /** * segment routing labels */ protected tabLabelEntry[] segrouLab; /** * bier labels */ protected tabLabelEntry[] bierLab; /** * create one isis process * * @param forwarder the ip protocol * @param otherfwd the other ip protocol * @param udp the udp protocol * @param id process id */ public rtrIsis(ipFwd forwarder, ipFwd otherfwd, prtUdp udp, int id) { netEntTit.fromString("00.0000.0000.0000.00"); fwdCore = forwarder; udpCore = udp; distantExt = 115; distantInt = 115; operateLevel = 2; maxAreaAddr = 3; metricWide = true; algos = new tabGen(); oalgos = new tabGen(); ifaces = new tabGen(); srv6 = new tabGen(); rtrNum = id; switch (fwdCore.ipVersion) { case ipCor4.protocolVersion: rouTyp = tabRouteAttr.routeType.isis4; break; case ipCor6.protocolVersion: rouTyp = tabRouteAttr.routeType.isis6; break; default: rouTyp = null; break; } other = new rtrIsisOther(this, otherfwd); level1 = new rtrIsisLevel(this, 1); level2 = new rtrIsisLevel(this, 2); routerCreateComputed(); fwdCore.routerAdd(this, rouTyp, id); level1.startNow(); level2.startNow(); } /** * convert to string * * @return string */ public String toString() { return "isis on " + fwdCore; } /** * convert level to string * * @param i level * @return string */ public static String level2string(int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return "none"; case 1: return "level1"; case 2: return "level2"; case 3: return "both"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * convert string to level * * @param s string * @return level */ public static int string2level(String s) { if (s.equals("level1")) { return 1; } if (s.equals("level2")) { return 2; } if (s.equals("both")) { return 3; } return 0; } /** * get tlv handler * * @return tlv handler */ protected static encTlv getTlv() { return new encTlv(0, 8, 8, 8, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 512, true); } /** * get max area address * * @return number */ public int getMaxAreaAddr() { if (maxAreaAddr == 3) { return 0; } return maxAreaAddr; } /** * get ip protocol version * * @return protocol version */ public int getProtoVer() { return fwdCore.ipVersion; } /** * get nlpid value * * @param other other afi * @return nlpid */ protected int getNLPIDval(boolean other) { if (other ^ (fwdCore.ipVersion == ipCor4.protocolVersion)) { return ipCor4.protocolNLPID; } else { return ipCor6.protocolNLPID; } } /** * get nlpid list * * @param other other afi also * @return nlpid */ protected byte[] getNLPIDlst(boolean other) { byte[] buf; if (!other) { buf = new byte[1]; buf[0] = (byte) getNLPIDval(false); } else { buf = new byte[2]; buf[0] = (byte) getNLPIDval(false); buf[1] = (byte) getNLPIDval(true); } return buf; } /** * get multi topology value * * @param other other afi * @return mt */ protected int getMTopoVal(boolean other) { if (other ^ (fwdCore.ipVersion == ipCor4.protocolVersion)) { return 0; } else { return 2; } } /** * get multi topology list * * @param other other afi also * @param flg flags * @return mt */ protected byte[] getMTopoLst(boolean other, int flg) { byte[] buf; if (!other) { buf = new byte[2]; bits.msbPutW(buf, 0, getMTopoVal(false) | flg); } else { buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutW(buf, 0, getMTopoVal(false) | flg); bits.msbPutW(buf, 2, getMTopoVal(true) | flg); } return buf; } /** * get level handler * * @param level level number * @return level handler */ protected rtrIsisLevel getLevel(int level) { if (level == 1) { return level1; } else { return level2; } } /** * am i attached to other areas * * @return true if yes, false if not */ protected boolean amIattach() { for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrIsisIface ifc = ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } for (int o = 0; o < ifc.neighs.size(); o++) { rtrIsisNeigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(o); if (nei == null) { continue; } if (nei.peerAdjState != rtrIsisNeigh.statUp) { continue; } if (!nei.foreignArea) { continue; } return true; } } return false; } /** * have neighbor in level * * @param lev level number * @return true if yes, false if no */ protected boolean haveNeighbor(int lev) { for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrIsisIface ifc = ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } for (int o = 0; o < ifc.neighs.size(); o++) { rtrIsisNeigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(o); if (nei == null) { continue; } if (nei.peerAdjState != rtrIsisNeigh.statUp) { continue; } if (nei.level.level != lev) { continue; } return true; } } return false; } /** * get default route * * @param other other afi * @return prefix */ protected addrPrefix getDefaultRoute(boolean other) { if (other ^ (fwdCore.ipVersion == ipCor4.protocolVersion)) { return addrPrefix.ip4toIP(addrPrefix.defaultRoute4()); } else { return addrPrefix.ip6toIP(addrPrefix.defaultRoute6()); } } /** * read interface addresses * * @param other other afi * @param tlv tlv to read * @return addresses, null if nothing */ protected tabGen getAddrIface(boolean other, encTlv tlv) { tabGen l = new tabGen(); addrIP adr = new addrIP(); if (other ^ (fwdCore.ipVersion == ipCor4.protocolVersion)) { if (tlv.valTyp != rtrIsisLsp.tlvIpv4addr) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < tlv.valSiz;) { addrIPv4 a = new addrIPv4(); a.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, i); adr.fromIPv4addr(a); i += addrIPv4.size; l.add(adr); } } else { if (tlv.valTyp != rtrIsisLsp.tlvIpv6addr) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < tlv.valSiz;) { addrIPv6 a = new addrIPv6(); a.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, i); adr.fromIPv6addr(a); i += addrIPv6.size; l.add(adr); } } return l; } /** * read interface address * * @param other other afi * @param tlv tlv to read * @param trg where to save address */ protected void getAddrIface(boolean other, encTlv tlv, addrIP trg) { tabGen lst = getAddrIface(other, tlv); if (lst == null) { return; } addrIP adr = lst.get(0); if (adr == null) { return; } trg.fromBuf(adr.getBytes(), 0); } /** * write interface address * * @param other other afi * @param adr address to write * @return generated tlv */ protected encTlv putAddrIface(boolean other, addrIP adr) { encTlv tlv = getTlv(); if (other ^ (fwdCore.ipVersion == ipCor4.protocolVersion)) { addrIPv4 a = adr.toIPv4(); tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvIpv4addr; tlv.valSiz = addrIPv4.size; a.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 0); } else { addrIPv6 a = adr.toIPv6(); tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvIpv6addr; tlv.valSiz = addrIPv6.size; a.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 0); } return tlv; } private void getAddrReachS(encTlv tlv, int pos, int len, tabRouteEntry prf) { packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.putCopy(tlv.valDat, pos, 0, len); pck.putSkip(len); pck.merge2beg(); tlv = getTlv(); for (;;) { if (tlv.getBytes(pck)) { break; } if (tlv.valTyp == 1) { // tag = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 0); continue; } rtrIsisSr.getPref(tlv, prf); rtrIsisBr.getPref(tlv, prf); } } private int getAddrReach4(encTlv tlv, int pos, tabRouteEntry prf) { = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, pos + 0); // metric int i = bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, pos + 4); // prefix length if ((i & 0x80) != 0) { // updown bit |= 2; } int o = i & 0x3f; addrIPv4 adr = new addrIPv4(); adr.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, pos + 5); // address prf.prefix = addrPrefix.ip4toIP(new addrPrefix(adr, o)); pos += ((o + 7) / 8) + 5; if ((i & 0x40) == 0) { // subtlvs return pos; } o = bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, pos); getAddrReachS(tlv, pos + 1, o, prf); pos += o + 1; return pos; } private int getAddrReach6(encTlv tlv, int pos, tabRouteEntry prf) { = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, pos + 0); // metric int i = bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, pos + 4); // flags if ((i & 0x80) != 0) { // updown bit |= 2; } if ((i & 0x40) != 0) { // external bit |= 1; } int o = bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, pos + 5); // prefix length addrIPv6 adr = new addrIPv6(); adr.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, pos + 6); // address prf.prefix = addrPrefix.ip6toIP(new addrPrefix(adr, o)); pos += ((o + 7) / 8) + 6; if ((i & 0x20) == 0) { // subtlvs return pos; } o = bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, pos); getAddrReachS(tlv, pos + 1, o, prf); pos += o + 1; return pos; } /** * read hostname * * @param tlv tlv to read * @return hostname, null if nothing */ protected static String getHostname(encTlv tlv) { if (tlv.valTyp != rtrIsisLsp.tlvHostName) { return null; } return tlv.getStr(); } /** * read reachable addresses * * @param other other afi * @param tlv tlv to read * @return addresses, null if nothing */ protected tabGen> getAddrReach(boolean other, encTlv tlv) { tabGen> l = new tabGen>(); if (other ^ (fwdCore.ipVersion != ipCor4.protocolVersion)) { if (multiTopo) { if (tlv.valTyp != rtrIsisLsp.tlvMtIpv6reach) { return null; } if ((bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 0) & 0xfff) != getMTopoVal(other)) { return null; } for (int i = 2; i < tlv.valSiz;) { tabRouteEntry prf = new tabRouteEntry(); i = getAddrReach6(tlv, i, prf); l.add(prf); } return l; } if (tlv.valTyp != rtrIsisLsp.tlvIpv6reach) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < tlv.valSiz;) { tabRouteEntry prf = new tabRouteEntry(); i = getAddrReach6(tlv, i, prf); l.add(prf); } return l; } if (multiTopo) { if (tlv.valTyp != rtrIsisLsp.tlvMtIpv4reach) { return null; } if ((bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 0) & 0xfff) != getMTopoVal(other)) { return null; } for (int i = 2; i < tlv.valSiz;) { tabRouteEntry prf = new tabRouteEntry(); i = getAddrReach4(tlv, i, prf); l.add(prf); } return l; } if (metricWide) { if (tlv.valTyp != rtrIsisLsp.tlvExtIpv4reach) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < tlv.valSiz;) { tabRouteEntry prf = new tabRouteEntry(); i = getAddrReach4(tlv, i, prf); l.add(prf); } return l; } int ext; switch (tlv.valTyp) { case rtrIsisLsp.tlvIpv4extReach: ext = 1; break; case rtrIsisLsp.tlvIpv4intReach: ext = 0; break; default: return null; } for (int i = 0; i < tlv.valSiz;) { tabRouteEntry prf = new tabRouteEntry(); int o = bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, i + 0); = o & 0x3f; // default metric = ext; if ((o & 0x80) != 0) { // updown bit |= 2; } addrIPv4 a1 = new addrIPv4(); addrIPv4 a2 = new addrIPv4(); a1.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, i + 4); // address a2.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, i + 8); // netmask i += 12; prf.prefix = addrPrefix.ip4toIP(new addrPrefix(a1, a2.toNetmask())); l.add(prf); } return l; } private void putAddrReach4(encTlv tlv, int pos, addrPrefix prf, boolean down, int met, byte[] subs) { bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, pos + 0, met); // metric met = prf.maskLen; if (down) { met |= 0x80; } if (subs.length > 0) { met |= 0x40; } bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, pos + 4, met); // prefix length, pos + 5); // address tlv.valSiz = ((prf.maskLen + 7) / 8) + 5 + pos; if (subs.length < 1) { return; } tlv.valDat[tlv.valSiz] = (byte) subs.length; // length bits.byteCopy(subs, 0, tlv.valDat, tlv.valSiz + 1, subs.length); // value tlv.valSiz += subs.length + 1; } private void putAddrReach6(encTlv tlv, int pos, addrPrefix prf, boolean ext, boolean down, int met, byte[] subs) { bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, pos + 0, met); // metric met = 0; if (down) { met |= 0x80; } if (ext) { met |= 0x40; } if (subs.length > 0) { met |= 0x20; } bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, pos + 4, met); // flags bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, pos + 5, prf.maskLen); // prefix length, pos + 6); // address tlv.valSiz = ((prf.maskLen + 7) / 8) + 6 + pos; if (subs.length < 1) { return; } tlv.valDat[tlv.valSiz] = (byte) subs.length; // length bits.byteCopy(subs, 0, tlv.valDat, tlv.valSiz + 1, subs.length); // value tlv.valSiz += subs.length + 1; } /** * write reachable address * * @param tag tag value * @return generated tlv */ protected byte[] putAddrTag(int tag) { packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); encTlv tlv = rtrIsis.getTlv(); tlv.valTyp = 1; tlv.valSiz = 4; bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0, tag); tlv.putThis(pck); pck.merge2beg(); return pck.getCopy(); } /** * write reachable address * * @param other other afi * @param pref address to write * @param flg flags, 1=ext, 2=updown * @param met metric * @param subs subtlvs * @return generated tlv */ protected encTlv putAddrReach(boolean other, addrPrefix pref, int flg, int met, byte[] subs) { final boolean down = (flg & 2) != 0; final boolean ext = (flg & 1) != 0; encTlv tlv = getTlv(); if (other ^ (fwdCore.ipVersion != ipCor4.protocolVersion)) { if (multiTopo) { bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 0, getMTopoVal(other)); putAddrReach6(tlv, 2, addrPrefix.ip2ip6(pref), ext, down, met, subs); tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvMtIpv6reach; return tlv; } putAddrReach6(tlv, 0, addrPrefix.ip2ip6(pref), ext, down, met, subs); tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvIpv6reach; return tlv; } if (multiTopo) { bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 0, getMTopoVal(other)); putAddrReach4(tlv, 2, addrPrefix.ip2ip4(pref), down, met, subs); tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvMtIpv4reach; return tlv; } if (metricWide) { putAddrReach4(tlv, 0, addrPrefix.ip2ip4(pref), down, met, subs); tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvExtIpv4reach; return tlv; } met &= 0x3f; if (down) { met |= 0x80; } bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 0, met); // default metric bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 1, 0x80); // delay metric bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 2, 0x80); // expense metric bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 3, 0x80); // error metric addrPrefix a4 = addrPrefix.ip2ip4(pref);, 4); // address a4.mask.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 8); // netmask tlv.valSiz = 12; if (ext) { tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvIpv4extReach; } else { tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvIpv4intReach; } return tlv; } private int getISneighE(encTlv tlv, int pos, rtrIsisLsp nei) { nei.srcID.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, pos + 0); // neighbor id nei.nodID = bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, pos + 6); // pseudonode id nei.lspNum = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, pos + 7) >>> 8; // metric pos += bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, pos + 10) + 11; // subtlvs return pos; } /** * read is neighbors * * @param tlv tlv to read * @return neighbors, null if nothing */ protected tabGen getISneigh(encTlv tlv) { tabGen l = new tabGen(); if (multiTopo) { switch (tlv.valTyp) { case rtrIsisLsp.tlvMtIsNeigh: case rtrIsisLsp.tlvMtNeighAttr: break; default: return null; } if ((bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 0) & 0xfff) != getMTopoVal(false)) { return null; } for (int i = 2; i < tlv.valSiz;) { rtrIsisLsp n = new rtrIsisLsp(); i = getISneighE(tlv, i, n); l.add(n); } return l; } if (metricWide) { switch (tlv.valTyp) { case rtrIsisLsp.tlvExtIsNeigh: case rtrIsisLsp.tlvIsNeighAttr: break; default: return null; } for (int i = 0; i < tlv.valSiz;) { rtrIsisLsp n = new rtrIsisLsp(); i = getISneighE(tlv, i, n); l.add(n); } return l; } if (tlv.valTyp != rtrIsisLsp.tlvIsNeigh) { return null; } for (int i = 1; i < tlv.valSiz;) { rtrIsisLsp n = new rtrIsisLsp(); n.lspNum = bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, i + 0) & 0x3f; // metric n.srcID.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, i + 4); // neighbor id n.nodID = bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, i + 10); // pseudonode id i += 11; l.add(n); } return l; } private void putISneighE(encTlv tlv, int pos, addrIsis nei, int nod, int met, byte[] subs) { nei.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, pos + 0); // neighbor id bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, pos + 6, nod); // pseudonode id bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, pos + 7, (met << 8) | subs.length); // metric bits.byteCopy(subs, 0, tlv.valDat, pos + 11, subs.length); tlv.valSiz = 11 + subs.length + pos; } /** * write is neighbor * * @param nei neighbor address * @param nod node address * @param met metric * @param subs subtlvs * @return generated tlv */ protected encTlv putISneigh(addrIsis nei, int nod, int met, byte[] subs) { encTlv tlv = getTlv(); if (multiTopo) { bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 0, getMTopoVal(false)); putISneighE(tlv, 2, nei, nod, met, subs); tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvMtIsNeigh; return tlv; } if (metricWide) { putISneighE(tlv, 0, nei, nod, met, subs); tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvExtIsNeigh; return tlv; } bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 0, 0); // reserved bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 1, met & 0x3f); // default metric bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 2, 0x80); // delay metric bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 3, 0x80); // expense metric bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 4, 0x80); // error metric nei.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 5); // neighbor id bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 11, nod); // pseudonode id tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvIsNeigh; tlv.valSiz = 12; return tlv; } /** * read is alias * * @param tlv tlv to read * @return neighbor address, null if nothing */ protected addrIsis getISalias(encTlv tlv) { if (tlv.valTyp != rtrIsisLsp.tlvIsAlias) { return null; } addrIsis adr = new addrIsis(); adr.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, 0); // neighbor id return adr; } /** * write is alias * * @param nei neighbor address * @return generated tlv */ protected encTlv putISalias(addrIsis nei) { encTlv tlv = getTlv(); nei.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 0); // neighbor id bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 6, 0); // subtlvs tlv.valTyp = rtrIsisLsp.tlvIsAlias; tlv.valSiz = 7; return tlv; } /** * find a free circuit id * * @param p2p point2point link * @return circuit id */ protected int getCircuitId(boolean p2p) { if (p2p) { return 1; } int i; for (;;) { i = bits.randomB(); if (i <= 1) { continue; } if (i >= 255) { continue; } int p = -1; for (int o = 0; o < ifaces.size(); o++) { rtrIsisIface ntry = ifaces.get(o); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (ntry.circuitID == i) { p = o; } } if (p < 0) { return i; } } } /** * create computed */ public synchronized void routerCreateComputed() { if (debugger.rtrIsisEvnt) { logger.debug("create table"); } tabRoute tab1 = new tabRoute("isis"); tabRoute tab2 = new tabRoute("isis"); tabGen> tab3 = new tabGen>(); tab1.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, level1.routes, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); tab1.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, level2.routes, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); if (other.enabled) { tab2.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, level1.oroutes, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); tab2.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, level2.oroutes, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); } if (segrouLab != null) { tabIndex.mergeTable(tab3, level1.segrouUsd); tabIndex.mergeTable(tab3, level2.segrouUsd); for (int i = 0; i < segrouLab.length; i++) { if (tab3.find(new tabIndex(i, null)) != null) { continue; } segrouLab[i].setFwdDrop(tabLabelEntry.owner.isisSrgb); } } if (bierLab != null) { int o = 0; int p = 0; for (int i = ifaces.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { rtrIsisIface ifc = ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.brIndex > 0) { o = ifc.brIndex; } if (ifc.brOthIdx > 0) { p = ifc.brOthIdx; } } tabLabelBier res = new tabLabelBier(bierLab[0].label, tabLabelBier.num2bsl(bierLen)); res.idx = o; res.idx2 = p; res.mergeFrom(level1.bierRes); res.mergeFrom(level2.bierRes); for (int i = 0; i < bierLab.length; i++) { bierLab[i].setBierMpls(tabLabelEntry.owner.isisBier, fwdCore, res); } } tab1.setProto(routerProtoTyp, routerProcNum); boolean same = tab1.preserveTime(routerComputedU); same &= !tabIndex.compareTables(routerComputedI, tab3); if (!same) { routerComputedU = tab1; routerComputedM = tab1; routerComputedF = new tabRoute("rx"); routerComputedI = tab3; fwdCore.routerChg(this, false); } tab2.setProto(routerProtoTyp, routerProcNum); if (!tab2.preserveTime(other.routerComputedU)) { other.routerComputedU = tab2; other.routerComputedM = tab2; other.fwd.routerChg(other, false); } for (int o = 0; o < algos.size(); o++) { rtrAlgo alg = algos.get(o); if (alg == null) { continue; } tab1 = new tabRoute("isis"); try { tab2 = level1.algos.get(o); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } if (tab2 == null) { continue; } tab1.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, tab2, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); try { tab2 = level2.algos.get(o); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } if (tab2 == null) { continue; } tab1.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, tab2, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); alg.vrf.update2ip(tab1); if (!other.enabled) { continue; } alg = oalgos.get(o); if (alg == null) { continue; } tab1 = new tabRoute("isis"); try { tab2 = level1.oalgos.get(o); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } if (tab2 == null) { continue; } tab1.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, tab2, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); try { tab2 = level2.oalgos.get(o); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } if (tab2 == null) { continue; } tab1.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, tab2, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); alg.vrf.update2ip(tab1); } } /** * redistribution changed */ public void routerRedistChanged() { genLsps(3); } /** * others changed */ public void routerOthersChanged() { } /** * get help * * @param l list */ public void routerGetHelp(userHelping l) { l.add(null, "1 2 net-id specify network entity title"); l.add(null, "2 . router id"); l.add(null, "1 2 traffeng-id specify traffic engineering id"); l.add(null, "2 . te id"); l.add(null, "1 2 is-type specify is type"); l.add(null, "2 . level1 station router"); l.add(null, "2 . level2 area router"); l.add(null, "2 . both area and station router"); l.add(null, "1 2 afi-other select other to advertise"); l.add(null, "2 . enable enable processing"); l.add(null, "2 3 distance specify default distance"); l.add(null, "3 4 intra-area distance"); l.add(null, "4 . external distance"); cfgRtr.getRedistHelp(l, 1); l.add(null, "1 2 max-area-addrs maximum area addresses"); l.add(null, "2 . number of addresses"); l.add(null, "1 2 distance specify default distance"); l.add(null, "2 3 intra-area distance"); l.add(null, "3 . external distance"); l.add(null, "1 . metric-wide advertise wide metrics"); l.add(null, "1 . multi-topology advertise multi topology"); l.add(null, "1 2 srv6 advertise srv6 locator"); l.add(null, "2 . name of interface"); l.add(null, "1 2 segrout segment routing parameters"); l.add(null, "2 3,. maximum index"); l.add(null, "3 4 base specify base"); l.add(null, "4 3,. label base"); l.add(null, "1 2 bier bier parameters"); l.add(null, "2 3 bitstring length"); l.add(null, "3 . maximum index"); l.add(null, "1 2 level1 change level1 parameters"); l.add(null, "1 2 level2 change level2 parameters"); l.add(null, "1 2 both change l1 and l2 parameters"); l.add(null, "2 . spf-bidir spf bidir check"); l.add(null, "2 3,. spf-topolog spf topology logging"); l.add(null, "3 3,. noappear exclude node (dis)appearance"); l.add(null, "3 3,. noconnect exclude link (dis)connection"); l.add(null, "3 3,. noforward exclude forward (un)willingness"); l.add(null, "3 3,. noreachable exclude node (un)reachable"); l.add(null, "3 3,. nometric exclude link metric change"); l.add(null, "3 3,. noprefix exclude prefix change"); l.add(null, "2 . spf-hops spf hops disallow"); l.add(null, "2 . spf-ecmp spf ecmp allow"); l.add(null, "2 3 spf-log spf log size"); l.add(null, "3 . number of entries"); l.add(null, "2 3 lsp-mtu maximum lsp size"); l.add(null, "3 . size of lsp in bytes"); l.add(null, "2 3 lsp-password lsp authentication"); l.add(null, "3 . text to use"); l.add(null, "2 3 authen-type mode for authentication"); l.add(null, "3 . null use nothing"); l.add(null, "3 . clear use cleartext"); l.add(null, "3 . md5 use md5"); l.add(null, "2 3 lsp-refresh lsp refresh time"); l.add(null, "3 . age in ms"); l.add(null, "2 3 lsp-lifetime lsp life time"); l.add(null, "3 . age in ms"); l.add(null, "2 . set-overload signal that exclude from spf"); l.add(null, "2 . set-attached signal that route all packets"); l.add(null, "2 . allow-attached accept others signal that route all packets"); l.add(null, "2 . clear-attached never signal that route all packets"); l.add(null, "2 . traffeng configure for traffic engineering"); l.add(null, "2 . segrout configure for segment routing"); l.add(null, "2 . srv6 configure for segment routing v6"); l.add(null, "2 . bier configure for bier"); l.add(null, "2 . suppress-prefix do not advertise interfaces"); l.add(null, "2 . hostname advertise hostname"); l.add(null, "2 . inter-level advertise inter-level routes"); l.add(null, "2 . default-originate advertise default route"); l.add(null, "2 3 route-map-from process prefixes from this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "2 3 route-map-into process prefixes into this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "2 3 route-policy-from process prefixes from this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "2 3 route-policy-into process prefixes into this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "2 3 prefix-list-from filter prefixes from this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of prefix list"); l.add(null, "2 3 prefix-list-into filter prefixes into this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of prefix list"); l.add(null, "2 . other-suppress-prefix do not advertise interfaces"); l.add(null, "2 . other-default-originate advertise default route"); l.add(null, "2 3 other-route-map-from process prefixes from this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "2 3 other-route-map-into process prefixes into this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "2 3 other-route-policy-from process prefixes from this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "2 3 other-route-policy-into process prefixes into this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "2 3 other-prefix-list-from filter prefixes from this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of prefix list"); l.add(null, "2 3 other-prefix-list-into filter prefixes into this level"); l.add(null, "3 . name of prefix list"); l.add(null, "1 2 flexalgo flexalgo parameters"); l.add(null, "2 3 algorithm id"); l.add(null, "3 . vrf to use"); } /** * get config * * @param l list * @param beg beginning * @param filter filter */ public void routerGetConfig(List l, String beg, int filter) { l.add(beg + "net-id " + netEntTit); l.add(beg + "traffeng-id " + traffEngID); l.add(beg + "is-type " + level2string(operateLevel)); l.add(beg + "max-area-addrs " + maxAreaAddr); cmds.cfgLine(l, !metricWide, beg, "metric-wide", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !multiTopo, beg, "multi-topology", ""); String a = ""; if (segrouBase != 0) { a += " base " + segrouBase; } cmds.cfgLine(l, segrouMax < 1, beg, "segrout", "" + segrouMax + a); cmds.cfgLine(l, bierMax < 1, beg, "bier", bierLen + " " + bierMax); l.add(beg + "distance " + distantInt + " " + distantExt); getConfig(level2, l, beg, filter); getConfig(level1, l, beg, filter); other.getConfig(l, beg + "afi-other "); for (int i = 0; i < srv6.size(); i++) { l.add(beg + "srv6 " + srv6.get(i).name); } for (int i = 0; i < algos.size(); i++) { l.add(beg + "flexalgo " + algos.get(i)); } } /** * configure * * @param cmd command * @return false if success, true if error */ public boolean routerConfigure(cmds cmd) { String s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("net-id")) { if (netEntTit.fromString(cmd.word())) { cmd.error("bad format"); return false; } areaID = netEntTit.getArea(); routerID = netEntTit.getNode(); if ((areaID == null) || (routerID == null)) { routerID = new addrIsis(); areaID = new addrClns(); cmd.error("invalid netid"); return false; } genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("flexalgo")) { int i = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); cfgVrf vrf = cfgAll.vrfFind(cmd.word(), false); if (vrf == null) { cmd.error("no such vrf"); return false; } rtrAlgo alg = new rtrAlgo(i, fwdCore.ipVersion == 4 ? vrf.fwd4 : vrf.fwd6, routerProtoTyp, routerProcNum); algos.add(alg); alg.vrf.register2ip(); if (other.enabled) { alg = new rtrAlgo(i, fwdCore.ipVersion == 4 ? vrf.fwd6 : vrf.fwd4, routerProtoTyp, routerProcNum); oalgos.add(alg); alg.vrf.register2ip(); } genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("traffeng-id")) { traffEngID.fromString(cmd.word()); genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("distance")) { distantInt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); distantExt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("is-type")) { operateLevel = string2level(cmd.word()); genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("max-area-addrs")) { maxAreaAddr = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("metric-wide")) { metricWide = true; genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("multi-topology")) { multiTopo = true; metricWide = true; genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("srv6")) { cfgIfc ntry = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return false; } srv6.put(ntry); genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("segrout")) { tabLabel.release(segrouLab, tabLabelEntry.owner.isisSrgb); segrouMax = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); segrouBase = 0; for (;;) { s = cmd.word(); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } if (s.equals("base")) { segrouBase = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); continue; } } segrouLab = tabLabel.allocate(tabLabelEntry.owner.isisSrgb, segrouBase, segrouMax); genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("bier")) { tabLabel.release(bierLab, tabLabelEntry.owner.isisBier); bierLen = tabLabelBier.normalizeBsl(bits.str2num(cmd.word())); bierMax = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); bierLab = tabLabel.allocate(tabLabelEntry.owner.isisBier, (bierMax + bierLen - 1) / bierLen); genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("level1")) { return doConfig(level1, cmd, false); } if (s.equals("level2")) { return doConfig(level2, cmd, false); } if (s.equals("both")) { cmds c = cmd.copyBytes(false); boolean res = doConfig(level1, cmd, false); return res | doConfig(level2, c, false); } if (s.equals("afi-other")) { s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("enable")) { other.register2ip(); genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("distance")) { other.distantInt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); other.distantExt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (cfgRtr.doCfgRedist(other, other.fwd, false, s, cmd)) { cmd.badCmd(); } genLsps(3); return false; } if (!s.equals(cmds.negated)) { return true; } s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("flexalgo")) { int i = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); cfgVrf vrf = cfgAll.vrfFind(cmd.word(), false); if (vrf == null) { cmd.error("no such vrf"); return false; } rtrAlgo alg = new rtrAlgo(i, fwdCore.ipVersion == 4 ? vrf.fwd4 : vrf.fwd6, routerProtoTyp, routerProcNum); alg = algos.del(alg); if (alg == null) { return false; } alg.vrf.unregister2ip(); if (other.enabled) { alg = new rtrAlgo(i, fwdCore.ipVersion == 4 ? vrf.fwd6 : vrf.fwd4, routerProtoTyp, routerProcNum); alg = oalgos.del(alg); } genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("metric-wide")) { metricWide = false; multiTopo = false; genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("multi-topology")) { multiTopo = false; genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("srv6")) { cfgIfc ntry = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return false; } srv6.del(ntry); genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("segrout")) { tabLabel.release(segrouLab, tabLabelEntry.owner.isisSrgb); segrouLab = null; segrouMax = 0; segrouBase = 0; genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("bier")) { tabLabel.release(bierLab, tabLabelEntry.owner.isisBier); bierLab = null; bierLen = 0; bierMax = 0; genLsps(3); return false; } if (s.equals("level1")) { return doConfig(level1, cmd, true); } if (s.equals("level2")) { return doConfig(level2, cmd, true); } if (s.equals("both")) { cmds c = cmd.copyBytes(false); boolean res = doConfig(level1, cmd, true); return res | doConfig(level2, c, true); } if (s.equals("afi-other")) { s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("enable")) { other.unregister2ip(); genLsps(3); return false; } if (cfgRtr.doCfgRedist(other, other.fwd, true, s, cmd)) { cmd.badCmd(); } genLsps(3); return false; } return true; } /** * get configuration * * @param lev level to use * @param l list to update * @param beg beginning string * @param filter filter defaults */ public void getConfig(rtrIsisLevel lev, List l, String beg, int filter) { String s = "level" + lev.level + " "; l.add(beg + s + "spf-log " + lev.lastSpf.logSize); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.lastSpf.topoLog.get() == 0, beg, s + "spf-topolog", lev.lastSpf.getTopoLogMode()); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.lastSpf.bidir.get() == 0, beg, s + "spf-bidir", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.lastSpf.hops.get() == 0, beg, s + "spf-hops", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.lastSpf.ecmp.get() == 0, beg, s + "spf-ecmp", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.overloaded, beg, s + "set-overload", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.attachedSet, beg, s + "set-attached", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.attachedClr, beg, s + "clear-attached", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.attachedAlw, beg, s + "allow-attached", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.traffEng, beg, s + "traffeng", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.segrouEna, beg, s + "segrout", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.srv6ena, beg, s + "srv6", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.bierEna, beg, s + "bier", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.suppressAddr, beg, s + "suppress-prefix", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.osuppressAddr, beg, s + "other-suppress-prefix", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.hostname, beg, s + "hostname", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.interLevels, beg, s + "inter-level", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.defOrigin, beg, s + "default-originate", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lev.odefOrigin, beg, s + "other-default-originate", ""); l.add(beg + s + "lsp-mtu " + lev.maxLspSize); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.lspPassword == null, beg, s + "lsp-password", authLocal.passwdEncode(lev.lspPassword, (filter & 2) != 0)); String a; switch (lev.authenMode) { case 0: a = "null"; break; case 1: a = "clear"; break; case 2: a = "md5"; break; default: a = "unknown=" + lev.authenMode; break; } l.add(beg + s + "authen-type " + a); l.add(beg + s + "lsp-refresh " + lev.lspRefresh); l.add(beg + s + "lsp-lifetime " + lev.lspLifetime); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.prflstFrom == null, beg, s + "prefix-list-from", "" + lev.prflstFrom); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.prflstInto == null, beg, s + "prefix-list-into", "" + lev.prflstInto); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.roumapFrom == null, beg, s + "route-map-from", "" + lev.roumapFrom); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.roumapInto == null, beg, s + "route-map-into", "" + lev.roumapInto); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.roupolFrom == null, beg, s + "route-policy-from", "" + lev.roupolFrom); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.roupolInto == null, beg, s + "route-policy-into", "" + lev.roupolInto); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.oprflstFrom == null, beg, s + "other-prefix-list-from", "" + lev.oprflstFrom); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.oprflstInto == null, beg, s + "other-prefix-list-into", "" + lev.oprflstInto); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.oroumapFrom == null, beg, s + "other-route-map-from", "" + lev.oroumapFrom); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.oroumapInto == null, beg, s + "other-route-map-into", "" + lev.oroumapInto); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.oroupolFrom == null, beg, s + "other-route-policy-from", "" + lev.oroupolFrom); cmds.cfgLine(l, lev.oroupolInto == null, beg, s + "other-route-policy-into", "" + lev.oroupolInto); } /** * do configuration * * @param lev level to use * @param cmd command to do * @param negated negated * @return result */ public boolean doConfig(rtrIsisLevel lev, cmds cmd, boolean negated) { String s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("spf-log")) { lev.lastSpf.logSize.set(bits.str2num(cmd.word())); if (negated) { lev.lastSpf.logSize.set(0); } return false; } if (s.equals("spf-topolog")) { if (negated) { lev.lastSpf.topoLog.set(0); return false; } lev.lastSpf.setTopoLogMode(cmd); return false; } if (s.equals("spf-bidir")) { if (negated) { lev.lastSpf.bidir.set(0); } else { lev.lastSpf.bidir.set(1); } lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("spf-hops")) { if (negated) { lev.lastSpf.hops.set(0); } else { lev.lastSpf.hops.set(1); } lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("spf-ecmp")) { if (negated) { lev.lastSpf.ecmp.set(0); } else { lev.lastSpf.ecmp.set(1); } lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("set-overload")) { lev.overloaded = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("set-attached")) { lev.attachedSet = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("allow-attached")) { lev.attachedAlw = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("clear-attached")) { lev.attachedClr = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("lsp-mtu")) { lev.maxLspSize = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("lsp-password")) { if (negated) { lev.lspPassword = null; } else { lev.lspPassword = authLocal.passwdDecode(cmd.word()); } lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("authen-type")) { if (negated) { lev.authenMode = 1; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } lev.authenMode = 0; s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("null")) { lev.authenMode = 0; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("clear")) { lev.authenMode = 1; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("md5")) { lev.authenMode = 2; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("lsp-refresh")) { lev.lspRefresh = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("lsp-lifetime")) { lev.lspLifetime = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("traffeng")) { lev.traffEng = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("segrout")) { lev.segrouEna = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("srv6")) { lev.srv6ena = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("bier")) { lev.bierEna = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("suppress-prefix")) { lev.suppressAddr = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("other-suppress-prefix")) { lev.osuppressAddr = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("hostname")) { lev.hostname = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("default-originate")) { lev.defOrigin = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("other-default-originate")) { lev.odefOrigin = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("inter-level")) { lev.interLevels = !negated; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("prefix-list-from")) { if (negated) { lev.prflstFrom = null; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } cfgPrfxlst ntry = cfgAll.prfxFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such prefix list"); return false; } lev.prflstFrom = ntry.prflst; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } if (s.equals("prefix-list-into")) { if (negated) { lev.prflstInto = null; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } cfgPrfxlst ntry = cfgAll.prfxFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such prefix list"); return false; } lev.prflstInto = ntry.prflst; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("route-map-from")) { if (negated) { lev.roumapFrom = null; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } lev.roumapFrom = ntry.roumap; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } if (s.equals("route-map-into")) { if (negated) { lev.roumapInto = null; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } lev.roumapInto = ntry.roumap; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("route-policy-from")) { if (negated) { lev.roupolFrom = null; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } lev.roupolFrom = ntry.rouplc; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } if (s.equals("route-policy-into")) { if (negated) { lev.roupolInto = null; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } lev.roupolInto = ntry.rouplc; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("other-prefix-list-from")) { if (negated) { lev.oprflstFrom = null; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } cfgPrfxlst ntry = cfgAll.prfxFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such prefix list"); return false; } lev.oprflstFrom = ntry.prflst; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } if (s.equals("other-prefix-list-into")) { if (negated) { lev.oprflstInto = null; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } cfgPrfxlst ntry = cfgAll.prfxFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such prefix list"); return false; } lev.oprflstInto = ntry.prflst; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("other-route-map-from")) { if (negated) { lev.oroumapFrom = null; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } lev.oroumapFrom = ntry.roumap; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } if (s.equals("other-route-map-into")) { if (negated) { lev.oroumapInto = null; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } lev.oroumapInto = ntry.roumap; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } if (s.equals("other-route-policy-from")) { if (negated) { lev.oroupolFrom = null; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } lev.oroupolFrom = ntry.rouplc; lev.schedWork(7); return false; } if (s.equals("other-route-policy-into")) { if (negated) { lev.oroupolInto = null; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } lev.oroupolInto = ntry.rouplc; lev.schedWork(3); return false; } return true; } /** * stop work */ public void routerCloseNow() { level1.stopNow(); level2.stopNow(); other.unregister2ip(); for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrIsisIface ntry = ifaces.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } ntry.restartTimer(true); ntry.unregister2eth(); ntry.closeNeighbors(); } tabLabel.release(segrouLab, tabLabelEntry.owner.isisSrgb); tabLabel.release(bierLab, tabLabelEntry.owner.isisBier); } /** * generate lsps in all areas * * @param todo todo to pass */ protected void genLsps(int todo) { todo &= 3; level1.schedWork(todo); level2.schedWork(todo); } /** * add isis interface * * @param iface forwarding interface * @param otherifc other forwarding interface * @param eth ethertype interface * @return interface handler */ public rtrIsisIface addInterface(ipFwdIface iface, ipFwdIface otherifc, ifcEthTyp eth) { if (iface == null) { return null; } rtrIsisIface ifc = new rtrIsisIface(this, iface, otherifc, eth); rtrIsisIface old = ifaces.add(ifc); if (old != null) { return old; } ifc.register2eth(); ifc.restartTimer(false); genLsps(3); return ifc; } /** * delete isis interface * * @param iface forwarding interface * @param otherifc other forwarding interface */ public void delInterface(ipFwdIface iface, ipFwdIface otherifc) { rtrIsisIface ifc = new rtrIsisIface(this, iface, otherifc, null); ifc = ifaces.del(ifc); if (ifc == null) { return; } ifc.restartTimer(true); ifc.unregister2eth(); ifc.closeNeighbors(); genLsps(3); } /** * list neighbors * * @param brief only briefly * @return list of neighbors */ public userFormat showNeighs(boolean brief) { userFormat l; if (brief) { l = new userFormat("|", "level|routerid|state|uptime"); } else { l = new userFormat("|", "interface|level|routerid|ip address|other address|state|uptime"); } for (int o = 0; o < ifaces.size(); o++) { rtrIsisIface ifc = ifaces.get(o); if (ifc == null) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < ifc.neighs.size(); i++) { rtrIsisNeigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(i); if (nei == null) { continue; } if (brief) { l.add(nei.level.level + "|" + nei.rtrID + "|" + nei.status2string() + "|" + bits.timePast(nei.upTime)); } else { l.add(ifc.upper + "|" + nei.level.level + "|" + nei.rtrID + "|" + nei.ifcAddr + "|" + nei.ofcAddr + "|" + nei.status2string() + "|" + bits.timePast(nei.upTime)); } } } return l; } /** * list of neighbors * * @return list */ public userFormat showMetrics() { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "interface|mac address|level|routerid|metric|delay"); for (int o = 0; o < ifaces.size(); o++) { rtrIsisIface ifc = ifaces.get(o); if (ifc == null) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < ifc.neighs.size(); i++) { rtrIsisNeigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(i); if (nei == null) { continue; } l.add(ifc.upper + "|" + nei.ethAddr + "|" + nei.level.level + "|" + nei.rtrID + "|" + nei.getMetric() + "|" + nei.echoCalc); } } return l; } /** * find neighbor * * @param adr address * @param lev level * @return neighbor */ public rtrIsisNeigh findNeigh(addrIP adr, int lev) { for (int o = 0; o < ifaces.size(); o++) { rtrIsisIface ifc = ifaces.get(o); if (ifc == null) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < ifc.neighs.size(); i++) { rtrIsisNeigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(i); if (nei == null) { continue; } if (nei.level.level != lev) { continue; } if (adr.compareTo(nei.ifcAddr) == 0) { return nei; } } } return null; } /** * list of algorithms * * @param level level number * @return list */ public userFormat showAlgorithms(int level) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); if (lev == null) { return null; } return lev.lastSpf.listAlgorithm(); } /** * list interfaces * * @return list of interfaces */ public userFormat showIfaces() { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "interface|neighbors"); for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrIsisIface ifc = ifaces.get(i); l.add(ifc.iface + "|" + ifc.neighs.size()); } return l; } /** * list database * * @param level level number * @param cmd entry to find * @return list of entry */ public List showDatabase(int level, cmds cmd) { addrIsis ned = new addrIsis(); ned.fromString(cmd.word()); rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < lev.lsps.size(); i++) { rtrIsisLsp ntry = lev.lsps.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (ned.compareTo(ntry.srcID) != 0) { continue; } l.add("" + ntry); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.putSkip(ntry.writeData(pck, 0)); pck.merge2beg(); enc7bit.buf2hex(l, pck.getCopy(), 0, ""); rtrIsisDump.dumpLsp(l, pck); } return l; } /** * list database * * @param level level number * @return list of database */ public userFormat showDatabase(int level) { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "lspid|sequence|flags|len|time"); rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); for (int i = 0; i < lev.lsps.size(); i++) { rtrIsisLsp ntry = lev.lsps.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } l.add("" + ntry); } return l; } /** * list routes * * @param level level number * @return list of routes */ public tabRoute showRoute(int level) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); return lev.routes; } /** * list other routes * * @param level level number * @return list of routes */ public tabRoute showOroute(int level) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); return lev.oroutes; } /** * show spf * * @param level level number * @return log of spf */ public userFormat showSpfStat(int level) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); return lev.lastSpf.listStatistics(); } /** * show spf * * @param level level number * @param cmd entry to find * @return log of spf */ public userFormat showSpfTopo(int level, cmds cmd) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); if (cmd.size() < 1) { return lev.lastSpf.listTopology(); } rtrIsisLevelSpf ned = new rtrIsisLevelSpf(new addrIsis(), 0); ned.fromString(cmd.word()); return lev.lastSpf.listTopology(ned); } /** * show log * * @param level level number * @return log of spf */ public userFormat showSpfLog(int level) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); return lev.lastSpf.listUsages(); } /** * show tree * * @param level level number * @return tree of spf */ public List showSpfTree(int level) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); return lev.lastSpf.listTree(); } /** * show tree * * @param level level number * @param cmd entry to find * @return tree of spf */ public List showSpfOtherTree(int level, cmds cmd) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); spfCalc spf = lev.lastSpf.copyBytes(); rtrIsisLevelSpf ned = new rtrIsisLevelSpf(new addrIsis(), 0); ned.fromString(cmd.word()); spf.doWork(null, ned, null); return spf.listTree(); } /** * show topology * * @param level level number * @param cmd entry to find * @return log of spf */ public userFormat showSpfOtherTopo(int level, cmds cmd) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); spfCalc spf = lev.lastSpf.copyBytes(); rtrIsisLevelSpf ned = new rtrIsisLevelSpf(new addrIsis(), 0); ned.fromString(cmd.word()); spf.doWork(null, ned, null); if (cmd.size() < 1) { return spf.listTopology(); } ned = new rtrIsisLevelSpf(new addrIsis(), 0); ned.fromString(cmd.word()); return spf.listTopology(ned); } /** * show graph * * @param level level number * @param msk masks * @return graph of spf */ public List showSpfGraph(int level, int msk) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); return lev.lastSpf.listGraphviz(msk); } /** * show nh inconsistency * * @param level level number * @param mtch matcher * @return inconsistency list */ public userFormat showNhIncons(int level, tabIntMatcher mtch) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); return lev.lastSpf.listNhIncons(mtch); } /** * show met inconsistency * * @param level level number * @param mtch matcher * @return inconsistency list */ public userFormat showMetIncons(int level, tabIntMatcher mtch) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); return lev.lastSpf.listMetIncons(mtch); } /** * show hostnames * * @param level level number * @return names list */ public userFormat showHostnames(int level) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); return lev.lastSpf.listHostnames(); } /** * get neighbor count * * @return count */ public int routerNeighCount() { int o = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.size(); i++) { o += ifaces.get(i).neighs.size(); } return o; } /** * list neighbors * * @param tab list */ public void routerNeighList(tabRoute tab) { for (int o = 0; o < ifaces.size(); o++) { rtrIsisIface ifc = ifaces.get(o); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < ifc.neighs.size(); i++) { rtrIsisNeigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(i); if (nei == null) { continue; } tabRouteEntry ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); ntry.prefix = new addrPrefix(nei.ifcAddr, addrIP.size * 8); tabRoute.addUpdatedEntry(tabRoute.addType.better, tab, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, ntry, true, null, null, routerAutoMesh); } } } /** * get interface count * * @return count */ public int routerIfaceCount() { return ifaces.size(); } /** * maximum recursion depth * * @return allowed number */ public int routerRecursions() { return 1; } /** * get list of link states * * @param tab table to update * @param level level number * @param asn asn * @param adv advertiser */ public void routerLinkStates(tabRoute tab, int level, int asn, addrIPv4 adv) { rtrIsisLevel lev = getLevel(level); lev.lastSpf.listLinkStates(tab, lev.level, -1, asn, adv, addrIsis.size, 3); } }