package org.freertr.rtr; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor4; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor6; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwd; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdIface; import org.freertr.ip.ipRtr; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.user.userHelping; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.notifier; import org.freertr.util.state; import org.freertr.enc.encTlv; /** * enhanced interior gateway routing (rfc7868) protocol * * @author matecsaba */ public class rtrEigrp extends ipRtr implements Runnable { /** * eigrp protocol number */ public final static int protoNum = 88; /** * protocol version number */ public final static int verNum = 2; /** * eigrp header size */ public final static int sizeHead = 20; /** * forwarding core */ public final ipFwd fwdCore; /** * router id */ public addrIPv4 routerID; /** * routes needed to advertise */ public tabRoute need2adv; /** * stub value */ public int stub; /** * k1 */ public int k1; /** * k2 */ public int k2; /** * k3 */ public int k3; /** * k4 */ public int k4; /** * k5 */ public int k5; /** * as */ public int as; /** * suppress interface addresses */ public boolean suppressAddr; /** * list of interfaces */ protected tabGen ifaces; /** * notified on route change */ protected notifier notif = new notifier(); private boolean need2run = true; /** * create one eigrp process * * @param forwarder the ip protocol * @param id process id */ public rtrEigrp(ipFwd forwarder, int id) { fwdCore = forwarder; routerID = new addrIPv4(); ifaces = new tabGen(); tabRouteAttr.routeType rouTyp = null; switch (fwdCore.ipVersion) { case ipCor4.protocolVersion: rouTyp = tabRouteAttr.routeType.eigrp4; break; case ipCor6.protocolVersion: rouTyp = tabRouteAttr.routeType.eigrp6; break; default: break; } k1 = 1; k3 = 1; routerCreateComputed(); fwdCore.routerAdd(this, rouTyp, id); new Thread(this).start(); } /** * get tlv handler * * @return handler */ protected static encTlv getTlv() { return new encTlv(0, 16, 16, 16, 1, 4, 4, 1, 0, 1024, true); } /** * convert to string * * @return string */ public String toString() { return "eigrp on " + fwdCore; } /** * add one interface to work on * * @param ifc ip forwarder interface * @return false if successful, true if error happened */ public rtrEigrpIface addInterface(ipFwdIface ifc) { if (debugger.rtrEigrpEvnt) { logger.debug("add iface " + ifc); } if (ifc == null) { return null; } rtrEigrpIface ntry = new rtrEigrpIface(this, ifc); rtrEigrpIface old = ifaces.add(ntry); if (old != null) { ntry = old; } ntry.register2ip(); ntry.restartTimer(false); routerCreateComputed(); return ntry; } /** * delete one interface * * @param ifc interface to delete */ public void delInterface(ipFwdIface ifc) { if (debugger.rtrEigrpEvnt) { logger.debug("del iface " + ifc); } if (ifc == null) { return; } rtrEigrpIface ntry = new rtrEigrpIface(this, ifc); ntry = ifaces.del(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return; } ntry.restartTimer(true); ntry.unregister2ip(); ntry.closeNeighbors(); routerCreateComputed(); } /** * list of neighbors * * @return list */ public userFormat showNeighs() { userFormat res = new userFormat("|", "iface|peer|learned|adverted|uptime"); for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrEigrpIface ifc = ifaces.get(i); ifc.showNeighs(res); } return res; } /** * list interfaces * * @return list of interfaces */ public userFormat showIfaces() { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "interface|neighbors"); for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrEigrpIface ifc = ifaces.get(i); l.add(ifc.iface + "|" + ifc.neighs.size()); } return l; } /** * find one neighbor * * @param adr address of peer * @return neighbor, null if not found */ public rtrEigrpNeigh findNeigh(addrIP adr) { for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrEigrpIface ifc = ifaces.get(i); rtrEigrpNeigh r = ifc.findNeigh(adr); if (r != null) { return r; } } return null; } /** * get ip protocol version * * @return protocol version */ public int getProtoVer() { return fwdCore.ipVersion; } /** * create computed */ public synchronized void routerCreateComputed() { if (debugger.rtrEigrpEvnt) { logger.debug("create table"); } tabRoute tab1 = new tabRoute("lernd"); tabRouteEntry ntry; for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrEigrpIface ifc = ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } if ((suppressAddr || ifc.suppressAddr) && (!ifc.unsuppressAddr)) { continue; } ntry = tab1.add(tabRoute.addType.better,, null); = tabRouteAttr.routeType.conn; = ifc.iface; = tabRouteAttr.distanIfc; } for (int o = 0; o < ifaces.size(); o++) { rtrEigrpIface ifc = ifaces.get(o); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < ifc.neighs.size(); i++) { rtrEigrpNeigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(i); if (nei == null) { continue; } tab1.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, nei.learned, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); } } routerDoAggregates(rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, tab1, tab1, fwdCore.commonLabel, null, 0); tabRoute tab2 = tab1; tab1 = new tabRoute("ned2adv"); tab1.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.ecmp, tab2, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); tab1.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.better, routerRedistedU, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); need2adv = tab1; for (int o = 0; o < ifaces.size(); o++) { rtrEigrpIface ifc = ifaces.get(o); if (ifc == null) { continue; } tab1 = new tabRoute("ned2adv"); tabRoute.addUpdatedTable(tabRoute.addType.always, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, tab1, need2adv, true, ifc.roumapOut, ifc.roupolOut, ifc.prflstOut); if (ifc.defOrigin) { ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); ntry.prefix = addrPrefix.defaultRoute(getProtoVer()); tab1.add(tabRoute.addType.always, ntry, true, true); } if (ifc.splitHorizon) { tab1.delIface(ifc.iface); } ifc.need2adv = tab1; for (int i = 0; i < ifc.neighs.size(); i++) { rtrEigrpNeigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(i); nei.notif.wakeup(); } } tab2.setProto(routerProtoTyp, routerProcNum); if (tab2.preserveTime(routerComputedU)) { return; } routerComputedU = tab2; routerComputedM = tab2; routerComputedF = new tabRoute("rx"); routerComputedI = new tabGen>(); fwdCore.routerChg(this, false); } /** * redistribution changed */ public void routerRedistChanged() { routerCreateComputed(); } /** * others changed */ public void routerOthersChanged() { } /** * stop work */ public void routerCloseNow() { if (debugger.rtrEigrpEvnt) { logger.debug("shutdown"); } need2run = false; for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.size(); i++) { rtrEigrpIface ifc = ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } ifc.restartTimer(true); ifc.unregister2ip(); ifc.closeNeighbors(); } } /** * get help * * @param l list */ public void routerGetHelp(userHelping l) { l.add(null, "1 2 router-id specify router id"); l.add(null, "2 . router id"); l.add(null, "1 . suppress-prefix do not advertise interfaces"); l.add(null, "1 2 kvals specify k values"); l.add(null, "2 3 k1"); l.add(null, "3 4 k2"); l.add(null, "4 5 k3"); l.add(null, "5 6 k4"); l.add(null, "6 . k5"); l.add(null, "1 2 stub specify stub"); l.add(null, "2 2,. conn connected"); l.add(null, "2 2,. stat static"); l.add(null, "2 2,. sum summary"); l.add(null, "2 2,. red redistribute"); l.add(null, "2 2,. leak leak map"); l.add(null, "2 2,. rx receive only"); l.add(null, "1 2 as specify as number"); l.add(null, "2 . as"); } /** * get config * * @param l list * @param beg beginning * @param filter filter */ public void routerGetConfig(List l, String beg, int filter) { l.add(beg + "router-id " + routerID); l.add(beg + "as " + as); cmds.cfgLine(l, !suppressAddr, beg, "suppress-prefix", ""); String a = ""; if ((stub & 0x01) != 0) { a += " conn"; } if ((stub & 0x02) != 0) { a += " stat"; } if ((stub & 0x04) != 0) { a += " sum"; } if ((stub & 0x08) != 0) { a += " red"; } if ((stub & 0x10) != 0) { a += " leak"; } if ((stub & 0x20) != 0) { a += " rx"; } l.add(beg + "stub" + a); l.add(beg + "kvals " + k1 + " " + k2 + " " + k3 + " " + k4 + " " + k5); } /** * configure * * @param cmd command * @return false if success, true if error */ public boolean routerConfigure(cmds cmd) { String s = cmd.word(); boolean negated = false; if (s.equals(cmds.negated)) { s = cmd.word(); negated = true; } if (s.equals("router-id")) { s = cmd.word(); routerID.fromString(s); cfgIfc ifc = cfgAll.ifcFind(s, 0); if (ifc != null) { if (ifc.addr4 != null) { routerID.setAddr(ifc.addr4); } } if (negated) { routerID = new addrIPv4(); } return false; } if (s.equals("suppress-prefix")) { suppressAddr = !negated; notif.wakeup(); return false; } if (s.equals("kvals")) { k1 = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); k2 = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); k3 = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); k4 = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); k5 = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("stub")) { stub = 0; if (negated) { return false; } for (;;) { s = cmd.word(); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } if (s.equals("conn")) { stub |= 0x01; } if (s.equals("stat")) { stub |= 0x02; } if (s.equals("sum")) { stub |= 0x04; } if (s.equals("red")) { stub |= 0x08; } if (s.equals("leak")) { stub |= 0x10; } if (s.equals("rx")) { stub |= 0x20; } } return false; } if (s.equals("as")) { as = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } return true; } public void run() { for (;;) { notif.misleep(30000); if (!need2run) { return; } try { routerCreateComputed(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } } /** * get neighbor count * * @return count */ public int routerNeighCount() { int o = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.size(); i++) { o += ifaces.get(i).neighs.size(); } return o; } /** * list neighbors * * @param tab list */ public void routerNeighList(tabRoute tab) { for (int o = 0; o < ifaces.size(); o++) { rtrEigrpIface ifc = ifaces.get(o); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if (ifc.iface.lower.getState() != state.states.up) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < ifc.neighs.size(); i++) { rtrEigrpNeigh nei = ifc.neighs.get(i); if (nei == null) { continue; } tabRouteEntry ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); ntry.prefix = new addrPrefix(nei.peer, addrIP.size * 8); tabRoute.addUpdatedEntry(tabRoute.addType.better, tab, rtrBgpUtil.sfiUnicast, 0, ntry, true, null, null, routerAutoMesh); } } } /** * get interface count * * @return count */ public int routerIfaceCount() { return ifaces.size(); } /** * maximum recursion depth * * @return allowed number */ public int routerRecursions() { return 1; } /** * get list of link states * * @param tab table to update * @param par parameter * @param asn asn * @param adv advertiser */ public void routerLinkStates(tabRoute tab, int par, int asn, addrIPv4 adv) { } }