package org.freertr.rtr; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrEmpty; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv6; import org.freertr.addr.addrMac; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.addr.addrType; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashMd5; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.enc.encTlv; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor4; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor6; import; import org.freertr.util.counter; /** * bgp4 utilities * * @author matecsaba */ public class rtrBgpUtil { private rtrBgpUtil() { } /** * marker value */ public final static int markV = 255; /** * marker size */ public final static int markS = 16; /** * header size */ public final static int sizeU = 19; /** * compressed header size */ public final static int sizeC = 3; /** * protocol version */ public final static int version = 4; /** * ipv4 address family */ public final static int afiIpv4 = 0x10000; /** * ipv6 address family */ public final static int afiIpv6 = 0x20000; /** * nsap address family */ public final static int afiNsap = 0x30000; /** * x25 address family */ public final static int afiX25 = 0xa0000; /** * ipx address family */ public final static int afiIpx = 0xb0000; /** * appletalk address family */ public final static int afiApple = 0xc0000; /** * decnet address family */ public final static int afiDecnet = 0xd0000; /** * banyanvines address family */ public final static int afiBanyan = 0xe0000; /** * l2vpn address family */ public final static int afiL2vpn = 0x190000; /** * nsh address family */ public final static int afiNsh = 0x1f0000; /** * linkstate address family */ public final static int afiLnks = 0x40040000; /** * rpd address family */ public final static int afiRpd = 0x400e0000; /** * address family mask */ public final static int afiMask = 0xffff0000; /** * sub address family mask */ public final static int sfiMask = 0xffff; /** * unicast address family */ public final static int sfiUnicast = 0x01; /** * multicast address family */ public final static int sfiMulticast = 0x02; /** * labeled address family */ public final static int sfiLabeled = 0x04; /** * multicast vpn address family */ public final static int sfiMvpn = 0x05; /** * dynamic multi segment pswudowires address family */ public final static int sfiMspw = 0x06; /** * tunnel encapsulation address family */ public final static int sfiEncap = 0x07; /** * multicast vpls address family */ public final static int sfiMcastVpls = 0x08; /** * nsh address family */ public final static int sfiNsh = 0x09; /** * tunnel address family */ public final static int sfiTunnel = 0x40; /** * l2vpn address family */ public final static int sfiVpls = 0x41; /** * mdt address family */ public final static int sfiMdt = 0x42; /** * 4over6 address family */ public final static int sfi4o6 = 0x43; /** * 6over4 address family */ public final static int sfi6o4 = 0x44; /** * layer1 vpn address family */ public final static int sfiL1vpn = 0x45; /** * ethernet vpn address family */ public final static int sfiEthVpn = 0x46; /** * link state address family */ public final static int sfiLnkSt = 0x47; /** * link state vpn address family */ public final static int sfiVpnLnkSt = 0x48; /** * shortest path first address family */ public final static int sfiSpf = 0x50; /** * segment routing traffic engineering address family */ public final static int sfiSrTe = 0x49; /** * sd-wan capability address family */ public final static int sfiSdwan = 0x4a; /** * rpd address family */ public final static int sfiRpd = 0x4b; /** * classful transport plane address family */ public final static int sfiClsTrnPl = 0x4c; /** * tunneled flowspec address family */ public final static int sfiTunFlw = 0x4d; /** * mcast tree address family */ public final static int sfiMcsTre = 0x4e; /** * dynamic path selection address family */ public final static int sfiDps = 0x4f; /** * bgp ls sfp address family */ public final static int sfiLsSfp = 0x50; /** * color aware routing address family */ public final static int sfiClrAwRtg = 0x53; /** * car vpn address family */ public final static int sfiCarVpn = 0x54; /** * mobile user plane address family */ public final static int sfiMobPln = 0x55; /** * vpn unicast address family */ public final static int sfiMplsVpnU = 0x80; /** * vpn multicast address family */ public final static int sfiMplsVpnM = 0x81; /** * route target constrain address family */ public final static int sfiRtFltr = 0x84; /** * flow specification address family */ public final static int sfiFlwSpc = 0x85; /** * mpls vpn flowspec address family */ public final static int sfiVpnFlw = 0x86; /** * vpn auto discovery address family */ public final static int sfiAutDsc = 0x8c; /** * attributes dump */ public final static int safiAttrib = -1; /** * ipv4 unicast address family */ public final static int safiIp4uni = afiIpv4 | sfiUnicast; /** * ipv6 unicast address family */ public final static int safiIp6uni = afiIpv6 | sfiUnicast; /** * ipv4 multicast address family */ public final static int safiIp4multi = afiIpv4 | sfiMulticast; /** * ipv6 multicast address family */ public final static int safiIp6multi = afiIpv6 | sfiMulticast; /** * ipv4 labeled address family */ public final static int safiIp4lab = afiIpv4 | sfiLabeled; /** * ipv6 labeled address family */ public final static int safiIp6lab = afiIpv6 | sfiLabeled; /** * ipv4 classful transport plane address family */ public final static int safiIp4ctp = afiIpv4 | sfiClsTrnPl; /** * ipv6 classful transport plane address family */ public final static int safiIp6ctp = afiIpv6 | sfiClsTrnPl; /** * ipv4 color aware routing address family */ public final static int safiIp4car = afiIpv4 | sfiClrAwRtg; /** * ipv6 color aware routing plane address family */ public final static int safiIp6car = afiIpv6 | sfiClrAwRtg; /** * ipv4 flowspec address family */ public final static int safiIp4flow = afiIpv4 | sfiFlwSpc; /** * ipv6 flowspec address family */ public final static int safiIp6flow = afiIpv6 | sfiFlwSpc; /** * ipv4 labeled vpn unicast address family */ public final static int safiIp4vpnU = afiIpv4 | sfiMplsVpnU; /** * ipv6 labeled vpn unicast address family */ public final static int safiIp6vpnU = afiIpv6 | sfiMplsVpnU; /** * ipv4 labeled vpn multicast address family */ public final static int safiIp4vpnM = afiIpv4 | sfiMplsVpnM; /** * ipv6 labeled vpn multicast address family */ public final static int safiIp6vpnM = afiIpv6 | sfiMplsVpnM; /** * ipv4 vpn flowspec address family */ public final static int safiIp4vpnF = afiIpv4 | sfiVpnFlw; /** * ipv6 vpn flowspec address family */ public final static int safiIp6vpnF = afiIpv6 | sfiVpnFlw; /** * nsh address family */ public final static int safiNsh46 = afiNsh | sfiNsh; /** * rpd address family */ public final static int safiRpd46 = afiRpd | sfiRpd; /** * rtfilter address family */ public final static int safiRtf46 = afiIpv4 | sfiRtFltr; /** * ipv4 mdt address family */ public final static int safiIp4mdt = afiIpv4 | sfiMdt; /** * ipv6 mdt address family */ public final static int safiIp6mdt = afiIpv6 | sfiMdt; /** * ipv4/ipv6 link state address family */ public final static int safiIp46lnks = afiLnks | sfiLnkSt; /** * ipv4/ipv6 vpn link state address family */ public final static int safiIp46vpnL = afiLnks | sfiVpnLnkSt; /** * ipv4/ipv6 shortest path first address family */ public final static int safiIp46spf = afiLnks | sfiSpf; /** * ipv4 srte address family */ public final static int safiIp4srte = afiIpv4 | sfiSrTe; /** * ipv6 srte address family */ public final static int safiIp6srte = afiIpv6 | sfiSrTe; /** * ipv4 mvpn address family */ public final static int safiIp4mvpn = afiIpv4 | sfiMvpn; /** * ipv6 mvpn address family */ public final static int safiIp6mvpn = afiIpv6 | sfiMvpn; /** * ipv4/ipv6 vpls address family */ public final static int safiVpls46 = afiL2vpn | sfiVpls; /** * ipv4/ipv6 mspw address family */ public final static int safiMspw46 = afiL2vpn | sfiMspw; /** * ipv4/ipv6 ethvpn address family */ public final static int safiEvpn46 = afiL2vpn | sfiEthVpn; /** * ipv4 multicast tree address family */ public final static int safiIp4mtree = afiIpv4 | sfiMcsTre; /** * ipv6 multicast tree address family */ public final static int safiIp6mtree = afiIpv6 | sfiMcsTre; /** * self originate */ public final static int peerOriginate = 255; /** * internal peer */ public final static int peerIntrn = 1; /** * route reflector client */ public final static int peerRflct = 2; /** * confederation peer */ public final static int peerCnfed = 3; /** * external peer */ public final static int peerExtrn = 4; /** * route server client */ public final static int peerServr = 5; /** * provider */ public final static int roleProv = 0; /** * route server */ public final static int roleRs = 1; /** * route server client */ public final static int roleRsc = 2; /** * customer */ public final static int roleCust = 3; /** * peer */ public final static int rolePeer = 4; /** * open */ public final static int msgOpen = 1; /** * update */ public final static int msgUpdate = 2; /** * notification */ public final static int msgNotify = 3; /** * keep alive */ public final static int msgKeepLiv = 4; /** * route refresh */ public final static int msgRefrsh = 5; /** * capabilities */ public final static int msgCapability = 6; /** * compression */ public final static int msgCompress = 7; /** * optional */ public final static int flagOptional = 0x80; /** * transitive */ public final static int flagTransitive = 0x40; /** * complete */ public final static int flagComplete = 0x20; /** * length */ public final static int flagLength = 0x10; /** * origin type, 0=igp, 1=egp, 2=incomplete */ public final static int attrOrigin = 1; /** * as path */ public final static int attrAsPath = 2; /** * next hop */ public final static int attrNextHop = 3; /** * multi exit discriminator */ public final static int attrMetric = 4; /** * local preference */ public final static int attrLocPref = 5; /** * atomic aggregate */ public final static int attrAtomicAggr = 6; /** * aggregate */ public final static int attrAggregator = 7; /** * standard community */ public final static int attrStdComm = 8; /** * originator */ public final static int attrOriginator = 9; /** * cluster list */ public final static int attrClustList = 10; /** * destination preference */ public final static int attrDestPref = 11; /** * advertiser */ public final static int attrAdvertiser = 12; /** * clusterid */ public final static int attrRcidPath = 13; /** * mp reach nlri */ public final static int attrReachable = 14; /** * mp unreach nlri */ public final static int attrUnReach = 15; /** * extended community */ public final static int attrExtComm = 16; /** * as4 path */ public final static int attrAs4path = 17; /** * as4 aggregator */ public final static int attrAs4aggr = 18; /** * safi specific */ public final static int attrSafiSpec = 19; /** * connector attribute */ public final static int attrConnector = 20; /** * pathlimit */ public final static int attrPathLimit = 21; /** * pmsi tunnel */ public final static int attrPmsiTun = 22; /** * tunnel encapsulation */ public final static int attrTunEnc = 23; /** * traffic engineering */ public final static int attrTraffEng = 24; /** * ipv6 extended community */ public final static int attrIpv6comm = 25; /** * accumulated igp */ public final static int attrAccIgp = 26; /** * pe distinguisher label */ public final static int attrPeDistLab = 27; /** * entropy label */ public final static int attrEntropyLab = 28; /** * link state */ public final static int attrLinkState = 29; /** * large community */ public final static int attrLrgComm = 32; /** * bgpsec path */ public final static int attrBgpSec = 33; /** * community container */ public final static int attrCommCntnr = 34; /** * only to customer */ public final static int attrOnlyCust = 35; /** * domain path */ public final static int attrDomPath = 36; /** * nsh service chains */ public final static int attrNshChain = 37; /** * bfd discriminator */ public final static int attrBfdDisc = 38; /** * next hop capabilities */ public final static int attrRtrCapa = 39; /** * prefix sid */ public final static int attrPrefSid = 40; /** * bier */ public final static int attrBier = 44; /** * attribute set */ public final static int attrAttribSet = 128; /** * multiprotocol bgp */ public final static int capaMultiProto = 1; /** * route refresh */ public final static int capaRouteRefresh = 2; /** * outbound route filter */ public final static int capaRouteFilter = 3; /** * multiple routes */ public final static int capaMultiRoute = 4; /** * extended next hop */ public final static int capaExtNextHop = 5; /** * extended message */ public final static int capaExtMessage = 6; /** * bgpsec */ public final static int capaBgpSec = 7; /** * multiple labels */ public final static int capaMultiLabel = 8; /** * bgp role */ public final static int capaLeakRole = 9; /** * graceful restart */ public final static int capaGraceRestart = 64; /** * 32bit as number */ public final static int capa32bitAsNum = 65; /** * dynamic capability */ public final static int capaDynamicCapa = 67; /** * multisession */ public final static int capaMultisession = 68; /** * additional path */ public final static int capaAdditionPath = 69; /** * enhanced route refresh */ public final static int capaEnhancedRefresh = 70; /** * long lived graceful restart */ public final static int capaLongGrace = 71; /** * routing policy distribution */ public final static int capaRoutePolicy = 72; /** * hostname */ public final static int capaHostname = 73; /** * strict bfd */ public final static int capaStrictBfd = 74; /** * software version */ public final static int capaSoftware = 75; /** * compression */ public final static int capaCompress = 76; /** * no export community */ public final static int commNoExport = 0xffffff01; /** * no advertise community */ public final static int commNoAdvertise = 0xffffff02; /** * no sub confederation community */ public final static int commNoConfed = 0xffffff03; /** * no peer community */ public final static int commNoPeer = 0xffffff04; /** * graceful shutdown community */ public final static int commGraceShut = 0xffff0000; /** * accept own community */ public final static int commAcceptOwn = 0xffff0001; /** * long lived graceful restart community */ public final static int commLlgrStale = 0xffff0006; /** * no llgr community */ public final static int commNoLlgr = 0xffff0007; /** * accept own nexthop community */ public final static int commAcceptHop = 0xffff0008; /** * blackhole community */ public final static int commBlackhole = 0xffff029a; /** * validity extended community */ public final static int commValidity = 0x43000000; /** * check if an unknown message type * * @param i number to check * @return true if yes, false if not */ public static boolean isUnknownMsg(int i) { if (i < msgOpen) { return true; } if (i > msgCompress) { return true; } return false; } /** * check if an unknown attribute type * * @param i number to check * @return true if yes, false if not */ public static boolean isUnknownAttr(int i) { switch (i) { case attrOrigin: case attrAsPath: case attrNextHop: case attrMetric: case attrLocPref: case attrAtomicAggr: case attrAggregator: case attrConnector: case attrPeDistLab: case attrPathLimit: case attrNshChain: case attrBfdDisc: case attrStdComm: case attrOriginator: case attrClustList: case attrReachable: case attrUnReach: case attrExtComm: case attrPmsiTun: case attrTunEnc: case attrTraffEng: case attrAccIgp: case attrEntropyLab: case attrLinkState: case attrLrgComm: case attrOnlyCust: case attrPrefSid: case attrBier: case attrAttribSet: return false; default: return true; } } /** * convert type to string * * @param i type to convert * @return string */ public static String msgType2string(int i) { switch (i) { case msgOpen: return "open"; case msgUpdate: return "update"; case msgNotify: return "notify"; case msgKeepLiv: return "keepalive"; case msgRefrsh: return "routerefresh"; case msgCapability: return "capability"; case msgCompress: return "compressed"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * convert attribute type to string * * @param i type * @return string */ public static String attrType2string(int i) { switch (i) { case attrOrigin: return "origin"; case attrAsPath: return "aspath"; case attrNextHop: return "nexthop"; case attrMetric: return "metric"; case attrLocPref: return "locpref"; case attrAtomicAggr: return "atomicAggr"; case attrAggregator: return "aggregator"; case attrStdComm: return "stdComm"; case attrOriginator: return "originator"; case attrClustList: return "clustList"; case attrDestPref: return "destPref"; case attrAdvertiser: return "adverter"; case attrRcidPath: return "rcidPath"; case attrReachable: return "reachable"; case attrUnReach: return "unreachable"; case attrExtComm: return "extComm"; case attrAs4path: return "as4path"; case attrAs4aggr: return "as4aggr"; case attrSafiSpec: return "safiSpec"; case attrConnector: return "connector"; case attrPathLimit: return "pathLim"; case attrPmsiTun: return "pmtiTun"; case attrTunEnc: return "tunEnc"; case attrTraffEng: return "traffEng"; case attrIpv6comm: return "ipv6comm"; case attrAccIgp: return "accIgp"; case attrPeDistLab: return "peDistLab"; case attrEntropyLab: return "entropyLab"; case attrLinkState: return "linkStates"; case attrLrgComm: return "lrgComm"; case attrBgpSec: return "bgpSec"; case attrCommCntnr: return "commCont"; case attrOnlyCust: return "onlyCust"; case attrDomPath: return "domPath"; case attrRtrCapa: return "rtrCapa"; case attrPrefSid: return "prefixSid"; case attrBier: return "bier"; case attrAttribSet: return "attribSet"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * decode notify codes * * @param err error * @param sub subcode * @return string */ public static String notify2string(int err, int sub) { switch (err) { case 1: // message header switch (sub) { case 1: return "unsynced"; case 2: return "badLen"; case 3: return "badType"; default: return "header/" + sub; } case 2: // open message switch (sub) { case 1: return "badVer"; case 2: return "badAs"; case 3: return "badId"; case 4: return "badParam"; case 6: return "badTimer"; case 7: return "badCapa"; case 8: return "badRole"; default: return "open/" + sub; } case 3: // update message switch (sub) { case 1: return "malformedAttr"; case 2: return "unrecognizedAttr"; case 3: return "missingAttr"; case 4: return "flagErr"; case 5: return "lengthErr"; case 6: return "badOrigin"; case 8: return "badNextHop"; case 9: return "attrErr"; case 10: return "badNetwork"; case 11: return "badAsPath"; default: return "update/" + sub; } case 4: // hold timer return "timer/" + sub; case 5: // fsm switch (sub) { case 1: return "openSent"; case 2: return "openConfirm"; case 3: return "established"; default: return "fsm/" + sub; } case 6: // cease switch (sub) { case 1: return "muchPrefix"; case 2: return "shutdown"; case 3: return "deconfig"; case 4: return "adminReset"; case 5: return "reject"; case 6: return "chgConfig"; case 7: return "collision"; case 8: return "outOfMem"; case 9: return "hardReset"; case 10: return "decompress"; default: return "cease/" + sub; } case 7: // refresh switch (sub) { case 1: return "badLen"; default: return "refresh/" + sub; } case 8: // capamsg switch (sub) { case 1: return "badSeq"; case 2: return "badLen"; case 3: return "malfrmd"; case 4: return "unsupp"; default: return "capamsg/" + sub; } default: return err + "/" + sub; } } private static boolean readEvpn(packHolder pck, tabRouteEntry ntry, int typ) { ntry.rouDst = pck.msbGetQ(0); pck.getSkip(8); byte[] buf; switch (typ) { case 1: // ethernet auto discovery buf = new byte[addrIP.size]; pck.getCopy(buf, 2, 0, 14); // esi + eti, 0); = pck.msbGetD(14) >>> 8; return false; case 2: // mac ip advertisement buf = new byte[addrIP.size]; pck.getCopy(buf, 0, 0, 10); // esi ntry.prefix.wildcard.fromBuf(buf, 0); buf = new byte[addrIP.size]; pck.getCopy(buf, 2, 10, 4); // eti pck.getSkip(14); addrMac mac = new addrMac(); if (pck.getByte(0) != mac.maxBits()) { return true; } pck.getSkip(1); pck.getAddr(mac, 0); pck.getSkip(addrMac.size); mac.toBuffer(buf, 10);, 0); int i = pck.getByte(0); pck.getSkip(1); switch (i) { case 0: ntry.prefix.broadcast = new addrIP(); break; case addrIPv4.size * 8: ntry.prefix.broadcast = readAddress(afiIpv4, pck); break; case addrIPv6.size * 8: ntry.prefix.broadcast = readAddress(afiIpv6, pck); break; default: return true; } = pck.msbGetD(0) >>> 8; return false; case 3: // inclusive multicast ethernet tag buf = new byte[addrIP.size]; pck.getCopy(buf, 2, 0, 4); // eti pck.getSkip(4);, 0); i = pck.getByte(0); pck.getSkip(1); switch (i) { case addrIPv4.size * 8: ntry.prefix.broadcast = readAddress(afiIpv4, pck); break; case addrIPv6.size * 8: ntry.prefix.broadcast = readAddress(afiIpv6, pck); break; default: return true; } return false; case 4: // ethernet segment buf = new byte[addrIP.size]; pck.getCopy(buf, 2, 0, 10); // esi pck.getSkip(10);, 0); i = pck.getByte(0); pck.getSkip(1); switch (i) { case addrIPv4.size * 8: ntry.prefix.broadcast = readAddress(afiIpv4, pck); break; case addrIPv6.size * 8: ntry.prefix.broadcast = readAddress(afiIpv6, pck); break; default: return true; } return false; case 5: // ip prefix buf = new byte[addrIP.size]; pck.getCopy(buf, 0, 0, 10); // esi ntry.prefix.wildcard.fromBuf(buf, 0); buf = new byte[addrIP.size]; pck.getCopy(buf, 2, 10, 4); // eti pck.getSkip(14);, 0); i = pck.getByte(0); pck.getSkip(1); switch (i) { case addrIPv4.size * 8: ntry.prefix.broadcast = readAddress(afiIpv4, pck); ntry.prefix.mask = readAddress(afiIpv4, pck); break; case addrIPv6.size * 8: ntry.prefix.broadcast = readAddress(afiIpv6, pck); ntry.prefix.mask = readAddress(afiIpv6, pck); break; default: return true; } = pck.msbGetD(0) >>> 8; return false; default: return true; } } private static int writeEvpn(byte[] trg, tabRouteEntry ntry, int typ) { bits.msbPutQ(trg, 0, ntry.rouDst); int pos = 8; byte[] buf = new byte[addrIP.size]; switch (typ) { case 1: // ethernet auto discovery, 0); bits.byteCopy(buf, 2, trg, pos, 14); // esi + eti pos += 14; bits.msbPutD(trg, pos, << 8); pos += 3; return pos; case 2: // mac ip advertisement ntry.prefix.wildcard.toBuffer(buf, 0); bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, trg, pos, 10); // esi pos += 10;, 0); bits.byteCopy(buf, 2, trg, pos, 4); // eti pos += 4; trg[pos] = addrMac.size * 8; // size; pos++; bits.byteCopy(buf, 10, trg, pos, addrMac.size); // eti pos += addrMac.size; addrType adr; if (ntry.prefix.broadcast.isIPv4()) { adr = ntry.prefix.broadcast.toIPv4(); } else { adr = ntry.prefix.broadcast.toIPv6(); } if (ntry.prefix.broadcast.isFilled(0)) { adr = new addrEmpty(); } trg[pos] = (byte) adr.maxBits(); pos++; adr.toBuffer(trg, pos); pos += adr.getSize(); bits.msbPutD(trg, pos, << 8); pos += 3; return pos; case 3: // inclusive multicast ethernet tag, 0); bits.byteCopy(buf, 2, trg, pos, 4); // eti pos += 4; if (ntry.prefix.broadcast.isIPv4()) { adr = ntry.prefix.broadcast.toIPv4(); } else { adr = ntry.prefix.broadcast.toIPv6(); } trg[pos] = (byte) adr.maxBits(); pos++; adr.toBuffer(trg, pos); pos += adr.getSize(); return pos; case 4: // ethernet segment, 0); bits.byteCopy(buf, 2, trg, pos, 10); // esi pos += 10; if (ntry.prefix.broadcast.isIPv4()) { adr = ntry.prefix.broadcast.toIPv4(); } else { adr = ntry.prefix.broadcast.toIPv6(); } trg[pos] = (byte) adr.maxBits(); pos++; adr.toBuffer(trg, pos); pos += adr.getSize(); return pos; case 5: // ip prefix ntry.prefix.wildcard.toBuffer(buf, 0); bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, trg, pos, 10); // esi pos += 10;, 0); bits.byteCopy(buf, 2, trg, pos, 4); // eti pos += 4; if (ntry.prefix.broadcast.isIPv4()) { adr = ntry.prefix.broadcast.toIPv4(); } else { adr = ntry.prefix.broadcast.toIPv6(); } trg[pos] = (byte) adr.maxBits(); pos++; adr.toBuffer(trg, pos); pos += adr.getSize(); if (ntry.prefix.broadcast.isIPv4()) { adr = ntry.prefix.mask.toIPv4(); } else { adr = ntry.prefix.mask.toIPv6(); } adr.toBuffer(trg, pos); pos += adr.getSize(); bits.msbPutD(trg, pos, << 8); pos += 3; return pos; default: return -1; } } /** * read address from packet * * @param safi safi to read * @param oneLab just one label * @param pck packet to use * @return address read, null if nothing */ public static tabRouteEntry readPrefix(int safi, boolean oneLab, packHolder pck) { int sfi = safi & sfiMask; tabRouteEntry ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); int i; int p = 0; switch (sfi) { case sfiClrAwRtg: i = pck.getByte(0); p = pck.getByte(1); i = pck.getByte(2); if (i == 2) { byte[] buf = new byte[128]; pck.getCopy(buf, 0, 4, buf.length); if (readPrefix(safi, ntry, pck.getByte(3), buf)) { return null; } return ntry; } if (i != 1) { return null; } byte[] buf = new byte[128]; pck.getCopy(buf, 0, 4, buf.length); if (readPrefix(safi, ntry, pck.getByte(3), buf)) { return null; } ntry.rouDst = pck.msbGetD(p - 1); pck.getSkip(p + 3); if (pck.getByte(0) != 1) { return null; } i = pck.getByte(1); pck.getSkip(2); = new ArrayList(); for (;;) { if (i < 3) { break; } p = pck.msbGetD(0) >>> 8; pck.getSkip(3); i -= 3; >>> 4); } return ntry; case sfiSpf: case sfiVpnLnkSt: case sfiLnkSt: p = pck.msbGetW(0); i = pck.msbGetW(2); pck.getSkip(4); ntry.nlri = new byte[i + 2]; bits.msbPutW(ntry.nlri, 0, p); pck.getCopy(ntry.nlri, 2, 0, i); pck.getSkip(i); addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromBuf(cryHashMd5.compute(new cryHashMd5(), ntry.nlri), 0); ntry.prefix = new addrPrefix(adr, addrIP.size * 8); return ntry; case sfiEthVpn: ntry.prefix = new addrPrefix(new addrIP(), addrIP.size * 8); p = pck.getByte(0); i = pck.getByte(1); pck.getSkip(2); i = pck.dataSize() - i; if (readEvpn(pck, ntry, p)) { ntry = null; } else {[0] = (byte) p; } pck.setBytesLeft(i); return ntry; case sfiNsh: ntry.prefix = new addrPrefix(new addrIP(), addrIP.size * 8); p = pck.msbGetW(0); i = pck.msbGetW(2); pck.getSkip(4);[0] = (byte) p;[1] = (byte) i; pck.getCopy(, 2, 0, i); pck.getSkip(i); return ntry; case sfiRpd: ntry.prefix = new addrPrefix(new addrIP(), addrIP.size * 8); i = pck.getByte(0); ntry.prefix.wildcard.getBytes()[0] = (byte) pck.getByte(1); ntry.rouDst = pck.msbGetD(2); if (i > 9) { addrIPv6 a6 = new addrIPv6(); pck.getAddr(a6, 6);; } else { addrIPv4 a4 = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(a4, 6);; } pck.getSkip(i + 1); return ntry; case sfiVpls: i = pck.msbGetW(0) * 8; pck.getSkip(2); break; case sfiFlwSpc: case sfiVpnFlw: i = pck.getByte(0); if (i >= 0xf0) { i = pck.msbGetW(0) & 0xfff; pck.getSkip(2); } else { pck.getSkip(1); } i *= 8; break; case sfiMvpn: case sfiMcsTre: p = pck.getByte(0); i = pck.getByte(1) * 8; pck.getSkip(2); break; default: i = pck.getByte(0); pck.getSkip(1); break; } if ((sfi == sfiLabeled) || (sfi == sfiMplsVpnU) || (sfi == sfiClsTrnPl)) { = new ArrayList(); for (;;) { if (i < 24) { return null; } p = pck.msbGetD(0) >>> 8; pck.getSkip(3); i -= 24; >>> 4); if (oneLab) { break; } if ((p & 1) != 0) { break; } } } if ((sfi == sfiMplsVpnU) || (sfi == sfiMplsVpnM) || (sfi == sfiClsTrnPl) || (sfi == sfiVpls) || (sfi == sfiMspw) || (sfi == sfiMdt) || (sfi == sfiSrTe) || (sfi == sfiVpnLnkSt) || (sfi == sfiVpnFlw) || (sfi == sfiMvpn) || (sfi == sfiMcsTre)) { ntry.rouDst = pck.msbGetQ(0); pck.getSkip(8); i -= 64; } int o = (i + 7) / 8; byte[] buf = new byte[128]; if (o > buf.length) {"too long (" + o + ") nlri"); return null; } bits.byteFill(buf, 0, buf.length, 0); pck.getCopy(buf, 0, 0, o); pck.getSkip(o); if ((sfi == sfiMvpn) || (sfi == sfiMcsTre)) { bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, buf, 1, o); buf[0] = (byte) p; o++; } if ((sfi == sfiFlwSpc) || (sfi == sfiVpnFlw) || (sfi == sfiMvpn) || (sfi == sfiMcsTre) || (sfi == sfiMspw)) { byte[] adr = new byte[addrIP.size]; ntry.prefix = new addrPrefix(new addrIP(), adr.length * 8); adr[0] = (byte) o; bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, adr, 1, 15);, 0); bits.byteCopy(buf, 15, adr, 0, 16); ntry.prefix.broadcast.fromBuf(adr, 0); bits.byteCopy(buf, 31, adr, 0, 16); ntry.prefix.wildcard.fromBuf(adr, 0); bits.byteCopy(buf, 47, adr, 0, 16); ntry.prefix.mask.fromBuf(adr, 0); return ntry; } if ((sfi == sfiVpls) && (o == 9)) { byte[] adr = new byte[addrIP.size]; ntry.prefix = new addrPrefix(new addrIP(), adr.length * 8); bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, adr, 0, 4);, 0); adr[0] = 5; bits.byteCopy(buf, 4, adr, 1, 5); ntry.prefix.wildcard.fromBuf(adr, 0); return ntry; } if (sfi == sfiMdt) { o = o / 2; byte[] adr = new byte[addrIP.size]; ntry.prefix = new addrPrefix(new addrIP(), adr.length * 8); bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, adr, 0, o);, 0); bits.byteCopy(buf, o, adr, 0, o); ntry.prefix.broadcast.fromBuf(adr, 0); return ntry; } if (sfi == sfiRtFltr) { addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromBuf(buf, 0); ntry.prefix = new addrPrefix(adr, i); return ntry; } if ((safi & afiMask) == afiL2vpn) { if (o >= addrIPv6.size) { addrIPv6 a6 = new addrIPv6(); a6.fromBuf(buf, 0); ntry.prefix = addrPrefix.ip6toIP(new addrPrefix(a6, i)); } else { addrIPv4 a4 = new addrIPv4(); a4.fromBuf(buf, 0); ntry.prefix = addrPrefix.ip4toIP(new addrPrefix(a4, i)); } return ntry; } if (readPrefix(safi, ntry, i, buf)) { return null; } return ntry; } private static boolean readPrefix(int safi, tabRouteEntry ntry, int siz, byte[] buf) { switch (safi & afiMask) { case afiIpv4: addrIPv4 a4 = new addrIPv4(); a4.fromBuf(buf, 0); ntry.prefix = addrPrefix.ip4toIP(new addrPrefix(a4, siz)); return false; case afiIpv6: addrIPv6 a6 = new addrIPv6(); a6.fromBuf(buf, 0); ntry.prefix = addrPrefix.ip6toIP(new addrPrefix(a6, siz)); return false; default:"unknown safi (" + safi + ") requested"); return true; } } /** * write prefix * * @param safi safi to write * @param oneLab just one label * @param pck packet to use * @param ntry prefix to write */ public static void writePrefix(int safi, boolean oneLab, packHolder pck, tabRouteEntry ntry) { int sfi = safi & sfiMask; byte[] buf2; int i; switch (safi & afiMask) { case afiIpv4: addrPrefix a4 = addrPrefix.ip2ip4(ntry.prefix); i = a4.maskLen; buf2 =; break; case afiIpv6: addrPrefix a6 = addrPrefix.ip2ip6(ntry.prefix); i = a6.maskLen; buf2 =; break; case afiL2vpn: if ( { a4 = addrPrefix.ip2ip4(ntry.prefix); i = a4.maskLen; buf2 =; } else { a6 = addrPrefix.ip2ip6(ntry.prefix); i = a6.maskLen; buf2 =; } break; case afiLnks: case afiNsh: buf2 = new byte[0]; i = 0; break; case afiRpd: buf2 = new byte[0]; i = 0; break; default: pck.putByte(0, 0); pck.putSkip(1); return; } if ((sfi == sfiVpls) && (ntry.prefix.wildcard.getBytes()[0] == 5)) { buf2 = new byte[9]; bits.byteCopy(, 0, buf2, 0, 4); bits.byteCopy(ntry.prefix.wildcard.getBytes(), 1, buf2, 4, 5); i = buf2.length * 8; } if (sfi == sfiMdt) { int as = buf2.length; buf2 = new byte[as * 2]; bits.byteCopy(, 0, buf2, 0, as); bits.byteCopy(ntry.prefix.broadcast.getBytes(), 0, buf2, as, as); i = buf2.length * 8; } if ((sfi == sfiFlwSpc) || (sfi == sfiVpnFlw) || (sfi == sfiMvpn) || (sfi == sfiMcsTre) || (sfi == sfiMspw)) { buf2 = new byte[addrIP.size * 4]; bits.byteCopy(, 1, buf2, 0, 15); bits.byteCopy(ntry.prefix.broadcast.getBytes(), 0, buf2, 15, 16); bits.byteCopy(ntry.prefix.wildcard.getBytes(), 0, buf2, 31, 16); bits.byteCopy(ntry.prefix.mask.getBytes(), 0, buf2, 47, 16); i =[0] * 8; } if (sfi == sfiRtFltr) { buf2 = new byte[addrIP.size]; bits.byteCopy(, 0, buf2, 0, 16); i = ntry.prefix.maskLen; } int o = (i + 7) / 8; byte[] buf1 = new byte[128]; int p = 0; if ((sfi == sfiLabeled) || (sfi == sfiMplsVpnU) || (sfi == sfiClsTrnPl) || (sfi == sfiClrAwRtg)) { for (int q = 0; q <; q++) { bits.msbPutD(buf1, p, << 12); p += 3; i += 24; if (oneLab) { break; } } buf1[p - 1] |= 1; } if ((sfi == sfiMplsVpnU) || (sfi == sfiMplsVpnM) || (sfi == sfiClsTrnPl) || (sfi == sfiVpls) || (sfi == sfiMspw) || (sfi == sfiMdt) || (sfi == sfiSrTe) || (sfi == sfiVpnLnkSt) || (sfi == sfiVpnFlw) || (sfi == sfiMvpn) || (sfi == sfiMcsTre)) { bits.msbPutQ(buf1, p, ntry.rouDst); p += 8; i += 64; } switch (sfi) { case sfiClrAwRtg: pck.putByte(0, o + p + 9); pck.putByte(1, o + 5); pck.putByte(2, 1); pck.putByte(3, i - (p * 8)); pck.putSkip(4); pck.putCopy(buf2, 0, 0, o); pck.putSkip(o); pck.msbPutD(0, (int) ntry.rouDst); pck.putSkip(4); pck.putByte(0, 1); pck.putByte(1, p); pck.putSkip(2); pck.putCopy(buf1, 0, 0, p); pck.putSkip(p); return; case sfiSpf: case sfiVpnLnkSt: case sfiLnkSt: o = ntry.nlri.length - 2; pck.putCopy(ntry.nlri, 0, 0, 2); pck.msbPutW(2, o); pck.putSkip(4); pck.putCopy(ntry.nlri, 2, 0, o); pck.putSkip(o); return; case sfiEthVpn: o =[0]; i = writeEvpn(buf1, ntry, o); if (i < 1) { return; } pck.putByte(0, o); pck.putByte(1, i); pck.putSkip(2); pck.putCopy(buf1, 0, 0, i); pck.putSkip(i); return; case sfiNsh: o =[0]; i =[0]; pck.msbPutW(0, o); pck.msbPutW(2, i); pck.putSkip(4); pck.putCopy(, 2, 0, i); pck.putSkip(i); return; case sfiRpd: pck.putByte(1, ntry.prefix.wildcard.getBytes()[0]); pck.msbPutD(2, (int) ntry.rouDst); if ( { pck.putAddr(6,; i = addrIPv4.size; } else { pck.putAddr(6,; i = addrIPv6.size; } pck.putByte(0, i + 5); pck.putSkip(i + 6); return; case sfiVpls: pck.msbPutW(0, o + p); pck.putSkip(2); break; case sfiFlwSpc: case sfiVpnFlw: i = o + p; if (i < 0xf0) { pck.putByte(0, i); pck.putSkip(1); } else { pck.msbPutW(0, i | 0xf000); pck.putSkip(2); } break; case sfiMvpn: case sfiMcsTre: o--; pck.putByte(0, buf2[0]); pck.putByte(1, o + p); pck.putSkip(2); bits.byteCopy(buf2, 1, buf2, 0, o); break; default: pck.putByte(0, i); pck.putSkip(1); break; } pck.putCopy(buf1, 0, 0, p); pck.putSkip(p); pck.putCopy(buf2, 0, 0, o); pck.putSkip(o); } /** * read address from packet * * @param safi safi to read * @param pck packet to use * @return address read, null if nothing */ public static addrIP readAddress(int safi, packHolder pck) { addrIP ax = new addrIP(); switch (safi & afiMask) { case afiIpv4: addrIPv4 a4 = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(a4, 0); pck.getSkip(addrIPv4.size); ax.fromIPv4addr(a4); return ax; case afiIpv6: addrIPv6 a6 = new addrIPv6(); pck.getAddr(a6, 0); pck.getSkip(addrIPv6.size); ax.fromIPv6addr(a6); return ax; default:"unknown safi (" + safi + ") requested"); return null; } } /** * write address to packet * * @param safi safi to write * @param pck packet to use * @param addr address to write */ public static void writeAddress(int safi, packHolder pck, addrIP addr) { switch (safi & afiMask) { case afiIpv4: addrIPv4 a4 = addr.toIPv4(); pck.putAddr(0, a4); pck.putSkip(addrIPv4.size); break; case afiIpv6: addrIPv6 a6 = addr.toIPv6(); pck.putAddr(0, a6); pck.putSkip(addrIPv6.size); break; default:"unknown safi (" + safi + ") requested"); break; } } /** * get default route * * @param safi safi to use * @return default route prefix */ public static addrPrefix defaultRoute(int safi) { switch (safi & afiMask) { case afiIpv4: return addrPrefix.ip4toIP(addrPrefix.defaultRoute4()); case afiIpv6: return addrPrefix.ip6toIP(addrPrefix.defaultRoute6()); default:"unknown safi (" + safi + ") requested"); return null; } } /** * convert leak to inverted leak * * @param old old role * @return inverted role, -1 on error */ public static int leakInverter(int old) { switch (old) { case roleProv: return roleCust; case roleRs: return roleRsc; case roleRsc: return roleRs; case roleCust: return roleProv; case rolePeer: return rolePeer; default: return -1; } } /** * convert rpki mode to string * * @param mode mode to convert * @return converted string */ public static String rpkiMode2string(int mode) { switch (mode) { case 0: return "transparent"; case 1: return "accept"; case 2: return "rewrite"; case 3: return "onlymiss"; case 4: return "fix-unset"; case 5: return "fix-valid"; case 6: return "fix-invalid"; case 7: return "fix-unknown"; default: return "unknown=" + mode; } } /** * convert string to rpki mode * * @param a string to convert * @return numerical value */ public static int string2rpkiMode(String a) { if (a.equals("transparent")) { return 0; } if (a.equals("accept")) { return 1; } if (a.equals("rewrite")) { return 2; } if (a.equals("onlymiss")) { return 3; } if (a.equals("fix-unset")) { return 4; } if (a.equals("fix-valid")) { return 5; } if (a.equals("fix-invalid")) { return 6; } if (a.equals("fix-unknown")) { return 7; } return 0; } /** * convert peer role to string * * @param role role * @param attr attrib * @return string */ public static String leakRole2string(int role, boolean attr) { switch (role) { case roleProv: return "provider"; case roleRs: return "ix-server"; case roleRsc: return "ix-client"; case roleCust: return "customer"; case rolePeer: return "peer"; default: if (attr) { return "attrib"; } else { return "disabled"; } } } /** * convert peer type to string * * @param i peer type * @return string */ public static String peerType2string(int i) { switch (i) { case peerIntrn: return "internal"; case peerRflct: return "routeReflectorClient"; case peerCnfed: return "confederation"; case peerExtrn: return "external"; case peerServr: return "routeServerClient"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * convert safi to string * * @param i safi to convert * @return converted string */ public static String safi2string(int i) { switch (i) { case safiIp4uni: return "ip4unicast"; case safiIp6uni: return "ip6unicast"; case safiIp4multi: return "ip4multicast"; case safiIp6multi: return "ip6multicast"; case safiIp4lab: return "ip4labeled"; case safiIp6lab: return "ip6labeled"; case safiIp4ctp: return "ip4classful"; case safiIp6ctp: return "ip6classful"; case safiIp4car: return "ip4color"; case safiIp6car: return "ip6color"; case safiIp4flow: return "ip4flowspec"; case safiIp6flow: return "ip6flowspec"; case safiIp4vpnU: return "ip4vpnU"; case safiIp6vpnU: return "ip6vpnU"; case safiIp4vpnM: return "ip4vpnM"; case safiIp6vpnM: return "ip6vpnM"; case safiIp4vpnF: return "ip4vpnF"; case safiIp6vpnF: return "ip6vpnF"; case safiNsh46: return "nsh"; case safiRpd46: return "rpd"; case safiRtf46: return "rtfilter"; case safiIp4mdt: return "mdt4"; case safiIp6mdt: return "mdt6"; case safiIp4srte: return "srte4"; case safiIp6srte: return "srte6"; case safiIp46lnks: return "linkstate"; case safiIp46vpnL: return "vpnLnkst"; case safiIp4mvpn: return "mvpn4"; case safiIp6mvpn: return "mvpn6"; case safiIp4mtree: return "mtree4"; case safiIp6mtree: return "mtree6"; case safiVpls46: return "vpls"; case safiMspw46: return "mspw"; case safiEvpn46: return "evpn"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * convert 32bit safi to 24bit safi * * @param i 32bit safi * @return 24bit safi */ public static int safi2triplet(int i) { return (i & 0xffff0000) | ((i & 0xff) << 8); } /** * convert 24bit safi to 32bit safi * * @param i 24bit safi * @return 32bit safi */ public static int triplet2safi(int i) { return (i & 0xffff0000) | ((i >>> 8) & 0xff); } /** * parse origin type attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseOrigin(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.getByte(0); } private static void parseAsList(boolean longAs, List lst, packHolder pck) { int o = pck.getByte(0); pck.getSkip(1); for (int i = 0; i < o; i++) { int p = 0; if (longAs) { p = pck.msbGetD(0); pck.getSkip(4); } else { p = pck.msbGetW(0); pck.getSkip(2); } lst.add(p); } } /** * parse as path attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseAsPath(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { boolean longAs; if (spkr == null) { longAs = true; } else { longAs = spkr.peer32bitAS; } = new ArrayList(); = new ArrayList(); = new ArrayList(); = new ArrayList(); for (; pck.dataSize() > 0;) { int i = pck.getByte(0); pck.getSkip(1); switch (i) { case 1: // as set parseAsList(longAs,, pck); break; case 2: // as seq parseAsList(longAs,, pck); break; case 3: // confed seq parseAsList(longAs,, pck); break; case 4: // confed set parseAsList(longAs,, pck); break; } } } /** * parse next hop attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseNextHop(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { addrIPv4 as = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(as, 0); addrIP ax = new addrIP(); ax.fromIPv4addr(as); = ax; } /** * parse metric attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseMetric(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.msbGetD(0); } /** * parse local preference attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseLocPref(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.msbGetD(0); } /** * parse atomic aggregator attribute * * @param ntry table entry */ public static void parseAtomicAggr(tabRouteEntry ntry) { = true; } /** * parse entropy label attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseEntropyLab(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.getCopy(); } /** * parse connector attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseConnector(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { addrIPv4 as = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(as, 4); addrIP ax = new addrIP(); ax.fromIPv4addr(as); = ax; } /** * parse path limit attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parsePathLimit(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.getByte(0); = pck.msbGetD(1); } /** * parse pe distinguisher attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parsePeDistLab(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { int i; if (pck.dataSize() > 8) { addrIPv4 as = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(as, 0); addrIP ax = new addrIP(); ax.fromIPv4addr(as); = ax; i = addrIPv4.size; } else { addrIPv6 as = new addrIPv6(); pck.getAddr(as, 0); addrIP ax = new addrIP(); ax.fromIPv6addr(as); = ax; i = addrIPv6.size; } = pck.msbGetD(0) >>> 12; } /** * parse aggregator attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseAggregator(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { boolean longAs; if (spkr == null) { longAs = true; } else { longAs = spkr.peer32bitAS; } if (longAs) { = pck.msbGetD(0); pck.getSkip(4); } else { = pck.msbGetW(0); pck.getSkip(2); } addrIPv4 as = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(as, 0); addrIP ax = new addrIP(); ax.fromIPv4addr(as); = ax; } /** * parse standard community attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseStdComm(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = new ArrayList(); for (; pck.dataSize() >= 4;) {; pck.getSkip(4); } } /** * parse extended community attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseExtComm(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = new ArrayList(); for (; pck.dataSize() >= 8;) {; pck.getSkip(8); } } /** * parse large community attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseLrgComm(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = new ArrayList(); for (; pck.dataSize() >= 12;) { tabLargeComm d = new tabLargeComm(); = pck.msbGetD(0); d.d1 = pck.msbGetD(4); d.d2 = pck.msbGetD(8);; pck.getSkip(12); } } /** * parse originator attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseOriginator(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { addrIPv4 as = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(as, 0); addrIP ax = new addrIP(); ax.fromIPv4addr(as); = ax; } /** * parse accumulated igp attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseAccIgp(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { if (pck.getByte(0) != 1) { return; } if (pck.msbGetW(1) < 11) { return; } = (int) pck.msbGetQ(3); } /** * parse traffic engineering attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseTraffEng(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = ((Float) Float.intBitsToFloat(pck.msbGetD(4))).intValue() * 8; } /** * parse pmsi tunnel attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parsePmsiTun(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.msbGetW(0); = pck.msbGetD(2) >>> 8; pck.getSkip(5); = pck.getCopy(); } /** * parse tunnel encapsulation attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseTunEnc(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.msbGetW(0); int len = pck.msbGetW(2); pck.getSkip(4); if (pck.dataSize() < len) { return; } pck.setDataSize(len); = pck.getCopy(); } /** * parse link state attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseLnkSta(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.getCopy(); } /** * parse attribute set attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseAttribSet(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.msbGetD(0); pck.getSkip(4); = pck.getCopy(); } /** * parse nsh service chain attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseNshChain(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.getCopy(); } /** * parse bfd discriminator attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseBfdDiscr(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.getCopy(); } /** * parse prefix sid attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parsePrefSid(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { encTlv tlv = getPrefSidTlv(); for (;;) { if (tlv.getBytes(pck)) { break; } switch (tlv.valTyp) { case 1: // label index = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 3); // index break; case 3: // srgb = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 2) >>> 8; // base = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 5) >>> 8; // range break; case 4: // prefix sid addrIPv6 adr6 = new addrIPv6(); = new addrIP(); adr6.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, 3);; break; case 5: // layer3 service case 6: // layer2 service if (tlv.valDat[1] != 1) { // subtlv break; } adr6 = new addrIPv6(); = new addrIP(); adr6.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, 5);; if (tlv.valDat[25] != 1) { // sid structure break; } = tlv.valDat[32] & 0xff; // transposition length = tlv.valDat[33] & 0xff; // transposition offset break; } } } /** * parse bier attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseBier(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { encTlv tlv = getBierTlv(); for (;;) { if (tlv.getBytes(pck)) { break; } switch (tlv.valTyp) { case 1: // bier = tlv.valDat[0]; // subdomain = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 1); // bfr id break; case 2: // mpls = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 0) >>> 8; // base = tlv.valDat[3] & 0xff; // range = (tlv.valDat[4] >>> 4) & 0xf; // bsl break; } } } /** * parse cluster list attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseClustList(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = new ArrayList(); for (; pck.dataSize() >= 4;) { addrIPv4 as = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(as, 0); pck.getSkip(addrIPv4.size); addrIP ax = new addrIP(); ax.fromIPv4addr(as);; } } /** * parse only to customer attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseOnlyCust(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { = pck.msbGetD(0); } /** * parse unknown attribute * * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse */ public static void parseUnknown(tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { if ( == null) { = new ArrayList(); } tabRouteBlob blb = new tabRouteBlob(); blb.type = pck.ETHtype; blb.flag = pck.ETHcos; = pck.getCopy();; } /** * parse reachable attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param pck packet to parse * @return prefixed touched */ public static List> parseReachable(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder pck) { int safi = triplet2safi(pck.msbGetD(0)); int sfi = safi & sfiMask; int len = pck.getByte(3); boolean addpath; boolean oneLab; if (spkr == null) { addpath = false; oneLab = false; } else { addpath = spkr.addPthRx(safi); oneLab = spkr.peerMltLab == 0; } boolean v6nh = len >= addrIPv6.size; pck.getSkip(4); len = pck.dataSize() - len; addrIP nextHop = null; for (; pck.dataSize() > len;) { if ((sfi == sfiMplsVpnU) || (sfi == sfiMplsVpnM) || (sfi == sfiClsTrnPl)) { pck.getSkip(8); // rd } addrIP adr; if (v6nh) { adr = readAddress(afiIpv6, pck); } else { adr = readAddress(afiIpv4, pck); } if (adr == null) { continue; } if (nextHop == null) { nextHop = adr; continue; } if (!v6nh) { addrIPv4 adr4 = adr.toIPv4(); if (adr4.isFilled(0)) { continue; } } else { addrIPv6 adr6 = adr.toIPv6(); if (adr6.isFilled(0)) { continue; } if (adr6.isLinkLocal()) { continue; } } nextHop = adr; } pck.setBytesLeft(len); len = pck.getByte(0); pck.getSkip(1); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pck.getSkip(pck.getByte(0) + 1); } int ident = 0; List> pfxs = new ArrayList>(); for (; pck.dataSize() > 0;) { if (addpath) { ident = pck.msbGetD(0); pck.getSkip(4); } tabRouteEntry res = readPrefix(safi, oneLab, pck); if (res == null) { continue; } = ident; = nextHop; pfxs.add(res); if (spkr == null) { continue; } spkr.prefixReach(safi, addpath, res, pck); } return pfxs; } /** * parse unreachable attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param pck packet to parse * @return prefixed touched */ public static List> parseUnReach(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder pck) { pck.merge2beg(); int safi = triplet2safi(pck.msbGetD(0)); pck.getSkip(3); boolean addpath; if (spkr == null) { addpath = false; } else { addpath = spkr.addPthRx(safi); } int ident = 0; List> pfxs = new ArrayList>(); for (; pck.dataSize() > 0;) { if (addpath) { ident = pck.msbGetD(0); pck.getSkip(4); } tabRouteEntry res = readPrefix(safi, true, pck); if (res == null) { continue; } = ident; pfxs.add(res); if (spkr == null) { continue; } spkr.prefixWithdraw(safi, addpath, res, pck); } return pfxs; } /** * place one capability * * @param pck target packet * @param ext extended * @param typ type * @param buf content */ public static void placeCapability(packHolder pck, boolean ext, int typ, byte[] buf) { encTlv tlv = getCapabilityTlv(ext); tlv.valDat[0] = (byte) typ; tlv.valDat[1] = (byte) buf.length; bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, tlv.valDat, 2, buf.length); tlv.valSiz = buf.length + 2; tlv.valTyp = 2; tlv.putThis(pck); } /** * get capability tlv * * @param ext extended * @return tlv */ public static encTlv getCapabilityTlv(boolean ext) { if (ext) { return new encTlv(0, 8, 8, 16, 1, 0, 3, 1, 0, 512, true); } else { return new encTlv(0, 8, 8, 8, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 512, true); } } /** * get prefix sid tlv * * @return tlv */ public static encTlv getPrefSidTlv() { return new encTlv(0, 8, 8, 16, 1, 0, 3, 1, 0, 512, true); } /** * get bier tlv * * @return tlv */ public static encTlv getBierTlv() { return new encTlv(0, 8, 8, 16, 1, 0, 3, 1, 0, 512, true); } /** * parse attribute * * @param src source where from read * @param attr attribute read to */ public static void parseAttrib(packHolder src, packHolder attr) { int flg = src.getByte(0); // flags int typ = src.getByte(1); // type int len = 0; if ((flg & flagLength) == 0) { len = src.getByte(2); src.getSkip(3); // length } else { len = src.msbGetW(2); src.getSkip(4); // length } byte[] buf = new byte[len]; src.getCopy(buf, 0, 0, len); src.getSkip(len); attr.clear(); attr.ETHcos = flg; attr.ETHtype = typ; attr.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, buf.length); attr.putSkip(buf.length); attr.merge2beg(); } /** * place one attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param flg flags * @param typ type * @param trg taget * @param attr attribute */ public static void placeAttrib(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, int flg, int typ, packHolder trg, packHolder attr) { if (spkr != null) { spkr.updateAttrCtr(true, attr, typ); } attr.merge2beg(); byte[] buf = attr.getCopy(); if (buf.length > 0xff) { flg |= flagLength; } trg.putByte(0, flg); // flags trg.putByte(1, typ); // type if ((flg & flagLength) == 0) { trg.putByte(2, buf.length); // length trg.putSkip(3); } else { trg.msbPutW(2, buf.length); // length trg.putSkip(4); } trg.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, buf.length); trg.putSkip(buf.length); } /** * decode attribute set * * @param ntry table entry */ public static void decodeAttribSet(tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); packHolder cur = new packHolder(true, true); pck.putCopy(, 0, 0,; pck.putSkip(; pck.merge2beg(); = null; = 0; for (;;) { if (pck.dataSize() < 1) { break; } parseAttrib(pck, cur); interpretAttribute(null, ntry, cur); } } /** * encode attribute set * * @param spkr where to signal * @param as as number * @param ntry table entry */ public static void encodeAttribSet(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, int as, tabRouteEntry ntry) { List> lst = new ArrayList>(); lst.add(ntry); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); createReachable(spkr, pck, new packHolder(true, true), safiAttrib, false, true, true, lst); = as; = pck.getCopy(); } /** * interpret attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param ntry table entry * @param pck packet to parse * @return prefixed touched */ public static List> interpretAttribute(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, tabRouteEntry ntry, packHolder pck) { if (spkr != null) { spkr.updateAttrCtr(false, pck, pck.ETHtype); if (spkr.neigh.attribFilter != null) { if (spkr.neigh.attribFilter.matches(pck.ETHtype)) {"filtered attribute " + pck.ETHtype + " from " + spkr.neigh.peerAddr + " (" + pck.dump() + ")"); return null; } } } switch (pck.ETHtype) { case attrReachable: return parseReachable(spkr, pck); case attrUnReach: return parseUnReach(spkr, pck); case attrOrigin: parseOrigin(ntry, pck); return null; case attrAsPath: parseAsPath(spkr, ntry, pck); return null; case attrNextHop: parseNextHop(ntry, pck); return null; case attrMetric: parseMetric(ntry, pck); return null; case attrLocPref: parseLocPref(ntry, pck); return null; case attrAtomicAggr: parseAtomicAggr(ntry); return null; case attrEntropyLab: parseEntropyLab(ntry, pck); return null; case attrAggregator: parseAggregator(spkr, ntry, pck); return null; case attrConnector: parseConnector(spkr, ntry, pck); return null; case attrPathLimit: parsePathLimit(spkr, ntry, pck); return null; case attrPeDistLab: parsePeDistLab(spkr, ntry, pck); return null; case attrStdComm: parseStdComm(ntry, pck); return null; case attrExtComm: parseExtComm(ntry, pck); return null; case attrLrgComm: parseLrgComm(ntry, pck); return null; case attrOriginator: parseOriginator(ntry, pck); return null; case attrTraffEng: parseTraffEng(ntry, pck); return null; case attrAccIgp: parseAccIgp(ntry, pck); return null; case attrPmsiTun: parsePmsiTun(ntry, pck); return null; case attrLinkState: parseLnkSta(ntry, pck); return null; case attrTunEnc: parseTunEnc(ntry, pck); return null; case attrAttribSet: parseAttribSet(ntry, pck); return null; case attrNshChain: parseNshChain(ntry, pck); return null; case attrBfdDisc: parseBfdDiscr(ntry, pck); return null; case attrPrefSid: parsePrefSid(ntry, pck); return null; case attrBier: parseBier(ntry, pck); return null; case attrClustList: parseClustList(ntry, pck); return null; case attrOnlyCust: parseOnlyCust(ntry, pck); return null; default: parseUnknown(ntry, pck); if (debugger.rtrBgpError) { logger.debug("unknown (" + pck.ETHtype + ") attrib " + pck.dump()); } return null; } } /** * create withdraw message * * @param spkr where to signal * @param pck packet to update * @param hlp helper packet * @param safi address family * @param addpath additional path * @param lst list of prefixes to withdraw */ public static void createWithdraw(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder pck, packHolder hlp, int safi, boolean addpath, List> lst) { if (safi == safiIp4uni) { for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry ntry = lst.get(i); if (addpath) { pck.msbPutD(0,; pck.putSkip(4); } writePrefix(safiIp4uni, true, pck, ntry); } pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, pck.dataSize()); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, 0); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2end(); if (spkr != null) { spkr.updateRchblCntr(3, pck); } return; } placeUnreach(spkr, safi, addpath, pck, hlp, lst); pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, pck.dataSize()); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, 0); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2beg(); if (spkr != null) { spkr.updateRchblCntr(3, pck); } } /** * check if valid header received * * @param pck packet to read * @return true if error, false if ok */ public static boolean checkMarker(packHolder pck) { for (int i = 0; i < markS; i++) { if (pck.getByte(i) != markV) { return true; } } return false; } /** * check if valid header received * * @param pck packet to read * @return true if error, false if ok */ public static boolean checkHeader(packHolder pck) { if (rtrBgpUtil.checkMarker(pck)) { return true; } pck.IPsiz = pck.msbGetW(16) - sizeU; pck.IPprt = pck.getByte(18); if (pck.IPsiz < 0) { return true; } if (pck.IPsiz > packHolder.maxData) { return true; } return false; } /** * create message header * * @param pck packet to update */ public static void createMarker(packHolder pck) { for (int i = 0; i < markS; i++) { pck.putByte(i, markV); } } /** * create message header * * @param pck packet to update * @param typ message type */ public static void createHeader(packHolder pck, int typ) { createMarker(pck); pck.msbPutW(16, pck.dataSize() + sizeU); pck.putByte(18, typ); pck.putSkip(sizeU); pck.merge2beg(); } /** * create reachable message * * @param spkr where to signal * @param pck packet to update * @param hlp helper packet * @param safi address family * @param addpath additional path * @param longAS long as number supported * @param oneLab just one label * @param lst list of prefixes to advertise */ public static void createReachable(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder pck, packHolder hlp, int safi, boolean addpath, boolean longAS, boolean oneLab, List> lst) { tabRouteEntry ntry = lst.get(0); placeUnknown(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeOrigin(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeAsPath(spkr, longAS, pck, hlp, ntry); placeMetric(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeLocPref(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeEntropyLab(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeAtomicAggr(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeAggregator(spkr, longAS, pck, hlp, ntry); placeConnector(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placePathLimit(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placePeDistLab(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeStdComm(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeExtComm(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeLrgComm(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeOriginator(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeClustList(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeTraffEng(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeAccIgp(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placePmsiTun(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeTunEnc(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeLnkSta(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeOnlyCust(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placePrefSid(spkr, safi, pck, hlp, ntry); placeBier(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeNshChain(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeBfdDiscr(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); placeAttribSet(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); if (safi == safiAttrib) { pck.merge2beg(); return; } if (safi != safiIp4uni) { placeReachable(spkr, safi, addpath, oneLab, pck, hlp, lst); pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, 0); pck.msbPutW(2, pck.dataSize()); pck.putSkip(4); pck.merge2beg(); if (spkr != null) { spkr.updateRchblCntr(1, pck); } return; } if (! { placeReachable(spkr, safi, addpath, oneLab, pck, hlp, lst); pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, 0); pck.msbPutW(2, pck.dataSize()); pck.putSkip(4); pck.merge2beg(); if (spkr != null) { spkr.updateRchblCntr(1, pck); } return; } placeNextHop(spkr, pck, hlp, ntry); pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, 0); pck.msbPutW(2, pck.dataSize()); pck.putSkip(4); pck.merge2beg(); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { ntry = lst.get(i); if (addpath) { pck.msbPutD(0,; pck.putSkip(4); } writePrefix(safiIp4uni, oneLab, pck, ntry); } pck.merge2end(); if (spkr != null) { spkr.updateRchblCntr(1, pck); } } /** * create end of rib message * * @param spkr where to signal * @param pck packet to update * @param hlp helper packet * @param safi address family */ public static void createEndOfRib(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder pck, packHolder hlp, int safi) { if (safi != safiIp4uni) { placeUnreach(spkr, safi, false, pck, hlp, new ArrayList>()); } pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, pck.dataSize()); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2beg(); pck.msbPutW(0, 0); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2beg(); } /** * place unknown attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeUnknown(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { tabRouteBlob blb =; hlp.clear(); hlp.putCopy(, 0, 0,; hlp.putSkip(; placeAttrib(spkr, blb.flag, blb.type, trg, hlp); } } /** * place origin type attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeOrigin(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { hlp.clear(); hlp.putByte(0, % 3); hlp.putSkip(1); placeAttrib(spkr, flagTransitive, attrOrigin, trg, hlp); } private static void placeAsList(boolean longAs, packHolder pck, int typ, List lst) { if (lst == null) { return; } int pos = 0; int max = lst.size(); for (; pos < max;) { int end = pos + 255; if (end > max) { end = max; } pck.putByte(0, typ); pck.putByte(1, end - pos); pck.putSkip(2); for (; pos < end; pos++) { int i = lst.get(pos); if (longAs) { pck.msbPutD(0, i); pck.putSkip(4); } else { pck.msbPutW(0, tabRouteUtil.asNum16bit(i)); pck.putSkip(2); } } } } /** * place as path attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param longAs long as support * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeAsPath(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, boolean longAs, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { hlp.clear(); placeAsList(longAs, hlp, 3,; // confed seq placeAsList(longAs, hlp, 4,; // confed set placeAsList(longAs, hlp, 2,; // as seq placeAsList(longAs, hlp, 1,; // as set placeAttrib(spkr, flagTransitive, attrAsPath, trg, hlp); } /** * place next hop attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeNextHop(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { hlp.clear(); hlp.putAddr(0,; hlp.putSkip(addrIPv4.size); placeAttrib(spkr, flagTransitive, attrNextHop, trg, hlp); } /** * place metric attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeMetric(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( < 1) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.msbPutD(0,; hlp.putSkip(4); placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional, attrMetric, trg, hlp); } /** * place local preference attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeLocPref(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( < 1) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.msbPutD(0,; hlp.putSkip(4); placeAttrib(spkr, flagTransitive, attrLocPref, trg, hlp); } /** * place entropy label attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeEntropyLab(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } if ( < 1) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.putCopy(, 0, 0,; hlp.putSkip(; placeAttrib(spkr, flagTransitive, attrEntropyLab, trg, hlp); } /** * place atomic aggregator attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeAtomicAggr(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if (! { return; } hlp.clear(); placeAttrib(spkr, flagTransitive, attrAtomicAggr, trg, hlp); } /** * place aggregator attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param longAs long as support * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeAggregator(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, boolean longAs, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } hlp.clear(); if (longAs) { hlp.msbPutD(0,; hlp.putSkip(4); } else { hlp.msbPutW(0, tabRouteUtil.asNum16bit(; hlp.putSkip(2); } hlp.putAddr(0,; hlp.putSkip(addrIPv4.size); placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrAggregator, trg, hlp); } /** * place connector attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeConnector(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.msbPutD(0, 1); hlp.putAddr(4,; hlp.putSkip(4 + addrIPv4.size); placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrConnector, trg, hlp); } /** * place path limit attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placePathLimit(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( < 1) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.putByte(0,; hlp.msbPutD(1,; hlp.putSkip(5); placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrPathLimit, trg, hlp); } /** * place pe distinguisher attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placePeDistLab(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } hlp.clear(); if ( { hlp.putAddr(0,; hlp.putSkip(addrIPv4.size); } else { hlp.putAddr(0,; hlp.putSkip(addrIPv6.size); } hlp.msbPutD(0, << 12); hlp.putSkip(3); placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrPeDistLab, trg, hlp); } /** * place standard community attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeStdComm(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } if ( < 1) { return; } hlp.clear(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { hlp.msbPutD(0,; hlp.putSkip(4); } placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrStdComm, trg, hlp); } /** * place extended community attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeExtComm(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } if ( < 1) { return; } hlp.clear(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { hlp.msbPutQ(0,; hlp.putSkip(8); } placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrExtComm, trg, hlp); } /** * place large community attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeLrgComm(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } if ( < 1) { return; } hlp.clear(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { tabLargeComm d =; hlp.msbPutD(0,; hlp.msbPutD(4, d.d1); hlp.msbPutD(8, d.d2); hlp.putSkip(12); } placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrLrgComm, trg, hlp); } /** * place originator attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeOriginator(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.putAddr(0,; hlp.putSkip(addrIPv4.size); placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional, attrOriginator, trg, hlp); } /** * place accumulated igp attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeAccIgp(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( < 1) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.putByte(0, 1); // type hlp.msbPutW(1, 11); // length hlp.msbPutQ(3,; // value hlp.putSkip(11); placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional, attrAccIgp, trg, hlp); } /** * place traffic engineering attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeTraffEng(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( < 1) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.putByte(0, 1); // psc1 hlp.putByte(1, 1); // packet hlp.msbPutW(2, 0); // reserved int i = Float.floatToIntBits( / 8); hlp.msbPutD(4, i); // pri0 hlp.msbPutD(8, i); // pri1 hlp.msbPutD(12, i); // pri2 hlp.msbPutD(16, i); // pri3 hlp.msbPutD(20, i); // pri4 hlp.msbPutD(24, i); // pri5 hlp.msbPutD(28, i); // pri6 hlp.msbPutD(32, i); // pri7 hlp.msbPutD(36, Float.floatToIntBits(1)); // minimum hlp.msbPutW(40, 1500); // mtu hlp.putSkip(42); placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional, attrTraffEng, trg, hlp); } /** * place pmsi tunnel attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placePmsiTun(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.msbPutW(0,; hlp.msbPutD(2, << 8); hlp.putSkip(5); hlp.putCopy(, 0, 0,; hlp.putSkip(; placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrPmsiTun, trg, hlp); } /** * place tunnel encapsulation attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeTunEnc(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.msbPutW(0,; hlp.msbPutW(2,; hlp.putSkip(4); hlp.putCopy(, 0, 0,; hlp.putSkip(; placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrTunEnc, trg, hlp); } /** * place link state attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeLnkSta(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.putCopy(, 0, 0,; hlp.putSkip(; placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional, attrLinkState, trg, hlp); } /** * place attribute set attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeAttribSet(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.msbPutD(0,; hlp.putSkip(4); hlp.putCopy(, 0, 0,; hlp.putSkip(; placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrAttribSet, trg, hlp); } /** * place attribute set attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeNshChain(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.putCopy(, 0, 0,; hlp.putSkip(; placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrNshChain, trg, hlp); } /** * place attribute set attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeBfdDiscr(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.putCopy(, 0, 0,; hlp.putSkip(; placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrBfdDisc, trg, hlp); } /** * place prefix sid attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param safi sub address family * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placePrefSid(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, int safi, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { int afi = safi & afiMask; hlp.clear(); encTlv tlv = getPrefSidTlv(); if ( != 0) { tlv.valDat[0] = 0; // reserved bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 1, 0); // flags bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 3,; // index tlv.putBytes(hlp, 1, 7, tlv.valDat); } if ( != 0) { bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 0, 0); // flags bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 2, << 8); // base bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 5, << 8); // range tlv.putBytes(hlp, 3, 8, tlv.valDat); } if ( != null) { int i; int o; switch (afi) { case afiIpv4: i = 0x13; o = 5; break; case afiIpv6: i = 0x12; o = 5; break; case afiL2vpn: i = 0x15; o = 6; break; default: i = 0xffff; o = 4; break; } tlv.valDat[0] = 0; // reserved tlv.valDat[1] = 1; // subtlv type bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 2, 30); // size tlv.valDat[4] = 0; // reserved, 5); tlv.valDat[21] = 0; // sid flags bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 22, i); // behavior tlv.valDat[24] = 0; // reserved tlv.valDat[25] = 1; // sid structure bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 26, 6); // subsubtlv length tlv.valDat[28] = 32; // locator block length tlv.valDat[29] = 16; // locator node length tlv.valDat[30] = 16; // locator function length tlv.valDat[31] = 0; // locator argument length tlv.valDat[32] = (byte); // transposition length tlv.valDat[33] = (byte); // transposition offset tlv.putBytes(hlp, o, 34, tlv.valDat); } if (hlp.headSize() < 1) { return; } placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrPrefSid, trg, hlp); } /** * place bier attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeBier(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == 0) { return; } hlp.clear(); encTlv tlv = getBierTlv(); tlv.valDat[0] = (byte); // subdomain bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 1,; // bfr id tlv.putBytes(hlp, 1, 4, tlv.valDat); if ( != 0) { tlv = getBierTlv(); bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0, << 8); // base tlv.valDat[3] = (byte); // range tlv.valDat[4] = (byte) ( << 4); // bsl tlv.putBytes(hlp, 2, 8, tlv.valDat); } placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrBier, trg, hlp); } /** * place cluster list attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeClustList(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == null) { return; } hlp.clear(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { hlp.putAddr(0,; hlp.putSkip(addrIPv4.size); } placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional, attrClustList, trg, hlp); } /** * place only to customer attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param ntry table entry */ public static void placeOnlyCust(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, tabRouteEntry ntry) { if ( == 0) { return; } hlp.clear(); hlp.msbPutD(0,; hlp.putSkip(4); placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional | flagTransitive, attrOnlyCust, trg, hlp); } /** * place reachable attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param safi sub address family * @param addpath additional path * @param oneLab just one label * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param lst list of table entries */ public static void placeReachable(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, int safi, boolean addpath, boolean oneLab, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, List> lst) { int afi = safi & afiMask; int sfi = safi & sfiMask; addrIP nextHop = lst.get(0).best.nextHop; boolean v6nh = afi == afiIpv6; if (!v6nh) { v6nh = !nextHop.isIPv4(); } int i = v6nh ? addrIPv6.size : addrIPv4.size; if ((sfi == sfiMplsVpnU) || (sfi == sfiMplsVpnM) || (sfi == sfiClsTrnPl)) { i += 8; } hlp.clear(); hlp.msbPutD(0, safi2triplet(safi)); hlp.putByte(3, i); hlp.putSkip(4); if ((sfi == sfiMplsVpnU) || (sfi == sfiMplsVpnM) || (sfi == sfiClsTrnPl)) { hlp.msbPutQ(0, 0); // rd hlp.putSkip(8); } if (v6nh) { writeAddress(afiIpv6, hlp, nextHop); } else { writeAddress(afiIpv4, hlp, nextHop); } hlp.putByte(0, 0); hlp.putSkip(1); for (i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry ntry = lst.get(i); if (addpath) { hlp.msbPutD(0,; hlp.putSkip(4); } writePrefix(safi, oneLab, hlp, ntry); } placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional, attrReachable, trg, hlp); } /** * place unreachable attribute * * @param spkr where to signal * @param safi sub address family * @param addpath additional path * @param trg target packet * @param hlp helper packet * @param lst list of table entries */ public static void placeUnreach(rtrBgpSpeak spkr, int safi, boolean addpath, packHolder trg, packHolder hlp, List> lst) { hlp.clear(); hlp.msbPutD(0, safi2triplet(safi)); hlp.putSkip(3); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry ntry = lst.get(i); if (addpath) { hlp.msbPutD(0,; hlp.putSkip(4); } writePrefix(safi, true, hlp, ntry); } placeAttrib(spkr, flagOptional, attrUnReach, trg, hlp); } /** * get size of table * * @param type of entries * @param tab table to check * @return string */ public static > String tabSiz2str(tabGen tab) { if (tab == null) { return "n/a"; } else { return "" + tab.size(); } } /** * update counters * * @param d direction * @param c counters * @param t type * @param p packet */ public static void updtStatsArr(boolean d, counter c[], int t, packHolder p) { t &= 0xff; if (d) { c[t].tx(p); } else { c[t].rx(p); } } /** * safi to ip version * * @param sfi safi to convert * @return ip version, -1 if nothing */ public static int safi2ipVers(int sfi) { switch (sfi & rtrBgpUtil.afiMask) { case rtrBgpUtil.afiIpv4: return ipCor4.protocolVersion; case rtrBgpUtil.afiIpv6: return ipCor6.protocolVersion; default: return -1; } } }