package org.freertr.rtr; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.auth.authLocal; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgPrfxlst; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgProxy; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRoump; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRouplc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgRtr; import org.freertr.clnt.clntProxy; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoCfg; import org.freertr.sec.secInfoUtl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.user.userFilter; import org.freertr.user.userHelping; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; /** * bgp4 parameters * * @author matecsaba */ public abstract class rtrBgpParam { /** * lower */ public final rtrBgp lower; /** * true if template, false if neighbor */ public final boolean isTemplate; /** * as of peer */ public int remoteAs; /** * any as allowed */ public boolean remoteAny; /** * local as */ public int localAs; /** * address families */ public long addrFams; /** * source template */ public rtrBgpTemp template; /** * key id */ public int keyId; /** * password */ public String passwd; /** * remote description */ public String description; /** * attribute filter */ public tabIntMatcher attribFilter; /** * check neighbor route */ public boolean fallOver; /** * consider remote asn in group membership */ public boolean ungrpRemAs; /** * confederation peer */ public boolean remoteConfed; /** * send accumulated igp */ public boolean accIgp; /** * send entropy label */ public boolean entrLab; /** * send traffic engineering */ public boolean traffEng; /** * send pmsi tunnel */ public boolean pmsiTun; /** * send connector */ public boolean connect; /** * send pe distinguisher */ public boolean peDist; /** * send aspath limit */ public boolean pathLim; /** * send nsh service chain */ public boolean nshChain; /** * send bfd discriminator */ public boolean bfdDiscr; /** * send tunnel encapsulation */ public boolean tunEnc; /** * send link state */ public boolean lnkSta; /** * send attribute set */ public boolean attribSet; /** * collect unknown attributes */ public rtrBgpMrt unknownsColl; /** * receive unknown attributes */ public tabIntMatcher unknownsIn; /** * send unknown attributes */ public tabIntMatcher unknownsOut; /** * log unknown attributes */ public boolean unknownsLog; /** * log end changes */ public boolean endChanges; /** * log hop changes */ public boolean hopChanges; /** * log length changes */ public tabIntMatcher lengthChanges; /** * ipinfo config */ public secInfoCfg ipInfoCfg; /** * send segment routing */ public boolean segRout; /** * send bier */ public boolean bier; /** * send wide aspath */ public boolean wideAsPath; /** * send route refresh */ public boolean routeRefreshOld; /** * send route refresh */ public boolean routeRefreshNew; /** * egress engineering index */ public int egressEng; /** * leak prevention local role */ public int leakRole; /** * leak prevention attribute */ public boolean leakAttr; /** * leak prevention enforced */ public boolean leakForce; /** * rpki ingress mode */ public int rpkiIn; /** * rpki egress mode */ public int rpkiOut; /** * rpki ingress mode */ public int vpkiIn; /** * rpki egress mode */ public int vpkiOut; /** * advertise pop label */ public boolean labelPop; /** * capability negotiation */ public boolean capaNego; /** * track nexthops */ public boolean trackNxthop; /** * route reflector client */ public boolean reflectClnt; /** * dmz link bandwidth */ public int dmzLinkBw; /** * spf metric */ public int spfMetric; /** * spf stub */ public boolean spfStub; /** * randomize session startup times */ public int randomStartF; /** * randomize session startup times */ public int randomStartL; /** * distance */ public int distance; /** * keep alive */ public int keepAlive; /** * hold timer */ public int holdTimer; /** * source interface */ public cfgIfc srcIface; /** * peer disabled */ public boolean shutdown; /** * bfd enabled, 0=off, 1=on, 2=strict */ public int bfdTrigger; /** * backup of peer */ public addrIP backupPeer; /** * proxy to use */ public clntProxy proxy2use; /** * address to use */ public addrIP proxy2adr; /** * port to use */ public int proxy2prt; /** * soft reconfiguration */ public boolean softReconfig; /** * graceful restart */ public long graceRestart; /** * long lived graceful restart */ public long llGraceRestart; /** * multiple labels */ public long multiLabel; /** * extended nexthop current afi */ public long extNextCur; /** * extended nexthop other afi */ public long extNextOtr; /** * hostname */ public int hostname; /** * software version */ public boolean software; /** * extended open */ public boolean extOpen; /** * extended update */ public boolean extUpdate; /** * not transmit during receive */ public boolean unidirection; /** * connection mode 1=active, 2=passive, 3=both, 4=dynamic, 5=listen, replay */ public int socketMode; /** * compression mode 0=none, 1=receive, 2=send, 3=both */ public int compressMode; /** * dynamic capability exchange */ public boolean dynamicCapab; /** * buffer size */ public int bufferSize; /** * ttl security */ public int ttlSecurity; /** * tos value */ public int tosValue; /** * additional path receive(1) mode */ public long addpathRmode; /** * additional path transmit(2) mode */ public long addpathTmode; /** * default information originate */ public boolean sendDefRou; /** * other default information originate */ public boolean sendOtrDefRou; /** * propagate next hop */ public boolean nxtHopUnchgd; /** * rewrite next hop */ public boolean nxtHopPeer; /** * rewrite next hop */ public boolean nxtHopSelf; /** * use multiple labels */ public boolean nxtHopMltlb; /** * propagate community 0=none, 1=std, 2=ext, 4=lrg, 7=all */ public int sendCommunity; /** * preserve attributes */ public boolean intVpnClnt; /** * allow my as relearn */ public boolean allowAsIn; /** * allow peer as advertisement */ public boolean allowAsOut; /** * user collected rtfilters */ public boolean rtfilterIn; /** * honor advertised rtfilters */ public boolean rtfilterOut; /** * rtfilters in use */ public tabRoute rtfilterUsed; /** * transmit advertisement interval */ public int advertIntTx; /** * receive advertisement interval */ public int advertIntRx; /** * dampening prefixes */ public tabGen dampenPfxs; /** * dampening withdarw penalty */ public int dampenWthd; /** * dampening announce penalty */ public int dampenAnno; /** * dampening minimum penalty */ public int dampenMinp; /** * dampening maximum penalty */ public int dampenMaxp; /** * dampening suppress threshold */ public int dampenSupp; /** * dampening reuse threshold */ public int dampenReus; /** * dampening half life time */ public int dampenHalf; /** * max template clones */ public int maxClones; /** * max prefix count */ public int maxPrxInCnt; /** * max prefix percent */ public int maxPrxInPrc; /** * max prefix count */ public int maxPrxOutCnt; /** * max prefix percent */ public int maxPrxOutPrc; /** * enforce first as */ public boolean enforceFirst; /** * route server client */ public boolean serverClnt; /** * remove private as */ public boolean removePrivAsOut; /** * remove private as */ public boolean removePrivAsIn; /** * override peer as */ public boolean overridePeerOut; /** * override peer as */ public boolean overridePeerIn; /** * monitor to use */ public rtrBgpMon monitor; /** * dump to use */ public rtrBgpMrt dump; /** * other address */ public addrIP otherAdr; /** * ingress prefix list */ public tabListing prflstIn; /** * egress prefix list */ public tabListing prflstOut; /** * ingress route map */ public tabListing roumapIn; /** * egress route map */ public tabListing roumapOut; /** * ingress route policy */ public tabListing roupolIn; /** * egress route policy */ public tabListing roupolOut; /** * other ingress prefix list */ public tabListing oprflstIn; /** * other egress prefix list */ public tabListing oprflstOut; /** * other ingress route map */ public tabListing oroumapIn; /** * other egress route map */ public tabListing oroumapOut; /** * other ingress route policy */ public tabListing oroupolIn; /** * other egress route policy */ public tabListing oroupolOut; /** * ingress vpn route map */ public tabListing vroumapIn; /** * egress vpn route map */ public tabListing vroumapOut; /** * ingress vpn route policy */ public tabListing vroupolIn; /** * egress vpn route policy */ public tabListing vroupolOut; /** * ingress other vpn route map */ public tabListing wroumapIn; /** * egress other vpn route map */ public tabListing wroumapOut; /** * ingress other vpn route policy */ public tabListing wroupolIn; /** * egress other vpn route policy */ public tabListing wroupolOut; /** * ingress ethernet vpn route map */ public tabListing eroumapIn; /** * egress ethernet vpn route map */ public tabListing eroumapOut; /** * ingress ethernet vpn route policy */ public tabListing eroupolIn; /** * egress ethernet vpn route policy */ public tabListing eroupolOut; /** * unicast */ public final static long mskUni = 0x01; /** * labeled unicast */ public final static long mskLab = 0x02; /** * multicast */ public final static long mskMlt = 0x04; /** * vpn unicast */ public final static long mskVpnU = 0x08; /** * vpn multicast */ public final static long mskVpnM = 0x10; /** * vpls */ public final static long mskVpls = 0x20; /** * evpn */ public final static long mskEvpn = 0x40; /** * mdt */ public final static long mskMdt = 0x80; /** * flowspec */ public final static long mskFlw = 0x100; /** * vpn flowspec */ public final static long mskVpnF = 0x200; /** * other vpn unicast */ public final static long mskVpoU = 0x400; /** * other vpn multicast */ public final static long mskVpoM = 0x800; /** * other vpn flowspec */ public final static long mskVpoF = 0x1000; /** * mvpn */ public final static long mskMvpn = 0x2000; /** * other mvpn */ public final static long mskMvpo = 0x4000; /** * other labeled unicast */ public final static long mskOlab = 0x8000; /** * mspw */ public final static long mskMspw = 0x10000; /** * srte */ public final static long mskSrte = 0x20000; /** * link state */ public final static long mskLnks = 0x40000; /** * other unicast */ public final static long mskOuni = 0x80000; /** * other multicast */ public final static long mskOmlt = 0x100000; /** * other flowspec */ public final static long mskOflw = 0x200000; /** * other srte */ public final static long mskOsrt = 0x400000; /** * nsh */ public final static long mskNsh = 0x800000; /** * rtfilter */ public final static long mskRtf = 0x1000000; /** * classful transport plane */ public final static long mskCtp = 0x2000000; /** * other classful transport plane */ public final static long mskOctp = 0x4000000; /** * rpd */ public final static long mskRpd = 0x8000000; /** * color aware routing */ public final static long mskCar = 0x10000000; /** * other color aware routing */ public final static long mskOcar = 0x20000000; /** * mvpn */ public final static long mskMtre = 0x40000000; /** * other mvpn */ public final static long mskMtro = 0x80000000L; /** * spf */ public final static long mskSpf = 0x100000000L; /** * all */ public final static long mskAll = mskUni | mskLab | mskCtp | mskCar | mskMlt | mskVpnU | mskVpnM | mskVpls | mskEvpn | mskMdt | mskSrte | mskLnks | mskFlw | mskVpnF | mskVpoU | mskVpoM | mskVpoF | mskMvpn | mskMvpo | mskOlab | mskOctp | mskOcar | mskOuni | mskOmlt | mskOflw | mskOsrt | mskMspw | mskNsh | mskRpd | mskSpf | mskRtf | mskMtre | mskMtro; /** * string to afi mask * * @param s string * @return afi mask */ public final static long string2mask(String s) { cmds c = new cmds("afi", s); return string2mask(c); } /** * string to afi mask * * @param c string * @return afi mask */ public final static long string2mask(cmds c) { long i = 0; for (;;) { String a = c.word(); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } if (a.equals("all")) { i |= mskAll; } if (a.equals("none")) { i = 0; } if (a.equals("unicast")) { i |= mskUni; } if (a.equals("labeled")) { i |= mskLab; } if (a.equals("ctp")) { i |= mskCtp; } if (a.equals("car")) { i |= mskCar; } if (a.equals("multicast")) { i |= mskMlt; } if (a.equals("flowspec")) { i |= mskFlw; } if (a.equals("vpnuni")) { i |= mskVpnU; } if (a.equals("vpnmlt")) { i |= mskVpnM; } if (a.equals("vpnflw")) { i |= mskVpnF; } if (a.equals("vpls")) { i |= mskVpls; } if (a.equals("mspw")) { i |= mskMspw; } if (a.equals("evpn")) { i |= mskEvpn; } if (a.equals("mdt")) { i |= mskMdt; } if (a.equals("nsh")) { i |= mskNsh; } if (a.equals("rpd")) { i |= mskRpd; } if (a.equals("spf")) { i |= mskSpf; } if (a.equals("rtfilter")) { i |= mskRtf; } if (a.equals("srte")) { i |= mskSrte; } if (a.equals("linkstate")) { i |= mskLnks; } if (a.equals("mvpn")) { i |= mskMvpn; } if (a.equals("mtree")) { i |= mskMtre; } if (a.equals("omtree")) { i |= mskMtro; } if (a.equals("omvpn")) { i |= mskMvpo; } if (a.equals("ovpnuni")) { i |= mskVpoU; } if (a.equals("ovpnmlt")) { i |= mskVpoM; } if (a.equals("ovpnflw")) { i |= mskVpoF; } if (a.equals("olab")) { i |= mskOlab; } if (a.equals("octp")) { i |= mskOctp; } if (a.equals("ocar")) { i |= mskOcar; } if (a.equals("ouni")) { i |= mskOuni; } if (a.equals("omlt")) { i |= mskOmlt; } if (a.equals("oflw")) { i |= mskOflw; } if (a.equals("osrt")) { i |= mskOsrt; } } i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskUni, mskLab); i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskUni, mskCtp); i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskUni, mskCar); i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskLab, mskCtp); i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskLab, mskCar); i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskCtp, mskCar); i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskOuni, mskOlab); i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskOuni, mskOctp); i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskOuni, mskOcar); i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskOlab, mskOctp); i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskOlab, mskOcar); i = exclusiveMsk(i, mskOctp, mskOcar); return i; } private static long exclusiveMsk(long cur, long bck, long pri) { if ((cur & bck) == 0) { return cur; } if ((cur & pri) == 0) { return cur; } return cur - bck; } /** * afi mask to string * * @param i afi mask * @return string */ public final static String mask2string(long i) { String a = ""; if ((i & mskUni) != 0) { a += " unicast"; } if ((i & mskLab) != 0) { a += " labeled"; } if ((i & mskCtp) != 0) { a += " ctp"; } if ((i & mskCar) != 0) { a += " car"; } if ((i & mskMlt) != 0) { a += " multicast"; } if ((i & mskOlab) != 0) { a += " olab"; } if ((i & mskOctp) != 0) { a += " octp"; } if ((i & mskOcar) != 0) { a += " ocar"; } if ((i & mskOuni) != 0) { a += " ouni"; } if ((i & mskOmlt) != 0) { a += " omlt"; } if ((i & mskFlw) != 0) { a += " flowspec"; } if ((i & mskOflw) != 0) { a += " oflw"; } if ((i & mskVpnU) != 0) { a += " vpnuni"; } if ((i & mskVpnM) != 0) { a += " vpnmlt"; } if ((i & mskVpnF) != 0) { a += " vpnflw"; } if ((i & mskVpoU) != 0) { a += " ovpnuni"; } if ((i & mskVpoM) != 0) { a += " ovpnmlt"; } if ((i & mskVpoF) != 0) { a += " ovpnflw"; } if ((i & mskVpls) != 0) { a += " vpls"; } if ((i & mskMspw) != 0) { a += " mspw"; } if ((i & mskEvpn) != 0) { a += " evpn"; } if ((i & mskMdt) != 0) { a += " mdt"; } if ((i & mskNsh) != 0) { a += " nsh"; } if ((i & mskRpd) != 0) { a += " rpd"; } if ((i & mskSpf) != 0) { a += " spf"; } if ((i & mskRtf) != 0) { a += " rtfilter"; } if ((i & mskSrte) != 0) { a += " srte"; } if ((i & mskOsrt) != 0) { a += " osrt"; } if ((i & mskLnks) != 0) { a += " linkstate"; } if ((i & mskMvpn) != 0) { a += " mvpn"; } if ((i & mskMvpo) != 0) { a += " omvpn"; } if ((i & mskMtre) != 0) { a += " mtree"; } if ((i & mskMtro) != 0) { a += " omtree"; } return a; } /** * get list of address families * * @param hl helping * @param beg beginning * @param end ending * @param all all, none */ public static void getAfiList(userHelping hl, String beg, String end, boolean all) { if (all) { hl.add(null, beg + " all all address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " none no address family to " + end); } hl.add(null, beg + " unicast address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " labeled address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " ctp address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " car address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " olab address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " octp address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " ocar address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " ouni address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " omlt address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " oflw address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " osrt address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " multicast address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " flowspec address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " vpnuni address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " vpnmlt address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " vpnflw address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " ovpnuni address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " ovpnmlt address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " ovpnflw address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " vpls address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " mspw address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " evpn address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " mdt address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " nsh address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " rpd address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " spf address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " rtfilter address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " srte address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " linkstate address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " mvpn address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " omvpn address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " mtree address family to " + end); hl.add(null, beg + " omtree address family to " + end); } /** * create parameter container * * @param parent bgp process * @param temp template or not */ public rtrBgpParam(rtrBgp parent, boolean temp) { lower = parent; isTemplate = temp; if (lower != null) { localAs = lower.localAs; addrFams = lower.addrFams; } wideAsPath = true; routeRefreshOld = true; routeRefreshNew = true; allowAsOut = true; dmzLinkBw = -1; spfMetric = 10; randomStartF = 2; randomStartL = 15; socketMode = 3; bufferSize = 65536; ttlSecurity = -1; tosValue = -1; leakRole = -1; rpkiIn = 0; rpkiOut = 0; vpkiIn = 0; vpkiOut = 0; keyId = -1; passwd = null; capaNego = true; trackNxthop = true; keepAlive = 60 * 1000; holdTimer = keepAlive * 3; } /** * copy parameters * * @param src source where from copy */ public void copyFrom(rtrBgpParam src) { remoteAs = src.remoteAs; remoteAny = src.remoteAny; localAs = src.localAs; addrFams = src.addrFams; template = src.template; description = src.description; fallOver = src.fallOver; attribFilter = src.attribFilter; remoteConfed = src.remoteConfed; reflectClnt = src.reflectClnt; dmzLinkBw = src.dmzLinkBw; spfMetric = src.spfMetric; spfStub = src.spfStub; randomStartF = src.randomStartF; randomStartL = src.randomStartL; distance = src.distance; keepAlive = src.keepAlive; holdTimer = src.holdTimer; srcIface = src.srcIface; shutdown = src.shutdown; monitor = src.monitor; dump = src.dump; otherAdr = src.otherAdr; keyId = src.keyId; passwd = src.passwd; accIgp = src.accIgp; entrLab = src.entrLab; traffEng = src.traffEng; pmsiTun = src.pmsiTun; connect = src.connect; peDist = src.peDist; pathLim = src.pathLim; nshChain = src.nshChain; bfdDiscr = src.bfdDiscr; tunEnc = src.tunEnc; lnkSta = src.lnkSta; attribSet = src.attribSet; endChanges = src.endChanges; hopChanges = src.hopChanges; unknownsColl = src.unknownsColl; unknownsLog = src.unknownsLog; unknownsOut = src.unknownsOut; unknownsIn = src.unknownsIn; ipInfoCfg = src.ipInfoCfg; segRout = src.segRout; bier = src.bier; wideAsPath = src.wideAsPath; routeRefreshOld = src.routeRefreshOld; routeRefreshNew = src.routeRefreshNew; egressEng = src.egressEng; leakRole = src.leakRole; leakAttr = src.leakAttr; rpkiIn = src.rpkiIn; rpkiOut = src.rpkiOut; vpkiIn = src.vpkiIn; vpkiOut = src.vpkiOut; leakForce = src.leakForce; labelPop = src.labelPop; capaNego = src.capaNego; trackNxthop = src.trackNxthop; bfdTrigger = src.bfdTrigger; backupPeer = src.backupPeer; softReconfig = src.softReconfig; graceRestart = src.graceRestart; llGraceRestart = src.llGraceRestart; multiLabel = src.multiLabel; extNextCur = src.extNextCur; extNextOtr = src.extNextOtr; hostname = src.hostname; software =; extOpen = src.extOpen; extUpdate = src.extUpdate; unidirection = src.unidirection; compressMode = src.compressMode; dynamicCapab = src.dynamicCapab; socketMode = src.socketMode; bufferSize = src.bufferSize; ttlSecurity = src.ttlSecurity; tosValue = src.tosValue; addpathRmode = src.addpathRmode; addpathTmode = src.addpathTmode; sendDefRou = src.sendDefRou; sendOtrDefRou = src.sendOtrDefRou; nxtHopUnchgd = src.nxtHopUnchgd; nxtHopPeer = src.nxtHopPeer; nxtHopSelf = src.nxtHopSelf; nxtHopMltlb = src.nxtHopMltlb; sendCommunity = src.sendCommunity; intVpnClnt = src.intVpnClnt; allowAsIn = src.allowAsIn; allowAsOut = src.allowAsOut; rtfilterIn = src.rtfilterIn; rtfilterOut = src.rtfilterOut; rtfilterUsed = src.rtfilterUsed; advertIntTx = src.advertIntTx; advertIntRx = src.advertIntRx; serverClnt = src.serverClnt; dampenWthd = src.dampenWthd; dampenAnno = src.dampenAnno; dampenMinp = src.dampenMinp; dampenMaxp = src.dampenMaxp; dampenSupp = src.dampenSupp; dampenReus = src.dampenReus; dampenHalf = src.dampenHalf; if (src.lengthChanges == null) { lengthChanges = null; } else { lengthChanges = src.lengthChanges.copyBytes(); } if (src.dampenPfxs == null) { dampenPfxs = null; } else { if (dampenPfxs == null) { dampenPfxs = new tabGen(); } } maxClones = src.maxClones; maxPrxInCnt = src.maxPrxInCnt; maxPrxInPrc = src.maxPrxInPrc; maxPrxOutCnt = src.maxPrxOutCnt; maxPrxOutPrc = src.maxPrxOutPrc; enforceFirst = src.enforceFirst; removePrivAsOut = src.removePrivAsOut; removePrivAsIn = src.removePrivAsIn; ungrpRemAs = src.ungrpRemAs; overridePeerOut = src.overridePeerOut; overridePeerIn = src.overridePeerIn; prflstIn = src.prflstIn; prflstOut = src.prflstOut; roumapIn = src.roumapIn; roumapOut = src.roumapOut; roupolIn = src.roupolIn; roupolOut = src.roupolOut; oprflstIn = src.oprflstIn; oprflstOut = src.oprflstOut; oroumapIn = src.oroumapIn; oroumapOut = src.oroumapOut; oroupolIn = src.oroupolIn; oroupolOut = src.oroupolOut; vroumapIn = src.vroumapIn; vroumapOut = src.vroumapOut; vroupolIn = src.vroupolIn; vroupolOut = src.vroupolOut; wroumapIn = src.wroumapIn; wroumapOut = src.wroumapOut; wroupolIn = src.wroupolIn; wroupolOut = src.wroupolOut; eroumapIn = src.eroumapIn; eroumapOut = src.eroumapOut; eroupolIn = src.eroupolIn; eroupolOut = src.eroupolOut; } /** * check if rtfilter needed * * @param afi afi in question * @return true if yes, false if not */ public boolean shouldRtfilter(int afi) { return (afi == lower.afiVpnU) || (afi == lower.afiVpoU) || (afi == lower.afiVpnM) || (afi == lower.afiVpoM) || (afi == lower.afiVpnF) || (afi == lower.afiVpoF) || (afi == lower.afiVpls) || (afi == lower.afiEvpn); } /** * check if same output will produced * * @param src where to compare * @return false if same, true if differs */ public boolean sameOutput(rtrBgpParam src) { if (!allowAsOut) { if (remoteAs != src.remoteAs) { return true; } } if (overridePeerOut) { if (remoteAs != src.remoteAs) { return true; } } if (ungrpRemAs) { if (remoteAs != src.remoteAs) { return true; } } if (localAs != src.localAs) { return true; } if (addrFams != src.addrFams) { return true; } if (leakAttr != src.leakAttr) { return true; } if (leakRole != src.leakRole) { return true; } if (rpkiOut != src.rpkiOut) { return true; } if (remoteConfed != src.remoteConfed) { return true; } if (reflectClnt != src.reflectClnt) { return true; } if (serverClnt != src.serverClnt) { return true; } if (intVpnClnt != src.intVpnClnt) { return true; } if (accIgp != src.accIgp) { return true; } if (entrLab != src.entrLab) { return true; } if (traffEng != src.traffEng) { return true; } if (pmsiTun != src.pmsiTun) { return true; } if (connect != src.connect) { return true; } if (peDist != src.peDist) { return true; } if (pathLim != src.pathLim) { return true; } if (nshChain != src.nshChain) { return true; } if (bfdDiscr != src.bfdDiscr) { return true; } if (tunEnc != src.tunEnc) { return true; } if (lnkSta != src.lnkSta) { return true; } if (attribSet != src.attribSet) { return true; } if (unknownsOut != src.unknownsOut) { return true; } if (labelPop != src.labelPop) { return true; } if (segRout != src.segRout) { return true; } if (bier != src.bier) { return true; } if (addpathTmode != src.addpathTmode) { return true; } if (sendOtrDefRou != src.sendOtrDefRou) { return true; } if (sendDefRou != src.sendDefRou) { return true; } if (nxtHopUnchgd != src.nxtHopUnchgd) { return true; } if (nxtHopSelf != src.nxtHopSelf) { return true; } if (nxtHopMltlb != src.nxtHopMltlb) { return true; } if (sendCommunity != src.sendCommunity) { return true; } if (allowAsOut != src.allowAsOut) { return true; } if (rtfilterOut != src.rtfilterOut) { return true; } if (removePrivAsOut != src.removePrivAsOut) { return true; } if (overridePeerOut != src.overridePeerOut) { return true; } if (prflstOut == null) { if (src.prflstOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.prflstOut == null) { return true; } if (!prflstOut.listName.equals(src.prflstOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (roumapOut == null) { if (src.roumapOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.roumapOut == null) { return true; } if (!roumapOut.listName.equals(src.roumapOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (roupolOut == null) { if (src.roupolOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.roupolOut == null) { return true; } if (!roupolOut.listName.equals(src.roupolOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (oprflstOut == null) { if (src.oprflstOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.oprflstOut == null) { return true; } if (!oprflstOut.listName.equals(src.oprflstOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (oroumapOut == null) { if (src.oroumapOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.oroumapOut == null) { return true; } if (!oroumapOut.listName.equals(src.oroumapOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (oroupolOut == null) { if (src.oroupolOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.oroupolOut == null) { return true; } if (!oroupolOut.listName.equals(src.oroupolOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (vroumapOut == null) { if (src.vroumapOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.vroumapOut == null) { return true; } if (!vroumapOut.listName.equals(src.vroumapOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (vroupolOut == null) { if (src.vroupolOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.vroupolOut == null) { return true; } if (!vroupolOut.listName.equals(src.vroupolOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (wroumapOut == null) { if (src.wroumapOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.wroumapOut == null) { return true; } if (!wroumapOut.listName.equals(src.wroumapOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (wroupolOut == null) { if (src.wroupolOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.wroupolOut == null) { return true; } if (!wroupolOut.listName.equals(src.wroupolOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (eroumapOut == null) { if (src.eroumapOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.eroumapOut == null) { return true; } if (!eroumapOut.listName.equals(src.eroumapOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (eroupolOut == null) { if (src.eroupolOut != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.eroupolOut == null) { return true; } if (!eroupolOut.listName.equals(src.eroupolOut.listName)) { return true; } } if (rtfilterUsed == null) { if (src.rtfilterUsed != null) { return true; } } else { if (src.rtfilterUsed == null) { return true; } if (rtfilterUsed.differs(tabRoute.addType.never, src.rtfilterUsed)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * get parameter help * * @param l list to append */ public static void getParamHelp(userHelping l) { l.add(null, "3 4 remote-as remote as number"); l.add(null, "4 5,. any any autonomous system number"); l.add(null, "4 5,. autonomous system number"); l.add(null, "5 . shutdown connection disabled for this peer"); l.add(null, "3 4 password set session password"); l.add(null, "4 4,. password to use"); l.add(null, "3 4 authen-type set authentication type"); l.add(null, "4 . md5 legacy password option"); l.add(null, "4 5 sha1 ao password with sha1"); l.add(null, "5 . key id"); l.add(null, "3 . shutdown connection disabled for this peer"); l.add(null, "3 4 description describe this neighbor"); l.add(null, "4 4,. description of neighbor"); l.add(null, "3 4 update-source connection source for this peer"); l.add(null, "4 . name of interface"); l.add(null, "3 4 address-family specify address families"); getAfiList(l, "4 4,.", "use", true); l.add(null, "3 4 monitor bgp monitor protocol for this peer"); l.add(null, "4 . name of bmp"); l.add(null, "3 4 other-address address of peer in the other afi"); l.add(null, "4 . other address"); l.add(null, "3 4 dump bgp dump for this peer"); l.add(null, "4 . name of mrt"); l.add(null, "3 4 buffer-size size of buffer"); l.add(null, "4 . bytes in buffer"); l.add(null, "3 4 ttl-security sending ttl value"); l.add(null, "4 . ttl value"); l.add(null, "3 4 tos-value sending tos value"); l.add(null, "4 . tos value"); l.add(null, "3 4 egress-engineering set egress engineering"); l.add(null, "4 . index value"); l.add(null, "3 4 rpki-in rpki ingress extcomm mode"); l.add(null, "4 . transparent pass everything unmodified"); l.add(null, "4 . accept accept remote markings"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-unset remove remote markings"); l.add(null, "4 . onlymiss rewrite if miss markings"); l.add(null, "4 . rewrite always rewrite markings"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-valid fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-invalid fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-unknown fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "3 4 rpki-out rpki egress extcomm mode"); l.add(null, "4 . transparent pass everything unmodified"); l.add(null, "4 . accept accept remote markings"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-unset remove remote markings"); l.add(null, "4 . rewrite always rewrite markings"); l.add(null, "4 . onlymiss rewrite if miss markings"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-valid fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-invalid fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-unknown fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "3 4 rpki-vpn-in rpki ingress extcomm mode"); l.add(null, "4 . transparent pass everything unmodified"); l.add(null, "4 . accept accept remote markings"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-unset remove remote markings"); l.add(null, "4 . onlymiss rewrite if miss markings"); l.add(null, "4 . rewrite always rewrite markings"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-valid fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-invalid fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-unknown fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "3 4 rpki-vpn-out rpki egress extcomm mode"); l.add(null, "4 . transparent pass everything unmodified"); l.add(null, "4 . accept accept remote markings"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-unset remove remote markings"); l.add(null, "4 . rewrite always rewrite markings"); l.add(null, "4 . onlymiss rewrite if miss markings"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-valid fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-invalid fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "4 . fix-unknown fixed rewrite"); l.add(null, "3 4 leak-role remote leak prevention role"); l.add(null, "4 5,. disabled disable processing"); l.add(null, "5 . enforce enforce negotiation"); l.add(null, "4 5,. attrib only send otc attribute"); l.add(null, "5 . enforce enforce negotiation"); l.add(null, "4 5,. provider provider"); l.add(null, "5 . enforce enforce negotiation"); l.add(null, "4 5,. ix-server route server"); l.add(null, "5 . enforce enforce negotiation"); l.add(null, "4 5,. ix-client route server client"); l.add(null, "5 . enforce enforce negotiation"); l.add(null, "4 5,. customer customer"); l.add(null, "5 . enforce enforce negotiation"); l.add(null, "4 5,. peer peer"); l.add(null, "5 . enforce enforce negotiation"); l.add(null, "3 . capability-negotiation perform capability negosiation"); l.add(null, "3 . track-next-hop perform next hop tracking"); l.add(null, "3 4 connection-mode connection mode allowed"); l.add(null, "4 . active this router will initiate session"); l.add(null, "4 . passive remote router will initiate session"); l.add(null, "4 . both both modes allowed"); l.add(null, "3 . dynamic-capability allow dynamic capability exchange"); l.add(null, "3 4 compression compression mode allowed"); l.add(null, "4 . none not allowed"); l.add(null, "4 . receive receive direction"); l.add(null, "4 . transmit transmit direction"); l.add(null, "4 . both both directions"); l.add(null, "3 4 additional-path-rx additional path receive mode"); getAfiList(l, "4 4,.", "use", true); l.add(null, "3 4 additional-path-tx additional path transmit mode"); getAfiList(l, "4 4,.", "use", true); l.add(null, "3 . route-reflector-client reflect routes to this client"); l.add(null, "3 . confederation-peer confederation peer"); l.add(null, "3 . default-originate send default route to peer"); l.add(null, "3 . other-default-originate send other default route to peer"); l.add(null, "3 . aigp send accumulated igp attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . entropy send entropy label attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . traffeng send traffic engineering attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . pmsitun send provider multicast service interface tunnel attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . connector send connector attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . pe-distinguisher send pe distinguisher attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . aspath-limit send as path limit attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . nsh-chain send nsh service chain attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . bfd-discriminator send bfd discriminator attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . tunenc send tunnel encapsulation attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . linkstate send link state attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . attribset send attribute set attribute"); l.add(null, "3 4 unknowns-collect bgp dump to use"); l.add(null, "4 . name of mrt"); l.add(null, "3 4 unknowns-out send unknown attributes"); l.add(null, "4 . allowed attributes"); l.add(null, "3 4 unknowns-in receive unknown attributes"); l.add(null, "4 . allowed attributes"); l.add(null, "3 . unknowns-log log received unknown attributes"); l.add(null, "3 . log-end-changes log received origin asn changes"); l.add(null, "3 . log-nexthop-changes log received origin hop changes"); l.add(null, "3 4 log-length-changes log received aspath length changes"); l.add(null, "4 . path length"); l.add(null, "4 . all any value"); l.add(null, "3 . label-pop advertise pop label"); l.add(null, "3 . lookup-database lookup rib before accepting"); l.add(null, "3 . lookup-reverse lookup dns before accepting"); secInfoUtl.getHelp(l, 3, "ipinfo check peers"); l.add(null, "3 . segrout send segment routing attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . bier send bier attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . wide-aspath send wide aspath attribute"); l.add(null, "3 . route-refresh-original send original route refresh capability"); l.add(null, "3 . route-refresh-enhanced send enhanced route refresh capability"); l.add(null, "3 . internal-vpn-client preserve attributes from peer"); l.add(null, "3 . allow-as-in allow my as to relearn from peer"); l.add(null, "3 . allow-as-out allow peer as to advertised out"); l.add(null, "3 . route-target-filter-in use collected route target filters"); l.add(null, "3 . route-target-filter-out honor advertised route target filters"); l.add(null, "3 . enforce-first-as discard unprepended aspath from peer"); l.add(null, "3 . route-server-client unmodified attributes to this client"); l.add(null, "3 . remove-private-as-out remove private as to peer"); l.add(null, "3 . ungroup-remoteas consider remote asn while grouping peers"); l.add(null, "3 . remove-private-as-in remove private as from peer"); l.add(null, "3 . override-peer-as-out replace peer as to peer"); l.add(null, "3 . override-peer-as-in replace peer as from peer"); l.add(null, "3 . next-hop-unchanged send next hop unchanged to peer"); l.add(null, "3 . next-hop-multilabel send multiple labels to peer"); l.add(null, "3 . next-hop-self send next hop myself to peer"); l.add(null, "3 . next-hop-peer set next hop to peer address"); l.add(null, "3 4 proxy-profile proxy profile to use"); l.add(null, "4 5 proxy profile name"); l.add(null, "5 6 remote address"); l.add(null, "6 . remote port"); l.add(null, "3 4 backup-peer keep down if an other peer is up"); l.add(null, "4 . other address"); l.add(null, "3 4,. bfd-trigger enable bfd triggered down"); l.add(null, "4 . strict enable strict bfd triggered down"); l.add(null, "3 4 multiple-labels advertise multiple labels capability"); getAfiList(l, "4 4,.", "use", true); l.add(null, "3 4 graceful-restart advertise graceful restart capability"); getAfiList(l, "4 4,.", "use", true); l.add(null, "3 4 longlived-graceful advertise long lived graceful restart capability"); getAfiList(l, "4 4,.", "use", true); l.add(null, "3 4 extended-nexthop-current advertise extended nexthop capability"); getAfiList(l, "4 4,.", "use", true); l.add(null, "3 4 extended-nexthop-other advertise extended nexthop capability"); getAfiList(l, "4 4,.", "use", true); l.add(null, "3 4,. hostname advertise hostname capability"); l.add(null, "4 . domain advertise domain too"); l.add(null, "3 . software advertise software version capability"); l.add(null, "3 . extended-open send open in extended format"); l.add(null, "3 . extended-update advertise extended update capability"); l.add(null, "3 . unidirection not advertise when receiving"); l.add(null, "3 . fall-over track outgoing interface"); l.add(null, "3 4 attribute-filter filter received attributes"); l.add(null, "4 . filtered attributes"); l.add(null, "3 . soft-reconfiguration enable soft reconfiguration"); l.add(null, "3 4 maximum-clones maximum number of accepted neighbors"); l.add(null, "4 . prefix count"); l.add(null, "3 4 maximum-prefix-in maximum number of accepted prefixes"); l.add(null, "4 5 prefix count"); l.add(null, "5 . warning percent"); l.add(null, "3 4 maximum-prefix-out maximum number of advertised prefixes"); l.add(null, "4 5 prefix count"); l.add(null, "5 . warning percent"); l.add(null, "3 4 dampening route flap dampening of prefixes"); l.add(null, "4 5 withdraw penalty"); l.add(null, "5 6 announce penalty"); l.add(null, "6 7 minimum penalty"); l.add(null, "7 8 maximum penalty"); l.add(null, "8 9 suppress threshold"); l.add(null, "9 10 reuse threshold"); l.add(null, "10 . half life time in ms"); l.add(null, "3 4 send-community send community to peer"); l.add(null, "4 4,. standard send standard community"); l.add(null, "4 4,. extended send extended community"); l.add(null, "4 4,. large send large community"); l.add(null, "4 4,. both send std+ext communities"); l.add(null, "4 4,. all send std+ext+lrg communities"); l.add(null, "4 4,. none send no community"); l.add(null, "3 4 local-as local as number"); l.add(null, "4 . autonomous system number"); l.add(null, "3 4 advertisement-interval-tx time between sending updates"); l.add(null, "3 4 advertisement-interval-rx time between receiving updates"); l.add(null, "4 . interval in ms"); l.add(null, "3 4 dmz-link-bw set dmz link bandwidth"); l.add(null, "4 . link bandwidth in kb"); l.add(null, "3 . spf-stub stub peer"); l.add(null, "3 4 spf-metric set spf metric"); l.add(null, "4 . link metric"); l.add(null, "3 4 randomize-startup set session startup timers"); l.add(null, "4 5 minimum in ms"); l.add(null, "5 . maximum in ms"); l.add(null, "3 4 timer neighbor keepalive times"); l.add(null, "4 5 keepalive in ms"); l.add(null, "5 . hold time in ms"); l.add(null, "3 4 distance administrative distance of routes"); l.add(null, "4 . set administrative distance"); l.add(null, "3 4 route-map-in process prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "3 4 route-map-out process prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "3 4 route-policy-in process prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "3 4 route-policy-out process prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "3 4 prefix-list-in filter prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of prefix list"); l.add(null, "3 4 prefix-list-out filter prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of prefix list"); l.add(null, "3 4 other-route-map-in process other prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "3 4 other-route-map-out process other prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "3 4 other-route-policy-in process other prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "3 4 other-route-policy-out process other prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "3 4 other-prefix-list-in filter other prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of prefix list"); l.add(null, "3 4 other-prefix-list-out filter other prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of prefix list"); l.add(null, "3 4 vpn-route-map-in process vpn prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "3 4 vpn-route-map-out process vpn prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "3 4 vpn-route-policy-in process vpn prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "3 4 vpn-route-policy-out process vpn prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "3 4 ovpn-route-map-in process other vpn prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "3 4 ovpn-route-map-out process other vpn prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "3 4 ovpn-route-policy-in process other vpn prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "3 4 ovpn-route-policy-out process other vpn prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "3 4 evpn-route-map-in process evpn prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "3 4 evpn-route-map-out process evpn prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route map"); l.add(null, "3 4 evpn-route-policy-in process evpn prefixes in ingress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route policy"); l.add(null, "3 4 evpn-route-policy-out process evpn prefixes in egress updates"); l.add(null, "4 . name of route policy"); } /** * get configuration * * @param beg beginning * @param nei prepending * @param filter filter defaults * @return list of text */ public List getParamCfg(String beg, String nei, int filter) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (template == null) { l.add(beg + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + nei + "template"); } else { l.add(beg + nei + "template " + template.tempName); } String s = "" + bits.num2str(remoteAs); if (remoteAny) { s = "any"; } l.add(beg + nei + "remote-as " + s); cmds.cfgLine(l, description == null, beg, nei + "description", description); if (keyId < 0) { l.add(beg + nei + "authen-type md5"); } else { l.add(beg + nei + "authen-type sha1 " + keyId); } cmds.cfgLine(l, passwd == null, beg, nei + "password", authLocal.passwdEncode(passwd, (filter & 2) != 0)); l.add(beg + nei + "local-as " + bits.num2str(localAs)); secInfoUtl.getConfig(l, ipInfoCfg, beg + nei + "ipinfo "); l.add(beg + nei + "advertisement-interval-tx " + advertIntTx); l.add(beg + nei + "advertisement-interval-rx " + advertIntRx); l.add(beg + nei + "address-family" + mask2string(addrFams)); l.add(beg + nei + "distance " + distance); l.add(beg + nei + "timer " + keepAlive + " " + holdTimer); l.add(beg + nei + "dmz-link-bw " + dmzLinkBw); l.add(beg + nei + "spf-metric " + spfMetric); cmds.cfgLine(l, !spfStub, beg, nei + "spf-stub", ""); l.add(beg + nei + "randomize-startup " + randomStartF + " " + randomStartL); switch (socketMode) { case 1: s = "active"; break; case 2: s = "passive"; break; default: s = "both"; break; } l.add(beg + nei + "connection-mode " + s); cmds.cfgLine(l, !dynamicCapab, beg, nei + "dynamic-capability", ""); switch (compressMode) { case 1: s = "receive"; break; case 2: s = "transmit"; break; case 3: s = "both"; break; default: s = "none"; break; } cmds.cfgLine(l, compressMode == 0, beg, nei + "compression", s); l.add(beg + nei + "buffer-size " + bufferSize); l.add(beg + nei + "ttl-security " + ttlSecurity); l.add(beg + nei + "tos-value " + tosValue); l.add(beg + nei + "additional-path-rx" + mask2string(addpathRmode)); l.add(beg + nei + "additional-path-tx" + mask2string(addpathTmode)); cmds.cfgLine(l, !shutdown, beg, nei + "shutdown", ""); if (srcIface == null) { l.add(beg + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + nei + "update-source"); } else { l.add(beg + nei + "update-source " +; } if (monitor == null) { l.add(beg + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + nei + "monitor"); } else { l.add(beg + nei + "monitor " + monitor.monName); } if (dump == null) { l.add(beg + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + nei + "dump"); } else { l.add(beg + nei + "dump " + dump.dumpName); } cmds.cfgLine(l, otherAdr == null, beg, nei + "other-address", "" + otherAdr); cmds.cfgLine(l, backupPeer == null, beg, nei + "backup-peer", "" + backupPeer); cmds.cfgLine(l, proxy2use == null, beg, nei + "proxy-profile", proxy2use + " " + proxy2adr + " " + proxy2prt); if (bfdTrigger == 2) { s = "strict"; } else { s = ""; } cmds.cfgLine(l, bfdTrigger == 0, beg, nei + "bfd-trigger", s); cmds.cfgLine(l, !ungrpRemAs, beg, nei + "ungroup-remoteas", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !softReconfig, beg, nei + "soft-reconfiguration", ""); l.add(beg + nei + "multiple-labels" + mask2string(multiLabel)); l.add(beg + nei + "graceful-restart" + mask2string(graceRestart)); l.add(beg + nei + "longlived-graceful" + mask2string(llGraceRestart)); l.add(beg + nei + "extended-nexthop-current" + mask2string(extNextCur)); l.add(beg + nei + "extended-nexthop-other" + mask2string(extNextOtr)); s = ""; if (hostname > 1) { s = "domain"; } cmds.cfgLine(l, hostname < 1, beg, nei + "hostname", s); cmds.cfgLine(l, !software, beg, nei + "software", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !extOpen, beg, nei + "extended-open", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !extUpdate, beg, nei + "extended-update", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !unidirection, beg, nei + "unidirection", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !fallOver, beg, nei + "fall-over", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, attribFilter == null, beg, nei + "attribute-filter", "" + attribFilter); cmds.cfgLine(l, !sendDefRou, beg, nei + "default-originate", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !sendOtrDefRou, beg, nei + "other-default-originate", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !intVpnClnt, beg, nei + "internal-vpn-client", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !allowAsIn, beg, nei + "allow-as-in", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !allowAsOut, beg, nei + "allow-as-out", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !rtfilterIn, beg, nei + "route-target-filter-in", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !rtfilterOut, beg, nei + "route-target-filter-out", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !enforceFirst, beg, nei + "enforce-first-as", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, maxClones < 1, beg, nei + "maximum-clones", "" + maxClones); cmds.cfgLine(l, maxPrxInCnt < 1, beg, nei + "maximum-prefix-in", maxPrxInCnt + " " + maxPrxInPrc); cmds.cfgLine(l, maxPrxOutCnt < 1, beg, nei + "maximum-prefix-out", maxPrxOutCnt + " " + maxPrxOutPrc); cmds.cfgLine(l, (dampenWthd + dampenAnno) < 1, beg, nei + "dampening", dampenWthd + " " + dampenAnno + " " + dampenMinp + " " + dampenMaxp + " " + dampenSupp + " " + dampenReus + " " + dampenHalf); cmds.cfgLine(l, !serverClnt, beg, nei + "route-server-client", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !removePrivAsOut, beg, nei + "remove-private-as-out", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !removePrivAsIn, beg, nei + "remove-private-as-in", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !overridePeerOut, beg, nei + "override-peer-as-out", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !overridePeerIn, beg, nei + "override-peer-as-in", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !accIgp, beg, nei + "aigp", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !entrLab, beg, nei + "entropy", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !traffEng, beg, nei + "traffeng", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !pmsiTun, beg, nei + "pmsitun", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !connect, beg, nei + "connector", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !peDist, beg, nei + "pe-distinguisher", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !pathLim, beg, nei + "aspath-limit", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !nshChain, beg, nei + "nsh-chain", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !bfdDiscr, beg, nei + "bfd-discriminator", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !tunEnc, beg, nei + "tunenc", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !lnkSta, beg, nei + "linkstate", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !attribSet, beg, nei + "attribset", ""); if (unknownsColl == null) { l.add(beg + cmds.negated + cmds.tabulator + nei + "unknowns-collect"); } else { l.add(beg + nei + "unknowns-collect " + unknownsColl.dumpName); } cmds.cfgLine(l, unknownsOut == null, beg, nei + "unknowns-out", "" + unknownsOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, unknownsIn == null, beg, nei + "unknowns-in", "" + unknownsIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, !unknownsLog, beg, nei + "unknowns-log", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !endChanges, beg, nei + "log-end-changes", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !hopChanges, beg, nei + "log-nexthop-changes", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, lengthChanges == null, beg, nei + "log-length-changes", "" + lengthChanges); cmds.cfgLine(l, !segRout, beg, nei + "segrout", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !bier, beg, nei + "bier", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !wideAsPath, beg, nei + "wide-aspath", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !routeRefreshOld, beg, nei + "route-refresh-original", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !routeRefreshNew, beg, nei + "route-refresh-enhanced", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, egressEng == 0, beg, nei + "egress-engineering", "" + egressEng); s = rtrBgpUtil.leakRole2string(rtrBgpUtil.leakInverter(leakRole), leakAttr); if (leakForce) { s += " enforce"; } l.add(beg + nei + "leak-role " + s); l.add(beg + nei + "rpki-in " + rtrBgpUtil.rpkiMode2string(rpkiIn)); l.add(beg + nei + "rpki-out " + rtrBgpUtil.rpkiMode2string(rpkiOut)); l.add(beg + nei + "rpki-vpn-in " + rtrBgpUtil.rpkiMode2string(vpkiIn)); l.add(beg + nei + "rpki-vpn-out " + rtrBgpUtil.rpkiMode2string(vpkiOut)); cmds.cfgLine(l, !labelPop, beg, nei + "label-pop", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !capaNego, beg, nei + "capability-negotiation", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !trackNxthop, beg, nei + "track-next-hop", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !reflectClnt, beg, nei + "route-reflector-client", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !remoteConfed, beg, nei + "confederation-peer", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !nxtHopUnchgd, beg, nei + "next-hop-unchanged", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !nxtHopMltlb, beg, nei + "next-hop-multilabel", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !nxtHopSelf, beg, nei + "next-hop-self", ""); cmds.cfgLine(l, !nxtHopPeer, beg, nei + "next-hop-peer", ""); switch (sendCommunity) { case 1: s = "standard"; break; case 2: s = "extended"; break; case 3: s = "standard extended"; break; case 4: s = "large"; break; case 5: s = "standard large"; break; case 6: s = "extended large"; break; case 7: s = "all"; break; default: s = "none"; break; } cmds.cfgLine(l, sendCommunity == 0, beg, nei + "send-community", s); cmds.cfgLine(l, prflstIn == null, beg, nei + "prefix-list-in", "" + prflstIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, prflstOut == null, beg, nei + "prefix-list-out", "" + prflstOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, roumapIn == null, beg, nei + "route-map-in", "" + roumapIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, roumapOut == null, beg, nei + "route-map-out", "" + roumapOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, roupolIn == null, beg, nei + "route-policy-in", "" + roupolIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, roupolOut == null, beg, nei + "route-policy-out", "" + roupolOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, oprflstIn == null, beg, nei + "other-prefix-list-in", "" + oprflstIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, oprflstOut == null, beg, nei + "other-prefix-list-out", "" + oprflstOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, oroumapIn == null, beg, nei + "other-route-map-in", "" + oroumapIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, oroumapOut == null, beg, nei + "other-route-map-out", "" + oroumapOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, oroupolIn == null, beg, nei + "other-route-policy-in", "" + oroupolIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, oroupolOut == null, beg, nei + "other-route-policy-out", "" + oroupolOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, vroumapIn == null, beg, nei + "vpn-route-map-in", "" + vroumapIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, vroumapOut == null, beg, nei + "vpn-route-map-out", "" + vroumapOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, vroupolIn == null, beg, nei + "vpn-route-policy-in", "" + vroupolIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, vroupolOut == null, beg, nei + "vpn-route-policy-out", "" + vroupolOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, wroumapIn == null, beg, nei + "ovpn-route-map-in", "" + wroumapIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, wroumapOut == null, beg, nei + "ovpn-route-map-out", "" + wroumapOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, wroupolIn == null, beg, nei + "ovpn-route-policy-in", "" + wroupolIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, wroupolOut == null, beg, nei + "ovpn-route-policy-out", "" + wroupolOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, eroumapIn == null, beg, nei + "evpn-route-map-in", "" + eroumapIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, eroumapOut == null, beg, nei + "evpn-route-map-out", "" + eroumapOut); cmds.cfgLine(l, eroupolIn == null, beg, nei + "evpn-route-policy-in", "" + eroupolIn); cmds.cfgLine(l, eroupolOut == null, beg, nei + "evpn-route-policy-out", "" + eroupolOut); if ((filter & 1) == 0) { return l; } l = userFilter.filterText(l, cfgRtr.defaultF); if (template == null) { return l; } List t = template.getParamCfg(beg, nei, filter); t = userFilter.filterText(t, cfgRtr.defaultF); for (int i = 1; i < t.size(); i++) { String a = t.get(i); int o = l.indexOf(a); if (o < 0) { continue; } l.remove(o); } return l; } /** * template configuration * * @param cmd command to do * @param negated negated */ public abstract void doTempCfg(String cmd, boolean negated); /** * get configuration * * @param l list to append * @param beg beginning * @param filter filter defaults */ public abstract void getConfig(List l, String beg, int filter); /** * check shutdown policy * * @return true if shutdown, false if not */ public boolean checkShutdown() { if (shutdown) { return true; } if (backupPeer != null) { rtrBgpNeigh per = lower.findPeer(backupPeer); if (per != null) { if (per.conn.ready2adv) { return true; } } } if (!lower.safeEbgp) { return false; } if (remoteAs == localAs) { return false; } if ((addrFams & mskUni) != 0) { if ((roumapIn == null) && (roupolIn == null) && (prflstIn == null)) { return true; } if ((roumapOut == null) && (roupolOut == null) && (prflstOut == null)) { return true; } } if ((addrFams & mskOuni) != 0) { if ((oroumapIn == null) && (oroupolIn == null) && (oprflstIn == null)) { return true; } if ((oroumapOut == null) && (oroupolOut == null) && (oprflstOut == null)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * parse configuration command * * @param cmd command to parse * @param negated negated * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean setParamCfg(cmds cmd, boolean negated) { String s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("template")) { if (negated) { template = null; return false; } if (isTemplate) { return true; } rtrBgpTemp t = lower.findTemp(cmd.word()); if (t == null) { cmd.error("no such template"); return false; } copyFrom(t); template = t; shutdown |= cmd.word().equals("shutdown"); return false; } if (isTemplate) { doTempCfg(s + " " + cmd.getRemaining(), negated); } if (s.equals("remote-as")) { s = cmd.word(); remoteAs = bits.str2num(s); if (s.equals("any")) { remoteAs = -1; remoteAny = true; } else { remoteAny = false; } if (negated) { remoteAs = 0; return false; } if (remoteAs == localAs) { distance = lower.distantInt; } else { distance = lower.distantExt; } shutdown |= cmd.word().equals("shutdown"); return false; } if (s.equals("local-as")) { localAs = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { localAs = lower.localAs; } return false; } if (s.equals("address-family")) { addrFams = string2mask(cmd); if (negated) { addrFams = lower.addrFams; } return false; } if (s.equals("update-source")) { if (negated) { srcIface = null; return false; } cfgIfc res = cfgAll.ifcFind(cmd.word(), 0); if (res == null) { cmd.error("no such interface"); return false; } if (res.vrfFor != lower.vrfCore) { cmd.error("in other vrf"); return false; } srcIface = res; return false; } if (s.equals("other-address")) { if (negated) { otherAdr = null; return false; } otherAdr = new addrIP(); otherAdr.fromString(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("dump")) { if (negated) { dump = null; return false; } rtrBgpMrt mon = new rtrBgpMrt(cmd.word()); dump = lower.dmps.find(mon); if (dump == null) { cmd.error("no such dump"); return false; } return false; } if (s.equals("monitor")) { if (negated) { monitor = null; return false; } rtrBgpMon mon = new rtrBgpMon(null, cmd.word()); monitor = lower.mons.find(mon); if (monitor == null) { cmd.error("no such monitor"); return false; } return false; } if (s.equals("authen-type")) { keyId = -1; if (negated) { return false; } if (!cmd.word().equals("sha1")) { return false; } keyId = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("password")) { if (negated) { passwd = null; return false; } passwd = authLocal.passwdDecode(cmd.getRemaining()); return false; } if (s.equals("description")) { if (negated) { description = null; return false; } description = cmd.getRemaining(); return false; } if (s.equals("distance")) { distance = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("dmz-link-bw")) { dmzLinkBw = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { dmzLinkBw = -1; } return false; } if (s.equals("spf-metric")) { spfMetric = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { spfMetric = 10; } return false; } if (s.equals("spf-stub")) { spfStub = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("randomize-startup")) { randomStartF = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); randomStartL = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { randomStartF = 2; randomStartL = 15; } return false; } if (s.equals("timer")) { keepAlive = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); holdTimer = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("proxy-profile")) { if (negated) { proxy2use = null; proxy2adr = null; proxy2prt = 0; return false; } cfgProxy prx = cfgAll.proxyFind(cmd.word(), false); if (prx == null) { cmd.error("no such proxy"); return false; } proxy2adr = new addrIP(); proxy2adr.fromString(cmd.word()); proxy2prt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); proxy2use = prx.proxy; return false; } if (s.equals("backup-peer")) { if (negated) { backupPeer = null; return false; } backupPeer = new addrIP(); backupPeer.fromString(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("bfd-trigger")) { if (negated) { bfdTrigger = 0; return false; } bfdTrigger = 1; if (cmd.word().equals("strict")) { bfdTrigger = 2; } return false; } if (s.equals("soft-reconfiguration")) { softReconfig = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("extended-nexthop-current")) { extNextCur = string2mask(cmd); if (negated) { extNextCur = 0; } return false; } if (s.equals("extended-nexthop-other")) { extNextOtr = string2mask(cmd); if (negated) { extNextOtr = 0; } return false; } if (s.equals("multiple-labels")) { multiLabel = string2mask(cmd); if (negated) { multiLabel = 0; } return false; } if (s.equals("graceful-restart")) { graceRestart = string2mask(cmd); if (negated) { graceRestart = 0; } return false; } if (s.equals("longlived-graceful")) { llGraceRestart = string2mask(cmd); if (negated) { llGraceRestart = 0; } return false; } if (s.equals("hostname")) { if (negated) { hostname = 0; return false; } hostname = 1; s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("domain")) { hostname = 2; } return false; } if (s.equals("software")) { software = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("extended-open")) { extOpen = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("extended-update")) { extUpdate = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("unidirection")) { unidirection = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("shutdown")) { shutdown = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("connection-mode")) { socketMode = 3; if (negated) { return false; } s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("active")) { socketMode = 1; } if (s.equals("passive")) { socketMode = 2; } return false; } if (s.equals("dynamic-capability")) { dynamicCapab = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("compression")) { compressMode = 0; if (negated) { return false; } s = cmd.word(); if (s.equals("receive")) { compressMode = 1; } if (s.equals("transmit")) { compressMode = 2; } if (s.equals("both")) { compressMode = 3; } return false; } if (s.equals("advertisement-interval-tx")) { advertIntTx = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { advertIntTx = 0; } return false; } if (s.equals("advertisement-interval-rx")) { advertIntRx = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (negated) { advertIntRx = 0; } return false; } if (s.equals("ttl-security")) { ttlSecurity = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("tos-value")) { tosValue = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("buffer-size")) { bufferSize = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("additional-path-rx")) { addpathRmode = string2mask(cmd); if (negated) { addpathRmode = 0; return false; } return false; } if (s.equals("additional-path-tx")) { addpathTmode = string2mask(cmd); if (negated) { addpathTmode = 0; return false; } return false; } if (s.equals("internal-vpn-client")) { intVpnClnt = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("allow-as-in")) { allowAsIn = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("allow-as-out")) { allowAsOut = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("route-target-filter-in")) { rtfilterIn = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("route-target-filter-out")) { rtfilterOut = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("enforce-first-as")) { enforceFirst = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("dampening")) { dampenWthd = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); dampenAnno = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); dampenMinp = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); dampenMaxp = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); dampenSupp = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); dampenReus = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); dampenHalf = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); dampenPfxs = new tabGen(); if (!negated) { return false; } dampenWthd = 0; dampenAnno = 0; dampenMinp = 0; dampenMaxp = 0; dampenSupp = 0; dampenReus = 0; dampenHalf = 0; dampenPfxs = null; return false; } if (s.equals("maximum-clones")) { maxClones = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (!negated) { return false; } maxClones = 0; return false; } if (s.equals("maximum-prefix-in")) { maxPrxInCnt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); maxPrxInPrc = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (!negated) { return false; } maxPrxInCnt = 0; maxPrxInPrc = 0; return false; } if (s.equals("maximum-prefix-out")) { maxPrxOutCnt = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); maxPrxOutPrc = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (!negated) { return false; } maxPrxOutCnt = 0; maxPrxOutPrc = 0; return false; } if (s.equals("route-server-client")) { serverClnt = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("aigp")) { accIgp = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("entropy")) { entrLab = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("traffeng")) { traffEng = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("pmsitun")) { pmsiTun = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("connector")) { connect = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("pe-distinguisher")) { peDist = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("aspath-limit")) { pathLim = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("nsh-chain")) { nshChain = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("bfd-discriminator")) { bfdDiscr = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("tunenc")) { tunEnc = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("linkstate")) { lnkSta = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("attribset")) { attribSet = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("unknowns-collect")) { if (negated) { unknownsColl = null; return false; } rtrBgpMrt mon = new rtrBgpMrt(cmd.word()); unknownsColl = lower.dmps.find(mon); if (unknownsColl == null) { cmd.error("no such dump"); return false; } return false; } if (s.equals("unknowns-log")) { unknownsLog = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("log-length-changes")) { if (negated) { lengthChanges = null; return false; } lengthChanges = new tabIntMatcher(); if (lengthChanges.fromString(cmd.word())) { lengthChanges = null; return false; } return false; } if (s.equals("log-end-changes")) { endChanges = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("log-nexthop-changes")) { hopChanges = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("unknowns-out")) { if (negated) { unknownsOut = null; return false; } unknownsOut = new tabIntMatcher(); unknownsOut.fromString(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("unknowns-in")) { if (negated) { unknownsIn = null; return false; } unknownsIn = new tabIntMatcher(); unknownsIn.fromString(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("ipinfo")) { ipInfoCfg = secInfoUtl.doCfgStr(ipInfoCfg, cmd, negated); return false; } if (s.equals("segrout")) { segRout = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("bier")) { bier = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("wide-aspath")) { wideAsPath = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("route-refresh-original")) { routeRefreshOld = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("route-refresh-enhanced")) { routeRefreshNew = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("rpki-in")) { if (negated) { rpkiIn = 0; return false; } rpkiIn = rtrBgpUtil.string2rpkiMode(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("rpki-out")) { if (negated) { rpkiOut = 0; return false; } rpkiOut = rtrBgpUtil.string2rpkiMode(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("rpki-vpn-in")) { if (negated) { vpkiIn = 0; return false; } vpkiIn = rtrBgpUtil.string2rpkiMode(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("rpki-vpn-out")) { if (negated) { vpkiOut = 0; return false; } vpkiOut = rtrBgpUtil.string2rpkiMode(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("leak-role")) { s = cmd.word(); leakRole = -1; leakAttr = false; if (s.equals("disabled")) { leakRole = -1; } if (s.equals("provider")) { leakRole = rtrBgpUtil.roleProv; } if (s.equals("ix-server")) { leakRole = rtrBgpUtil.roleRs; } if (s.equals("ix-client")) { leakRole = rtrBgpUtil.roleRsc; } if (s.equals("customer")) { leakRole = rtrBgpUtil.roleCust; } if (s.equals("peer")) { leakRole = rtrBgpUtil.rolePeer; } if (s.equals("attrib")) { leakAttr = true; } leakRole = rtrBgpUtil.leakInverter(leakRole); leakAttr |= leakRole >= 0; s = cmd.word(); leakForce = s.equals("enforce"); if (!negated) { return false; } leakAttr = false; leakForce = false; leakRole = -1; return false; } if (s.equals("egress-engineering")) { egressEng = bits.str2num(cmd.word()); if (!negated) { return false; } egressEng = 0; return false; } if (s.equals("label-pop")) { labelPop = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("capability-negotiation")) { capaNego = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("track-next-hop")) { trackNxthop = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("ungroup-remoteas")) { ungrpRemAs = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("remove-private-as-out")) { removePrivAsOut = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("remove-private-as-in")) { removePrivAsIn = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("override-peer-as-out")) { overridePeerOut = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("override-peer-as-in")) { overridePeerIn = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("fall-over")) { fallOver = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("attribute-filter")) { if (negated) { attribFilter = null; return false; } attribFilter = new tabIntMatcher(); attribFilter.fromString(cmd.word()); return false; } if (s.equals("confederation-peer")) { remoteConfed = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("next-hop-unchanged")) { nxtHopUnchgd = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("next-hop-multilabel")) { nxtHopMltlb = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("next-hop-self")) { nxtHopSelf = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("next-hop-peer")) { nxtHopPeer = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("send-community")) { sendCommunity = 0; if (negated) { return false; } for (;;) { s = cmd.word(); if (s.length() < 1) { break; } if (s.equals("standard")) { sendCommunity |= 1; continue; } if (s.equals("extended")) { sendCommunity |= 2; continue; } if (s.equals("large")) { sendCommunity |= 4; continue; } if (s.equals("none")) { sendCommunity = 0; continue; } if (s.equals("both")) { sendCommunity |= 3; continue; } if (s.equals("all")) { sendCommunity |= 7; continue; } } return false; } if (s.equals("other-default-originate")) { sendOtrDefRou = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("default-originate")) { sendDefRou = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("route-reflector-client")) { reflectClnt = !negated; return false; } if (s.equals("prefix-list-in")) { if (negated) { prflstIn = null; return false; } cfgPrfxlst ntry = cfgAll.prfxFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such prefix list"); return false; } prflstIn = ntry.prflst; return false; } if (s.equals("prefix-list-out")) { if (negated) { prflstOut = null; return false; } cfgPrfxlst ntry = cfgAll.prfxFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such prefix list"); return false; } prflstOut = ntry.prflst; return false; } if (s.equals("route-map-in")) { if (negated) { roumapIn = null; return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } roumapIn = ntry.roumap; return false; } if (s.equals("route-map-out")) { if (negated) { roumapOut = null; return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } roumapOut = ntry.roumap; return false; } if (s.equals("route-policy-in")) { if (negated) { roupolIn = null; return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } roupolIn = ntry.rouplc; return false; } if (s.equals("route-policy-out")) { if (negated) { roupolOut = null; return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } roupolOut = ntry.rouplc; return false; } if (s.equals("other-prefix-list-in")) { if (negated) { oprflstIn = null; return false; } cfgPrfxlst ntry = cfgAll.prfxFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such prefix list"); return false; } oprflstIn = ntry.prflst; return false; } if (s.equals("other-prefix-list-out")) { if (negated) { oprflstOut = null; return false; } cfgPrfxlst ntry = cfgAll.prfxFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such prefix list"); return false; } oprflstOut = ntry.prflst; return false; } if (s.equals("other-route-map-in")) { if (negated) { oroumapIn = null; return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } oroumapIn = ntry.roumap; return false; } if (s.equals("other-route-map-out")) { if (negated) { oroumapOut = null; return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } oroumapOut = ntry.roumap; return false; } if (s.equals("other-route-policy-in")) { if (negated) { oroupolIn = null; return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } oroupolIn = ntry.rouplc; return false; } if (s.equals("other-route-policy-out")) { if (negated) { oroupolOut = null; return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } oroupolOut = ntry.rouplc; return false; } if (s.equals("vpn-route-map-in")) { if (negated) { vroumapIn = null; return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } vroumapIn = ntry.roumap; return false; } if (s.equals("vpn-route-map-out")) { if (negated) { vroumapOut = null; return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } vroumapOut = ntry.roumap; return false; } if (s.equals("vpn-route-policy-in")) { if (negated) { vroupolIn = null; return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } vroupolIn = ntry.rouplc; return false; } if (s.equals("vpn-route-policy-out")) { if (negated) { vroupolOut = null; return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } vroupolOut = ntry.rouplc; return false; } if (s.equals("ovpn-route-map-in")) { if (negated) { wroumapIn = null; return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } wroumapIn = ntry.roumap; return false; } if (s.equals("ovpn-route-map-out")) { if (negated) { wroumapOut = null; return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } wroumapOut = ntry.roumap; return false; } if (s.equals("ovpn-route-policy-in")) { if (negated) { wroupolIn = null; return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } wroupolIn = ntry.rouplc; return false; } if (s.equals("ovpn-route-policy-out")) { if (negated) { wroupolOut = null; return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } wroupolOut = ntry.rouplc; return false; } if (s.equals("evpn-route-map-in")) { if (negated) { eroumapIn = null; return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } eroumapIn = ntry.roumap; return false; } if (s.equals("evpn-route-map-out")) { if (negated) { eroumapOut = null; return false; } cfgRoump ntry = cfgAll.rtmpFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route map"); return false; } eroumapOut = ntry.roumap; return false; } if (s.equals("evpn-route-policy-in")) { if (negated) { eroupolIn = null; return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } eroupolIn = ntry.rouplc; return false; } if (s.equals("evpn-route-policy-out")) { if (negated) { eroupolOut = null; return false; } cfgRouplc ntry = cfgAll.rtplFind(cmd.word(), false); if (ntry == null) { cmd.error("no such route policy"); return false; } eroupolOut = ntry.rouplc; return false; } return true; } }