package org.freertr.rtr; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv6; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.clnt.clntDns; import org.freertr.clnt.clntWhois; import org.freertr.enc.enc7bit; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor4; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor6; import org.freertr.ip.ipIfc4; import org.freertr.ip.ipIfc6; import org.freertr.pack.packDnsRec; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.prt.prtTcp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.differ; /** * bgp message dumper * * @author matecsaba */ public class rtrBgpDump { private rtrBgpDump() { } /** * update as origin list * * @param lst list to update * @param as asn */ public static void updateAsOrigin(tabGen lst, int as) { rtrBgpFlapAsn res = new rtrBgpFlapAsn(0, as); res.count = 1; rtrBgpFlapAsn old = lst.add(res); if (old == null) { return; } old.count++; } /** * update as graph * * @param loc local asn * @param lst asn list * @param nei neighbor to read * @param safi safi to use */ public static void updateAsGraph(int loc, tabGen lst, rtrBgpNeigh nei, int safi) { if (nei == null) { return; } tabRoute tab = nei.conn.getLearned(safi); if (tab == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < tab.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry prf = tab.get(i); if (prf == null) { continue; } List asl =; int s = asl.size(); int p = loc; for (int o = 0; o < s; o++) { int c = asl.get(o); rtrBgpFlapAsn ntry = new rtrBgpFlapAsn(p, c); p = c; rtrBgpFlapAsn old = lst.add(ntry); if (old != null) { ntry = old; } ntry.count++; } } } /** * draw as tree * * @param res target to append * @param lst list of asn connectivity * @param asn current asn * @param beg beginning */ public static void drawAsTree(List res, tabGen lst, int asn, String beg) { res.add(beg + "`--" + clntWhois.asn2mixed(asn, true)); tabGen cur = new tabGen(); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { rtrBgpFlapAsn ntry = lst.get(i); if (ntry.count < 0) { continue; } if (ntry.prev != asn) { continue; } ntry.count = -1; cur.add(ntry); } int o = cur.size(); for (int i = 0; i < o; i++) { rtrBgpFlapAsn ntry = cur.get(i); String a; if (i < (o - 1)) { a = " |"; } else { a = " "; } drawAsTree(res, lst, ntry.asn, beg + a); } } /** * update as graph * * @param lst asn list * @param nei neighbor to read * @param safi safi to use */ public static void updateAsIncons(tabGen lst, rtrBgpNeigh nei, int safi) { if (nei == null) { return; } tabRoute tab = nei.conn.getLearned(safi); if (tab == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < tab.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry prf = tab.get(i); if (prf == null) { continue; } rtrBgpFlapStat ntry = new rtrBgpFlapStat(0, prf.rouDst, prf.prefix); rtrBgpFlapStat old = lst.add(ntry); if (old != null) { ntry = old; } int o =; rtrBgpFlapLst pth = new rtrBgpFlapLst(tabLabel.int2labels(o)); ntry.paths.add(pth); } } /** * usage of next hops * * @param lst asn list * @param nei neighbor to read * @param safi safi to use */ public static void updateNhPrfxes(tabGen lst, rtrBgpNeigh nei, int safi) { if (nei == null) { return; } tabRoute tab = nei.conn.getLearned(safi); if (tab == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < tab.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry prf = tab.get(i); if (prf == null) { continue; } rtrBgpFlapStat ntry = new rtrBgpFlapStat(0, 0,; rtrBgpFlapStat old = lst.add(ntry); if (old != null) { ntry = old; } ntry.count++; } } /** * usage of next hops * * @param lst asn list * @param nei neighbor to read * @param safi safi to use */ public static void updateNhTrnsit(tabGen lst, rtrBgpNeigh nei, int safi) { if (nei == null) { return; } tabRoute tab = nei.conn.getLearned(safi); if (tab == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < tab.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry prf = tab.get(i); if (prf == null) { continue; } rtrBgpFlapStat ntry = new rtrBgpFlapStat(0, 0,; rtrBgpFlapStat old = lst.add(ntry); if (old != null) { ntry = old; } int o =; rtrBgpFlapLst pth = new rtrBgpFlapLst(tabLabel.int2labels(o)); ntry.paths.add(pth); } } /** * usage of next hops * * @param lst asn list * @param nei neighbor to read * @param safi safi to use */ public static void updateNhOrigin(tabGen lst, rtrBgpNeigh nei, int safi) { if (nei == null) { return; } tabRoute tab = nei.conn.getLearned(safi); if (tab == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < tab.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry prf = tab.get(i); if (prf == null) { continue; } rtrBgpFlapStat ntry = new rtrBgpFlapStat(0, 0,; rtrBgpFlapStat old = lst.add(ntry); if (old != null) { ntry = old; } int o =; rtrBgpFlapLst pth = new rtrBgpFlapLst(tabLabel.int2labels(o)); ntry.paths.add(pth); } } /** * update as graph * * @param lst asn list * @param nei neighbor to read * @param safi safi to use */ public static void updateNhIncons(tabGen lst, rtrBgpNeigh nei, int safi) { if (nei == null) { return; } tabRoute tab = nei.conn.getLearned(safi); if (tab == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < tab.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry prf = tab.get(i); if (prf == null) { continue; } rtrBgpFlapStat ntry = new rtrBgpFlapStat(0, prf.rouDst, prf.prefix); rtrBgpFlapStat old = lst.add(ntry); if (old != null) { ntry = old; } String a = "" +; rtrBgpFlapStr pth = new rtrBgpFlapStr(a); ntry.infos.add(pth); } } /** * counters to statistics * * @param c counter * @return statistics */ public static String counter2stats(counter c) { return c.packTx + "|" + c.packRx + "|" + c.byteTx + "|" + c.byteRx + "|" + bits.timePast(c.lastTx) + "|" + bits.timePast(c.lastRx) + "|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, c.lastTx + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3) + "|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, c.lastRx + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3); } /** * summarize unknown attributes * * @param c counters * @return summary of unknowns */ public static counter sumUnkAttrs(counter c[]) { counter res = new counter(); for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { if (!rtrBgpUtil.isUnknownAttr(i)) { continue; }[i]); } return res; } /** * summarize unknown attributes * * @param c counters * @return summary of unknowns */ public static counter sumUnkMsgs(counter c[]) { counter res = new counter(); for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { if (!rtrBgpUtil.isUnknownMsg(i)) { continue; }[i]); } return res; } /** * get unknown summary * * @param l list to update * @param t true to attributes, false to messages * @param c counters * @param sr rx separator * @param st tx separator */ public static void getUnknwSum(userFormat l, boolean t, counter c[], String sr, String st) { counter r; String a; if (t) { r = sumUnkAttrs(c); a = "attributes"; } else { r = sumUnkMsgs(c); a = "messages"; } l.add("unknown " + a + sr + r.packRx + st + r.packTx); } /** * get message statistics * * @param l list to append * @param t message type * @param c counters * @param sr rx separator * @param st tx separator */ public static void getMsgStats(userFormat l, int t, counter c[], String st, String sr) { l.add(rtrBgpUtil.msgType2string(t) + " message" + st + c[t].packTx + sr + c[t].packRx); } /** * get message statistics * * @param s statistics * @return list of statistics */ public static userFormat getMsgStats(counter s[]) { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "typ|name|tx|rx|tx|rx|tx|rx|tx|rx", "2|2pack|2byte|2ago|2last"); for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { counter c = s[i]; l.add(i + "|" + rtrBgpUtil.msgType2string(i) + "|" + counter2stats(c)); } return l; } /** * get message statistics * * @param s statistics * @return list of statistics */ public static userFormat getAttrStats(counter s[]) { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "typ|name|tx|rx|tx|rx|tx|rx|tx|rx", "2|2pack|2byte|2ago|2last"); for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { counter c = s[i]; l.add(i + "|" + rtrBgpUtil.attrType2string(i) + "|" + counter2stats(c)); } return l; } /** * get reachable statistics * * @param l list to append * @param cr reachable statistics * @param cu unreachable statistics * @param sr rx separator * @param st tx separator */ public static void getUnReachStats(userFormat l, counter cr, counter cu, String sr, String st) { l.add("reachable messages" + sr + cr.packRx + st + cr.packTx); l.add("unreachable messages" + sr + cu.packRx + st + cu.packTx); } /** * convert hexdump log to packet * * @param s string to convert * @return converted packet */ public static packHolder log2pck(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; } String a = s.replaceAll("\\|", ""); int i = a.indexOf("ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff"); if (i < 1) { return null; } s = a.substring(i, a.length()); a = a.substring(0, i); s = s.replaceAll(" ", ""); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.INTtime = bits.str2time(cfgAll.timeZoneName, a); int o = s.length() & 0xfffffe; for (i = 0; i < o; i += 2) { pck.putByte(0, bits.fromHex(s.substring(i, i + 2))); pck.putSkip(1); pck.merge2end(); } i = a.indexOf("->"); if (i < 0) { return pck; } s = a.substring(i + 2, a.length()).trim(); a = a.substring(0, i).trim(); i = a.lastIndexOf(" "); if (i > 0) { a = a.substring(i + 1, a.length()); } i = s.indexOf(" "); if (i > 0) { s = s.substring(0, i); } pck.IPsrc.fromString(a); pck.IPtrg.fromString(s); return pck; } /** * decode bgp dumps * * @param txt text to read * @return list of packets */ public static List logs2pcks(List txt) { List res = new ArrayList(); if (txt == null) { return res; } for (int i = 0; i < txt.size(); i++) { String a = txt.get(i); packHolder p = log2pck(a); if (p == null) { continue; } res.add(p); } return res; } /** * convert route to wire format * * @param sfi safi * @param ntry route to convert * @param ipv ip version * @param pck target packet * @param tmp temp packet * @param rch true if reachable, false if unreachable */ public static void witeFormat(int sfi, tabRouteEntry ntry, int ipv, packHolder pck, packHolder tmp, boolean rch) { pck.clear(); ntry = ntry.copyBytes(tabRoute.addType.better); if ( == null) { = new addrIP(); if (ipv == 4) { addrIPv4()); } else { addrIPv6()); } } List> lst = new ArrayList>(); lst.add(ntry); if (rch) { rtrBgpUtil.createReachable(null, pck, tmp, sfi, false, true, true, lst); } else { rtrBgpUtil.createWithdraw(null, pck, tmp, sfi, false, lst); } rtrBgpUtil.createHeader(pck, rtrBgpUtil.msgUpdate); } /** * convert bgp message to pcap * * @param ic4 ip4 core * @param ic6 ip6 core * @param ses sessions * @param pck packet to update */ public static void msg2pcap(ipCor4 ic4, ipCor6 ic6, tabGen ses, packHolder pck) { tabSessionEntry cur = tabSessionEntry.fromPack(pck, false); if (ses != null) { tabSessionEntry old = ses.add(cur); if (old != null) { cur = old; } else { cur.cntr.stateChg = bits.randomD(); } } pck.UDPsrc = rtrBgp.port; pck.UDPtrg = rtrBgp.port; pck.TCPwin = 8192; pck.TCPseq = cur.cntr.stateChg; cur.cntr.stateChg += pck.dataSize(); prtTcp.createTCPheader(pck, -1, null, null); int i; if (pck.IPtrg.isIPv4()) { ic4.createIPheader(pck); i = ipIfc4.type; } else { ic6.createIPheader(pck); i = ipIfc6.type; } pck.msbPutW(0, i); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2beg(); } /** * dump one packet * * @param ic4 ip4 core * @param ic6 ip6 core * @param ses sessions * @param hlp temporary packet * @param pck packet to dump * @return text dump of the packet */ public static List dumpPacketFull(ipCor4 ic4, ipCor6 ic6, tabGen ses, packHolder hlp, packHolder pck) { pck = pck.copyBytes(true, true); pck.merge2end(); List res = new ArrayList(); res.add(bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, pck.INTtime + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3) + " " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg); clntDns clnt = new clntDns(); clnt.doResolvList(cfgAll.nameServerAddr, packDnsRec.generateReverse(pck.IPsrc), false, packDnsRec.typePTR); String a = clnt.getPTR(); clnt = new clntDns(); clnt.doResolvList(cfgAll.nameServerAddr, packDnsRec.generateReverse(pck.IPtrg), false, packDnsRec.typePTR); res.add(a + " --> " + clnt.getPTR()); enc7bit.buf2hex(res, pck.getCopy(), 0, ""); if ((ic4 != null) && (ic6 != null)) { hlp.clear(); hlp.copyFrom(pck, true, true); msg2pcap(ic4, ic6, ses, hlp); res.addAll(hlp.convertToK12(hlp.INTtime)); } if (rtrBgpUtil.checkHeader(pck)) { return res; } pck.getSkip(rtrBgpUtil.sizeU); res.add("len=" + pck.IPsiz + " typ=" + pck.IPprt + " " + rtrBgpUtil.msgType2string(pck.IPprt)); if (pck.IPprt != rtrBgpUtil.msgUpdate) { return res; } int prt = pck.msbGetW(0); pck.getSkip(2); res.add("withdraw len=" + prt); prt = pck.dataSize() - prt; tabRouteEntry ntry; for (;;) { if (pck.dataSize() <= prt) { break; } ntry = rtrBgpUtil.readPrefix(rtrBgpUtil.safiIp4uni, true, pck); res.add("withdrawn " + addrPrefix.ip2str(ntry.prefix)); } pck.setBytesLeft(prt); prt = pck.msbGetW(0); res.add("attrib len=" + prt); pck.getSkip(2); prt = pck.dataSize() - prt; for (;;) { if (pck.dataSize() <= prt) { break; } rtrBgpUtil.parseAttrib(pck, hlp); res.add(" attrib typ=" + hlp.ETHtype + " len=" + hlp.dataSize() + " " + rtrBgpUtil.attrType2string(hlp.ETHtype)); ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); List> pfxs = rtrBgpUtil.interpretAttribute(null, ntry, hlp.copyBytes(true, true)); if (pfxs == null) { pfxs = new ArrayList>(); } for (int i = 0; i < pfxs.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry rou = pfxs.get(i); if (rou == null) { continue; } if (rou.prefix == null) { a = "" + rou; } else { a = addrPrefix.ip2str(rou.prefix) + " " + tabRouteUtil.rd2string(rou.rouDst); } res.add(" prefix=" + a); } userFormat ufmt = new userFormat("|", "|");, ""); List dump1 = ufmt.formatAll(userFormat.tableMode.normal); ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); ufmt = new userFormat("|", "|");, ""); List dump2 = ufmt.formatAll(userFormat.tableMode.normal); differ dfr = new differ(); dfr.calc(dump1, dump2); List dft = dfr.getDiff(true, " "); enc7bit.buf2hex(res, hlp.getCopy(), 0, " "); res.addAll(dft); } res.add("reachable len=" + pck.dataSize()); for (;;) { if (pck.dataSize() < 1) { break; } ntry = rtrBgpUtil.readPrefix(rtrBgpUtil.safiIp4uni, true, pck); res.add(" reachable " + addrPrefix.ip2str(ntry.prefix)); } return res; } /** * dump one packet * * @param ic4 ip4 core * @param ic6 ip6 core * @param hlp temporary packet * @param pck packet to dump * @param target address to filter * @return text dump of the packet */ public static List dumpPacketSum(ipCor4 ic4, ipCor6 ic6, packHolder hlp, packHolder pck, addrIP target) { pck = pck.copyBytes(true, true); pck.merge2end(); List res = new ArrayList(); if (rtrBgpUtil.checkHeader(pck)) { return res; } pck.getSkip(rtrBgpUtil.sizeU); if (pck.IPprt != rtrBgpUtil.msgUpdate) { return res; } int prt = pck.msbGetW(0); pck.getSkip(2); prt = pck.dataSize() - prt; tabRouteEntry ntry = new tabRouteEntry(); String a = rtrBgpUtil.attrType2string(rtrBgpUtil.attrUnReach); for (;;) { if (pck.dataSize() <= prt) { break; } ntry = rtrBgpUtil.readPrefix(rtrBgpUtil.safiIp4uni, true, pck); if (target != null) { if (!ntry.prefix.matches(target)) { continue; } } res.add(a + "|" + addrPrefix.ip2str(ntry.prefix)); } pck.setBytesLeft(prt); prt = pck.msbGetW(0); pck.getSkip(2); prt = pck.dataSize() - prt; for (;;) { if (pck.dataSize() <= prt) { break; } rtrBgpUtil.parseAttrib(pck, hlp); List> pfxs = rtrBgpUtil.interpretAttribute(null, ntry, hlp.copyBytes(true, true)); if (pfxs == null) { pfxs = new ArrayList>(); } int o = pfxs.size(); if (o < 1) { continue; } String b = rtrBgpUtil.attrType2string(hlp.ETHtype); for (int i = 0; i < o; i++) { tabRouteEntry rou = pfxs.get(i); if (rou == null) { continue; } if ((target != null) && (rou.prefix != null)) { if (!rou.prefix.matches(target)) { continue; } } if (rou.prefix == null) { a = "" + rou; } else { a = addrPrefix.ip2str(rou.prefix) + " " + tabRouteUtil.rd2string(rou.rouDst); } res.add(b + "|" + a); } } a = rtrBgpUtil.attrType2string(rtrBgpUtil.attrReachable); for (;;) { if (pck.dataSize() < 1) { break; } ntry = rtrBgpUtil.readPrefix(rtrBgpUtil.safiIp4uni, true, pck); if (target != null) { if (!ntry.prefix.matches(target)) { continue; } } res.add(a + "|" + addrPrefix.ip2str(ntry.prefix) + "|"); } String b = bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, pck.INTtime + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3) + "|" + pck.IPsrc + "|" + pck.IPtrg + "|"; String c =; for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { a = res.get(i); res.set(i, b + a + c); } return res; } }