package org.freertr.rtr; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.pack.packBfd; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.prt.prtGenConn; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * bfd neighbor * * @author matecsaba */ public class rtrBfdNeigh implements Runnable, Comparable { /** * address of peer */ public final addrIP peer; private final rtrBfdIface iface; /** * transmit connection */ protected prtGenConn connTx; /** * receive connection */ protected prtGenConn connRx; private tabGen clients; private boolean need2run; private packBfd lastRxPack; private long lastRxTime; private int currState; private int myDisc; private long upTime; /** * create one neighbor * * @param ifc local interface * @param adr address of peer */ public rtrBfdNeigh(rtrBfdIface ifc, addrIP adr) { peer = adr.copyBytes(); iface = ifc; clients = new tabGen(); } public String toString() { return "bfd with " + peer; } public int compareTo(rtrBfdNeigh o) { return peer.compareTo(o.peer); } /** * check state * * @return true on up, false on error */ public boolean getState() { return currState == packBfd.stUp; } /** * get neighbor info * * @return string */ public String getShNeigh() { String s = peer + "|" + packBfd.state2string(currState) + "|" + packBfd.getRxInt(lastRxPack, iface.intervalRx) + "|" + bits.timePast(upTime) + "|"; for (int i = 0; i < clients.size(); i++) { rtrBfdNeighClnt clnt = clients.get(i); if (clnt == null) { continue; } s += " " +; } return s; } /** * check if have clients * * @return true if have, false if not */ public boolean hasClients() { return clients.size() > 0; } /** * add one client * * @param clnt client to add * @param nam name of client * @return false if now added, true if already */ public boolean clientAdd(rtrBfdClnt clnt, String nam) { return clients.add(new rtrBfdNeighClnt(clnt, nam)) != null; } /** * delete one client * * @param clnt client to delete * @return true if deleted, false if not */ public boolean clientDel(rtrBfdClnt clnt) { return clients.del(new rtrBfdNeighClnt(clnt, "")) != null; } /** * start this peer * * @return true on error, false on success */ protected boolean startNow() { if (debugger.rtrBfdEvnt) { logger.debug("starting with " + peer); } upTime = bits.getTime(); connTx = iface.udp.packetConnect(iface, iface.ifc, packBfd.portLoc, peer, packBfd.portLoc, "bfd", -1, null, -1, -1); if (connTx == null) { return true; } connTx.timeout = 0; connTx.workInterval = 10000; connTx.sendTTL = 255; connTx.sendTOS = 0; connTx.sendDFN = 0; connTx.sendFLW = 0; need2run = true; myDisc = bits.randomD(); new Thread(this).start(); return false; } /** * stop this peer */ public void stopNow() { logger.error("neighbor " + peer + " down"); need2run = false; iface.neighs.del(this); for (int i = 0; i < clients.size(); i++) { rtrBfdNeighClnt clnt = clients.get(i); if (clnt == null) { continue; } clnt.clnt.bfdPeerDown(); } if (connTx != null) { connTx.setClosing(); } if (connRx != null) { connRx.setClosing(); } } /** * received one packet * * @param pck packet received */ protected void recvPack(packHolder pck) { packBfd bfd = new packBfd(); if (bfd.parseHeader(pck)) { return; } if (debugger.rtrBfdTraf) { logger.debug("rx from " + peer + " " + bfd); } lastRxTime = bits.getTime(); lastRxPack = bfd; } public void run() { try { doWork(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); stopNow(); } if (debugger.rtrBfdEvnt) { logger.debug("stopped with " + peer); } } private void doWork() { packHolder pckR = new packHolder(true, true); packBfd pckB = new packBfd(); pckB.discrLoc = myDisc; int lastState = packBfd.stShut; for (;;) { if (!need2run) { return; } int txint = pckB.getTxInt(lastRxPack, iface.intervalTx); pckB.timeRx = iface.intervalRx * 1000; pckB.timeTx = txint * 1000; pckB.multiplier = iface.multiplier; pckB.keyId = iface.keyId; pckB.password = iface.password; currState = packBfd.stDown; if (lastRxPack != null) { if ((bits.getTime() - lastRxTime) > packBfd.getRxInt(lastRxPack, iface.intervalRx)) { stopNow(); return; } if ((lastRxPack.flags & packBfd.flgPoll) != 0) { pckB.flags |= packBfd.flgFinal; } else { pckB.flags = 0; } switch (lastRxPack.status) { case packBfd.stUp: case packBfd.stInit: currState = packBfd.stUp; break; default: currState = packBfd.stInit; break; } if (iface.password != null) { if (lastRxPack.password == null) { currState = packBfd.stDown; } else { if (iface.keyId != lastRxPack.keyId) { currState = packBfd.stDown; } if (iface.password.compareTo(lastRxPack.password) != 0) { currState = packBfd.stDown; } } } pckB.discrRem = lastRxPack.discrLoc; } pckB.status = currState; pckR.clear(); pckB.createHeader(pckR); connTx.send2net(pckR); if (debugger.rtrBfdTraf) { logger.debug("sending to " + peer + " " + pckB); } if (lastState != currState) { if (debugger.rtrBfdEvnt) { logger.debug("peer " + peer + " from " + packBfd.state2string(lastState) + " to " + packBfd.state2string(currState)); } if (lastState == packBfd.stUp) { stopNow(); return; } if (currState == packBfd.stUp) { logger.warn("neighbor " + peer + " up"); } lastState = currState; } bits.sleep(txint); } } } class rtrBfdNeighClnt implements Comparable { public final rtrBfdClnt clnt; public final String name; public final int hsh; public rtrBfdNeighClnt(rtrBfdClnt client, String nam) { clnt = client; name = nam; hsh = clnt.hashCode(); } public int compareTo(rtrBfdNeighClnt o) { if (hsh < o.hsh) { return -1; } if (hsh > o.hsh) { return +1; } return 0; } }