package org.freertr.pipe; import org.freertr.auth.authResult; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.user.userScreen; /** * one setting of a pipeline * * @author matecsaba */ public class pipeSetting implements Comparable { /** * origin address */ public final static int origin = 1; /** * authentication result */ public final static int authed = 2; /** * terminal height (y) */ public final static int height = 3; /** * terminal width (x) */ public final static int width = 4; /** * timestamps */ public final static int times = 5; /** * colorize */ public final static int colors = 6; /** * spacetab */ public final static int spacTab = 7; /** * logging */ public final static int logging = 8; /** * table mode */ public final static int tabMod = 9; /** * deactivation character */ public final static int deactive = 10; /** * escape character */ public final static int escape = 11; /** * routing table lines */ public final static int riblines = 12; /** * capslock */ public final static int capsLock = 13; /** * bells */ public final static int termBells = 14; /** * ansi mode */ public final static int ansiMode = 15; /** * password stars */ public final static int passStar = 16; /** * normal color */ public final static int colNormal = 17; /** * prompt color */ public final static int colPrompt = 18; /** * header color */ public final static int colHeader = 19; /** * name of the setting */ protected final int name; /** * value of the object */ protected Object value; /** * create instance * * @param nam name */ public pipeSetting(int nam) { name = nam; } public int compareTo(pipeSetting o) { if (name < { return -1; } if (name > { return +1; } return 0; } /** * get info * * @param pip pipe * @return settings */ public static userFormat getInfo(pipeSide pip) { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "category|value"); l.add("buggy|" + cfgAll.buggy); l.add("invdc|" + cfgAll.invdc); l.add("evalvdc|" + cfgAll.evalVdcPrivs()); l.add("authenticate|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.authed, new authResult())); l.add("monitor|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.logging, false)); l.add("colorize|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colors, userFormat.colorMode.normal)); l.add("background|" + userScreen.color2string(pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colNormal, userScreen.colWhite) >>> 16)); l.add("foreground|" + userScreen.color2string(pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colNormal, userScreen.colWhite))); l.add("prompt|" + userScreen.color2string(pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colPrompt, userScreen.colBrGreen))); l.add("header|" + userScreen.color2string(pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.colHeader, userScreen.colBrYellow))); l.add("spacetab|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.spacTab, false)); l.add("capslock|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.capsLock, false)); l.add("bells|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.termBells, false)); l.add("ansimode|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.ansiMode, userScreen.ansiMode.normal)); l.add("timestamps|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.times, false)); l.add("passwdstar|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.passStar, false)); l.add("deactivate|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.deactive, 65536)); l.add("escape|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.escape, 65536)); l.add("table|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.tabMod, userFormat.tableMode.normal)); l.add("height|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.height, 25)); l.add("width|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.width, 80)); l.add("riblines|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.riblines, 8192)); l.add("origin|" + pip.settingsGet(pipeSetting.origin, "?")); return l; } }