package org.freertr.pack; import org.freertr.cry.cryEncrGeneric; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashGeneric; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * transport layer security (rfc5246) packet * * @author matecsaba */ public class packTls { /** * current packet */ public packHolder pckDat; /** * type of packet */ public int pckTyp; /** * lower pipe */ public pipeSide pipe; /** * padding modulo number */ public int padModulo = -1; /** * sendingsequence number */ public long seqTx = 0; /** * receiving sequence number */ public long seqRx = 0; /** * sendingsequence number */ public long aeadTx = 0; /** * receiving sequence number */ public long aeadRx = 0; /** * datagram mode */ public boolean datagram; /** * aead mode */ public boolean aeadMode; /** * connection version */ public int verCurr = -1; /** * minimum version */ public int verMin = 0x300; /** * maximum version */ public int verMax = 0x304; /** * sending encryption */ public cryEncrGeneric encTx; /** * receiving encryption */ public cryEncrGeneric encRx; /** * sending hash */ public cryHashGeneric macTx; /** * receiving hash */ public cryHashGeneric macRx; /** * sending key */ public byte[] keyTx; /** * receiving key */ public byte[] keyRx; /** * sending iv */ public byte[] ivTx; /** * receiving iv */ public byte[] ivRx; /** * change cipher spec */ public final static int typeChgCipher = 20; /** * alert */ public final static int typeAlert = 21; /** * handshake */ public final static int typeHandshk = 22; /** * application data */ public final static int typeAppDat = 23; /** * convert version to dtls * * @param i tls version * @return dtls version */ public static int version2dtls(int i) { return (0x10100 - (i & 0xff00)) | (0x101 - (i & 0xff)); } /** * convert version to wire * * @param i tls version * @return wire version */ public static int version2wire(int i) { if (i > 0x303) { return 0x303; } else { return i; } } /** * convert type to string * * @param i type of message * @return string */ public static String type2string(int i) { switch (i) { case typeChgCipher: return "changeCipherSpec"; case typeAlert: return "alert"; case typeHandshk: return "handshake"; case typeAppDat: return "appData"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * convert version to string * * @param dtls datagram * @param ver version * @return string */ public static String version2string(boolean dtls, int ver) { if (dtls) { switch (ver) { case 0x302: return "dtls10"; case 0x303: return "dtls12"; case 0x304: return "dtls13"; default: return "unknown=" + ver; } } switch (ver) { case 0x300: return "ssl30"; case 0x301: return "tls10"; case 0x302: return "tls11"; case 0x303: return "tls12"; case 0x304: return "tls13"; default: return "unknown=" + ver; } } /** * create packet holder * * @param dtls datagram mode */ public packTls(boolean dtls) { pckDat = new packHolder(true, true); datagram = dtls; if (dtls) { verMin += 2; } } /** * clone packet holder * * @return new packet holder */ public packTls copyBytes() { packTls p = new packTls(datagram); p.pipe = pipe; p.padModulo = padModulo; p.aeadMode = aeadMode; p.aeadTx = aeadTx; p.aeadRx = aeadRx; p.seqTx = seqTx; p.seqRx = seqRx; p.encTx = encTx; p.encRx = encRx; p.macTx = macTx; p.macRx = macRx; p.keyTx = keyTx; p.keyRx = keyRx; p.ivTx = ivTx; p.ivRx = ivRx; p.verCurr = verCurr; p.verMax = verMax; p.verMin = verMin; return p; } /** * get header size * * @return bytes */ public int getHeadSize() { if (datagram) { return 13; } else { return 5; } } /** * put bytes to packet * * @param buf buffer to use * @param hed size of prepended length */ public void putBytes(byte[] buf, int hed) { int siz; if (buf == null) { siz = 0; } else { siz = buf.length; } switch (hed) { case 1: pckDat.putByte(0, siz); break; case 2: pckDat.msbPutW(0, siz); break; case 3: pckDat.msbPutD(0, siz << 8); break; case 4: pckDat.msbPutD(0, siz); break; } pckDat.putSkip(hed); pckDat.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, siz); pckDat.putSkip(siz); } /** * get bytes from packet * * @param hed size of header, -x=forced size * @return bytes readed */ public byte[] getBytes(int hed) { if (pckDat.dataSize() < hed) { return null; } int siz = 0; switch (hed) { case 1: siz = pckDat.getByte(0); break; case 2: siz = pckDat.msbGetW(0); break; case 3: siz = pckDat.msbGetD(0) >>> 8; break; case 4: siz = pckDat.msbGetD(0); break; } if (hed < 0) { siz = -hed; } else { pckDat.getSkip(hed); } if (pckDat.dataSize() < siz) { return null; } byte[] buf = new byte[siz]; pckDat.getCopy(buf, 0, 0, siz); pckDat.getSkip(siz); return buf; } /** * enable encryption */ public void encryptEna() { padModulo = encTx.getBlockSize(); } /** * disable encryption */ public void encryptDis() { padModulo = -1; } private byte[] calcSum(cryHashGeneric hash, long seq) { hash.init(); byte[] buf = new byte[8]; bits.msbPutQ(buf, 0, seq); hash.update(buf); hash.update(pckTyp); if (verCurr == 0x300) { buf = new byte[2]; bits.msbPutW(buf, 0, pckDat.dataSize()); } else { buf = new byte[4]; int i = verCurr; if (datagram) { i = version2dtls(i); } bits.msbPutW(buf, 0, i); bits.msbPutW(buf, 2, pckDat.dataSize()); } hash.update(buf); pckDat.hashData(hash, 0, pckDat.dataSize()); return hash.finish(); } /** * send current packet */ public void packSend() { pckDat.merge2beg(); if (debugger.secTlsTraf) { logger.debug("tx type=" + type2string(pckTyp) + " size=" + pckDat.dataSize()); } if (padModulo > 0) { byte[] buf = calcSum(macTx, seqTx); pckDat.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, buf.length); pckDat.putSkip(buf.length); pckDat.merge2end(); buf = new byte[padModulo - (pckDat.dataSize() % padModulo)]; bits.byteFill(buf, 0, buf.length, buf.length - 1); pckDat.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, buf.length); pckDat.putSkip(buf.length); pckDat.merge2end(); if (verCurr >= 0x302) { for (int i = 0; i < padModulo; i++) { pckDat.putByte(i, bits.randomB()); } pckDat.putSkip(padModulo); pckDat.merge2beg(); } pckDat.encrData(encTx, 0, pckDat.dataSize()); seqTx++; } lineSend(); } /** * receive one packet */ public void packRecv() { if (lineRecv()) { return; } if (padModulo > 0) { pckDat.encrData(encRx, 0, pckDat.dataSize()); if (verCurr >= 0x302) { pckDat.getSkip(padModulo); } int padS = pckDat.getByte(pckDat.dataSize() - 1); pckDat.setDataSize(pckDat.dataSize() - padS - 1); byte[] hshR = new byte[macRx.getHashSize()]; if (pckDat.dataSize() < hshR.length) {"bad size"); pipe.setClose(); return; } pckDat.getCopy(hshR, 0, pckDat.dataSize() - hshR.length, hshR.length); pckDat.setDataSize(pckDat.dataSize() - hshR.length); byte[] hshC = calcSum(macRx, seqRx); for (int i = 0; i < hshC.length; i++) { if (hshC[i] == hshR[i]) { continue; }"mac error"); pipe.setClose(); return; } seqRx++; } if (debugger.secTlsTraf) { logger.debug("rx type=" + type2string(pckTyp) + " size=" + pckDat.dataSize()); } } private boolean lineRecv() { pckTyp = -1; pckDat.clear(); int hed = getHeadSize(); if (datagram) { if (pckDat.pipeRecv(pipe, 0, pckDat.dataSize(), 143) < hed) { pipe.setClose(); return true; } } else { if (pckDat.pipeRecv(pipe, 0, hed, 144) != hed) { pipe.setClose(); return true; } } pckTyp = pckDat.getByte(0); int ver = pckDat.msbGetW(1); int len; if (datagram) { ver = version2dtls(ver); len = pckDat.msbGetW(11); seqRx = pckDat.msbGetQ(3); } else { len = pckDat.msbGetW(3); } if (!datagram) { if (pckDat.pipeRecv(pipe, hed, len, 144) != len) { pipe.setClose(); return true; } } pckDat.getSkip(hed); if (verCurr < 0) { verCurr = ver; } else { if (version2wire(verCurr) != ver) { pipe.setClose(); return true; } } return false; } private void lineSend() { if (datagram) { pckDat.putByte(0, pckTyp); pckDat.msbPutW(1, version2dtls(version2wire(verCurr))); pckDat.msbPutQ(3, seqTx - 1); pckDat.msbPutW(11, pckDat.dataSize()); } else { pckDat.putByte(0, pckTyp); pckDat.msbPutW(1, version2wire(verCurr)); pckDat.msbPutW(3, pckDat.dataSize()); } pckDat.putSkip(getHeadSize()); pckDat.merge2beg(); if (datagram) { pckDat.pipeSend(pipe, 0, pckDat.dataSize(), 2); } else { pckDat.pipeSend(pipe, 0, pckDat.dataSize(), 3); } } /** * receive one aead packet * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean apackRecv() { if (lineRecv()) { return true; } if (pckTyp != typeAppDat) { pipe.setClose(); return true; } byte[] buf = new byte[ivRx.length]; bits.msbPutQ(buf, buf.length - 8, aeadRx); for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { buf[i] ^= ivRx[i]; } encRx.init(keyRx, buf, false); int len = pckDat.dataSize(); buf = new byte[5]; buf[0] = typeAppDat; buf[1] = 3; buf[2] = 3; bits.msbPutW(buf, 3, len); encRx.authAdd(buf); len = pckDat.encrData(encRx, 0, len); if (len < 0) {"aead error"); pipe.setClose(); return true; } for (; len > 0; len--) { if (pckDat.getByte(len - 1) != 0) { break; } } len--; pckTyp = pckDat.getByte(len); pckDat.setDataSize(len); aeadRx++; if (debugger.secTlsTraf) { logger.debug("rx type=" + type2string(pckTyp) + " size=" + pckDat.dataSize()); } return false; } /** * send current aead packet * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean apackSend() { pckDat.merge2beg(); if (debugger.secTlsTraf) { logger.debug("tx type=" + type2string(pckTyp) + " size=" + pckDat.dataSize()); } pckDat.putByte(0, pckTyp); pckDat.putSkip(1); pckDat.merge2end(); byte[] buf = new byte[ivTx.length]; bits.msbPutQ(buf, buf.length - 8, aeadTx); for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { buf[i] ^= ivTx[i]; } encTx.init(keyTx, buf, true); int len = pckDat.dataSize(); buf = new byte[5]; buf[0] = typeAppDat; buf[1] = 3; buf[2] = 3; bits.msbPutW(buf, 3, len + padModulo); encTx.authAdd(buf); len = pckDat.encrData(encTx, 0, len); if (len < 0) {"aead error"); pipe.setClose(); return true; } pckDat.setDataSize(len); pckTyp = typeAppDat; lineSend(); aeadTx++; return false; } }