package org.freertr.pack; import java.math.BigInteger; import org.freertr.cry.cryEncrGeneric; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashHmac; import org.freertr.cry.cryUtils; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * secure shell (rfc4251) packet * * @author matecsaba */ public class packSsh { /** * current packet */ public packHolder pckDat; /** * type of packet */ public int pckTyp; /** * lower pipe */ public pipeSide pipe; /** * padding modulo number */ public int padModulo = 8; /** * sendingsequence number */ public int seqTx = 0; /** * receiving sequence number */ public int seqRx = 0; /** * sending encryption */ public cryEncrGeneric encTx; /** * receiving encryption */ public cryEncrGeneric encRx; /** * sending hash */ public cryHashHmac macTx; /** * receiving hash */ public cryHashHmac macRx; /** * disconnect */ public final static int typeDisconn = 1; /** * ignore */ public final static int typeIgnore = 2; /** * unimplemented */ public final static int typeUnimp = 3; /** * debug */ public final static int typeDebug = 4; /** * service request */ public final static int typeSrvReq = 5; /** * service accept */ public final static int typeSrvAcc = 6; /** * extensions info */ public final static int typeExtInfo = 7; /** * key exchange init */ public final static int typeKexInit = 20; /** * new keys */ public final static int typeNewKeys = 21; /** * diffie hellman fix group init */ public final static int typeDHGinit = 30; /** * diffie hellman fix group reply */ public final static int typeDHGrply = 31; /** * diffie hellman group exchange old request */ public final static int typeDHXold = 30; /** * diffie hellman group exchange group */ public final static int typeDHXgrp = 31; /** * diffie hellman group exchange init */ public final static int typeDHXinit = 32; /** * diffie hellman group exchange reply */ public final static int typeDHXrply = 33; /** * diffie hellman group exchange request */ public final static int typeDHXreq = 34; /** * auth request */ public final static int typeAuthReq = 50; /** * auth failure */ public final static int typeAuthFail = 51; /** * auth success */ public final static int typeAuthSucc = 52; /** * auth banner */ public final static int typeAuthBann = 53; /** * auth pubkey */ public final static int typeAuthPkey = 60; /** * global request */ public final static int typeGlobReq = 80; /** * global success */ public final static int typeGlobSucc = 81; /** * global failure */ public final static int typeGlobFail = 82; /** * channel open */ public final static int typeChanOpen = 90; /** * channel confirmation */ public final static int typeOpenConf = 91; /** * channel failure */ public final static int typeOpenFail = 92; /** * channel window adjust */ public final static int typeChanWin = 93; /** * channel data */ public final static int typeChanData = 94; /** * channel extended data */ public final static int typeChanExtDat = 95; /** * channel eof */ public final static int typeChanEof = 96; /** * channel close */ public final static int typeChanClose = 97; /** * channel request */ public final static int typeChanReq = 98; /** * channel success */ public final static int typeChanSucc = 99; /** * channel failure */ public final static int typeChanErr = 100; /** * authentication service */ public final static String serviceAuth = "ssh-userauth"; /** * connection service */ public final static String serviceConn = "ssh-connection"; /** * null authentication mode */ public final static String authenNone = "none"; /** * password authentication mode */ public final static String authenPass = "password"; /** * pubkey authentication mode */ public final static String authenPkey = "publickey"; /** * type of session */ public final static String sessType = "session"; private final static int headSize = 5; /** * create packet holder */ public packSsh() { pckDat = new packHolder(true, true); } /** * clone packet holder * * @return new packet holder */ public packSsh copyBytes() { packSsh p = new packSsh(); p.pipe = pipe; p.padModulo = padModulo; p.seqTx = seqTx; p.seqRx = seqRx; p.encTx = encTx; p.encRx = encRx; p.macTx = macTx; p.macRx = macRx; return p; } /** * convert message type to string * * @param i message type * @return string */ public static String type2string(int i) { switch (i) { case typeDisconn: return "disconnect"; case typeIgnore: return "ignore"; case typeUnimp: return "unimplemented"; case typeDebug: return "debug"; case typeSrvReq: return "service request"; case typeSrvAcc: return "service accept"; case typeExtInfo: return "extensions info"; case typeKexInit: return "key exchange"; case typeNewKeys: return "new keys"; case typeDHXold: return "kex request"; case typeDHXgrp: return "kex group"; case typeDHXinit: return "kex init"; case typeDHXrply: return "kex reply"; case typeDHXreq: return "kex request"; case typeAuthReq: return "auth request"; case typeAuthFail: return "auth failure"; case typeAuthSucc: return "auth success"; case typeAuthBann: return "auth banner"; case typeAuthPkey: return "auth pubkey"; case typeGlobReq: return "global request"; case typeGlobSucc: return "global success"; case typeGlobFail: return "global failure"; case typeChanOpen: return "channel open"; case typeOpenConf: return "channel confirmation"; case typeOpenFail: return "channel rejected"; case typeChanWin: return "window adjust"; case typeChanData: return "channel data"; case typeChanExtDat: return "channel ext data"; case typeChanEof: return "channel eof"; case typeChanClose: return "channel close"; case typeChanReq: return "channel request"; case typeChanSucc: return "channel success"; case typeChanErr: return "channel failure"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * read buffer from packet * * @param pck packet to work on * @return bytes readed */ public static byte[] bytesRead(packHolder pck) { int o = pck.msbGetD(0); if (o > 4096) { return null; } if (o < 0) { return null; } pck.getSkip(4); byte[] buf = new byte[o]; for (int i = 0; i < o; i++) { buf[i] = (byte) pck.getByte(i); } pck.getSkip(o); return buf; } /** * write buffer to packet * * @param pck packet to work on * @param buf bytes to write */ public static void bytesWrite(packHolder pck, byte[] buf) { pck.msbPutD(0, buf.length); pck.putSkip(4); for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { pck.putByte(i, buf[i]); } pck.putSkip(buf.length); } /** * read string from packet * * @param pck packet to work on * @return string readed */ public static String stringRead(packHolder pck) { byte[] buf = bytesRead(pck); if (buf == null) { return ""; } return new String(buf); } /** * write string to packet * * @param pck packet to work on * @param s string to write */ public static void stringWrite(packHolder pck, String s) { bytesWrite(pck, s.getBytes()); } /** * read bigint from packet * * @param pck packet to work on * @return bigint readed */ public static BigInteger bigIntRead(packHolder pck) { byte[] buf = bytesRead(pck); if (buf == null) { return BigInteger.ZERO; } return new BigInteger(buf); } /** * write bigint to packet * * @param pck packet to work on * @param b bigint to write */ public static void bigIntWrite(packHolder pck, BigInteger b) { bytesWrite(pck, b.toByteArray()); } /** * read unsigned bigint from packet * * @param pck packet to work on * @return bigint readed */ public static BigInteger bigUIntRead(packHolder pck) { byte[] dat = bytesRead(pck); if (dat == null) { return BigInteger.ZERO; } return cryUtils.buf2bigUint(dat); } /** * write unsigned bigint to packet * * @param pck packet to work on * @param b bigint to write */ public static void bigUIntWrite(packHolder pck, BigInteger b) { bytesWrite(pck, cryUtils.bigUint2buf(b)); } /** * read buffer from packet * * @return bytes readed */ public byte[] bytesRead() { return bytesRead(pckDat); } /** * write buffer to packet * * @param buf bytes to write */ public void bytesWrite(byte[] buf) { bytesWrite(pckDat, buf); } /** * read string from packet * * @return string readed */ public String stringRead() { return stringRead(pckDat); } /** * write string to packet * * @param s string to write */ public void stringWrite(String s) { stringWrite(pckDat, s); } /** * read bigint from packet * * @return bigint readed */ public BigInteger bigIntRead() { return bigIntRead(pckDat); } /** * write bigint to packet * * @param b bigint to write */ public void bigIntWrite(BigInteger b) { bigIntWrite(pckDat, b); } /** * send current packet */ public synchronized void packSend() { pckDat.merge2beg(); if (debugger.secSshTraf) { logger.debug("tx type=" + type2string(pckTyp) + " size=" + pckDat.dataSize()); } pckDat.putByte(0, pckTyp); pckDat.putSkip(1); pckDat.merge2beg(); int siz = pckDat.dataSize(); int pad = siz + headSize; pad = padModulo - (pad % padModulo); if (pad < 4) { pad += padModulo; } pckDat.msbPutD(0, siz + 1 + pad); pckDat.putByte(4, pad); pckDat.putSkip(headSize); pckDat.merge2beg(); for (int i = 0; i < pad; i++) { pckDat.putByte(i, bits.randomB()); } pckDat.putSkip(pad); pckDat.merge2end(); siz = pckDat.dataSize(); byte[] hsh = null; if (macTx != null) { hsh = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(hsh, 0, seqTx); macTx.init(); macTx.update(hsh, 0, hsh.length); pckDat.hashData(macTx, 0, siz); hsh = macTx.finish(); } if (encTx != null) { pckDat.encrData(encTx, 0, siz); } pckDat.pipeSend(pipe, 0, siz, 3); if (hsh != null) { pipe.morePut(hsh, 0, hsh.length); } seqTx++; } /** * receive one packet */ public void packRecv() { pckTyp = -1; pckDat.clear(); int pre; if (encRx == null) { pre = headSize; } else { pre = encRx.getBlockSize(); } if (pckDat.pipeRecv(pipe, 0, pre, 144) != pre) { pipe.setClose(); return; } if (encRx != null) { pckDat.encrData(encRx, 0, pre); } int siz = pckDat.msbGetD(0) + 4; int pad = pckDat.getByte(4); int pay = siz - pre; if ((pay < 0) || (pay > packHolder.maxData)) {"bad size"); pipe.setClose(); return; } if (pay > 0) { if (pckDat.pipeRecv(pipe, pre, pay, 144) != pay) { pipe.setClose(); return; } } if (encRx != null) { pckDat.encrData(encRx, pre, pay); } if (macRx != null) { byte[] hshC = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(hshC, 0, seqRx); macRx.init(); macRx.update(hshC, 0, hshC.length); pckDat.hashData(macRx, 0, siz); hshC = macRx.finish(); byte[] hshR = new byte[hshC.length]; if (pipe.moreGet(hshR, 0, hshR.length) != hshR.length) { pipe.setClose(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < hshC.length; i++) { if (hshC[i] == hshR[i]) { continue; }"mac error"); pipe.setClose(); return; } } pckDat.getSkip(headSize); siz = siz - pad - headSize; pckDat.setDataSize(siz); pckTyp = pckDat.getByte(0); pckDat.getSkip(1); if (debugger.secSshTraf) { logger.debug("rx type=" + type2string(pckTyp) + " size=" + pckDat.dataSize()); } seqRx++; if (pckTyp == packSsh.typeIgnore) { packRecv(); } } }