package org.freertr.pack; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv6; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrBgpUtil; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.enc.encTlv; /** * label distribution protocol (rfc5036) packet * * @author matecsaba */ public class packLdp { /** * create instance */ public packLdp() { } /** * port number */ public final static int port = 646; /** * packet data */ public packHolder pack = new packHolder(true, true); /** * connection */ public pipeSide conn; /** * counter */ public counter cntr; private encTlv tlv = new encTlv(0, 16, 16, 16, 1, 0, 4, 1, 0, 1024, true); /** * label switch id */ public addrIPv4 lsrID = new addrIPv4(); /** * label space id */ public int labSpc; /** * size of pdu */ public int pduSiz; /** * message type */ public int msgTyp; /** * message id */ public int msgID; /** * message size */ public int msgSiz; /** * hold time */ public int holdTime; /** * targeted hello */ public boolean targeted; /** * transport address */ public addrIP transAddr = new addrIP(); /** * status */ public int stat; /** * generic label */ public int label; /** * list of prefixes */ public List> prfLst; /** * list of pseudowires */ public List pweLst; /** * list of (multi)point to multipoints */ public List pmpLst; /** * version number */ public final static int verNum = 1; /** * notification */ public final static int msgTnotify = 0x0001; /** * hello */ public final static int msgThello = 0x0100; /** * initialization */ public final static int msgTinit = 0x0200; /** * keep alive */ public final static int msgTkepAlv = 0x0201; /** * capability */ public final static int msgTcapa = 0x0202; /** * address advertisement */ public final static int msgTadrAdv = 0x0300; /** * address withdraw */ public final static int msgTadrWdr = 0x0301; /** * label mapping */ public final static int msgTlabMap = 0x0400; /** * label request */ public final static int msgTlabReq = 0x0401; /** * label withdraw */ public final static int msgTlabWdr = 0x0402; /** * label release */ public final static int msgTlabRel = 0x0403; /** * label abort request */ public final static int msgTlabAbr = 0x0404; /** * call setup */ public final static int msgTcalStp = 0x0500; /** * call release */ public final static int msgTcalRel = 0x0501; /** * forwarding equivalent class */ public final static int tlvTfec = 0x0100; /** * address list */ public final static int tlvTadrLst = 0x0101; /** * hop count */ public final static int tlvThopCnt = 0x0103; /** * path vector */ public final static int tlvTpatVec = 0x0104; /** * generic label */ public final static int tlvTgenLab = 0x0200; /** * atm label */ public final static int tlvTatmLab = 0x0201; /** * frame relay label */ public final static int tlvTfrLab = 0x0202; /** * ft protection */ public final static int tlvTftProt = 0x0202; /** * status */ public final static int tlvTstatus = 0x0300; /** * extended status */ public final static int tlvTextSta = 0x0301; /** * returned pdu */ public final static int tlvTretPdu = 0x0302; /** * returned message */ public final static int tlvTretMsg = 0x0303; /** * returned tlv */ public final static int tlvTretTlv = 0x0304; /** * common hello parameters */ public final static int tlvThello = 0x0400; /** * ipv4 transport address */ public final static int tlvTip4adr = 0x0401; /** * configuration sequence number */ public final static int tlvTcfgSeq = 0x0402; /** * ipv6 transport address */ public final static int tlvTip6adr = 0x0403; /** * mac */ public final static int tlvTmac = 0x0404; /** * common session parameters */ public final static int tlvTsess = 0x0500; /** * atm session parameters */ public final static int tlvTatmSes = 0x0501; /** * frame relay session parameters */ public final static int tlvTfrSes = 0x0502; /** * ft session parameters */ public final static int tlvTftSes = 0x0503; /** * ft ack parameters */ public final static int tlvTftAck = 0x0504; /** * ft cork parameters */ public final static int tlvTftCrk = 0x0505; /** * dynamic capability announcement */ public final static int tlvTdynCap = 0x0506; /** * upstream label assignment */ public final static int tlvTupstrm = 0x0507; /** * point-to-multipoint */ public final static int tlvTp2mp = 0x8508; /** * multipoint-to-multipoint */ public final static int tlvTmp2mp = 0x0509; /** * typed wildcard fec capability */ public final static int tlvTtypFec = 0x050b; /** * returned message id */ public final static int tlvTmsgID = 0x0600; /** * mtu */ public final static int tlvTmtu = 0x0601; /** * unrecognized notification capability */ public final static int tlvTbadNot = 0x0603; /** * pw status */ public final static int tlvTpwStat = 0x096a; /** * pw parameters */ public final static int tlvTpwParam = 0x096b; /** * pw group id */ public final static int tlvTpwGroup = 0x096c; /** * prefix */ public final static int fecTpref = 0x02; /** * p2mp */ public final static int fecTp2mp = 0x06; /** * mp2mp up */ public final static int fecTmp2mpUp = 0x07; /** * mp2mp down */ public final static int fecTmp2mpDn = 0x08; /** * pseudowire */ public final static int fecTpwe = 0x80; /** * generalized pseudowire */ public final static int fecTgpw = 0x81; /** * convert type to string * * @param i message type * @return decoded string */ public final String type2string(int i) { switch (i) { case msgTnotify: return "notification"; case msgThello: return "hello"; case msgTinit: return "initialization"; case msgTkepAlv: return "keepAlive"; case msgTcapa: return "capability"; case msgTadrAdv: return "addressAdvertisement"; case msgTadrWdr: return "addressWithdraw"; case msgTlabMap: return "labelMapping"; case msgTlabReq: return "labelRequest"; case msgTlabWdr: return "labelWithdraw"; case msgTlabRel: return "labelRelease"; case msgTlabAbr: return "labelAbort"; case msgTcalStp: return "callSetup"; case msgTcalRel: return "callRelease"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } public String toString() { return "lsr=" + lsrID + ":" + labSpc + " typ=" + type2string(msgTyp) + " id=" + msgID; } /** * send current packet * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean sendPack() { int i = pack.dataSize(); cntr.tx(pack); return pack.pipeSend(conn, 0, i, 2) != i; } /** * receive one packet * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean recvPack() { final int hdrSiz = 4; if (pack.pipeRecv(conn, 0, hdrSiz, 144) != hdrSiz) { return true; } int i = pack.msbGetW(2); if (pack.pipeRecv(conn, hdrSiz, i, 144) != i) { return true; } cntr.rx(pack); return false; } /** * parse ldp header * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean parseLDPheader() { if (pack.dataSize() < 4) { return true; } int i = pack.msbGetW(0); // version if (i != verNum) { return true; } i = pack.msbGetW(2); // size pack.getSkip(4); if (i > pack.dataSize()) { return true; } pack.setDataSize(i); pack.getAddr(lsrID, 0); // lsr id labSpc = pack.msbGetW(addrIPv4.size); // label space pack.getSkip(addrIPv4.size + 2); pduSiz = pack.dataSize(); pack.setDataSize(0); msgSiz = 0; return false; } /** * parse message header * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean parseMSGheader() { pack.setBytesLeft(0); pack.setDataSize(pduSiz); if (pduSiz < 8) { return true; } msgTyp = pack.msbGetW(0); // message type int i = pack.msbGetW(2); // message size pack.getSkip(4); if (i > pack.dataSize()) { return true; } pack.setDataSize(i); msgID = pack.msbGetD(0); pack.getSkip(4); msgSiz = pack.dataSize(); pduSiz -= msgSiz + 8; return false; } /** * create ldp header */ public void createLDPheader() { pack.merge2beg(); msgSiz = pack.dataSize(); pack.msbPutW(0, verNum); // version pack.msbPutW(2, msgSiz + 14); // message size pack.putAddr(4, lsrID); // lsr id pack.msbPutW(8, labSpc); // label space pack.putSkip(10); pack.msbPutW(0, msgTyp); // message type pack.msbPutW(2, msgSiz + 4); // message size pack.msbPutD(4, msgID); // message id pack.putSkip(8); pack.merge2beg(); } private boolean findTLV(int typ) { pack.setBytesLeft(msgSiz); for (;;) { if (tlv.getBytes(pack)) { return true; } if (tlv.valTyp != typ) { continue; } return false; } } /** * * put hello parameters */ public void putHelloParam() { bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 0, holdTime); int i = 0; if (targeted) { i = 0xc000; } bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 2, i); tlv.valSiz = 4; tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvThello); } /** * read hello parameters * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean getHelloParam() { if (findTLV(tlvThello)) { return true; } int i = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 2); targeted = (i & 0x8000) != 0; holdTime = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 2); return false; } /** * put transport address */ public void putTransAddr() { if (transAddr.isIPv4()) { addrIPv4 adr = transAddr.toIPv4(); adr.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 0); tlv.valSiz = addrIPv4.size; tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTip4adr); } else { addrIPv6 adr = transAddr.toIPv6(); adr.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 0); tlv.valSiz = addrIPv6.size; tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTip6adr); } } /** * read transport address * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean getTransAddr() { if (!findTLV(tlvTip4adr)) { addrIPv4 adr = new addrIPv4(); adr.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, 0); transAddr.fromIPv4addr(adr); return false; } if (!findTLV(tlvTip6adr)) { addrIPv6 adr = new addrIPv6(); adr.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, 0); transAddr.fromIPv6addr(adr); return false; } return true; } /** * put session parameters */ public void putSessParam() { bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 0, verNum); // version bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 2, holdTime); // hold time bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 4, 0); // bitmap bits.putByte(tlv.valDat, 5, 0); // path limit bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 6, 0); // max pdu length lsrID.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 8); // lsr id bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 12, labSpc); // label space tlv.valSiz = 14; tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTsess); } /** * put (multi)point2multipoint */ public void putMP2MPparam() { tlv.valDat[0] = (byte) 0x80; tlv.valSiz = 1; tlv.putBytes(pack, 0x8000 | tlvTp2mp); tlv.putBytes(pack, 0x8000 | tlvTmp2mp); } /** * read session parameters * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean getSessParam() { if (findTLV(tlvTsess)) { return true; } int i = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 0); // version if (i != verNum) { return true; } holdTime = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 2); // hold time i = bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, 4); // bitmap if ((i & 0x80) != 0) { return true; } i = bits.getByte(tlv.valDat, 5); // max path limit i = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 6); // max pdu length lsrID.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, 8); // lsr id labSpc = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 12); // label space return false; } /** * put address mapping message */ public void putAddrMapping() { if (transAddr.isIPv4()) { bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 0, rtrBgpUtil.safiIp4uni >>> 16); addrIPv4 adr = transAddr.toIPv4(); adr.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 2); tlv.valSiz = addrIPv4.size + 2; } else { bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 0, rtrBgpUtil.safiIp6uni >>> 16); addrIPv6 adr = transAddr.toIPv6(); adr.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 2); tlv.valSiz = addrIPv6.size + 2; } tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTadrLst); } /** * read session parameters * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean getAddrMapping() { if (findTLV(tlvTadrLst)) { return true; } return false; } /** * put generic label */ public void putGenLabel() { bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0, label & 0xfffff); tlv.valSiz = 4; tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTgenLab); } /** * get generic label * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean getGenLabel() { if (findTLV(tlvTgenLab)) { return true; } label = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 0) & 0xfffff; return false; } /** * put fec address * * @param prf entry to add */ public void putFECaddr(addrPrefix prf) { tabRouteEntry pref = new tabRouteEntry(); pref.prefix = prf; packHolder p = new packHolder(true, true); p.putByte(0, fecTpref); // fec type if ( { p.msbPutW(1, rtrBgpUtil.afiIpv4 >>> 16); p.putSkip(3); rtrBgpUtil.writePrefix(rtrBgpUtil.safiIp4uni, true, p, pref); } else { p.msbPutW(1, rtrBgpUtil.afiIpv6 >>> 16); p.putSkip(3); rtrBgpUtil.writePrefix(rtrBgpUtil.safiIp6uni, true, p, pref); } p.merge2beg(); byte[] buf = p.getCopy(); tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTfec, buf); } /** * put fec pseudowire * * @param pwe entry to add * @param justCore just core components */ public void putFECpwe(packLdpPwe pwe, boolean justCore) { packHolder p = new packHolder(true, true); if (!pwe.general) { p.putByte(0, fecTpwe); // fec type p.putSkip(1); pwe.createFec1(p, justCore); p.merge2beg(); byte[] buf = p.getCopy(); tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTfec, buf); return; } p.putByte(0, fecTgpw); // fec type p.putSkip(1); pwe.createFec2(p); p.merge2beg(); byte[] buf = p.getCopy(); tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTfec, buf); if (justCore) { return; } p.clear(); buf = pwe.createParams(); tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTpwParam, buf); } /** * put fec multipoint * * @param pmp entry to add */ public void putFECpmp(packLdpMp pmp) { packHolder p = new packHolder(true, true); p.putByte(0, pmp.typ); // fec type p.putSkip(1); pmp.createFEC(p); p.merge2beg(); byte[] buf = p.getCopy(); tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTfec, buf); } private addrPrefix getFECaddr(packHolder pck) { int i = pck.msbGetW(0) << 16; // afi pck.getSkip(2); tabRouteEntry res = rtrBgpUtil.readPrefix(i, true, pck); return res.prefix; } /** * get fec addresses * * @return list of prefixes, null on error */ public boolean getFEClist() { if (findTLV(tlvTfec)) { return true; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.putCopy(tlv.valDat, 0, 0, tlv.valSiz); pck.putSkip(tlv.valSiz); pck.merge2beg(); prfLst = new ArrayList>(); pweLst = new ArrayList(); pmpLst = new ArrayList(); for (;;) { if (pck.dataSize() < 1) { break; } int i = pck.getByte(0); // fec type pck.getSkip(1); switch (i) { case fecTpref: addrPrefix pref = getFECaddr(pck); prfLst.add(pref); break; case fecTpwe: packLdpPwe pwe = new packLdpPwe(); pwe.parseFec1(pck); pweLst.add(pwe); break; case fecTgpw: pwe = new packLdpPwe(); pwe.parseFec2(pck); if (!findTLV(tlvTpwParam)) { packHolder par = new packHolder(true, true); par.putCopy(tlv.valDat, 0, 0, tlv.valSiz); par.putSkip(tlv.valSiz); par.merge2beg(); pwe.parseParams(par); } pweLst.add(pwe); break; case fecTp2mp: case fecTmp2mpUp: case fecTmp2mpDn: packLdpMp pmp = new packLdpMp(); pmp.typ = i; pmp.parseFEC(pck); pmpLst.add(pmp); break; default: return true; } } return false; } /** * put returned message id */ public void putRetMsgId() { bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0, msgID); tlv.valSiz = 4; tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTmsgID); } /** * get returned message id * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean getRetMsgId() { if (findTLV(tlvTmsgID)) { return true; } msgID = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 0); return false; } /** * put status */ public void putStatus() { bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0, stat); bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 4, msgID); bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 8, msgTyp); tlv.valSiz = 10; tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTstatus); } /** * get status * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean getStatus() { if (findTLV(tlvTstatus)) { return true; } stat = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 0); msgID = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 4); msgTyp = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 8); return false; } /** * put pw status */ public void putPwStatus() { bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 0, stat); tlv.valSiz = 4; tlv.putBytes(pack, tlvTpwStat); } /** * get pw status * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean getPwStatus() { if (findTLV(tlvTpwStat)) { return true; } stat = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 0); return false; } }