package org.freertr.pack; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv6; import org.freertr.addr.addrMac; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.enc.encTlv; /** * hot standby router protocol (rfc2281) packet * * @author matecsaba */ public class packHsrp { /** * create instance */ public packHsrp() { } /** * protocol version */ public int version; /** * group number */ public int group; /** * ip version */ public boolean ipv4; /** * opcode */ public int opcod; /** * state */ public int state; /** * hello interval */ public int hello; /** * hold interval */ public int hold; /** * priority */ public int priority; /** * authentication data */ public String authen; /** * virtual ip address */ public addrIP virtual; /** * identifier */ public addrMac ident; /** * hello message */ public final static int opHello = 0; /** * coup (want) message */ public final static int opCoup = 1; /** * resign (don't want) message */ public final static int opResign = 2; /** * initial */ public final static int staInit = 1; /** * learn */ public final static int staLern = 2; /** * listen */ public final static int staLstn = 3; /** * speak */ public final static int staSpk = 4; /** * standby */ public final static int staStby = 5; /** * active */ public final static int staActv = 6; /** * state of group */ public final static int tlvGroup = 1; /** * state of interface */ public final static int tlvIface = 2; /** * clear authentication */ public final static int tlvAuthClr = 3; private encTlv tlv = new encTlv(0, 8, 8, 8, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 512, true); public String toString() { return "ver=" + version + " ip4=" + ipv4 + " opc=" + opcod + " stat=" + state2string(state) + " helo=" + hello + " hold=" + hold + " pri=" + priority + " grp=" + group + " virt=" + virtual + " auth=" + authen + " id=" + ident; } /** * generate group mac address * * @return generated */ public addrMac genMacAddr() { addrMac adr = new addrMac(); switch (version) { case 1: adr.fromString("0000.0c07.ac00"); break; case 2: if (ipv4) { adr.fromString("0000.0c9f.f000"); } else { adr.fromString("0005.73a0.0000"); } break; default: return null; } byte[] buf = adr.getBytes(); buf[buf.length - 1] = (byte) (group & 0xff); return adr; } /** * generate target ip address * * @return generated */ public addrIP genIpAddr() { addrIP adr = new addrIP(); switch (version) { case 1: adr.fromString(""); break; case 2: if (ipv4) { adr.fromString(""); } else { adr.fromString("ff02::66"); } break; default: return null; } return adr; } /** * get port number * ;; * * @return port number */ public int getPortNum() { if (ipv4) { return 1985; } else { return 2029; } } /** * convert v1 to v2 state * * @param i v1 state * @return v2 state */ public static int stateV1V2(int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return staInit; case 1: return staLern; case 2: return staLstn; case 4: return staSpk; case 8: return staStby; case 16: return staActv; default: return 1024 + i; } } /** * convert v2 to v1 state * * @param i v2 state * @return v1 state */ public static int stateV2V1(int i) { switch (i) { case staInit: return 0; case staLern: return 1; case staLstn: return 2; case staSpk: return 4; case staStby: return 8; case staActv: return 16; default: return 1024 + i; } } /** * convert state to string * * @param i state * @return string */ public static String state2string(int i) { switch (i) { case staInit: return "init"; case staLern: return "learn"; case staLstn: return "listen"; case staSpk: return "speak"; case staStby: return "standby"; case staActv: return "active"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } private addrIP getAddr(byte[] buf, int ofs) { try { addrIP res = new addrIP(); if (ipv4) { addrIPv4 a4 = new addrIPv4(); a4.fromBuf(buf, ofs); res.fromIPv4addr(a4); } else { addrIPv6 a6 = new addrIPv6(); a6.fromBuf(buf, ofs); res.fromIPv6addr(a6); } return res; } catch (Exception e) { } return new addrIP(); } private byte[] putAddr(addrIP adr) { if (ipv4) { return adr.toIPv4().getBytes(); } else { return adr.toIPv6().getBytes(); } } private int getIPver() { if (ipv4) { return 4; } else { return 6; } } /** * parse one header * * @param pck packet to read * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean parsePacket(packHolder pck) { switch (version) { case 1: if (pck.getByte(0) != 0) { // version return true; } opcod = pck.getByte(1); state = stateV1V2(pck.getByte(2)); hello = pck.getByte(3) * 1000; hold = pck.getByte(4) * 1000; priority = pck.getByte(5); group = pck.getByte(6); authen = pck.getAsciiZ(8, 8, 0); virtual = getAddr(pck.getCopy(), 16); return false; case 2: for (;;) { if (tlv.getBytes(pck)) { break; } switch (tlv.valTyp) { case tlvGroup: if (tlv.valSiz < 40) { break; } if (tlv.valDat[0] != 2) { // version return true; } opcod = tlv.valDat[1] & 0xff; state = tlv.valDat[2] & 0xff; if (tlv.valDat[3] != getIPver()) { return true; } group = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, 4); ident = new addrMac(); ident.fromBuf(tlv.valDat, 6); priority = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 12); hello = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 16); hold = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 20); virtual = getAddr(tlv.valDat, 24); break; case tlvAuthClr: authen = tlv.getStr().trim(); break; } } return false; default: return true; } } /** * create one packet * * @param pck packet to read * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean createPacket(packHolder pck) { byte[] buf = putAddr(virtual); switch (version) { case 1: pck.putByte(0, 0); // version pck.putByte(1, opcod); // opcode pck.putByte(2, stateV2V1(state)); // state pck.putByte(3, hello / 1000); // hello time pck.putByte(4, hold / 1000); // hold time pck.putByte(5, priority); // priority pck.putByte(6, group); // group pck.putByte(7, 0); // reserved pck.putAsciiZ(8, 8, authen, 0); pck.putCopy(buf, 0, 16, buf.length); pck.putSkip(16 + buf.length); break; case 2: tlv.valDat = new byte[40]; tlv.valDat[0] = 2; // version tlv.valDat[1] = (byte) opcod; // opcode tlv.valDat[2] = (byte) state; // state tlv.valDat[3] = (byte) getIPver(); // ip version bits.msbPutW(tlv.valDat, 4, group); // group ident.toBuffer(tlv.valDat, 6); // identifier bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 12, priority); // priority bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 16, hello); // hello time bits.msbPutD(tlv.valDat, 20, hold); // hold time bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, tlv.valDat, 24, buf.length); tlv.putBytes(pck, tlvGroup, tlv.valDat); tlv.valDat = new byte[8]; buf = authen.getBytes(); bits.byteCopy(bits.byteConcat(buf, tlv.valDat), 0, tlv.valDat, 0, 8); tlv.putBytes(pck, tlvAuthClr, tlv.valDat); break; default: return true; } return false; } }