package org.freertr.pack; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.cry.cryEncrGeneric; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashGeneric; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcNull; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcUp; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor4; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor6; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwd; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdIface; import org.freertr.ip.ipIfc4; import org.freertr.ip.ipIfc6; import org.freertr.ip.ipPrt; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.state; /** * encapsulating security payload (rfc2407) packet * * @author matecsaba */ public class packEsp implements ipPrt { /** * protocol number */ public final static int protoNum = 50; /** * header size */ public final static int size = 8; /** * ipv6 sa */ public boolean ipv6 = false; /** * do replay checking */ public int replayCheck = 1024; /** * last bad spi */ public int badSpi; /** * spi value */ public int spi; /** * hasher function */ protected cryHashGeneric hasher; /** * cipher function */ protected cryEncrGeneric cipher; /** * size of hash */ public int hashSize; /** * size of cipher */ public int encrSize; /** * tag size */ public int tagSize; /** * encryption keys */ public byte[] keyEncr = null; /** * authentication keys */ public byte[] keyHash = null; private int seqTx; private tabWindow sequence; private ifcUp lower = new ifcNull(); private addrIP peerAddr; private ipFwd forwarder; private ipFwdIface fwdIface; private counter cntr = new counter(); private int sendingTTL = 255; private int sendingTOS = -1; private int sendingDFN = -1; private int sendingFLW = -1; public String toString() { return "esp to " + peerAddr; } /** * create esp handler * * @param parent parent */ public packEsp(ifcUp parent) { lower = parent; doInit(); } /** * setup endpoint details * * @param fwd forwarder * @param ifc interface * @param trg peer address * @param tos sending tos * @param ttl sending ttl * @param flw sending flow * @param dfn sending df */ public void lowerSetup(ipFwd fwd, ipFwdIface ifc, addrIP trg, int tos, int ttl, int flw, int dfn) { forwarder = fwd; fwdIface = ifc; peerAddr = trg.copyBytes(); sendingTOS = tos; sendingDFN = dfn; sendingTTL = ttl; sendingFLW = flw; } /** * register this protocol * * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean lowerRegister() { return forwarder.protoAdd(this, fwdIface, peerAddr); } /** * unregister this protocol */ public void lowerUnregister() { forwarder.protoDel(this, fwdIface, peerAddr); } /** * get state * * @return value */ public state.states lowerGetState() { if (cipher == null) { return state.states.down; } return state.states.up; } /** * get mtu size * * @return value */ public int lowerGetMTU() { int i = 0; if (cipher != null) { i = encrSize; } return fwdIface.mtu - 16 - i - hashSize; } /** * get bandwidth * * @return value */ public long lowerGetBW() { return fwdIface.bandwidth; } public int getProtoNum() { return protoNum; } /** * close interface * * @param iface interface */ public void closeUp(ipFwdIface iface) { } public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } private int getType() { if (ipv6) { return ipIfc6.type; } else { return ipIfc4.type; } } private int getProto() { if (ipv6) { return ipCor6.protocolNumber; } else { return ipCor4.protocolNumber; } } /** * received packet * * @param rxIfc interface * @param pck packet */ public synchronized void recvPack(ipFwdIface rxIfc, packHolder pck) { cntr.rx(pck); if (rxIfc.ifwNum != fwdIface.ifwNum) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noIface); return; } if (cipher == null) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } int i = pck.msbGetD(0); if (i != spi) { badSpi = i;"invalid spi; got=" + i + " need=" + spi + " from " + peerAddr); cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badID); return; } badSpi = 0; int seqRx = pck.msbGetD(4); if (sequence != null) { if (sequence.gotDat(seqRx)) {"replay check failed from " + peerAddr); cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badRxSeq); return; } } int siz = pck.dataSize() - hashSize; if (siz < size) {"too small from " + peerAddr); cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.tooSmall); return; } if (hasher == null) { byte[] buf = new byte[12]; bits.byteCopy(keyHash, 0, buf, 0, 4); pck.getCopy(buf, 4, size, buf.length - 4); cipher.init(keyEncr, buf, false); pck.authData(cipher, 0, size); pck.getSkip(buf.length - 4); siz -= buf.length - 4; } else { hasher.init(); pck.hashData(hasher, 0, siz); byte[] got = new byte[hashSize]; pck.getCopy(got, 0, siz, hashSize); if (bits.byteComp(got, 0, hasher.finish(), 0, hashSize) != 0) {"bad hash from " + peerAddr); cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badSum); return; } } pck.getSkip(size); siz -= size; siz = pck.encrData(cipher, 0, siz); if (siz < 0) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badSum);"bad aead from " + peerAddr); return; } if (pck.getByte(siz - 1) != getProto()) {"bad protocol from " + peerAddr); cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badProto); return; } siz -= pck.getByte(siz - 2) + 2; if (hasher != null) { siz -= encrSize; pck.getSkip(encrSize); } pck.setDataSize(siz); pck.msbPutW(0, getType()); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2beg(); lower.recvPack(pck); } /** * alert packet * * @param rxIfc interface * @param pck packet * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean alertPack(ipFwdIface rxIfc, packHolder pck) { return true; } /** * error packet * * @param err error code * @param rtr address * @param rxIfc interface * @param pck packet */ public void errorPack(counter.reasons err, addrIP rtr, ipFwdIface rxIfc, packHolder pck) { } /** * set state * * @param iface interface * @param stat state */ public void setState(ipFwdIface iface, state.states stat) { } /** * send one packet * * @param pck packet to send */ public synchronized void sendPacket(packHolder pck) { cntr.tx(pck); if (cipher == null) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } pck.merge2beg(); if (pck.msbGetW(0) != getType()) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badProto); return; } pck.getSkip(2); seqTx++; int o = pck.dataSize() + 2; if (hasher == null) { o = 4 - (o & 3); } else { o = encrSize - (o % encrSize); } for (int i = 0; i < o; i++) { pck.putByte(i, i + 1); } pck.putSkip(o); pck.putByte(0, o); pck.putByte(1, getProto()); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2end(); if (hasher == null) { byte[] buf = new byte[12]; bits.byteCopy(keyHash, 0, buf, 0, 4); for (int i = 4; i < buf.length; i++) { buf[i] = (byte) bits.randomB(); } cipher.init(keyEncr, buf, true); pck.msbPutD(0, spi); pck.msbPutD(4, seqTx); pck.putSkip(size); pck.authHead(cipher, 0, size); pck.putCopy(buf, 4, 0, buf.length - 4); pck.putSkip(buf.length - 4); o = pck.encrData(cipher, 0, pck.dataSize()); pck.setDataSize(o); pck.merge2beg(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < encrSize; i++) { pck.putByte(i, bits.randomB()); } pck.putSkip(encrSize); pck.merge2beg(); pck.encrData(cipher, 0, pck.dataSize()); pck.msbPutD(0, spi); pck.msbPutD(4, seqTx); pck.putSkip(size); pck.merge2beg(); hasher.init(); pck.hashData(hasher, 0, pck.dataSize()); byte[] buf = hasher.finish(); pck.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, hashSize); pck.putSkip(hashSize); pck.merge2end(); } pck.IPsrc.setAddr(fwdIface.addr); pck.IPtrg.setAddr(peerAddr); pck.putDefaults(); if (sendingTTL >= 0) { pck.IPttl = sendingTTL; } if (sendingTOS >= 0) { pck.IPtos = sendingTOS; } if (sendingDFN >= 0) { pck.IPdf = sendingDFN == 1; } if (sendingFLW >= 0) { pck.IPid = sendingFLW; } pck.IPprt = protoNum; forwarder.protoPack(fwdIface, null, pck); } /** * send one packet */ public synchronized void doInit() { seqTx = 0; if (replayCheck > 0) { sequence = new tabWindow(replayCheck); } else { sequence = null; } } }