package org.freertr.pack; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv6; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.cmds; /** * domain name protocol (rfc1035) resource record * * @author matecsaba */ public class packDnsRec implements Comparable { /** * create instance */ public packDnsRec() { } /** * time of addition */ public long added; /** * hit counter */ public int asked; /** * name */ public String name = ""; /** * type */ public int typ; /** * class */ public int clss = classIN; /** * time to live */ public int ttl = -1; /** * responses */ public tabGen res = new tabGen(); /** * the internet */ public final static int classIN = 1; /** * the CSNET class */ public final static int classCS = 2; /** * the CHAOS class */ public final static int classCH = 3; /** * Hesiod / Dyer 87 */ public final static int classHS = 4; /** * any class */ public final static int classALL = 255; /** * a host address */ public final static int typeA = 1; /** * an authoritative name server */ public final static int typeNS = 2; /** * a mail destination OBSOLETE - use MX */ public final static int typeMD = 3; /** * a mail forwarder OBSOLETE - use MX */ public final static int typeMF = 4; /** * the canonical name for an alias */ public final static int typeCNAME = 5; /** * marks the start of a zone of authority */ public final static int typeSOA = 6; /** * a mailbox domain name EXPERIMENTAL */ public final static int typeMB = 7; /** * a mail group member EXPERIMENTAL */ public final static int typeMG = 8; /** * a mail rename domain name EXPERIMENTAL */ public final static int typeMR = 9; /** * a null RR EXPERIMENTAL */ public final static int typeNULL = 10; /** * a well known service description */ public final static int typeWKS = 11; /** * a domain name pointer */ public final static int typePTR = 12; /** * host information */ public final static int typeHINFO = 13; /** * mailbox or mail list information */ public final static int typeMINFO = 14; /** * mail exchange */ public final static int typeMX = 15; /** * text strings */ public final static int typeTXT = 16; /** * responsible person */ public final static int typeRP = 17; /** * x25 phone number */ public final static int typeX25 = 19; /** * isdn phone number */ public final static int typeISDN = 20; /** * route through */ public final static int typeRT = 21; /** * network service access protocol */ public final static int typeNSAP = 22; /** * a nsap pointer */ public final static int typeNSAPPTR = 23; /** * signature */ public final static int typeSIG = 24; /** * key */ public final static int typeKEY = 25; /** * pointer to x400/rfc822 mapping */ public final static int typePX = 26; /** * geographical position */ public final static int typeGPOS = 27; /** * a host address */ public final static int typeAAAA = 28; /** * location */ public final static int typeLOC = 29; /** * next domain */ public final static int typeNXT = 30; /** * endpoint identifier */ public final static int typeEID = 31; /** * nimrod locator */ public final static int typeNIMLOC = 32; /** * location of services */ public final static int typeSRV = 33; /** * atm address */ public final static int typeATMA = 34; /** * naming authority pointer */ public final static int typeNAPTR = 35; /** * key exchange */ public final static int typeKX = 36; /** * certification record */ public final static int typeCERT = 37; /** * ipv6 address */ public final static int typeA6 = 38; /** * non-terminal dname */ public final static int typeDNAME = 39; /** * kitchen sink */ public final static int typeSINK = 40; /** * edns0 option */ public final static int typeOPT = 41; /** * address prefix list */ public final static int typeAPL = 42; /** * delegation signer */ public final static int typeDS = 43; /** * ssh fp */ public final static int typeSSHFP = 44; /** * ipsec key */ public final static int typeIPSEC = 45; /** * rr signature */ public final static int typeRRSIG = 46; /** * name security */ public final static int typeNSEC = 47; /** * dns key */ public final static int typeDNSKEY = 48; /** * dhcid */ public final static int typeDHCID = 49; /** * nsec3 */ public final static int typeNSEC3 = 50; /** * nsec3 param */ public final static int typeNSEC3P = 51; /** * tlsa */ public final static int typeTLSA = 52; /** * host identity protocol */ public final static int typeHIP = 55; /** * ninfo */ public final static int typeNINFO = 56; /** * rkey */ public final static int typeRKEY = 57; /** * trust another link */ public final static int typeTALINK = 58; /** * child ds */ public final static int typeCDS = 59; /** * sender policy framework */ public final static int typeSPF = 99; /** * uinfo */ public final static int typeUINFO = 100; /** * uid */ public final static int typeUID = 101; /** * gid */ public final static int typeGID = 102; /** * unspecified */ public final static int typeUNSPEC = 103; /** * key */ public final static int typeTKEY = 249; /** * signature */ public final static int typeTSIG = 250; /** * incremental zone transfer */ public final static int typeIXFR = 251; /** * transfer of an entire zone */ public final static int typeAXFR = 252; /** * mailbox-related records */ public final static int typeMAILB = 253; /** * mail agent RRs */ public final static int typeMAILA = 254; /** * all records */ public final static int typeANY = 255; /** * uri */ public final static int typeURI = 256; /** * caa */ public final static int typeCAA = 257; /** * interface ipv4 address */ public final static int typeInt4 = 0x10000 | typeA; /** * interface ipv6 address */ public final static int typeInt6 = 0x10000 | typeAAAA; /** * ipv4 reverse suffix */ public final static String revSuffix4 = "IN-ADDR.ARPA"; /** * ipv6 reverse suffix */ public final static String revSuffix6 = "IP6.ARPA"; /** * copy bytes * * @return dns record */ public packDnsRec copyBytes() { packDnsRec n = new packDnsRec(); n.added = added; n.asked = asked; = name; n.typ = typ; n.clss = clss; n.ttl = ttl; for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { n.res.add(res.get(i)); } return n; } /** * generate ptr for ipv4 address * * @param adr address to generate for * @param suff suffix * @return string showint ptr name */ protected static String generateReverse4(addrIPv4 adr, String suff) { String s = ""; byte[] buf = adr.getBytes(); for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { s = (buf[i] & 0xff) + "." + s; } return s + suff; } /** * generate ptr for ipv6 address * * @param adr address to generate for * @param suff suffix * @return string showint ptr name */ protected static String generateReverse6(addrIPv6 adr, String suff) { String s = ""; byte[] buf = adr.getBytes(); for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { String a = bits.toHexB(buf[i] & 0xff); s = a.substring(1, 2) + "." + a.substring(0, 1) + "." + s; } return s + suff; } /** * generate ptr for ip address * * @param adr address to generate for * @return string showint ptr name */ public static String generateReverse(addrIP adr) { if (adr.isIPv4()) { return generateReverse4(adr.toIPv4(), revSuffix4); } else { return generateReverse6(adr.toIPv6(), revSuffix6); } } /** * generate rbl for ip address * * @param adr address to generate for * @param suff suffix * @return string showint ptr name */ public static String generateReverse(addrIP adr, String suff) { if (adr.isIPv4()) { return generateReverse4(adr.toIPv4(), suff); } else { return generateReverse6(adr.toIPv6(), suff); } } /** * convert class to string * * @param i opcode * @return string representing opcode */ public static String class2str(int i) { switch (i) { case classIN: return "in"; case classCS: return "cs"; case classCH: return "ch"; case classHS: return "hs"; case classALL: return "all"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * convert class to string * * @param i opcode * @return string representing opcode */ public static String type2str(int i) { switch (i) { case typeA: return "ip4a"; case typeNS: return "ns"; case typeMD: return "md"; case typeMF: return "mf"; case typeCNAME: return "cname"; case typeSOA: return "soa"; case typeMB: return "mb"; case typeMG: return "mg"; case typeMR: return "mr"; case typeNULL: return "null"; case typeWKS: return "wks"; case typePTR: return "ptr"; case typeHINFO: return "hinfo"; case typeMINFO: return "minfo"; case typeMX: return "mx"; case typeTXT: return "txt"; case typeRP: return "rp"; case typeX25: return "x25"; case typeISDN: return "isdn"; case typeRT: return "rt"; case typeNSAP: return "nsap"; case typeNSAPPTR: return "nsap-ptr"; case typePX: return "px"; case typeGPOS: return "gpos"; case typeAAAA: return "ip6a"; case typeLOC: return "loc"; case typeNXT: return "nxt"; case typeEID: return "eid"; case typeNIMLOC: return "nimloc"; case typeSRV: return "srv"; case typeATMA: return "atma"; case typeNAPTR: return "naptr"; case typeKX: return "kx"; case typeCERT: return "cert"; case typeA6: return "a6"; case typeDNAME: return "dname"; case typeSINK: return "sink"; case typeOPT: return "opt"; case typeAPL: return "apl"; case typeDS: return "ds"; case typeSSHFP: return "sshfp"; case typeIPSEC: return "ipsec"; case typeRRSIG: return "rrsig"; case typeNSEC: return "nsec"; case typeDNSKEY: return "dnskey"; case typeDHCID: return "dhcid"; case typeNSEC3: return "nsec3"; case typeNSEC3P: return "nsec3p"; case typeTLSA: return "tlsa"; case typeHIP: return "hip"; case typeNINFO: return "ninfo"; case typeRKEY: return "rkey"; case typeTALINK: return "talink"; case typeCDS: return "cds"; case typeSPF: return "spf"; case typeUINFO: return "uinfo"; case typeUID: return "uid"; case typeGID: return "gid"; case typeUNSPEC: return "unspec"; case typeTKEY: return "tkey"; case typeTSIG: return "tsig"; case typeIXFR: return "ixfr"; case typeAXFR: return "axfr"; case typeMAILB: return "mailb"; case typeMAILA: return "maila"; case typeInt4: return "ip4i"; case typeInt6: return "ip6i"; case typeANY: return "any"; case typeURI: return "uri"; case typeCAA: return "caa"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * decode pointer * * @param pck packet to read * @param len where to stop * @param rnd round * @return pointer */ public static String getPointer(packHolder pck, int len, int rnd) { int i = pck.msbGetW(0) & 0x3fff; pck.getSkip(2); int o = pck.dataSize(); pck.setBytesLeft(len - i); String s = getChain(pck, len, rnd); pck.setBytesLeft(o); return s; } /** * decode string * * @param pck packet to read * @return string */ public static String getString(packHolder pck) { int i = pck.getByte(0); pck.getSkip(1); String s = pck.getAsciiZ(0, i, -1); pck.getSkip(i); return s; } /** * decode chain * * @param pck packet to read * @param len where to stop * @param rnd round * @return readed domain name */ public static String getChain(packHolder pck, int len, int rnd) { if (rnd > 64) { return ""; } String s = ""; for (;;) { if (pck.dataSize() < 1) { break; } int i = pck.getByte(0); if ((i & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { s += "." + getPointer(pck, len, rnd + 1); break; } String a = getString(pck); if (a.length() < 1) { break; } s += "." + a; } if (s.length() < 1) { return ""; } return s.substring(1, s.length()); } /** * put string * * @param pck packet to update * @param s string */ public static void putString(packHolder pck, String s) { final int max = 255; int i = s.length(); if (i > max) { s = s.substring(0, max); i = max; } pck.putByte(0, i); pck.putAsciiZ(1, max, s, 0); pck.putSkip(i + 1); } /** * put domain name * * @param pck packet to update * @param s domain to encode */ public static void putDomain(packHolder pck, String s) { for (;;) { String a = ""; int i = s.indexOf("."); if (i < 1) { a = s; s = ""; } else { a = s.substring(0, i); s = s.substring(i + 1, s.length()); } if (a.length() < 1) { break; } putString(pck, a); } putString(pck, ""); } public String toString() { return "name=" + name + " class=" + class2str(clss) + " type=" + type2str(typ) + " ttl=" + ttl; } /** * convert to user string * * @param sep separator * @param beg beginning * @param stat statistics * @return user string */ public List toUserStr(String sep, String beg, boolean stat) { String ad = ""; if (stat) { ad = sep + asked + sep + bits.timeDump(ttl) + sep + bits.timePast(added); } List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { String a = res.get(i).toUserStr(typ); if (a == null) { continue; } l.add(beg + name + sep + type2str(typ) + sep + a + ad); } return l; } /** * convert from user string * * @param cmd command to parse * @return false if successful, true if error happened */ public boolean fromUserStr(cmds cmd) { name = cmd.word().toLowerCase(); if (name.toLowerCase().equals("rev")) { name = cmd.word(); addrIP adr = new addrIP(); if (adr.fromString(name)) { return true; } name = generateReverse(adr).toLowerCase(); } String s = cmd.word().toLowerCase(); typ = -1; if (s.equals("ip4a")) { typ = typeA; } if (s.equals("ip6a")) { typ = typeAAAA; } if (s.equals("ip4i")) { typ = typeInt4; } if (s.equals("ip6i")) { typ = typeInt6; } if (s.equals("cname")) { typ = typeCNAME; } if (s.equals("ptr")) { typ = typePTR; } if (s.equals("ns")) { typ = typeNS; } if (s.equals("rp")) { typ = typeRP; } if (s.equals("mx")) { typ = typeMX; } if (s.equals("txt")) { typ = typeTXT; } if (s.equals("srv")) { typ = typeSRV; } if (s.equals("hinfo")) { typ = typeHINFO; } if (s.equals("soa")) { typ = typeSOA; } if (typ == -1) { return true; } packDnsRes r = new packDnsRes(); if (r.fromUserStr(typ, cmd)) { return true; } res.add(r); return false; } /** * parse header * * @param pck packet to use * @param len message ending * @param question parse just header part * @return false if successful, true if error happened */ public boolean parseHeader(packHolder pck, int len, boolean question) { if (pck.dataSize() < 1) { return true; } name = getChain(pck, len, 0).toLowerCase(); typ = pck.msbGetW(0); // type clss = pck.msbGetW(2); // class pck.getSkip(4); if (question) { packDnsRes r = new packDnsRes(); res.add(r); return false; } ttl = pck.msbGetD(0); // time to live int siz = pck.msbGetW(4); // size of rdata pck.getSkip(6); siz = pck.dataSize() - siz; packDnsRes r = new packDnsRes(); if (r.parseHeader(typ, pck, len)) { return true; } res.add(r); pck.setBytesLeft(siz); return false; } /** * create header * * @param pck packet to use * @param question parse just header part */ public void createHeader(packHolder pck, boolean question) { for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { putDomain(pck, name); pck.msbPutW(0, typ); // type pck.msbPutW(2, clss); // class pck.putSkip(4); if (question) { return; } pck.msbPutD(0, ttl); // ttl pck.msbPutD(4, 0); // size pck.putSkip(6); res.get(i).createHeader(typ, pck); } } public int compareTo(packDnsRec o) { final int cmp = 0xffff; if ((typ & cmp) < (o.typ & cmp)) { return -1; } if ((typ & cmp) > (o.typ & cmp)) { return +1; } return name.compareTo(; } }