package org.freertr.ip; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrMac; import org.freertr.clnt.clntProxy; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcDn; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcNull; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcUp; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.pipe.pipeSide; import org.freertr.prt.prtTcp; import org.freertr.prt.prtUdp; import org.freertr.serv.servGeneric; import; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.state; /** * transparent proxy * * @author matecsaba */ public class ipProxy implements ifcUp { /** * proxy to use */ public final clntProxy upper; private ifcDn lower = new ifcNull(); private addrMac hwaddr = new addrMac(); private addrMac lastadr = new addrMac(); private counter cntr = new counter(); private Timer timer; private ipCor4 ip4; private ipCor6 ip6; private tabGen tcp; private tabGen udp; /** * create proxy handler * * @param parent parent of me */ public ipProxy(clntProxy parent) { upper = parent; resetTimer(true); ip4 = new ipCor4(); ip6 = new ipCor6(); tcp = new tabGen(); udp = new tabGen(); } /** * get list of connections * * @return list of entries */ public userFormat getShConn() { userFormat lst = new userFormat("|", "prt|src|trg|idle"); getShConn(lst, tcp, "tcp"); getShConn(lst, udp, "udp"); return lst; } private void getShConn(userFormat lst, tabGen tab, String str) { for (int i = 0; i < tab.size(); i++) { ipProxyConn ntry = tab.get(i); lst.add(str + "|" + ntry); } } private synchronized void resetTimer(boolean needRun) { try { timer.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { } timer = null; if (!needRun) { return; } timer = new Timer(); ipProxyTimer task = new ipProxyTimer(this); timer.schedule(task, 500, 1000); } /** * get counter * * @return counter */ public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } /** * set parent * * @param parent parent */ public void setParent(ifcDn parent) { lower = parent; try { hwaddr = (addrMac) lower.getHwAddr(); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** * set state * * @param stat state */ public void setState(state.states stat) { cntr.stateChange(stat); resetTimer(state.toUsable(stat) == state.states.up); } /** * close interface */ public void closeUp() { resetTimer(false); } public String toString() { return "transproxy on " + lower; } /** * purge tables */ protected void doTablePurge() { byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); long tim = bits.getTime(); for (int i = udp.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ipProxyConn ntry = udp.get(i); if (ntry.pipe.isClosed() != 0) { udp.del(ntry); continue; } for (;;) { int siz = ntry.pipe.nonBlockGet(buf, 0, buf.length); if (siz < 1) { break; } ntry.tim = tim; pck.clear(); ntry.toPack(pck); pck.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, siz); pck.putSkip(siz); pck.merge2beg(); prtUdp.createUDPheader(pck); sendPack(pck); } } for (int i = tcp.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ipProxyConn ntry = tcp.get(i); if (ntry.pipe.isClosed() != 0) { tcp.del(ntry); pck.clear(); ntry.toPack(pck); sendTcp(pck, prtTcp.flagRST); continue; } if (ntry.buf == null) { int siz = ntry.pipe.nonBlockGet(buf, 0, buf.length); if (siz < 1) { continue; } ntry.buf = new byte[siz]; bits.byteCopy(buf, 0, ntry.buf, 0, siz); } pck.clear(); pck.putCopy(ntry.buf, 0, 0, ntry.buf.length); pck.putSkip(ntry.buf.length); ntry.toPack(pck); sendTcp(pck, prtTcp.flagPshAck); } } private void sendPack(packHolder pck) { int typ; if (pck.IPtrg.isIPv4()) { ip4.createIPheader(pck); typ = ipIfc4.type; } else { ip6.createIPheader(pck); typ = ipIfc6.type; } pck.msbPutW(0, typ); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2beg(); pck.ETHsrc.setAddr(hwaddr); pck.ETHtrg.setAddr(lastadr); lower.sendPack(pck); } private void sendTcp(packHolder pck, int flg) { pck.merge2beg(); pck.TCPflg = flg; pck.TCPwin = 32768; prtTcp.createTCPheader(pck, -1, null, null); pck.merge2beg(); sendPack(pck); } /** * received packet * * @param pck packet */ public void recvPack(packHolder pck) { cntr.rx(pck); lastadr.setAddr(pck.ETHsrc); int typ = pck.msbGetW(0); pck.getSkip(2); switch (typ) { case ipIfc4.type: if (ip4.parseIPheader(pck, true)) { return; } break; case ipIfc6.type: if (ip6.parseIPheader(pck, true)) { return; } break; default: return; } pck.getSkip(pck.IPsiz); if (pck.IPtrg.isMulticast()) { return; } ipProxyConn conn; byte[] buf; switch (pck.IPprt) { case prtUdp.protoNum: if (prtUdp.parseUDPheader(pck)) { return; } buf = pck.getCopy(); pck.getSkip(buf.length); conn = udp.find(ipProxyConn.fromPack(pck)); if (conn != null) { conn.tim = bits.getTime(); conn.pipe.nonBlockPut(buf, 0, buf.length); return; } conn = ipProxyConn.fromPack(pck); conn.pipe = upper.doConnect(servGeneric.protoUdp, conn.trgA, conn.trgP, "transproxy"); if (conn.pipe == null) { return; } conn.pipe.setReady(); conn.tim = bits.getTime(); udp.put(conn); conn.pipe.nonBlockPut(buf, 0, buf.length); break; case prtTcp.protoNum: if (prtTcp.parseTCPheader(pck)) { return; } buf = pck.getCopy(); pck.getSkip(buf.length); conn = tcp.find(ipProxyConn.fromPack(pck)); if (conn == null) { if ((pck.TCPflg & prtTcp.flagSYN) == 0) { conn = ipProxyConn.fromPack(pck); conn.toPack(pck); pck.putStart(); sendTcp(pck, prtTcp.flagRST); return; } conn = ipProxyConn.fromPack(pck); conn.pipe = upper.doConnect(servGeneric.protoTcp, conn.trgA, conn.trgP, "transproxy"); if (conn.pipe == null) { conn.toPack(pck); pck.putStart(); sendTcp(pck, prtTcp.flagRST); return; } conn.seqR = pck.TCPseq + 1; conn.seqS = bits.randomD(); conn.pipe.setReady(); tcp.put(conn); } conn.tim = bits.getTime(); if ((pck.TCPflg & prtTcp.flagSYN) != 0) { conn.toPack(pck); pck.putStart(); pck.TCPmss = 1024; pck.TCPwsc = 0; pck.TCPtsV = 0; pck.TCPtsE = 0; pck.TCPseq--; sendTcp(pck, prtTcp.flagSynAck); return; } if ((pck.TCPflg & prtTcp.flagFIN) != 0) { conn.pipe.setClose(); return; } if ((pck.TCPflg & prtTcp.flagRST) != 0) { conn.pipe.setClose(); return; } if (conn.buf != null) { if (pck.TCPack == (conn.seqS + conn.buf.length)) { conn.seqS += conn.buf.length; conn.buf = null; } } if (pck.TCPseq != conn.seqR) { conn.toPack(pck); pck.putStart(); sendTcp(pck, prtTcp.flagACK); return; } if (conn.pipe.nonBlockPut(buf, 0, buf.length) != buf.length) { return; } conn.seqR += buf.length; conn.toPack(pck); pck.putStart(); sendTcp(pck, prtTcp.flagACK); break; default: return; } } } class ipProxyConn implements Comparable { public addrIP srcA; public addrIP trgA; public int srcP; public int trgP; public int seqR; public int seqS; public long tim; public pipeSide pipe; public byte[] buf; public static ipProxyConn fromPack(packHolder pck) { ipProxyConn conn = new ipProxyConn(); conn.srcA = pck.IPsrc.copyBytes(); conn.trgA = pck.IPtrg.copyBytes(); conn.srcP = pck.UDPsrc; conn.trgP = pck.UDPtrg; return conn; } public void toPack(packHolder pck) { pck.UDPsrc = trgP; pck.UDPtrg = srcP; pck.IPsrc.setAddr(trgA); pck.IPtrg.setAddr(srcA); pck.TCPack = seqR; pck.TCPseq = seqS; } public String toString() { return srcA + " " + srcP + "|" + trgA + " " + trgP + "|" + bits.timePast(tim); } public int compareTo(ipProxyConn o) { if (srcP < o.srcP) { return -1; } if (srcP > o.srcP) { return +1; } if (trgP < o.trgP) { return -1; } if (trgP > o.trgP) { return +1; } int i = srcA.compareTo(o.srcA); if (i != 0) { return i; } return trgA.compareTo(o.trgA); } } class ipProxyTimer extends TimerTask { private ipProxy parent; public ipProxyTimer(ipProxy prnt) { parent = prnt; } public void run() { try { parent.doTablePurge(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } }