package org.freertr.ip; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.clnt.clntNetflow; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcDn; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcEthTyp; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcEther; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcNshFwd; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcNull; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcPolka; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcUp; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrNshIface; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.state; /** * multiprotocol label switching (rfc3032) packet * * @author matecsaba */ public class ipMpls implements ifcUp { /** * size of mpls header */ public final static int sizeL = 4; /** * size of bier header */ public final static int sizeB = 8; /** * size of bier version */ public final static int bierV = 0x50; /** * mpls unicast ethertype */ public final static int typeU = 0x8847; /** * mpls multicast ethertype */ public final static int typeM = 0x8848; /** * bier ethertype */ public final static int typeB = 0xab37; /** * ipv4 explicit null */ public final static int labelExp4 = 0; /** * router alert */ public final static int labelAlert = 1; /** * ipv6 explicit null */ public final static int labelExp6 = 2; /** * implicit null */ public final static int labelImp = 3; /** * entropy label */ public final static int labelEntropy = 7; /** * generic associated label */ public final static int labelGal = 13; /** * operation and maintenance */ public final static int labelOam = 14; /** * extension label */ public final static int labelExt = 15; /** * bier downstream label */ public final static int bierLabD = 1; /** * bier upstream label */ public final static int bierLabU = 2; /** * bier ethernet */ public final static int bierEth = 3; /** * bier ipv4 */ public final static int bierIp4 = 4; /** * bier oam */ public final static int bierOam = 5; /** * bier ipv6 */ public final static int bierIp6 = 6; /** * label security */ public boolean security; /** * send with this ethertype */ public int ethtyp = ipMpls.typeU; /** * ingress acl */ public tabListing, addrIP> filterIn; /** * egress acl */ public tabListing, addrIP> filterOut; /** * common ingress acl */ public tabListing, addrIP> cfilterIn; /** * common egress acl */ public tabListing, addrIP> cfilterOut; /** * redirect packets */ public ipMpls redirect; /** * inspector */ public tabSession inspect; /** * process netflow on receiving */ public boolean netflowRx = false; /** * process netflow on sending */ public boolean netflowTx = false; /** * forwarder */ protected ipFwd fwd4; /** * forwarder */ protected ipFwd fwd6; /** * forwarder */ protected ifcEthTyp fwdE; private ifcDn lower = new ifcNull(); private counter cntr = new counter(); private ipCor core4 = new ipCor4(); private ipCor core6 = new ipCor6(); /** * create mpls handler * * @param fwdr4 ip4 forwarder * @param fwdr6 ip6 forwarder * @param ether ethertype handler */ public ipMpls(ipFwd fwdr4, ipFwd fwdr6, ifcEthTyp ether) { fwd4 = fwdr4; fwd6 = fwdr6; fwdE = ether; } public String toString() { return "" + lower; } /** * register to ethtyp */ public void register2eth() { fwdE.addET(typeB, "mplsBer", this); fwdE.updateET(typeB, this); fwdE.addET(typeM, "mplsMlt", this); fwdE.updateET(typeM, this); fwdE.addET(typeU, "mplsUni", this); fwdE.updateET(typeU, this); } /** * unregister from ethtyp */ public void unregister2eth() { fwdE.delET(typeB); fwdE.delET(typeM); fwdE.delET(typeU); } /** * send one packet * * @param pck packet to send */ public void send2eth(packHolder pck) { if (cfilterOut != null) { pck.getSkip(2); if (filterPacket(pck, cfilterOut)) { return; } pck.getSkip(-2); } if (filterOut != null) { pck.getSkip(2); if (filterPacket(pck, filterOut)) { return; } pck.getSkip(-2); } if (inspect != null) { pck.getSkip(2); if (inspectPacket(pck, true)) { return; } pck.getSkip(-2); } if (netflowTx) { pck.getSkip(2); if (netflowPacket(pck, true)) { return; } pck.getSkip(-2); } if (redirect != null) { redirect.cntr.tx(pck); redirect.lower.sendPack(pck); return; } cntr.tx(pck); lower.sendPack(pck); } private ipFwd parseIPhead(packHolder pck) { for (;;) { if (parseMPLSheader(pck)) { return null; } if (pck.MPLSbottom) { break; } } switch (ifcEther.guessEtherType(pck)) { case ipIfc4.type: if (core4.parseIPheader(pck, false)) { return null; } return fwd4; case ipIfc6.type: if (core6.parseIPheader(pck, false)) { return null; } return fwd6; default: return null; } } private boolean filterPacket(packHolder pck, tabListing, addrIP> acl) { int i = pck.dataSize(); if (parseIPhead(pck) == null) { return true; } boolean b = !acl.matches(false, true, pck); int o = pck.dataSize(); pck.getSkip(o - i); return b; } private boolean inspectPacket(packHolder pck, boolean dir) { int i = pck.dataSize(); if (parseIPhead(pck) == null) { return true; } boolean b = inspect.doPack(pck, dir); int o = pck.dataSize(); pck.getSkip(o - i); return b; } private boolean netflowPacket(packHolder pck, boolean dir) { int i = pck.dataSize(); ipFwd fw = parseIPhead(pck); if (fw != null) { clntNetflow nf = fw.netflow; if (nf != null) { nf.session.doPack(pck, dir); } } int o = pck.dataSize(); pck.getSkip(o - i); return false; } /** * parse mpls header * * @param pck packet to parse * @return false if successful, true if error happened */ public static boolean parseMPLSheader(packHolder pck) { if (pck.dataSize() < sizeL) { return true; } pck.MPLSlabel = pck.msbGetD(0) >>> 12; pck.MPLSttl = pck.getByte(3); int i = pck.getByte(2); pck.MPLSbottom = (i & 1) != 0; pck.MPLSexp = (i >>> 1) & 7; pck.getSkip(sizeL); if (debugger.ipMPLStrafL) { logger.debug("rx label=" + pck.MPLSlabel + " exp=" + pck.MPLSexp + " ttl=" + pck.MPLSttl + " bottom=" + pck.MPLSbottom); } return false; } private static void createMPLSheader(packHolder pck, int label, boolean bottom) { int i = label << 12; i |= pck.MPLSttl & 0xff; i |= (pck.MPLSexp & 7) << 9; if (bottom) { i |= 0x100; } pck.msbPutD(0, i); pck.putSkip(sizeL); pck.merge2beg(); } /** * create mpls header * * @param pck packet to update */ public static void createMPLSheader(packHolder pck) { pck.merge2beg(); if (debugger.ipMPLStrafL) { logger.debug("tx label=" + pck.MPLSlabel + " exp=" + pck.MPLSexp + " ttl=" + pck.MPLSttl + " bottom=" + pck.MPLSbottom); } if (pck.MPLSrnd > 0) { createMPLSheader(pck, pck.MPLSrnd, pck.MPLSbottom); createMPLSheader(pck, labelEntropy, false); pck.MPLSrnd = 0; pck.MPLSbottom = false; } if (pck.MPLSlabel == labelImp) { return; } createMPLSheader(pck, pck.MPLSlabel, pck.MPLSbottom); pck.MPLSbottom = false; } /** * create mpls labels * * @param pck packet to update * @param labs labels to add */ public static void createMPLSlabels(packHolder pck, List labs) { for (int i = labs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pck.MPLSlabel = labs.get(i); createMPLSheader(pck); } } /** * parse bier header * * @param pck packet to parse * @return false if successful, true if error happened */ public static boolean parseBIERheader(packHolder pck) { if (pck.dataSize() < sizeB) { return true; } int i = pck.msbGetD(0); if ((i >>> 24) != bierV) { // nibble, version return true; } if (((i >>> 20) & 0x7) != pck.BIERbsl) { // bsl return true; } pck.MPLSrnd = i & 0xfffff; // entropy i = pck.msbGetD(4); pck.BIERid = i & 0xffff; // bfir id pck.IPprt = (i >>> 16) & 0x3f; // proto pck.IPtos = (i >>> 22) & 0x3f; // dscp pck.BIERoam = i >>> 28; // oam, rsv pck.getSkip(sizeB); i = tabLabelBier.bsl2num(pck.BIERbsl); byte[] buf = new byte[(i / 8)]; if (pck.dataSize() <= buf.length) { return true; } pck.getCopy(buf, 0, 0, buf.length); // bitstring pck.getSkip(buf.length); pck.BIERbs = buf; if (debugger.ipMPLStrafB) { logger.debug("rx bfir=" + pck.BIERid + " si=" + pck.BIERsi + " prt=" + pck.IPprt + " bs=" + bits.byteDump(pck.BIERbs, 0, -1)); } return false; } /** * create bier header * * @param pck packet to update */ public static void createBIERheader(packHolder pck) { pck.merge2beg(); if (debugger.ipMPLStrafB) { logger.debug("tx bfir=" + pck.BIERid + " si=" + pck.BIERsi + " prt=" + pck.IPprt + " bs=" + bits.byteDump(pck.BIERbs, 0, -1)); } int i = pck.MPLSrnd & 0xfffff; // entropy i |= (pck.BIERbsl & 0x7) << 20; // bsl i |= bierV << 24; // nibble, version pck.msbPutD(0, i); i = pck.BIERid & 0xffff; // bfir id i |= (pck.IPprt & 0x3f) << 16; // proto i |= (pck.IPtos & 0x3f) << 22; // dscp i |= pck.BIERoam << 28; // oam pck.msbPutD(4, i); pck.putSkip(sizeB); byte[] buf = pck.BIERbs; // bitstring i = tabLabelBier.bsl2num(pck.BIERbsl) / 8; if (buf.length >= i) { pck.putCopy(buf, buf.length - i, 0, i); } else { int o = i - buf.length; pck.putFill(0, o, 0); pck.putCopy(buf, 0, o, buf.length); } pck.putSkip(i); pck.merge2beg(); pck.MPLSrnd = 0; pck.MPLSbottom = true; } /** * create error report * * @param pck packet to report * @param lab label to report * @param res reason code * @param dat reason data * @return false if succeed, true if error */ public static boolean createError(packHolder pck, tabLabelEntry lab, counter.reasons res, int dat) { ipFwd fwd = lab.forwarder; if (fwd == null) { return true; } if (lab.duplicate != null) { return true; } if (lab.bier != null) { return true; } if (lab.pweIfc != null) { return true; } if (fwd.unreach != null) { if (fwd.unreach.check(1)) { return true; } } ipFwdIface ifc = lab.iface; if (ifc == null) { ifc = ipFwdTab.findStableIface(fwd); if (ifc == null) { return true; } } List labs = null; if (!pck.MPLSbottom) { int old = pck.MPLSlabel; labs = new ArrayList(); for (;;) { if (parseMPLSheader(pck)) { return true; } labs.add(pck.MPLSlabel); if (pck.MPLSbottom) { break; } } pck.MPLSlabel = old; } if (fwd.ipCore.parseIPheader(pck, true)) { return true; } if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("drop " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " reason=" + counter.reason2string(res)); } addrIP src = ifc.getUnreachAddr(); if (src == null) { return true; } if (fwd.icmpCore.createError(pck, res, dat, src, fwd.mplsExtRep)) { return true; } fwd.ipCore.createIPheader(pck); pck.INTupper = -1; beginMPLSfields(pck, (fwd.mplsPropTtl | ifc.mplsPropTtlAlways) & ifc.mplsPropTtlAllow); if (labs != null) { createMPLSlabels(pck, labs); } return false; } /** * start mpls header * * @param pck packet to update * @param prop propagate ip ttl */ public static void beginMPLSfields(packHolder pck, boolean prop) { pck.MPLSbottom = true; pck.MPLSexp = pck.IPtos >>> 5; if (prop) { pck.MPLSttl = pck.IPttl; } else { pck.MPLSttl = 255; } pck.MPLSrnd = 0; } /** * set parent * * @param parent parent */ public void setParent(ifcDn parent) { lower = parent; } /** * get counter * * @return counter */ public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } /** * set state * * @param stat state */ public void setState(state.states stat) { } /** * close interface */ public void closeUp() { } /** * received packet * * @param pck packet */ public void recvPack(packHolder pck) { cntr.rx(pck); int ethTyp = pck.msbGetW(0); // ethertype switch (ethTyp) { case typeU: case typeM: case typeB: break; default: cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badEthTyp); return; } pck.getSkip(2); if (cfilterIn != null) { if (filterPacket(pck, cfilterIn)) { return; } } if (filterIn != null) { if (filterPacket(pck, filterIn)) { return; } } if (inspect != null) { if (inspectPacket(pck, false)) { return; } } if (netflowRx) { if (netflowPacket(pck, false)) { return; } } gotMplsPack(fwd4, fwd6, fwdE, security, pck); } /** * do one polka packet * * @param fwdP polka forwarder * @param fwd4 ipv4 forwarder * @param fwd6 ipv6 forwarder * @param pck packet to read */ public static void gotPolkaPack(ifcPolka fwdP, ipFwd fwd4, ipFwd fwd6, packHolder pck) { int id = fwdP.decodeRouteId(pck); if (debugger.ifcPolkaEvnt) { logger.debug("fwd to=" + id + " at=" + fwdP.localId + " route=" + bits.byteDump(pck.NSHmdv, 0, -1)); } pck.NSHttl--; if (pck.NSHttl < 1) { return; } if (pck.NSHmdt == 0) { if (id == 0) { pck.ETHtype = pck.IPprt; ipFwd fwd; switch (pck.IPprt) { case ipIfc4.type: fwd = fwd4; break; case ipIfc6.type: fwd = fwd6; break; case ipMpls.typeU: gotMplsPack(fwd4, fwd6, null, false, pck); return; default: return; } beginMPLSfields(pck, false); if (fwd.mplsPropTtl) { pck.MPLSttl = pck.NSHttl; } fwd.mplsRxPack(fwd4, fwd6, null, fwd.commonLabel, pck); return; } tabIndex idx = new tabIndex(id, null); tabIndex res = null; ipFwd fwd = null; if (fwd4 != null) { res = fwd4.actualIU.find(idx); fwd = fwd4; } if ((res == null) && (fwd6 != null)) { res = fwd6.actualIU.find(idx); fwd = fwd6; } if (res == null) {"received invalid index " + id); return; } res.cntr.rx(pck); tabRouteEntry ntry = fwd.actualU.find(res.prefix); if (ntry == null) {"no route for index " + id); return; } if ( == null) {"no nexthop for index " + id); return; } ipFwdIface ifc = (ipFwdIface); if (ifc == null) {"no iface for index " + id); return; } ifc.lower.sendPolka(pck,; return; } ipFwd fwd = null; if (fwd4.actualIC.size() > fwd6.actualIC.size()) { fwd = fwd4; } else { fwd = fwd6; } for (int i = 1; i <= fwd.actualIC.size(); i++) { if (i >= bits.bitVals.length) { continue; } if ((id & bits.bitVals[i]) == 0) { continue; } tabIndex idx = fwd.actualIC.get(i - 1); if (idx == null) {"received invalid index " + i); continue; } idx.cntr.rx(pck); tabRouteEntry ntry = fwd.actualU.find(idx.prefix); if (ntry == null) {"no route for index " + i); continue; } if ( == null) {"no nexthop for index " + id); continue; } ipFwdIface ifc = (ipFwdIface); if (ifc == null) {"no iface for index " + id); continue; } ifc.lower.sendPolka(pck.copyBytes(true, true),; } if ((id & 1) == 0) { return; } pck.ETHtype = pck.IPprt; switch (pck.IPprt) { case ipIfc4.type: fwd = fwd4; break; case ipIfc6.type: fwd = fwd6; break; case ipMpls.typeU: gotMplsPack(fwd4, fwd6, null, false, pck); return; default: return; } beginMPLSfields(pck, false); if (fwd.mplsPropTtl) { pck.MPLSttl = pck.NSHttl; } fwd.mplsRxPack(fwd4, fwd6, null, fwd.commonLabel, pck); } /** * do one nsh packet * * @param pck packet to read */ public static void gotNshPack(packHolder pck) { if (debugger.ifcNshEvnt) { logger.debug("fwd sp=" + pck.NSHsp + " si=" + pck.NSHsi + " prt=" + pck.IPprt + " ttl=" + pck.NSHttl + " meta=" + pck.NSHmdt + "," + pck.NSHmdv.length); } tabNshEntry ntry = new tabNshEntry(pck.NSHsp, pck.NSHsi); ntry =; if (ntry == null) {"received invalid service " + pck.NSHsp + " " + pck.NSHsi); return; } ntry.cntr.rx(pck); pck.NSHttl--; if (pck.NSHttl < 1) { ntry.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.ttlExceed); return; } pck.NSHsp = ntry.trgSp; pck.NSHsi = ntry.trgSi; if (ntry.iface != null) { ifcNshFwd fwd = ntry.iface.nshFwd; if (fwd == null) { ntry.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } if (!ntry.rawPack) { fwd.doTxNsh(pck,; return; } if (ifcNshFwd.convert2ethtyp(pck) < 0) { ntry.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badProto); return; } if (ntry.keepHdr) { fwd.doTxRaw(pck, null); } else { fwd.doTxRaw(pck,; } return; } if ((ntry.tunnelV != null) && (ntry.tunnelI != null) && (ntry.tunnelA != null)) { ifcNshFwd.createNSHheader(pck); pck.getSkip(2); pck.IPprt = rtrNshIface.protoNum; pck.IPtrg.setAddr(ntry.tunnelA); pck.IPsrc.setAddr(ntry.tunnelI.addr); pck.merge2beg(); pck.putDefaults(); ntry.tunnelV.protoPack(ntry.tunnelI, null, pck); return; } if ((ntry.route4 == null) || (ntry.route6 == null)) { ntry.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.denied); return; } int i = ifcNshFwd.convert2ethtyp(pck); if (i < 0) { ntry.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badProto); return; } pck.getSkip(2); ipFwd fwd = null; switch (i) { case ipIfc4.type: fwd = ntry.route4; break; case ipIfc6.type: fwd = ntry.route6; break; case ipMpls.typeU: gotMplsPack(ntry.route4, ntry.route6, null, false, pck); return; case ifcNshFwd.type: if (ifcNshFwd.parseNSHheader(pck)) { ntry.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badHdr); return; } if (debugger.ifcNshEvnt) { logger.debug("rx sp=" + pck.NSHsp + " si=" + pck.NSHsi + " prt=" + pck.IPprt + " ttl=" + pck.NSHttl + " meta=" + pck.NSHmdt + "," + pck.NSHmdv.length); } tabNshEntry trg = new tabNshEntry(pck.NSHsp, pck.NSHsi); trg =; if (trg == null) { ntry.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notInTab); return; } gotNshPack(pck); return; default: ntry.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badProto); return; } beginMPLSfields(pck, false); if (fwd.mplsPropTtl) { pck.MPLSttl = pck.NSHttl; } fwd.mplsRxPack(ntry.route4, ntry.route6, null, fwd.commonLabel, pck); } /** * do one mpls packet * * @param pck packet to read * @param fwd4 ipv4 forwarder * @param fwd6 ipv6 forwarder * @param fwdE ethernet forwarder * @param secure secure configuration */ public static void gotMplsPack(ipFwd fwd4, ipFwd fwd6, ifcEthTyp fwdE, boolean secure, packHolder pck) { int ttl = -1; for (;;) { if (parseMPLSheader(pck)) {"received invalid header on " + fwdE); return; } if (ttl >= 0) { pck.MPLSttl = ttl; } switch (pck.MPLSlabel) { case labelImp: case labelExp4: if (!pck.MPLSbottom) { continue; } if (fwd4 == null) { return; } fwd4.mplsRxPack(fwd4, fwd6, fwdE, fwd4.commonLabel, pck); return; case labelExp6: if (!pck.MPLSbottom) { continue; } if (fwd6 == null) { return; } fwd6.mplsRxPack(fwd4, fwd6, fwdE, fwd6.commonLabel, pck); return; case labelEntropy: if (parseMPLSheader(pck)) { return; } pck.MPLSrnd = pck.MPLSlabel; if (!pck.MPLSbottom) { continue; } if (fwd4 == null) { return; } fwd4.mplsRxPack(fwd4, fwd6, fwdE, fwd4.commonLabel, pck); return; case labelAlert: continue; default: break; } tabLabelEntry ntry = tabLabel.find(pck.MPLSlabel); if (ntry == null) {"received invalid label " + pck.MPLSlabel + " on " + fwdE); return; } ntry.cntr.rx(pck); ipFwd fwd = ntry.forwarder; if (fwd == null) { ntry.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noRoute); return; } if (fwd.mplsPropTtl) { ttl = pck.MPLSttl; } if (secure) { if ((fwd != fwd4) && (fwd != fwd6)) {"received violating label " + pck.MPLSlabel + " on " + fwdE); ntry.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.denied); return; } } if (ntry.nextHop != null) { fwd.mplsRxPack(fwd4, fwd6, fwdE, ntry, pck); return; } if (pck.MPLSbottom) { fwd.mplsRxPack(fwd4, fwd6, fwdE, ntry, pck); return; } } } /** * do one bier packet * * @param pck packet to read * @param fwd4 ipv4 forwarder * @param fwd6 ipv6 forwarder * @param fwdE ethernet forwarder * @return false on success, true on error */ public static boolean gotBierPck(ipFwd fwd4, ipFwd fwd6, ifcEthTyp fwdE, packHolder pck) { switch (pck.IPprt) { case bierLabD: case bierLabU: gotMplsPack(fwd4, fwd6, fwdE, false, pck); return false; case bierIp4: if (fwd4 == null) { return true; } fwd4.mplsRxPack(fwd4, fwd6, fwdE, fwd4.commonLabel, pck); return false; case bierIp6: if (fwd6 == null) { return true; } fwd6.mplsRxPack(fwd4, fwd6, fwdE, fwd6.commonLabel, pck); return false; case bierEth: if (fwdE == null) { return true; } ifcEther.parseETHheader(pck, false); fwdE.recvPack(pck); return false; default: return true; } } }