package org.freertr.ip; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrIPv4; import org.freertr.addr.addrMac; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.addr.addrType; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcDn; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcNull; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcUp; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import; import; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.state; /** * implements arp (rfc826) cache * * @author matecsaba */ public class ipIfc4arp implements ifcUp { /** * ethertype of my packets */ public final static int type = 0x806; /** * size of my packets */ public final static int size = 28; /** * arp cache dynamic */ public boolean arpCacheDynamic = true; /** * arp cache timeout */ public int arpCacheTimeout = ipIfcLoop.defaultCacheTime; /** * arp cache retry */ public int arpCacheRetry = ipIfcLoop.defaultRetryTime; /** * arp query rate */ public tabRateLimit arpQueryRate; private ifcDn lower = new ifcNull(); private ipIfc4 upper; private addrMac hwaddr = new addrMac(); private addrIPv4 ipaddr = new addrIPv4(); private addrPrefix network = new addrPrefix( new addrIPv4(), 0); private tabGen cache = new tabGen(); private Timer timer; private long currTim = bits.getTime(); private counter cntr = new counter(); private int gratoitous; private final static int opcodeARPreq = 1; private final static int opcodeARPrep = 2; private final static int opcodeRARPreq = 3; private final static int opcodeRARPrep = 4; private final static int opcodeDRARPreq = 5; private final static int opcodeDRARPrep = 6; private final static int opcodeInARPreq = 8; private final static int opcodeInARPrep = 9; /** * create arp handler * * @param parent parent of me */ public ipIfc4arp(ipIfc4 parent) { upper = parent; } /** * get counter * * @return counter */ public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } private static String opcode2string(int i) { String s; switch (i) { case opcodeARPreq: s = "arpReq"; break; case opcodeARPrep: s = "arpRep"; break; case opcodeRARPreq: s = "rarpReq"; break; case opcodeRARPrep: s = "rarpRep"; break; case opcodeDRARPreq: s = "drarpReq"; break; case opcodeDRARPrep: s = "drarpRep"; break; case opcodeInARPreq: s = "inarpReq"; break; case opcodeInARPrep: s = "inarpRep"; break; default: s = "unknown=" + i; break; } return s; } /** * set ip network * * @param addr address * @param mask mask */ public void setIPv4addr(addrIPv4 addr, int mask) { resetTimer(false); cache.clear(); ipaddr = addr.copyBytes(); network = new addrPrefix(addr, mask); resetTimer(true); } private synchronized void resetTimer(boolean needRun) { try { timer.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { } timer = null; if (!needRun) { return; } timer = new Timer(); ipIfc4arpTimer task = new ipIfc4arpTimer(this); timer.schedule(task, 500, 60000); } /** * set worker interface * * @param parent worker interface */ public void setParent(ifcDn parent) { lower = parent; hwaddr = (addrMac) lower.getHwAddr(); } /** * set state of interface * * @param stat new state */ public void setState(state.states stat) { cntr.stateChange(stat); resetTimer(state.toUsable(stat) == state.states.up); } /** * close this interface */ public void closeUp() { resetTimer(false); } private void sendArpPack(packHolder pck, int opcode, addrMac trgH, addrIPv4 trgP, addrMac srcH, addrIPv4 srcP) { pck.clear(); putHeader(pck, trgH, srcH); pck.msbPutW(0, type); pck.putSkip(2); if (trgH.isBroadcast()) { trgH.setNot(trgH); } if (debugger.ipIfc4arpTraf) { logger.debug("tx op=" + opcode2string(opcode) + " th=" + trgH + " tp=" + trgP); } pck.msbPutW(0, 1); // hardware address space pck.msbPutW(2, ipIfc4.type); // protocol address space pck.putByte(4, addrMac.size); // byte length of each hardware address pck.putByte(5, addrIPv4.size); // byte length of each protocol address pck.msbPutW(6, opcode); // opcode pck.putAddr(8, srcH); // hardware address of sender pck.putAddr(14, srcP); // protocol address of sender pck.putAddr(18, trgH); // hardware address of target pck.putAddr(24, trgP); // protocol address of target pck.putSkip(size); // size of arp packet pck.merge2beg(); lower.sendPack(pck); } /** * is proxy arp enabled * * @return not enabled */ public boolean getProxyArp() { return false; } /** * this interface got a packet for processing * * @param pck packet needs to parsed */ public void recvPack(packHolder pck) { cntr.rx(pck); if (pck.msbGetW(0) != type) { // ethertype cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badEthTyp); return; } pck.getSkip(2); if (pck.dataSize() < size) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.tooSmall); return; } if (pck.msbGetW(0) != 1) { // hardware address space cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badTyp); return; } if (pck.msbGetW(2) != ipIfc4.type) { // protocol address space cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badCod); return; } if (pck.getByte(4) != addrMac.size) { // length of hardware address cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badLen); return; } if (pck.getByte(5) != addrIPv4.size) { // length of protocol address cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badLen); return; } int gotOP = pck.msbGetW(6); // opcode addrMac gotSH = new addrMac(); addrIPv4 gotSP = new addrIPv4(); addrMac gotTH = new addrMac(); addrIPv4 gotTP = new addrIPv4(); pck.getAddr(gotSH, 8); // hardware address of sender pck.getAddr(gotSP, 14); // protocol address of sender pck.getAddr(gotTH, 18); // hardware address of target pck.getAddr(gotTP, 24); // protocol address of target if (debugger.ipIfc4arpTraf) { logger.debug("rx op=" + opcode2string(gotOP) + " sh=" + gotSH + " sp=" + gotSP + " th=" + gotTH + " tp=" + gotTP); } if (gotSP.compareTo(ipaddr) == 0) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badSrcAddr);"ipv4 address conflict with " + gotSH + " at " + lower); return; } if (arpCacheDynamic) { ipIfc4arpEntry ntry = new ipIfc4arpEntry(); ntry.ip = gotSP; ntry.mac = gotSH; ntry.time = currTim; addEntry(ntry); } if (gotOP != opcodeARPreq) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badCod); return; } addrIP adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromIPv4addr(gotTP); addrType mac = upper.checkMyAlias(adr); if (mac != null) { sendArpPack(pck, opcodeARPrep, gotSH, gotSP, (addrMac) mac, gotTP); return; } boolean rep = gotTP.compareTo(ipaddr) == 0; if (network.matches(gotTP)) { rep |= upper.ifcHdr.answerNetReqs; } else { rep |= upper.ifcHdr.answerDefReqs; } if (!rep) { return; } if (upper.ifcHdr.answerFilter != null) { packHolder flt = new packHolder(true, true); adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromIPv4addr(gotSP); flt.IPsrc.setAddr(adr); adr = new addrIP(); adr.fromIPv4addr(gotTP); flt.IPtrg.setAddr(adr); if (!upper.ifcHdr.answerFilter.matches(false, false, flt)) { return; } } sendArpPack(pck, opcodeARPrep, gotSH, gotSP, hwaddr, gotTP); } private void addEntry(ipIfc4arpEntry ntry) { if (debugger.ipIfc4arpEvnt) { logger.debug("add " + ntry); } cache.put(ntry); upper.upper.tableChanger(); } private void delEntry(ipIfc4arpEntry ntry) { if (debugger.ipIfc4arpEvnt) { logger.debug("del " + ntry); } cache.del(ntry); upper.upper.tableChanger(); } private void putHeader(packHolder pck, addrMac trg, addrMac src) { pck.putStart(); pck.ETHtrg.setAddr(trg); pck.ETHsrc.setAddr(src); } /** * put dst,src mac address to packet * * @param pck packet to update * @param adr next hop ip address * @return true not found, false if updated successfully */ public boolean readMACheader(packHolder pck, addrIPv4 adr) { ipIfc4arpEntry ntry = new ipIfc4arpEntry(); ntry.ip = adr; ntry = cache.find(ntry); if (ntry != null) { ntry.time = currTim; putHeader(pck, ntry.mac, hwaddr); return false; } if (adr.isMulticast()) { if (upper.ifcHdr.mcastAsBcast) { putHeader(pck, addrMac.getBroadcast(), hwaddr); return false; } if (!upper.ifcHdr.mcastAsUcast) { putHeader(pck, adr.conv2multiMac(), hwaddr); return false; } ntry = cache.get(0); if (ntry == null) { putHeader(pck, adr.conv2multiMac(), hwaddr); return false; } putHeader(pck, ntry.mac, hwaddr); return false; } if (adr.isBroadcast()) { putHeader(pck, addrMac.getBroadcast(), hwaddr); return false; } if (adr.compareTo( < 0) { putHeader(pck, addrMac.getBroadcast(), hwaddr); return false; } if (adr.compareTo(network.broadcast) > 0) { putHeader(pck, addrMac.getBroadcast(), hwaddr); return false; } if (!network.matches(adr)) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badTrgAddr); return true; } cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notInTab); if (arpQueryRate != null) { if (arpQueryRate.check(1)) { return true; } } sendArpPack(pck, opcodeARPreq, addrMac.getBroadcast(), adr, hwaddr, ipaddr); return true; } public String toString() { return "arp on " + lower; } /** * send arp packet * * @param mac source mac * @param adr source ip */ public void sendARPheader(addrMac mac, addrIPv4 adr) { sendArpPack(new packHolder(true, true), opcodeARPreq, addrMac.getBroadcast(), adr, mac, adr); } /** * do arp cache cleanup round */ public void doCachePurge() { if (debugger.ipIfc4arpEvnt) { logger.debug("purge"); } gratoitous++; if (gratoitous > 2) { sendArpPack(new packHolder(true, true), opcodeARPreq, addrMac.getBroadcast(), ipaddr, hwaddr, ipaddr); if (upper.ifcHdr != null) { for (int i = 0;; i++) { addrIP adr = upper.ifcHdr.adrGetIp(i); if (adr == null) { break; } addrMac mac = upper.ifcHdr.adrGetMac(i); if (mac == null) { break; } sendARPheader(mac, adr.toIPv4()); } } gratoitous = 0; } currTim = bits.getTime(); ipIfc4arpEntry ntry = new ipIfc4arpEntry(); packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); for (int i = cache.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ntry = cache.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (ntry.stat) { continue; } if ((currTim - ntry.time) > arpCacheRetry) { sendArpPack(pck, opcodeARPreq, ntry.mac, ntry.ip, hwaddr, ipaddr); } if ((currTim - ntry.time) < arpCacheTimeout) { continue; } delEntry(ntry); } } /** * update mac header * * @param mod mode * @param mac address to set * @param adr address to set */ public void updateMACheader(int mod, addrMac mac, addrIPv4 adr) { ipIfc4arpEntry ntry = new ipIfc4arpEntry(); ntry.ip = adr.copyBytes(); ntry.mac = mac.copyBytes(); ntry.time = currTim; switch (mod) { case 0: addEntry(ntry); break; case 1: ntry.stat = true; addEntry(ntry); break; case 2: ntry.stat = true; delEntry(ntry); break; } } /** * get mac address * * @param adr ip address * @return mac address, null if not found */ public addrMac getMACaddr(addrIPv4 adr) { ipIfc4arpEntry ntry = new ipIfc4arpEntry(); ntry.ip = adr; ntry = cache.find(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return null; } return ntry.mac; } /** * get mac and ip address * * @param seq sequence to read * @param adr ip address * @param mac mac address * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean getMACaddr(int seq, addrIP adr, addrMac mac) { ipIfc4arpEntry ntry = cache.get(seq); if (ntry == null) { return true; } adr.fromIPv4addr(ntry.ip); mac.setAddr(ntry.mac); return false; } /** * get static mac and ip addresses * * @param lst list to append * @param beg beginning */ public void getMACaddr(List lst, String beg) { for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) { ipIfc4arpEntry ntry = cache.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (!ntry.stat) { continue; } lst.add(beg + ntry.ip + " " + ntry.mac); } } /** * get list of neighbors * * @return list of entries */ public userFormat getShCache() { userFormat lst = new userFormat("|", "mac|address|time|static"); for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) { ipIfc4arpEntry ntry = cache.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } lst.add(ntry.mac + "|" + ntry.ip + "|" + bits.timePast(ntry.time) + "|" + ntry.stat); } return lst; } /** * get local mac address * * @return mac address */ public addrMac getLocalMac() { return hwaddr.copyBytes(); } } class ipIfc4arpTimer extends TimerTask { private ipIfc4arp parent; public ipIfc4arpTimer(ipIfc4arp prnt) { parent = prnt; } public void run() { try { parent.doCachePurge(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } } class ipIfc4arpEntry implements Comparable { public addrMac mac; public addrIPv4 ip; public long time; public boolean stat; public String toString() { return mac + " " + ip + " " + bits.timePast(time); } public int compareTo(ipIfc4arpEntry o) { return ip.compareTo(o.ip); } }