package org.freertr.ip; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrMac; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgScrpt; import; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * host watch * * @author matecsaba */ public class ipHostWatch implements Runnable { private final ipIfc ifc; private boolean working = true; private tabGen hosts = new tabGen(); /** * script to run on node appearance */ public cfgScrpt nodeOn; /** * script to run on node change */ public cfgScrpt nodeChg; /** * script to run on node disappearance */ public cfgScrpt nodeOff; /** * create new interface * * @param iface interface to work on */ public ipHostWatch(ipIfc iface) { ifc = iface; new Thread(this).start(); } public String toString() { String a = ""; if (nodeOn != null) { a += " appear " +; } if (nodeChg != null) { a += " change " +; } if (nodeOff != null) { a += " disappear " +; } return a.trim(); } /** * stop work */ public void stopWork() { working = false; } public void run() { for (;;) { bits.sleep(60000); if (!working) { break; } try { doWork(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } } private void doWork() { tabGen fresh = new tabGen(); for (int i = 0;; i++) { ipHostWatchEntry cur = new ipHostWatchEntry(); if (ifc.getL2info(i, cur.ip, cur.mac)) { break; } fresh.add(cur); } for (int i = 0; i < fresh.size(); i++) { ipHostWatchEntry cur = fresh.get(i); ipHostWatchEntry old = hosts.find(cur); if (old == null) { cur.time = bits.getTime();"new host appeared " + cur + " on " + ifc); if (nodeOn == null) { continue; } nodeOn.doRound(bits.str2lst("set remote " + cur.ip)); continue; } cur.time = old.time; if (cur.mac.compareTo(old.mac) != 0) {"host changed from " + old + " to " + cur + " on " + ifc); if (nodeChg == null) { continue; } nodeChg.doRound(bits.str2lst("set remote " + cur.ip)); continue; } } for (int i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) { ipHostWatchEntry old = hosts.get(i); if (fresh.find(old) == null) {"host disappeared " + old + " on " + ifc); if (nodeOff == null) { continue; } nodeOff.doRound(bits.str2lst("set remote " + old.ip)); continue; } } hosts = fresh; } /** * get show * * @return output */ public userFormat getShow() { userFormat res = new userFormat("|", "ip|mac|since|for"); for (int i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) { ipHostWatchEntry ntry = hosts.get(i); res.add(ntry.ip + "|" + ntry.mac + "|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, ntry.time + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3) + "|" + bits.timePast(ntry.time)); } return res; } } class ipHostWatchEntry implements Comparable { public addrIP ip = new addrIP(); public addrMac mac = new addrMac(); public long time; public int compareTo(ipHostWatchEntry o) { return ip.compareTo(o.ip); } public String toString() { return ip + " " + mac; } }