package org.freertr.ip; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import; import; import; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; /** * stores one multicast group * * @author matecsaba */ public class ipFwdMcast implements Comparable { /** * group address */ public final addrIP group; /** * source address, filled with zeroes for anything */ public final addrIP source; /** * route distinguisher */ public long rd; /** * source interface */ public ipFwdIface iface; /** * next hop address */ public addrIP upstream; /** * list of target interfaces */ public tabGen flood = new tabGen(); /** * local processing required */ public boolean local; /** * configured global group */ public boolean configG; /** * configured interface group */ public boolean configI; /** * time when created */ public long created; /** * local label */ public ipFwdMpmp label; /** * bier */ public ipFwdBier bier; /** * mdt vrf */ public ipFwd upsVrf; /** * receive label */ public tabLabelEntry rxLab; /** * counter */ public counter cntr = new counter(); /** * hardware counter */ public counter hwCntr; public int compareTo(ipFwdMcast o) { if (rd < o.rd) { return -1; } if (rd > o.rd) { return +1; } int i = group.compareTo(; if (i != 0) { return i; } return source.compareTo(o.source); } public String toString() { return source + "," + group; } /** * create new instance * * @param grp multicast group * @param src source address */ public ipFwdMcast(addrIP grp, addrIP src) { group = grp.copyBytes(); source = src.copyBytes(); created = bits.getTime(); } /** * copy bytes * * @return copy of record */ public ipFwdMcast copyBytes() { ipFwdMcast res = new ipFwdMcast(group, source); for (int i = 0; i < flood.size(); i++) { ipFwdIface ntry = flood.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } res.flood.add(ntry); } res.rd = rd; res.iface = iface; res.local = local; res.configG = configG; res.configI = configI; res.created = created; if (label != null) { res.label = label.copyBytes(); } if (bier != null) { res.bier = bier.copyBytes(); } res.upsVrf = upsVrf; res.rxLab = rxLab; if (upstream != null) { res.upstream = upstream.copyBytes(); } return res; } /** * compare this entry * * @param o other * @return false if equals, true if differs */ public boolean differs(ipFwdMcast o) { if (o == null) { return true; } if (local != o.local) { return true; } if (rd != o.rd) { return true; } if (iface != o.iface) { return true; } if (group.compareTo( != 0) { return true; } if (source.compareTo(o.source) != 0) { return true; } if (label == null) { if (o.label != null) { return true; } } else { if (label.differs(o.label)) { return true; } } if (bier == null) { if (o.bier != null) { return true; } } else { if (bier.differs(o.bier)) { return true; } } if (flood.size() != o.flood.size()) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < flood.size(); i++) { if (flood.get(i) != o.flood.get(i)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * get show line * * @return text */ public String getShow() { String s = "ifc=" + flood.size(); if (label != null) { s += " label=" + label.neighs.size(); } if (bier != null) { s += " bierp=" + bier.peers.size() + " bierf=" + bier.fwds.size(); } if (local) { s += " local"; } String a = ""; if (hwCntr != null) { a = "+" + hwCntr.byteTx; } return source + "|" + group + "|" + iface + "|" + upstream + "|" + s + "|" + cntr.byteTx + a; } /** * get details * * @param res result */ public void getDump(userFormat res) { res.add("source|" + source); res.add("group|" + group); res.add("rd|" + tabRouteUtil.rd2string(rd)); res.add("created|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, created + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3)); res.add("lasted|" + bits.timePast(created)); res.add("iface|" + iface); res.add("upstream|" + upstream); res.add("local|" + local); res.add("configG|" + configG); res.add("configI|" + configI); for (int i = 0; i < flood.size(); i++) { res.add("flood iface|" + flood.get(i)); } res.add("label|" + label); if (bier != null) { bier.getDump(res); } res.add("counter|" + cntr.getShStat()); res.add("lastio|" + cntr.getShTraff()); res.add("hardware counter|" + counter.getShStat(hwCntr)); } }