package org.freertr.ip; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcBridge; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; /** * stores one bier lsp * * @author matecsaba */ public class ipFwdBier { /** * bfr id */ public final int srcId; /** * list of peer */ public tabGen peers = new tabGen(); /** * current forwarders */ public tabGen fwds = new tabGen(); /** * counter */ public counter cntr = new counter(); /** * create new instance * * @param id source id */ public ipFwdBier(int id) { srcId = id; } /** * copy bytes * * @return copy of record */ public ipFwdBier copyBytes() { ipFwdBier n = new ipFwdBier(srcId); for (int i = 0; i < peers.size(); i++) { ipFwdBierPeer ntry = peers.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } n.peers.add(new ipFwdBierPeer(ntry.fwd, ntry.addr, ntry.label)); } for (int i = 0; i < fwds.size(); i++) { tabLabelBierN ntry = fwds.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } n.fwds.add(ntry.copyBytes()); } return n; } /** * compare this entry * * @param o other * @return false if equals, true if differs */ public boolean differs(ipFwdBier o) { if (o == null) { return true; } if (peers.size() != o.peers.size()) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < peers.size(); i++) { if (o.peers.find(peers.get(i)) == null) { return true; } } if (fwds.size() != o.fwds.size()) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < fwds.size(); i++) { if (fwds.get(i).differs(o.fwds.get(i))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * send packet * * @param orig packet */ public void sendPack(packHolder orig) { cntr.tx(orig); int prt; switch (orig.ETHtype) { case ipMpls.typeU: case ipMpls.typeM: case ipMpls.typeB: prt = ipMpls.bierLabD; break; case ipIfc4.type: prt = ipMpls.bierIp4; break; case ipIfc6.type: prt = ipMpls.bierIp6; break; case ifcBridge.serialType: prt = ipMpls.bierEth; break; default: return; } orig.IPprt = prt; orig.BIERid = srcId; orig.BIERoam = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fwds.size(); i++) { tabLabelBierN trg = fwds.get(i); if (trg == null) { continue; } int sft = tabLabelBier.bsl2num(trg.bsl); for (int o = 0;; o++) { byte[] ned = trg.getAndShr(tabLabelBier.bsl2msk(trg.bsl), sft * o); if (ned == null) { break; } if (ned.length < 1) { continue; } packHolder pck = orig.copyBytes(true, true); if (trg.vpnlab != 0) { pck.MPLSlabel = trg.vpnlab; ipMpls.createMPLSheader(pck); pck.IPprt = ipMpls.bierLabU; } pck.BIERsi = o; pck.BIERbsl = trg.bsl; pck.BIERbs = ned; ipMpls.createBIERheader(pck); pck.MPLSlabel = trg.label + o; ipMpls.createMPLSheader(pck); trg.fwd.mplsTxPack(trg.hop, pck, false); } } } /** * list peers * * @return list */ public String listPeers() { List f = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < fwds.size(); i++) { f.add(fwds.get(i)); } String a = ""; for (int i = 0; i < peers.size(); i++) { ipFwdBierPeer ntry = peers.get(i); a += " " + ntry; if (ntry.via == null) { a += ",-1"; } else { a += "," + f.indexOf(ntry.via); } } return a.trim(); } /** * list forwarders * * @return list */ public String listFwds() { String a = ""; for (int i = 0; i < fwds.size(); i++) { a += " " + fwds.get(i); } return a.trim(); } /** * get details * * @param res result */ public void getDump(userFormat res) { for (int i = 0; i < peers.size(); i++) { res.add("bier peer|" + peers.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < fwds.size(); i++) { res.add("bier fwd|" + fwds.get(i)); } } /** * add one peer * * @param fwd forwarder * @param adr address * @param lab vpn label * @param exp expiration time, negative if not expires */ public void addPeer(ipFwd fwd, addrIP adr, int lab, long exp) { if (exp > 0) { exp += bits.getTime(); } ipFwdBierPeer ntry = new ipFwdBierPeer(fwd, adr, lab); ipFwdBierPeer old = peers.add(ntry); if (old != null) { ntry = old; } ntry.expires = exp; } /** * delete one peer * * @param fwd forwarder * @param adr address * @param lab vpn label */ public void delPeer(ipFwd fwd, addrIP adr, int lab) { ipFwdBierPeer ntry = new ipFwdBierPeer(fwd, adr, lab); ntry = peers.del(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return; } } /** * update peer list */ public synchronized void updatePeers() { tabGen trgs = new tabGen(); for (int i = 0; i < peers.size(); i++) { ipFwdBierPeer trg = peers.get(i); if (trg == null) { continue; } trg.bit = 0; trg.via = null; tabRouteEntry rou = trg.fwd.actualU.route(trg.addr); if (rou == null) { continue; } rou = rou.copyBytes(tabRoute.addType.lnkAlters); if ( != null) { rou = trg.fwd.actualU.route(; if (rou == null) { continue; } rou = rou.copyBytes(tabRoute.addType.lnkAlters); } if ( < 1) { continue; } if ( < 1) { continue; } tabLabelBierN ntry = new tabLabelBierN(trg.fwd,,,, trg.label); tabLabelBierN old = trgs.add(ntry); if (old != null) { ntry = old; } ntry.bsl =; ntry.setBit( - 1); trg.bit =; trg.via = ntry; } fwds = trgs; } /** * purge peers * * @param tim current time * @return number of peers remained */ public int purgePeers(long tim) { for (int i = peers.size(); i >= 0; i--) { ipFwdBierPeer ntry = peers.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (ntry.expires < 0) { continue; } if (ntry.expires > tim) { continue; } peers.del(ntry); } return peers.size(); } } class ipFwdBierPeer implements Comparable { public ipFwd fwd; public addrIP addr; public int label; public long expires; public int bit; public tabLabelBierN via; public int compareTo(ipFwdBierPeer o) { if (label < o.label) { return -1; } if (label > o.label) { return +1; } int i = fwd.compareTo(o.fwd); if (i != 0) { return i; } return addr.compareTo(o.addr); } public ipFwdBierPeer(ipFwd fwdr, addrIP adr, int lab) { fwd = fwdr; addr = adr.copyBytes(); label = lab; } public String toString() { return addr + "," + label + "," + bit + "," + via; } }