package org.freertr.ip; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrPrefix; import org.freertr.clnt.clntMplsTeP2p; import org.freertr.clnt.clntNetflow; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcEthTyp; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcNshFwd; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.prt.prtTcp; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrLdpIface; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrLdpNeigh; import org.freertr.rtr.rtrLdpTrgtd; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.history; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.notifier; import org.freertr.util.state; import org.freertr.util.syncInt; /** * does ip forwarding, services protocols * * @author matecsaba */ public class ipFwd implements Runnable, Comparable { /** * the ip version */ public final int ipVersion; /** * configured name of routing table */ public final String cfgName; /** * name of routing table */ public final String vrfName; /** * number of routing table */ public final int vrfNum; /** * delay between updates */ public int updateInterval; /** * number of updates */ public int updateCount; /** * update time took */ public int updateTime; /** * time of update */ public long updateLast; /** * number of full updates */ public int updateFullCnt; /** * number of incremental updates */ public int updateIncrCnt; /** * last full update */ public long updateFullLst; /** * last incremental update */ public long updateIncrLst; /** * number of changes */ public int changeCount; /** * time of change */ public long changeLast; /** * optimize for lookup */ public boolean optimize; /** * route distinguisher */ public long rd; /** * route target import */ public List rtImp = new ArrayList(); /** * route target export */ public List rtExp = new ArrayList(); /** * color import */ public List clrImp = new ArrayList(); /** * color export */ public List clrExp = new ArrayList(); /** * unicast route limit */ public int routeLimitU; /** * labeled route limit */ public int routeLimitL; /** * multicast route limit */ public int routeLimitM; /** * flowspec route limit */ public int routeLimitF; /** * current list of routers */ public final tabGen routers; /** * current list of protocols */ public final tabConnect protos; /** * list of current interfaces */ public final tabGen ifaces; /** * the configured static unicast route table */ public final tabGen staticU; /** * the configured static multicast route table */ public final tabGen staticM; /** * the computed connected table */ public tabRoute connedR; /** * the computed direct table */ public tabRoute directR; /** * the labeled table */ public tabRoute labeldR; /** * the computed unicast routing table */ public tabRoute actualU; /** * the computed multicast routing table */ public tabRoute actualM; /** * the computed flowspec routing table */ public tabRoute actualF; /** * the computed index to prefix table */ public tabGen> actualIU; /** * the computed index to connected table */ public tabGen> actualIC; /** * list of multicast groups */ public final tabGen groups; /** * the configured pbr entries */ public final tabListing pbrCfg; /** * the configured nat entries */ public final tabListing natCfg; /** * current nat entries */ public final tabGen natTrns; /** * current echo sessions */ public final tabGen echoes; /** * echo packets sent */ public int echoSent; /** * echo responses got */ public int echoRply; /** * echo packets got */ public int echoRcvd; /** * echo packets sent */ public int errorSent; /** * echo responses got */ public int errorRcvd; /** * traffic engineering tunnels */ public final tabGen trafEngs; /** * multipoint label paths */ public final tabGen mp2mpLsp; /** * ldp neighbors */ public final tabGen ldpNeighs; /** * targeted ldp neighbors */ public final tabGen ldpTarget; /** * auto mesh te neighbors */ public final tabGen autoMesh; /** * total counter for this vrf */ public counter cntrT; /** * total historic for this vrf */ public history hstryT; /** * hardware counter for this vrf */ public counter cntrH; /** * hardware historic for this vrf */ public history hstryH; /** * local counter for this vrf */ public counter cntrL; /** * local historic for this vrf */ public history hstryL; /** * netflow exporter */ public clntNetflow netflow; /** * allocate label for which prefix */ public labelMode prefixMode = labelMode.common; /** * multicast distribution tree */ public mdtMode mdtMod = mdtMode.none; /** * mpls propagate ip ttl */ public boolean mplsPropTtl = true; /** * mpls extended report */ public boolean mplsExtRep = true; /** * unreachable last */ public tabRateLimit unreach; /** * label allocation filter */ public tabListing labelFilter; /** * packet forwarding filter */ public tabListing, addrIP> packetFilter; /** * data plane qos */ public tabQos dapp; /** * flowspec qos */ public tabQos flowspec; /** * receive control plane qos */ public tabQos coppIn; /** * transmit control plane qos */ public tabQos coppOut; /** * import list */ public tabListing importList; /** * export list */ public tabListing exportList; /** * import map */ public tabListing importMap; /** * export map */ public tabListing exportMap; /** * import policy */ public tabListing importPol; /** * export policy */ public tabListing exportPol; /** * time when recompute automatically */ public int untriggeredRecomputation = 120 * 1000; /** * incremental limit */ public int incrLimit = 1000; /** * notify when table changed */ public notifier tableChanged; /** * common label */ public tabLabelEntry commonLabel; /** * ip core to use */ protected final ipCor ipCore; /** * icmp core to use */ public final ipIcmp icmpCore; /** * igmp/mmld core to use */ public final ipMhost mhostCore; /** * next interface number */ public int nextIfaceNumber = bits.randomD(); /** * candidate for incrementals */ protected boolean incrCandid; /** * should compute tables */ protected final notifier triggerUpdate; /** * need full round */ protected final syncInt needFull; /** * the changed unicast routes */ protected final tabRoute changedUni; /** * the changed multicast routes */ protected final tabRoute changedMlt; /** * the changed flowspec routes */ protected final tabRoute changedFlw; private static int nextVrfNumber = bits.randomD(); private static int nextRouterNumber = bits.randomD(); private int nextEchoNumber = bits.randomD(); /** * label modes */ public enum labelMode { /** * common label for vrf */ common, /** * label for connected routes */ conn, /** * label for host routes */ host, /** * label for igp prefixes */ igp, /** * label for all prefix */ all } /** * mdt modes */ public enum mdtMode { /** * mldp mode */ mldp, /** * bier mode */ bier, /** * no mdt mode */ none } public String toString() { return vrfName; } public int compareTo(ipFwd o) { if (vrfNum < o.vrfNum) { return -1; } if (vrfNum > o.vrfNum) { return +1; } if (ipVersion < o.ipVersion) { return -1; } if (ipVersion > o.ipVersion) { return +1; } return 0; } /** * the constructor of vrf * * @param ipc handler of ip core * @param icc handler of icmp core * @param mhst handler of igmp/mdl core * @param cfg configured name of this vrf * @param nam name of this vrf */ public ipFwd(ipCor ipc, ipIcmp icc, ipMhost mhst, String cfg, String nam) { nextVrfNumber = (nextVrfNumber & 0x3fffffff) + 1; cfgName = cfg; vrfName = nam; vrfNum = nextVrfNumber + 10000; ipCore = ipc; icmpCore = icc; mhostCore = mhst; ipVersion = ipCore.getVersion(); commonLabel = tabLabel.allocate(tabLabelEntry.owner.vrfComm); echoes = new tabGen(); trafEngs = new tabGen(); mp2mpLsp = new tabGen(); ifaces = new tabGen(); groups = new tabGen(); protos = new tabConnect(new addrIP(), "protocols"); routers = new tabGen(); ldpNeighs = new tabGen(); ldpTarget = new tabGen(); autoMesh = new tabGen(); connedR = new tabRoute("conn"); directR = new tabRoute("direct"); labeldR = new tabRoute("labeled"); actualU = new tabRoute("computed"); actualM = new tabRoute("computed"); actualF = new tabRoute("computed"); actualIU = new tabGen>(); actualIC = new tabGen>(); staticU = new tabGen(); staticM = new tabGen(); natTrns = new tabGen(); pbrCfg = new tabListing(); pbrCfg.myCor = ipCore; pbrCfg.myIcmp = icc; natCfg = new tabListing(); natCfg.myCor = ipCore; natCfg.myIcmp = icc; changedUni = new tabRoute("chg"); changedMlt = new tabRoute("chg"); changedFlw = new tabRoute("chg"); cntrH = new counter(); hstryH = new history(); cntrT = new counter(); hstryT = new history(); cntrL = new counter(); hstryL = new history(); needFull = new syncInt(3); triggerUpdate = new notifier(); ipFwdTab.updateEverything(this); icc.setForwarder(this); mhst.setForwarder(this, icc); } /** * start this vrf now */ public void startThisVrf() { new Thread(this).start(); } /** * stop this routing table completely */ public void stopThisVrf() { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("stop vrf"); } untriggeredRecomputation = -1; needFull.or(3); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); prefixMode = labelMode.common; for (int i = 0; i < labeldR.size(); i++) { tabRouteEntry ntry = labeldR.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } tabLabel.release(, tabLabelEntry.owner.vrfUni); } for (int i = 0; i < trafEngs.size(); i++) { ipFwdTrfng ntry = trafEngs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } ntry.labStop(); } for (int i = 0; i < mp2mpLsp.size(); i++) { ipFwdMpmp ntry = mp2mpLsp.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } ntry.stopLabels(); } for (int i = ldpNeighs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { rtrLdpNeigh ntry = ldpNeighs.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } ntry.stopPeer(); } for (int i = ldpTarget.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { rtrLdpTrgtd ntry = ldpTarget.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } ntry.workStop(); } for (int i = routers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ipRtr rtr = routers.get(i); if (rtr == null) { continue; } routerDel(rtr); } for (int i = 0; i < autoMesh.size(); i++) { clntMplsTeP2p ntry = autoMesh.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } ntry.workStop(); } tabLabel.release(commonLabel, tabLabelEntry.owner.vrfComm); for (int i = ifaces.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ipFwdIface ifc = ifaces.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } ifaceDel(ifc); } } /** * wake up when tables changed */ public void tableChanger() { if (tableChanged == null) { return; } tableChanged.wakeup(); } /** * find one ldp neighbor * * @param iface receiving interface * @param addr peer address * @param create create if not yet * @return found neighbor, null if nothing */ public rtrLdpNeigh ldpNeighFind(ipFwdIface iface, addrIP addr, boolean create) { if (iface != null) { iface = ifaces.find(iface); if (iface == null) { return null; } tabRouteEntry route = connedR.route(addr); if (route == null) { return null; } } rtrLdpNeigh ntry = new rtrLdpNeigh(addr); if (!create) { return ldpNeighs.find(ntry); } ntry.ifc = iface; ntry.ip = this; rtrLdpNeigh old = ldpNeighs.add(ntry); if (old != null) { return old; } return ntry; } /** * delete one ldp neighbor * * @param ntry entry to delete */ public void ldpNeighDel(rtrLdpNeigh ntry) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("delete ldp " + ntry); } rtrLdpNeigh old = ldpNeighs.del(ntry); if (old != null) { old.stopPeer(); } ntry.stopPeer(); for (int i = 0; i < ntry.pmpLearn.size(); i++) { ipFwdMpmp mp = ntry.pmpLearn.get(i); if (mp == null) { continue; } mp.delPeer(ntry.peer); mp.updateState(this); } for (int i = 0; i < mp2mpLsp.size(); i++) { ipFwdMpmp mp = mp2mpLsp.get(i); if (mp == null) { continue; } if (mp.delPeer(ntry.peer)) { continue; } mp.updateState(this); } needFull.or(1); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); } /** * find one ldp targeted * * @param iface receiving interface * @param ldpi ldp interface * @param addr peer address * @param create create if not yet * @return found neighbor, null if nothing */ public rtrLdpTrgtd ldpTargetFind(ipFwdIface iface, rtrLdpIface ldpi, addrIP addr, boolean create) { iface = ifaces.find(iface); if (iface == null) { return null; } rtrLdpTrgtd ntry = new rtrLdpTrgtd(addr); if (!create) { return ldpTarget.find(ntry); } ntry.ifc = iface; ntry.ip = this; if (ldpi == null) { ldpi = new rtrLdpIface(null, null, null, null, null, null); } ntry.ldp = ldpi; rtrLdpTrgtd old = ldpTarget.add(ntry); if (old != null) { return old; } return ntry; } /** * delete one ldp targeted * * @param ntry entry to delete */ public void ldpTargetDel(rtrLdpTrgtd ntry) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("delete ldp " + ntry); } ntry = ldpTarget.del(ntry); if (ntry != null) { ntry.workStop(); } needFull.or(1); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); } /** * add label to flood list * * @param grp group to flood * @param src source of group * @param trg label to flood */ public void mcastAddFloodMpls(addrIP grp, addrIP src, ipFwdMpmp trg) { ipFwdMcast g = new ipFwdMcast(grp, src); if (trg == null) { ipFwdMcast og = groups.find(g); if (og == null) { return; } og.label = null; return; } ipFwdMcast og = groups.add(g); if (og != null) { g = og; } else { ipFwdTab.updateOneGroup(this, g); ipFwdTab.joinOneGroup(this, g, 1); } g.label = trg; } /** * add bier peer to flood list * * @param grp group to flood * @param src source of group * @param lab vpn label * @param fwd forwarder * @param trg peer address * @param id local node id * @param exp expiration time, negative if not expires */ public void mcastAddFloodBier(addrIP grp, addrIP src, int lab, ipFwd fwd, addrIP trg, int id, long exp) { ipFwdMcast g = new ipFwdMcast(grp, src); ipFwdMcast og = groups.add(g); if (og != null) { g = og; } else { ipFwdTab.updateOneGroup(this, g); ipFwdTab.joinOneGroup(this, g, 1); } ipFwdBier ntry = g.bier; if (ntry == null) { ntry = new ipFwdBier(id); g.bier = ntry; } ntry.addPeer(fwd, trg, lab, exp); ntry.updatePeers(); tableChanger(); } /** * del bier peer from flood list * * @param grp group to flood * @param src source of group * @param lab vpn label * @param fwd forwarder * @param trg peer address */ public void mcastDelFloodBier(addrIP grp, addrIP src, int lab, ipFwd fwd, addrIP trg) { ipFwdMcast g = new ipFwdMcast(grp, src); g = groups.find(g); if (g == null) { return; } if (g.bier == null) { return; } g.bier.delPeer(fwd, trg, lab); g.bier.updatePeers(); tableChanger(); } /** * add interface to flood list * * @param grp group to flood * @param src source of group * @param ifc interface to add, null=local * @param exp expiration time, negative if not expires, -1=static, * -2=globalCfg, -3=ifaceCfg */ public void mcastAddFloodIfc(addrIP grp, addrIP src, ipFwdIface ifc, long exp) { if (exp > 0) { exp += bits.getTime(); } ipFwdMcast g = new ipFwdMcast(grp, src); g.local = ifc == null; ipFwdMcast og = groups.add(g); if (og != null) { g = og; } else { ipFwdTab.updateOneGroup(this, g); ipFwdTab.joinOneGroup(this, g, 1); } g.configG = exp == -2; g.configI = exp == -3; if (ifc == null) { g.local = true; return; } ipFwdIface oi = g.flood.add(ifc); tableChanger(); if (oi != null) { ifc = oi; } if (ifc.expires < 0) { return; } ifc.expires = exp; } /** * del interface from flood list * * @param grp group to flood * @param src source of group * @param ifc interface to add, null=local */ public void mcastDelFloodIfc(addrIP grp, addrIP src, ipFwdIface ifc) { ipFwdMcast g = new ipFwdMcast(grp, src); g = groups.find(g); if (g == null) { return; } if (ifc == null) { g.local = false; g.configG = false; return; } g.configI = false; g.flood.del(ifc); tableChanger(); } /** * add local tunnel * * @param ntry tunnel entry * @param p2mp set true for point to multipoint */ public void tetunAdd(ipFwdTrfng ntry, boolean p2mp) { ntry.srcLoc = 1; ntry.trgLab = -1; ntry.timeout = 3 * untriggeredRecomputation; if (p2mp) { trafEngs.put(ntry); ipFwdTab.refreshTrfngAdd(this, ntry); return; } for (;;) { ntry.srcId = bits.randomW(); if (trafEngs.add(ntry) == null) { break; } } ipFwdTab.refreshTrfngAdd(this, ntry); } /** * del local tunnel * * @param ntry tunnel entry */ public void tetunDel(ipFwdTrfng ntry) { ntry = trafEngs.del(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return; } if (ntry.srcLoc == 0) { return; } ntry.srcLoc = 2; ntry.labStop(); ipFwdTab.refreshTrfngDel(this, ntry); } /** * refresh local tunnel * * @param ntry tunnel entry */ public void tetunSignal(ipFwdTrfng ntry) { ntry = trafEngs.find(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return; } if (ntry.srcLoc == 0) { return; } ipFwdTab.refreshTrfngAdd(this, ntry); } /** * add mldp tunnel * * @param ntry tunnel entry */ public void mldpAdd(ipFwdMpmp ntry) { ntry.local = true; ipFwdMpmp old = mp2mpLsp.add(ntry); if (old != null) { ntry = old; } ntry.local = true; ntry.updateState(this); } /** * del mldp tunnel * * @param ntry tunnel entry */ public void mldpDel(ipFwdMpmp ntry) { ntry = mp2mpLsp.find(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return; } ntry.local = false; ntry.updateState(this); } /** * del static route * * @param uni true=unicast, false=multicast * @param rou route */ public void staticDel(boolean uni, ipFwdRoute rou) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("delete static " + rou); } if (uni) { rou = staticU.del(rou); } else { rou = staticM.del(rou); } if (rou == null) { return; } if (rou.track != null) { rou.track.clients.del(this); } needFull.or(1); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); } /** * add static route * * @param uni true=unicast, false=multicast * @param rou route */ public void staticAdd(boolean uni, ipFwdRoute rou) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("install static " + rou); } rou.fwdCor = this; if (uni) { staticU.add(rou); } else { staticM.add(rou); } if (rou.track != null) { rou.track.clients.add(this); } needFull.or(1); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); } /** * add one interface * * @param lower interface to add * @return interface handler */ public ipFwdIface ifaceAdd(ipIfc lower) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("add ifc " + lower); } ipFwdIface ntry; for (;;) { nextIfaceNumber = (nextIfaceNumber & 0x3fffffff) + 1; ntry = new ipFwdIface(nextIfaceNumber + 10000, lower); ntry.addr = new addrIP(); = new addrPrefix(ntry.addr, ntry.addr.maxBits()); ntry.ready = lower.getState() == state.states.up; ntry.mtu = lower.getMTUsize() - ipCore.getHeaderSize(); ntry.bandwidth = lower.getBandwidth(); if (ifaces.add(ntry) == null) { break; } } lower.setUpper(this, ntry); needFull.or(1); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); return ntry; } /** * delete one interface * * @param ifc interface handler */ public void ifaceDel(ipFwdIface ifc) { ifc = ifaces.del(ifc); if (ifc == null) { return; } if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("del ifc " + ifc.lower); } ifc.ready = false; for (;;) { ipFwdProto prt = protos.delNext(ifc, null, 0, 0); if (prt == null) { break; } prt.upper.closeUp(ifc); } for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { ipFwdMcast grp = groups.get(i); if (grp == null) { continue; } grp.flood.del(ifc); } needFull.or(1); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); } /** * change interface state * * @param ifc interface handler * @param stat new status of interface */ public void ifaceState(ipFwdIface ifc, state.states stat) { ifc.cntr.stateChange(stat); boolean old = ifc.ready; ifc.ready = (stat == state.states.up); ifc.mtu = ifc.lower.getMTUsize() - ipCore.getHeaderSize(); ifc.bandwidth = ifc.lower.getBandwidth(); if (old == ifc.ready) { return; } if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("iface state " + ifc.ready + " " + ifc.lower); } for (int i = protos.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ipFwdProto prt = protos.get(i); if (prt == null) { continue; } if ((prt.iface == null) || (prt.iface == ifc)) { prt.upper.setState(ifc, stat); } } needFull.or(1); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); } /** * change interface address * * @param ifc interface handler * @param addr new address * @param mask net netmask */ public void ifaceAddr(ipFwdIface ifc, addrIP addr, int mask) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("iface addr " + addr + " " + mask); } ifc.addr = addr.copyBytes(); ifc.mask = mask; = new addrPrefix(addr, mask); needFull.or(1); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); } private void ifaceProto(ipFwdIface lower, packHolder pck, addrIP hop) { cntrT.tx(pck); if (!lower.ready) { lower.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } pck.putStart(); if (hop == null) { hop = pck.IPtrg; if (hop == null) { lower.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badAddr); return; } } if (lower.blockHost2host && (pck.INTupper == 0)) { if (pck.INTiface == lower.ifwNum) { lower.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.denied); return; } } if (lower.pmtudOut > 0) { if (pck.dataSize() > lower.pmtudOut) { doDrop(pck, lower, counter.reasons.fragment, lower.pmtudOut); return; } } if (lower.cfilterOut != null) { if (!lower.cfilterOut.matches(false, true, pck)) { doDrop(pck, lower, counter.reasons.denied, 0); return; } } if (lower.filterOut != null) { if (!lower.filterOut.matches(false, true, pck)) { doDrop(pck, lower, counter.reasons.denied, 0); return; } } if (lower.inspect != null) { if (lower.inspect.doPack(pck, true)) { doDrop(pck, lower, counter.reasons.denied, 0); return; } } lower.cntr.tx(pck); if ((netflow != null) && lower.netflowTx) { netflow.session.doPack(pck, true); } if (lower.tcpMssOut > 0) { ifaceAdjustMss(pck, lower.tcpMssOut); } if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("tx " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " hop=" + hop + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " tos=" + pck.IPtos); } lower.lower.sendProto(pck, hop); } private void ifaceMpls(ipFwdIface lower, packHolder pck, addrIP hop) { cntrT.tx(pck); if (!lower.ready) { lower.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } pck.putStart(); if (hop == null) { lower.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badAddr); return; } if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("tx label=" + hop); } lower.lower.sendMpls(pck, hop); } private void ifaceAdjustMss(packHolder pck, int mss) { if (pck.IPprt != prtTcp.protoNum) { return; } pck.getSkip(pck.IPsiz); prtTcp.parseTCPports(pck); if ((pck.TCPflg & prtTcp.flagSYN) == 0) { pck.getSkip(-pck.IPsiz); return; } prtTcp.updateTCPheader(pck, pck.UDPsrc, pck.UDPtrg, -1, -1, mss); pck.getSkip(-pck.IPsiz); ipCore.updateIPheader(pck, pck.IPsrc, pck.IPtrg, -1, -1, -1, -1, pck.UDPsiz); } /** * interface signals that it got a packet * * @param lower interface handler * @param pck packet to process */ public void ifacePack(ipFwdIface lower, packHolder pck) { if (lower == null) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noIface); return; } if (!lower.ready) { lower.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } if (ipCore.parseIPheader(pck, true)) { lower.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badHdr); return; } if (lower.protocolSecurity) { if (ipFwdTab.safeProtocol(pck.IPprt)) { doDrop(pck, lower, counter.reasons.denied, 0); return; } } if (lower.pmtudIn > 0) { if (pck.dataSize() > lower.pmtudIn) { doDrop(pck, lower, counter.reasons.fragment, lower.pmtudIn); return; } } if (lower.cfilterIn != null) { if (!lower.cfilterIn.matches(false, true, pck)) { doDrop(pck, lower, counter.reasons.denied, 0); return; } } if (lower.filterIn != null) { if (!lower.filterIn.matches(false, true, pck)) { doDrop(pck, lower, counter.reasons.denied, 0); return; } } pck.putStart(); pck.INTiface = lower.ifwNum; if (lower.verifySource && !pck.IPlnk && !pck.IPbrd) { tabRouteEntry prf = actualU.route(pck.IPsrc); if (prf == null) { lower.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.denied); return; } if ((lower.verifyStricht) && ( != lower)) { lower.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.denied); return; } prf.cntr.rx(pck); } if (lower.inspect != null) { if (lower.inspect.doPack(pck, false)) { lower.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.denied); return; } } if ((netflow != null) && lower.netflowRx) { netflow.session.doPack(pck, false); } if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("rx " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " tos=" + pck.IPtos); } if (lower.tcpMssIn > 0) { ifaceAdjustMss(pck, lower.tcpMssIn); } pck.INTupper = 0; ipMpls.beginMPLSfields(pck, (mplsPropTtl | lower.mplsPropTtlAlways) & lower.mplsPropTtlAllow); if (doPbrFwd(lower.pbrCfg, 1, lower, pck)) { return; } forwardPacket(1, lower, null, pck); } /** * add protocol to interface * * @param upper protocol handler * @param ifc interface handle, null for all * @param trg target address, null means all * @return true if error happened, false if success */ public boolean protoAdd(ipPrt upper, ipFwdIface ifc, addrIP trg) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("add proto=" + upper + " iface=" + ifc + " trg=" + trg); } ipFwdProto ntry = new ipFwdProto(); ntry.proto = upper.getProtoNum(); ntry.iface = ifc; ntry.upper = upper; return protos.add(ifc, trg, ntry.proto, ntry.proto, ntry, "" + upper); } /** * delete protocol from interface * * @param upper protocol handler * @param ifc interface handle, null for all * @param trg target address, null means all */ public void protoDel(ipPrt upper, ipFwdIface ifc, addrIP trg) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("del proto=" + upper + " iface=" + ifc + " trg=" + trg); } int i = upper.getProtoNum(); for (;;) { ipFwdProto prt = protos.delNext(ifc, trg, i, i); if (prt == null) { break; } } } private void protoSend(ipFwdIface lower, packHolder pck) { cntrL.rx(pck); if (pck.IPmf || (pck.IPfrg != 0)) { if (lower.reasmBuf == null) { doDrop(pck, lower, counter.reasons.reassembly, 0); return; } if (debugger.ipFwdReasm) { logger.debug("reasm " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " id=" + pck.IPid + " ofs=" + pck.IPfrg + " mf=" + pck.IPmf); } lower.frgCnt.rx(pck); int o = -1; for (int i = 0; i < lower.reasmBuf.size(); i++) { packHolder asm = lower.reasmBuf.get(i); if (asm.IPid != pck.IPid) { continue; } if (asm.IPsrc.compareTo(pck.IPsrc) != 0) { continue; } if (asm.IPtrg.compareTo(pck.IPtrg) != 0) { continue; } o = i; break; } if (o < 0) { if (pck.IPfrg != 0) { return; } lower.reasmNxt = (lower.reasmNxt + 1) % lower.reasmBuf.size(); packHolder asm = lower.reasmBuf.get(lower.reasmNxt); asm.copyFrom(pck, true, true); return; } packHolder asm = lower.reasmBuf.get(o); if (pck.IPfrg != (asm.dataSize() - asm.IPsiz)) { asm.clear(); return; } if ((pck.IPfrg + pck.dataSize()) >= packHolder.maxHead) { asm.clear(); return; } pck.getSkip(pck.IPsiz); byte[] buf = pck.getCopy(); asm.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, buf.length); asm.putSkip(buf.length); asm.merge2end(); if (pck.IPmf) { return; } pck.copyFrom(asm, true, true); pck.IPmf = false; pck.IPfrg = 0; asm.clear(); } if (coppIn != null) { if (coppIn.checkPacket(pck)) { cntrL.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noBuffer); return; } } if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("rcv " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " tos=" + pck.IPtos); } ipFwdProto prt = null; if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(lower, pck.IPsrc, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(null, pck.IPsrc, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(lower, null, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(null, null, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { doDrop(pck, lower, counter.reasons.badProto, 0); return; } pck.getSkip(pck.IPsiz); prt.upper.recvPack(lower, pck); } private boolean protoAlert(ipFwdIface lower, packHolder pck) { cntrL.rx(pck); if (pck.IPmf || (pck.IPfrg != 0)) { return true; } if (coppIn != null) { if (coppIn.checkPacket(pck)) { cntrL.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noBuffer); return false; } } if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("alrt " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " tos=" + pck.IPtos); } ipFwdProto prt = null; if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(lower, pck.IPsrc, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(null, pck.IPsrc, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(lower, null, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(null, null, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { return true; } pck.getSkip(pck.IPsiz); boolean b = prt.upper.alertPack(lower, pck); if (b) { pck.getSkip(-pck.IPsiz); return true; } return false; } /** * protocol wants to create one packet * * @param pck packet to update */ public void createIPheader(packHolder pck) { pck.INTiface = -1; pck.INTupper = pck.IPprt; pck.merge2beg(); ipCore.createIPheader(pck); if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("snd " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " tos=" + pck.IPtos); } ipMpls.beginMPLSfields(pck, mplsPropTtl); } /** * protocol wants to update one packet * * @param pck packet to update * @param src new source address, null=don't set * @param trg new target address, null=don't set * @param prt new protocol value, -1=dont set * @param ttl new ttl value, -1=dont set, -2=decrement * @param tos new tos value, -1=dont set * @param id new flow value, -1=dont set * @param len new payload length, -1=dont set */ public void updateIPheader(packHolder pck, addrIP src, addrIP trg, int prt, int ttl, int tos, int id, int len) { pck.INTiface = -1; pck.INTupper = pck.IPprt; ipCore.updateIPheader(pck, src, trg, prt, ttl, tos, id, len); ipMpls.beginMPLSfields(pck, mplsPropTtl); } /** * protocol wants to send one packet * * @param iface interface to use for source address * @param hop forced nexthop * @param pck packet to send */ public void protoPack(ipFwdIface iface, addrIP hop, packHolder pck) { cntrL.tx(pck); if (iface == null) { cntrL.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noIface); return; } if (!iface.ready) { iface.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } pck.INTiface = iface.ifwNum; pck.INTupper = pck.IPprt; pck.IPfrg = 0; pck.IPmf = false; pck.merge2beg(); if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("snd " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " tos=" + pck.IPtos); } if ((iface.fragments < 1) || (pck.dataSize() <= iface.fragments)) { ipCore.createIPheader(pck); if (coppOut != null) { if (coppOut.checkPacket(pck)) { cntrL.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noBuffer); return; } } ipMpls.beginMPLSfields(pck, (mplsPropTtl | iface.mplsPropTtlAlways) & iface.mplsPropTtlAllow); forwardPacket(4, iface, hop, pck); return; } if (pck.IPdf) { ipCore.createIPheader(pck); doDrop(pck, iface, counter.reasons.fragment, iface.fragments); return; } packHolder snd = new packHolder(true, true); byte[] buf = new byte[iface.fragments]; int idn = bits.randomW(); int ofs = 0; if (debugger.ipFwdFrag) { logger.debug("frag " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " id=" + idn); } for (;;) { int len = pck.dataSize() - ofs; if (len < 1) { break; } if (len > buf.length) { len = buf.length; } pck.getCopy(buf, 0, ofs, len); snd.copyFrom(pck, false, false); snd.setDataSize(0); snd.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, len); snd.putSkip(len); snd.merge2beg(); snd.IPfrg = ofs; ofs += len; snd.IPmf = ofs < pck.dataSize(); snd.IPid = idn; ipCore.createIPheader(snd); if (coppOut != null) { if (coppOut.checkPacket(snd)) { cntrL.drop(snd, counter.reasons.noBuffer); return; } } ipMpls.beginMPLSfields(snd, (mplsPropTtl | iface.mplsPropTtlAlways) & iface.mplsPropTtlAllow); iface.frgCnt.tx(snd); forwardPacket(4, iface, hop, snd); } } /** * find one routing protocol * * @param typ route type that it provides * @param id process id * @return router process, null if not found */ public ipRtr routerFind(tabRouteAttr.routeType typ, int id) { for (int i = 0; i < routers.size(); i++) { ipRtr ntry = routers.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } if (ntry.routerProtoTyp != typ) { continue; } if (ntry.routerProcNum != id) { continue; } return ntry; } return null; } /** * add one routing protocol * * @param rtr routing protocol handle * @param typ route type that it provides * @param id process id */ public void routerAdd(ipRtr rtr, tabRouteAttr.routeType typ, int id) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("add rtr " + rtr); } nextRouterNumber = (nextRouterNumber & 0x3fffffff) + 1; rtr.routerProtoNum = nextRouterNumber + 10000; rtr.routerProtoTyp = typ; rtr.routerProcNum = id; routers.add(rtr); needFull.or(3); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); } /** * delete one routing protocol * * @param rtr routing protocol handle */ public void routerDel(ipRtr rtr) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("del rtr " + rtr); } if (routers.del(rtr) == null) { return; } needFull.or(3); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); rtr.routerCloseNow(); } /** * routing protocol notified that change happened * * @param rtr routing protocol handle * @param lab provided labels changed */ public void routerChg(ipRtr rtr, boolean lab) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("chgd rtr " + rtr + " " + lab); } if (routers.find(rtr) == null) { return; } rtr.routerComputeChg++; rtr.routerComputeTim = bits.getTime(); tabRoute chgU = rtr.routerChangedU; tabRoute chgM = rtr.routerChangedM; tabRoute chgF = rtr.routerChangedF; rtr.routerChangedU = null; rtr.routerChangedM = null; rtr.routerChangedF = null; if (lab) { needFull.or(1); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); return; } if ((chgU != null) && (chgM != null) && (chgF != null)) { changedUni.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.always, chgU, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); changedMlt.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.always, chgM, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); changedFlw.mergeFrom(tabRoute.addType.always, chgF, tabRouteAttr.distanLim); } else { needFull.or(1); } triggerUpdate.wakeup(); } /** * static route change happened */ public void routerStaticChg() { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("static changed"); } needFull.or(1); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); } /** * router config change happened */ public void routerConfigChg() { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("config changed"); } needFull.or(3); triggerUpdate.wakeup(); } /** * send unreachable * * @param pck packet to report * @param lower interface * @param reason reason * @param data data */ public void doDrop(packHolder pck, ipFwdIface lower, counter.reasons reason, int data) { cntrT.drop(pck, reason); if (unreach != null) { if (unreach.check(1)) { return; } } if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("drop " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " reason=" + counter.reason2string(reason)); } if (pck.IPmlt || pck.IPbrd) { return; } if (lower == null) { return; } addrIP src = lower.getUnreachAddr(); if (src == null) { return; } if (icmpCore.createError(pck, reason, data, src, mplsExtRep)) { return; } errorSent++; ipCore.createIPheader(pck); if (coppOut != null) { if (coppOut.checkPacket(pck)) { cntrL.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noBuffer); return; } } pck.INTupper = -1; ipMpls.beginMPLSfields(pck, (mplsPropTtl | lower.mplsPropTtlAlways) & lower.mplsPropTtlAllow); forwardPacket(4, lower, null, pck); } private void doMpls(ipFwdIface ifc, addrIP hop, List labs, packHolder pck) { if (ifc == null) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noIface); return; } if (labs != null) { ipMpls.createMPLSlabels(pck, labs); } if (pck.MPLSbottom) { ifaceProto(ifc, pck, hop); return; } ifaceMpls(ifc, pck, hop); } /** * mpls signals that it got a packet * * @param fwd4 ipv4 forwarder * @param fwd6 ipv6 forwarder * @param fwdE ethernet forwarder * @param lab local label * @param pck packet to process */ protected void mplsRxPack(ipFwd fwd4, ipFwd fwd6, ifcEthTyp fwdE, tabLabelEntry lab, packHolder pck) { if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("rx label=" + lab.label); } if (lab.nextHop != null) { pck.MPLSttl--; if (pck.MPLSttl < 1) { if (ipMpls.createError(pck, lab, counter.reasons.ttlExceed, 0)) { return; } } if ((lab.remoteLab == null) && (!pck.MPLSbottom)) {"no label for " + lab.label); cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notInTab); return; } doMpls(lab.iface, lab.nextHop, lab.remoteLab, pck); return; } if (lab.duplicate != null) { pck.MPLSttl--; if (pck.MPLSttl < 1) { if (ipMpls.createError(pck, lab, counter.reasons.ttlExceed, 0)) { return; } } for (int i = 0; i < lab.duplicate.size(); i++) { tabLabelDup ntry = lab.duplicate.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } doMpls(ntry.iface, ntry.hop, ntry.label, pck.copyBytes(true, true)); } if (!lab.needLocal) { return; } } if (lab.bier != null) { pck.MPLSttl--; if (pck.MPLSttl < 1) { if (ipMpls.createError(pck, lab, counter.reasons.ttlExceed, 0)) { return; } } pck.BIERsi = lab.label - lab.bier.base; pck.BIERbsl = lab.bier.bsl; if (ipMpls.parseBIERheader(pck)) {"received invalid bier header on label " + lab.label); cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badHdr); return; } int bsl = tabLabelBier.bsl2num(lab.bier.bsl); int sis = bsl * pck.BIERsi; boolean nedLoc = tabLabelBier.untestMine(pck.BIERbs, bsl, lab.bier.idx - 1 - sis); nedLoc |= tabLabelBier.untestMine(pck.BIERbs, bsl, lab.bier.idx2 - 1 - sis); for (int i = 0; i < lab.bier.peers.size(); i++) { tabLabelBierN ntry = lab.bier.peers.get(i); if (ntry == null) { continue; } packHolder p = pck.copyBytes(true, true); p.BIERbs = ntry.getAndShr(pck.BIERbs, sis); if (p.BIERbs == null) { continue; } if (p.BIERbs.length < 1) { continue; } ipMpls.createBIERheader(p); p.MPLSlabel = ntry.label + pck.BIERsi; ipMpls.createMPLSheader(p); doMpls(ntry.iface, ntry.hop, null, p); } if (nedLoc) { if (ipMpls.gotBierPck(fwd4, fwd6, fwdE, pck)) {"received invalid bier protocol on label " + lab.label); } } return; } if (!pck.MPLSbottom) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badProto); return; } if (lab.pweIfc != null) { pck.getSkip(lab.pweDel); if (lab.pweAdd != null) { pck.putCopy(lab.pweAdd, 0, 0, lab.pweAdd.length); pck.putSkip(lab.pweAdd.length); pck.merge2beg(); } lab.pweIfc.recvPack(pck); return; } if (ipCore.parseIPheader(pck, true)) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badHdr); return; } pck.INTiface = 0; pck.INTupper = -3; ipFwdIface ifc; if (pck.IPmlt || pck.IPbrd) { ifc = ipFwdTab.findStableIface(this); } else { ipFwd fwd = lab.forwarder; if (fwd == null) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notInTab); return; } tabRouteEntry prf = fwd.actualU.route(pck.IPtrg); if (prf == null) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noRoute); return; } if ( != null) { prf =; if (prf == null) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noRoute); return; } } ifc = (ipFwdIface); } if (ifc == null) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noIface); return; } forwardPacket(3, ifc, null, pck); } /** * protocol signals that it sends a packet over mpls * * @param trg target address * @param pck packet to process * @param req require labeled path */ public void mplsTxPack(addrIP trg, packHolder pck, boolean req) { pck.IPtrg.setAddr(trg); tabRouteEntry prf = actualU.route(trg); if (prf == null) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noRoute); return; } if (( == null) && (req)) { if ( == tabRouteAttr.routeType.conn) { doMpls((ipFwdIface), trg, null, pck); return; }"no label for " + trg); cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notInTab); return; } if ( != null) { ipMpls.createMPLSlabels(pck,;, pck, true); return; } if ( != null) { trg =; } doMpls((ipFwdIface), trg,, pck); } /** * forwards one parsed packet by policy routing * * @param cfg config * @param from source * @param rxIfc receiving interface * @param pck packet * @return true if sent, false if not */ private boolean doPbrFwd(tabListing cfg, int from, ipFwdIface rxIfc, packHolder pck) { if (cfg.size() < 1) { return false; } cfg.packParse(false, true, true, pck); tabPbrN pbr = cfg.find(pck); if (pbr == null) { return false; } if ((pbr.setSp > 0) && (pbr.setSi > 0)) { if (ipVersion == ipCor4.protocolVersion) { pck.IPprt = ifcNshFwd.protIp4; } else { pck.IPprt = ifcNshFwd.protIp6; } pck.NSHttl = 63; pck.NSHmdt = 2; pck.NSHmdv = new byte[0]; pck.NSHsp = pbr.setSp; pck.NSHsi = pbr.setSi; ipMpls.gotNshPack(pck); return true; } if (pbr.setIfc != null) { pck.INTiface = -2; ifaceProto(pbr.setIfc, pck, pbr.setHop); return true; } if (pbr.setHop == null) { pck.INTiface = -2; pbr.setVrf.forwardPacket(from, rxIfc, null, pck); return true; } tabRouteEntry ntry = pbr.setVrf.actualU.route(pbr.setHop); if (ntry == null) { return false; } if ( == null) { return false; } pck.INTiface = -2; ifaceProto((ipFwdIface), pck, pbr.setHop); return true; } /** * forwards one parsed packet * * @param from source, 1=ifc, 2=mpls, 4=proto * @param rxIfc receiving interface * @param hop target hop * @param pck packet */ private void forwardPacket(int from, ipFwdIface rxIfc, addrIP hop, packHolder pck) { cntrT.rx(pck); pck.INTsent++; if (pck.INTsent > ifcEthTyp.loopMax) { ifcEthTyp.loopDrops++; cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.tooLong); return; } if (rxIfc == null) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noIface); return; } if (packetFilter != null) { if (!packetFilter.matches(false, true, pck)) { doDrop(pck, rxIfc, counter.reasons.denied, 0); return; } } if (!rxIfc.disableDapp && (dapp != null)) { if (dapp.checkPacket(pck)) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noBuffer); return; } } if (!rxIfc.disableFlowspec && (flowspec != null)) { if (flowspec.checkPacket(pck)) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noBuffer); return; } } if (pck.IPdivert != null) { ipFwd dvrt = pck.IPdivert; pck.IPdivert = null; pck.INTiface = -2; dvrt.forwardPacket(from, rxIfc, hop, pck); return; } if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("fwd " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " tos=" + pck.IPtos); } pck.ETHcos = (pck.IPtos >>> 5) & 7; pck.MPLSexp = pck.ETHcos; if ((natTrns.size() > 0) || (natCfg.size() > 0)) { if (pck.IPmf || (pck.IPfrg != 0)) { doDrop(pck, rxIfc, counter.reasons.reassembly, 0); return; } natCfg.packParse(false, true, true, pck); tabNatTraN natT = tabNatTraN.fromPack(pck); natT = natTrns.find(natT); if (natT != null) { long tim = bits.getTime(); natT.lastUsed = tim; natT.reverse.lastUsed = tim; natT.updatePack(pck); natCfg.packUpdate(pck); if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("nat " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " tos=" + pck.IPtos); } } else { tabNatCfgN natC = natCfg.find(pck); if (natC != null) { if (natC.maxSess > 0) { if (natTrns.size() > natC.maxSess) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noBuffer); return; } } if (natC.maxRate != null) { if (natC.maxRate.checkPacket(pck)) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noBuffer); return; } } natT = natC.createEntry(pck, icmpCore); tabNatTraN natR = natT.reverseEntry(); natTrns.add(natT); natTrns.add(natR); natT.updatePack(pck); natCfg.packUpdate(pck); if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("nat " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " tos=" + pck.IPtos); } tableChanger(); } } } boolean alerted = (pck.IPalrt != -1); pck.IPalrt = -1; if (doPbrFwd(pbrCfg, from, rxIfc, pck)) { return; } if (hop != null) { ifaceProto(rxIfc, pck, hop); return; } if (rxIfc.gateLoc) { if (rxIfc.lower.checkMyAddress(pck.IPtrg)) { protoSend(rxIfc, pck); return; } if (rxIfc.lower.checkMyAlias(pck.IPtrg) != null) { protoSend(rxIfc, pck); return; } } if (pck.IPlnk) { if ((from & 1) == 0) { ifaceProto(rxIfc, pck, null); return; } if (pck.IPmlt || pck.IPbrd) { protoSend(rxIfc, pck); return; } if ((from & 2) != 0) { ipFwdIface ifc = ipFwdTab.findMyaddrIface(this, pck.IPtrg); if (ifc != null) { protoSend(ifc, pck); return; } } doDrop(pck, rxIfc, counter.reasons.noRoute, 0); return; } if (pck.IPmlt || pck.IPbrd) { if (pck.IPbrd || !pck.IPmlr) { if ((from & 1) != 0) { protoSend(rxIfc, pck); } else { ifaceProto(rxIfc, pck, null); } return; } if (pck.IPttl < 2) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.ttlExceed); return; } if (from != 4) { ipCore.updateIPheader(pck, null, null, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1); } ipFwdMcast grp = new ipFwdMcast(pck.IPtrg, pck.IPsrc); grp = groups.find(grp); if (grp == null) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badNet); return; } if ((from & 3) == 1) { if (grp.iface == null) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noRoute); return; } if (grp.iface.ifwNum != rxIfc.ifwNum) { cntrT.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noRoute); return; } } grp.cntr.tx(pck); for (int i = 0; i < grp.flood.size(); i++) { ipFwdIface ifc = grp.flood.get(i); if (ifc == null) { continue; } if ((from & 3) == 1) { if (grp.iface.ifwNum == ifc.ifwNum) { continue; } } if (pck.IPttl < ifc.mcastTtl) { continue; } ifaceProto(ifc, pck.copyBytes(true, true), null); } if (grp.label != null) { grp.label.sendPack(this, pck); } if (grp.bier != null) { pck.ETHtype = rxIfc.lower.getEthtyp(); grp.bier.sendPack(pck); } if (grp.local && ((from & 1) != 0)) { protoSend(rxIfc, pck); } return; } tabRouteEntry prf = actualU.route(pck.IPtrg); if (prf == null) { doDrop(pck, rxIfc, counter.reasons.noRoute, 0); return; } prf.cntr.tx(pck); if ( != null) { cntrT.tx(pck); if ( != null) { pck.putDefaults(); pck.IPtrg.setAddr(; pck.IPsrc.setAddr(; pck.IPprt = ipCore.getProtocol();; ipMpls.beginMPLSfields(pck, false);, rxIfc, null, pck); return; } if ( == null) { doDrop(pck, rxIfc, counter.reasons.notInTab, 0); return; } ipMpls.createMPLSlabels(pck,;, pck, true); return; } if ( == null) { doDrop(pck, rxIfc, counter.reasons.noIface, 0); return; } ipFwdIface txIfc = (ipFwdIface); if (txIfc.gateLoc) { if (txIfc.lower.checkMyAddress(pck.IPtrg)) { protoSend(txIfc, pck); return; } if (txIfc.lower.checkMyAlias(pck.IPtrg) != null) { protoSend(txIfc, pck); return; } } if (txIfc.gatePrc) { protoSend(txIfc, pck); return; } if (((from & 1) != 0) && alerted) { if (!protoAlert(rxIfc, pck)) { return; } } if (from != 4) { if (pck.MPLSttl < 2) { doDrop(pck, rxIfc, counter.reasons.ttlExceed, 0); return; } if ((mplsPropTtl | txIfc.mplsPropTtlAlways) & txIfc.mplsPropTtlAllow) { ipCore.updateIPheader(pck, null, null, -1, pck.MPLSttl - 1, -1, -1, -1); } else { ipCore.updateIPheader(pck, null, null, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1); } pck.MPLSttl--; } if ( == tabRouteAttr.routeType.conn) { ifaceProto(txIfc, pck, null); return; } if (alerted) { ifaceProto(txIfc, pck,; return; } doMpls(txIfc,,, pck); } /** * got error report * * @param err error code * @param iface receiving interface * @param pck protocol packet */ public void errorReport(counter.reasons err, ipFwdIface iface, packHolder pck) { errorRcvd++; int oldSiz = pck.UDPsiz; int oldPrt = pck.IPprt; addrIP rtr = pck.IPsrc.copyBytes(); if (ipCore.parseIPheader(pck, false)) { iface.cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badHdr); return; } natCfg.packParse(false, true, false, pck); tabNatTraN natT = tabNatTraN.fromError(pck); natT = natTrns.find(natT); if (natT != null) { long tim = bits.getTime(); natT.lastUsed = tim; natT.reverse.lastUsed = tim; natT.updateError(pck); natCfg.packUpdate(pck); pck.IPprt = oldPrt; pck.IPsrc.setAddr(rtr); pck.IPtrg.setAddr(natT.newTrgAddr); pck.putDefaults(); pck.putStart(); pck.getSkip(-oldSiz); icmpCore.updateICMPheader(pck); ipCore.createIPheader(pck); pck.INTupper = -1; ipMpls.beginMPLSfields(pck, (mplsPropTtl | iface.mplsPropTtlAlways) & iface.mplsPropTtlAllow); forwardPacket(4, iface, null, pck); return; } if (debugger.ipFwdTraf) { logger.debug("err " + pck.IPsrc + " -> " + pck.IPtrg + " pr=" + pck.IPprt + " rtr=" + rtr + " reason=" + counter.reason2string(err)); } ipFwdProto prt = null; if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(iface, pck.IPtrg, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(null, pck.IPtrg, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(iface, null, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { prt = protos.get(null, null, pck.IPprt, pck.IPprt); } if (prt == null) { return; } pck.getSkip(pck.IPsiz); prt.upper.errorPack(err, rtr, iface, pck); } /** * send echo request * * @param src source address, null if nearest * @param trg target address * @param size size of payload * @param df dont fragment * @param alrt alert to use * @param ttl ttl to use * @param sgt sgt to use * @param tos tos to use * @param id flow to use * @param dat filler byte * @param mul multiple responses * @return notifier notified on reply */ public ipFwdEcho echoSendReq(addrIP src, addrIP trg, int size, boolean df, int alrt, int ttl, int sgt, int tos, int id, int dat, boolean mul) { final int maxSize = 8192; final int minSize = 16; if (size < minSize) { size = minSize; } if (size > maxSize) { size = maxSize; } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.putFill(0, size, dat); pck.putSkip(size); pck.merge2beg(); ipFwdEcho ntry = new ipFwdEcho(); ntry.notif = new notifier(); ipFwdIface ifc; if (src == null) { ifc = ipFwdTab.findSendingIface(this, trg); if (ifc == null) { return null; } src = ifc.addr.copyBytes(); } else { ifc = ipFwdTab.findSendingIface(this, src); if (ifc == null) { return null; } } ntry.src = src.copyBytes(); ntry.trg = trg.copyBytes(); ntry.multi = mul; ntry.created = bits.getTime(); for (;;) { nextEchoNumber = (nextEchoNumber & 0x3fffffff) + 1; ntry.echoNum = nextEchoNumber + 10000; if (echoes.add(ntry) == null) { break; } } echoSent++; if (icmpCore.createEcho(pck, src, trg, ntry.echoNum)) { return null; } pck.IPttl = ttl; pck.IPtos = tos; pck.IPid = id; pck.IPdf = df; pck.SGTid = sgt; pck.IPalrt = alrt; pck.INTupper = -1; protoPack(ifc, null, pck); return ntry; } /** * got echo reply packet * * @param pck packet received * @param id id received */ public void echoRecvRep(packHolder pck, int id) { ipFwdEcho ntry = new ipFwdEcho(); echoRply++; ntry.echoNum = id; ntry = echoes.find(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return; } if (ntry.src.compareTo(pck.IPtrg) != 0) { return; } if (!ntry.multi) { echoes.del(ntry); } ipFwdEchod res = new ipFwdEchod(); res.tim = (int) (bits.getTime() - ntry.created); res.err = null; res.rtr = pck.IPsrc.copyBytes(); res.lab = -1; res.ttl = pck.IPttl; res.tos = pck.IPtos; synchronized (ntry) { ntry.res.add(res); } ntry.notif.wakeup(); } /** * got error report to ping * * @param pck packet received * @param id id received * @param err error reported * @param rtr reporting router */ public void echoRecvErr(packHolder pck, int id, counter.reasons err, addrIP rtr) { ipFwdEcho ntry = new ipFwdEcho(); ntry.echoNum = id; ntry = echoes.find(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return; } if (ntry.trg.compareTo(pck.IPtrg) != 0) { return; } if (ntry.src.compareTo(pck.IPsrc) != 0) { return; } if (!ntry.multi) { echoes.del(ntry); } ipFwdEchod res = new ipFwdEchod(); res.tim = (int) (bits.getTime() - ntry.created); res.err = err; res.rtr = rtr.copyBytes(); res.lab = ipFwdEcho.getMplsExt(pck); res.ttl = pck.IPttl; res.tos = pck.IPtos; synchronized (ntry) { ntry.res.add(res); } ntry.notif.wakeup(); } public void run() { try { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("startup"); } for (;;) { if (triggerUpdate.misleep(untriggeredRecomputation) > 0) { if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("too fast table updates"); } } if (untriggeredRecomputation <= 0) { break; } ipFwdTab.updateEverything(this); if (updateInterval < 1) { continue; } bits.sleep(updateInterval); } untriggeredRecomputation -= 1; if (debugger.ipFwdEvnt) { logger.debug("shutdown"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.exception(e); } } }