package org.freertr.ifc; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.freertr.addr.addrMac; import org.freertr.addr.addrType; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgInit; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.state; import org.freertr.enc.encTlv; /** * unidirectional link detection (rfc5171) protocol * * @author matecsaba */ public class ifcUdld implements ifcUp { /** * snap org id */ public final static int orgid = 0x00000c; /** * ethertype */ public final static int ethtyp = 0x0111; /** * time between advertisements */ public int advertiseInterval = 5000; /** * list of neighbors */ public tabGen neighs = new tabGen(); private cfgIfc cfg; private ifcDn lower = new ifcNull(); private addrType hwadr; private counter cntr = new counter(); private Timer keepTimer; private int txSeq; /** * probe */ public final static int opcProbe = 1; /** * echo */ public final static int opcEcho = 2; /** * flush */ public final static int opcFlush = 3; /** * using default timeout */ public final static int flgDflt = 1; /** * resynchronization */ public final static int flgSync = 2; /** * device id */ public final static int ttypDevId = 1; /** * port id */ public final static int ttypPrtId = 2; /** * echo */ public final static int ttypEcho = 3; /** * message interval */ public final static int ttypMsgInt = 4; /** * timeout interval */ public final static int ttypTimOut = 5; /** * device name */ public final static int ttypDevNam = 6; /** * sequence number */ public final static int ttypSeqNum = 7; /** * decode opcode * * @param i opcode * @return decoded string */ public static String opcode2string(int i) { switch (i) { case opcProbe: return "probe"; case opcEcho: return "echo"; case opcFlush: return "flush"; default: return "unknown=" + i; } } /** * create new instance * * @param ifc interface to use */ public ifcUdld(cfgIfc ifc) { cfg = ifc; restartTimer(false); } public String toString() { return "udld on " + lower; } private encTlv getTlv() { return new encTlv(0, 16, 16, 16, 1, 4, 4, 1, 0, 512, true); } /** * received packet * * @param pck packet */ public void recvPack(packHolder pck) { cntr.rx(pck); if (pck.msbGetW(0) != ethtyp) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badEthTyp); return; } pck.getSkip(2); int ver = pck.getByte(0); if ((ver & 0xe0) != 0x20) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badVer); return; } // int flag = pck.getByte(1); ifcUdldNeigh nei = new ifcUdldNeigh(); nei.peer = pck.ETHsrc.copyBytes(); nei.serNum = ""; nei.portId = ""; pck.getSkip(4); encTlv tlv = getTlv(); for (;;) { if (tlv.getBytes(pck)) { break; } switch (tlv.valTyp) { case ttypDevId: nei.serNum = tlv.getStr(); break; case ttypPrtId: nei.portId = tlv.getStr(); break; case ttypEcho: nei.bidir = findMyself(tlv); break; case ttypMsgInt: nei.msgInt = (tlv.valDat[0] & 0xff) * 1000; break; case ttypTimOut: nei.timOut = (tlv.valDat[0] & 0xff) * 1000; break; case ttypDevNam: nei.hostName = tlv.getStr(); break; case ttypSeqNum: // rxSeq = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 0); break; } } nei.created = bits.getTime(); if (neighs.put(nei) == null) { logger.warn("neighbor " + nei.hostName + " up"); } } /** * set parent * * @param parent parent */ public void setParent(ifcDn parent) { lower = parent; hwadr = lower.getHwAddr(); } /** * set state * * @param stat state */ public void setState(state.states stat) { } /** * close interface */ public void closeUp() { } /** * get counter * * @return counter */ public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } /** * setup timer thread * * @param shutdown set true to shut down */ public void restartTimer(boolean shutdown) { try { keepTimer.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { } keepTimer = null; if (shutdown) { return; } if (advertiseInterval < 1) { return; } keepTimer = new Timer(); ifcUdldTxAdv task = new ifcUdldTxAdv(this); keepTimer.schedule(task, 500, advertiseInterval); } private boolean findMyself(encTlv tlv) { int m = bits.msbGetD(tlv.valDat, 0); int p = 4; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (p >= tlv.valSiz) { break; } int o = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, p); p += 2; String a = new String(tlv.valDat, p, o); p += o; o = bits.msbGetW(tlv.valDat, p); p += 2; String b = new String(tlv.valDat, p, o); p += o; if (!a.equals(cfgInit.hwIdNum)) { continue; } if (!b.equals( { continue; } return true; } return false; } private static byte[] string2seen(String s) { byte[] b1 = s.getBytes(); byte[] b2 = new byte[2]; bits.msbPutW(b2, 0, b1.length); return bits.byteConcat(b2, b1); } private static byte[] neigh2seen(ifcUdldNeigh ntry) { return bits.byteConcat(string2seen(ntry.serNum), string2seen(ntry.portId)); } private byte[] getSeenList() { byte[] buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, neighs.size()); for (int i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) { buf = bits.byteConcat(buf, neigh2seen(neighs.get(i))); } return buf; } /** * send advertisement */ protected void sendAdvert() { boolean need2stop = false; long tim = bits.getTime(); for (int i = neighs.size(); i >= 0; i--) { ifcUdldNeigh nei = neighs.get(i); if (nei == null) { continue; } if ((nei.created + (nei.msgInt * 3)) > tim) { continue; } logger.error("neighbor " + nei.hostName + " down"); neighs.del(nei); need2stop |= nei.bidir; } if (need2stop) { cfg.flapNow(1000); return; } txSeq++; packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); encTlv tlv = getTlv(); pck.ETHtrg.fromString("0100:0ccc:cccc"); if (hwadr.getSize() == addrMac.size) { pck.ETHsrc.fromBuf(hwadr.getBytes(), 0); } pck.msbPutW(0, ethtyp); // ethertype pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2end(); pck.putByte(0, 0x21); // version pck.putByte(1, 0); // flags pck.msbPutW(2, 0); // checksum pck.putSkip(4); tlv.putStr(pck, ttypDevId, cfgInit.hwIdNum); tlv.putStr(pck, ttypPrtId,; tlv.putBytes(pck, ttypEcho, getSeenList()); byte[] buf = new byte[1]; buf[0] = (byte) (advertiseInterval / 1000); tlv.putBytes(pck, ttypMsgInt, buf); buf[0] = (byte) ((advertiseInterval * 3) / 1000); tlv.putBytes(pck, ttypTimOut, buf); tlv.putStr(pck, ttypDevNam, cfgAll.hostName); buf = new byte[4]; bits.msbPutD(buf, 0, txSeq); if ((pck.headSize() & 1) != 0) { tlv.valDat[0] = 0; tlv.putBytes(pck, 0xffff, 1, tlv.valDat); } int i = pck.headSize(); pck.lsbPutW(2 - i, 0xffff - pck.putIPsum(-i, i, 0)); pck.merge2end(); cntr.tx(pck); lower.sendPack(pck); } /** * get show output * * @param detailed detailed listing * @return list of neighbors */ public List getShNeigh(boolean detailed) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < neighs.size(); i++) { ifcUdldNeigh nei = neighs.get(i); if (!detailed) { l.add( + "|" + nei); } else { nei.dump(l); } } return l; } } class ifcUdldTxAdv extends TimerTask { private ifcUdld lower; public ifcUdldTxAdv(ifcUdld parent) { lower = parent; } public void run() { try { lower.sendAdvert(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } } } class ifcUdldNeigh implements Comparable { public addrMac peer; public String hostName; public String portId; public String serNum; public int msgInt; public int timOut; public boolean bidir; public long created; public String toString() { return hostName + "|" + serNum + "|" + portId + "|" + (bidir ? "bidir" : "unidir"); } public void dump(List l) { l.add(""); l.add("peer|" + peer); l.add("hostname|" + hostName); l.add("port id|" + portId); l.add("serial|" + serNum); l.add("message interval|" + msgInt); l.add("timeout value|" + timOut); l.add("bidir|" + bidir); } public int compareTo(ifcUdldNeigh o) { return hostName.compareTo(o.hostName); } }