package org.freertr.ifc; import org.freertr.addr.addrEmpty; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import; import; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; /** * security group tag (rfcXXXX) protocol * * @author matecsaba */ public class ifcSgt { /** * create instance * * @param et handler */ public ifcSgt(ifcEthTyp et) { upper = et; } private final ifcEthTyp upper; /** * optional value */ public int optional = -1; /** * allowed values */ public tabGen> allowIn = null; /** * allowed values */ public tabGen> allowOut = null; /** * forbidden values */ public tabGen> forbidIn = null; /** * forbidden values */ public tabGen> forbidOut = null; /** * ethertype of these packets */ public final static int type = 0x8909; /** * magic of these packets */ public final static int magic = 0x01010001; /** * size of header */ public final static int size = 8; /** * encode one packet * * @param pck packet to encrypt * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean doEncode(packHolder pck) { if (debugger.ifcSgtTraf) { logger.debug("tx sgt=" + pck.SGTid); } if (forbidOut != null) { tabIndex cur = new tabIndex(pck.SGTid, null); if (forbidOut.find(cur) != null) { return true; } } if (allowOut != null) { tabIndex cur = new tabIndex(pck.SGTid, null); if (allowOut.find(cur) == null) { return true; } } pck.msbPutW(0, type); pck.msbPutD(2, magic); pck.msbPutW(6, pck.SGTid); pck.putSkip(size); pck.merge2beg(); return false; } /** * decode one packet * * @param pck packet to decrypt * @param allowClear allot cleartext also * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean doDecode(packHolder pck, boolean allowClear) { int typ = pck.msbGetW(0); if (typ != type) { if (allowClear) { return false; } if (optional < 0) {"bad type (" + bits.toHexW(typ) + ") on " + upper); return true; } pck.SGTid = optional; return false; } if (pck.dataSize() < size) { return true; } if (pck.msbGetD(2) != magic) { return true; } pck.SGTid = pck.msbGetW(6); pck.getSkip(size); if (debugger.ifcSgtTraf) { logger.debug("rx sgt=" + pck.SGTid); } if (forbidIn != null) { tabIndex cur = new tabIndex(pck.SGTid, null); if (forbidIn.find(cur) != null) { return true; } } if (allowIn == null) { return false; } tabIndex cur = new tabIndex(pck.SGTid, null); return allowIn.find(cur) == null; } }