package org.freertr.ifc; import java.math.BigInteger; import org.freertr.addr.addrMac; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIpsec; import org.freertr.cry.cryEncrGeneric; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashGeneric; import org.freertr.cry.cryKeyDH; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.syncInt; /** * mac security (ieee 802.1ae) protocol * * @author matecsaba */ public class ifcMacSec implements Runnable { /** * create instance */ public ifcMacSec() { } /** * ethertype of these packets */ public final static int ethtyp = 0x88e5; /** * size of header */ public final static int size = 8; /** * ipsec profile */ public cfgIpsec profil; /** * need to check layer2 info */ public boolean needLayer2 = true; /** * need to do aead mode */ public boolean aeadMode = false; /** * encryption keys */ public byte[] keyEncrTx = null; /** * decryption keys */ public byte[] keyEncrRx = null; /** * encryption iv */ public byte[] keyIvTx = null; /** * decryption iv */ public byte[] keyIvRx = null; /** * authentication keys */ public byte[] keyHashTx = null; /** * authentication keys */ public byte[] keyHashRx = null; /** * ethertype in effect */ public int myTyp; /** * cipher size */ public int cphrSiz; /** * hash size */ public int hashSiz; /** * tag size */ public int tagSiz; /** * hardware counter */ public counter hwCntr; private counter cntr = new counter(); private tabWindow sequence; private addrMac myaddr; private cryEncrGeneric cphrTx; private cryEncrGeneric cphrRx; private cryHashGeneric hashTx; private cryHashGeneric hashRx; private cryKeyDH keygen; private int seqTx; private int kexNum; private boolean reply; private long lastKex = 0; private int lastRnd = 0; private syncInt calcing = new syncInt(0); private ifcEthTyp etht; public String toString() { String a = ""; if (myTyp != ethtyp) { a = " " + bits.toHexW(myTyp); } return + a; } /** * get show output * * @return text */ public userFormat getShow() { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "category|value"); l.add("kex|" + kexNum); l.add("for|" + bits.timePast(lastKex)); l.add("since|" + bits.time2str(cfgAll.timeZoneName, lastKex + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, 3)); l.add("seq|" + seqTx); l.add("win|" + sequence); l.add("pack|" + cntr.getShHwPsum(hwCntr)); l.add("byte|" + cntr.getShHwBsum(hwCntr)); return l; } /** * get mode flags * * @return flags */ public int getModeFlags() { int i = 0; if (needLayer2) { i |= 1; } if (aeadMode) { i |= 2; } return i; } /** * initialize the crypter * * @param ips ipsec profile * @param eth ethertype to use * @param typ value to use */ public void doInit(cfgIpsec ips, ifcEthTyp eth, int typ) { if (typ < 1) { typ = ethtyp; } etht = eth; myTyp = typ; profil = ips; keygen = ips.trans.getGroup(); keygen.servXchg(); if (profil.replay > 0) { sequence = new tabWindow(profil.replay); } try { myaddr = (addrMac) eth.getHwAddr().copyBytes(); } catch (Exception e) { myaddr = addrMac.getBroadcast(); } if (debugger.ifcMacSecTraf) { logger.debug("initialized"); } if (profil.role != cfgIpsec.roleMode.staticKeys) { return; } byte[] buf1 = new byte[profil.preshared.length() / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < buf1.length; i++) { try { buf1[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(profil.preshared.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16); } catch (Exception e) { } } setupKeys(buf1, false); } /** * encrypt one packet * * @param pck packet to encrypt * @return false on success, true on error */ public synchronized boolean doEncrypt(packHolder pck) { if (hashTx == null) { return true; } cntr.tx(pck); int pad = pck.dataSize() % cphrSiz; byte[] buf; if (pad > 0) { pad = cphrSiz - pad; buf = new byte[pad]; pck.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, buf.length); pck.putSkip(buf.length); pck.merge2end(); } int siz = pck.dataSize(); pad = 0; if (siz < 48) { pad = siz; } byte[] mac = new byte[keyIvTx.length + 4]; bits.byteCopy(keyIvTx, 0, mac, 0, keyIvTx.length); bits.msbPutD(mac, keyIvTx.length, seqTx); cphrTx.init(keyEncrTx, mac, true); hashTx.init(); if (needLayer2) { mac = pck.ETHtrg.getBytes(); hashTx.update(mac); cphrTx.authAdd(mac); mac = pck.ETHsrc.getBytes(); hashTx.update(mac); cphrTx.authAdd(mac); } pck.msbPutW(0, myTyp); // ethertype pck.putByte(2, 0x0c); // tci=c,e pck.putByte(3, pad); // sl pck.msbPutD(4, seqTx); // seq pck.hashHead(hashTx, 0, size); pck.authHead(cphrTx, 0, size); pck.putSkip(size); pck.merge2beg(); siz = pck.encrData(cphrTx, size, siz); if (siz < 0) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badSum);"bad aead on " + etht); return true; } pck.setDataSize(size + siz); pck.hashData(hashTx, size, siz); buf = hashTx.finish(); pck.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, buf.length); pck.putSkip(buf.length); pck.merge2end(); seqTx++; return false; } /** * decrypt one packet * * @param pck packet to decrypt * @param allowClear allot cleartext also * @return false on success, true on error */ public synchronized boolean doDecrypt(packHolder pck, boolean allowClear) { if (pck.dataSize() < size) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.tooSmall);"too short on " + etht); return true; } int typ = pck.msbGetW(0); if (typ != myTyp) { // ethertype if (allowClear) { return false; } cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badTyp);"bad type (" + bits.toHexW(typ) + ") on " + etht); return true; } typ = pck.getByte(2); // tci switch (typ) { case 0x0c: // data break; case 0x01: // request case 0x02: // reply if (profil.role == cfgIpsec.roleMode.staticKeys) { return true; } if (calcing.set(1) != 0) { return true; } reply = typ == 1; lastKex = bits.getTime(); pck.getSkip(size); keygen.clntPub = new BigInteger(pck.getCopy()); new Thread(this).start(); return true; default: cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badTyp);"bad type " + typ + " on " + etht); return true; } if (hashRx == null) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return true; } int pad = pck.getByte(3); // sl int seqRx = pck.msbGetD(4); // seq if (sequence != null) { if (sequence.gotDat(seqRx)) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badRxSeq);"replay check failed on " + etht); return true; } } byte[] mac = new byte[keyIvRx.length + 4]; bits.byteCopy(keyIvRx, 0, mac, 0, keyIvRx.length); bits.msbPutD(mac, keyIvRx.length, seqRx); cphrRx.init(keyEncrRx, mac, false); hashRx.init(); if (needLayer2) { mac = pck.ETHtrg.getBytes(); hashRx.update(mac); cphrRx.authAdd(mac); mac = pck.ETHsrc.getBytes(); hashRx.update(mac); cphrRx.authAdd(mac); } pck.hashData(hashRx, 0, size); pck.authData(cphrRx, 0, size); pck.getSkip(size); int siz = pck.dataSize(); if (pad > 0) { pad += tagSiz + hashSiz; if (pad > siz) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badLen);"invalid padding on " + etht); return true; } siz = pad; } if (siz < (hashSiz + cphrSiz)) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.tooSmall);"too small on " + etht); return true; } siz -= hashSiz; if (!aeadMode && ((siz % cphrSiz) != 0)) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badSiz);"bad padding on " + etht); return true; } pck.hashData(hashRx, 0, siz); byte[] sum = new byte[hashSiz]; pck.getCopy(sum, 0, siz, hashSiz); if (bits.byteComp(sum, 0, hashRx.finish(), 0, hashSiz) != 0) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badSum);"bad hash on " + etht); return true; } siz = pck.encrData(cphrRx, 0, siz); if (siz < 0) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badSum);"bad aead on " + etht); return true; } pck.setDataSize(siz); cntr.rx(pck); return false; } /** * generate sync packet * * @return packet to send, null if nothing */ public synchronized packHolder doSync() { if (profil.role == cfgIpsec.roleMode.staticKeys) { return null; } if ((hashRx != null) && (!reply)) { boolean ned = false; if (profil.trans.lifeSec > 0) { ned |= (bits.getTime() - lastKex - lastRnd) > (profil.trans.lifeSec * 1000); } if (profil.trans.lifeByt > 0) { long tx = cntr.byteTx; if (hwCntr != null) { tx += hwCntr.byteTx; } ned |= tx > profil.trans.lifeByt; } if (!ned) { return null; } if (calcing.set(1) != 0) { return null; } if (debugger.ifcMacSecTraf) { logger.debug("restarting kex"); } keygen = profil.trans.getGroup(); keygen.servXchg(); calcing.set(0); reply = false; hashRx = null; hwCntr = null; } boolean rep = hashRx == null; if (debugger.ifcMacSecTraf) { logger.debug("sending kex, reply=" + (!rep) + " common=" + keygen.common); } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.msbPutW(0, myTyp); // ethertype pck.putByte(2, rep ? 0x01 : 0x02); // tci=v,e pck.putByte(3, 0); // sl pck.msbPutD(4, 0); // seq pck.putSkip(size); byte[] buf = keygen.servPub.toByteArray(); pck.putCopy(buf, 0, 0, buf.length); pck.putSkip(buf.length); pck.merge2beg(); pck.ETHsrc.setAddr(myaddr); pck.ETHtrg.setAddr(addrMac.getBroadcast()); reply = false; return pck; } private void doCalc() { if (debugger.ifcMacSecTraf) { logger.debug("got kex, reply=" + (!reply) + ", modulus=" + keygen.clntPub); } keygen.servKey(); if (debugger.ifcMacSecTraf) { logger.debug("common=" + keygen.common); } byte[] buf1 = new byte[0]; for (int i = 0; buf1.length < 1024; i++) { cryHashGeneric hsh = profil.trans.getHash(); hsh.init(); hsh.update(keygen.common.toByteArray()); hsh.update(profil.preshared.getBytes()); hsh.update(i); byte[] buf2 = hsh.finish(); if (buf2.length < 1) { buf2 = keygen.common.toByteArray(); byte[] buf3 = profil.preshared.getBytes(); for (int o = 0; o < buf2.length; o++) { buf2[o] ^= buf3[o % buf3.length]; } } buf1 = bits.byteConcat(buf1, buf2); } setupKeys(buf1, keygen.clntPub.compareTo(keygen.servPub) > 0); calcing.set(0); etht.triggerSync(); } private void setupKeys(byte[] res, boolean swp) { if (debugger.ifcMacSecTraf) { logger.debug("master=" + bits.byteDump(res, 0, res.length)); } cryEncrGeneric cphTx = profil.trans.getEncr(); cryEncrGeneric cphRx = profil.trans.getEncr(); keyEncrTx = new byte[profil.trans.getKeyS()]; int i = cphTx.getIVsize() - 4; if (i < 0) { i = 0; } keyIvTx = new byte[i]; bits.byteCopy(res, 0, keyEncrTx, 0, keyEncrTx.length); i = keyEncrTx.length; keyEncrRx = new byte[keyEncrTx.length]; bits.byteCopy(res, i, keyEncrRx, 0, keyEncrRx.length); i += keyEncrTx.length; bits.byteCopy(res, i, keyIvTx, 0, keyIvTx.length); i += keyIvTx.length; keyIvRx = new byte[keyIvTx.length]; bits.byteCopy(res, i, keyIvRx, 0, keyIvRx.length); i += keyIvRx.length; cphrSiz = cphTx.getBlockSize(); hashSiz = profil.trans.getHash().getHashSize(); keyHashTx = new byte[hashSiz]; bits.byteCopy(res, i, keyHashTx, 0, keyHashTx.length); i += keyHashTx.length; keyHashRx = new byte[keyHashTx.length]; bits.byteCopy(res, i, keyHashRx, 0, keyHashRx.length); cntr = new counter(); hwCntr = null; if (swp) { byte[] buf = keyIvTx; keyIvTx = keyIvRx; keyIvRx = buf; buf = keyHashTx; keyHashTx = keyHashRx; keyHashRx = buf; buf = keyEncrTx; keyEncrTx = keyEncrRx; keyEncrRx = buf; } kexNum++; if (profil.replay > 0) { sequence = new tabWindow(profil.replay); } if (profil.trans.lifeRnd > 1) { lastRnd = bits.random(1, profil.trans.lifeRnd); } seqTx = 0; tagSiz = cphTx.getTagSize(); aeadMode = tagSiz > 0; i = cphTx.getIVsize(); cphTx.init(keyEncrTx, new byte[i], true); cphRx.init(keyEncrRx, new byte[i], false); cphrTx = cphTx; cphrRx = cphRx; hashTx = profil.trans.getHmac(keyHashTx); hashRx = profil.trans.getHmac(keyHashRx); } public void run() { try { doCalc(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.exception(e); } } }