package org.freertr.ifc; import; import; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrMac; import org.freertr.addr.addrType; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.ip.ipCor; import org.freertr.ip.ipIfc4; import org.freertr.ip.ipIfc6; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import; import; import; import; import; import org.freertr.user.userFormat; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.history; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.notifier; import org.freertr.util.state; /** * ethertype multiplexer * * @author matecsaba */ public class ifcEthTyp implements Runnable, ifcUp { /** * send in clear */ public ifcDn sendClear; /** * strict mac check ingress */ public addrMac macCheckRx = null; /** * strict mac check egress */ public addrMac macCheckTx = null; /** * strict mtu check ingress */ public boolean mtuCheckRx = false; /** * strict mtu check egress */ public boolean mtuCheckTx = false; /** * forced mtu size */ public int forcedMTU = 0; /** * forced bandwidth */ public long forcedBW = 0; /** * forced down */ public int forcedDN = 0; /** * forced up */ public boolean forcedUP = false; /** * forced mac address */ public addrMac forcedMac; /** * log state change */ public boolean logStateChg = false; /** * padding minimum */ public int padupMin = 0; /** * padding modulo */ public int padupMod = 0; /** * ingress rate */ public tabRateLimit rateIn; /** * egress rate */ public tabRateLimit rateOut; /** * ingress qos */ public tabQos qosIn; /** * egress qos */ public tabQos qosOut; /** * mac security */ public ifcMacSec macSec; /** * loss detector */ public ifcLossDet lossDet; /** * sgt handler */ public ifcSgt sgtHnd; /** * sgt handler */ public int sgtSet = -1; /** * service chaining */ public ifcNshFwd nshFwd; /** * monitor filter */ public tabListing, addrIP> monFlt; /** * monitor direction, 1=rx, 2=tx */ public int monDir = 3; /** * monitor truncate */ public int monTrnc = 0; /** * monitor sampling need */ public int monSmpN = 0; /** * monitor unsampled packets */ private int monSmpP = 0; /** * monitor session target */ public ifcEthTyp monSes = null; /** * monitor session headers */ public boolean monHdr; /** * monitor buffer data */ public byte[] monBufD = null; /** * monitor buffer pointer */ public int monBufP; /** * snap code */ public final static int snap = 0xaaaa; /** * control code */ public final static int ctrl = 0x03; /** * ieee code */ public final static int ieee = 0x80c2; /** * ieee ethernet code */ public final static int ieth = 0x7; /** * ipv4 core */ public ipCor ip4cor; /** * ipv6 core */ public ipCor ip6cor; private final notifier notif; private int need2run; private long lastSync; private state.states lastState; private ifcDn lower; private ifcEthTypET defUpper; private final tabGen etTyps; private final tabGen llcTyps; private final tabGen snapTyps; private boolean promiscous; private counter totCntr; private final counter cntr; private final counter[] sizes; private final counter[] protos; private final counter[] clsCos; private final counter[] clsExp; private final counter[] clsPrc; private final counter[] ttlMpl; private final counter[] ttlNsh; private final counter[] ttlPrt; private final history hstry; /** * hardware counters */ public counter hwCntr; /** * hardware substract */ public counter hwSub; /** * hardware history */ public history hwHstry; private final String name; private final cfgIfc cfger; private RandomAccessFile logFile = null; /** * looped packets dropped */ public static int loopDrops; /** * looped packets depth */ public final static int loopMax = 64; /** * get history handler * * @return history handler */ public history getHistory() { return hstry; } public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } /** * get promiscous state * * @return state */ public boolean getPromisc() { return promiscous; } /** * get macsec state * * @return state */ public boolean getMacsec() { return macSec != null; } /** * get lossdet state * * @return state */ public boolean getLossdet() { return lossDet != null; } /** * get sgt state * * @return state */ public boolean getSgt() { return sgtHnd != null; } /** * get hardware address * * @return hw address */ public addrType getHwAddr() { if (forcedMac != null) { return forcedMac; } return lower.getHwAddr(); } public String toString() { return name; } /** * set worker interface * * @param parent worker interface */ public void setParent(ifcDn parent) { lower = parent; lastState = lower.getState(); propagateState(); } /** * get state of interface * * @return state of line protocol */ public state.states getState() { if (forcedDN != 0) { return state.states.admin; } if (forcedUP) { return state.states.up; } return lastState; } public void setState(state.states stat) { stat = state.toUsable(stat); if (lastState == stat) { return; } lastState = stat; if (forcedDN != 0) { return; } if (forcedUP) { return; } propagateState(); } /** * propagate current state; */ public void propagateState() { state.states s = lastState; if (forcedUP) { s = state.states.up; } if (forcedDN != 0) { s = state.states.admin; } cntr.stateChange(s); if (logStateChg) { logger.warn("interface " + name + " change to " + state.conv2string(s)); } for (int i = 0; i < etTyps.size(); i++) { etTyps.get(i).upper.setState(s); } for (int i = 0; i < llcTyps.size(); i++) { llcTyps.get(i).upper.setState(s); } for (int i = 0; i < snapTyps.size(); i++) { snapTyps.get(i).upper.setState(s); } if (defUpper.upper != null) { defUpper.upper.setState(s); } cfger.stateChanged(s); } /** * close this interface */ public void closeUp() { lastState = state.states.close; qosIn = null; qosOut = null; timerUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < etTyps.size(); i++) { try { etTyps.get(i).upper.closeUp(); } catch (Exception e) { } } for (int i = 0; i < llcTyps.size(); i++) { try { llcTyps.get(i).upper.closeUp(); } catch (Exception e) { } } for (int i = 0; i < snapTyps.size(); i++) { try { snapTyps.get(i).upper.closeUp(); } catch (Exception e) { } } try { defUpper.upper.closeUp(); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** * update timer thread */ public synchronized void timerUpdate() { if ((qosIn != null) || (qosOut != null) || (macSec != null) || (lossDet != null)) { need2run |= 1; } else { need2run &= 0xfe; } if ((need2run & 2) != 0) { return; } if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("starting"); } need2run |= 2; new Thread(this).start(); } /** * trigger timer thread */ public void triggerSync() { lastSync = 0; notif.wakeup(); } public void run() { for (;;) { if ((need2run & 1) == 0) { break; } long lst = 0; long tim = bits.getTime(); if (qosOut != null) { for (;;) { packHolder pck = qosOut.dequeuePack(tim); if (pck == null) { break; } if (doOutProcess(pck)) { break; } pktAccountTx(pck); lower.sendPack(pck); } if (lst < qosOut.lastLeft) { lst = qosOut.lastLeft; } } if (qosIn != null) { for (;;) { packHolder pck = qosIn.dequeuePack(tim); if (pck == null) { break; } doRxPack(pck); } if (lst < qosIn.lastLeft) { lst = qosIn.lastLeft; } } if ((lst < 1) || (lst > 10000)) { lst = 10000; } notif.misleep((int) lst); if ((tim - lastSync) < 5000) { continue; } lastSync = tim; if (lossDet != null) { packHolder pck = lossDet.doSync(); if (pck != null) { pktAccountTx(pck); if (macSec != null) { macSec.doEncrypt(pck); } lower.sendPack(pck); } } if (macSec != null) { packHolder pck = macSec.doSync(); if (pck != null) { pktAccountTx(pck); lower.sendPack(pck); } } } need2run &= 0xfd; if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("stopped"); } } /** * set filter criteria * * @param promisc need all packet (promiscous mode) */ public void setFilter(boolean promisc) { promisc |= defUpper.promiscous; for (int i = 0; i < etTyps.size(); i++) { promisc |= etTyps.get(i).promiscous; } for (int i = 0; i < llcTyps.size(); i++) { promisc |= llcTyps.get(i).promiscous; } for (int i = 0; i < snapTyps.size(); i++) { promisc |= snapTyps.get(i).promiscous; } if (promiscous == promisc) { return; } promiscous = promisc; lower.setFilter(promisc); if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("set filter to " + promisc); } } /** * create new multiplexer * * @param nam name of interface * @param ifc config interface */ public ifcEthTyp(String nam, cfgIfc ifc) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("started"); } cfger = ifc; name = "" + nam; notif = new notifier(); lower = new ifcNull(); totCntr = new counter(); cntr = new counter(); sizes = new counter[8]; clsCos = new counter[8]; clsExp = new counter[8]; clsPrc = new counter[8]; protos = new counter[256]; ttlPrt = new counter[256]; ttlNsh = new counter[64]; ttlMpl = new counter[256]; for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { sizes[i] = new counter(); } for (int i = 0; i < clsCos.length; i++) { clsCos[i] = new counter(); } for (int i = 0; i < clsExp.length; i++) { clsExp[i] = new counter(); } for (int i = 0; i < clsPrc.length; i++) { clsPrc[i] = new counter(); } for (int i = 0; i < protos.length; i++) { protos[i] = new counter(); } for (int i = 0; i < ttlPrt.length; i++) { ttlPrt[i] = new counter(); } for (int i = 0; i < ttlNsh.length; i++) { ttlNsh[i] = new counter(); } for (int i = 0; i < ttlMpl.length; i++) { ttlMpl[i] = new counter(); } hstry = new history(); defUpper = new ifcEthTypET(this, null); promiscous = false; lastState = state.states.up; etTyps = new tabGen(); llcTyps = new tabGen(); snapTyps = new tabGen(); } private packHolder applyMonitor(packHolder pck, int dir, boolean copy) { if ((dir & monDir) == 0) { return null; } if (monSmpN > 0) { if ((monSmpP++ % monSmpN) != 0) { return null; } } if (monFlt != null) { pck.ETHtype = pck.msbGetW(0); pck.getSkip(2); boolean b; switch (pck.ETHtype) { case ipIfc4.type: b = ip4cor.parseIPheader(pck, true); break; case ipIfc6.type: b = ip6cor.parseIPheader(pck, true); break; default: b = true; break; } if (b) { pck.getSkip(-2); return null; } b = monFlt.matches(false, true, pck); pck.getSkip(-2); if (!b) { return null; } } if (copy) { pck = pck.copyBytes(true, true); } if (monTrnc < 1) { return pck; } if (pck.dataSize() < monTrnc) { return pck; } if (!copy) { pck = pck.copyBytes(true, true); } pck.setDataSize(monTrnc); return pck; } private void doRxPack(packHolder pck) { int typ = pck.msbGetW(0); // ether type pck.ETHtype = typ; if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("rx type=" + bits.toHexW(typ)); } ifcEthTypET et = new ifcEthTypET(this, null); et.ethTyp = typ; et = etTyps.find(et); if (et != null) { et.doRxPack(pck); return; } if (typ > 1500) { defUpper.doRxPack(pck); return; } if ((llcTyps.size() + snapTyps.size()) < 1) { defUpper.doRxPack(pck); return; } typ += 2; if (typ > pck.dataSize()) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.tooSmall); return; } pck.setDataSize(typ); typ = pck.msbGetW(2); // llc type pck.ETHtype = typ; if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("rx llc=" + bits.toHexW(typ)); } ifcEthTypLLC llc = new ifcEthTypLLC(null, null); llc.llcTyp = typ; llc = llcTyps.find(llc); if (llc != null) { llc.doRxPack(pck); return; } if (typ != snap) { defUpper.doRxPack(pck); return; } typ = pck.msbGetD(5) >>> 8; // organization id pck.ETHtype = typ; if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("rx snap=" + bits.toHexD(typ)); } ifcEthTypSNAP snp = new ifcEthTypSNAP(null, null); snp.snapTyp = typ; snp = snapTyps.find(snp); if (snp != null) { snp.doRxPack(pck); return; } if (typ != 0) { defUpper.doRxPack(pck); return; } pck.getSkip(8); typ = pck.msbGetW(0); // ether type pck.ETHtype = typ; if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("rx (embedded)type=" + bits.toHexW(typ)); } et = new ifcEthTypET(this, null); et.ethTyp = typ; et = etTyps.find(et); if (et != null) { et.doRxPack(pck); } else { defUpper.doRxPack(pck); } } /** * send one packet to the network * * @param pck packet to send */ public void doTxPack(packHolder pck) { if (padupMin > 0) { int i = padupMin - pck.dataSize(); if (i > 0) { pck.putFill(0, i, 0); pck.putSkip(i); pck.merge2end(); } } if (padupMod > 1) { int i = padupMod - (pck.dataSize() % padupMod); pck.putFill(0, i, 0); pck.putSkip(i); pck.merge2end(); } if (mtuCheckTx) { if ((pck.dataSize() - 2) > getMTUsize()) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badLen); return; } } if (macCheckTx != null) { boolean ok = promiscous || pck.ETHtrg.isBroadcast() || pck.ETHtrg.isMulticast() || (macCheckTx.compareTo(pck.ETHsrc) == 0); if (!ok) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badAddr); return; } } if (!forcedUP) { if (lastState != state.states.up) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } if (forcedDN != 0) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } } if (rateOut != null) { if (rateOut.check(pck.dataSize())) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noBuffer); return; } } pck.INTsent++; if (pck.INTsent > loopMax) { loopDrops++; cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.tooLong); return; } if (qosOut != null) { qosOut.classifyPack(pck); qosOut.enqueuePack(pck); notif.wakeup(); return; } if (doOutProcess(pck)) { return; } pktAccountTx(pck); lower.sendPack(pck); } private boolean doOutProcess(packHolder pck) { if (logFile != null) { packHolder mon = applyMonitor(pck, 2, false); if (mon != null) { try { logFile.write(mon.convertToPcap(bits.getTime() + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, true)); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (monBufD != null) { packHolder mon = applyMonitor(pck, 2, false); if (mon != null) { putMonBufPck(mon.convertToPcap(bits.getTime() + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, true)); } } if (monSes != null) { packHolder mon = applyMonitor(pck, 2, true); if (mon != null) { if (monHdr) { ifcEther.createETHheader(mon, false); } monSes.doTxPack(mon); } } if (sendClear != null) { pktAccountTx(pck); sendClear.sendPack(pck); return true; } if (sgtHnd != null) { if (sgtHnd.doEncode(pck)) { return true; } } if (lossDet != null) { if (lossDet.doEncode(pck)) { return true; } } if (macSec != null) { if (macSec.doEncrypt(pck)) { return true; } } return false; } public void recvPack(packHolder pck) { doRxWork(pck, false); } /** * got packet from dataplane * * @param pck packet */ public void gotFromDataplane(packHolder pck) { doRxWork(pck, true); } private void doRxWork(packHolder pck, boolean fromDp) { pktAccountRx1(pck); if (mtuCheckRx) { if ((pck.dataSize() - 2) > getMTUsize()) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badLen); return; } } if (macCheckRx != null) { boolean ok = promiscous || pck.ETHtrg.isBroadcast() || pck.ETHtrg.isMulticast() || (macCheckRx.compareTo(pck.ETHtrg) == 0); if (!ok) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badAddr); return; } } if (!forcedUP) { if (lastState != state.states.up) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } if (forcedDN != 0) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp); return; } } if (rateIn != null) { if (rateIn.check(pck.dataSize())) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noBuffer); return; } } if (macSec != null) { if (macSec.doDecrypt(pck, fromDp)) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badSum); return; } } if (lossDet != null) { if (lossDet.doDecode(pck)) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badSum); return; } } if (sgtHnd != null) { if (sgtHnd.doDecode(pck, fromDp)) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badSum); return; } } if (sgtSet >= 0) { pck.SGTid = sgtSet; } if (logFile != null) { packHolder mon = applyMonitor(pck, 1, false); if (mon != null) { try { logFile.write(mon.convertToPcap(bits.getTime() + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, true)); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (monBufD != null) { packHolder mon = applyMonitor(pck, 1, false); if (mon != null) { putMonBufPck(mon.convertToPcap(bits.getTime() + cfgAll.timeServerOffset, true)); } } if (monSes != null) { packHolder mon = applyMonitor(pck, 1, true); if (mon != null) { if (monHdr) { ifcEther.createETHheader(mon, false); } monSes.doTxPack(mon); } } if (qosIn == null) { pktAccountRx2(pck); doRxPack(pck); return; } qosIn.classifyPack(pck); pktAccountRx2(pck); qosIn.enqueuePack(pck); notif.wakeup(); } /** * add one ethertype handler * * @param typ ethertype value that will served (-1=default) * @param name name of the protocol * @param ifc interface handler that should be notified when packet arrives * @return ethertype handler */ public ifcEthTypET addET(int typ, String name, ifcUp ifc) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("add ethertype=" + bits.toHexW(typ)); } ifcEthTypET ntry = new ifcEthTypET(this, ifc); ntry.ethTyp = typ; = name; ifc.setParent(ntry); if (typ == -1) { defUpper = ntry; setFilter(false); return ntry; } ifcEthTypET old = etTyps.add(ntry); if (old != null) { return old; } setFilter(false); return ntry; } /** * update one ethertype handler * * @param typ ethertype value that will served (-1=default) * @param ifc interface handler that should be notified when packet arrives * @return ethertype handler */ public ifcEthTypET updateET(int typ, ifcUp ifc) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("update ethertype=" + bits.toHexW(typ)); } if (typ == -1) { defUpper.ethTyp = typ; ifc.setParent(defUpper); return defUpper; } ifcEthTypET ntry = new ifcEthTypET(this, ifc); ntry.ethTyp = typ; ntry = etTyps.find(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return null; } ntry.upper = ifc; ifc.setParent(ntry); return ntry; } /** * remove one ethertype handler * * @param typ ethertype value that should deleted (-1=default) * @return true interface handler that was used (null=error) */ public ifcUp delET(int typ) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("del ethertype=" + bits.toHexW(typ)); } ifcEthTypET ntry = new ifcEthTypET(this, null); if (typ == -1) { ntry = defUpper; defUpper = new ifcEthTypET(this, null); } else { ntry.ethTyp = typ; ntry = etTyps.del(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return null; } } try { ntry.upper.closeUp(); } catch (Exception e) { } setFilter(false); return ntry.upper; } /** * add one llc handler * * @param typ llc value that will served * @param name name of the protocol * @param ifc interface handler that should be notified when packet arrives * @return llc handler */ public ifcEthTypLLC addLLC(int typ, String name, ifcUp ifc) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("add llc=" + bits.toHexW(typ)); } ifcEthTypLLC ntry = new ifcEthTypLLC(this, ifc); ntry.llcTyp = typ; = name; ifc.setParent(ntry); ifcEthTypLLC old = llcTyps.add(ntry); if (old != null) { return old; } setFilter(false); return ntry; } /** * update one llc handler * * @param typ llc value that will served * @param ifc interface handler that should be notified when packet arrives * @return llc handler */ public ifcEthTypLLC updateLLC(int typ, ifcUp ifc) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("update llc=" + bits.toHexW(typ)); } ifcEthTypLLC ntry = new ifcEthTypLLC(this, ifc); ntry.llcTyp = typ; ntry = llcTyps.find(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return null; } ntry.upper = ifc; ifc.setParent(ntry); return ntry; } /** * remove one llc handler * * @param typ llc value that should deleted * @return true interface handler that was used (null=error) */ public ifcUp delLLC(int typ) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("del llc=" + bits.toHexW(typ)); } ifcEthTypLLC ntry = new ifcEthTypLLC(null, null); ntry.llcTyp = typ; ntry = llcTyps.del(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return null; } try { ntry.upper.closeUp(); } catch (Exception e) { } setFilter(false); return ntry.upper; } /** * add one snap handler * * @param typ snap value that will served * @param name name of the protocol * @param ifc interface handler that should be notified when packet arrives * @return snap handler */ public ifcEthTypSNAP addSNAP(int typ, String name, ifcUp ifc) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("add snap=" + bits.toHexD(typ)); } ifcEthTypSNAP ntry = new ifcEthTypSNAP(this, ifc); ntry.snapTyp = typ; = name; ifc.setParent(ntry); ifcEthTypSNAP old = snapTyps.add(ntry); if (old != null) { return old; } setFilter(false); return ntry; } /** * update one snap handler * * @param typ snap value that will served * @param ifc interface handler that should be notified when packet arrives * @return snap handler */ public ifcEthTypSNAP updateSNAP(int typ, ifcUp ifc) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("update snap=" + bits.toHexD(typ)); } ifcEthTypSNAP ntry = new ifcEthTypSNAP(this, ifc); ntry.snapTyp = typ; ntry = snapTyps.find(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return null; } ntry.upper = ifc; ifc.setParent(ntry); return ntry; } /** * remove one snap handler * * @param typ snap value that should deleted * @return true interface handler that was used (null=error) */ public ifcUp delSNAP(int typ) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("del snap=" + bits.toHexD(typ)); } ifcEthTypSNAP ntry = new ifcEthTypSNAP(null, null); ntry.snapTyp = typ; ntry = snapTyps.del(ntry); if (ntry == null) { return null; } try { ntry.upper.closeUp(); } catch (Exception e) { } setFilter(false); return ntry.upper; } /** * get size of mtu * * @return mtu size */ public int getMTUsize() { if (forcedMTU > 0) { return forcedMTU; } return lower.getMTUsize(); } /** * get interface bandwidth * * @return bandwidth */ public long getBandwidth() { if (forcedBW > 0) { return forcedBW; } return lower.getBandwidth(); } private int pktsiz2bucket(int siz) { int i = (siz & 0xffffff) >>> 8; if (i > 7) { return 7; } return i; } private void pktAccountTx(packHolder pck) { cntr.tx(pck); sizes[pktsiz2bucket(pck.dataSize())].tx(pck); clsCos[pck.ETHcos & 7].tx(pck); clsExp[pck.MPLSexp & 7].tx(pck); clsPrc[(pck.IPtos >>> 5) & 7].tx(pck); protos[pck.IPprt & 0xff].tx(pck); ttlPrt[pck.IPttl & 0xff].tx(pck); ttlNsh[pck.NSHttl & 0x3f].tx(pck); ttlMpl[pck.MPLSttl & 0xff].tx(pck); } private void pktAccountRx1(packHolder pck) { cntr.rx(pck); sizes[pktsiz2bucket(pck.dataSize())].rx(pck); } private void pktAccountRx2(packHolder pck) { clsCos[pck.ETHcos & 7].rx(pck); clsExp[pck.MPLSexp & 7].rx(pck); clsPrc[(pck.IPtos >>> 5) & 7].rx(pck); protos[pck.IPprt & 0xff].rx(pck); ttlPrt[pck.IPttl & 0xff].rx(pck); ttlNsh[pck.NSHttl & 0x3f].rx(pck); ttlMpl[pck.MPLSttl & 0xff].rx(pck); } /** * get show results * * @return table */ public userFormat getShSizes() { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "size|tx|rx|drop|tx|rx|drop", "1|3packet|3byte"); String[] heds = {"0-255", "256-511", "512-767", "768-1023", "1024-1279", "1280-1535", "1536-1791", "1792-65535",}; for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { l.add(heds[i] + "|" + sizes[i].getShPsum() + "|" + sizes[i].getShBsum()); } return l; } /** * get show results * * @return table */ public userFormat getShClasses() { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "class|rx|tx|rx|tx|rx|tx|rx|tx|rx|tx", "1|2cos pack|2cos byte|2exp pack|2exp byte|2prec pack|2prec byte"); for (int i = 0; i < clsPrc.length; i++) { l.add(i + "|" + getShClasses(i)); } return l; } private String getShClasses(int i) { counter cos = clsCos[i]; counter exp = clsExp[i]; counter prc = clsPrc[i]; return cos.packRx + "|" + cos.packTx + "|" + cos.byteRx + "|" + cos.byteTx + "|" + exp.packRx + "|" + exp.packTx + "|" + exp.byteRx + "|" + exp.byteTx + "|" + prc.packRx + "|" + prc.packTx + "|" + prc.byteRx + "|" + prc.byteTx; } /** * get show results * * @return table */ public userFormat getShTimes() { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "ttl|rx|tx|rx|tx|rx|tx|rx|tx|rx|tx", "1|2nsh pack|2nshs byte|2mpls pack|2mpls byte|2ip pack|2ip byte"); for (int i = 0; i < ttlPrt.length; i++) { counter nsh; l.add(i + "|" + getShTimes(i)); } return l; } private String getShTimes(int i) { counter nsh; if (i < ttlNsh.length) { nsh = ttlNsh[i]; } else { nsh = new counter(); } counter mpl = ttlMpl[i]; counter prt = ttlPrt[i]; return nsh.packRx + "|" + nsh.packTx + "|" + nsh.byteRx + "|" + nsh.byteTx + "|" + mpl.packRx + "|" + mpl.packTx + "|" + mpl.byteRx + "|" + mpl.byteTx + "|" + prt.packRx + "|" + prt.packTx + "|" + prt.byteRx + "|" + prt.byteTx; } /** * get show results * * @return table */ public userFormat getShProtos() { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "proto|pack|byte|pack|byte", "1|2tx|2rx"); for (int i = 0; i < protos.length; i++) { l.add(i + "|" + protos[i].packTx + "|" + protos[i].byteTx + "|" + protos[i].packRx + "|" + protos[i].byteRx); } return l; } /** * get show results * * @return table */ public userFormat getShLoss() { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "who|tx|rx"); if (lossDet == null) { return l; } lossDet.getShow(l); return l; } /** * get show results * * @return table */ public userFormat getShTypes() { userFormat l = new userFormat("|", "type|value|handler|tx|rx|drop|tx|rx|drop", "3|3packet|3byte"); if (defUpper.upper != null) { l.add(defUpper.dump()); } for (int i = 0; i < etTyps.size(); i++) { l.add(etTyps.get(i).dump()); } for (int i = 0; i < llcTyps.size(); i++) { l.add(llcTyps.get(i).dump()); } for (int i = 0; i < snapTyps.size(); i++) { l.add(snapTyps.get(i).dump()); } return l; } /** * get short results * * @return text */ public String getShHeads() { String s = ""; if (promiscous) { s = ", promisc"; } return name + " is " + state.conv2string(getState()) + s; } /** * reinit file logger * * @param s name of capture file * @return false if successful, true if error happened */ public boolean initLog(String s) { try { logFile.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (logFile != null) { logFile = null; return true; } try { RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(new File(s), "rw"); f.setLength(0); f.write(packHolder.getPcapHeader(1)); logFile = f; } catch (Exception e) { } return logFile == null; } /** * get monitor buffer size * * @return bytes */ public int getMonBufSize() { if (monBufD == null) { return -1; } return monBufD.length; } private synchronized void putMonBufPck(byte[] pck) { byte[] trg = monBufD; if (trg == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < pck.length; i++) { trg[monBufP] = pck[i]; monBufP = (monBufP + 1) % trg.length; } } /** * clear hardware counters */ public void clearHwCounter() { if (hwCntr == null) { return; } if (hwSub == null) { hwSub = hwCntr.copyBytes(); return; } hwSub =; } /** * clear counters */ public void clearSwCounter() { for (int i = 0; i < etTyps.size(); i++) { etTyps.get(i).cntr.clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < llcTyps.size(); i++) { llcTyps.get(i).cntr.clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < snapTyps.size(); i++) { snapTyps.get(i).cntr.clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { sizes[i].clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < protos.length; i++) { protos[i].clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < clsCos.length; i++) { clsCos[i].clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < clsExp.length; i++) { clsExp[i].clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < clsPrc.length; i++) { clsPrc[i].clear(); } totCntr =; cntr.clear(); } /** * get total counters * * @return total counters */ public counter getTotalCntr() { return; } /** * get hw total counters * * @return total counters */ public counter getHwTotalCntr() { if (hwCntr == null) { return null; } if (hwSub == null) { return hwCntr; } return; } /** * put hw ethertype counters * * @param typ ethertype * @param cnt counter * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean putHwEthTyp(int typ, counter cnt) { ifcEthTypET et = new ifcEthTypET(this, null); et.ethTyp = typ; et = etTyps.find(et); if (et == null) { return true; } et.hwCntr = cnt; return false; } } class ifcEthTypET implements ifcDn, Comparable { public int ethTyp; public String name; public ifcUp upper; public boolean promiscous; public counter cntr = new counter(); public counter hwCntr; private ifcEthTyp lower; public ifcEthTypET(ifcEthTyp parent, ifcUp server) { lower = parent; if (server != null) { upper = server; return; } ifcNull nul = new ifcNull(); nul.getCounter().dropper = parent.getCounter(); upper = nul; } public int compareTo(ifcEthTypET o) { if (ethTyp < o.ethTyp) { return -1; } if (ethTyp > o.ethTyp) { return +1; } return 0; } public String dump() { return "ethtyp|" + bits.toHexW(ethTyp) + "|" + name + "|" + cntr.getShHwPsum(hwCntr) + "|" + cntr.getShHwBsum(hwCntr); } public String toString() { return "" + lower; } public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } public addrType getHwAddr() { return lower.getHwAddr(); } public state.states getState() { return lower.getState(); } public void flapped() { } public void setUpper(ifcUp server) { upper = server; upper.setParent(this); } public void setFilter(boolean promisc) { promiscous = promisc; lower.setFilter(promisc); } public long getBandwidth() { return lower.getBandwidth(); } public int getMTUsize() { return lower.getMTUsize(); } public void closeDn() { lower.delET(ethTyp); } public void sendPack(packHolder pck) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("tx type=" + bits.toHexW(ethTyp)); } cntr.tx(pck); pck.ETHtype = ethTyp; lower.doTxPack(pck); } public void doRxPack(packHolder pck) { cntr.rx(pck); upper.recvPack(pck); } } class ifcEthTypLLC implements ifcDn, Comparable { public int llcTyp; public String name; public ifcUp upper = new ifcNull(); public boolean promiscous; public counter cntr = new counter(); private ifcEthTyp lower; public ifcEthTypLLC(ifcEthTyp parent, ifcUp server) { lower = parent; upper = server; } public int compareTo(ifcEthTypLLC o) { if (llcTyp < o.llcTyp) { return -1; } if (llcTyp > o.llcTyp) { return +1; } return 0; } public String dump() { return "llc|" + bits.toHexW(llcTyp) + "|" + name + "|" + cntr.getShPsum() + "|" + cntr.getShBsum(); } public String toString() { return "" + lower; } public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } public addrType getHwAddr() { return lower.getHwAddr(); } public state.states getState() { return lower.getState(); } public void flapped() { } public void setUpper(ifcUp server) { upper = server; upper.setParent(this); } public void setFilter(boolean promisc) { promiscous = promisc; lower.setFilter(promisc); } public long getBandwidth() { return lower.getBandwidth(); } public int getMTUsize() { int i = lower.getMTUsize(); if (i > 1497) { i = 1497; } return i; } public void closeDn() { lower.delLLC(llcTyp); } public void sendPack(packHolder pck) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("tx llc=" + bits.toHexW(llcTyp)); } pck.getSkip(2); cntr.tx(pck); pck.msbPutW(0, pck.dataSize() + 3); // size of packet pck.msbPutW(2, llcTyp); // llc type pck.putByte(4, ifcEthTyp.ctrl); // control flags pck.putSkip(5); pck.merge2beg(); pck.ETHtype = llcTyp; lower.doTxPack(pck); } public void doRxPack(packHolder pck) { pck.getSkip(5); cntr.rx(pck); if (upper == null) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noIface); return; } pck.msbPutW(0, llcTyp); pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2beg(); upper.recvPack(pck); } } class ifcEthTypSNAP implements ifcDn, Comparable { public int snapTyp; public String name; public ifcUp upper = new ifcNull(); public boolean promiscous; public counter cntr = new counter(); private ifcEthTyp lower; public ifcEthTypSNAP(ifcEthTyp parent, ifcUp server) { lower = parent; upper = server; } public int compareTo(ifcEthTypSNAP o) { if (snapTyp < o.snapTyp) { return -1; } if (snapTyp > o.snapTyp) { return +1; } return 0; } public String dump() { return "snap|" + bits.toHexD(snapTyp) + "|" + name + "|" + cntr.getShPsum() + "|" + cntr.getShBsum(); } public String toString() { return "" + lower; } public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } public addrType getHwAddr() { return lower.getHwAddr(); } public state.states getState() { return lower.getState(); } public void flapped() { } public void setUpper(ifcUp server) { upper = server; upper.setParent(this); } public void setFilter(boolean promisc) { promiscous = promisc; lower.setFilter(promisc); } public long getBandwidth() { return lower.getBandwidth(); } public int getMTUsize() { int i = lower.getMTUsize(); if (i > 1494) { i = 1494; } return i; } public void closeDn() { lower.delSNAP(snapTyp); } public void sendPack(packHolder pck) { if (debugger.ifcEthTypTraf) { logger.debug("tx snap=" + bits.toHexD(snapTyp)); } cntr.tx(pck); pck.msbPutW(0, pck.dataSize() + 6); // size of packet pck.msbPutW(2, ifcEthTyp.snap); // llc type pck.putByte(4, ifcEthTyp.ctrl); // control flags pck.msbPutD(5, snapTyp << 8); // organization code pck.putSkip(8); pck.merge2beg(); pck.ETHtype = snapTyp; lower.doTxPack(pck); } public void doRxPack(packHolder pck) { pck.getSkip(8); cntr.rx(pck); if (upper == null) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.noIface); return; } upper.recvPack(pck); } }