package org.freertr.clnt; import org.freertr.addr.addrEmpty; import org.freertr.addr.addrIP; import org.freertr.addr.addrType; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgAll; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgIfc; import org.freertr.cfg.cfgVrf; import org.freertr.enc.encBase64; import org.freertr.cry.cryECcurve25519; import org.freertr.cry.cryEncrChacha20poly1305; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashBlake2s; import org.freertr.cry.cryHashHmac; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcDn; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcEther; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcNull; import org.freertr.ifc.ifcUp; import org.freertr.ip.ipFwdIface; import org.freertr.pack.packHolder; import org.freertr.prt.prtGenConn; import org.freertr.prt.prtServP; import org.freertr.prt.prtUdp; import; import org.freertr.user.userTerminal; import org.freertr.util.bits; import org.freertr.util.counter; import org.freertr.util.debugger; import org.freertr.util.logger; import org.freertr.util.state; /** * wireguard protocol * * @author matecsaba */ public class clntWireguard implements Runnable, prtServP, ifcDn { /** * create instance */ public clntWireguard() { } /** * port number */ public final static int port = 51902; private final static byte[] magicC = { (byte) 0x60, (byte) 0xe2, (byte) 0x6d, (byte) 0xae, (byte) 0xf3, (byte) 0x27, (byte) 0xef, (byte) 0xc0, (byte) 0x2e, (byte) 0xc3, (byte) 0x35, (byte) 0xe2, (byte) 0xa0, (byte) 0x25, (byte) 0xd2, (byte) 0xd0, (byte) 0x16, (byte) 0xeb, (byte) 0x42, (byte) 0x06, (byte) 0xf8, (byte) 0x72, (byte) 0x77, (byte) 0xf5, (byte) 0x2d, (byte) 0x38, (byte) 0xd1, (byte) 0x98, (byte) 0x8b, (byte) 0x78, (byte) 0xcd, (byte) 0x36}; private final static byte[] magicH = { (byte) 0x22, (byte) 0x11, (byte) 0xb3, (byte) 0x61, (byte) 0x08, (byte) 0x1a, (byte) 0xc5, (byte) 0x66, (byte) 0x69, (byte) 0x12, (byte) 0x43, (byte) 0xdb, (byte) 0x45, (byte) 0x8a, (byte) 0xd5, (byte) 0x32, (byte) 0x2d, (byte) 0x9c, (byte) 0x6c, (byte) 0x66, (byte) 0x22, (byte) 0x93, (byte) 0xe8, (byte) 0xb7, (byte) 0x0e, (byte) 0xe1, (byte) 0x9c, (byte) 0x65, (byte) 0xba, (byte) 0x07, (byte) 0x9e, (byte) 0xf3}; /** * upper layer */ public ifcUp upper = new ifcNull(); /** * preferred ip protocol version */ public int prefer = 0; /** * do replay checking */ public int replayCheck = 1024; /** * target of tunnel */ public String target = null; /** * vrf of target */ public cfgVrf vrf = null; /** * source interface */ public cfgIfc srcIfc = null; /** * source port */ public int prtL; /** * target port */ public int prtR; /** * sending ttl value, -1 means maps out */ public int sendingTTL = 255; /** * sending tos value, -1 means maps out */ public int sendingTOS = -1; /** * sending df value, -1 means maps out */ public int sendingDFN = -1; /** * sending flow value, -1 means maps out */ public int sendingFLW = -1; /** * preshared secret */ public String preshared; /** * counter */ public counter cntr = new counter(); /** * transmit index */ public int idxTx; /** * receive index */ public int idxRx; /** * decryption keys */ public byte[] keyRx; /** * encryption keys */ public byte[] keyTx; private prtGenConn conn; private boolean working = true; private tabWindow sequence; private long seqRx; private long seqTx; private cryECcurve25519 locPriv; private byte[] locPub; private byte[] remPub; private byte[] quantum; private long lasTim; private cryECcurve25519 dh1; private byte[] dh2; private byte[] dhr; private byte[] hi; private byte[] hr; private byte[] ci; private byte[] cr; public String toString() { return "wireguard to " + target; } /** * get remote address * * @return address */ public addrIP getRemAddr() { if (conn == null) { return null; } return conn.peerAddr.copyBytes(); } /** * get local address * * @return address */ public addrIP getLocAddr() { if (conn == null) { return null; } return conn.iface.addr.copyBytes(); } /** * get remote port * * @return address */ public int getRemPort() { if (conn == null) { return 0; } return conn.portRem; } /** * get local port * * @return address */ public int getLocPort() { if (conn == null) { return 0; } return conn.portLoc; } /** * get hw address * * @return hw address */ public addrType getHwAddr() { return new addrEmpty(); } /** * set filter * * @param promisc promiscous mode */ public void setFilter(boolean promisc) { } /** * get state * * @return state */ public state.states getState() { return state.states.up; } /** * close interface */ public void closeDn() { clearState(); } /** * flap interface */ public void flapped() { clearState(); } /** * set upper layer * * @param server upper layer */ public void setUpper(ifcUp server) { upper = server; upper.setParent(this); } /** * get counter * * @return counter */ public counter getCounter() { return cntr; } /** * get mtu size * * @return mtu size */ public int getMTUsize() { return 1400; } /** * get bandwidth * * @return bandwidth */ public long getBandwidth() { return 8000000; } /** * start connection */ public void workStart() { new Thread(this).start(); } /** * stop connection */ public void workStop() { working = false; clearState(); } public void run() { for (;;) { if (!working) { break; } try { clearState(); workDoer(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceback(e); } clearState(); bits.sleep(1000); } } private void workDoer() { int i = preshared.indexOf("=") + 1; locPriv = new cryECcurve25519(); locPriv.locPriv = encBase64.decodeBytes(preshared.substring(0, i)); locPriv.calcCommon(); locPub = locPriv.common; String a = preshared.substring(i, preshared.length()); i = a.indexOf("=") + 1; remPub = encBase64.decodeBytes(a.substring(0, i)); quantum = encBase64.decodeBytes(a.substring(i, a.length())); if (quantum.length < 1) { quantum = new byte[32]; } addrIP trg = userTerminal.justResolv(target, prefer); if (trg == null) { return; } prtUdp udp = vrf.getUdp(trg); ipFwdIface fwdIfc = null; if (srcIfc != null) { fwdIfc = srcIfc.getFwdIfc(trg); } if (prtR == 0) { prtR = port; } if (prtL == 0) { prtL = prtR; } conn = udp.packetConnect(this, fwdIfc, prtL, trg, prtR, "wireguard", -1, null, -1, -1); if (conn == null) { return; } conn.timeout = 120000; conn.sendTOS = sendingTOS; conn.sendDFN = sendingDFN; conn.sendFLW = sendingFLW; conn.sendTTL = sendingTTL; for (;;) { if (conn == null) { return; } if (conn.txBytesFree() < 0) { return; } if (keyRx == null) { sendInit(); } else { sendKeep(); } bits.sleep(5000); } } private synchronized void clearState() { keyRx = null; keyTx = null; if (conn != null) { conn.setClosing(); } conn = null; seqRx = 0; seqTx = 0; } /** * close interface * * @param ifc interface */ public void closedInterface(ipFwdIface ifc) { } /** * accept connection * * @param id connection * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean datagramAccept(prtGenConn id) { return true; } /** * connection ready * * @param id connection */ public void datagramReady(prtGenConn id) { } /** * connection closed * * @param id connection */ public void datagramClosed(prtGenConn id) { } /** * work connection * * @param id connection */ public void datagramWork(prtGenConn id) { } /** * send packet * * @param pck packet */ public synchronized void sendPack(packHolder pck) { pck.merge2beg(); if (conn == null) { return; } if (keyTx == null) { return; } cntr.tx(pck); if (ifcEther.stripEtherType(pck)) { return; } int i = pck.dataSize() % 16; i = 16 - i; pck.putFill(0, i, 0); // padding pck.putSkip(i); pck.merge2end(); byte[] tmp = new byte[12]; bits.lsbPutQ(tmp, 4, seqTx); cryEncrChacha20poly1305 en = new cryEncrChacha20poly1305(); en.init(keyTx, tmp, true); i = pck.encrData(en, 0, pck.dataSize()); if (i < 0) { return; } pck.setDataSize(i); pck.lsbPutD(0, 4); // data pck.msbPutD(4, idxTx); pck.lsbPutQ(8, seqTx); pck.putSkip(16); pck.merge2beg(); conn.send2net(pck); seqTx++; } /** * received error * * @param id connection * @param pck packet * @param rtr reporting router * @param err error happened * @param lab error label * @return false on success, true on error */ public boolean datagramError(prtGenConn id, packHolder pck, addrIP rtr, counter.reasons err, int lab) { return false; } /** * notified that state changed * * @param id id number to reference connection * @param stat state * @return return false if successful, true if error happened */ public boolean datagramState(prtGenConn id, state.states stat) { return false; } /** * received packet * * @param id connection * @param pck packet * @return false on success, true on error */ public synchronized boolean datagramRecv(prtGenConn id, packHolder pck) { int typ = pck.lsbGetD(0); switch (typ) { case 4: // data if (pck.dataSize() < 32) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.tooSmall);"get truncated data from " + target); return false; } if (keyRx == null) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.notUp);"got unwanted data from " + target); return false; } if (pck.msbGetD(4) != idxRx) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badID);"got invalid index from " + target); return false; } byte[] tmp1 = new byte[12]; pck.getCopy(tmp1, 4, 8, 8); pck.getSkip(16); seqRx = bits.lsbGetQ(tmp1, 4); if (sequence != null) { if (sequence.gotDat((int) seqRx)) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badRxSeq);"replay check failed from " + target); return false; } } cryEncrChacha20poly1305 en = new cryEncrChacha20poly1305(); en.init(keyRx, tmp1, false); typ = pck.encrData(en, 0, pck.dataSize()); if (typ < 0) { cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badSum);"got invalid data from " + target); return false; } pck.setDataSize(typ); if (typ < 1) { if (debugger.clntWireguardTraf) { logger.debug("rx keepalive"); } return false; } typ = ifcEther.guessEtherType(pck); if (typ < 0) {"got bad protocol from " + target); cntr.drop(pck, counter.reasons.badProto); return false; } pck.msbPutW(0, typ); // ethertype pck.putSkip(2); pck.merge2beg(); cntr.rx(pck); upper.recvPack(pck); return false; case 1: // init if (pck.dataSize() < 148) {"get truncated init from " + target); return false; } tmp1 = new byte[32]; pck.getCopy(tmp1, 0, 116, tmp1.length); pck.setDataSize(116); if (bits.byteComp(tmp1, 0, calcMac1(locPub, pck), 0, tmp1.length) != 0) {"got invalid mac from " + target); return false; } int ridx = pck.msbGetD(4); pck.getSkip(8); dhr = new byte[32]; pck.getCopy(dhr, 0, 0, dhr.length); pck.getSkip(dhr.length); if (debugger.clntWireguardTraf) { logger.debug("rx init e=" + bits.byteDump(dhr, 0, -1)); } cryHashBlake2s h = new cryHashBlake2s(null, 32); h.init(); h.update(magicH); h.update(locPub); hi = h.finish(); byte[][] ks = calcKdf(magicC, dhr, 1); ci = ks[0]; h.init(); h.update(hi); h.update(dhr); hi = h.finish(); locPriv.remPub = dhr; locPriv.calcCommon(); ks = calcKdf(ci, locPriv.common, 2); ci = ks[0]; tmp1 = new byte[48]; pck.getCopy(tmp1, 0, 0, tmp1.length); pck.getSkip(tmp1.length); byte[] tmp2 = decAead(ks[1], tmp1, hi); if (tmp2 == null) {"got bad static from " + target); return false; } if (bits.byteComp(tmp2, 0, remPub, 0, remPub.length) != 0) {"got bad static from " + target); return false; } h.init(); h.update(hi); h.update(tmp1); hi = h.finish(); locPriv.remPub = remPub; locPriv.calcCommon(); ks = calcKdf(ci, locPriv.common, 2); ci = ks[0]; tmp1 = new byte[28]; pck.getCopy(tmp1, 0, 0, tmp1.length); pck.getSkip(tmp1.length); tmp2 = decAead(ks[1], tmp1, hi); if (tmp2 == null) {"got bad timestamp from " + target); return false; } h.init(); h.update(hi); h.update(tmp1); hi = h.finish(); long tim = bits.msbGetQ(tmp2, 0); if (tim <= lasTim) {"got replayed handshake from " + target); return false; } lasTim = tim; idxTx = ridx; initDH(); if (debugger.clntWireguardTraf) { logger.debug("tx resp e=" + bits.byteDump(dh2, 0, -1)); } ks = calcKdf(ci, dh2, 1); cr = ks[0]; h.init(); h.update(hi); h.update(dh2); hr = h.finish(); dh1.remPub = dhr; dh1.calcCommon(); ks = calcKdf(cr, dh1.common, 1); cr = ks[0]; dh1.remPub = remPub; dh1.calcCommon(); ks = calcKdf(cr, dh1.common, 1); cr = ks[0]; ks = calcKdf(cr, quantum, 3); cr = ks[0]; h.init(); h.update(hr); h.update(ks[1]); hr = h.finish(); tmp1 = encAead(ks[2], new byte[0], hr); h.init(); h.update(hr); h.update(tmp1); hr = h.finish(); pck.clear(); pck.lsbPutD(0, 2); // resp pck.msbPutD(4, idxRx); pck.msbPutD(8, idxTx); pck.putSkip(12); pck.putCopy(dh2, 0, 0, dh2.length); pck.putSkip(dh2.length); pck.putCopy(tmp1, 0, 0, tmp1.length); pck.putSkip(tmp1.length); pck.merge2beg(); tmp1 = calcMac1(remPub, pck); pck.putCopy(tmp1, 0, 0, tmp1.length); pck.putSkip(tmp1.length); pck.merge2end(); conn.send2net(pck); initKeys(1); return false; case 2: // resp if (pck.dataSize() < 92) {"get truncated resp from " + target); return false; } tmp1 = new byte[32]; pck.getCopy(tmp1, 0, 60, tmp1.length); pck.setDataSize(60); if (bits.byteComp(tmp1, 0, calcMac1(locPub, pck), 0, tmp1.length) != 0) {"got invalid mac from " + target); return false; } ridx = pck.msbGetD(4); if (pck.msbGetD(8) != idxRx) {"got invalid index from " + target); return false; } if (ridx == idxTx) {"got replayed resp from " + target); return false; } pck.getSkip(12); dhr = new byte[32]; pck.getCopy(dhr, 0, 0, dhr.length); pck.getSkip(dhr.length); if (debugger.clntWireguardTraf) { logger.debug("rx resp e=" + bits.byteDump(dhr, 0, -1)); } ks = calcKdf(ci, dhr, 1); cr = ks[0]; h = new cryHashBlake2s(null, 32); h.init(); h.update(hi); h.update(dhr); hr = h.finish(); dh1.remPub = dhr; dh1.calcCommon(); ks = calcKdf(cr, dh1.common, 1); cr = ks[0]; locPriv.remPub = dhr; locPriv.calcCommon(); ks = calcKdf(cr, locPriv.common, 1); cr = ks[0]; ks = calcKdf(cr, quantum, 3); cr = ks[0]; h.init(); h.update(hr); h.update(ks[1]); hr = h.finish(); tmp2 = pck.getCopy(); tmp1 = decAead(ks[2], tmp2, hr); if (tmp1 == null) {"got invalid empty from " + target); return false; } if (tmp1.length != 0) {"got malformed empty from " + target); return false; } h.init(); h.update(hr); h.update(tmp2); hr = h.finish(); idxTx = ridx; initKeys(0); sendKeep(); return false; default:"got invalid type from " + target); return false; } } private synchronized void sendKeep() { packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); byte[] tmp = new byte[12]; bits.lsbPutQ(tmp, 4, seqTx); cryEncrChacha20poly1305 en = new cryEncrChacha20poly1305(); en.init(keyTx, tmp, true); int i = pck.encrData(en, 0, pck.dataSize()); if (i < 0) { return; } pck.setDataSize(i); pck.lsbPutD(0, 4); // data pck.msbPutD(4, idxTx); pck.lsbPutQ(8, seqTx); pck.putSkip(16); pck.merge2beg(); conn.send2net(pck); seqTx++; if (debugger.clntWireguardTraf) { logger.debug("tx keepalive"); } } private synchronized void sendInit() { if (dh1 == null) { initDH(); } packHolder pck = new packHolder(true, true); pck.lsbPutD(0, 1); // init pck.msbPutD(4, idxRx); pck.putSkip(8); pck.putCopy(dh2, 0, 0, dh2.length); pck.putSkip(dh2.length); cryHashBlake2s h = new cryHashBlake2s(null, 32); h.init(); h.update(magicH); h.update(remPub); hi = h.finish(); byte[][] ks = calcKdf(magicC, dh2, 1); ci = ks[0]; h.init(); h.update(hi); h.update(dh2); hi = h.finish(); dh1.remPub = remPub; dh1.calcCommon(); ks = calcKdf(ci, dh1.common, 2); ci = ks[0]; byte[] tmp = encAead(ks[1], locPub, hi); pck.putCopy(tmp, 0, 0, tmp.length); pck.putSkip(tmp.length); h.init(); h.update(hi); h.update(tmp); hi = h.finish(); locPriv.remPub = remPub; locPriv.calcCommon(); ks = calcKdf(ci, locPriv.common, 2); ci = ks[0]; tmp = new byte[12]; long tim = bits.getTime() + cfgAll.timeServerOffset; bits.msbPutQ(tmp, 0, (tim / 1000) + 0x400000000000000aL); bits.msbPutD(tmp, 8, (int) (tim % 1000)); tmp = encAead(ks[1], tmp, hi); h.init(); h.update(hi); h.update(tmp); hi = h.finish(); pck.putCopy(tmp, 0, 0, tmp.length); pck.putSkip(tmp.length); pck.merge2beg(); tmp = calcMac1(remPub, pck); pck.putCopy(tmp, 0, 0, tmp.length); pck.putSkip(tmp.length); pck.merge2end(); conn.send2net(pck); if (debugger.clntWireguardTraf) { logger.debug("tx init e=" + bits.byteDump(dh2, 0, -1)); } } private void initDH() { dh1 = new cryECcurve25519(); dh1.makePirvKey(); dh1.calcCommon(); dh2 = dh1.common; idxRx = bits.randomD(); } private void initKeys(int r) { byte[][] ks = calcKdf(cr, new byte[0], 2); keyRx = ks[1 ^ r]; keyTx = ks[r]; seqRx = 0; seqTx = 0; if (replayCheck > 0) { sequence = new tabWindow(replayCheck); } if (debugger.clntWireguardTraf) { logger.debug("keys r=" + r + " ri=" + idxTx + " ti=" + idxRx + " rk=" + bits.byteDump(keyRx, 0, -1) + " tk=" + bits.byteDump(keyTx, 0, -1)); } } private static byte[] calcMac1(byte[] pub, packHolder pck) { cryHashBlake2s h = new cryHashBlake2s(null, 32); h.init(); h.update("mac1----".getBytes()); h.update(pub); byte[] r = h.finish(); h = new cryHashBlake2s(r, 16); pck.hashData(h, 0, pck.dataSize()); return bits.byteConcat(h.finish(), new byte[16]); } private static byte[][] calcKdf(byte[] key, byte[] msg, int rnd) { byte[][] res = new byte[rnd][]; cryHashHmac h = new cryHashHmac(new cryHashBlake2s(null, 32), key); h.init(); h.update(msg); byte[] psk = h.finish(); byte[] old = new byte[0]; for (int i = 0; i < rnd; i++) { h = new cryHashHmac(new cryHashBlake2s(null, 32), psk); h.init(); h.update(old); h.update(i + 1); res[i] = h.finish(); old = res[i]; } return res; } private static byte[] encAead(byte[] key, byte[] msg, byte[] auth) { cryEncrChacha20poly1305 c = new cryEncrChacha20poly1305(); c.init(key, new byte[12], true); c.authAdd(auth); return c.compute(msg); } private static byte[] decAead(byte[] key, byte[] msg, byte[] auth) { cryEncrChacha20poly1305 c = new cryEncrChacha20poly1305(); c.init(key, new byte[12], false); c.authAdd(auth); return c.compute(msg); } }